What Subject to choose after 10th and 12th by birth chart

Guys! Right subject selection means the right career which guarantees satisfaction, peace and money.
Subject selection after 10th or opting from the right courses after 12th has always been challenging, even for the brightest.
Peers, parents and counsellors all have their say in letting one decide on the subject selection, but they all may flaw as the subjects chosen may not provide the best career options. So, whom to believe and what directions to follow?
इस पेज को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए “कौन सा विषय चुनें” पर क्लिक करें।
Your date of birth forms the basis of your horoscope, and there lies hidden somewhere the courses after 10th and the courses after 12th in a coded form.
Courses after 10th
Do you know anyone who took some stream (like humanities, commerce or science) in class 10th but had to opt for other stream’s courses after 12th?
Courses after 10th
Do you know anyone who took some stream (like humanities, commerce or science) in class 10th but had to opt for other stream’s courses after 12th?
Well, if you know none, I wish to tell you there are loads and loads of such people. They practically wasted their two years studying subjects that they shouldn’t have.
One has to be very careful and wise in deciding for courses after 10th or subject selection after 10th.
If you reinforce your decision after having an astrological consultation for the right subject selection, you will remain a winner forever. This is because the horoscope indicates the best subject after 10th. But this revelation of subjects happens only to a learned astrologer who has mastered the Vedic art of subject decoding.
The dilemma you are in ends today as you have now your hands on the best astrologer who helps in selecting courses after 10th that are the best for you.
Astrology helps in selecting courses after 12th
Are you among the most confused people who have cleared 12th grade and are not sure what to do next?
Astrology helps in selecting courses after 12th
Are you among the most confused people who have cleared 12th grade and are not sure what to do next?
Allow me to assist you in deciding what to do next.
Why me?
Because, I can read your horoscope and figure out the best career options for you. Best means! The best career options that will bring maximum luck and financial gains for you. And this is made possible through selecting courses after 12th using astrology.
Subject selection by date of birth (Horoscope) is something you can depend upon and pick the courses after 12th as per astrology.
Once we know the profession that suits you the most, the next step is to study those subjects that give you access to that profession.
I, through Vedic astrology, also can see the growth and involvement of your mental capability. Therefore, I can fairly judge what subjects and courses you can excel in. So, your sword for success is the selection of courses after 12th by date of birth.
A trustworthy and capable chart reader can read every minute details that lie embedded in the horoscope. i.e., to choose between electronics or computer engineering can be read through the horoscope.
Subject selection by astrology for higher studies and competitive exams
You can get stuck and confused despite having a clear-cut vision of the future. I have seen very able people doing several master programs as they could not figure out which one was the best for them.
Subject selection by astrology for higher studies and competitive exams
You can get stuck and confused despite having a clear-cut vision of the future. I have seen very able people doing several master programs as they could not figure out which one was the best for them.
Selecting the right courses can have a happier ending if consultation for the right subject selection is timely done.
Courses and subject selection by astrology can help one discover his hidden vibes and talents.
A bit of astrological consultation can prevent you from:
Selecting the wrong course for higher studies.
Selecting the wrong subjects for the competitive exam you are planning to take.
Selecting the wrong university in the wrong place.
Wasting time and money by preparing for the wrong competitive exam.
Taking education loans that would be hard to pay back.
Taking any wrong decision concerning choosing and selecting the wrong subjects.
Come on, do not waste time; just take the consultation for the right subject selection.
Astrological synopsis of subject selection
An able astrologer has many tools under his vest that can help in
Astrological synopsis of subject selection
An able astrologer has many tools under his vest that can help in
Subject selection after 10th
Subject selection after 12th
Selecting courses for higher studies.
For this purpose, an astrologer should check for:
1. Wisdom and intellect; Strength of Jupiter
2. Capability to grasp the knowledge: Strength of Mercury.
3. The strength of the second house. This is to tool to check the strength of elementary education and speech.
4. The strength of the fourth house.
5. Finally, the strength of the fifth house is assessed.
The above drill is an elementary explanation for subject selection by date of birth.
Subject selection by astrology is this a must for you. So, first take a consultation for subject selection by date of birth and then go for best career options by clicking on this link what is good for you job or business?
For any specific guidance on courses selection, you can take:
online report on best courses after 10th & 12th or
You can also read how astrology helps you on Govt. job predictions, Job issues or no job in birth chart, Change & promotion in jobs.
For specific guidance, you can take:
Mercury and Jupiter hold the primary place for education because one shows intelligence and the other grabs knowledge. Apart from this, the lord of the fifth house is important in the horoscope. You can get counseling for more information regarding education.
Along with the position of the fifth house and its lord present in the horoscope, the ninth house and its lord being in an auspicious and strong position becomes an important factor for higher education. There are other factors as well, which can be known only through a thorough analysis of the horoscope.
Any person can choose their upcoming career and the right subjects from their date of birth. With the help of Kundli, you can know for yourself which subject can be best for you to choose from topics like Arts, Mathematics, Science etc. For better results, you should go for a proper horoscope analysis.
It will be wise to choose the right subject for yourself by your birth chart because only the right subject as per your birth chart can take you to the heights of success in your career, and choosing the wrong subject can cause damage to your career.
According to astrology, the position of the planets present in the horoscope becomes very helpful for choosing the subject as per astrology. The position of Panchmesh in your horoscope can be helpful in this. For more details consult a Vedic astrologer.
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