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How to know about Child Birth from date of birth
The arrival of children gives newness and freshness to the world. After the marriage, parents and the larger family members are enthusiastic to know when the married couple will get their biological child. One can know about child birth from birth details of the parents. Generally, parents plan and get a child within a reasonable time of marriage. But the problem starts when there is a delay in getting the child, and people start making different assumptions why there is a delay in getting the child? But nothing to worry about as astrology can help a person know about child birth from the date of birth. But the subject of Child astrology is much broader than only how to know about child birth from birth details; I will summarise different aspects of astrology for children according to date of birth.
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Child astrology according to date of birth
Let me clarify child astrology by date of birth is not only how to know about child birth according to date of birth. This tool of child astrology starts helping a person even before the child's birth. It is probably the most important branch of astrology after marriage. Child astrology makes one aware of all matters before child birth and how the Progeny will zeal or affect a person's life. Vedic Astrology, through horoscopes, dedicates specific houses to read and understand all aspects of children astrology. Child astrology according to date of birth is entirely different from child horoscope. While the child astrology considers the birth details of the parents, the child horoscope deals with the horoscope of the new born baby. As per Vedic astrology, there are many things to focus on in Child astrology according to the date of birth of the parents. But the horoscope of a child is not part of child astrology. One should not show/discuss a Child horoscope except for very specific issues. While you continue reading about child astrology according to the parents' birth details, you can read more about why not: we should discuss a child horoscope
How does astrology for children help you?
One should understand the importance & how does child astrology help us? It would not be out of the place to narrate a simple true-life event. This true-life event will make you understand how astrology helps to know about delay in child birth, Childlessness, Adoption, Child name, Date and time of C -section, IVF, Time and date of conception, Children with the drug issue. And also about child nature and relationship with parents according to the date of birth.
True-Life Incident:
How does astrology for children help you?
One should understand the importance & how does child astrology help us? It would not be out of the place to narrate a simple true-life event. This true-life event will make you understand how astrology helps to know about delay in child birth, Childlessness, Adoption, Child name, Date and time of C -section, IVF, Time and date of conception, Children with the drug issue. And also about child nature and relationship with parents according to the date of birth.
True-Life Incident:
Arun and Varun are real brothers with a gap of 2 years between them. Arun was the first to get married. His wife conceived immediately, but both were not keen to have a baby that soon. They decided to get it aborted. When the marriage became a little older, they decided to start their family, but their efforts proved futile. The wife of Arun, Sushma, could not conceive. They consulted various doctors, but the result was never encouraging & favorable.
Varun got married Vidya, six years later to Arun. They both had twins, a girl, and a boy, two years after their marriage. Although it was a moment of happiness for the family, Arun and Varun's parents were concerned as Arun's family couldn't start. After hectic discussions among the family members, it was decided that Arun will adopt the girl child of Varun.
Arun and Sushma were thrilled with the newfound responsibility. They started raising the girl Avni with great care and love. As fate would have been after five years, Sushma also conceived but had some complications during pregnancy. On the doctor's advice, they went for a c-section, and Sushma gave birth to a healthy baby boy. The family was delighted with this new development.
As time flew, the kids began to grow. Avni was good in her studies, whereas the boy was becoming a spoiled brat. Avni secured a doctorate admission on her merit, whereas Akash had to be sent to some distance college after managing the seat through different channels. There in college, Akash slipped into drugs.
Arun and Sushma are my clients who had come to me to get help for Akash to come out of substance abuse. He was a pampered child, but now he hardly had any respect for his parents and sister. He was practically up to nothing except fascination towards drugs.
I have tried to keep the facts of this story as close as possible. But incidentally, the story of these two brothers captured many points which relate to child astrology. Now I will explain the different stages in a person's life where astrology for children helps parents both before and after the child birth.
How does Child astrology help parents?
As stated above, astrology for child starts helping you from the time you are eligible to become legitimate parents. It helps a couple to understand the right time to have a child, capability to have a child, intent to have a child, complications in having a child, and methods to be adopted for child birth. This is how child astrology according to date of birth, starts helping parents even before child birth. It helps parents get an idea about the child's health, behaviour, the progress of child's life, & how will the Progeny behave with parents. Now I will explain all these aspects in a little detail.
Delay in child birth in your birth chart
There are clear indications for the possibility of a child in a horoscope, and one can know about child birth from the date of birth of the parents. And once you that the chances of a child birth according to your date of birth in the natural course of action have doubts, you can adopt other artificial methods to have a child. Arun and Sushma got their first child aborted, and then they could not bear the next child till they went for adoption. In both of their horoscopes, the fifth House (House for the firstborn) was secure, but the seventh House (second born) was extremely weak; once they adopted a child, they activated the ninth House (third born), and thus they could get a child.
How does Child astrology help parents?
As stated above, astrology for child starts helping you from the time you are eligible to become legitimate parents. It helps a couple to understand the right time to have a child, capability to have a child, intent to have a child, complications in having a child, and methods to be adopted for child birth. This is how child astrology according to date of birth, starts helping parents even before child birth. It helps parents get an idea about the child's health, behaviour, the progress of child's life, & how will the Progeny behave with parents. Now I will explain all these aspects in a little detail.
Delay in child birth in your birth chart
There are clear indications for the possibility of a child in a horoscope, and one can know about child birth from the date of birth of the parents. And once you that the chances of a child birth according to your date of birth in the natural course of action have doubts, you can adopt other artificial methods to have a child. Arun and Sushma got their first child aborted, and then they could not bear the next child till they went for adoption. In both of their horoscopes, the fifth House (House for the firstborn) was secure, but the seventh House (second born) was extremely weak; once they adopted a child, they activated the ninth House (third born), and thus they could get a child.
This was the correct and the most effective remedial measure to overcome childlessness for them. Explore your possibility for a child. Please use the free Vedic calculator for infertility, and you can also read my comprehensive article on solutions for people who don't have a child.
Delay in a childbirth can be due to two reasons. One there are natural constraints in getting the legitimate and biological child. Astrology can help you know about childbirth from the date of birth of both parents. A good astrologer can even suggest the best timings for conceiving a child from your date of birth. A good astrologer can also help you suggest if the artificial measures of childbirth like C Section and IVF can be better options. The best timings to go for C Section/IVF according to your birth details. And in case the delay in child birth is intentional, then whether child adoption is a better option for you.
So nothing to worry about if you are not blessed with a child, I can help you know about child birth from your birth chart, including best timings to plan pregnancy, C Section/IVF and adopting a child if that is the only option. Just be sure that you have accurate birth details, consult me, and I will let you know about child birth from the date of birth, be it child birth with all options or child adoption.
Best time for pregnancy according to astrology
This is an astrological art. Had Arun and Sushma followed the methodology, they would not have this type of Son. I have done a comprehensive study on the subject and spent the last twenty years guiding the couples for the most appropriate time and date for child conception. Please use the free Vedic calculator for checking the most appropriate time and date for conception. The couple who are planning a child in the near future would find my article best time of conception according to astrology very useful to have a child of their dreams.
C section dates according to astrology
Although this is a controversial topic, still when God has the liberty to decide upon the time of birth, we have to locate the best time within the given time frame to have the best horoscope. Cesarean birth means deciding on the birth time of a child medically. So here also astrology helps you to choose the best time of Cesarean for child birth.
Best time for pregnancy according to astrology
This is an astrological art. Had Arun and Sushma followed the methodology, they would not have this type of Son. I have done a comprehensive study on the subject and spent the last twenty years guiding the couples for the most appropriate time and date for child conception. Please use the free Vedic calculator for checking the most appropriate time and date for conception. The couple who are planning a child in the near future would find my article best time of conception according to astrology very useful to have a child of their dreams.
C section dates according to astrology
Although this is a controversial topic, still when God has the liberty to decide upon the time of birth, we have to locate the best time within the given time frame to have the best horoscope. Cesarean birth means deciding on the birth time of a child medically. So here also astrology helps you to choose the best time of Cesarean for child birth.
Consider this, Akash the spoiled brat of Arun and Sushma, was born after C-section. Though the doctors had given them a date, they had the liberty to choose the time. They could have chosen any time starting from 11 am to 6 pm.
During this time, the Lagna of the D-1 had changed four times, and the Lagna of the D-9 chart changed fifty times. Akash was born at around 11:15 am. Only if this birth were delayed for two hours the horoscope of Akash would have changed completely. He would have been an enemy slayer and would have been exceptionally brilliant. But, alas, Arun and Sushma never thought of it. If you are looking to know the best time for a caesarean child birth , read my detailed narration on C Section dates according to astrology.
IVF pregnancy according to astrology
I have seen many failed initiatives for couples going for IVF. This drains the money and also the hope of the intending couple. The couple goes for the IVF method of childbirth only when their other natural methods to produce a kid have failed. And if IVF pregnancy efforts also fail, then the situation can be hopeless for the couple. The couple who is already saddened with having no child get further dejected. But one can avoid such desperation. I suggest going for the IVF after consulting an able astrologer who can ward a couple of the negative times. You can read more on my most comprehensive article on IVF pregnancy according to astrology.
Adopt Child according to astrology
People are opening to child adoption. While many people adopt a child due to capability issues, others may like to adopt a child due to intent. This means they can produce a child but may still want to adopt a child due to many fantasies like the physical look, time constraints, professional reasons & likewise. Both have a different astrological perception of child adoption.
Arun and Shushma went for it, and they were a happy family after availing adoption. Horoscope has a clear indication for 'Dattak Putra' or an adopted child. Adopting a child for natural constraints or self-created reasons has different pros and cons in astrology. You can read all about child adoption on adopt child according to astrology.
Adopt Child according to astrology
People are opening to child adoption. While many people adopt a child due to capability issues, others may like to adopt a child due to intent. This means they can produce a child but may still want to adopt a child due to many fantasies like the physical look, time constraints, professional reasons & likewise. Both have a different astrological perception of child adoption.
Arun and Shushma went for it, and they were a happy family after availing adoption. Horoscope has a clear indication for 'Dattak Putra' or an adopted child. Adopting a child for natural constraints or self-created reasons has different pros and cons in astrology. You can read all about child adoption on adopt child according to astrology.
Child with drug abuse according to astrology
Arun and Sushma visited me when their son, Akash, was into substance abuse. I recommended to immediately shift him to some de-addiction centre as the Dasha was not conducive. He was a child with a drug issue, and he was to remain there for a considerable time. He is still in the care centre and shall be free in 2022, till the time the positive Dasha shall start operating.
I have suggested Arun build Akash's career in dealing with patients who have become druggists. The drug issue shall be taken care of. You can read my comprehensive article on child with drug abuse according to astrology if you, as a parent, are oppressed with the drug habits of your child.
Parent-child relationship according to astrology
Now the final leg of child astrology. Parents keep struggling to have a child, but how would be the relationship between child and parents. This is the last leg to know about parent-child relationship according to astrology. There are defined methods in astrology to know about child birth according to date of birth. If a legitimate biological child is not possible, astrology helps to know C Section or IVF
date and timings. Nothing of this works, then one can adopt a child according to astrology. In all you get a child but then what about the relationship between child and parents.
Parent-child relationship according to astrology
Now the final leg of child astrology. Parents keep struggling to have a child, but how would be the relationship between child and parents. This is the last leg to know about parent-child relationship according to astrology. There are defined methods in astrology to know about child birth according to date of birth. If a legitimate biological child is not possible, astrology helps to know C Section or IVF
date and timings. Nothing of this works, then one can adopt a child according to astrology. In all you get a child but then what about the relationship between child and parents.
The relationship between child and parents has a very long life. Therefore, understanding what type of relationship parents will have with the child can change the life of either of them. Explore the power of astrology here again. This parent child relationship issue is not only when you get the child but also when the children grow up. Once you have read till here how children astrology helps you, you must read my detailed narration on child-parent relationship according to astrology. This will also help parents having relationship issues with child and vice versa.
So, astrology for child indicates reasons if there is a delay in child birth, best & bad time to conceive. Children astrology also helps to know good time to go for IVF or C Section and whether you should go for your own child or adopt a child. Another feature of astrology for child is to indicate child parent relationship. I have explained all these features of child astrology according to date of birth here and with separate narration on all these topics. I don't think anyone could expect anything more from astrology for child-related issues.
I again say it is good to get the horoscope of your child made BUT please do not discuss your child birth chart without 2 specific reasons.
For Specific Guidance, you can take:
While the 9th House is important for getting pregnant or for child birth, the 5th House is the main guide as far as child birth is specifically concerned. The 5th House indicates any problems, if any, during the child birth.
Jupiter is the planet that facilitates the pleasure of a child in a person’s life. Along with the 5th house, Jupiter is the natural indicator of childbirth in a person’s life.
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