Vimshottari Mahadasha effects and remedies
According to the position of the planets in the birth chart, the Mahadashas are considered important to know the events that will happen in life soon. Dashas like Vimshottari, Ashtotri, Yogini, and Char dasha are famous in Vedic Astrology. But the usefulness of Vimshottari Dasha in determining the timing of events is considered extremely important. Vimshottari dasha is formed based on the trikon system. There are 360 degrees in the zodiac, and Each of its trikon consists of 120 degrees. Here 120 degrees represents something important in one’s life. After considering 120 degrees of vimshotri dasha, the total life span of a human being has been fixed as 120 years. Therefore, considering human life to be 120 years old, ancient sages had prepared a dasha sequence or dasha system by dividing 27 constellations into nine planets and making each planet the lord of three constellations, which completes the whole cycle. This whole system is known as the Vimshottari Mahadasha system. There are several dasha systems in astrology, but the basic fact about this dasha system is constellation or nakshatra. This dasha system is also known as Vimshottari because the total sum of the dasha years is 120, and the Sanskrit word Vimshottari also means 120. The whole Vimshottari dasha system is divided into six years for Sun, 10 for Moon, 7 for Mars, 18 for Rahu, 16 for Jupiter, 19 for Saturn, 17 for Mercury, 7 for Ketu, and 20 for Venus. The total sum of the dasha years allotted to the planets is 120; hence this dasha system is also called Vimshottari dasha or vinshotri dasha. The Vimshottari Dasha system holds the most important place in astrology because the predictions based on this Dasha system can give accurate timing for future events. All the dasha systems are also in their respective places, but the Vimshottari dasha system is the most effective and scientific method to give predictions. Almost all scholars accept this fact. Even Western scholars also consider the authenticity of this dasha system. Mahadasha is also also known as the Major Period.
Moon constellation used in the calculation of the Vimshottari Dasha System
Janam Kundli, or your birth chart, tells about our body, Surya Kundli tells about the soul, and Chandra Kundli about the mental state. As per Vedic Astrology, the Ascendant represents the body, Sun represents the soul, and Moon represents the mind. Just because of our mental state, thoughts, and desires, our soul takes on the body, and the karmas of the present life ensure the next birth. In simple words, our mind, desires, and thoughts are responsible for the birth of the human form, and the moon is the karaka of the all these things, which is the major reason why great sages chose the moon constellation to calculate Vimshottari Mahadasha.
How was Vimshottari Mahadasha determined?
The nakshatra in which the Moon is transiting at the time of birth is when the Mahadasha of the lord of that nakshatra occurs. When the dasha of that constellation lord (Nakshatra lord) ends, then the dasha of other planets starts. The order of dasha is the same as given above in this article. That is Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, and Venus. In Vedic times, instead of Ashwini Nakshatra, Kritika Nakshatra was considered the first Nakshatra, and Bharani Nakshatra was the last Nakshatra. All the astrological calculations were done considering Kritika Nakshatra as the first Nakshatra; that is why the sequence of Vimshottari Mahadasha starts from Sun and ends at Venus. Suppose a person was born when the Moon is in Mrigashira Nakshatra, whose lord is Mars, then the order of dasha would be Mars, Rahu, Guru, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus, Sun, and Moon. Within the Mahadasha, the small period of the nine planets also moves in a particular sequence, known as Bhukti or Antardasha. Antardasha is also called Sub Period.
Astrological formulas to know the results in Vimshottari Mahadasha
Ascendants and lords of trikon houses are always beneficial in any horoscope and give auspicious results in their dasha/antardasha.
The conjunction of Kendradhipati, or Trikona, lords gives a high level of Raja Yoga.
Venus is the Yogakaraka for the signs of Venus (Taurus and Libra Ascendant) and Saturn’s sign (Capricorn and Aquarius Ascendant). Similarly, Mars is the yoga karaka for Cancer and Leo ascendant. Dasha/Antardasha of Yogakarak planet gives auspicious results.
The second and twelfth house lord gives auspicious results as per their auspicious position and conjunction with other planets. If it sits alone and is situated in any auspicious houses, it gives neutral results.
The third, sixth, eighth, and eleven house lords are considered inauspicious, and in general terms, they can create trouble in one’s life. Sixth and eleventh house lords are beneficial for financial matters but can prove malefic for health matters.
If an auspicious planet is the lord of two Kendra bhava (house), then it does not give an auspicious position in your birth chart.
Suppose an inauspicious planet is the lord of the Kendra houses. In that case, its inauspiciousness decreases, but if it becomes the lord of a trikon house, it gives auspicious results in its dasha / antardasha.
The ruling planet of the eighth house acts as the butcher who first raises their goat and finally kills it. Mostly, the eighth lord gives inauspicious results. The house in which Ashtmesh or eighth house lord sits gives negative results in that area. It spoils it or destroys it. But if Ashtmesh is in the eighth house or is situated in other auspicious houses and is not afflicting any other planet, then it can provide sudden and spiritual benefits.
It is not auspicious for a natural benefic planet to be the lord of the Kendra house, especially if it is the Kendra lord and is sitting in any Kendra house and does not affect its sign present in the Kendra.
If a natural benefic planet is the Kendra lord and the lord of the third, sixth or eleventh house, then it does not give auspicious results.
If a natural benefic planet is the Kendra lord and the lord of the second or seventh house or if it sits in these houses, then it can give negative results in its dasha.
If a Trikonesh or lord of trikon houses is sitting in any trik Bhava, its ability to give auspicious results decreases. You can succeed through your hard work and struggle.
If a Trikonesh (Lord of trik bhava) is the lord of the third, sixth or eleventh house, you can succeed after facing initial difficulties and challenges.
Instead of a natural malefic planet being trikonesh, a natural benefic planet gives very auspicious results especially when it becomes the lord of trikon bhava.
Any Dashanath in their Mahadasha/Antardasha gives the result of the Bhava in which they are positioned.
Saturn is naturally a malefic planet, and if it relates with the second or seventh house or the owners of these houses, then it can kill the person in its Mahadasha. If it does not kill, then it will become a major reason for all kinds of pain and suffering in that condition.
Dashanath sitting in the obstructed place of the horoscope can give stress, problems, and diseases in their dasha/antardasha.
The results of Dashanath change according to its ownership, strength, and Antardashanath's position from Dashanath.
Antardashanath always influences Dashanath for auspiciousness or inauspiciousness.
If Antardashanath is in the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th, or 11th house from Mahadashanath, it gives auspicious results.
The position of Antardashanath in the 1st or 7th house from Mahadashanath gives normal and mild results.
You will get inauspicious results if Antardashanath is situated in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, or 12th house from Mahadashanath.
If Mahadashanath and Antardashanath are natural friends and are the lords of benefic houses except in bad places, then they give effective and auspicious results.
Antardashanath sitting in the exalted sign of Mahadashanath gives favorable results in its Antardasha.
The Antardasha of the owners of the 4th, 5th, 9th, and 10th houses from Mahadashanath gives favorable results.
Major events occur in the dasha / antardasha of Mahadashanath and its constellation.
Effect of Transit on Dasha/Antardasha
The position of Dashanath in transit or the position of other planets transiting from Dashanath in a horoscope brings changes in the effects of Mahadasha/Antardasha.
If the planet is not the lord of inauspicious houses in the birth chart, and when the planet in transit comes in its exalted, self-signed or Mooltrikon signs or in the 3rd, 6th, 10th, or 11th house from its position in the horoscope, then its dasha / Antardasha period proves auspicious.
An interesting example of Vimshottari Mahadasha/Antardasha
Suppose that in the birth chart of a person, the effect of Ketu and Mars is on the tenth house, the tenth house lord (Saturn), and the tenth sign i.e. Capricorn. Then according to medical astrology, all these facts represent the knees of your body. According to astrology, Mars and Ketu are fiery, pitta natured, violent, and the karaka of injury and accidents, hence in the Mahadasha of Mars and Antardasha of Ketu or Mahadasha of Ketu and Antardasha of Mars, when Mars or Ketu transits in the 6th, 8th, and 12th house, then that person's knees may get injured.
You can read more about dasha or periods in astrology, planetary transits and its effects and astrology remedies to please planets.