What does my horoscope supports job or business?
Many getting pinnacles of success in a job in a particular field want to do business in the same field. But let me start by saying that success as an employee is entirely different than success as an employer though the field may be the same. Why? Because your horoscope clearly defines if you are born to work as an employee ( Servant) or employer ( Master).
Just to share a small hint: a doctor working for a hospital very successful may not get the same success in running own clinic. Many times after losing or being unsatisfied in a job, a person thinks to start a business. But it can be out of desperation. You count the people you know & you will realise what I am trying to convey. Respect your horoscope before deciding what will suit you better: Job or business?
What should I do job or business per my horoscope?
Some employees reach a level where they earn more than a businessman ( many names like Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadella prove it). Many people fail in business though they had a family business history behind them ( Modis, Siddharta Mallya , Singhanias in India) and many failed miserably. It also depends on what does your horoscope/birth chart supports you to be an employee or employer.
Whatever one chooses job or business: go a long way in person's life.One should not doubt own capabilities. But then it makes a sense to spend a few minutes with a career astrologer who will review your Ascendant ( D-1 Chart) , 10th house & its Lord, 3rd House and its Lord, 5th House and its Lord, 6th House & its Lord, 7th, 9th and 11th houses and their Lords.
Then the astrologer should see Horary or Prashna and Nakshatra syllable to guide you in your decision whether you should job or business as per your horoscope. Click on 'what should I do job or business' on the link given below to read more astrological insight on this subject.
I have been witnessing large nos of cases where people want to switch from job to business and vice versa. Therefore apart from people who consult me, I also wrote a column in the leading daily "Hindustan Times on 15th March 2020," which reads as below:
“All employees cannot become employers”
For the same crime, you will not be punished twice,
but you may suffer umpteen times for the same set of evil planets. So, it is a good idea to know the extent and nature of the damages these debacle-causing planets may impose. Last Sunday, I elucidated the misconception associated with the feared Mangal Dosha, and as a result, many long-standing Mangliks were immediately freed of this Dosha. This helps them to widen their spouse's search horizons which were narrowed due to wrongly imposed Manglik Dosha. Triumphing in chess is by conquering the king, but many dominate the game well. However, the final triumph which is capturing the king, is elusive.
For these few, closing things for results remains a dream. Those with an 'Avrodhaka Dosha or
AD' are indeed full of capabilities and can strike big but choosing the wrong goal at the wrong point of time inadvertently activates the 'AD' and the person, even after doing well in the chosen field is not able to reach the pinnacle. This 'AD' is such a backstabber that it would always make the person believe that success is just the next step and as a result, the person would never give up until he or she loses the energy, grit, and belongings.
Those strugglers roaming the bylanes of Mumbai, those who are aspiring for some restigious jobs, those who are after a business which is still to take off, those who hope that the deal they do today will materialise for sure and those who hope that success is just around the corner, they all may have inadvertently activated their 'AD' and once it has activated, it may
become the hardest thing to overcome. My blog on this subject gives a complete insight into the process of addressing this issue with success. There are a few for whom government directives spell disaster. The government issues directives at the wrong point of time, which harms their work. Connect with Dr Vinay Bajrangi best astrologer for astrology online & personal sessions for all astrological predictions.
The article in HT City ends here.
Now I will explain a few more important things on the the subject of choosing between job and business as your career.
What should I do job or business
In job also what is good for you Govt. Job or Private
In a private job also, what job is best for you.
What to do if you face issues in your job. Should you handle those issues or jump to start the business.
What business will suit you the best?
What should one know for business success?
For any specific guidance on business, you can take: