Role of 11th House
The eleventh house in Astrology refers to the traditional house of friends, but it also includes colleagues and social circles. The house is associated with the Aquarius Zodiac sign and linked to Saturn.
As per Vedic Astrology, the eleventh house governs all the things associated with large groups of people. Future hopes and ideals are also seen in this house. The eleventh house is also known as the house of income.
Let’s understand the other aspects of impact or significance of the eleventh house in Astrology.
What Does 11th House Means
The eleventh house in astrology touches several aspects of human life, and one should know those aspects of this house. Below, we have tried to cover all the significant aspects that are linked with this house. In some pointers, some houses are mentioned, which are reference houses, and it must be seen with the eleventh house for the prediction in that field.
Health of mother and the father-in-law, relationship between Mother and self, and self and father-in-law (referral houses 4th, 7th, and 8th).
Health of the heart, its ailments, and success or failure of treatment, including surgical therapy.
Relationship with friends; good friends, bad friends; helpful friends; parasite friends (referral house 4th).
Income or loss resulting from side business (referral house 12th).
Receipt of gratifications and bribes in cash or kind.
Receipt of gifts, donations, and contributions for a justified cause.
Left arm and left shoulder and left upper ribs, the upper portion of left chest/ breast.
Getting children, comfortable or difficult delivery (referral houses 5th and 12th).
Spouses of children; their selection; a side effect of marriages of children (referral house 5th).
Gains and losses involved in child marriage (ren) (referral houses 5th and 12th).
Adoption of a child in the event of childlessness.
Adopting a child beside one's child (the question also relates to adopting a child of the opposite sex than that one's child) (referral houses 4th and 5th).
Adoption of pet animals, such as cat, dog, hare, squirrel, birds;
The 5th brother or sister; also elder brother or sister (referral house 3rd).
The 3rd pregnancy or the 3rd child.
Love affair of a child including the reaction of the parents.
Child's love-marriage can occur with or without the parents' approval and subsequent relationship between the married couple and parents of both the persons. (referral houses 4th, 5th, and 10th).
Post-marriage achievements of the spouse in education, literature, writing, music, reciting poems, including a public performance (referral house 1st, 9th, and 10th).
Birth of or begetting illegitimate children (referral house 5th).
Relationship with son-in-law and daughter-in-law vis-à-vis their spouses (referral house 5th).
Animosity of or with a maternal uncle and aunt (referral house 6th).
Concealed wealth/assets/ money of natural or adopting father (referral houses 4th, 5th, 9th, and 10th).
Helpful or unhelpful attitude of family-in-general in the event of one's ill health, injury, and financial disaster (referral houses 6th, 8th, and 12th).
Attitude of domestic and other servants in the event of one's ill health, injury, prolonged illness, or a financial disaster (referral house 4th).
Employment/ Investment of old savings/ ancestral wealth for earning current income (referral houses 2nd and 10th).
Maintenance of the second spouse, mistress/paramour on a regular or casual basis (referral houses 7th, 9th, and 12th).
Sudden risk to the longevity of a natural or adopted father, including his death.
Emphasis on the relationship with family members of the son-in-law or daughter-in-law, including their brothers and sisters. It raises disputes and litigation within the family. Near and distant relations or family members appear to help solve the situation or intervene, making things complicated and worse (referral houses 2nd and 12th).
Buying of ornaments and jewelry (referral house 12th).
Gifting away of ornaments and jewelry (referral houses 2nd and 12th).
Use of unfair means and threats or influence in respect of Tests. Examinations and Interviews (career-connected and academic).
Good or bad consequences of No. 31 above, including punishments (referral houses 5th, 12th, and sometimes also tenth house).
Benefits concerning the business, profession, career, self-employment, etc., under threats and influence; consequence thereof.
Bad habits and connections are begotten solely based on high earnings in black money or mere possession of black money, or being in the wrong company (referral house 4th).
Trade-in contrabands, smuggling, and ransom money through kidnapping, trade-in flesh (referral houses 7th, 8th, 10th, and 12th).
Money or property-oriented disputes between father and family members at his level are his brothers/sisters/cousins, etc. (referral house 9th).
Claims of children against the parents for a share in property, assets, inheritance, etc., disputes and litigation related to it (referral houses 5th, 9th, and 10th).
Step-sons, step-daughters, children from a previous marriage or illegitimate children before marriage with the spouse; relationship with them, and their maintenance and acceptance in the family (referral houses 4th and 5th).
Claims and disputes relating to money and assets, with parents and other stepbrothers and stepsisters, half-brothers and half-sisters; consequences (referral houses 5th, 7th, and 12th ).
Cousins on the maternal side and relationship with (referral house 9th, which relates to cousins on the paternal side).
Note:Note that the 9th house (relating to excellent or lousy Luck), 10th house (relating source of income or livelihood), and the 11th house (ruling actual income and gains) are very much interlinked and influence each other.
You may read more about 12 Astrology houses, Planets in astrology and Planetary transits and its effects.