Deportation and Immigration issues – in your birth chart
First of all, we should understand what Deportation means? Deportation means when the foreign land you are living in debars your further stay in that country. One may be well settled but then suddenly start facing problems in a foreign area. There can be many reasons for deportation/ problems in a foreign land. Some of these issues are manageable as your acts & activities are involved in them. But some of these issues are beyond your control.
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The frequent changing law, change of status of the native, and illegal immigration are primarily responsible for untimely Deportation. However, your birth chart has indications of these deportation issues.
There are a few ways that let you know a person lost their residence. These are as follows
If you have not lived in the country for one year or more.
Your Visa has expired, and you have not got the new one.
Your Visa must be going to expire, and you may not get the new one.
If you have committed some fraud or have misrepresented.
You have committed some marriage fraud.
The law wants you.
If there is some sort of a criminal conviction.
Lost a job and not likely to get one.
Not got a job after completing your education in that land.
You are already unlawfully living in that country.
Your refugee status has been terminated or changed.
There are some compelling commitments back home.
Any one of the above conditions may force you to leave the country where you had decided to remain forever.
Main reasons deportation and immigration issues
The overall reasons for deportation and immigration can be divided into two broad categories.
One changes in the law by the respective country. Here the person concerned does not have a significant say or manuveourity and looks beyond control.
Main reasons deportation and immigration issues
The overall reasons for deportation and immigration can be divided into two broad categories.
One changes in the law by the respective country. Here the person concerned does not have a significant say or manuveourity and looks beyond control.
The second category is where the person gets involved in deportation and immigration issues due to one's acts and activities.
However, in both these circumstances, there are indications of Deportation and immigration in your birth chart. These indications of Deportation and migration could be challenging to catch from horoscopes, but an expert astrologer can surely tell you if your birth chart has deportation or immigration issues.
Deportation indications in your birth chart
Your horoscope/birth chart will have clear indications of deportation issues from your birth chart. As explained, these deportation issues could be due to a change in the law of that country, or your acts could result in deportation or immigration issues.
Now let us understand how astrology reads these indications of Deportation in your birth chart. There are specific planets responsible for deportation issues. These issues may not be in the beginning when you move to a foreign land but can crop up at a later stage also. It is a perfect guide to decode whether any of the above conditions may come calling.
Deportation indications in your birth chart
Your horoscope/birth chart will have clear indications of deportation issues from your birth chart. As explained, these deportation issues could be due to a change in the law of that country, or your acts could result in deportation or immigration issues.
Now let us understand how astrology reads these indications of Deportation in your birth chart. There are specific planets responsible for deportation issues. These issues may not be in the beginning when you move to a foreign land but can crop up at a later stage also. It is a perfect guide to decode whether any of the above conditions may come calling.
One should be wise enough to catch hold of an experienced astrologer who can guide and show the suitable path well in advance. Let us see the astrological methodology behind calculating Deportation in a horoscope.
Indication of problems in a foreign land in the birth chart
I am trying to capture all aspects of astrology that indicate the problems in a foreign land. These issues could be Deportation, community clashes, immigration issues, or sometimes health issues also. There are clear indications of questions one can face in a foreign land in the birth chart.
Apart from planets & houses responsible for problems in a foreign area, do you know that some Zodiac signs are more prone to these issues? Yes, you read it right: Yes, there is a co-relation of zodiac signs and deportation risk. Some Zodiac signs face problems in foreign land more than many others. Now read what these Zodiac signs & the logic behind them are.
Indication of problems in a foreign land in the birth chart
I am trying to capture all aspects of astrology that indicate the problems in a foreign land. These issues could be Deportation, community clashes, immigration issues, or sometimes health issues also. There are clear indications of questions one can face in a foreign land in the birth chart.
Apart from planets & houses responsible for problems in a foreign area, do you know that some Zodiac signs are more prone to these issues? Yes, you read it right: Yes, there is a co-relation of zodiac signs and deportation risk. Some Zodiac signs face problems in foreign land more than many others. Now read what these Zodiac signs & the logic behind them are.
Zodiac Signs are the most critical part of deporting from a foreign land in Astrology.
Signs are of three types as per the activity-Chara Rashi or any Movable Sign, SthiraRashi, or any Fixed Sign, and the Dual Sign or Common Sign.
Chara Rashi or Movable Signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.
Sthir Rashi or Fixed Signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius
Dual Signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
Considering Deportation, in Astrology, Chara Rashi or Movable Sign is of prime importance. Movable Sign means- the changing tendency is very high in the signs. So once the planet is placed in all these signs, they give a changing tendency to the native-like change in residence, change of job, or change of country. Malefic influence on it can bring a deportation and immigration issue that activates the deportation Yoga.
Sthira Rashi or fixed Signs, planets falling under these Signs, tend to stick to a place. Those natives who have more planets in the fixed signs, can't change their residence or jobs frequently. Going back means a change of country or a change of residence. So planets positioned in the fixed sign blocks, the chances of returning, and any malefic influence can activate your deportation Yoga.
Common Sign or the dual Sign gives you short-term Deportation. Like if you may have multiple planets in the Dual Sign can go back to your homeland frequently but for a very short duration maybe just for a month. But if you have malefic influence in the chart, it can activate your deportation Yoga, and you might not get a visa back to the foreign land.
Signs which are further divided according to the quality or Tatwa of the Rashi, are Fiery Sign, Earthy Sign, Airy Sign, and Watery Sign
Fiery signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
Earthy Signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
Airy signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
Watery Signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
Watery zodiac signs like Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are important for Traveling. To go to a foreign country, we need to go across the seas. So, all the watery signs are also vital. Cancer is Movable and Watery Sign. Moreover, it is the natural 4th House of the Zodiac Sign. It is crucial for Deportation in astrology. Affliction to it means Deportation.
Role of Planets in Deportation
Four main planets can help a person to travel while returning or going out of your own country- Rahu/ Ketu, Moon, Saturn, and Venus. We must see these four planets and their dignities and connection with the Horoscope's proper houses for going back or getting deported.
Rahu is an important planet for travel. If Rahu is ill-placed, it can give Deportation in its Dasha. It can provide foreign things, but it cannot guarantee comfort. The conjunction of Rahu with the 7th Lord, 8th Lord, 9th Lord, or 12th Lord indicates Deportation in astrology. Rahu in Lagna or the 7th House can also give a travel return or travel back.
Moon being natural of 4th Lord, Moon is also essential when judging Deportation. According to the classics, when Moon is placed in Kendra (1,4,7,10), the person can travel a lot within the country as well as outside the country. Moon in the watery sign, especially when conjunct with Rahu, can give immoral Deportation. Moon in 8th, 9th, or 12th houses especially exalted Moon in the 12th can indicate Deportation in astrology.
Sun also plays a very interesting role. Sun represents royalty. It can bring a native in contact with the dignatories. Sun in the 5th House from the Ascendant a conducive disposition for Diplomats and traveling going back.
If Mercury is placed in the 4th House, the individual changes his residence frequently and travels a lot of places. The result will be more prominent if the Mercury is placed in the Movable signs.
Nakshatras and Deportation
We need to analyze few Nakshatras, like Ashwini Nakshatra, Bharani Nakshatra, Ardra Nakshatra, Swati Nakshatra, Pussya Nakshatra, Hasta Nakshatra, etc. while judging the Deportation. The presence of Moon or Rahu in these Nakshatra will increase the chance of going back.
Why am I getting deported/ Can an astrologer help me?
Why am I facing deportation & can astrology help me if I am facing deportation or immigration issues? Yes astrology can help you if one is facing deportation issues. Back in the days, it is seen as a Curse to leave your own country and to go to a foreign country. But once, with time, the Curse has turned into a blessing. The Main House for going back is 12,9 and Ascendant or Lagna.
12th House is the House of Foreign Land, so this is the important House for Deportation in astrology. If Moon is positioned in the 12th House along with Venus, this is an indication of Deportation. If Rahu also joins this Conjunction, it can become a powerful indication of going back. If there is a planet like Saturn in the 12th House, the individual will have a powerful inclination towards a foreign country.
Why am I getting deported/ Can an astrologer help me?
Why am I facing deportation & can astrology help me if I am facing deportation or immigration issues? Yes astrology can help you if one is facing deportation issues. Back in the days, it is seen as a Curse to leave your own country and to go to a foreign country. But once, with time, the Curse has turned into a blessing. The Main House for going back is 12,9 and Ascendant or Lagna.
12th House is the House of Foreign Land, so this is the important House for Deportation in astrology. If Moon is positioned in the 12th House along with Venus, this is an indication of Deportation. If Rahu also joins this Conjunction, it can become a powerful indication of going back. If there is a planet like Saturn in the 12th House, the individual will have a powerful inclination towards a foreign country.
9th House indicates fortune, Luck, Long Journeys, or any long-distance travel, etc. So, this is a significant House for Deportation in astrology. When the Lord of the 9th House is in the 12th House or vice versa, it indicates that your fortune is in the foreign land. A group of planets like Lord of 4th House or 5thHouse positioned in the 9th House of 12th House is a powerful indication towards Deportation in astrology if it is afflicted.
The next prestigious house is Lagna or Ascendant. Lagna is the self. Without any approval of Lagna, nothing can happen in the Horoscope. So, if the Lord of Lagna makes a relation with the 12th lord or Lagna lord positioned in the 12th House, it is a powerful indication of Deportation according to astrology. If this relation happens in any watery sign like Cancer, Pisces, etc., or are Movable signs like Libra or Capricorn, the chances become very high.
In a nutshell, we must look after the Conjunction, aspect, exchanged between Lagna Lord, 9th Lord, and 12th Lord. If these relations involve watery signs, the indicators are powerful. According to astrology, possibilities of deportation depend upon the strength of the relationship of the above-said combinations.
But there is one more house which we need to look carefully at, without the indication from this house traveling or returning is impossible. The 4th house indicates the homeland or resident country. So, any affliction to the 4th house or lord of the 4th house can increase the possibility of deportation. If the lord of the 4th house is placed in the 6th, 8th, or 12th and is afflicted and simultaneously there is a relation between the 9th and 12th house, or the lords, we can predict that there is a very high chance of deportation as per astrology. If the planets like Rahu/Ketu, Sun, or Saturn are in the 4th house, the opportunity of returning increases.
When the 4th house or lord is not afflicted or weak, the person cannot leave the resident country. If there is any relation between the 9th or 12th House, but the 4th House is strong, there are chances of returning, but the native will not be able to go due to some reasons. A strong 4th house in connection with the 5th and 10th house also gives great opportunities in the resident country and would not feel the necessity to go out in the foreign land.
There are two houses which need attention. The 7th house and the 3rd house. The 7th house also deals with deportation. When the 7th house is involved with the 12th house or a planet like Rahu/Ketu, there are chances of going back due to business purposes or business trips.
The 3rd house indicates short journeys and travels. It is not always directly linked with deportation, but it can give a tendency or inclination towards travel. If there are planets like Moon or Ketu positioned in the 3rd House, the native would like to travel.
For deportation relations between the 3rd, 7th, Lagna, and 9th in a watery or Movable sign are sufficient, but permanent deportation in astrology can't happen without the involvement of the 12th house or lord of the 12th house.
But we must remember Jupiter should not aspect the combination.
Astrological indications of Deportation in the birth chart.
Planetary combinations for the deportation and foreign settlement.
Now, let's discuss the planetary combinations which promise deportation according to astrology. Below, an effective way of seeing a yoga for the deportation in the horoscope is explained:
If the fourth house or the lord of the fourth house needs to be afflicted from Lagna.
Planetary combinations for the deportation and foreign settlement.
Now, let's discuss the planetary combinations which promise deportation according to astrology. Below, an effective way of seeing a yoga for the deportation in the horoscope is explained:
If the fourth house or the lord of the fourth house needs to be afflicted from Lagna.
Rahu and Ketu should be connected via Conjunction or the Nakshatra exchange with the lord of the 4th house or 4th house. Whenever the 4th house is afflicted, and the lord of the 4th house is positioned in Dusthana like the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses, the native leaves its resident country to settle in foreign lands.
We need to see the factors from Lagna as well as Moon also in Navamsa and Chaturthamsa or D4.
If the 9th or the 12th house of a horoscope falls in moveable or watery signs or the lord of the 9th and 12th houses is placed in watery or moveable signs, it leads to deportation.
The association of the lords of the 5th, 9th, and 12th in Dasamsha indicates traveling for some professional reasons. These people are usually employed as skilled professionals like (scientists, professors, etc.).
The point that should be noted is if Rahu is positioned in the 12th house with the lord of the 9th house and are in a watery sign, the combination will give Deportation in Dasha-Antardasha. Suppose planets like Rahu or Saturn in the 12th house can give deportation.
When the lord of the house of marriage or the 7th house is in association with the 8th, 9th, or 12th house or its lord, it is an indication of deportation after the marriage.
If Lagna and the lord of Lagna both are in moveable signs or dual signs, then it indicates deportation. Lagna indicates one's self. So, once the sign, indicating a person and the lord of the sign is in movable sign or dual sign, it means movements. It can lead to the creation of yogas of deportation for a person.
Relocation predictions
If there are possible chances in the natal chart for returning, the native can go for deportation during any period, which is mentioned as follows.
Dasha-Antardasha of the lord of the 9th house or the lord of the 12th house, or planets which are connected with the Lord of the 12th house or the 12th house.
Relocation predictions
If there are possible chances in the natal chart for returning, the native can go for deportation during any period, which is mentioned as follows.
Dasha-Antardasha of the lord of the 9th house or the lord of the 12th house, or planets which are connected with the Lord of the 12th house or the 12th house.
Dasha of Venus, Rahu/Ketu, Moon, and Saturn if these planets are connected with the 12th house.
During transits, when a planet like Rahu or Saturn comes in the 8th house or Moon Nakshatra, it is also a good time for traveling.
Dasha of Rahu is essential for deportation as per astrology as Rahu is an excellent significator of the foreign land. The period of Saturn is equally significant.
Those who visit foreign lands for vacation once a year, generally don't have any significant combination of deportation in their Kundli or horoscope, but in transit or maybe the 4th house get afflicted due to any reason.
Astrological reasons for deportation
Now, let’s understand the answer to why a person will go back or face deportation.
If there is a strong connection between the house and the lords of the 5th, 10th, 7th, 9th, and 12th houses, then the person can go back, and his visa expires after the education.
Astrological reasons for deportation
Now, let’s understand the answer to why a person will go back or face deportation.
If there is a strong connection between the house and the lords of the 5th, 10th, 7th, 9th, and 12th houses, then the person can go back, and his visa expires after the education.
The 5th house is the house of intelligence, and the 9th is the house of long-distance travel as well as higher education. Some of the related planets should be in movable signs or watery sign.
An individual should run in the correct Dasha also. The connection between 4-5-7-8-9-10-12 needs to be checked with Rahu, Saturn, and Moon for the verification of deportation after completing the education and not finding a proper workplace.
We need to understand the planetary combination of a person who returns after facing some criminal charges. For this, we need to see the connection between the Lagna-5-7-8-9-10-12 house and their Lord along with Rahu, Moon, and Sun. Various Raj Yoga and Dhana Yoga must be present in the horoscope. Dasha of the connected planet can make him commit some crime and can get deported.
When the 7th house and its lord are connected with the 9th house and 12th house, and as well as with their lords, there is a possibility of returning due to failed marriage or even facing marriage problems. The 4th house should be afflicted. Rahu and the marriage significator Venus also play a significant role in the case of deportation in astrology after the marriage.
Involving transfer of residence, the lord of the 4th house must have affliction from two or more malefic planets like Rahu/ Ketu or Saturn or by Sun. We need to check the Chartuthamsa, or D4 chart, also and should see the condition of the 4th house and the 12th house and their lords. Generally, Rahu gives deportation in astrology as Rahu is a Mleccha Karaka of the foreign planets.
Whenever we see a connection between the houses, or the lords of the 12-9-8-6 houses are in a moveable or watery sign, we can predict that there is a very high possibility of deportation in astrology.
Do not let deportation shatter your dreams that you have seen for a long time. Just go in for a short report or take a consultation from Dr. Vinay Bajrangi.
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