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Astrological Remedies to Get Rid of Loan | Debt Crisis
You took a personal loan that you are now unable to pay. Is a business loan troubling you or an education loan or student loan is becoming hard to pay? You are then at the best possible web page that will assess your debt or personal loan eligibility or capacity and let you know the astrological concept behind it. All this can be seen from your finance horoscope by date of birth
Understand the difference between routine money and finance and see what does your finance horoscope says about such financial decisions, which is a crucial part of finance astrology. I will first explain how does finance horoscope helps you.
What Does Finance Horoscope Says
What does finance horoscope says needs to describe what a finance horoscope by date of birth is? First understand, finance horoscope is different from the routine money matters on daily or weekly basis. Finance horoscope lets you why some will not earn to meet both ends meet, why some will earn but lose, why will some earn but not able to save or create wealth. Finance horoscope by date of birth also lets a person regarding indication of debts. Finance horoscope even lets a person know whether s/he will be able to enjoy the wealth so accumulated.
Finance astrology by date of birth actually means to check balance between 11th house ( house of gains) with 12th house ( house for expenses). Finance horoscope also means analysis of 2nd house, the house for savings and economic growth. Same way, finance horoscope lets a person know when one can take loans, regarding debts, time to invest in property and all such decisions which have direct impact on person’s final financial health and wealth. Your finance horoscope also helps you to know about speculative gains like in share market or sudden gains in life. Let us read a little more how does your finance horoscope helps you.
इस पेज को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए “ज्योतिष से जानें कर्ज और उससे संबंधित समस्याएं” पर क्लिक करें।
What is Debt trap or Debt issues in the birth chart?
Taking loans for a genuine reason & taking loans with pre-conceived bad intentions have a different perspective totally. Reasons for the first category can be circumstantial/incidental, which are easy to handle astrologically. The second category also can be seen & treated in astrology, but it has a different angle to reading traits of cheating in person's horoscope. My main focus here would be to analyse and understand when we take loans for genuine reasons and face debts & financial issues in our life. The situation sometimes becomes that of a debt trap & trouble for a person for the whole life. These are some specific indications of debts and financial problems in the horoscope. An intelligent person will try to know the impact of these indications beforehand, and then plan taking and giving loans. Astrology mandates a careful study of the sixth house of the horoscope for debts & financial issues.
You can read my latest interview on loan and debt astrology in Outlook India/The Weeks/ Hindustan Times and also in our news section below.
What is Debt trap or Debt issues in the birth chart?
Taking loans for a genuine reason & taking loans with pre-conceived bad intentions have a different perspective totally. Reasons for the first category can be circumstantial/incidental, which are easy to handle astrologically. The second category also can be seen & treated in astrology, but it has a different angle to reading traits of cheating in person's horoscope. My main focus here would be to analyse and understand when we take loans for genuine reasons and face debts & financial issues in our life. The situation sometimes becomes that of a debt trap & trouble for a person for the whole life. These are some specific indications of debts and financial problems in the horoscope. An intelligent person will try to know the impact of these indications beforehand, and then plan taking and giving loans. Astrology mandates a careful study of the sixth house of the horoscope for debts & financial issues.
You can read my latest interview on loan and debt astrology in Outlook India/The Weeks/ Hindustan Times and also in our news section below.
How to manage loans/debts according to your birth chart?
It is worth mentioning here that if an astrologer identifies these reasons of debts or financial issues in a horoscope, then giving solutions is also an easy job. Main planets to identify loans and debts in the horoscope are Rahu, Mars & Saturn, and the main houses indicating financial issues in the horoscope are 6th 8th, 11th & 12th.
I will first explain the reasons, complexities & other aspects in loan & debts related matters from a layman's perspective. Then, I will co-relate the same with astrological aspects of financial issues in the horoscope. The explanation is applying Karma Correction in a way that a negative planet gets softened out without clashing too much. Let us understand what can be read and can be corrected to avoid taking credits.
How to manage loans/debts according to your birth chart?
It is worth mentioning here that if an astrologer identifies these reasons of debts or financial issues in a horoscope, then giving solutions is also an easy job. Main planets to identify loans and debts in the horoscope are Rahu, Mars & Saturn, and the main houses indicating financial issues in the horoscope are 6th 8th, 11th & 12th.
I will first explain the reasons, complexities & other aspects in loan & debts related matters from a layman's perspective. Then, I will co-relate the same with astrological aspects of financial issues in the horoscope. The explanation is applying Karma Correction in a way that a negative planet gets softened out without clashing too much. Let us understand what can be read and can be corrected to avoid taking credits.
Loan for regular expenses:
Some people find themselves in the habit of taking credit to meet regular expenses; you may need to set house in order. "If you need to borrow regularly to meet the regular expenses like rent, kids, or school fees, you may get slide into a debt trap."
Loan to repay a loan
Borrowing some money to repay another, you need to aim at reducing one's interest. Another reason for worrying about the sign is a way people can deal with the fixed obligation. "Among many fixed requirements, people usually don't let you be a defaulter on home loan and car loan and the EMI's or payments like rent and because of the social pressure. You may start using the credit card and try to tide over the credit card by paying just the minimum amount.
Not clearing credit card dues
By not paying the credit card dues in full amount with a huge red flag. Experiencing the practice of not paying the credit card bill in full is quite excessive. Almost around 25% of the client may never miss the credit card payment, which can roll over by paying the minimum amount due in the past year.
You forgot about utility bills. When not, it is not a warning sign. If you frequently miss pay utility bills, you may spend beyond your means, and it's the red flag. It indicates a lack of financial literacy-the the late payment will impact your credit score, which may keep you away from the low-cost funding option.
You may not get a loan or may plan to have dropped, many banks may reject your loan application, and it's a dangerous sign if it is done because of a low credit score, which may affect your future if you depend on the loan. You need to stand a dangerous chance of slipping into depression.
Borrowing based on future income
Many people decide to take a loan now and aiming to repay it after a fancy bonus this year; then you may get in trouble. People always tend to hope for the best, and it doesn't factor possible problems that can emerge in the future. So, borrowing based on the current salary is fine, but are not on the expected bonus, which is an increment in profits, etc.
Many times, people take personal or private loans willing to pay a heavy interest rate: Another debt trap which prevents people from coming out of the previous one.
Will Loans be good per my horoscope good debt?
Is there a difference between good debts and bad debts? Yes, there is a big difference. Loans don't need to be always wrong. Definition and implication of debt and loans keep changing for different persons and situations. Maybe some other factors which may have started because of the changed scenario.
1) Kids are always not helping in paying off the education loan.
Will Loans be good per my horoscope good debt?
Is there a difference between good debts and bad debts? Yes, there is a big difference. Loans don't need to be always wrong. Definition and implication of debt and loans keep changing for different persons and situations. Maybe some other factors which may have started because of the changed scenario.
1) Kids are always not helping in paying off the education loan.
2) Consolidated loans.
3) Financial obligations may be more than your capacity.
The specific reading which changes the game is:
1. Which types of loans are harmful?
2. Is it right for a loan against property?
3. Is it the right time to go for loan?
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Loan & Debts in the Horoscope - Analysis in Astrology
In the above narration, I have explained the basic factors of loans & debts leading to financial issues in a person's life. It was necessary for a person to then understand its astrological aspect. Now, I will enlighten you about how astrologically we can read all these traits and reasons for loans and debts issues from horoscope. What planets and houses in the horoscope can cause such problems?
Loan & Debts in the Horoscope - Analysis in Astrology
In the above narration, I have explained the basic factors of loans & debts leading to financial issues in a person's life. It was necessary for a person to then understand its astrological aspect. Now, I will enlighten you about how astrologically we can read all these traits and reasons for loans and debts issues from horoscope. What planets and houses in the horoscope can cause such problems?
Planets which result in debts and financial issues
In the case of debt, planet Mars is alone enough to put you in stress. Planet Rahu will make a more critical situation, and Saturn will make the job more miserable and frustrating. Which let you judge each planet responsible for debts and loans separately?
Role of Mars for debts in the horoscope
Planet Mars is the main culprit that you can say in these cases. Planet Mars indicates-bravery, passion, and confidence within you. If the planet is connected with dusthana houses, it gives you overconfidence, the ascendant loses the ability to differentiate between bravery and foolishness and, lastly, lose control over his/her own emotion and can become an emotional fool. Taking and giving loans as per astrology sometimes can take the wrong step immediately without thinking twice. Sometimes, in life they may see them into some odd situation which can atone for their wrong deed later. Planet Mars is the only planet which has shown loans and debts in the horoscope, and the negative sides of the native that can be responsible for that.
Role of Saturn for debts in the horoscope
Planet Saturn is a lord of misery, and frustrations. The planet is keeping a problem alive in one's life for a more extended period. If Saturn is connected with astrological reason for debt problems giving yoga or combination, so it can keep the ascendant in debt for a more extended period. This duration will bring frustration and misery as a result of this.
Relation of Rahu and debts in astrology
The planet is the most mysterious in the Astrology. It can create an illusion and attachment. Rahu also gives a positive result- it depends on the position, and association of Rahu in the horoscope. Rahu must be positioned in a negative aspect. A positive Rahu can never bring loans and debts in the horoscope. If a Negative Rahu is connected with planets responsible for debts/loans, which are giving combination in the birth chart, it can cause many problems that are related to loans and debt in the horoscope. Legal harassment from people associated with some illegal activities etc. In some other words, Rahu can make a situation more complicated. If the 8th House is involved, it can make somebody bankrupt.
Houses in the horoscope responsible for financial problems and debts
Loan and debts in the horoscope are giving House in the 6th House, but the 11th and the 12th House also play a significant role in the matter. This can work in this way—6th house represents debt, and 11th house is your earning capability, and the 12th house may deal with the expenditure. You can understand three houses which are interconnected with each other, which can put you in loan and debts in the horoscope.
Houses in the horoscope responsible for financial problems and debts
Loan and debts in the horoscope are giving House in the 6th House, but the 11th and the 12th House also play a significant role in the matter. This can work in this way—6th house represents debt, and 11th house is your earning capability, and the 12th house may deal with the expenditure. You can understand three houses which are interconnected with each other, which can put you in loan and debts in the horoscope.
Financial problems in horoscope
1. If planet Mars is in 6th house and is afflicted by Malefic Planet or Mars itself, then it can be an owner of any malefic house. It will put you in debt. The connection between Saturn and Rahu with this kind of yoga can make the situation miserable and complicated which is mentioned above.
2. If the first house lord who is in the 6th house and is afflicted by Mars is also associated with it so it can put you in loan and debts in the horoscope. It can aspect of 6th house lord and bring debt.
3. Afflicted Mars in the 6th house and the 8th house in association can make the native bankrupt.
4. Somehow the 11th house can be involved with yoga, so the income of ascendant and will be affected, and "repay" will be more difficult.
5. The 12th house in association can compel the ascendant to spend money extravagantly which can land him in trouble. These planets responsible for debt and loans can lead him to bankruptcy.
Astrological solutions for debts & financial problems
Once the reasons & particular planet or house is identified for causing financial issues and debts, astrology has sufficient methods to give solutions for the same.
1. The situation can be under control if strong Venus or Jupiter are related to the above yoga. In connection or aspect and conjunction can be counted only. If Jupiter and Rahu which both are the same Sign or Rashi so that Jupiter won't be able to give good result. A strong lord of lagan is also very promising in these types of cases.
Astrological solutions for debts & financial problems
Once the reasons & particular planet or house is identified for causing financial issues and debts, astrology has sufficient methods to give solutions for the same.
1. The situation can be under control if strong Venus or Jupiter are related to the above yoga. In connection or aspect and conjunction can be counted only. If Jupiter and Rahu which both are the same Sign or Rashi so that Jupiter won't be able to give good result. A strong lord of lagan is also very promising in these types of cases.
2. The ninth lord in the horoscope will be powerful; the ascendant will come out of these types of odd situations.
A substantial 11th house can save the ascendant by raising the income level.
Conclusion: In the modern age, people are crazy to get ahead of others. They want to prove themself a big man, a rich man among other people. Then they take a loan for their needs. This loan could be for a small amount or for a short time; it could be a more substantial amount than their income. This loan could be for business, property, vehicle, or any personal reason, and sometimes, the person gets stuck in debt in such a way that there is no way to get out. Native is not able to repay the loan.
Now, can anybody answer a few questions? What is the reason for debt? What mistakes do people make while taking a personal loan? Is getting a personal loan a good idea? On which day should we not lend money? What is the best day to apply for a loan?
No one can answer these questions except a perfect astrologer who knows to read your birth chart. But when native takes the loan, he/she generally makes a mistake by not consulting an astrologer. An excellent astrologer only can answer all these questions and can advise you. What is the best time to apply for a loan? How to get out of a debt trap? On which day should we not take a loan? What is the fastest way to get out of credits?
Now, before taking a loan and struggling for the whole life to come out of this problem, it's better to understand what your horoscope indicates for loans, debts and financial crisis.
The most powerful mantra for debt removal
People often borrow money for various reasons, but paying it back can be tough! They have to struggle with debt for a long time, sometimes their lifetime. Astrology offers solutions for such stressful situations. Chanting specific mantras mentioned in ancient texts can help clear debts. There are many mantras; an astrologer suggests one depending on your birth chart.
Simply put, a mantra is the most powerful if it is effective for you!
The most powerful mantra for debt removal
People often borrow money for various reasons, but paying it back can be tough! They have to struggle with debt for a long time, sometimes their lifetime. Astrology offers solutions for such stressful situations. Chanting specific mantras mentioned in ancient texts can help clear debts. There are many mantras; an astrologer suggests one depending on your birth chart.
Simply put, a mantra is the most powerful if it is effective for you!
All mantras produce special energy when chanted. The most powerful mantra for you is the one that brings positive results. Consulting an astrologer is essential. They can identify which planet is causing financial issues and provide appropriate solutions through its mantra chanting.
However, mantras don't work instantly. You need patience, devotion, and trust to see positive results. If you have a large debt burden, you may need to chant different mantras for specific periods or days to expedite becoming debt-free. Eventually, you'll notice positive changes, such as increased income, financial help or right guidance from others, or unexpected gains, which will help ease your debt burden.
Remedies to Improve Financial Status
Who doesn't want to have money? Everyone desires financial stability, and astrology can assist in achieving this goal. With the guidance of astrology, you can improve your financial status. Each of us has a unique birth chart with different planetary arrangements. The presence of "raj yoga" in the birth chart signifies wealth and success. Without it, acquiring wealth can be challenging. Sometimes, people try various methods, both ethical and unethical, to gain wealth, but without raj yoga in the birth chart, desired wealth may not be attained.
Remedies to Improve Financial Status
Who doesn't want to have money? Everyone desires financial stability, and astrology can assist in achieving this goal. With the guidance of astrology, you can improve your financial status. Each of us has a unique birth chart with different planetary arrangements. The presence of "raj yoga" in the birth chart signifies wealth and success. Without it, acquiring wealth can be challenging. Sometimes, people try various methods, both ethical and unethical, to gain wealth, but without raj yoga in the birth chart, desired wealth may not be attained.
If you seek remedies to improve your financial status, it's crucial to consult an astrologer. They can identify which planets are responsible for bringing wealth into your life. Mindlessly following remedies without proper consultation may lead to disappointment, and astrology may be blamed as ineffective. However, performing remedies specifically targeting the wealth-giving planets in your birth chart can indeed bring wealth. But it's essential first to identify these planets through a Kundli analysis. There are no one-size-fits-all remedies. For a remedy to be effective, it must be personalized. While there are many general remedies for financial gain, they may not work for everyone. Therefore, visiting an astrologer to find a tailored and effective remedy for financial gains is necessary.
Connect with me, you can take a short Online report on loans or take a full-fledged astrological consultation session with me, Improve Financial Status using Astrology, Which house is seen for money.
Monday is considered an auspicious day for taking or repaying loans as it is associated with Goddess Parvati and the Moon. Tuesday is favourable for paying off old debts, but it's advised to avoid taking new loans on this day. Friday, governed by the Planet Venus, is also a favourable day for borrowing or lending money.
The Nakshatras which are considered auspicious to take loans are:
Dhanishtha, Swati, Shatabhisha, Chitra, Punarvasu, Anuradha, Mrigashira, Ashwini, Pushya and Revati. According to Vedic astrology, obtaining a loan during these nakshatra increases the chances of timely repayment.
If you are troubled by any financial problem, then astrological solutions can help you a lot. There is no general solution to improve the economic situation that will bring everyone the same results. How can the solutions be the same when the problems are different? Every person requires a different remedy based on their horoscope.
For money crunch, common remedies include worshipping Lord Hanuman and Surya Dev. But knowing which remedy will work best for you is important – donating, chanting, worshipping or wearing a gemstone. Just following a general remedy will not give you the desired results. That is why it is important to visit an astrologer – they will tell you the exact reason behind your financial problems and suggest the right solution that will solve them. Remember, no results come in a day! You need to be patient and keep faith in remedial measures to solve your financial problems easily.
Lord Kubera, the Hindu god of wealth and prosperity, is often worshiped for loan repayment and financial stability. Additionally, Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, is also revered for success in financial matters, including the repayment of debts. However, a consultation with an astrologer is necessary to understand which planets in your birth chart bring wealth. Once you know these planets, worshipping the deities associated with them can bring you prosperity.
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