Mangal Dosha Effects and Remedies
The concept of "Manglik dosh" in Kundli is often a cause for concern, and people frequently hear phrases like "God forbid!" and "God bless you" when consulting astrologers. However, there are solutions to this problem. Our webpage provides authentic knowledge, years of experience, astrological insight, practical wisdom, original and effective approaches, and tried and tested tips to help alleviate these worries. By browsing a few pages, you can learn more about the planet Mars and gain a better understanding of how to overcome your concerns related to "Manglik dosh."
My new questions for you are as follows: What were your results? Have you used the Kuja dosha calculator to check your mangal dosh in your horoscope? If you haven't, it's an excellent decision to do so now. If you have, don't worry because there are methods in Vedic astorlogy to check cancellation of Mangal dosha. But very few astorlogers know how to check Mangal/Manglik dosha cancellation.
If the Manglik dosha calculator indicates a Manglik dosha based on your birth date; it's important to understand that there may not be a mangal dosha in your horoscope. Many Manglik calculators and astrologers need to fully comprehend the intricacies of the calculations used to check for Mangal dosha.
My new questions for you are as follows: What were your results? Have you used the Kuja dosha calculator to check your mangal dosh in your horoscope? If you haven't, it's an excellent decision to do so now. If you have, don't worry because there are methods in Vedic astorlogy to check cancellation of Mangal dosha. But very few astorlogers know how to check Mangal/Manglik dosha cancellation.
If the Manglik dosha calculator indicates a Manglik dosha based on your birth date; it's important to understand that there may not be a mangal dosha in your horoscope. Many Manglik calculators and astrologers need to fully comprehend the intricacies of the calculations used to check for Mangal dosha.
Additionally, even if a mangal dosha exists, it may not have any impact on your situation. The Manglik dosha calculator itself is only sometimes reliable and may not provide accurate results.
Manglik Dosha: astrological thought behind it
Mars is known for its intense and fiery energy that emanates from within. When this energy is directed toward the house of marriage, it can have a destructive effect, potentially ruining the auspiciousness of that house. In Hindu astrology, this negative influence of Mars on one's chart and personality is referred to as Mangal Dosha.
In analyzing one's horoscope for potential marriage-related issues, several houses are considered. If Mars is present in any of these houses, it could indicate the presence of Mangal Dosha.
Manglik Dosha: astrological thought behind it
Mars is known for its intense and fiery energy that emanates from within. When this energy is directed toward the house of marriage, it can have a destructive effect, potentially ruining the auspiciousness of that house. In Hindu astrology, this negative influence of Mars on one's chart and personality is referred to as Mangal Dosha.
In analyzing one's horoscope for potential marriage-related issues, several houses are considered. If Mars is present in any of these houses, it could indicate the presence of Mangal Dosha.
The effects of Mangal Dosha on one's married life are as follows:
- If Mars is in the first house, it may lead to physical violence between spouses, resulting in frequent fights and arguments.
- If Mars is in the second house, it could cause disturbances in family life, creating troubles and tensions within the household.
- Mars in the fourth house can disrupt domestic peace and harmony, causing instability and unrest.
- Mars in the seventh house could make the person irritable and prone to outbursts of anger and aggression.
- If Mars is in the eighth house, it may lead to laziness and inactivity in the individual, and their spouse's lifespan could be shortened.
- If Mars is in the twelfth house, it could lead to hostility, psychological issues, and inconsistent sexual desire.
However, his theory has flaws, as Mars is one of many planets that can cause trouble. Other planets can also influence Mars and mitigate the negative effects of Mangal Dosha to a significant extent.
She had a Kuja Dosha in the birth chart
I will dispel the myths surrounding the Manglik dosha by sharing the story of a girl with an explicit bhauma dosha in her horoscope. A couple and their daughter visited my office seeking horoscope matching for marriage. After shortlisting five proposals and carefully examining the horoscopes, they revealed that their daughter was a strong Manglik, and only Manglik matches were considered. Despite having other worthy matches, they rejected them due to their non-Manglik status. The couple had already taken remedial measures against the dosha, but their daughter's marriage prospects were still affected by Mars even though she had turned 28 years old. They even had to refuse a non-Manglik colleague with whom their daughter was in a relationship.
Upon examining the horoscopes, I discovered their fears were unfounded as Mars was stationed in the Libra sign and did not affect the husband's longevity.
She had a Kuja Dosha in the birth chart
I will dispel the myths surrounding the Manglik dosha by sharing the story of a girl with an explicit bhauma dosha in her horoscope. A couple and their daughter visited my office seeking horoscope matching for marriage. After shortlisting five proposals and carefully examining the horoscopes, they revealed that their daughter was a strong Manglik, and only Manglik matches were considered. Despite having other worthy matches, they rejected them due to their non-Manglik status. The couple had already taken remedial measures against the dosha, but their daughter's marriage prospects were still affected by Mars even though she had turned 28 years old. They even had to refuse a non-Manglik colleague with whom their daughter was in a relationship.
Upon examining the horoscopes, I discovered their fears were unfounded as Mars was stationed in the Libra sign and did not affect the husband's longevity.
Also, the Kuja dosha calculator showed all five boys to be Manglik, even though only two were Manglik. Finally, the colleague who was previously rejected turned out to be the right match for their daughter astrologically, despite being a non-Manglik. Their misconceptions about Manglik caused a delay in their daughter's marriage, created rifts, and played with her emotions. It took two lengthy sessions to convince them their daughter was worthy of marriage, especially to the man she loved. If it weren't for the interference of Sun and Mangal, this marriage could have occurred three years earlier. This example shows that having little knowledge can be more dangerous than ignorance.
Mangal/Manglik dosha cancellation
Certain planetary combinations can cancel the Kuja dosha effectively. Some of them are given here as
Certain planetary combinations can cancel out the Kuja dosha or the Mangal dosha. Some examples of these combinations are:
Mangal/Manglik dosha cancellation
Certain planetary combinations can cancel the Kuja dosha effectively. Some of them are given here as
Certain planetary combinations can cancel out the Kuja dosha or the Mangal dosha. Some examples of these combinations are:
Saturn in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house of the partner's chart cancels out the Mangal dosha.
If Mars is weak or in a benefic aspect, the Kuja dosha can be mitigated.
In a female's chart, if Jupiter is placed in Kendra or Trikon, it cancels out the Mangal dosha and ensures the birth of a son after marriage.
The Mangal dosha can also be canceled if Mars is positioned in its swakshetra, the 4th house.
The conjunction of Mars with Rahu/Moon and Venus in the 2nd house cancels the Kuja dosha.
If the number of inauspicious planets in the male's 1st, 4th, 7th, and 8th houses is more significant than that in the female's chart, the Mangal dosha is canceled.
The placement of Mars in the house of Mercury and Venus can also cancel the Mangal dosha.
Anshik Manglik is a term used to describe a person with a lesser degree of Mangal dosha, and they can marry both Manglik and non-Manglik individuals.
These astrological explanations can be used to cancel out the Mangal dosha. However, relying solely on the Kuja dosha calculator may lead to false impressions about the presence of Mangal in your chart. It's advisable to get a Mangal dosha report to gain a better understanding of your chart.
So hope you got sufficient clarity regarding Manglik Dosha. Now read how to select a life partner by birth details and avoid any possibility of married life issues.
You can take a manglik dosha report, or Latest astrology news: Dr. Vinay Bajrangi.
For specific guidance, you can take:
Generally, Manglik Dosha lasts up to the age of 28 years; if you are still having any doubt or speculation about the same, then you can consult an able astrologer to shun of any doubts.
It is not possible to remove a Mangal Dosha from a Kundli of a native, it can be cancelled or nullified by doing certain rituals and remedies.
There are some specific remedies, but before going for that, you must consult with an able astrologer to help you find the best remedy as per your birth chart.
This can happen. But for this, you should get your Horoscope/Kundali assessed according to Vedic astrology rules.
According to Vedic astrology, all things can go well by proper counseling before marriage.
It is not every time a certainty that your married life will be spoiled; you should take the advice from a Manglik Dosha expert to know about the same.
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