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Jupiter Transit in Cancer
Jupiter Transit in Cancer
18 October, 2025
04 December, 2025

Jupiter Transit in Cancer
18th October 2025 - 4th December 2025
Jupiter Transit in Cancer
Jupiter Transit in Cancer
2nd June 2026 - 30th October 2026
Jupiter Transit in Cancer
Jupiter Transit in Cancer
25th January 2027 - 26th June 2027
Jupiter Transit in Cancer
According to the historical Vedic Astrology, Cancer is the watery Zodiac Sign dominated by using the serene and tranquil Moon that looks to be a pleasant planet for Jupiter. During the transit of Jupiter over Cancer, Jupiter could be exalted. It has a steady and considerable effect on numerous ascendants, relying on their developments and nature. As in step with the enriched readings of Vedic Astrology Horoscope, the improving readings of Jupiter transit in Cancer Zodiac Signs this is popularly recognized as 'KARKA RASHI' seems to be immensely auspicious and pious for natives who're born in Aries Ascendant, additionally recognized as 'MESHA LAGNA,' Cancer ascendant, 'KARKA LAGNA,' Scorpio Ascendant 'VRISHCHIK LAGNA' and Pisces Ascendant 'MEENA LAGNA.' Gemini Ascendant that 'MITHUN LAGNA,' Leo Ascendant, 'SINGHA LAGNA,' Virgo Ascendant is 'KANYA LAGNA' and Libra Ascendant this is 'TULA LAGNA' could be benefitted with full-size new and extraordinary advantageous evolution in life. However, the Horoscope Readings for numerous different ascendants now no longer seem similarly supportive and useful, and maybe the problem of truth to Natal's disposition of their respective Horoscope.
Effect of Jupiter Transit in Cancer on Aries
For Arians, the transit will pass through their Natal birth chart's fourth house, popularly known as Lagna Kundali.
As per Vedic Astrology horoscope readings, it throws light on certain important factors such as a chance to acquire property, including ancestral land or any new property.
The chances are that natives will get an opportunity to invest in purchasing a new vehicle or house, which will prove out to be immensely lucky.
Natives trying to go to foreign countries for higher studies might get a golden opportunity during this period.
Jupiter's direct and consistent transit on the tenth house will escalate your professional perspective by guiding you towards positivity and enrichment.
Your professional life will get better, and even your income will also increase.
As Jupiter is the Lord of the ninth house, the exhalation of Jupiter's transit over the fourth house will generate optimistic results even for the native's parents, and soon there will be a huge celebration function in the family.
The excellent transit of exalted Jupiter into the Cancer Zodiac sign is excellent for your marriage and relationship.
Your relations, including intimacy, especially for any female and people who are seeking an opportunity to get married, this is a good chance.
The natives who are planning to go abroad for business or settlement will be blessed as well. A transfer is possible during this period.
Natives spend money on all the good and productive things and occasions such as getting married, visiting pilgrimage, or any other religious place, or attending any auspicious events.
The horoscope reading ensures that the natives will stay safe and secured from any accident or injury.
The Aries Ascendant, such as Mesha Lagna, passing through the Mahadasha of Jupiter, will positively impact.
Effect of Jupiter Transit in Cancer on Taurus
People who have Taurus as their Zodiac Sign will pass through the third house of the natal birth chart, Lagna Kundali, which is not too supportive and friendly for their Horoscope is significant for the third house.
The readings indicate that you will face specific problems with siblings, and your relationship will get affected, and take proper care of it.
Along with that, health issues, chances of accidents and diseases, will come your way, thus take care of yourself.
It would help if you took proper care of yourself and your parents.
You will notice monetary gains and financial stability.
Do invest in land, property, or houses in these good times.
People working in sectors like education, politics, social service, judiciary, and the law will profit.
With your persistent effort and hard work, you will travel to foreign places.
From a marital prospect, the transit of Jupiter is not so supportive. The date of marriage and its finalization will be delayed as there are consistent obstacles in your path, and you have to struggle through them.
If you plan on a love marriage, stay extremely careful in your approach and decide to dodge any emotional setbacks.
Make sure about everything you do decide to move forward in life.
Effect of Jupiter Transit in Cancer on Gemini
For Gemini Ascendant, Jupiter's transit will pass through the second house of their natal birth chart, also known as Lagna Kundali.
This will ensure supportive results that are related to family and relationships.
The readings of the Horoscope clearly states various celebrations and marriage.
People expecting good results, specifically when Jupiter transits to your natal chart's second house, will have severe planetary influences.
Your family will remain thrilled and prosperous such as marriage, progeny, or the birth of a child.
Horoscope reading of Jupiter transit shows betterment, especially on the financial front. Your status will also improve, and people working in education, politics, language, administration, literature, publishing, and advertisements will have an optimistic approach.
There will be frequent tension in the family, but you will resolve all of them with your understanding, knowledge, and experience. People who are associated with business, or have financial partners, stay too aware.
You will witness unwanted and unnecessary problems on various occasions.
Health care is necessary as one can go through specific health issues.
Try to make your parents happy and content.
Effect of Jupiter Transit in Cancer on Cancer
For people who have cancer as their zodiac sign, the transit Jupiter will pass over the first house of their natal birth chart, which is Lagna Kundali. This appears to have promising and supportive results of all the aspects.
The readings of your Horoscope indicate prestige, reputation, success, fame, and victory.
People who have various issues such as legal errors and disputes will soon come to a settlement.
You will soon get success and receive positive news, filling your life with happiness and prosperity.
Focus on resolving various conflicts and contradictions to establish a stronger relationship.
Horoscope readings say that family, marriage, and relationships will get better with the passing time.
Your date of marriage and date of finalization will get delayed.
You will be full of festivity, enjoyment, and all your pending work and projects will get completed on time.
People looking for a house, residence, relocation, or foreign travel will soon start their journey.
More income will clear out payments and dues.
You will visit a few religious places or on pilgrimage.
Natives working in the Army, Sports, Religion, Banking, Education, Medical, and Judiciary will see a joyous time.
This is a perfect time to move forward for people who wish to invest in new business ventures.
Effect of Jupiter Transit in Cancer on Leo
For Leo People, Jupiter will be passing through the twelfth house of their natal birth chart, also known as Lagna Kundali, which eventually brings out mixed results for their nativity.
This eventually denotes many promising results, such as a beautiful foreign journey or settlement in a foreign country.
Focus on pursuing religious and spiritual enrichment.
People seeking higher education or studying in any foreign university will get a chance during this period.
You are destined to go to different places or travel to various destinations that will physically exhaust you and definitely, take care of your health.
Your money will be spent on various expenses such as marriage, children, or higher education.
People who have been working in the share market, trading, or any risky work will face severe financial loss.
This is an excellent time for people who are expecting a promotion or a raise in salary.
Natives must invest in purchasing property or a commercial purpose; results will be highly productive.
Your life will be blessed with a child filling your life with happiness, joy, and prosperity.
Children will face specific issues that you must tackle carefully.
Natives working in various spheres such as hotel, insurance, management, fashion, interior decoration, education, transport, education, and construction or restaurant sectors will be efficiently profitable.
Effect of Jupiter Transit in Cancer on Virgo
Virgo natives, the transit of Jupiter will pass over the eleventh house of their natal birth chart is Lagna Kundali, which means you will receive immense support from relationships and family.
The readings indicate positive and excellent results for marriage and progeny.
For people looking out for partners or who want to get married, this is a great time.
You will gain profit and would also invest in property, renovating the house, and will receive great optimistic results in a short period.
The transit of Jupiter tends to create conflicts or disputes and chaos within your social circle, family, especially with elder siblings.
You will face specific financial, business-related problems and severe misunderstandings, so stay aware.
Apart from that, there are chances of conspiracy and evil intentions in various family, financial, and other matters that need to be tackled appropriately.
Your children and spouse will face several health-related problems, and you are required to take proper care of your kids.
Make sure you save money and resources for a comfortable future.
Effect of Jupiter Transit in Cancer on Libra
For Libra Ascendant, this transit of Jupiter will pass through the tenth house of their Natal Birth Chart, Lagna Kundali, which brings out mixed results for their nativity.
You will win all legal disputes over enemies. Chances are you will get indulged in different conflicts and contradictions, so be aware of your speech to establish strong personal, professional, and social knots.
This transit will let you stay supremely supportive and ensure greater independence in various professional activities, including investing in various business ideas and innovations.
Natives seeking job opportunities in various genres such as medicines, trade, transport, education, judiciary, sports, politics, counseling, and other sectors will respond positively.
Earning more will come along with ongoing and frequent financial problems. Natives seeking loans, debts, or any financial help to meet your professional requirements, you can proceed during this time.
Must save your resources and money to gain more profit.
As Horoscope states, your family will face specific challenges, specific problems associated with your parents and spouse.
Newly married natives must be careful and avoid being aggressive, over-dominating with your friends, family, and everyone.
Effect of Jupiter Transit in Cancer on Scorpio
For Scorpions, the transit of Jupiter will pass over the ninth house of their natal birth chart, which is known as Lagna Kundali, which is supportive and extremely beneficial and enriching every aspect of your life.
The readings show good fortune, good luck, and positive energy in your life.
The readings state that your professional, financial, and social life and status will get better.
During this period, natives will get a chance to take part in many social and family events.
Natives facing severe health issues, legal problems, and obstacles in their career, start expecting an end to all of these problems.
In your professional life, you will notice significant positive changes such as promotion, financial increment, and other results as well.
Apart from that, your relationship knots, terms with your friends, siblings, and even your status in society will improve significantly.
Readings also state that it is immensely encouraging for people who are involved in education and learning.
Natives will get a chance to experience foreign lands for either business or educational purposes. You will get into a reputed and prestigious institute.
Financial hardships will get resolved as your earnings will escalate, but focus on increasing your saving capability to plan for a comfortable future road.
Your relationship and family matters will ease-out, along with an addition to the family (progeny).
Natives in government service, religion, banking, finance, law, judiciary, medicine, trading, and various social sectors will see great success.
Effect of Jupiter Transit in Cancer on Sagittarius
For Sagittarians, the mighty Jupiter will pass through the eight houses of their natal birth chart, also known as Lagna Kundali.
To be specific, this will create some chaos and restrict the occurrence of positive results due to the exaltation in transit.
The Horoscope readings signify various tensions and chaos, including health issues, specifically on the occasion days.
There are chances of physical injuries and reoccurrence of old diseases.
Natives will face particular difficulties in keeping personal, professional, and social life intact.
Natives will pursue religion and spirituality during this transit.
Along with that, those studying or are still pursuing the spheres of education will see this transition to turn out extremely positive.
You are assured of getting positive results, especially in finance and wealth.
However, to earn more, you are expected to work extremely hard and always be pre-occupied with something or the other.
Natives thinking about getting married will face obstacles or delay to proceed with the finalization of the date.
If you do continue to work hard and strive for better, you will see successful results.
For natives who invest their time and effort in various zones such as social service, religion, mining, spirituality, agriculture, research, and entertainment, this transit is hugely beneficial for them. No matter what, you must work hard to achieve success in life.
Effect of Jupiter in Cancer on Capricorn
For Capricorn Ascendant People, Jupiter's transit will pass through the seventh house of their natal birth chart, which is known as Lagna Kundali.
However, keep in mind that Jupiter's transit change into the Cancer Zodiac is efficiently better than Gemini Zodiac, which falls in the sixth house of your Lagna Chart. Jupiter rules over the third and twelfth houses, which will bring some problematic results.
The horoscope readings indicate encouraging results, such as natives will get the opportunity to travel across the globe and witness the wonders of the world.
You will go on a foreign trip, witnessing the beauty of nature.
Natives who are seeking promotion or looking for the relocation of a job will get a positive outcome.
However, your finance shows volatile and weak results. You will face specific economic issues, so it is essential to save your resources and save money for the future.
Investing in any risky or speculative job and making instant decisions will cost you more.
Your readings state that you do will face going through specific problems associated with health and relationships.
Natives will experience emotional setbacks which will have a severe impact on your mind and soul.
One must stay aware before investing in any business or collaborating with business partners. Do take prior precautions in dealing with finance and budget.
During the transit, the spiritual and religious aspirations will have a positive impact.
Effect of Jupiter Transit in Cancer on Aquarius
For Aquarius people, the transit would pass through the natal birth chart's sixth house, which is known as Lagna Kundali. However, this will bring you mixed results for their nativity.
The Horoscope visibly indicates victory over enemies and outstanding achievements over legal disputes.
People who are seeking success and achievements will notice positive results.
This transit is immensely supportive and helpful in various financial matters as the natives will witness a rise in incomes or any similar positive development.
The readings also indicate that you might get in conflict or a severe argument, so make sure to avoid any severe and unwanted conflict with anyone as it will harm you.
The natives will sense vulnerability most of the time. Also, their lack of trust and dependability will escalate.
Your reputation will be affected, and so be cautious.
Apart from that, you will face severe health issues or physical injuries. There are chances of an accident as well, and so be well-aware and conscious.
To stay connected with your family and support your friends will turn out to be a massive task for the natives. There are chances of conflicts and misunderstanding, and so do not get involved in such matters.
Natives working in various highlighted sectors such as commerce, trading, medicine, insurance, finance, law, training, administration, and politics will see a cheery wave.
Effect of Jupiter Transit in Cancer on Pisces
For Pisces People, Jupiter would pass through the fifth house of the natal birth chart during this transit, which is popularly known as Lagna Kundali.
This will generate some potent and promising results, especially for their nativity. The Horoscope and readings suggest outstanding achievements in all the spheres such as education, profession, and various other financial matters.
Natives looking for a promotion, job change, foreign travel, higher education, or various research opportunities will have a great time during this phase.
Your hard work and efforts would be recognized and appreciated, and any pending matter related to personal and professional life will soon be resolved.
There are positive results for progeny as per readings, which will fill your house with happiness, joy, and love.
Natives who are currently investing their time in several other spheres such as education, finance, banking, administration, training, research, economics, language, science, or any other creative field will enjoy enormous advantages from this extremely fruitful transit of Jupiter in Cancer.
Natives involved in creative fields, including art, painting, singing, or dancing, will see a positive energy gush.
Better financial gains are on the way, along with an opportunity to clear other pending dues.
Your personal, professional, and social relationships will get better, and look out for more significant future results.
The natives will get to enjoy this phase and achieve something more significant and fulfilling.
Click on all transits of Jupiter to read about impact of Jupiter transits into other signs.
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