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Mercury Transit

Mercury Transit in Capricorn
13 Jan,2020
31 Jan,2020

The transit of Mercury into Capricorn plays a very significant role in the life of their natives. When the Mercury is in Capricorn, it makes the mind of the native think in a very well organized manner, and they also keep their focus on they want to achieve, and it is challenging to distract them from completing their tasks. The Capricorn natives during this transit will always be practical and focus on their business. Their way of communication will always be practical and logical. They will always have some relevance in their conversation, and thus, the transit of Mercury will have a very influential impact in the lives of Capricorns related to their business, career, education, love and marriage life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aries

The powerful Mercury that is the Lord of your third and sixth houses, during the transit, its position moves towards your tenth house. The tenth house of your Kundali implies your livelihood, karma and fame. With the impact of Mercury in your tenth house, during this time, you will do exceptionally well in your office or workplace, which would be all because of your hard work and intelligence. Your bosses and seniors will praise you, and even your colleagues would unexpectedly appreciate your work. People doing business have the best time to give a start to their new ideas, or they will get excessive chances to expand their business. You will have an excellent and happy relationship with your family. You will have a peaceful family life. You siblings will be there to support you in most of your things, which also be very beneficial for your work. Your communication skill will attract many people who might be useful. You need to avoid being overconfident. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Taurus

Mercury that is popularly known as the Lord of the second and the fifth houses of their zodiac sign Capricorn. During the transition, the planet moves towards the ninth house of their zodiac sign. The ninth house implies the house of wealth, fame and respect. Due to the effect of Mercury transition in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, you will notice an improvement in relation with your father. You will witness a significant gain in your financial condition and strong support from your family, especially your father. You will be able to establish a beautiful relation with your beloved and have a very happy marital life. Your communication with your partner will be flawless. You will always lookout for ways to stay together and spend a memorable time. You will gain excess fame in your social group and would be very profitable for you. There are some tips on your card, which would bring some benefit to improve your financial condition. Student natives will get a good result for their hard work in their higher studies. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Gemini

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the fourth house of your zodiac sign. During its transit into Capricorn, it is posited towards their eight houses. Due to the transit, it shows a rise in your physical challenges, and you must be careful about your health. On the other hand, the transit will help you in improving your financial condition. If you are facing any sort of financial issues, during this time, you will get rid of it. Natives connected with Dharma Karma and other religious things are going to get good results. People of this zodiac sign receiving Mantra Deeksha will witness great results. 

This transit is going to prove very beneficial for the Geminis, they will get excellent results working in the field of research, and their main focus will be in studying about spiritual activities in depth. You would get to notice a slight improvement in your communication skills. There are chances of gaining profits economically. However, you have to be careful about your speech since you may get aggressive or arrogant. You might face some difficulties at your workplace, though a little hard work and sincerity will work it out. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Cancer

Mercury is often referred to as the Lord of the third and twelfth houses for Cancerians. During the transition, the planet shifts towards the seventh house of your Kundali. The seventh house signifies a long-term partnership and a successful business. Natives during this transition will gain excess profit in terms of their work or business. There are more chances of profit from telecommunication resources. Natives doing business will be able to receive total success in expanding their business, especially through social media and marketing. In fact, natives working with multinational companies would also be able to get amusing results. In terms of the partnership, the transit would increase mutual understanding with your life partner. Avoid any outsider to interfere in your personal life or else that might raise an issue. Relation with your sibling will also improve, and you will get proper help and support from their side. You will find trustworthy friends, which would make you mentally strong, and you will able to make a decision and attain total success.

Effect of Mercury transit in Capricorn on Leo 

Mercury is the Lord of the eleventh and second houses of your zodiac sign Leo, while during the transit, it shifts to your sixth house which signifies legal activities, debated, and arguments. This transit into your house will give a good impact to you; there are chances that you may get success in any debate or court case during this period. You will notice a gradual increase in your expenses and your income might decrease, so you must take care of your expenses and try to have control of your expenses. You will surely get a good result, and your confidence might boost up. Don't get involved in any argument; it's better to stay away from any sort of distraction like that. This transit will prove to be very beneficial and favourable for the employees. You might be consuming more time in completing your tasks, and your mind would make a bit restless because of that, so don't worry and try to finish all your tasks without any fuss. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Virgo 

Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house and is the Lord of your Zodiac Sign as well. During the transit the planet shifts toward your fifth house which signifies love, education, intelligence, and children in your Kundali. This transit would have a significant impact on your zodiac sign. The transition of Planet Mercury into Capricorn will improve your intellectual thoughts. Student natives will attain great results in their field of academics. On the other hand, natives who are in love with their partner will get more time to know each other and get closer. They will build trust and increase their understanding with each other. Married couples would be very satisfied with their children and would engage with them to attain success in life. People involved in the business will get the chance to expand their business and get beneficial results, including traders and merchants. You will gain intelligence, and with the help of that, you will be able to make the right decisions. This transit will help you gain a special position as an influence on society. Working will notice an improvement in their relationship with their seniors.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Libra

Planet Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and during its transit in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, it is posited in your fourth house. Your fourth house signifies comfort and prosperity, which improves due to the transition of the planet of luck, Mercury. Your family knots will be strengthened, and you will have a great time. Your family knots might get stronger, and you would have a great time in future. This would help you to keep your mind at peace and focus over the working, which would help you get good results. You will get proper utilization of your intelligence and will praise and respect for your decisions. There are chances of getting benefits related to your property. If you do invest in properties, you will get the chance to gain more profit from it. Natives living in abroad might get a chance to come back home and meet their family. You will also receive gifts from your grandparents on your father's side, which would motivate you and make you happy. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Scorpio 

Mercury is the Lord of their eight and eleventh houses if the zodiac signs Scorpio, which during the transition period shifts toward the third house of your Kundali, which signifies communication. Planet Mercury is an important representation of communication. You will be able to fulfil all your ambitions. No one could snatch success from you, and thus this house will benefit a lot in terms of communication and speech. People working in the field of communication, it would be a piece of cake for them to attain success during this period. There are many chances of travelling and enjoying your life along with which you will gain experience too. There could be some arguments with your siblings, so make sure you take proper care for them. Your hard work will surely be the reason for your success. Scorpions in the field of marketing will get advantage of their hard work to get astonishing results. Transport business will also be flawless during the transition and will bring high profits. Employees must be good with every colleague of theirs so that when the time comes, they will help you. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Sagittarius

The powerful planet Mercury is the Lord of their seventh and tenth houses of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. During the transit, the planet moves towards their second house. The second house of the Sagittarius signifies the house of voice and eating habits; on the other hand, it is also known as the house of Dhan Bhava or the house of money. Due to the transit, your ability to speak will attract most of the people; your way of talking will be sweeter and attractive. Due to this change in your personality, you will be able to perform your task faster and will be able to improve your status financially. Natives must focus on hard work, and sincerity will prove to be very beneficial, and they will earn an enormous profit. During this period you will be satisfied with your food habits, though you need to take care of your way of eating and instead eat slowly and calmly. The natives will get numerous chances to earn great profits in terms of money during this period of time. Your conditions regarding your health may get worse though if you take proper care and don't hurry in doing anything will keep you safe. Relation in terms related to your family will be good, and you will have a happy family. You might get an opportunity to spend some quality time with your family and make some memorable moments too. Due to this, you will have a respective and good image in front of your family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Capricorn 

The strongest Planet Mercury affecting its transition over Capricorn will be very favourable for your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the Lord of the sixth house and the ninth house of their zodiac sign Capricorn which signifies their house of fortune. Though the planet will be moving to your first house during the transit, incurring some essential effects and would be very beneficial for the natives. The transit of Mercury would lead to a Raj Yoga kind of situation, where luck would be totally in your favour during this duration of time. You will be successful in attaining fame in terms of finance, social and professional fields. However, if your project or work is stuck somewhere, you will be able to continue it again. Make sure you don't get distracted in any argument, and there are chances your work might get stuck due to this. Your married life would be smooth, and a trip with your spouse could be your next plan. Take proper care of your health as your opponents will leave no chance to dominate you at any cost. Though you will get full support from your father, still you need to stay away from any disputes related to a court or legal issue.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aquarius 

Saturn's friendly Planet Mercury is the Lord of your eight and fifth house of the Zodiac sign Aquarius, and during the Mercury transit in Capricorn, the powerful planet moves towards their twelfth house which represents loss and expenditure. You really need to be careful with your expenses; during this period you may incur an increase in your expenses which weaken you financially. On the other hand, student natives will get the favour of this transit; most of them might also get a chance to go abroad for their studies, which would satisfy their mental health. During this time you should avoid travelling, or else it can be very costly and a waste of time. Your love life may be in a problem, your partner may shift to another city, and the long-distance relationship might cause too much energy and money. You also have to take proper precautions for your health, which might detonate in this duration; you may incur skin and nerve-related problems. Maintain distance from your opponents as they would try to create problems in your work and keep focused in your own work. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Pisces

The Lord for the fourth and seventh house of Pisces is Mercury which is a very powerful planet. While its transition the planet moves towards the eleventh house which signifies the house of profits and benefits. The transit will favour your life in terms of income. You might get an increase in your income, and this is the best time to fulfil all your desire and comfort you wished for. If your family is deciding to sell some kind of property, this is the best time. You will be able to notice an excessive gain in your business, and this is also the best time to expand your business. Your marital life with your spouse will also be lucky as well as beneficial for you. You will get to know more about each other, and in no time you will get closer to your partner. Natives planning for a startup or a new business will get success in it, and with the blessing of Mercury, they will flourish day and night. Due to all this, your image in society will increase, even your social circle will increase, connecting to social media will be very advantageous for you and this duration will provide you fame by your social activities. You will get the chance to hang out with your friends and have a peaceful time.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Aquarius
31 Jan,2020
06 Apr,2020

The strong planet Mercury represents commendable communication, healthy business, trustworthy partnership, education etc. Amidst all this, Mercury increases your ability to memorize and enhances your accounting, marketing and analytic skills. On the other hand, Aquarius strengthens your hope and wishes to fulfill your desires to channelize with large organization and masses, etc. The transition of Mercury in Aquarius is very beneficial and supportive for natives working in various fields like teachers of science, planners and creator of the map would also get the benefit and support due to the transit. And even the mathematical models for weather and other forecasting departments, advisors of finance and other, etc. would also be effectively advantageous too. There are chances where the people may get mislead by a piece of wrong information that something serious is going to happen when the motion of Mercury reverses. Only in case of the birth chart, the reverse effect of Mercury might create some confusion or powerlessness or else if the Mercury is well placed, then there is no need to worry. 

Effects of Mercury Transit on Aries 

Mercury which appears to be the powerful Lord of their third and sixth houses, specifically for the natives of Aries, goes through an evolution. During the transit into Aquarius, the planet will continuously move and would acquire a position in the eleventh house, which appears to be the house of profits, where the house fulfils your achievement, along with benefits and help the natives to accomplish all the ambitions of life. The transit of Mercury in Aquarius will enrich your abilities and natives can also notice a dynamic increase in their proficiency. 

Your hard work and mental effort during this transit will result in huge success to get an increase in your salary and will be extremely favorable for your financial condition. There will be a gradual change in the personality of Arians, where they will notice a significant boost in their confidence and would be able to express their feeling to the loved ones. And your partner would take an interest in you and shower you with love. Natives should make sure about some things, especially for students who are engaged in the field of education. You will get the undue advantage of learning new things, though you may need to increase your effort at the time if Mercury is regressive. Yours have to take proper precaution for your financial condition which may be weakened, though it may only last for a short period.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Taurus 

Mercury is the strongest planet; it is also known as the dearest friend of the Lord of your sign Venus. It makes its transit while moving through the tenth house if your sign and shows an extreme significance for your Karma and business. People having the sign Taurus, where the former is the Lord of their second and fifty houses, resulting in the transit of Mercury in Aquarius will indicate success and improvement in your professional status. 

This transit would be very impactful in your professional life where you will be able to discover hue best abilities based on your knowledge and trust. Get the best utilization of your education, which would help you to complete your task pleasantly. You will accomplish a good image in front of your bosses. Natives having a business will get the chance to enlarge their trade. And you will get to chance to be close with your family and share some of the best emotional moments.

During the Mercury regression, the natives might have to be serious with their professional lives. You may lose interest and make mistakes which would lead you to lose your jobs. Don't worry because everything will be normal after 10th March and you will notice an improvement, and just after an interval of time you would again be the expert in your work again. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Gemini

Mercury shows a strong effect on Gemini as it is the Lord of the Zodiac sign Gemini. However, it is also the Lord of your fourth house, and during its transit, in Aquarius, it moves to your ninth house which is known as the house of fortune, the results will be seemingly favourable for you. During the transit of Mercury on Gemini, the natives will get great benefit in matters related to property, and fate will be in favour of the Gemini natives. You will get complete success in changing your homes and will notice a rise in your fame and respect in society. You will also get emotionally close to your father, and your father will be very supportive and helpful in gaining profits. 

However, you have to take proper precautions during February and mid-March, which may prove to be very difficult for you. Don't worry and you just have to increase your hard work and not get irritated by the same tasks. During the Mercury retrograde, you have to be careful at the time of travelling. Apart from that, you will have enormous success in fields like travelling or writing. The lady luck will be in your favour. You will get a gradual plus significant increase in your income, and there are chances of a great trip which would make you mentally strong. You might make new friends who will prove to be completely supportive.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Cancer

For Cancer natives, Mercury stays the Lord of their third and twelfth house, and during its transit into Aquarius, the planet moves towards their eight houses which might show some ups and downs in life. Though, amidst the NavaGraha, Mercury is the only planet which shows the positive impact in life during its transit in their eight houses. During this time you may prepare yourself to do some hard work, though the result you will be receiving would be very small. This you may have to bear some unwanted expenses, and some unacceptable trips are also on your card. There are some chances where your siblings might also face some issues. You can meet your In-laws, and their suggestions and support will surely help you out to resolve your issue. You must take care of your health or else you have to bear some unwanted expenses regarding your health. Arians advised keeping an eye on your activities, apart from that your problems will solve after this duration ends and you will gain some profits which would help you get back your financial status. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Leo

Mercury which is eventually the Lord of the second and eleventh houses, where both the houses implies wealth, and so Mercury plays an important role in the natives of Leo. When the Mercury transits into the Aquarius, the planet stays in their seventh house, and the seventh house is the house of long term partnerships and business. This transit period will prove to be very beneficial for you, and you might get the chance to get emotionally and mentally closer with your spouse, which would improve your marriage life. 

You both will find a way to fight the distractions and get to connect with each other once again. Spending on your life partner would be very pleasing for both of you. Even this transit will enhance your business skills, and you would earn a huge profit, and new ideas will help you enlarge your enterprises. You can get mentally disturbed because of some increase in your expenses; however, your problems will come to an end after 10th March. You will be back in your normal life again.

Effects of Mercury Transit on Virgo 

Mercury being the Lord of the sign Virgo, it is also the Lord of their tenth house. So, Lord Buddha influences both your body and Karma, which means that the transit of Mercury into Virgo plays a very important role in your life. However, the Mercury transit in Aquarius will cause the planet to set forth in your sixth house, which signifies your enemies, disease and debts.

You have to be very careful regarding your health. The transit will have a bad impact on your health, and there might also be an increase in your health. Any type of ignorance can put you in danger. On the other hand, your professional life would be very successful. Your hard work will give you the chance to create a good image. However, your opponents may be stronger than you and would try to destroy your image. You will get a chance to be free from debts.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Libra 

Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and there is a friendly relation between Mercury and Venus which is the Lord of the sign Libra. Along with that, the Lord of Fortune or Bhagyesh is the Lord of your ninth house, which would move towards your fifth house during this transit. 

When the Mercury transit into Aquarius, which will put a positive impact on your education and the people having the sign Libra will get outstanding results related to their higher studies. And even people in different fields like journalism, acting, writing, etc. or finance or commercial students would witness amazing results due to this transit. Due to transit if Mercury into Aquarius would bring an increase in your income and people doing jobs may get some information about their transfer. The natives will not get confused in making the divisions of their lives. Along with that, married couples might also welcome a baby in their lives. 

Luck will be in favour of the Librans they will spend the best moments of their lives with their beloved ones. Your relationship will get straighten and travelling long distance will be very advantageous for you. The Libra natives will receive great results during the Mercury regression. On the other hand, the students will do excellent in their higher studies and can get an opportunity to go abroad for their further education. After the end of Mercury retrograde, you will have a settled job and people thinking of changing job would be successful at this time.

Effect of Mercury transit on Scorpio

Mercury is the Lord of the eighth and the eleventh houses of the zodiac sign Scorpio, and when it transits into Aquarius, the Mercury stays in the fourth house, which implies overall happiness. During this transit, you will enjoy enormous comfort and money-oriented facilities, and also in this duration, you will get to utilize your resources. Apart from that, you will be very successful in your workplace. You will gain a good image in your social life, and the natives might also notice a positive change in their family. Though you may be strong in terms of wealth, you may not be as much strength in terms of you and your families, especially your mother's health. You may incur a chest pain or stiffness in your body. Though after the end of the Mercury retrograde, you will find yourself in a comfortable zone and be healthy again. People doing a job may get an increment in their salary. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Sagittarius 

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the seventh house for natives with the zodiac sign Sagittarius, and also is the Lord of the tenth house of Karma. During the transit, it moves towards the third house of the native which, according to the Kalpurush Kundali belongs to the Gemini. So, there will be the presence of Lord Buddha which would bring outstanding outcomes for Sagittarians. 

You will be getting the benefit of travelling to many places, which not only give you pleasure but also would be profitable for your financial condition. Your terms with your younger siblings will get better. Your friends will help you out in need. You will improve your communication skill and may also get the house of your ambition. You will perform better all together, and you will gain fame in social media. However, you might make sure you don't make a mistake in communicating with someone. Take proper precautions or else some misunderstanding may lead to some obstacles in your work. You might get stuck in an argument or debate.

Effect of Mercury transit on Capricorn

Mercury is the Lord of the Sixth house for your native and is the house of fortune. During the transit, it will move towards your second house, which signifies wealth. The transit of Mercury into Aquarius will be quite significant for Capricorn. 

This duration will be very beneficial for you, as you will gain many profits economically and your financial status will improve. As you fortune will be in your favour and all your incomplete tasks will be getting accomplished in no time. You will get to attend many trips which would bring you a huge profit. Legal disputes may be decided in your favour. This period will strengthen your financial condition. Students are also going to get excellent results and the ones going for a competitive exam, the results would be good for them, and the change of scoring good marks is very big. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Aquarius 

Mercury is basically the Lord of your fifth and eighth houses and while during the transit period, it shifts to your first or ascendant house, forming a Raj Yoga kind of situation as the mercury transit is crucial for you because it is taking place in your own sign. 

Because the Lord of your eight houses is posited in your ascendant house, your mind might get attracted more towards spiritual subjects. You will notice very specific changes in your mind, and you will get excellent result in research work, and you will get into the depth to your thoughts. With the increase of your thinking capability, you will be able to give opinion related to any topic after you have learned about the situation properly.

 You will witness the fast development of your mind and your presence if the mind will also strengthen. You will be making your decisions on the basis of your future. Though you have to take proper care of your health or due to giving too much pressure in your mind, you might get mental stress. However, you will make the correct decisions for your future, and you will get significant help from children. And people in a relationship will get a great response from their beloved ones, and they will be standing by your side. 

Effect of Mercury Transit on Pisces 

The Lord of the fourth house for Pisces is Mercury which signifies happiness and the seventh house, which states the sign of partnership. And during the transit period, it gets posited in your twelfth house which signifies losses and expenditure. Therefore, the natives will suffer from an increase in their budget, and there will be a downfall in their economic status. Some member of your family might get successful in shifting or travelling abroad, and this is also very good for making a new property. 

On the other hand, this time is very beneficial related to foreign trade and might also get an enormous profit in import-export. Your relationship with your married ones or loved ones might be stressful, but can be sorted out if you pay attention to them. You need to work extremely hard during the time of Mercury retrograde and put all your effort in completing the tasks. This period of time will be very crucial and challenging for the natives. Increasing expenses may affect your budget, and your health will also disturb you. Make sure you take proper healthcare.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisions, marriage problems, business success, financial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Pisces
07 Apr,2020
24 Apr,2020

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and shares a friendly relation with Venus. The impact of Mercury transition is over different fields which include communication, business, partnership, preaching, and it also has effects on one's ability to memorize. Apart from that, accounting, marketing and analytic skills are mostly affected. The zodiac sign Pisces signifies Moksha or peace, the chance of going abroad, your health, physical fitness, focused mind, etc. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aries 

The Planet Mercury rules over the third and sixth house of your zodiac sign Aries. During the transitory period, the planet shifts its position and moves towards the twelfth house of the Aries natives. The twelfth house represents the house of expenditure. Also, this transition will bring a negative impact on your zodiac sign; the natives have to face several ups and downs during this duration. The natives will have to take proper care of their health because due to the influence of the planetary movement, one might notice a decline in their health or suffer from some serious disease like insomnia or skin related disease. So it is recommended to have a proper checkup and have a healthy diet. You will remain disappointed at this duration because of your hard work will not give any results. Stay alert from your opponents and rivals; they will always plan something out to in order to create obstacles in your work. The student natives will get the favour of this transit, and they will be able to go through the competitive exams and get good results, student natives might also get the chance to study abroad. Though to acquire success, they need to work really hard and focus mainly on their studies and exams. You will also gain leads in some legal matters and attain success. You need to take proper control of your expenses, or else your total expenditure might get overbudget. Your sibling will get the chance to go for a tour to foreign countries, and you may get a chance to get hired from a foreign or multinational company. Natives who are studying law will get favourable results, and they will keep this balanced throughout the course during this period. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Taurus 

Venus is the powerful Lord of your zodiac sign Taurus and has a friendly relation with Mercury. The Planet Mercury has its ruling power over your second and fifth house. During the transition, both the planets will be posited in your eleventh house. The eleventh house of your zodiac sign is also represented as the house of profits. People in the field of business will get the favour of this transit. You will get excessive chances to expand your business and earn profits through it, and this period is the best time to release your money to buy some good investment for the advancement of your business. You can also involve your family member to help you out with your business. And luckily, your flow of income will tend to sort out all income related issues, and you will be able to repay all the debts, and your business will be totally settled. Thus the transit of Mercury over your sign would be very favourable for you, even in terms of your love life. All the fights and distance between you and your partner will end up. You will get enough time to spend with your lover and let them know about your true feelings. You will get total support, and your relationship will get its charm back. Student natives will tend to have more interest in their studies. With hard work and full dedication, you will be able to peruse in a better college or even get a chance to travel abroad for your higher studies. Along with that, your family will be really supportive of your decisions and ambitions during this transit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Gemini 

The powerful planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your flourishing house, including your fourth house. Due to this transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of Mercury will reflect on your career, relation, business, etc. This transitory movement of the planet will help you out in the field of business you will be able to take the right decision, which would be very favourable for your future. Though make sure you don't get overconfident, which will bring distraction in your work. Apart from that, you will spend a memorable time with your family; your family member will understand your good intentions and support your decisions. You will be able to express your feeling more conveniently, and you will notice a change in. And in such you will get an enthusiastic environment which would prevail your households. If you have any issues related to your property or any case in court, the decision would be in your favour, along with that any documentation issues will be resolved. Don't get involved with your office colleagues; they would create distractions in your work. And even don't share any personal information with them. During this duration, you may feel low and unhealthy. So, do regular excessive and keep yourself fit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Cancer 

The Planet Mercury rules over your twelfth and third houses, and due to the transit the planet changes its position and is posited in your ninth house, which represents health relationship and travel. Due to this transit, you will get the opportunity to travel abroad. Student natives trying to get into foreign countries for higher education will be successful at this duration. You will also considerably notice an increase in your social circle; people will tend to get influenced by you. You can give a new direction to your life will great efforts. Some natives will also tend to gain interest in the writing profession. And it is possible that you will go into the direction of media or journalism. You will witness a gradual increase in your communication skills, people around you will understand your ideas, you will also acquire an interest in performing social functions and events. Your siblings will support you in every field, especially in the field of finance. You will take great interest in different hobbies like gardening, writing or acting, and there are chances you will go further in this field. You will surely take stand against the evils of the society at this duration. However, stay alert and keep your vocal talent in control or else being too much outspoken can put you in danger. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Leo 

Mercury is a dualistic planet will be posited into the eight houses of the Leo people during the transition period. The presence of the Planet Mercury weakens the Leo sign natives, and the duration of this transit will not be favourable for you. On the other hand, the Planet moon being the Lord of your second and eleventh house will bring a drastic fall in your income. If you are working in the field of business, you might incur huge losses, which might increase your expenditure. Though, you don't have to stop expecting after the small period your financial condition will get a good position. At this drastic time, meeting your in-laws would bring great help, their mature and handful of advice will surely help you out to get through this situation and improve your economic condition. Natives working as am an employee, or having a job have to face many ups and downs, your opponents will wait for a chance to destroy your career, stay alert from them. You may also lose your job, so better keep cautioned and stay away from your opponents and don't share any information with them. You will surely enjoy and feel peaceful in organizing and doing poojas, chanting and learning new rosaries will be satisfying too during this duration. The natives will gain interest in studying spiritual subjects and will gain an interest in such activities. This will refine your ideas and balance your mind in taking decisions for the future.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Virgo 

The dualistic and strongest Planet Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house, while the transit the planet will be posited in your seventh house. This transition will have a favourable impact on the Virgo natives. You will notice an improvement at your workplace, and the impact of the transition will give you favourable results. The natives have the chances of getting promoted. And even, you will also get a salary hike which would ease your expenses. And certainly, the business natives will get the opportunity to gain excess profits and clear out all their debts. Apart from that, there will a negative impact on the people in terms of your health. It is recommended to take proper health care and do regular exercise, which would keep you fit and fine. You will be able to have a stronger relationship with your life partner, and their advice will be very beneficial for you, though you have to face disappointment at times. However, this will not bother your relation with your partner; instead, your relation will get sweeter and stronger with your spouse. Your relationship with your father would soon get better. You will use your humour in the right way, and this will be very beneficial for your business activities. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Libra 

The Planet Mercury is the Lord of your ninth and twelfth houses, and during the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your sixth house. Due to the transit in your sixth house, you will have to work harder to attain success. Though working hard will give very little success, and due to this, you will remain worried throughout the time period. Your income might also deteriorate. You are expected to pay more attention to your diet, and avoiding fast food is best for now. You must try not to get involved in any sort of arguments or debates; this might lead to a quarrel. Your father will receive certain positive results, and he will surely attain an enormous amount of success. Suppose you wish to share any kind of personal details it would give your opponents the opportunity to take unnecessary advantage and put your life at risk. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Scorpio 

The dualistic planet Mercurys is the Lord of your eight and eleventh houses. And during the transition period, the planet tends to change its position towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign Pisces. And the result of this transit will be the quite favourable and adverse situation with regards to your love life. Though your partner will talk to you in a sweeter way, still you will find it difficult to understand them. This will create some misunderstandings between you both, and certainly fights and debates will become a part of your relationship. And you should choose your words carefully in front of your partner. If you are married, these quarrels will not affect your children; they will tend to focus on their studies and do well in life. However, keep your eyes on them and see if they don't get distracted from their studies. The natives will also find themselves lucky in putting their money in lotteries, share market or other investment. You will get to earn from several sources which would improve your financial condition. The planetary movement is very favourable for you or academic life too, hard work and dedication will take you towards success.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Sagittarius

The Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and is also the ruling Lord of the seventh and tenth house of your zodiac sign. During its transition, the planet moves towards the fourth house of the Sagittarius natives. The impact of this transit will create a network between your personal and professional life, so your personal life could be clearly seen influencing your professional one. Thus it's advised to maintain a balance. Your family members will maintain peace and harmony, and they will try to understand and nurture each other. However, some clashes are possible, and you are recommended to stay away from any debates or arguments. During this transition, you will solve some problems of your life partner and put them out from stress. Your work life will prosper due to your hard work, wisdom, dedication and honesty. You will able to get some amazing ideas and complete your tasks with ease. You will also notice an improvement in your business field, and even your perspective about business ideas will be cleared. During this duration, your mother might take some serious decisions regarding the family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Capricorn

According to your Kundli, the Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your sixth and ninth houses. Your zodiac sign gets influenced by the planet and has a positive effect over your luck. During the time of transition, the planet is posited in your third house. And because the transit is taking place in your third house, you need to take proper precautions for your speeches. The chances are that any of your close friends or family might get hurt with your words. Your opponents will be very dangerous for you right now, and they will try to ruin your image in the society. If you are trying for a loan to get approved, this time will surely give you positive results. Your dedication and hard work will surely take you one step closer to success. Natives working with your honest attitude will attract the coworkers and will take you to the peak of success. They will stay by your side and help you out with every problem in your way. Capricorn natives are working in the field of law, and as advocates will get tremendous value and achieve success. Apart from that, try not to express your views and thoughts on any social media platform, because people against society may try to create a problem in your personal life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aquarius 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your fifth and eight houses. For people who have the zodiac sign, Aquarius is highly influenced by the transition of Mercury. During the transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Aquarius, and due to this transition, you will notice a mysterious tone in your speech. People listening to your words may find it very difficult to understand, which might give birth to confusion and clashes, and you will remain in a state of confusion. You should have a proper diet and do regular exercise in order to avoid any kind of disease or discomfort. You will earn more than your expectations and will be able to easily repay all your debts. Natives who are a student will be able to get good marks in their higher studies, and their dedication and hard work will surely take them to the path of success. And this will give them confidence. Married couples will hear some good news from their children. Your lover may introduce you to their family. Your life partner may suffer from a skin disease, so take proper precaution for him/her. Make sure you don't take it lightly. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Pisces 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet. The transition of the planet Mercury will take a position in Pisces itself. Mercury is the Lord of your fourth and seventh house, respectively. The influence of the planet Mercury will be very impactful on your house. During the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your ascendant house. The natives are advised to keep their eyes and ears open and always have focused on their presence of mind. You have to take your decisions carefully, or else it might create problems in future. This transit will especially help you in improving your business conditions. However, it would be great to take decisions by asking your elder or experienced person. Your achievement and change in your behaviour will create jealousy among your friends. Matters related to property will be in your favour during this transition period. Your mother will support you in every task, which would be really helpful. You may have some issues in your love life, so don't hate and solve every problem with patience and sweetly. Some of the natives will gain interest in learning new subjects.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Aries
25 Apr,2020
08 May,2020

Mercury plays a critical role during the transition period. According to the Vedic astrology, it influences your inner voice and thoughts and ideas. It represents one's communication and wisdom. You would soon notice a boost in confidence, humor, talent, family, finance and others. Natives who have strong influence of Mercury have intellect and presence of mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aries 

Mercury is the ruling lord of your third and sixth houses of Aries, and as the transition is taking place in the own house, the position of Mercury will shift in the first house also known as your ascendant house. With this transition, your confidence will increase, and you will feel more strengthened. With boosted confidence, you will be able to take serious decisions which will prove to be impactful in future. Your overconfidence will be a reason for arguments and clashes, and you may also hurt someone's sentiments, so control your speech and think before speaking. Your siblings will support you during this time. They will try to do everything to help you out. Your love and affection towards your loved ones will increase; you will trust your family and partner. Mercury being the lord of your sixth house will negatively affect your health, you can have a skin disease, so you are advised to go for a checkup and take proper health care. You should also maintain a proper diet. 

Your relation with your partner will be fabulous; this transit will give you chances to improve your marital life. You would also get quality time with your spouse, and during that time, you will establish your bonds and come closer to each other. You will create a sense of mutual understanding which will decrease clashes and arguments. Your partner will trust you more. Businessmen are advised to take precautions before investing, or else they can suffer a huge loss. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Taurus

Mercury is the ruling lord of the second and fifth houses of your zodiac and thereby, during the transitory period, it will change its direction and will be posited in your twelfth house. During this transit, the Taurus natives will face both positive and negative impacts. The impact of the Mercury transit in Aries will bring an increase in your expenditure; you may spend most of your wealth on particular tasks. Students who are willing to shift abroad for higher studies will get a chance, though they have to work really hard. If your children are trying that, they will succeed in getting admission in a foreign university. Still, the only way to get admission is by working hard. Taurus natives will accomplish good results through their intellect and wisdom, which will help them earn a good position and respect in society. If you work hard in business, you will deal in some profitable investments which will prove to be helpful in the long run.

Those in a relationship will have to face some challenges, and you will stay away from your partner due to some trip. Though having good communication and patience will help you maintain your terms with your partner. Pay attention to your partner, and make them feel important. Giving a little more love and effort will keep the relationship alive. You should keep an eye over your expenses, or it will have a negative effect on your financial status. Some unnecessary disputes will be the reason for your stress. Your health will weaken during this time period, so try to have a good diet and stay away from fast food. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Gemini

The impact of Mercury transit will bring favorable results for the Gemini. As during the transition period of Mercury in Aries, the planet will be positioned in the eleventh house for Gemini. Mercury is the lord of your sign, which will affect your house of income and profits. Your speaking will gain fluency, and with the help of your intellect and wisdom, you will earn enormous wealth. One's working in an office will get favors from their seniors and your communication skills will improve, due to which you will gain momentum at your workplace.

The Gemini people will enjoy the benefits in terms of a relationship. You might get sufficient quality time with your partner, and develop a sense of understanding. Your support will help to prosper your spouse's life. This love and affection will give you the energy to attain success in life. This transition will also help you financially, which would help you in clearing any debt or pending task.

With everything going well, you would be confident, and you will expand your social circle. With the expansion in your social circle, you will attend several weddings and parties. Making new friends will give you a special position in society. Businessmen will make profits through different sources, which will improve your financial conditions.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Cancer

The twelfth and third house of the Cancer natives is ruled by Mercury. During the transitory period, it is posited in your tenth house. Your tenth house is also the house of Karma, which basically signifies career. So, this period will bring certain ups and downs in the lives of the Cancer natives. You have to face certain challenges in professional life. However, your efforts will give you the chance to attain success. Your relations with your colleagues will strengthen; they will be support you. The natives will enjoy their work and will be satisfied. Some of you can be transferred. Apart from everything, you must focus on your task and complete them with honesty and dedication. Any mistake can ruin your image, so recheck everything before submitting. However, you will have to take an extreme workload. In such a situation, do your tasks carefully and calmly. You might feel de-motivated. Do not lose hope; instead complete each and every task with full dedication. You will have a marvelous time with your family, and this time will bring peace and harmony in your family life. Your parents will be proud of you. Your family, and even your siblings and others will help you out in certain tough situations. Your parents will have a health condition. Your relations with your father will gradually improve with time. Your partner's love for you will increase, and they will respect you for being a responsible person. Cancerians involved in the business will earn good profits through certain investments in properties and assets. This will strengthen their financial status.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Leo

The ninth house of the Leo natives signifies the house of fortune and long-distance journeys. During the transitory period, your ninth house will host the position of Mercury. The people will get a positive impact during this transition period. As Mercury is the lord of your second and eleventh houses, thus positively affecting your financial condition. People will notice economic strength, and you will flourish. You will get to complete your pending tasks and succeed in different fields. Your works giving you stress will finally get done. Your efforts will not go waste, and you will execute your task. Leo natives will get a chance to expand their family business and earn profits. 

Working professionals will also get success. You will have a blissful time with your loved ones, and even your siblings will enjoy your company. They will even come out to support you in need. You will make some serious decisions which will be beneficial in the long run. Your communication skills will prosper and people will tend to like you even more. You will create new connections with some of the delegated members of society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Virgo 

Mercury is the lord of your sign, and this transitory period will prove to be essential for the Virgo natives. Mercury is the lord of your tenth house, also known as the house of Karma. During the time of transition, it will enter your eighth house; generally, this house doesn't hold a promising position though there are several benefits. Working people will have to face certain challenges at work. You will be stressed because your efforts won't give you good results. Don't lose hope and wait for your turn to prove yourself. After some time you will notice some improvement, some of you might also get an increment. Your health might create some serious problems for you; not taking precaution would lead to financial loss and an increase in your expenses. 

The natives can earn profits through some secret sources; they will get to utilize their wisdom and intellect during this period. Natives having Mercury placed on their birth chart will get some positive results. Some past investments will be profitable, and you may also cream your pending debts. Your father's health may get worse, so do proper healthcare. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Libra

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus; Libra's ruling Lord is Venus. Mercury is the lord of your ninth and twelfth houses. During the period of transit, Mercury changes its position and shifts towards the seventh house of Libra. Businessmen will get the advantage of this transit, which will bring a good momentum in your business, even there are chances of expansion of your business. If you are thinking of a new startup, then this is the best time. You will get favorable results, and your efforts will take you to success. You will gain profits through some unexpected sources. 

There are several trips on your card, along with that you will earn benefits and experience through these trips; you will make certain connections with foreign sources, which will give you a huge success. Unmarried people might have the chance of getting married during this duration. You will acquire a good sense of humour, and your communication skills will improve. It will give a boost to your personality too. Your decision making will be precise and give you benefits in the long run. You will earn a special status in society, and some influential people will make connections with you. Your health will be stable; a good diet is recommended.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Scorpio

Mercury is the lord of your eighth and eleventh house, during the transitory period the planet changes its position and shifts towards the sixth house of Scorpio. The natives have to face several challenges during this period, as this transition period will be full of ups and downs. Health-wise, you should take precaution regarding your health, or else some skin issue is indicated. Your speech might hurt someone's sentiment or feelings; you can also get into clashes or arguments. You are recommended to keep a check on expenses, as overspending may become a huge problem for you in future. 

During this period, some friends or family will support you; they will also lend some money. You can also take a loan from a bank to survive this period. However, your endless efforts will pull you out of this drastic situation, and you will be successful. You will be able to clear out your past debts. Working professionals will get into a clash with their seniors, so you should focus on your own tasks and complete them within time. Your rivals will try to dent your image, make sure you don't give them any chance. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Sagittarius 

The seventh and tenth house is ruled by Mercury. The impact of Mercury influences your professional, business and spouse's life. The transition of Mercury will in your fifth house, which will bring a positive impact on your income. You will be able to execute your plans perfectly. You will survive the strongest competition in the market, and your effort will be praised. Working people will get a chance to work with some big brands in the market, which will give you fame and benefits. This duration will be extremely favorable for you and you can get in touch with some reputed businessmen. 

Working people will have to be careful with their rivals, and they might also lose their jobs. However, you will soon get other opportunities. The life of those married will be happy; their efforts and wisdom will make you feel proud and respected in society. They might also get a promotion. Students will improve their concentration and focus on study, and you will also learn new things. Married people can have some good news from their children in the field of study. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Capricorn 

Mercury is the lord of your sixth house, it is known as the house of fortune. During the period of transition, it changes its position and shifts in the fourth house for Capricorn. It is the house of happiness. The transit will bring fruitful impact in the lives of Capricorn natives. You will spend this time by earning a fortune and making profits. This time is best to buy a new vehicle. 

You can spend a blissful time with your family, even your parent's health will remain in good condition. You will get to converse with your relatives through social media, which will make you nostalgic and there will be a soothing atmosphere in your family. There will be some property related issues which need to be settled as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will give birth to certain disputes, and these disputes can harm your wealth or even influence your family life. Your professional front will gain improvement, and your endless efforts will make you an expert in your tasks. Any pending case in court will get resolved at this time which will give you relief. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aquarius

Mercury is the lord of your fifth and eight houses, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and goes in the third house of your zodiac sign. Your third house, according to the Kal Purusha Kundli, is Mercury's house itself, which makes the planet more strengthened and results in improving your communication skills. Students’ will enjoy the benefits through this transit. Their intelligence will improve, and they will focus more on their studies, your efforts would give you good results in various other aspects. There are frequent trips on the cards, though it is recommended to avoid them for some time. There will be some economic and monetary problems. As during the pandemic, it is not so safe to travel with proper precautions. 

This duration will improve your relation with your siblings; you will also help them in certain situations. On the other hand, working officials have certain chances of getting an increment. Your communication skills will attract many people you will make new friends, which will increase your social circle. Some of you might get inclined towards writing and choose this as your profession. Your friends will be by your side, and you will prosper this friendship. You will maintain a good image in society

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Pisces

Mercury being the ruling lord of your fourth and seventh houses will enter through your second house during the transitory period. Your second house indicates the way of speaking. Your sense of humour will get better. People will be able to understand your thoughts and ideas and your intellect will help you win every debate. Though you will have to keep this in your mind that your words can hurt someone's feelings, so you must be aware and alert about the choice of words or else you may regret it later. Businessmen will get enormous benefits during this transit period. Your new and amazing strategies will boost your business, and you will also expand your business. Though you should be a little serious about your investments, it might lead to a huge loss. So do check before investing. 

There will be happiness in your family; you will spend some memorable time with them. Your parent's health will remain stable, and they will praise you for your good work. You will be showered with love. You marital live will prevail love and happiness, though some clashes might occur due to arguments, though you will impress them by giving them a surprise. Single people have the best chance to express their feelings to their loved ones; this time will bring Good luck for the Pisces natives.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Taurus
09 May,2020
23 May,2020

According to the Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury affects one's intellect, judgment, communication and behavior. The second sign in the series of the zodiac is Taurus, and its ruling planet is Venus, who has a friendly relation with Mercury. Along with that, it signifies one's wishes and desires, strength and rigidity, income and wealth, goals and ambitions, family and friends, etc. The planet Mercury has a ruling nature on the second and fifth house of your zodiac sign, Taurus. The impact of Mercury over you sign gives a favorable impact for the natives and according to the Vedic astrology, your second house signifies one's family relations, business conditions, jobs, talents, and materialistic things like assets, foods, property, resources, etc. There as, your fifth house represents one's creative talents, educational qualification, entertainment, energy and enthusiasm, interest in new things, tuff competition, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aries

The second house of your zodiac sign will host the transition of the planet Mercury. Due to this transit, there will be a favourable impact on one's communication skills and knowledge. You will be able to convey your ideas and thoughts fluently. People will tend to understand your good intentions, and you will get full support from them. Natives involved in part-time or full-time jobs will be supported by their individuals at the workplace; even your confidence in speeches will help you pass the interview rounds easily. Though your speaking abilities might put you in danger, people may get hurt or jealous with your improvement. Some of your speeches may turn into an argument or debates. So you are advised to stay calm and solve each and every situation calmly. People who are involved in the business will get huge profits through different sources. Some of you have great chances of earning profits through inheritance of some property or past investments. Your relationship with your beloved may have some chances of getting weak, so spend quality time with them, try to impress them or gift them something. You will get closer in no time, and you will get to enjoy some of the best moments of your life. Your health will be perfect, though maintain a proper diet and do regular workout. You can also get involved in some sports activities which would keep you fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Taurus 

The transit of Mercury is taking place in your powerful house itself, and the planet will be posited in your first house, which is your ascendant house. You will notice an improvement in your way of conversation; your impressive way of speech will attract many people and give you a strong personality. You will gain a soft-spoken and polite behaviour which will touch everyone's heart. Natives in relationships will enjoy the benefits of this transit, they will create a bond of mutual understanding, and their love will prosper. You will spend this time in peace and harmony. If you are working as a job official, you will get to taste success due to your hard work and dedication, though you are advised to stay away from office politics and focus on completing the tasks before time. Health-related issues will not arise. Still, you need to maintain a proper diet, and regular exercise is strongly advised.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Gemini 

During the transit, the planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, which signifies one's mental stress and ability. During this period, the natives will go through some stressful tasks, both mentally and physically. So, don't put yourself into stress by taking too many tasks and maintaining a balance is necessary. If one's involved in business activities, there are several chances to earn a fortune, and you have to keep a track on your expenses or else spending unnecessary will give you unwanted stress. There is a foreign trip on your card with your beloved, you will spend some memorable time with them, and any kind of distance between you both will be sorted out, and your relationship will get the spark back. Working officials should complete their work in the given time, apart from that they will have a decent earning.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Cancer 

The impact of this planet on your house is going to give you some favourable results. Your eleventh house will host the position of the translating planet. And this period will give you certain benefits in terms of your finance, relationship, family, job, knowledge, patience, etc. The natives will get a chance to make new connections through foreign trade and get extreme benefits in their respective financial fields. Your spouse or your partner will be extremely supportive at this time, your relationship will be prosperous, and you will also develop a sense of mutual understanding with your partner. Some clashes are possible at this time, though you will impress them with your caring nature. Jib officials will get help and support from their seniors, and with their ideas, you will create a good image in your respective fields. This will be very profitable for you in the long term. Don't ignore your health, polluted air and dirty surroundings may affect you badly, so take proper care of yourself and your surroundings. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Leo 

The Mercury share a friendly relation with Venus, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The transit will have a significant impact on one's life. Working professionals will tend to have a more focused mind, and your performance will be praised by your colleagues and seniors. Your excellence and dedication in your work will be the reason for your success. Some of the seniors will give some important favours in the long term. You will be prevailing happiness in your family. Your romantic life will ease your mind, and your beloved partner will support you at every step. The natives will have good health, and join a sports club or doing physical activities will keep them mentally and physically fit. Ignoring your health may affect you negatively in the long term. You will have stable economic conditions and investing in assets or properties will open new doors for earning benefits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Virgo

During the transition period, your ninth house will be hosting the position of the planet Mercury, and your ninth house represents the house of one's travelling and communication. The natives will enjoy the benefits of long term travelling. If you are trying to change your job, this transition period will give you favourable results. The natives having Virgo sign will experience an increase in their social status, and people will tend to start recognizing you because of your good deeds. You will also earn a special status in society. Your relationship will be blissful throughout the period, your partner will try to impress you, and there will special time you both will get to spend with each other. The natives are recommended to stay away from fast food and polluted areas; there will be some minor issues which can be resolved by proper medication. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Libra 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Libra. The Libra native might have to face some unexpected losses, which will bring a bad impact on their financial conditions. You will be more inclined towards learning new things, most of you will specifically indulge yourselves in spiritual learnings. However, you will gain enormous profits through past investments, and due to some inheritance, your luck will be extremely fruitful. There will some clashes between your partner, so you need to handle them with calmness and care. The perfect way to deal with such situations is by paying full attention to your partner, soon your good behaviour will impress them, and you will get closer to them. Some of the married natives will get good news during this transit. Your health will be strong and stable throughout the duration, though ignoring any kind of health problem will bring a negative impact on your body. Working professionals will get into the path of success through their dedication and hard work. Their wisdom and honesty will prove to be beneficial.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus in Scorpio

The impact of the Mercury transit will not be favourable for the Scorpio natives. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the third house of your zodiac sign. The natives will have to face certain challenges during this time. You will notice a change in your way of speaking; this will give both positive and negative impact. You will also face difficulties in your marital life, though, and this relationship will require some strong communication and giving proper time and effort will strengthen it. You are advised to have control over your expenses; otherwise, you are overspending in certain things will lead to a financial loss. People involved in the business will have to stay calm and wait for their time to procure a good position in society. There are chances to gain profits through past investments and some recent ones too. Ignoring your health may put you in danger, so maintaining a proper diet is stronger advised. You should also join a gym or yoga class to keep yourself fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Sagittarius

The impact of this transit will directly affect your house of income and expenditure. During the transition period, your sixth house will host the position of Mercury. Hence there are chances where you might get involved in a dispute or argument. Natives will also witness an increase in their expenditure which can lead over budgeting. Working officials will gain respect, and their honesty and wisdom will attract everyone's mind. You must try to maintain a proper distance from your rivals they would give their best to ruin your good image. There are several trips on your card, which will give you some happy and memorable moments. Your relationship with your spouse will soon get stable, keep control over your short temperament and pay full attention to your partner. The natives are recommended to get a full checkup ignoring any kind of problem in their health will lead to a lot of stress in the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Capricorn 

The process of impact starts with the change in the planet's position. Mercury, during the transitory period, is posited in the fifth house if your zodiac sign and your fifth house represent the house of intellect and knowledge. The natives will witness an increase in their knowledge, and with a good sense of humour applied in different fields, you will earn a higher level of profits. Student natives have the probability of choosing good paths for their success, and in future, they will be successful. If you are single, you will get a chance to propose your lover and even your lover will accept your proposal. You will enjoy this time an spend a memorable moment with your beloved. There are foreign trips on your card, which will be adventurous and you will discover new things in life. The natives will earn respects through your excellent communication skills, and your ideas will attract many people. Natives will also have the chances of getting a good status in society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aquarius 

The transit of Mercury will be posited in the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This period will give excessive gains to individuals. If you are facing any health problem, ignoring it will put your life in danger in the long term. So, take proper precaution and go for a full body checkup. Working natives will have to face certain challenges against their competitors, and your rivals will try to create obstacles in the path. So don't lose hope and give you best to cross each and every hurdle in your path. You will have a romantic relationship with your spouse, and you will also get a chance to spend time with them. So, don't ignore the chance of getting close to your partner. Native who are businessmen are recommended not to invest in anything they are not sure of. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Pisces

During the transport motion of the planet Mercury, the third house of your zodiac sign hosts the position of the planet. This transition will bring a significant increase in their confidence and willpower. You will notice an improvement in your communication skills which would give you certain benefits. You fluent way of communication will be favourable you in a different field. Some of the natives will get good results in their interview. Business natives will get the benefit if this duration. You will play a great role in helping your friends, family and society. Short trips are there on your card. Your marital life will need more attention and love; spending some quality time will give peace and harmony. You will be very efficient at your workplace, and your hard work and honesty will help you in creating a good image of yours. You should maintain your diet and do regular exercise.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Gemini
24 May,2020
01 Aug,2020

Mercury is a dualistic planet, and it has both positive and negative impact on the lives of zodiac natives. According to the Vedic Astrology Mercury influences one's technique of speech, honesty, kindness, and even fields of work like business and communication skills. Mercury, during the transit, brings a positive sign and improves one's intelligence and luck. Mercury has a significant impact on different fields if the lives of natives, like communication, partnership, business, studies, finance and marketing, family and friends, marital and love life. During the Mercury transit in Gemini, it impacts on one's health, business, family, travelling, married life, social life, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aries

The third house of your powerful zodiac sign would host the transition of Mercury; this transit will increase one's confidence and will power. The natives will have a positive effect due to this transit; the individuals will perform some good deeds. Student natives will gain focus in their studies and will be more inclined towards learning new things. Your effort and hard work will take you towards the path of success. Working natives will get a chance to work in a stable environment; you will be praised by your seniors and complete every task in time. Married couples will spend some blissful time with their spouses. Your health conditions will be perfectly fine, and you will gain energy which can be adequately utilized in some physical activities like gym or sports. Business natives will earn a good source of monetary inflow during this period, along with that; you will be able to clear out your past debts and plans. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Taurus

The transition period would bring some important opportunity in the life of individuals to earn a profit. As the second house of your zodiac sign will be hosting the Mercury transit, this period will be beneficial for the native related to your business, career, health, family, and others. Some of you will earn enormous benefits through your properties. Disputes regarding your property will be resolved. The flow of income will incredibly escalate. Your relationship status will be fabulous; your partner will support you in every field, though some arguments may arise. You will sort them out easily. Don't share your personal life; it would give a bad impact on your life. About the career of student natives, you will propose in your field, and your efforts will take you through the competitive exams. Working natives are recommended to stay away from office politics as they can affect your image. Health-wise the natives will have to go for a proper checkup and take necessary care for their illness, and any ignorance can lead to huge problems in the long-term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Gemini

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, while the transit the planet will change its position and will be posited in your first house, also known as your ascendant house. Mercury transit in Gemini will bring a favourable impact on the lives of their natives. Your ascendant house represents the house of personality. You will notice a new charm in your personality which will attract people towards you. The natives will increase their friend circle. You will enjoy this period will happiness and harmony. Your speaking skills will be fluent, and people will understand your thoughts and ideas. Married couples will be showered by love from their spouses and blessed by their parents. You parents will support your marital life, and they will eventually like your partner. Working natives are advised to work hard and complete their tasks on time. Avoiding debates will be beneficial for you in future. Some of you also have the chance of getting promoted at this time. Your health conditions will be good, and you will feel energetic, which will help you do other tasks as well. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Cancer

The transition of Mercury will happen in the twelfth house if your zodiac sign, Cancer. Due to this transit, you will notice some unavoidable expenses and some health-related issues. You are recommended to take proper health care, maintaining a proper diet and regular exercise will keep you in good condition as it is a way of releasing mental stress too. There are some foreign trips on your card, which will increase your expenses. You should avoid taking any loan or investing at this duration; otherwise, you may end up in a huge loss. You must focus on spending some quality time with your partner, pay proper attention and avoid any kind of argument. If you are trying to get change or get a new job, then this is the best time to do it. In fact, some new strategies in your business will help you earn profits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Leo

The transition of Mercury in Gemini will influence one's income, wealth, abilities, profession, etc. Your eleventh house is going to host the position of Mercury, thus leaving a significant impact on your income. You will get great chances of increasing your economic conditions. This transit will help you fulfil every desire and necessity of your life. You will prosper through your intellect and positive ideas in your social front, which will be very beneficial for you. You will get enough time to learn new things, explore new places and also some of you may make this as your profession which will give you benefits in the long run. Students might get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies. Some of you will also get admission to a foreign college. Your marital life will have some blissful moments; your partner may have some clashes with you. However, you will handle it smartly and solve it with ease. Your health will remain balanced, and keeping your surrounding clean will help you maintain your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Virgo 

The Mercury will make its transit in the tenth house of your zodiac sign, and your tenth house represents one's professionals and personal life. Thus the transit will give a favourable impact on the life of individuals. You will be more energetic, and working natives will be more focused on completing their work with excellence. Your seniors and colleagues will acknowledge your hard work and effort, which will inspire you to work better and strive for the best. They will even support you in the long run. You love life will remain good; you will be having a happy mood which will please your partner. There will be a sense of mutual understanding, and you will develop a new phase in your relationship. Both of you will maintain dignity and trust with each other. You might get a golden opportunity to travel abroad, which will be beneficial for you in different fields. Your health will remain balanced, though doing exercise or yoga is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Libra

The Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, plays a significant role during the transit. At the time of transit, the planet will be posited in the ninth house of your zodiac sign which will lead to certain financial and economic gains. This is the best time to invest, and you will earn the maximum profit. Apart from that, you should check every possible background before investing. Ignoring any kind of issues might lead to a huge loss in future. Your social front will gain improvement and people will start knowing. You might even get into contact with some delighted members of society. There are certain trips to abroad base on your work which will also be beneficial for your business. Working natives should do their work with full dedication and hard work. Married natives have to pay attention to their spouse, as during this period, they will need your support both mentally and physically. You will need this duration with happiness and harmony. Your family member will be proud of you. Your mother's health will remain stable. Though you are advised to keep a distance from office politics, it may ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Scorpio

The strongest Planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transitory period. Thus at the time of transition, the planet shifts towards the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Scorpio. This transition brings several positive impacts as well as some negative ones too. The natives will witness certain profits through different sources; there are some chances of small losses which will not affect your financial condition. Apart from that, you will be able to maintain financial stability during this period. Natives who are married or in a relationship will face several quarrels and clashes with their beloved though this won't go long, you will easily solve it with your impressive and patient heart. In no time, you will be closer to them and spend this duration in happiness and satisfaction. Ignoring your health during this time will give you some negative impacts in future; it may also lead to some serious health problems. So you should take proper precautions regarding your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Sagittarius

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house and has a significant influence in one's communication skill, profits, promotions, expenses and health. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign, Sagittarius. Thus this transit will bring some profits in your house. Your financial condition will improve. Business natives will earn through some secret sources or past investments, which will help them, pay their debt. Working natives will also have some advantages, and there are chances of you getting a promotion at your work front. Join a sports club or doing physical activities will burn some weight you have gained sitting back at home during the pandemic. You will have some clashes with your spouse, they will dominate you with their feelings, though you will impress them with your entertaining skills like funny dialogues and distractions. Overall this transit will prove to be profitable for the Sagittarius natives.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Capricorn

The impact of Mercury transit will be favourable for native in their field of success and workplace. During the period of transition, the planet will change its position and will be posted in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Natives will witness positive development in their financial condition. Working officials will do an incredibly terrific job, which will be praised by their seniors, and some of the natives also have the chance of getting a promotion during this period. Thus this will bring an increase in your income. This period will bring benefits in terms of business; you will earn profit through different sources. Some of you will get benefits through property investment. Your health conditions will be critical due to some injury; you will feel weak and dizzy. Maintaining a strong diet is necessary; take proper medications to prevent infection. Your marital life will gain stability; even fights and clashes will not set you apart. Your love for your partner will be infinite; they will need proper attention and support at the same time. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aquarius

During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This transit has a positive impact on one's intellect and knowledge. Natives will have good communication skills. They will attain enormous success with the blend of communication and intellect. Working officials will gain increment, which will give them the confidence to invest in assets and other fields. Business natives will also get the advantage of this transit, natives will earn excess profits, and this is the best time to invest. You will gain a special status in society. Your social circle will increase. Your love life will be prosperous; even your partner will support you at every step. Your partner will be the biggest reason for your success. Pay proper attention to them, and you will also get some quality time to spend with them. Your health may deteriorate, so take proper precaution for your health, do regular exercise or yoga and maintain your diet. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Pisces 

The powerful and enlightened planet Mercury is the ruling lord of your houses. Your fourth house will host the position of Mercury during the transition period. There will be a significant impact on one's love life and professional life. You will spend some of the memorable moments of your life, your parents will shower you with the blessing, and they will support you at everything you do. This is a good time to purchase a new car or a house. You will earn tremendous success in the workplace; you need to stay focused and avoid laziness or office politics. Your enemies will try to ruin your image whenever they get the chance, so play smart. Your partner will need full attention as they will be doing a terrific job at their place; this will make your image look good in society too. Make them feel good and courageous for their good deed. Health-wise you will stay fit and fine, and you will be joining a sports club or a gym which would be beneficial for you.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Cancer
02 Aug,2020
16 Aug,2020

The transit of the planet Mercury on Capricorn would leave a negative impact on the zodiac sign Cancer. It affects emotion and nature. As Cancer is a representation of a cardinal water sign, so during this transit, you will notice a change in your behaviour and way of talking. You will be more affluent though you will think and react in the impulse of your feeling, which sometimes might be of love and compassion and sometimes will be fear and possessiveness. And this transit will affect your concentration in different field like studies and work. You who have perspective will personal feeling will be involved the most. So there is a list of things you have to take care during this duration of transit.


इस पेज को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए बुध का कर्क राशि में गोचर पर क्लिक करें।


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aries Sign

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and leaves an impactful effect on your zodiac signs. During this transit, it changes its position and shifts toward your fourth house of the Aries, as the fourth house represents the house romantic relationship. The impact of Mercury gives a favourable effect on the Aries. Married couples would enjoy the benefits and have a happy and peaceful married life. In the field of professionals, you will attain good results due to your hard work and honesty. Even the working official will get maximum support from your senior staff and colleagues, getting praised and uplifted for your hard work. Property related issues are going to get resolved, and there are chances of constructing a new house. You should take care of your physical, mental and spiritual health. It is recommended to do exercise and yoga regularly, that would help you stay fit.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Taurus Sign

The transit of Planet Mercury will be favourable for people having the zodiac sign Taurus. During this transition, the planet will be posited in your third house, and this will positively affect your energy and enthusiasm in completing tasks and taking full responsibilities. The individual will notice a boost up in your personal skills like communication, hardwood, and cooperation, which would help them strive for a good fortune. Short trips are there on the native's card, which would bring joy and happiness. Your marital life would be great, and you will have excellent terms with your spouse. You are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health and maintain your fitness by doing regular exercise in order to stay healthy.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Gemini Sign

The impact will have a significant effect on Gemini and will increase your communications skills. During the transit, the planet will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Gemini. The house denotes communication skills. You would be able to converse fluently and win the heart of people with your attractive speeches. Probably, this would be the perfect time to invest in capitals and earn huge profits through your assets like properties and others. You would do the job, and so you are requested to stay calm and focus on your own work; your efficiency and hard work will give good results. Apart from that, you should not get involved in any office politics if found so you will face backlash and bad circumstances. Regarding your health condition, it is necessary to keep yourself fit and doing regular excessive or yoga is the best way to keep going. Ignoring your health might put you in danger, and you may have some health issues.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Cancer Sign

Because the transit is happening in your own house, the impact in this transit will be very strong, and you would face some issues and problems in a different field. During the transition period, the planet Mercury will move towards the first house of your zodiac sign. The first house indicated health, and you would face some serious issues regarding your health, so it is advised to get a regular health checkup, and proper medical treatment is very necessary. Ignoring a single thing regarding your health might put you in a crucial condition during this duration. Apart from that, your financial condition will be in your favour, you might get support from foreign nations or countries, so this is the best time to invest. You at the workplace might get distracted, resulting in late submission of your work, so be concerned about it and increase your working pace. The love life will remain peaceful, and you will get to know each other better. Your partner will understand your better and your relationship will be romantic; you will get your relationship's missing spark and have a memorable time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Leo Sign 

This transit will be a little difficult, though relaxing for Leo's. During the transition planet Mercury will make its position in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of the transit would lead to an increase in the expenditure, and so you are advised to have control over your expenses and maintain a proper account to check the excess flow of money. Leo must face business-related issues and must take help from the professionals. You are expected to go on trips. You might have jobs have huge chances of getting a promotion. You might face a problem with in terms of your health, so you are advised to do regular exercise or yoga, you can also play any sports in order to keep themselves fit and free from diseases.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Virgo Sign

The impact of Mercury will have a strong impact in terms of your health. During the transition, the planet will move towards the eleventh house of your zodiac sign Virgo. This transition will be very favourable for you in terms of health and harmony. People will notice a gradual increase in your communication skill, and you will attract people with a positive and honest mindset. Your social circle will increase, and your loved one will truly enjoy the company. You will make new friends, and you will maintain a trustworthy relation towards you, even you will tend to support your emotionally and mentally. You working in jobs will earn respect, and you will reap the fruits of hard work. Business You will earn a maximum profit and will earn a good return from your investment and assets. You might have a new relationship, and you will impress them with your charisma.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Libra

As soon as the transition begins, the planet Mercury would gradually move into the powerful tenth house, which means that the lifestyle and living standards of your family would get better. You could also get many sources of income and also invest your money in abroad. Natives would also witness a change in their career, which would eventually escalate your professional life. Along with that, you must also focus on eating healthy, sleeping on time and do a regular checkup. Do not forget to take precaution as it might affect your health in future.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Scorpio Sign

There is both a positive and negative impact on your card. The planet Mercury is known to be the strongest planet; it is also the Lord of Zodiac houses as well. During the transition, the planet shifts its position into the ninth house of the zodiac sign, which gives some positive and as well as negative impact in your lives. Your health will remain stable, and you will have a normal family life. Your relationship will not bother you, and you will be happy with your lover. Apart from that business professional have the best time to increase your wealth, this is the best time for the investment you will get fruitful results. You wishing for travelling abroad can finally fulfil your dream. Working professionals are advised to keep doing your hard work and maintain your honesty and focus in your jobs, and you need to be careful with your opponents you will surely try to ruin your image and distract you from your task.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Sagittarius Sign

The impact of Mercury transit can be pressuring for some of you during this time. Due to the transit taking in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, you might have to face various obstruction your lives. In terms of health, you have to precaution to avoid any kind of problem. Health is a very important factor in your life; your mental stability also depends on your health. So you are recommended to do physical activities like regular exercise or yoga, you can also join a sports club and indulge yourself in sports to maintain your health. You working at jobs are required to finish your tasks in time, you have to focus on your tasks to avoid any delays, or else you have to face sudden pressure and deadlines. Business professionals can take amazing advantage of this time, you will earn good profits in terms, and any economic constraints will be sorted out during this transition period. Tough if you notice a change in your communication skills, you have to be careful and decisive about your speech.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Capricorn Sign

During this period, there will be a positive impact on the native's life. During the transitory period, the planet will change its position and will shift towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign. Your seventh house represents the house of career and responsibility. You will notice a gradual increase in your energy and enthusiasm. You will be able to finish your day will full enjoyment and happiness without any complaint. The couple will be happily satisfied with your marital life, you will have outstanding communication with your spouse, and you will maintain this relationship for a long time. Job representatives will impress your donors with your dedication and hard work; you will be able to manage things easily and complete your tasks with ease and excellence. Businessmen are required to stay calm and not hurry in investing, and you should avoid any kind of investment in dealing particularly at this time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aquarius sign 

The transit of the planet Mercury leaves a significant impact on the Aquarius You. During the transitions, the powerful planet will move towards the sixth house of your zodiac sign which signifies the house of expenses. Tough you will notice an increase in your expenses. Still, you will be able to sort every debt and loans on your head during this time. So, just try to lower down your expenses apart from that you are good to go. It would be effectively beneficial for you to keep yourself fit and healthy. You can do such by joining a sports club or doing other physical activities like exercises and yoga, ignoring your health would be bad for the long run. You might work harder still your luck will not favour you, but don't get distracted by watching your colleagues getting promoted, instead work harder and honestly to attain success. You will get enormous time to hang out with your spouse or your loved ones, share your thoughts and mindset, give them space to understand you and your intentions, and you will surely get closer to you.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Pisces Sign

The Pisceans will enjoy the favour of this transit. As the transit of the powerful planet, Mercury will be taking its place in your fifth house, which would eventually increase in your knowledge and sensibility. In fact, this transit is going to give you enormous financial gains and investing would a great opportunity to earn profits this time. Your connection with your spouse or your loved ones will be very peaceful, and you will soon get to understand and know each other, your partner will support you at every step. You doing jobs will not be able to make any achievement, though will dedication in your work and focus will slowly help them out to get through this time. Undoubtedly, it is significantly important to have a healthy body to keep you going for a long period. You should have a controlled diet and should avoid fast food. Ignoring any kind of issue related to health can be very harmful in the long run. So, it's better to take proper health precautions and going for a regular checkup is necessary, native can also do physical activities like yoga or play sports.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Leo
17 Aug,2020
01 Sep,2020

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet and has a significant impact on your Zodiac sign. The Mercury is very influential over your sign, and it changes your way of thinking, boosts up your confidence, increases your communication skills, pushes your mind towards an optimistic view, gives space to your mind to have a greater thought process. Even Mercury over Leo makes their natives unchallengeable, and this is also the reason for Leo's arrogance. This time can be a little dangerous as they would not listen to anyone's advice and think their ideas are the only way to proceed. This period is going to prove very profitable for the natives in terms of financial condition, and they will notice an increase in their income and they will also have a side earning from some secret sources. The natives might face some difficulties in their professional life, and some obstacles are there on their card, though we all know that hard work is the key to success, so with extreme hard work and absolute dedication, they will be able to achieve success.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Aries

The transition in the planet Mercury in Leo is going to be very lucky for your Zodiac Sign Aries. You children might bring some good news to you which will make you feel good. Aries natives working might have to give their best efforts at their workplace; you will have to take some huge responsibilities during this period of time. There are several trips on your card, which can be either personal or professional. Natives trying for a baby will surely get positive results. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo on Taurus Sign

During the transition, the planet Mercury shifts to their fourth house of the natives. This time is going to be full of ups and downs for the Taurus natives, and you should take serious care of your parents, especially your mother's health. There is a huge chance of getting backstabbed by your friends, so keep an eye over your friends and see if someone has that kind of mindset. On the other hand, starting something new at work will give you a good profit and would be very beneficial for you. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Gemini

While during the transition planet Mercury will be posited in your third house, which is also called 'Parakram Kshetra'. With the transit, you will notice a gradual increase in your energy and would feel more enthusiastic. Though, you have to lower down your spirits or else you may get into serious arguments which mill cause friction between you and your siblings. You will also have some issues with your family during this time. There are some frequent tasks as a part of work in your card, which can be personal also. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Cancer

This time Mercury will not be posited in your zodiac sign. So the transition will not favour you, you have to take all your decisions calmly and should have a calm and peaceful mind. You have to handle your family issues and especially while having any disagreement with your cousins and siblings as luck will not be in your favour, so it's better to avoid arguments. You need to have control over your expenses as this time you may get over budget. Lending someone money would result in loss so better make sure you do not lend anyone during this period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Leo

The transit of Mercury in your Zodiac sign will indicate your financial status. You will earn a huge profit in terms of business. Though you need to take proper precautions regarding your health, keep yourself fit during this transition. You will be stressed in taking decisions for your future aspects. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Virgo

The Mercury is the strongest, and during its transit, it is posited in your 12th house, which signifies health and finance. During this time, you need to have control over your expenses or else it may lead to overburdening. There are several trips on your card, and you need to take proper precautions throughout your trip. Natives trying for travelling or applying for a job may get the chance this time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Libra 

Labh Ghar means the house of profits is your eleventh house, and the Mercury transit will be posited in your eleventh house as well. For people who have delayed their vacation or road trip from a long time due to their busy schedule will finally get a chance to travel. Amidst all this the transit is going to prove good for the Libra natives and they will stay safe and satisfied during this period of time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Scorpio

The planet Mercury dusting this transit will be posited in your house known as Karm Kshetra, and this is the best time for a new startup. The natives who are unemployed and are thriving for jobs will sadly have to wait a little longer but don't worry, and you will surely eat the fruit for your patience later.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Sagittarius

Bhagyasthan, the ninth house of your Zodiac sign will be posited by Mercury during its transition in Leo. This transit would be extremely favourable for married couples; they will have a happy and peaceful relationship. Unmarried people may also get the chance to have a successful marriage. This is the best Mahurat to have Pooja at your home, and you will surely be successful in achieving your aims. There are some chances of delay in your work; however, you will get through it from hard work and dedication.

Impact of Mercury in Leo for Capricorn 

The powerful planet Mercury will be posited in your eight houses during this transit which will be very challenging for the natives. You must be immensely careful for your physical as well as mental health, especially your food consumption should be healthy, and you should do exercise regularly. Take proper rest in order to keep your mind and body peaceful. Stay alert against your enemies; they might create some obstacle. Apart from that, handle every task and issue with care and total dedication.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Aquarius 

The Mercury transition will be posited in your seventh house, which will be very favourable for the Aquarians. Unmarried natives might get a chance to have a life partner. In fact, natives already in the process of discussing an alliance with their in-laws will be beneficial. You are suggested to stay away from communicable disease and take proper care of your own health and stay fit. Natives trying to have a baby will surely get positive results.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Pisces 

This transition will not be favourable for you as The planet will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Proper determination and confidence will help you out during this crucial time. Hard work and dedication will give you good results to pay off all the challenges and obstacles. You might have a quarrel with your family, so keep a cool mind and calmly solve your issues.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Virgo
02 Sep,2020
21 Sep,2020

The incredible planet Mercury is the ruling lord of Virgo, and during the transition period, the planet changes its position and brings an influential impact on different fields of one's life. The Mercury transit has an impact over one's way of communication, helping others, family, finance, intellect, marital life. This transit will be influential on each of the signs in the zodiac circle as Mercury's rulings nature is over one's communication, technology, and travel. This transit will bring some favourable impact on the lives of natives. You will be able to notice an inclination towards learning, the chance of travelling to your desired places, one's status in the society. Hence Mercury plays a critical role in the lives of natives. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aries 

The planet Mercury will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Your sixth house will also host the position of the sun. Thus the Aries natives will face the impact of two planets, and there will be a formation of 'Budh Aditya Yog'. Therefore this transition period will heal all your injuries, health issues you were facing for a long time. Working officials will face excessive success in their respective fields, and you will be praised for your hard work and honesty, you may also defeat all your opponents in the office and will prove yourself aa the strongest competitor in your office. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and properties; there is a good chance you will be able to pay every debt. It's is expected to have a little bit control over your expenses; spending too much might lead to over budget. Your married life would be full of happiness and harmony, though paying attention and spending time with your partner will keep you away from clashes and arguments. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Taurus 

During the period of transit, planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in your fifth house, along with the Mercury, Sun will be posited in the same house. Both being in the same house would create favourable impacts on your house, Taurus. The love life of Taurus natives will prosper; you will get to spend some of the blissful moments with your partner. You will have a sense of mutual understanding with your spouse. There are some arguments and clashes between you both, though you have to handle it with patience and try to impress them. Some of the natives will gain interest in spiritual studies and religious concepts at this duration. This would be the perfect time to buy a car or property; you will be successful in it. You have to take proper precautions regarding your health. Your mother's health is going to be perfect; any past problem in her health will tend to heal during this period. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Gemini

This transit will bring a positive impact in the lives of the Gemini natives, the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Gemini will host the position of the planet. There as, your fourth house represents one's well-being and happiness. There is a sign of gaining inheritance to some of your ancestral properties, and you will also gain good profits through these properties or assets. The powerful Mercury and sun being in the same house will bring luck in your life, and you will reap the fruits of benefits during this time. Natives who are not living with their parents will get to meet them, and you will show love and care towards your parents. You will also get some quality time to spend with them. You will have good terms with your siblings and relatives. Your relationship will gain momentum, and you will spend some memorable time with your partner. Working officials will get into the path of success, though they have to stay away from office politics or else your opponents would try to ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Cancer 

It is the third house of your zodiac sign will host the transition period of Mercury. Your third house is also known as Parakram Sthan. The transit of Mercury in your house will increase your energy, give you a positive mind and brings good luck in the field of work. The combination of Mercury and Sun will bring a favourable impact on your house by enhancing your confidence, patience, communication skills, and intellect. You will feel powerful during this time, and you will have absolute clarity in your thoughts and ideas, people will tend to get attracted by you, and you will be able to accomplish every task with perfection. Working officials will enjoy the benefits of this transit, some of you will get promoted, which would bring you out of stress. Though you may get overconfident sometimes due to your short temper you will get involved in arguments, so keep calm and don't engage yourself in such problems which will ruin your good image. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and other sources. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Leo 

The Mercury transit is going to take place in the second house of the individuals, and the conjunctions of Mercury and Sun will bring a positive impact over your sign, Leo. You will get some good news during this time, Leo natives involved in business fields will gain enormous profits through different sources, and you will also have a good chance to receive profits through ancestral property or past investments. This profit might help you to clear out your debts. You will have a good sense of humour, and your communication skill will help you make new friends. Natives who are involved in the field of media, law, or sales professionals will earn huge benefits. Students preparing for competitive exams have to focus on their studies, which is the only way to score good results. Your love life will be standing, and you will spend a happy time with your family. Apart from that, your parents will have a blissful time with you. The working official has to stay away from office politics. The natives will have a perfect health condition.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Virgo 

The transition of Mercury will occur in your own sign, thus creating a Budh Aditya Yoga formation. The Mercury and Sun will collaborate, and both their positioning will be in your first house, which is your ascendant house. The natives will be fortunate during this time period. Your superiors will highly support and respect you for your dedication and hard work. You will be praised, and everyone will be impressed by your timing. Stay alert from your rivals; they will give their best to ruin your image. There is a family trip on your card, you will spend some blissful time with your family at this duration, your partner will support you, and both of you will develop a sense of mutual understanding, which will reduce your clashes and arguments. Health-wise, you are recommended to do regular exercise or yoga in order to keep yourself fit and fine. Maintaining your health will also be beneficial for you as it would ease up your mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Libra

The planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, along with that sun will take the same position, and their conjunction will show ups and downs in your life. The natives have to work really hard in every field to attain success. The working people will have to take certain responsibilities, which would increase your work pressure and put you in stress. Don't worry and you must take this as a test and give your best to complete your tasks responsibly. The natives will witness an increase in expenses, so you are advised to have control over your daily expenditure and prevent your overspending. The Libra native will spend some memorable time with their family, and your spouse will be very supportive with you during this time. Your health will remain stable. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Scorpio

The impact of the transit will give favourable results to the Scorpio natives. During the transit the Planet Mercury will change its position and will shift towards your eleventh house, your eleventh house is also known as the Labh Ghar or the house of profits in Vedic Astrology. So the combination of Sun and Mercury will improve your financial condition, there are chances of financial gain through different sources. Natives having problems with their overspending habit will finally get a way to stop it. You will finally get some saving schemes which will help you in the long term. Apart from that, you are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health, any ignorance in terms of health will put you at risk. Stay away from fast food and maintain a proper diet. There are several personal and professional trips on your card. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Sagittarius 

The Sagittarius natives will host the position of Mercury in their tenth house, where the house is also known as Karyakhetra or working house in Vedic Astrology. The natives will enjoy the benefits during this transitory period. Working natives will go excessively good in respective fields, and you will be praised by your staff for your brilliant work. You will also have a chance of getting an increment or a promotion. Native who are deciding to change their job will get total success. Your family front will remain happy, and your siblings will also maintain good relations with you. Your partner may shower you will love and support you in every difficult situation. Your health will remain stable, though a checkup will help you in preventing problems for the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury changes its position during the transitory period, and your ninth house hosts the transition. Your ninth house represents one's confidence and enthusiasm. The natives will get the favour of luck and support during this duration. After this transit, the natives will notice an increase in one's intelligence and memory power and which will help you attain success in different aspects of life. Working natives will get to use their luck in the work front, initially gaining success. This is the best time to confront your feelings to your loved ones. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aquarius

The transition of the Planet Mercury will take place in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, which would have both positive and negative impact on the lives of individuals. Your disputes with your father or any elder will finally have closure, and you will spend the duration in harmony, you will get to spend some blissfully time with your family. Natives in relationships will get a chance to convert their love into marriage, though they will face certain difficulties in doing so. However, you will find a way to clear every arising dispute; just don't lose patience. There are high chances of gaining through some unexpected sources during this transit. Your friends and family will give you full support at every step of your life. Married couples will get great chances to get closer to each other. Your health will remain good, though doing some physical activity like playing sports or doing exercise is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Pisces 

The transition of planet Mercury will take place in the third house of a zodiac sign. The Pisces natives will not enjoy the transit, as there will not be any favourable outcomes. They will have to go through some stressful things like bad health, loss in business, disputes etc. Your health will be affected by the change in the climate. You are recommended to take proper healthcare during this transit. Natives who are in the field of jobs will remain safe from their rivals. Natives who are planning to change their jobs are advised to wait for some more time as this time might be a little crucial for them. Single natives trying to get married should remain careful as their rivals will try to ruin their image. Married natives will spend this time will no particular issue, though you need to give proper attention to your partner and sending more time will help you know each other better.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Libra
22 Sep,2020
27 Nov,2020

The transit of the planet Mercury has a significant effect on your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the strongest planet and is also referred to as the messenger of God, famed for its logic, along with enormous skills and swiftness. Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, and Venus is the ruling planet for Libra. Thus Libra being a moon sign and signifies by air creates a purification to the speech of the natives due to this transit. It helps in improving your communication skills which would attract people and would be beneficial for you. It increases your creative abilities and gives you a mature mindset. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aries

The transit of the planet Mercury will not be in your favour. During the transit the Planet Mercury will be posited in your seventh house, the seventh house of your Zodiac sign is the house of your marital life. Determination of one's partnership in various fields of life is very important in terms of astrology. Though the transition period is not going to favour the Aries natives, they might face some serious health issues. If you don't take proper care, you might get some severe disease mainly related to your skin, and you should surely consult a specialist for the skin. Working professionals might get some stress related to work, and any kind if the effort is going to be a waste, so the natives are advised to spend some time to relax rather than taking stress. They can give some time to do something they love like their hobbies, so they could feel lighter and energetic again. Native's marital life will also be a little stress, you would get annoyed, and there will be many misunderstandings which would make you upset. So talk to your partner properly and try to sort it out simply rather than making a fuss out of it. This unfavorable transit will bring distraction in your economic life as well, and you will get into a quarrel with your family members also. You have to take proper care at your expenses, or else your expenses might get overburden. Try to save during this period of time. Trips are there on the cards of business natives, though they would not earn enough profits. Have patience and don't lose hope, after the transit ends you will be back in your normal life.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Taurus 

The planet Mercury has a very friendly term with Libras ruling planet Venus, while its transit the planet is put towards the sixth house of you zodiac sign Taurus which will be favourable for them. Students working hard for their studies will definitely get good results at the end. You will notice a certain improvement in your way of speaking, you will be easily communicating with people, and everyone will be impressed by your logic and humour. Natives competing in debates will surely attain success. You will be interested in literature and in reading various books, novels, magazines, etc. You will defeat every opponent standing against you, your confidence will break all the obstacles, and your performance will gradually increase. People of this zodiac sign, who are influenced by the bull, will be very successful in the field of writing and gain enormous fame. Even, they are a centre of attraction in social media and will influence many people due to your communication skills. There are many trips on your card with your lover, you will be able to spend a memorable time with your lover, and your relationship will prosper during this transit. Married natives would also enjoy the same advantages and will be one step closer to each other and create a better understanding.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Gemini 

The Mercury transit will be posited in your fifth house, which is known as the house of progeny, it signifies your children, education and knowledge. This transit will be favourable for the Gemini natives; your relation with your family will get stronger. spend more time with the younger members of your family. You will get to have a happy family trip or picnic during this duration. Your will be filled with joy and happiness, And you will spend a memorable time with your family and get closer to them. If your mom's health was at a decline from a long time, this transit would improve your mom's condition too, and she will be in good health by now. Student natives with the zodiac sign Gemini will gain interest in learning new things, they may specifically try to get involved in the field of religion and spiritual subjects and spend more time in learning religion and scriptures. You will also feel for someone of your opposite gender; both of you will have a memorable time and will enjoy each other's company. However, this relationship would be a temporary one. People trying for a baby might have a chance of getting a twin. In an overall basis, this transit is going to be very precious and memorable for the Geminis.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Leo

The planet Mercury during its transit will be positioned in the third house of the Leo natives, the house of courage and valour. You will notice a particular change in your speaking, and you will be able to communicate fluently with others. On the other hand, people would understand you better. Your relation with your family will remain as it was, on the other hand, you might have some quarrels with your siblings, so take care of that and try to solve it out with the help of your family. You will lose interest in your ambitions and might feel lazy, because of this you will be financially weak too. Though your friend circle will increase and you will enjoy more with your friends. You might feel physically and mentally weak, maybe because of over thinking, so calm yourself down don't think too much, to have a peaceful mind you can do pranayam or yoga and get yourself back.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Virgo 

The second house of the zodiac sign Virgo signifies one's money, wealth, speech, etc. which in accordance with the 'Kalpurush Kundli'. The transit of Mercury takes over this house and may affect the natives in a positive way. You will have a good connection with your family, and they will understand your good intentions and hard work you do for them, you will be successful in impressing them by your speeches and mindset. You will have delicious dishes at home, which would keep you fit and healthy. Apart from your family, your communication skills will also attract everyone at your workplace, they will start respecting you, and you will have a good image in front of them. If you have some juniors working underneath you, motivate them and help them out with everything related to work. This would increase their affection towards you and will respect your more, and you will surely notice an increase in their work pace. People in the field of business will get profits from their schemes and ideas. Students preparing for the competitive exam will get success from their hard work during this period of time.

Impact of Transit of Mercury in Libra on Libra 

According to the 'Kalpurush Kundli,' the transit will take place in your own house, and the planet Mercury which signifies speech and intellect will be posited in your first house which is your ascendant house. The first house of your zodiac sign Libra signifies health, nature, and knowledge. The planet Mercury is known as the strongest planet, and a friend of Venus would leave a positive impact on your personality and in the aspect of life. Though you should take proper care of your health at this time, regular exercise and yoga will keep your health balanced and mind peaceful. You get excellent results in your professional field, your hard work will pay off, and you will perform better at your workplace. Libra native involved in the fields of business will earn huge profits. Apart from that, new starters are recommended to take care of their expenses and or else they might face over budget. Your overall expenses would be stable though due to some expenses might incur due to the health problems of your family member. Students native have to take some serious decisions regarding their future, and they should take advice from their family members as well before taking any final decision. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Scorpio

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet, and the transit it leaves a significant impact over the natives of Zodiac sign Scorpio. During its transit, the planet is posited in your twelfth house. Your twelfth house, according to the Kalpurush Kundali, is known as the house of expenditure. The impact of Mercury transit on your Sign will not be favourable for you. You should take care of your expenses, have a proper account of your spending and spending too much on daily life itineraries would lead to over budgeting. You should make a proper budget plan in order to be successful in getting control of your spending. Students may get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies will get a chance to fulfill their ambitions. Scorpio natives working in the field of business would get a chance to go on trips, though they won't feel good about it and would be annoyed with the trip. Stay alert as your opponents they will try to put obstacles to distract you, take proper precautions. This transit will affect you negatively; your health might deteriorate. You should take proper care of your health, especially your mental health, this duration will give you excess stress which will also lead to appetite loss. Students have to do hard work, intact they might ignore their studies right now. People who are married should maintain a good relationship with their spouse and try to understand their sentiments. If you don't give proper attention to your spouse, it might lead to quarrels and conflict between you both. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Sagittarius

The Mercury is the strongest planet and having friendly relation with Venus; it leaves a very important impact in your Zodiac sign. During the transition of Mercury In Libra on your Sign, the planet shifts its position to the eleventh house, which implies the house of profits. This means that this transit will prove favourable for the Sagittarius natives. There are huge chances of getting your money from someone you have lent to, and it would save from a huge debt issue. Natives planning for something big can execute during this duration and earn huge profits. You will open new doors of happiness with your family, and your relatives will be very helpful during this time and help you in gaining profits which will increase your financial condition. During this transit natives in the profession of the job will enjoy benefits like getting help from their colleagues and have a good time hanging out with their friends. Couples who have recently got married will enjoy an amazing time with each other and get closer to on other too, there is a huge possibility that they might be blessed with a baby and their relationship will loyal with each other. Student natives can enjoy this duration rather than taking stress in their studies if necessary, taking help from seniors will solve their issues.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Capricorn 

The impact of Mercury would get the natives charged, keep them energetic and enthusiastic. The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in their tenth house of the Zodiac Sign Capricorn, which signifies the house of work. The tenth house is also known as the house of Karma Bhava, which may be the reason for your increase in energy and excitement during this period of time. Natives associated in the professional field will be receiving amusing results of their hard work, and they will be praised at their workplace because of completing their task before time. The natives might get increments in their salary too. Apart from that person with the business profession, there are possibilities that you will earn good profits during this duration of time. You will surely defeat your enemies. Your logic and humor will prove to be very impactful on others, including your opponents. You will be the hero of your family you will be able to understand and solve everyone's problems and will create a good image in front of everyone. The love life of the natives will be very favourable too, they will get to hang out with each other, and during this time they will get to know each other, and everything they do will attract you towards them. On the other hand, the student natives are required to take more care of their health rather than putting mental pressure on their studies. As we know, a healthy mind keeps a body fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aquarius 

The Mercury transition taking place on Aquarius will leave an impactful effect on the Sign, the planet will be posited in their ninth house of the Aquarius natives, and as per the Kalpurush Kundli, the ninth house signifies one's religious, luck and fortune. Though, due to this transit, you may have to face difficulties and obstructions in your life. You have to give your level best performance to achieve good results. The natives will earn profit in terms of financial fields, though there will an increase in their expenditures for some reasons. There are trips on your card, and it is recommended to avoid them for a little bit or postponed your trip unless there is a case of emergency. Your family life will also stay on the decline in terms of relation; you will get into quarrels because of your pride and conflicts with your siblings are also possible. Apart from that, your love life will remain balanced. It would be very beneficial for the student natives to keep a distance from their friends as they would distract you from your studies. Other than that your hard work will prove to be good during this transit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Pisces 

During the planetary movement the planet Mercury will make its transit in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, your eight houses which are also known as the Ayu Bhava signifies longevity. You will receive favourable results due to the transit. You will notice an improvement in the field of finance, the natives will get chance to pay off their debts and free from any stress, and they will be left with some money for future savings too. The natives working as professionals, will get praised and known for their wit, and honest work, along with those natives who wish to change jobs will be successful in getting a new one. People in the field of business should not haste and make a mistake; rather, they should consult someone experienced and then implement their ideas. You mothers health will be at stake, so natives are serious about your mother health take her to a doctor before anything serious happens. 

Due to the impact of Mercury transit, the natives will have interest in studying mysterious science subjects like astrology, mythology, etc. You will create a good image in your social life people will tend to follow your thought and get your advice during this time period.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Scorpio
28 Nov,2020
16 Dec,2020

The influence of Mercury in Scorpio increase you focus towards all resources. Mercury is a dualistic planet and transit of Mercury in Scorpio will increase your thinking capability, strengthen your intellect and boosts up your confidence. You will be able to compete with every challenge in your life and overpower them. Scorpio sign is represented as the warrior of the zodiac. So natives with this sign will always have to think their way out instead of worrying about it if you are getting tensed about each and every task than you will suffer. Make your own choice, choose your own path, whether it is worrying or thinking. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aries 

The transit of Mercury will influence due to its change in position, and the planet will be posited in the eighth house of your Zodiac sign Aries. According to the Kundali, the eight houses is represented as the significator of life and expectancy and enlightenment. There will be many changes faced by the natives have to face during this time. However, your economic condition will improve during this period. You will gain profits, and different doors of monetary resources will be open for you. People who are planning to take any loan will be successful at this time. Working officials will have to face some challenges, apart from that they have to be patient or else hasting at any point will put you in stress. You will develop an interest in learning spiritual subjects, and your thoughts and ideas will ache accordingly. Natives who have set one's cap for PhD degree will get favourable results. You siblings will go through a tough time during this time, and you will have to help them out and solve their problems. There are several trips on your card, though you be careful at the time of self-driving. Your health condition will be down, so you are required to maintain your diet and do physical activities. Your spouse will also have a source of earning, which will ease things up and will be handy for you too. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Taurus

The transit of evolutionary Mercury will take place in the seventh house of your zodiac sign Taurus. Your seventh house is signified as the house of marital life, partner and business partners. The impact of Mercury transit is going to give good results for the married natives; they will respect each other and have a term of mutual understanding. People in relationships will spend a beautiful time and carry out romantic conversations, and this time will strengthen your relationship. Even, some of you will propose to your partner for marriage, and some problems may arise still you will be finding out away. One's in the field of work will get benefits through this transit, new opportunities will arise for you during this time. Natives looking for a new job will be successful. You will also gain extreme profits in the field of business; even your partnership business will prosper. You would always be at peace and witness harmony in your family, and children of this zodiac sign will stay healthy and happy. However, you have to take care of your expenses there are chances of an increase in your expenditure. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Scorpio on Gemini 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in the sixth house if your zodiac sign, which is represented as the house of the enemy according to the field of astrology. This time would be very difficult for the Gemini natives. You have to be careful about many things like your enemies, pain, job, competition, health, and even your marriage. Natives might have to face some challenges regarding your health, ignoring your health conditions may give you a negative impact at this time. If you are doing a job, you will be challenged by your rivals, and they will give their best to defeat you and dominate you. You are recommended to stay away from illegal activities to keep yourself and your family. You will meet your in-laws, and their bits of advice would be helpful for you. You will also face an increase in your expenses, and you will have to face many obstacles, though hard work and honesty will help you out to survive this duration.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Cancer 

During this period of transit, the planet will change its position and will be positioned in the powerful fifth house of your Zodiac sign, and your fifth house is a significantly important of your family and children's well-being. You will get new opportunities in the field of education, your children's creative talents, and even your relationship will be prosperous. Students will get to fulfil their wish in higher studies, and this is the best time to show one's ability. Most of you will also get the chance to shift to abroad to continue your studies and sharpen your talents. Natives who are in love will have to face some clashes and arguments with their beloved for small reasons, though you will sort it out with patience and understanding. Some of you will have the chance to express your feeling to your loved ones and get good results. You will face some problems in your marital life due to which misunderstandings will arise. However, your spouse will enjoy some benefits during this transit. You will have an amazing communication skill which will help you earn respect and trust in your society. Your intelligence will help you in taking some tuff decisions which will give you certain benefits in future. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Leo

The transit of the dualistic planet Mercury will show its impact on the fourth house of your zodiac sign, thus influencing your happiness. On the other hand, the transit will have an impactful effect on your luxury, emotions, and property-related things. You will witness several benefits due to this transit. There will be an inflow of happiness and harmony in your life. You will stay motivated; your family will support you in every aspect of life. The Leo natives will spend some quality time with their family members. In terms of property, issues will get resolved during this period. This is also the best time to buy a new house or vehicle for the Leo natives. You mother will get favors of this transit, you will receive her blessings, and her health is going to be perfect at this time. The natives working as hired men will do excellent in their work field; their hard work and dedication will be the reason for their success. Your increase in knowledge will help you attain a better position in society, and you will also make new contact with some of the reputed members of society. You will have excellent health, though stay away from fast food and take proper precaution, and the polluted area may be the reason for your skin disease. So, keep your surroundings clean. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Virgo 

Due to the transition, you will notice a change in your aspect of life. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet Mercury will be posted in the third house of your zodiac sign Virgo. The third house represents various exposures to your life; it brings a change in your courage, will power, passion, confidence and gives you the energy to improve your knowledge, makes you more enthusiastic. Along with that, there is zeal in one's Kundali, which gets enlightened during the transit. The transition will make you more conscious and serious in your behaviour, and you will be more passionate about your tasks. Your thoughts and ideas will impress everyone around you, though your way of communication may hurt someone's intentions, so you are advised to control your speeches. Your short-tempered nature will be the reason for fights and arguments at some point. You are advised to handle things calmly and smartly. You will get the opportunity to get a new job, and you will be surely successful in it. The natives will be successful in helping out their friends and family, though clashes are possible between you and your family. New members will be added in your social circle, and they will tend to continue this friendship for the long term. Apart from that, natives will earn respect in the society due to their partner's success. There are short trips on your card through you need to be cautious during the travelling. Your siblings will behave maturely, and their success will make you happy, and you will also help them out at any cost. Your health would be totally fine at this time, though you are advised to do physical activities and stay fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Libra 

The strongest planet Mercury will make its transit into the second house of your Zodiac sign, Libra. The transition of the planet will influence your family, improve your communication skills, and focus on one's primary education and monetary resource. The impact of the transit will give favourable results for the Libra natives. You will notice a gradual increase in your economic condition. You will gain money through different sources, even though a foreign source. There are high possibilities of returns from investments and domestic sources also. The natives will be able to repay their loans and debts through these profits. Even, if you are waiting for loan approval, this time you may get a piece of good news. During this transition, you will spend more, so keep a tab on your expenses and having a little control over your spending will balance your budget. This duration will give you fruitful results and your good communication skills will create a good image in front of others. Apart from that, you will earn maximum profits due to your chosen personality, and people will tend to trust you more. The partner of the Libra natives will have bad health, so take them for a checkup and cooperate with them. Working professionals will get the taste of success due to their dedication and hard work. Though your opponents won't leave a single chance to ruin your image, it's better to keep a distance from them. Your family members will be proud of your excellence in different fields, and you will spend a peaceful and happy time with them. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Scorpio

The transition of the planet Mercury will be taking place in your own house, so during the transit, the planet will change its direction and will be posited in the first house which is your ascendant house. The Scorpion natives have to face certain challenges during this transit, as their first house is known as the house of self. There will be some changes which will give a negative impact on one's attitude. Your health will be down during this transition period, and even you may suffer from skin problems. So, it is significantly urgent to take necessary care of your health, doing proper workout and keeping yourself and your surrounding clean would be beneficial for your health. Your mental health would stay on the decline too. You will tend to gain your interest in increasing your financial condition, and you would get total success. You will attain good results through hard work and dedication. Your advice to keep yourself calm, or sake debates and arguments may arise between you and your siblings and friends. Your social circle will value you more, and you will make new and trustworthy friends. The natives will be able to fulfil their awaited desires. Your opponent won't stand a chance in front of you. Seniors and colleagues will respect you for maintaining decorum in the office culture. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Sagittarius 

The twelfth house of Sagittarius will host the transition of the planet Mercury, where the twelfth house represents expenditure and income. In the field of astrology, the planet has an impact over your different aspects of life like expenses, salvation, foreign trips, family and others. You will notice a good amount of growth in your expenses. You will find innovative techniques to earn profits, though you need to spend smartly and save for investment. You have to stay alert from frauds; don't trust anyone at this time, trusting on someone may result in huge losses. People applying for a loan may get favourable results. There is a foreign trio on your card, which will be beneficial for your business. This trip will give you good profits. You need to be quite careful, or else you may get into a controversy. Your rivals will do anything to ruin your image so stay secured from them and strategize your plans to defeat them at every point. Ignoring your health issues may give birth to worse disease. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Capricorn

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, along with that; it is also the strongest planet. At the time of transition, the position of the planet remains in the eleventh house of your zodiac sign. The eleventh house of the Capricorn natives implies one's income, success, social circle, siblings, and others. The natives will enjoy several benefits during this transit. You will get rewarded for your success and hard work, resulting in an increase in your desires to achieve your goals. You will face some challenges in different fields, though you will procure your position and defeat each and every obstacle in your life. In terms of your financial condition, you will succeed enormously, and several doors of monetary resources will come to you, and serve you extreme benefits. You will also get an advantage through your property. Your siblings will also get the chance to taste success which would also prove beneficial for you. Your marital life will be full of joy, and couples with a kid will witness their talents. Natives with the job will earn respect through their wisdom and honesty in completing their tasks.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aquarius

The transit of Mercury will be very impactful on Aquarius. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and moves towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. Where the tenth house represents various factors of life like one's career, family's situation, respect, politics and one goal in life, apart from that it is also known as the house of karma and profession. The natives will witness several ups and downs in their lives. The working professionals have to face some challenges, though their sharp intellect and reasoning abilities will help them to get out such tuff situations. Natives applying for a new job have to keep patience and try harder. However, you will not get favourable outcomes at your workplace and get frustrated. Though don't lose your hopes and try to stand up and fight back. Your beloved will try to impress you and their affectionate love will strengthen your relationship. Natives who are involved in politics will not get good results, though you should keep trying. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Pisces

The planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transition and it shifts into your ninth house. The ninth house during the transition influences one's fate, guru, religion, travel, life decisions and financial condition. The Pisces natives will enjoy the benefits during this transit, especially the student natives, will score good marks in their studies, and their mentors will actively participate in helping them. There are family trips on your card. Your partner's achievement will be the reason for your name, fame and respect in society. One's involved in the business will earn profits through different economic sources. Performing religious activities and social services will give you mental satisfaction. You will also earn profits in partnership business. The natives will get more inclined in art and literature; some of them will choose writing as their profession too. You may also plan for a business trip or get a chance to shift to abroad for your higher studies. Your mother's health might get worse if ignored so do proper medication. Don't forget about your health, so de regular yoga or try to get involved in physical activities.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Sagittarius
17 Dec,2020
04 Jan,2021

The transition of the Planet Mercury can be very impactful over your sign. Due to the transit, the planet changes its position and moves to different house cause a change in your communication skills, preaching, educational activities, and intellectual thoughts. It also affects your financial condition by causing a difference in your business, accounting marketing, etc. The planet also influences the relation between your parents, lover, siblings and others. The Sagittarius signifies higher learning, philosophy, religion, teaching, Gurus, fathers teaching, travelling to long distances, etc. When Mercury is positioned in Sagittarius, it affects mainly the accounting and finance fields, higher learning, profits from publishing books, and it is also the best time for astrologers and Gurus. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Aries 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet; during the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards your ninth house, which is the house of one's fate and fortune. The impact of this transition affects one's luck, religion and relation with father. This period can be quite challenging for the natives; you will go through a lot of mental stress and tension because your tasks may not give good results. On the other hand, your family members will help you and support in every bad situation. Natives have to work really hard to get through this. Sitting at home and doing nothing would not help you; instead, you have to work really hard and take serious decisions about your future to make your dreams possible. Your karma is going to hit you back, so take precaution and don't interfere in anyone life. Not only your family but your friends will also stand by your side, and they will help you out with every problem you are dealing with and try to solve them together. Students natives will enjoy the advantages of this time; your hard work and dedication will give you better results in the field of education. You should take proper medications if necessary. If you are unable to handle your economic condition, then taking a loan from the bank would be a great idea. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Taurus

The transit of Mercury in your house will improve in the lives of natives having the zodiac sign Taurus. During the transitory period, the planet will be posited in your eight houses which are represented as the Ayu Bhagya or longevity of your Kundali. You will get to hear good news, and even the Married people will have a new member in the family during this time period. As the impact of this transition would be favourable for you, thus there will peace and harmony between your family member. They will tend to understand your feelings better, and you will stay motivated throughout time. You will be able to help out your family member too, especially the younger member in terms of finance. People in a relationship or married will go for some shopping or buying new clothes with their beloved. You will notice an increase in your social friends who will enjoy your company and have a memorable time with you. You will gain motivation by doing good deeds like donating in a charity and helping your friends give then valuable advice. There are chances of making a mistake in business and incurring losses, though this will not affect you much; instead, you will learn from those mistakes and more confident that you won't repeat it in future. Every Taurus native is advised to maintain a proper diet and do regular exercise to stay fit and healthy. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Gemini

The Planet Mercury is the dearest friend of Venus, and during the transition, Mercury shifts towards the house of partnership which is the seventh house of your zodiac sign. This house helps to know better about your spouse or partner and have a better understanding of life. People having a business partnership should avoid any quarrel or argument, because if you try to pressurize your partner in making your point, it would be problematic for you in future. You need to calmly share your ideas and views and make your partners understand in the right way. You will lack confidence because you will be worried about your future. The married natives are advised to remain totally understanding towards their spouse, listen to them and spend time with them. Working professionals will earn respect and good results due to their hardworking and honesty; even there are opportunities for some of you to get promoted. The most important thing every Gemini native should care about is, you have to do everything patiently, and you will get good results from it. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Cancer 

The transition of Mercury will give a favourable impact on the Cancer Natives. During the transit, the planet will change its position and will shirts towards the third house of your Zodiac sign Cancer. This transition would rather be very auspicious for the natives. If you are professional, then you will be highly praised for your efforts and working techniques, even you will be successful in doing every task with ease. You will feel mentally strong, and you would easily go through the problems which may arise during this duration, and even at the toughest times, your confidence won't break. Natives looking for a job change, this is the best time, and you will be surely successful in getting a new job. You would soon notice a significant improvement in your communication skills due to which people will tend to listen to you and understand your point of views, and your sweetened tone will attract them and thus help you in getting a good image in the social circle. You may also get in contact will some of the reputed members of the society. If you are fighting for any kind of legal case, the decisions will be in your favour during this duration of time. Your expense will soon increase, though you don't have to worry much about it. Having a little control over your spending would sort it out. Married natives will get a chance to go on a trip more like a vacation and spend a memorable time with their spouse. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Leo 

The transition brings a favourable impact over the Leo natives. During the transitory period, the planet is posited into the fifth house which is also represented as the house of progeny. Knowledge of your children is determined by the house. Leo natives will notice a change in their intellect. You will try to significantly improve and do better in your mental ability and will gain more interest in learning new subjects. Natives who are interested in the field of art will be able to attract many people by their creativity and talent. You will gain interest in spiritual learning, and you may also choose this as your subject. Natives will also enjoy debating and discussing their new ideas and point of views during this duration of time. You will get a little short-tempered in dealing with your life partner, though you will certainly pull it down fast and try to make your partner feel good. Students will enjoy extreme favours if this transit, their hardworking and dedication will prove to be beneficial, and they will get full support from their teachers and mentors. If you are studying in the field of mathematics, you will surely get good results and make your parents proud. Apart from that take proper precaution for your health, some skin allergies might cause due to polluted air. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Virgo 

The impact of the transit of planet Mercury would be very beneficial for the Virgo natives. During the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Virgo. The fourth house represents mother and happiness. You will reap the fruits of hard work you did in the past. This time is very lucky for buying a new home. You will be very busy due to some guests arrived at your home. There are many more possibilities of getting great news in various fields of life. You need to handle things between you and your spouse very calmly; otherwise, it may give birth to some clashes and disputes. However, you will be successful in every field of life and solve your problem with ease. Natives have work profession mist complete their work in time and full dedication. Also, you are recommended to do proper exercise or yoga and maintain a healthy diet. Apart from that, you will get the maximum benefit of this transit period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Libra 

The transit period is going to be very challenging for the Libra natives. As the dualistic Planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the third house of your zodiac sign during the transitory period. The third house is referred to as the house of courage and Valor. During this challenging period, you will have to take some serious decisions in your life and if you make any mistake in taking any decisions in terms of your family, this would bring your family apart. Though you just need to be down to earth and accept every mistake you made in front of your family. You opponents will try each and every way possible in order to destroy your image or status, though you will be handling each and every situation very calmly and smartly. You will need to control your wishes and focus on your work in order to attain success in the work fields. You will have to handle each and everything yourself, as we all know, god help those people who are kind and honest. Short-distance trips are there on your card which will refresh your mind. Apart from that your health will be good except your mind, your mental health will be a little disturbed. Keeping yourself fit and fine would be the best way to stay healthy and out of stress. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Scorpio 

The transit would leave a favourable impact on the Scorpio natives. The planet Mercury will change its position and move towards the second house of your Zodiac sign Scorpio and this transit will sort out many problems for you, and you will also get good results of your deeds. People in the field of business will gain enormous wealth through great deals; you will be successful in the economic field. There are chances of getting profits through ancestral properties. Your communication skills will improve, and you will notice a change in your way of speaking, though you need to understand that it is the best time to speak otherwise stay calm in such a situation. You will gain a good image because if your honest work and good deed, you will prosper good image in front of the society. Your health must be seriously taken care of, and you must keep yourself and your surroundings clean. Or else skin related disease can cause huge problems. Scorpion natives studying as students must focus on their studies to get good results in competitive exams. Try to consume a balanced diet and nutritious food. Along with regular exercise or yoga, will keep you mentally and physically fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Sagittarius 

This transit is going to be very impactful on your sign as the transition is taking place in your own songs. During the transition as the planet will be posted in your ascendent house, which according to the Kalpurush Kundali determines one's own health, body, intellect or enlightenment. People involved in the field of business can witness financial loss whose opponents may be the reason, so you need to stay alert from your opponents. Due to financial loss, you might face problems in your families too. However, your friends or relatives would be there to help and support your mentally and financially. You may also have some arguments or clashes with your life partner; however, you will sort it out with your sweet words and end up in peace and harmony in your marital life. Try to be careful with your words in order to stay safe from your colleagues, or you will end in an argument or dispute with your colleagues. Married wives having this sign will appease their husbands with delicious food and have a happy married life. 

Transit of Mercury in Sagittarius on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make it's transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your Zodiac sign. This transit will bring a favourable impact in your life and your communication skills will find a way to touch people's hearts. You will attract your friends and family by your ideas and thoughts. Working professionals will gain respect and they will complete tasks in time. You will gain excess profits and your hardwork will prove to be very beneficial. Student natives working hard for  competitive exams will get good results. Your social circle will increase, people will tend to trust you and have faith in you. Though you need to keep control over your speeches or else it might turn into an argument. You also need to take proper precautions in terms of your health. Regular exercise or yoga would be very beneficial for your health and mental stability. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Aquarius 

The Aquarius natives will gain extreme favour due to this transit. The planet will make its transition and will be posited in your eleventh house, which is represented as your house of income and expenditure. During this transit, you will gain excess profits, and you will be able to clear out all the debts and money rat problems. Gaining profits will improve your financial condition. You will create a good image firing of your family, and you will also get an amazing chance to spend a memorable time with your partner and children as well. You will get to make new friends and actively take part in social activities too, which would help your expand your friend circle. Your increase in knowledge and intelligence will open new doors of profits in your life. Most of you who are in love will gift a beautiful present to your partner expressing your feeling to them; it is the best time to propose and ask for their hand for marriage. Amidst all this, if you still feel like you have not done good deeds than you need to review them again. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Pisces 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in your tenth house, which represents the house of Profession and career, due to this transit, your self-confidence will immensely improve. Your logical perspective will improve, which will help you defeat your opponents. This transit will make your personality strong due to which your enemies will fear from you and decide not to bother you in any way. Natives will easily complete their pending tasks and earn respect in their fields. Your family life will be smooth and peaceful. You will get a chance to spend more time with your life partner and get closer to them, and this time will be very memorable for both of you, which will create mutual understanding between you both. There are chances of shopping on your card, and most probably you will reap the fruits of hard work and give a boost to your career. Your intelligence will be boosted; you will be able to help out your classmates and put your views and points clearly. Your talents will be praised socially, and you can turn these talents into the direction of success.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Capricorn
29 Dec,2021
05 Mar,2022

The transit of Mercury into Capricorn plays a very significant role in the life of their natives. When the Mercury is in Capricorn, it makes the mind of the native think in a very well organized manner, and they also keep their focus on they want to achieve, and it is challenging to distract them from completing their tasks. The Capricorn natives during this transit will always be practical and focus on their business. Their way of communication will always be practical and logical. They will always have some relevance in their conversation, and thus, the transit of Mercury will have a very influential impact in the lives of Capricorns related to their business, career, education, love and marriage life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aries

The powerful Mercury that is the Lord of your third and sixth houses, during the transit, its position moves towards your tenth house. The tenth house of your Kundali implies your livelihood, karma and fame. With the impact of Mercury in your tenth house, during this time, you will do exceptionally well in your office or workplace, which would be all because of your hard work and intelligence. Your bosses and seniors will praise you, and even your colleagues would unexpectedly appreciate your work. People doing business have the best time to give a start to their new ideas, or they will get excessive chances to expand their business. You will have an excellent and happy relationship with your family. You will have a peaceful family life. You siblings will be there to support you in most of your things, which also be very beneficial for your work. Your communication skill will attract many people who might be useful. You need to avoid being overconfident. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Taurus

Mercury that is popularly known as the Lord of the second and the fifth houses of their zodiac sign Capricorn. During the transition, the planet moves towards the ninth house of their zodiac sign. The ninth house implies the house of wealth, fame and respect. Due to the effect of Mercury transition in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, you will notice an improvement in relation with your father. You will witness a significant gain in your financial condition and strong support from your family, especially your father. You will be able to establish a beautiful relation with your beloved and have a very happy marital life. Your communication with your partner will be flawless. You will always lookout for ways to stay together and spend a memorable time. You will gain excess fame in your social group and would be very profitable for you. There are some tips on your card, which would bring some benefit to improve your financial condition. Student natives will get a good result for their hard work in their higher studies. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Gemini

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the fourth house of your zodiac sign. During its transit into Capricorn, it is posited towards their eight houses. Due to the transit, it shows a rise in your physical challenges, and you must be careful about your health. On the other hand, the transit will help you in improving your financial condition. If you are facing any sort of financial issues, during this time, you will get rid of it. Natives connected with Dharma Karma and other religious things are going to get good results. People of this zodiac sign receiving Mantra Deeksha will witness great results. 

This transit is going to prove very beneficial for the Geminis, they will get excellent results working in the field of research, and their main focus will be in studying about spiritual activities in depth. You would get to notice a slight improvement in your communication skills. There are chances of gaining profits economically. However, you have to be careful about your speech since you may get aggressive or arrogant. You might face some difficulties at your workplace, though a little hard work and sincerity will work it out. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Cancer

Mercury is often referred to as the Lord of the third and twelfth houses for Cancerians. During the transition, the planet shifts towards the seventh house of your Kundali. The seventh house signifies a long-term partnership and a successful business. Natives during this transition will gain excess profit in terms of their work or business. There are more chances of profit from telecommunication resources. Natives doing business will be able to receive total success in expanding their business, especially through social media and marketing. In fact, natives working with multinational companies would also be able to get amusing results. In terms of the partnership, the transit would increase mutual understanding with your life partner. Avoid any outsider to interfere in your personal life or else that might raise an issue. Relation with your sibling will also improve, and you will get proper help and support from their side. You will find trustworthy friends, which would make you mentally strong, and you will able to make a decision and attain total success.

Effect of Mercury transit in Capricorn on Leo 

Mercury is the Lord of the eleventh and second houses of your zodiac sign Leo, while during the transit, it shifts to your sixth house which signifies legal activities, debated, and arguments. This transit into your house will give a good impact to you; there are chances that you may get success in any debate or court case during this period. You will notice a gradual increase in your expenses and your income might decrease, so you must take care of your expenses and try to have control of your expenses. You will surely get a good result, and your confidence might boost up. Don't get involved in any argument; it's better to stay away from any sort of distraction like that. This transit will prove to be very beneficial and favourable for the employees. You might be consuming more time in completing your tasks, and your mind would make a bit restless because of that, so don't worry and try to finish all your tasks without any fuss. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Virgo 

Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house and is the Lord of your Zodiac Sign as well. During the transit the planet shifts toward your fifth house which signifies love, education, intelligence, and children in your Kundali. This transit would have a significant impact on your zodiac sign. The transition of Planet Mercury into Capricorn will improve your intellectual thoughts. Student natives will attain great results in their field of academics. On the other hand, natives who are in love with their partner will get more time to know each other and get closer. They will build trust and increase their understanding with each other. Married couples would be very satisfied with their children and would engage with them to attain success in life. People involved in the business will get the chance to expand their business and get beneficial results, including traders and merchants. You will gain intelligence, and with the help of that, you will be able to make the right decisions. This transit will help you gain a special position as an influence on society. Working will notice an improvement in their relationship with their seniors.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Libra

Planet Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and during its transit in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, it is posited in your fourth house. Your fourth house signifies comfort and prosperity, which improves due to the transition of the planet of luck, Mercury. Your family knots will be strengthened, and you will have a great time. Your family knots might get stronger, and you would have a great time in future. This would help you to keep your mind at peace and focus over the working, which would help you get good results. You will get proper utilization of your intelligence and will praise and respect for your decisions. There are chances of getting benefits related to your property. If you do invest in properties, you will get the chance to gain more profit from it. Natives living in abroad might get a chance to come back home and meet their family. You will also receive gifts from your grandparents on your father's side, which would motivate you and make you happy. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Scorpio 

Mercury is the Lord of their eight and eleventh houses if the zodiac signs Scorpio, which during the transition period shifts toward the third house of your Kundali, which signifies communication. Planet Mercury is an important representation of communication. You will be able to fulfil all your ambitions. No one could snatch success from you, and thus this house will benefit a lot in terms of communication and speech. People working in the field of communication, it would be a piece of cake for them to attain success during this period. There are many chances of travelling and enjoying your life along with which you will gain experience too. There could be some arguments with your siblings, so make sure you take proper care for them. Your hard work will surely be the reason for your success. Scorpions in the field of marketing will get advantage of their hard work to get astonishing results. Transport business will also be flawless during the transition and will bring high profits. Employees must be good with every colleague of theirs so that when the time comes, they will help you. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Sagittarius

The powerful planet Mercury is the Lord of their seventh and tenth houses of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. During the transit, the planet moves towards their second house. The second house of the Sagittarius signifies the house of voice and eating habits; on the other hand, it is also known as the house of Dhan Bhava or the house of money. Due to the transit, your ability to speak will attract most of the people; your way of talking will be sweeter and attractive. Due to this change in your personality, you will be able to perform your task faster and will be able to improve your status financially. Natives must focus on hard work, and sincerity will prove to be very beneficial, and they will earn an enormous profit. During this period you will be satisfied with your food habits, though you need to take care of your way of eating and instead eat slowly and calmly. The natives will get numerous chances to earn great profits in terms of money during this period of time. Your conditions regarding your health may get worse though if you take proper care and don't hurry in doing anything will keep you safe. Relation in terms related to your family will be good, and you will have a happy family. You might get an opportunity to spend some quality time with your family and make some memorable moments too. Due to this, you will have a respective and good image in front of your family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Capricorn 

The strongest Planet Mercury affecting its transition over Capricorn will be very favourable for your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the Lord of the sixth house and the ninth house of their zodiac sign Capricorn which signifies their house of fortune. Though the planet will be moving to your first house during the transit, incurring some essential effects and would be very beneficial for the natives. The transit of Mercury would lead to a Raj Yoga kind of situation, where luck would be totally in your favour during this duration of time. You will be successful in attaining fame in terms of finance, social and professional fields. However, if your project or work is stuck somewhere, you will be able to continue it again. Make sure you don't get distracted in any argument, and there are chances your work might get stuck due to this. Your married life would be smooth, and a trip with your spouse could be your next plan. Take proper care of your health as your opponents will leave no chance to dominate you at any cost. Though you will get full support from your father, still you need to stay away from any disputes related to a court or legal issue.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aquarius 

Saturn's friendly Planet Mercury is the Lord of your eight and fifth house of the Zodiac sign Aquarius, and during the Mercury transit in Capricorn, the powerful planet moves towards their twelfth house which represents loss and expenditure. You really need to be careful with your expenses; during this period you may incur an increase in your expenses which weaken you financially. On the other hand, student natives will get the favour of this transit; most of them might also get a chance to go abroad for their studies, which would satisfy their mental health. During this time you should avoid travelling, or else it can be very costly and a waste of time. Your love life may be in a problem, your partner may shift to another city, and the long-distance relationship might cause too much energy and money. You also have to take proper precautions for your health, which might detonate in this duration; you may incur skin and nerve-related problems. Maintain distance from your opponents as they would try to create problems in your work and keep focused in your own work. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Pisces

The Lord for the fourth and seventh house of Pisces is Mercury which is a very powerful planet. While its transition the planet moves towards the eleventh house which signifies the house of profits and benefits. The transit will favour your life in terms of income. You might get an increase in your income, and this is the best time to fulfil all your desire and comfort you wished for. If your family is deciding to sell some kind of property, this is the best time. You will be able to notice an excessive gain in your business, and this is also the best time to expand your business. Your marital life with your spouse will also be lucky as well as beneficial for you. You will get to know more about each other, and in no time you will get closer to your partner. Natives planning for a startup or a new business will get success in it, and with the blessing of Mercury, they will flourish day and night. Due to all this, your image in society will increase, even your social circle will increase, connecting to social media will be very advantageous for you and this duration will provide you fame by your social activities. You will get the chance to hang out with your friends and have a peaceful time.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Aquarius
11 Mar,2021
31 Mar,2021

The strong planet Mercury represents commendable communication, healthy business, trustworthy partnership, education etc. Amidst all this, Mercury increases your ability to memorize and enhances your accounting, marketing and analytic skills. On the other hand, Aquarius strengthens your hope and wishes to fulfill your desires to channelize with large organization and masses, etc. The transition of Mercury in Aquarius is very beneficial and supportive for natives working in various fields like teachers of science, planners and creator of the map would also get the benefit and support due to the transit. And even the mathematical models for weather and other forecasting departments, advisors of finance and other, etc. would also be effectively advantageous too. There are chances where the people may get mislead by a piece of wrong information that something serious is going to happen when the motion of Mercury reverses. Only in case of the birth chart, the reverse effect of Mercury might create some confusion or powerlessness or else if the Mercury is well placed, then there is no need to worry. 

Effects of Mercury Transit on Aries 

Mercury which appears to be the powerful Lord of their third and sixth houses, specifically for the natives of Aries, goes through an evolution. During the transit into Aquarius, the planet will continuously move and would acquire a position in the eleventh house, which appears to be the house of profits, where the house fulfils your achievement, along with benefits and help the natives to accomplish all the ambitions of life. The transit of Mercury in Aquarius will enrich your abilities and natives can also notice a dynamic increase in their proficiency. 

Your hard work and mental effort during this transit will result in huge success to get an increase in your salary and will be extremely favorable for your financial condition. There will be a gradual change in the personality of Arians, where they will notice a significant boost in their confidence and would be able to express their feeling to the loved ones. And your partner would take an interest in you and shower you with love. Natives should make sure about some things, especially for students who are engaged in the field of education. You will get the undue advantage of learning new things, though you may need to increase your effort at the time if Mercury is regressive. Yours have to take proper precaution for your financial condition which may be weakened, though it may only last for a short period.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Taurus 

Mercury is the strongest planet; it is also known as the dearest friend of the Lord of your sign Venus. It makes its transit while moving through the tenth house if your sign and shows an extreme significance for your Karma and business. People having the sign Taurus, where the former is the Lord of their second and fifty houses, resulting in the transit of Mercury in Aquarius will indicate success and improvement in your professional status. 

This transit would be very impactful in your professional life where you will be able to discover hue best abilities based on your knowledge and trust. Get the best utilization of your education, which would help you to complete your task pleasantly. You will accomplish a good image in front of your bosses. Natives having a business will get the chance to enlarge their trade. And you will get to chance to be close with your family and share some of the best emotional moments.

During the Mercury regression, the natives might have to be serious with their professional lives. You may lose interest and make mistakes which would lead you to lose your jobs. Don't worry because everything will be normal after 10th March and you will notice an improvement, and just after an interval of time you would again be the expert in your work again. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Gemini

Mercury shows a strong effect on Gemini as it is the Lord of the Zodiac sign Gemini. However, it is also the Lord of your fourth house, and during its transit, in Aquarius, it moves to your ninth house which is known as the house of fortune, the results will be seemingly favourable for you. During the transit of Mercury on Gemini, the natives will get great benefit in matters related to property, and fate will be in favour of the Gemini natives. You will get complete success in changing your homes and will notice a rise in your fame and respect in society. You will also get emotionally close to your father, and your father will be very supportive and helpful in gaining profits. 

However, you have to take proper precautions during February and mid-March, which may prove to be very difficult for you. Don't worry and you just have to increase your hard work and not get irritated by the same tasks. During the Mercury retrograde, you have to be careful at the time of travelling. Apart from that, you will have enormous success in fields like travelling or writing. The lady luck will be in your favour. You will get a gradual plus significant increase in your income, and there are chances of a great trip which would make you mentally strong. You might make new friends who will prove to be completely supportive.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Cancer

For Cancer natives, Mercury stays the Lord of their third and twelfth house, and during its transit into Aquarius, the planet moves towards their eight houses which might show some ups and downs in life. Though, amidst the NavaGraha, Mercury is the only planet which shows the positive impact in life during its transit in their eight houses. During this time you may prepare yourself to do some hard work, though the result you will be receiving would be very small. This you may have to bear some unwanted expenses, and some unacceptable trips are also on your card. There are some chances where your siblings might also face some issues. You can meet your In-laws, and their suggestions and support will surely help you out to resolve your issue. You must take care of your health or else you have to bear some unwanted expenses regarding your health. Arians advised keeping an eye on your activities, apart from that your problems will solve after this duration ends and you will gain some profits which would help you get back your financial status. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Leo

Mercury which is eventually the Lord of the second and eleventh houses, where both the houses implies wealth, and so Mercury plays an important role in the natives of Leo. When the Mercury transits into the Aquarius, the planet stays in their seventh house, and the seventh house is the house of long term partnerships and business. This transit period will prove to be very beneficial for you, and you might get the chance to get emotionally and mentally closer with your spouse, which would improve your marriage life. 

You both will find a way to fight the distractions and get to connect with each other once again. Spending on your life partner would be very pleasing for both of you. Even this transit will enhance your business skills, and you would earn a huge profit, and new ideas will help you enlarge your enterprises. You can get mentally disturbed because of some increase in your expenses; however, your problems will come to an end after 10th March. You will be back in your normal life again.

Effects of Mercury Transit on Virgo 

Mercury being the Lord of the sign Virgo, it is also the Lord of their tenth house. So, Lord Buddha influences both your body and Karma, which means that the transit of Mercury into Virgo plays a very important role in your life. However, the Mercury transit in Aquarius will cause the planet to set forth in your sixth house, which signifies your enemies, disease and debts.

You have to be very careful regarding your health. The transit will have a bad impact on your health, and there might also be an increase in your health. Any type of ignorance can put you in danger. On the other hand, your professional life would be very successful. Your hard work will give you the chance to create a good image. However, your opponents may be stronger than you and would try to destroy your image. You will get a chance to be free from debts.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Libra 

Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and there is a friendly relation between Mercury and Venus which is the Lord of the sign Libra. Along with that, the Lord of Fortune or Bhagyesh is the Lord of your ninth house, which would move towards your fifth house during this transit. 

When the Mercury transit into Aquarius, which will put a positive impact on your education and the people having the sign Libra will get outstanding results related to their higher studies. And even people in different fields like journalism, acting, writing, etc. or finance or commercial students would witness amazing results due to this transit. Due to transit if Mercury into Aquarius would bring an increase in your income and people doing jobs may get some information about their transfer. The natives will not get confused in making the divisions of their lives. Along with that, married couples might also welcome a baby in their lives. 

Luck will be in favour of the Librans they will spend the best moments of their lives with their beloved ones. Your relationship will get straighten and travelling long distance will be very advantageous for you. The Libra natives will receive great results during the Mercury regression. On the other hand, the students will do excellent in their higher studies and can get an opportunity to go abroad for their further education. After the end of Mercury retrograde, you will have a settled job and people thinking of changing job would be successful at this time.

Effect of Mercury transit on Scorpio

Mercury is the Lord of the eighth and the eleventh houses of the zodiac sign Scorpio, and when it transits into Aquarius, the Mercury stays in the fourth house, which implies overall happiness. During this transit, you will enjoy enormous comfort and money-oriented facilities, and also in this duration, you will get to utilize your resources. Apart from that, you will be very successful in your workplace. You will gain a good image in your social life, and the natives might also notice a positive change in their family. Though you may be strong in terms of wealth, you may not be as much strength in terms of you and your families, especially your mother's health. You may incur a chest pain or stiffness in your body. Though after the end of the Mercury retrograde, you will find yourself in a comfortable zone and be healthy again. People doing a job may get an increment in their salary. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Sagittarius 

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the seventh house for natives with the zodiac sign Sagittarius, and also is the Lord of the tenth house of Karma. During the transit, it moves towards the third house of the native which, according to the Kalpurush Kundali belongs to the Gemini. So, there will be the presence of Lord Buddha which would bring outstanding outcomes for Sagittarians. 

You will be getting the benefit of travelling to many places, which not only give you pleasure but also would be profitable for your financial condition. Your terms with your younger siblings will get better. Your friends will help you out in need. You will improve your communication skill and may also get the house of your ambition. You will perform better all together, and you will gain fame in social media. However, you might make sure you don't make a mistake in communicating with someone. Take proper precautions or else some misunderstanding may lead to some obstacles in your work. You might get stuck in an argument or debate.

Effect of Mercury transit on Capricorn

Mercury is the Lord of the Sixth house for your native and is the house of fortune. During the transit, it will move towards your second house, which signifies wealth. The transit of Mercury into Aquarius will be quite significant for Capricorn. 

This duration will be very beneficial for you, as you will gain many profits economically and your financial status will improve. As you fortune will be in your favour and all your incomplete tasks will be getting accomplished in no time. You will get to attend many trips which would bring you a huge profit. Legal disputes may be decided in your favour. This period will strengthen your financial condition. Students are also going to get excellent results and the ones going for a competitive exam, the results would be good for them, and the change of scoring good marks is very big. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Aquarius 

Mercury is basically the Lord of your fifth and eighth houses and while during the transit period, it shifts to your first or ascendant house, forming a Raj Yoga kind of situation as the mercury transit is crucial for you because it is taking place in your own sign. 

Because the Lord of your eight houses is posited in your ascendant house, your mind might get attracted more towards spiritual subjects. You will notice very specific changes in your mind, and you will get excellent result in research work, and you will get into the depth to your thoughts. With the increase of your thinking capability, you will be able to give opinion related to any topic after you have learned about the situation properly.

 You will witness the fast development of your mind and your presence if the mind will also strengthen. You will be making your decisions on the basis of your future. Though you have to take proper care of your health or due to giving too much pressure in your mind, you might get mental stress. However, you will make the correct decisions for your future, and you will get significant help from children. And people in a relationship will get a great response from their beloved ones, and they will be standing by your side. 

Effect of Mercury Transit on Pisces 

The Lord of the fourth house for Pisces is Mercury which signifies happiness and the seventh house, which states the sign of partnership. And during the transit period, it gets posited in your twelfth house which signifies losses and expenditure. Therefore, the natives will suffer from an increase in their budget, and there will be a downfall in their economic status. Some member of your family might get successful in shifting or travelling abroad, and this is also very good for making a new property. 

On the other hand, this time is very beneficial related to foreign trade and might also get an enormous profit in import-export. Your relationship with your married ones or loved ones might be stressful, but can be sorted out if you pay attention to them. You need to work extremely hard during the time of Mercury retrograde and put all your effort in completing the tasks. This period of time will be very crucial and challenging for the natives. Increasing expenses may affect your budget, and your health will also disturb you. Make sure you take proper healthcare.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisions, marriage problems, business success, financial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Pisces
01 Apr,2021
15 Apr,2021

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and shares a friendly relation with Venus. The impact of Mercury transition is over different fields which include communication, business, partnership, preaching, and it also has effects on one's ability to memorize. Apart from that, accounting, marketing and analytic skills are mostly affected. The zodiac sign Pisces signifies Moksha or peace, the chance of going abroad, your health, physical fitness, focused mind, etc. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aries 

The Planet Mercury rules over the third and sixth house of your zodiac sign Aries. During the transitory period, the planet shifts its position and moves towards the twelfth house of the Aries natives. The twelfth house represents the house of expenditure. Also, this transition will bring a negative impact on your zodiac sign; the natives have to face several ups and downs during this duration. The natives will have to take proper care of their health because due to the influence of the planetary movement, one might notice a decline in their health or suffer from some serious disease like insomnia or skin related disease. So it is recommended to have a proper checkup and have a healthy diet. You will remain disappointed at this duration because of your hard work will not give any results. Stay alert from your opponents and rivals; they will always plan something out to in order to create obstacles in your work. The student natives will get the favour of this transit, and they will be able to go through the competitive exams and get good results, student natives might also get the chance to study abroad. Though to acquire success, they need to work really hard and focus mainly on their studies and exams. You will also gain leads in some legal matters and attain success. You need to take proper control of your expenses, or else your total expenditure might get overbudget. Your sibling will get the chance to go for a tour to foreign countries, and you may get a chance to get hired from a foreign or multinational company. Natives who are studying law will get favourable results, and they will keep this balanced throughout the course during this period. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Taurus 

Venus is the powerful Lord of your zodiac sign Taurus and has a friendly relation with Mercury. The Planet Mercury has its ruling power over your second and fifth house. During the transition, both the planets will be posited in your eleventh house. The eleventh house of your zodiac sign is also represented as the house of profits. People in the field of business will get the favour of this transit. You will get excessive chances to expand your business and earn profits through it, and this period is the best time to release your money to buy some good investment for the advancement of your business. You can also involve your family member to help you out with your business. And luckily, your flow of income will tend to sort out all income related issues, and you will be able to repay all the debts, and your business will be totally settled. Thus the transit of Mercury over your sign would be very favourable for you, even in terms of your love life. All the fights and distance between you and your partner will end up. You will get enough time to spend with your lover and let them know about your true feelings. You will get total support, and your relationship will get its charm back. Student natives will tend to have more interest in their studies. With hard work and full dedication, you will be able to peruse in a better college or even get a chance to travel abroad for your higher studies. Along with that, your family will be really supportive of your decisions and ambitions during this transit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Gemini 

The powerful planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your flourishing house, including your fourth house. Due to this transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of Mercury will reflect on your career, relation, business, etc. This transitory movement of the planet will help you out in the field of business you will be able to take the right decision, which would be very favourable for your future. Though make sure you don't get overconfident, which will bring distraction in your work. Apart from that, you will spend a memorable time with your family; your family member will understand your good intentions and support your decisions. You will be able to express your feeling more conveniently, and you will notice a change in. And in such you will get an enthusiastic environment which would prevail your households. If you have any issues related to your property or any case in court, the decision would be in your favour, along with that any documentation issues will be resolved. Don't get involved with your office colleagues; they would create distractions in your work. And even don't share any personal information with them. During this duration, you may feel low and unhealthy. So, do regular excessive and keep yourself fit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Cancer 

The Planet Mercury rules over your twelfth and third houses, and due to the transit the planet changes its position and is posited in your ninth house, which represents health relationship and travel. Due to this transit, you will get the opportunity to travel abroad. Student natives trying to get into foreign countries for higher education will be successful at this duration. You will also considerably notice an increase in your social circle; people will tend to get influenced by you. You can give a new direction to your life will great efforts. Some natives will also tend to gain interest in the writing profession. And it is possible that you will go into the direction of media or journalism. You will witness a gradual increase in your communication skills, people around you will understand your ideas, you will also acquire an interest in performing social functions and events. Your siblings will support you in every field, especially in the field of finance. You will take great interest in different hobbies like gardening, writing or acting, and there are chances you will go further in this field. You will surely take stand against the evils of the society at this duration. However, stay alert and keep your vocal talent in control or else being too much outspoken can put you in danger. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Leo 

Mercury is a dualistic planet will be posited into the eight houses of the Leo people during the transition period. The presence of the Planet Mercury weakens the Leo sign natives, and the duration of this transit will not be favourable for you. On the other hand, the Planet moon being the Lord of your second and eleventh house will bring a drastic fall in your income. If you are working in the field of business, you might incur huge losses, which might increase your expenditure. Though, you don't have to stop expecting after the small period your financial condition will get a good position. At this drastic time, meeting your in-laws would bring great help, their mature and handful of advice will surely help you out to get through this situation and improve your economic condition. Natives working as am an employee, or having a job have to face many ups and downs, your opponents will wait for a chance to destroy your career, stay alert from them. You may also lose your job, so better keep cautioned and stay away from your opponents and don't share any information with them. You will surely enjoy and feel peaceful in organizing and doing poojas, chanting and learning new rosaries will be satisfying too during this duration. The natives will gain interest in studying spiritual subjects and will gain an interest in such activities. This will refine your ideas and balance your mind in taking decisions for the future.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Virgo 

The dualistic and strongest Planet Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house, while the transit the planet will be posited in your seventh house. This transition will have a favourable impact on the Virgo natives. You will notice an improvement at your workplace, and the impact of the transition will give you favourable results. The natives have the chances of getting promoted. And even, you will also get a salary hike which would ease your expenses. And certainly, the business natives will get the opportunity to gain excess profits and clear out all their debts. Apart from that, there will a negative impact on the people in terms of your health. It is recommended to take proper health care and do regular exercise, which would keep you fit and fine. You will be able to have a stronger relationship with your life partner, and their advice will be very beneficial for you, though you have to face disappointment at times. However, this will not bother your relation with your partner; instead, your relation will get sweeter and stronger with your spouse. Your relationship with your father would soon get better. You will use your humour in the right way, and this will be very beneficial for your business activities. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Libra 

The Planet Mercury is the Lord of your ninth and twelfth houses, and during the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your sixth house. Due to the transit in your sixth house, you will have to work harder to attain success. Though working hard will give very little success, and due to this, you will remain worried throughout the time period. Your income might also deteriorate. You are expected to pay more attention to your diet, and avoiding fast food is best for now. You must try not to get involved in any sort of arguments or debates; this might lead to a quarrel. Your father will receive certain positive results, and he will surely attain an enormous amount of success. Suppose you wish to share any kind of personal details it would give your opponents the opportunity to take unnecessary advantage and put your life at risk. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Scorpio 

The dualistic planet Mercurys is the Lord of your eight and eleventh houses. And during the transition period, the planet tends to change its position towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign Pisces. And the result of this transit will be the quite favourable and adverse situation with regards to your love life. Though your partner will talk to you in a sweeter way, still you will find it difficult to understand them. This will create some misunderstandings between you both, and certainly fights and debates will become a part of your relationship. And you should choose your words carefully in front of your partner. If you are married, these quarrels will not affect your children; they will tend to focus on their studies and do well in life. However, keep your eyes on them and see if they don't get distracted from their studies. The natives will also find themselves lucky in putting their money in lotteries, share market or other investment. You will get to earn from several sources which would improve your financial condition. The planetary movement is very favourable for you or academic life too, hard work and dedication will take you towards success.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Sagittarius

The Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and is also the ruling Lord of the seventh and tenth house of your zodiac sign. During its transition, the planet moves towards the fourth house of the Sagittarius natives. The impact of this transit will create a network between your personal and professional life, so your personal life could be clearly seen influencing your professional one. Thus it's advised to maintain a balance. Your family members will maintain peace and harmony, and they will try to understand and nurture each other. However, some clashes are possible, and you are recommended to stay away from any debates or arguments. During this transition, you will solve some problems of your life partner and put them out from stress. Your work life will prosper due to your hard work, wisdom, dedication and honesty. You will able to get some amazing ideas and complete your tasks with ease. You will also notice an improvement in your business field, and even your perspective about business ideas will be cleared. During this duration, your mother might take some serious decisions regarding the family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Capricorn

According to your Kundli, the Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your sixth and ninth houses. Your zodiac sign gets influenced by the planet and has a positive effect over your luck. During the time of transition, the planet is posited in your third house. And because the transit is taking place in your third house, you need to take proper precautions for your speeches. The chances are that any of your close friends or family might get hurt with your words. Your opponents will be very dangerous for you right now, and they will try to ruin your image in the society. If you are trying for a loan to get approved, this time will surely give you positive results. Your dedication and hard work will surely take you one step closer to success. Natives working with your honest attitude will attract the coworkers and will take you to the peak of success. They will stay by your side and help you out with every problem in your way. Capricorn natives are working in the field of law, and as advocates will get tremendous value and achieve success. Apart from that, try not to express your views and thoughts on any social media platform, because people against society may try to create a problem in your personal life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aquarius 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your fifth and eight houses. For people who have the zodiac sign, Aquarius is highly influenced by the transition of Mercury. During the transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Aquarius, and due to this transition, you will notice a mysterious tone in your speech. People listening to your words may find it very difficult to understand, which might give birth to confusion and clashes, and you will remain in a state of confusion. You should have a proper diet and do regular exercise in order to avoid any kind of disease or discomfort. You will earn more than your expectations and will be able to easily repay all your debts. Natives who are a student will be able to get good marks in their higher studies, and their dedication and hard work will surely take them to the path of success. And this will give them confidence. Married couples will hear some good news from their children. Your lover may introduce you to their family. Your life partner may suffer from a skin disease, so take proper precaution for him/her. Make sure you don't take it lightly. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Pisces 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet. The transition of the planet Mercury will take a position in Pisces itself. Mercury is the Lord of your fourth and seventh house, respectively. The influence of the planet Mercury will be very impactful on your house. During the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your ascendant house. The natives are advised to keep their eyes and ears open and always have focused on their presence of mind. You have to take your decisions carefully, or else it might create problems in future. This transit will especially help you in improving your business conditions. However, it would be great to take decisions by asking your elder or experienced person. Your achievement and change in your behaviour will create jealousy among your friends. Matters related to property will be in your favour during this transition period. Your mother will support you in every task, which would be really helpful. You may have some issues in your love life, so don't hate and solve every problem with patience and sweetly. Some of the natives will gain interest in learning new subjects.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Aries
16 Apr,2021
30 Apr,2021

Mercury plays a critical role during the transition period. According to the Vedic astrology, it influences your inner voice and thoughts and ideas. It represents one's communication and wisdom. You would soon notice a boost in confidence, humor, talent, family, finance and others. Natives who have strong influence of Mercury have intellect and presence of mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aries 

Mercury is the ruling lord of your third and sixth houses of Aries, and as the transition is taking place in the own house, the position of Mercury will shift in the first house also known as your ascendant house. With this transition, your confidence will increase, and you will feel more strengthened. With boosted confidence, you will be able to take serious decisions which will prove to be impactful in future. Your overconfidence will be a reason for arguments and clashes, and you may also hurt someone's sentiments, so control your speech and think before speaking. Your siblings will support you during this time. They will try to do everything to help you out. Your love and affection towards your loved ones will increase; you will trust your family and partner. Mercury being the lord of your sixth house will negatively affect your health, you can have a skin disease, so you are advised to go for a checkup and take proper health care. You should also maintain a proper diet. 

Your relation with your partner will be fabulous; this transit will give you chances to improve your marital life. You would also get quality time with your spouse, and during that time, you will establish your bonds and come closer to each other. You will create a sense of mutual understanding which will decrease clashes and arguments. Your partner will trust you more. Businessmen are advised to take precautions before investing, or else they can suffer a huge loss. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Taurus

Mercury is the ruling lord of the second and fifth houses of your zodiac and thereby, during the transitory period, it will change its direction and will be posited in your twelfth house. During this transit, the Taurus natives will face both positive and negative impacts. The impact of the Mercury transit in Aries will bring an increase in your expenditure; you may spend most of your wealth on particular tasks. Students who are willing to shift abroad for higher studies will get a chance, though they have to work really hard. If your children are trying that, they will succeed in getting admission in a foreign university. Still, the only way to get admission is by working hard. Taurus natives will accomplish good results through their intellect and wisdom, which will help them earn a good position and respect in society. If you work hard in business, you will deal in some profitable investments which will prove to be helpful in the long run.

Those in a relationship will have to face some challenges, and you will stay away from your partner due to some trip. Though having good communication and patience will help you maintain your terms with your partner. Pay attention to your partner, and make them feel important. Giving a little more love and effort will keep the relationship alive. You should keep an eye over your expenses, or it will have a negative effect on your financial status. Some unnecessary disputes will be the reason for your stress. Your health will weaken during this time period, so try to have a good diet and stay away from fast food. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Gemini

The impact of Mercury transit will bring favorable results for the Gemini. As during the transition period of Mercury in Aries, the planet will be positioned in the eleventh house for Gemini. Mercury is the lord of your sign, which will affect your house of income and profits. Your speaking will gain fluency, and with the help of your intellect and wisdom, you will earn enormous wealth. One's working in an office will get favors from their seniors and your communication skills will improve, due to which you will gain momentum at your workplace.

The Gemini people will enjoy the benefits in terms of a relationship. You might get sufficient quality time with your partner, and develop a sense of understanding. Your support will help to prosper your spouse's life. This love and affection will give you the energy to attain success in life. This transition will also help you financially, which would help you in clearing any debt or pending task.

With everything going well, you would be confident, and you will expand your social circle. With the expansion in your social circle, you will attend several weddings and parties. Making new friends will give you a special position in society. Businessmen will make profits through different sources, which will improve your financial conditions.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Cancer

The twelfth and third house of the Cancer natives is ruled by Mercury. During the transitory period, it is posited in your tenth house. Your tenth house is also the house of Karma, which basically signifies career. So, this period will bring certain ups and downs in the lives of the Cancer natives. You have to face certain challenges in professional life. However, your efforts will give you the chance to attain success. Your relations with your colleagues will strengthen; they will be support you. The natives will enjoy their work and will be satisfied. Some of you can be transferred. Apart from everything, you must focus on your task and complete them with honesty and dedication. Any mistake can ruin your image, so recheck everything before submitting. However, you will have to take an extreme workload. In such a situation, do your tasks carefully and calmly. You might feel de-motivated. Do not lose hope; instead complete each and every task with full dedication. You will have a marvelous time with your family, and this time will bring peace and harmony in your family life. Your parents will be proud of you. Your family, and even your siblings and others will help you out in certain tough situations. Your parents will have a health condition. Your relations with your father will gradually improve with time. Your partner's love for you will increase, and they will respect you for being a responsible person. Cancerians involved in the business will earn good profits through certain investments in properties and assets. This will strengthen their financial status.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Leo

The ninth house of the Leo natives signifies the house of fortune and long-distance journeys. During the transitory period, your ninth house will host the position of Mercury. The people will get a positive impact during this transition period. As Mercury is the lord of your second and eleventh houses, thus positively affecting your financial condition. People will notice economic strength, and you will flourish. You will get to complete your pending tasks and succeed in different fields. Your works giving you stress will finally get done. Your efforts will not go waste, and you will execute your task. Leo natives will get a chance to expand their family business and earn profits. 

Working professionals will also get success. You will have a blissful time with your loved ones, and even your siblings will enjoy your company. They will even come out to support you in need. You will make some serious decisions which will be beneficial in the long run. Your communication skills will prosper and people will tend to like you even more. You will create new connections with some of the delegated members of society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Virgo 

Mercury is the lord of your sign, and this transitory period will prove to be essential for the Virgo natives. Mercury is the lord of your tenth house, also known as the house of Karma. During the time of transition, it will enter your eighth house; generally, this house doesn't hold a promising position though there are several benefits. Working people will have to face certain challenges at work. You will be stressed because your efforts won't give you good results. Don't lose hope and wait for your turn to prove yourself. After some time you will notice some improvement, some of you might also get an increment. Your health might create some serious problems for you; not taking precaution would lead to financial loss and an increase in your expenses. 

The natives can earn profits through some secret sources; they will get to utilize their wisdom and intellect during this period. Natives having Mercury placed on their birth chart will get some positive results. Some past investments will be profitable, and you may also cream your pending debts. Your father's health may get worse, so do proper healthcare. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Libra

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus; Libra's ruling Lord is Venus. Mercury is the lord of your ninth and twelfth houses. During the period of transit, Mercury changes its position and shifts towards the seventh house of Libra. Businessmen will get the advantage of this transit, which will bring a good momentum in your business, even there are chances of expansion of your business. If you are thinking of a new startup, then this is the best time. You will get favorable results, and your efforts will take you to success. You will gain profits through some unexpected sources. 

There are several trips on your card, along with that you will earn benefits and experience through these trips; you will make certain connections with foreign sources, which will give you a huge success. Unmarried people might have the chance of getting married during this duration. You will acquire a good sense of humour, and your communication skills will improve. It will give a boost to your personality too. Your decision making will be precise and give you benefits in the long run. You will earn a special status in society, and some influential people will make connections with you. Your health will be stable; a good diet is recommended.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Scorpio

Mercury is the lord of your eighth and eleventh house, during the transitory period the planet changes its position and shifts towards the sixth house of Scorpio. The natives have to face several challenges during this period, as this transition period will be full of ups and downs. Health-wise, you should take precaution regarding your health, or else some skin issue is indicated. Your speech might hurt someone's sentiment or feelings; you can also get into clashes or arguments. You are recommended to keep a check on expenses, as overspending may become a huge problem for you in future. 

During this period, some friends or family will support you; they will also lend some money. You can also take a loan from a bank to survive this period. However, your endless efforts will pull you out of this drastic situation, and you will be successful. You will be able to clear out your past debts. Working professionals will get into a clash with their seniors, so you should focus on your own tasks and complete them within time. Your rivals will try to dent your image, make sure you don't give them any chance. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Sagittarius 

The seventh and tenth house is ruled by Mercury. The impact of Mercury influences your professional, business and spouse's life. The transition of Mercury will in your fifth house, which will bring a positive impact on your income. You will be able to execute your plans perfectly. You will survive the strongest competition in the market, and your effort will be praised. Working people will get a chance to work with some big brands in the market, which will give you fame and benefits. This duration will be extremely favorable for you and you can get in touch with some reputed businessmen. 

Working people will have to be careful with their rivals, and they might also lose their jobs. However, you will soon get other opportunities. The life of those married will be happy; their efforts and wisdom will make you feel proud and respected in society. They might also get a promotion. Students will improve their concentration and focus on study, and you will also learn new things. Married people can have some good news from their children in the field of study. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Capricorn 

Mercury is the lord of your sixth house, it is known as the house of fortune. During the period of transition, it changes its position and shifts in the fourth house for Capricorn. It is the house of happiness. The transit will bring fruitful impact in the lives of Capricorn natives. You will spend this time by earning a fortune and making profits. This time is best to buy a new vehicle. 

You can spend a blissful time with your family, even your parent's health will remain in good condition. You will get to converse with your relatives through social media, which will make you nostalgic and there will be a soothing atmosphere in your family. There will be some property related issues which need to be settled as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will give birth to certain disputes, and these disputes can harm your wealth or even influence your family life. Your professional front will gain improvement, and your endless efforts will make you an expert in your tasks. Any pending case in court will get resolved at this time which will give you relief. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aquarius

Mercury is the lord of your fifth and eight houses, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and goes in the third house of your zodiac sign. Your third house, according to the Kal Purusha Kundli, is Mercury's house itself, which makes the planet more strengthened and results in improving your communication skills. Students’ will enjoy the benefits through this transit. Their intelligence will improve, and they will focus more on their studies, your efforts would give you good results in various other aspects. There are frequent trips on the cards, though it is recommended to avoid them for some time. There will be some economic and monetary problems. As during the pandemic, it is not so safe to travel with proper precautions. 

This duration will improve your relation with your siblings; you will also help them in certain situations. On the other hand, working officials have certain chances of getting an increment. Your communication skills will attract many people you will make new friends, which will increase your social circle. Some of you might get inclined towards writing and choose this as your profession. Your friends will be by your side, and you will prosper this friendship. You will maintain a good image in society

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Pisces

Mercury being the ruling lord of your fourth and seventh houses will enter through your second house during the transitory period. Your second house indicates the way of speaking. Your sense of humour will get better. People will be able to understand your thoughts and ideas and your intellect will help you win every debate. Though you will have to keep this in your mind that your words can hurt someone's feelings, so you must be aware and alert about the choice of words or else you may regret it later. Businessmen will get enormous benefits during this transit period. Your new and amazing strategies will boost your business, and you will also expand your business. Though you should be a little serious about your investments, it might lead to a huge loss. So do check before investing. 

There will be happiness in your family; you will spend some memorable time with them. Your parent's health will remain stable, and they will praise you for your good work. You will be showered with love. You marital live will prevail love and happiness, though some clashes might occur due to arguments, though you will impress them by giving them a surprise. Single people have the best chance to express their feelings to their loved ones; this time will bring Good luck for the Pisces natives.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Taurus
03 Jun,2021
06 Jul,2021

According to the Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury affects one's intellect, judgment, communication and behavior. The second sign in the series of the zodiac is Taurus, and its ruling planet is Venus, who has a friendly relation with Mercury. Along with that, it signifies one's wishes and desires, strength and rigidity, income and wealth, goals and ambitions, family and friends, etc. The planet Mercury has a ruling nature on the second and fifth house of your zodiac sign, Taurus. The impact of Mercury over you sign gives a favorable impact for the natives and according to the Vedic astrology, your second house signifies one's family relations, business conditions, jobs, talents, and materialistic things like assets, foods, property, resources, etc. There as, your fifth house represents one's creative talents, educational qualification, entertainment, energy and enthusiasm, interest in new things, tuff competition, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aries

The second house of your zodiac sign will host the transition of the planet Mercury. Due to this transit, there will be a favourable impact on one's communication skills and knowledge. You will be able to convey your ideas and thoughts fluently. People will tend to understand your good intentions, and you will get full support from them. Natives involved in part-time or full-time jobs will be supported by their individuals at the workplace; even your confidence in speeches will help you pass the interview rounds easily. Though your speaking abilities might put you in danger, people may get hurt or jealous with your improvement. Some of your speeches may turn into an argument or debates. So you are advised to stay calm and solve each and every situation calmly. People who are involved in the business will get huge profits through different sources. Some of you have great chances of earning profits through inheritance of some property or past investments. Your relationship with your beloved may have some chances of getting weak, so spend quality time with them, try to impress them or gift them something. You will get closer in no time, and you will get to enjoy some of the best moments of your life. Your health will be perfect, though maintain a proper diet and do regular workout. You can also get involved in some sports activities which would keep you fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Taurus 

The transit of Mercury is taking place in your powerful house itself, and the planet will be posited in your first house, which is your ascendant house. You will notice an improvement in your way of conversation; your impressive way of speech will attract many people and give you a strong personality. You will gain a soft-spoken and polite behaviour which will touch everyone's heart. Natives in relationships will enjoy the benefits of this transit, they will create a bond of mutual understanding, and their love will prosper. You will spend this time in peace and harmony. If you are working as a job official, you will get to taste success due to your hard work and dedication, though you are advised to stay away from office politics and focus on completing the tasks before time. Health-related issues will not arise. Still, you need to maintain a proper diet, and regular exercise is strongly advised.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Gemini 

During the transit, the planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, which signifies one's mental stress and ability. During this period, the natives will go through some stressful tasks, both mentally and physically. So, don't put yourself into stress by taking too many tasks and maintaining a balance is necessary. If one's involved in business activities, there are several chances to earn a fortune, and you have to keep a track on your expenses or else spending unnecessary will give you unwanted stress. There is a foreign trip on your card with your beloved, you will spend some memorable time with them, and any kind of distance between you both will be sorted out, and your relationship will get the spark back. Working officials should complete their work in the given time, apart from that they will have a decent earning.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Cancer 

The impact of this planet on your house is going to give you some favourable results. Your eleventh house will host the position of the translating planet. And this period will give you certain benefits in terms of your finance, relationship, family, job, knowledge, patience, etc. The natives will get a chance to make new connections through foreign trade and get extreme benefits in their respective financial fields. Your spouse or your partner will be extremely supportive at this time, your relationship will be prosperous, and you will also develop a sense of mutual understanding with your partner. Some clashes are possible at this time, though you will impress them with your caring nature. Jib officials will get help and support from their seniors, and with their ideas, you will create a good image in your respective fields. This will be very profitable for you in the long term. Don't ignore your health, polluted air and dirty surroundings may affect you badly, so take proper care of yourself and your surroundings. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Leo 

The Mercury share a friendly relation with Venus, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The transit will have a significant impact on one's life. Working professionals will tend to have a more focused mind, and your performance will be praised by your colleagues and seniors. Your excellence and dedication in your work will be the reason for your success. Some of the seniors will give some important favours in the long term. You will be prevailing happiness in your family. Your romantic life will ease your mind, and your beloved partner will support you at every step. The natives will have good health, and join a sports club or doing physical activities will keep them mentally and physically fit. Ignoring your health may affect you negatively in the long term. You will have stable economic conditions and investing in assets or properties will open new doors for earning benefits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Virgo

During the transition period, your ninth house will be hosting the position of the planet Mercury, and your ninth house represents the house of one's travelling and communication. The natives will enjoy the benefits of long term travelling. If you are trying to change your job, this transition period will give you favourable results. The natives having Virgo sign will experience an increase in their social status, and people will tend to start recognizing you because of your good deeds. You will also earn a special status in society. Your relationship will be blissful throughout the period, your partner will try to impress you, and there will special time you both will get to spend with each other. The natives are recommended to stay away from fast food and polluted areas; there will be some minor issues which can be resolved by proper medication. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Libra 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Libra. The Libra native might have to face some unexpected losses, which will bring a bad impact on their financial conditions. You will be more inclined towards learning new things, most of you will specifically indulge yourselves in spiritual learnings. However, you will gain enormous profits through past investments, and due to some inheritance, your luck will be extremely fruitful. There will some clashes between your partner, so you need to handle them with calmness and care. The perfect way to deal with such situations is by paying full attention to your partner, soon your good behaviour will impress them, and you will get closer to them. Some of the married natives will get good news during this transit. Your health will be strong and stable throughout the duration, though ignoring any kind of health problem will bring a negative impact on your body. Working professionals will get into the path of success through their dedication and hard work. Their wisdom and honesty will prove to be beneficial.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus in Scorpio

The impact of the Mercury transit will not be favourable for the Scorpio natives. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the third house of your zodiac sign. The natives will have to face certain challenges during this time. You will notice a change in your way of speaking; this will give both positive and negative impact. You will also face difficulties in your marital life, though, and this relationship will require some strong communication and giving proper time and effort will strengthen it. You are advised to have control over your expenses; otherwise, you are overspending in certain things will lead to a financial loss. People involved in the business will have to stay calm and wait for their time to procure a good position in society. There are chances to gain profits through past investments and some recent ones too. Ignoring your health may put you in danger, so maintaining a proper diet is stronger advised. You should also join a gym or yoga class to keep yourself fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Sagittarius

The impact of this transit will directly affect your house of income and expenditure. During the transition period, your sixth house will host the position of Mercury. Hence there are chances where you might get involved in a dispute or argument. Natives will also witness an increase in their expenditure which can lead over budgeting. Working officials will gain respect, and their honesty and wisdom will attract everyone's mind. You must try to maintain a proper distance from your rivals they would give their best to ruin your good image. There are several trips on your card, which will give you some happy and memorable moments. Your relationship with your spouse will soon get stable, keep control over your short temperament and pay full attention to your partner. The natives are recommended to get a full checkup ignoring any kind of problem in their health will lead to a lot of stress in the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Capricorn 

The process of impact starts with the change in the planet's position. Mercury, during the transitory period, is posited in the fifth house if your zodiac sign and your fifth house represent the house of intellect and knowledge. The natives will witness an increase in their knowledge, and with a good sense of humour applied in different fields, you will earn a higher level of profits. Student natives have the probability of choosing good paths for their success, and in future, they will be successful. If you are single, you will get a chance to propose your lover and even your lover will accept your proposal. You will enjoy this time an spend a memorable moment with your beloved. There are foreign trips on your card, which will be adventurous and you will discover new things in life. The natives will earn respects through your excellent communication skills, and your ideas will attract many people. Natives will also have the chances of getting a good status in society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aquarius 

The transit of Mercury will be posited in the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This period will give excessive gains to individuals. If you are facing any health problem, ignoring it will put your life in danger in the long term. So, take proper precaution and go for a full body checkup. Working natives will have to face certain challenges against their competitors, and your rivals will try to create obstacles in the path. So don't lose hope and give you best to cross each and every hurdle in your path. You will have a romantic relationship with your spouse, and you will also get a chance to spend time with them. So, don't ignore the chance of getting close to your partner. Native who are businessmen are recommended not to invest in anything they are not sure of. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Pisces

During the transport motion of the planet Mercury, the third house of your zodiac sign hosts the position of the planet. This transition will bring a significant increase in their confidence and willpower. You will notice an improvement in your communication skills which would give you certain benefits. You fluent way of communication will be favourable you in a different field. Some of the natives will get good results in their interview. Business natives will get the benefit if this duration. You will play a great role in helping your friends, family and society. Short trips are there on your card. Your marital life will need more attention and love; spending some quality time will give peace and harmony. You will be very efficient at your workplace, and your hard work and honesty will help you in creating a good image of yours. You should maintain your diet and do regular exercise.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Gemini
07 Jul,2021
24 Jul,2021

Mercury is a dualistic planet, and it has both positive and negative impact on the lives of zodiac natives. According to the Vedic Astrology Mercury influences one's technique of speech, honesty, kindness, and even fields of work like business and communication skills. Mercury, during the transit, brings a positive sign and improves one's intelligence and luck. Mercury has a significant impact on different fields if the lives of natives, like communication, partnership, business, studies, finance and marketing, family and friends, marital and love life. During the Mercury transit in Gemini, it impacts on one's health, business, family, travelling, married life, social life, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aries

The third house of your powerful zodiac sign would host the transition of Mercury; this transit will increase one's confidence and will power. The natives will have a positive effect due to this transit; the individuals will perform some good deeds. Student natives will gain focus in their studies and will be more inclined towards learning new things. Your effort and hard work will take you towards the path of success. Working natives will get a chance to work in a stable environment; you will be praised by your seniors and complete every task in time. Married couples will spend some blissful time with their spouses. Your health conditions will be perfectly fine, and you will gain energy which can be adequately utilized in some physical activities like gym or sports. Business natives will earn a good source of monetary inflow during this period, along with that; you will be able to clear out your past debts and plans. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Taurus

The transition period would bring some important opportunity in the life of individuals to earn a profit. As the second house of your zodiac sign will be hosting the Mercury transit, this period will be beneficial for the native related to your business, career, health, family, and others. Some of you will earn enormous benefits through your properties. Disputes regarding your property will be resolved. The flow of income will incredibly escalate. Your relationship status will be fabulous; your partner will support you in every field, though some arguments may arise. You will sort them out easily. Don't share your personal life; it would give a bad impact on your life. About the career of student natives, you will propose in your field, and your efforts will take you through the competitive exams. Working natives are recommended to stay away from office politics as they can affect your image. Health-wise the natives will have to go for a proper checkup and take necessary care for their illness, and any ignorance can lead to huge problems in the long-term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Gemini

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, while the transit the planet will change its position and will be posited in your first house, also known as your ascendant house. Mercury transit in Gemini will bring a favourable impact on the lives of their natives. Your ascendant house represents the house of personality. You will notice a new charm in your personality which will attract people towards you. The natives will increase their friend circle. You will enjoy this period will happiness and harmony. Your speaking skills will be fluent, and people will understand your thoughts and ideas. Married couples will be showered by love from their spouses and blessed by their parents. You parents will support your marital life, and they will eventually like your partner. Working natives are advised to work hard and complete their tasks on time. Avoiding debates will be beneficial for you in future. Some of you also have the chance of getting promoted at this time. Your health conditions will be good, and you will feel energetic, which will help you do other tasks as well. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Cancer

The transition of Mercury will happen in the twelfth house if your zodiac sign, Cancer. Due to this transit, you will notice some unavoidable expenses and some health-related issues. You are recommended to take proper health care, maintaining a proper diet and regular exercise will keep you in good condition as it is a way of releasing mental stress too. There are some foreign trips on your card, which will increase your expenses. You should avoid taking any loan or investing at this duration; otherwise, you may end up in a huge loss. You must focus on spending some quality time with your partner, pay proper attention and avoid any kind of argument. If you are trying to get change or get a new job, then this is the best time to do it. In fact, some new strategies in your business will help you earn profits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Leo

The transition of Mercury in Gemini will influence one's income, wealth, abilities, profession, etc. Your eleventh house is going to host the position of Mercury, thus leaving a significant impact on your income. You will get great chances of increasing your economic conditions. This transit will help you fulfil every desire and necessity of your life. You will prosper through your intellect and positive ideas in your social front, which will be very beneficial for you. You will get enough time to learn new things, explore new places and also some of you may make this as your profession which will give you benefits in the long run. Students might get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies. Some of you will also get admission to a foreign college. Your marital life will have some blissful moments; your partner may have some clashes with you. However, you will handle it smartly and solve it with ease. Your health will remain balanced, and keeping your surrounding clean will help you maintain your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Virgo 

The Mercury will make its transit in the tenth house of your zodiac sign, and your tenth house represents one's professionals and personal life. Thus the transit will give a favourable impact on the life of individuals. You will be more energetic, and working natives will be more focused on completing their work with excellence. Your seniors and colleagues will acknowledge your hard work and effort, which will inspire you to work better and strive for the best. They will even support you in the long run. You love life will remain good; you will be having a happy mood which will please your partner. There will be a sense of mutual understanding, and you will develop a new phase in your relationship. Both of you will maintain dignity and trust with each other. You might get a golden opportunity to travel abroad, which will be beneficial for you in different fields. Your health will remain balanced, though doing exercise or yoga is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Libra

The Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, plays a significant role during the transit. At the time of transit, the planet will be posited in the ninth house of your zodiac sign which will lead to certain financial and economic gains. This is the best time to invest, and you will earn the maximum profit. Apart from that, you should check every possible background before investing. Ignoring any kind of issues might lead to a huge loss in future. Your social front will gain improvement and people will start knowing. You might even get into contact with some delighted members of society. There are certain trips to abroad base on your work which will also be beneficial for your business. Working natives should do their work with full dedication and hard work. Married natives have to pay attention to their spouse, as during this period, they will need your support both mentally and physically. You will need this duration with happiness and harmony. Your family member will be proud of you. Your mother's health will remain stable. Though you are advised to keep a distance from office politics, it may ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Scorpio

The strongest Planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transitory period. Thus at the time of transition, the planet shifts towards the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Scorpio. This transition brings several positive impacts as well as some negative ones too. The natives will witness certain profits through different sources; there are some chances of small losses which will not affect your financial condition. Apart from that, you will be able to maintain financial stability during this period. Natives who are married or in a relationship will face several quarrels and clashes with their beloved though this won't go long, you will easily solve it with your impressive and patient heart. In no time, you will be closer to them and spend this duration in happiness and satisfaction. Ignoring your health during this time will give you some negative impacts in future; it may also lead to some serious health problems. So you should take proper precautions regarding your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Sagittarius

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house and has a significant influence in one's communication skill, profits, promotions, expenses and health. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign, Sagittarius. Thus this transit will bring some profits in your house. Your financial condition will improve. Business natives will earn through some secret sources or past investments, which will help them, pay their debt. Working natives will also have some advantages, and there are chances of you getting a promotion at your work front. Join a sports club or doing physical activities will burn some weight you have gained sitting back at home during the pandemic. You will have some clashes with your spouse, they will dominate you with their feelings, though you will impress them with your entertaining skills like funny dialogues and distractions. Overall this transit will prove to be profitable for the Sagittarius natives.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Capricorn

The impact of Mercury transit will be favourable for native in their field of success and workplace. During the period of transition, the planet will change its position and will be posted in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Natives will witness positive development in their financial condition. Working officials will do an incredibly terrific job, which will be praised by their seniors, and some of the natives also have the chance of getting a promotion during this period. Thus this will bring an increase in your income. This period will bring benefits in terms of business; you will earn profit through different sources. Some of you will get benefits through property investment. Your health conditions will be critical due to some injury; you will feel weak and dizzy. Maintaining a strong diet is necessary; take proper medications to prevent infection. Your marital life will gain stability; even fights and clashes will not set you apart. Your love for your partner will be infinite; they will need proper attention and support at the same time. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aquarius

During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This transit has a positive impact on one's intellect and knowledge. Natives will have good communication skills. They will attain enormous success with the blend of communication and intellect. Working officials will gain increment, which will give them the confidence to invest in assets and other fields. Business natives will also get the advantage of this transit, natives will earn excess profits, and this is the best time to invest. You will gain a special status in society. Your social circle will increase. Your love life will be prosperous; even your partner will support you at every step. Your partner will be the biggest reason for your success. Pay proper attention to them, and you will also get some quality time to spend with them. Your health may deteriorate, so take proper precaution for your health, do regular exercise or yoga and maintain your diet. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Pisces 

The powerful and enlightened planet Mercury is the ruling lord of your houses. Your fourth house will host the position of Mercury during the transition period. There will be a significant impact on one's love life and professional life. You will spend some of the memorable moments of your life, your parents will shower you with the blessing, and they will support you at everything you do. This is a good time to purchase a new car or a house. You will earn tremendous success in the workplace; you need to stay focused and avoid laziness or office politics. Your enemies will try to ruin your image whenever they get the chance, so play smart. Your partner will need full attention as they will be doing a terrific job at their place; this will make your image look good in society too. Make them feel good and courageous for their good deed. Health-wise you will stay fit and fine, and you will be joining a sports club or a gym which would be beneficial for you.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Cancer
25 Jul,2021
08 Aug,2021

The transit of the planet Mercury on Capricorn would leave a negative impact on the zodiac sign Cancer. It affects emotion and nature. As Cancer is a representation of a cardinal water sign, so during this transit, you will notice a change in your behaviour and way of talking. You will be more affluent though you will think and react in the impulse of your feeling, which sometimes might be of love and compassion and sometimes will be fear and possessiveness. And this transit will affect your concentration in different field like studies and work. You who have perspective will personal feeling will be involved the most. So there is a list of things you have to take care during this duration of transit.


इस पेज को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए बुध का कर्क राशि में गोचर पर क्लिक करें।


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aries Sign

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and leaves an impactful effect on your zodiac signs. During this transit, it changes its position and shifts toward your fourth house of the Aries, as the fourth house represents the house romantic relationship. The impact of Mercury gives a favourable effect on the Aries. Married couples would enjoy the benefits and have a happy and peaceful married life. In the field of professionals, you will attain good results due to your hard work and honesty. Even the working official will get maximum support from your senior staff and colleagues, getting praised and uplifted for your hard work. Property related issues are going to get resolved, and there are chances of constructing a new house. You should take care of your physical, mental and spiritual health. It is recommended to do exercise and yoga regularly, that would help you stay fit.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Taurus Sign

The transit of Planet Mercury will be favourable for people having the zodiac sign Taurus. During this transition, the planet will be posited in your third house, and this will positively affect your energy and enthusiasm in completing tasks and taking full responsibilities. The individual will notice a boost up in your personal skills like communication, hardwood, and cooperation, which would help them strive for a good fortune. Short trips are there on the native's card, which would bring joy and happiness. Your marital life would be great, and you will have excellent terms with your spouse. You are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health and maintain your fitness by doing regular exercise in order to stay healthy.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Gemini Sign

The impact will have a significant effect on Gemini and will increase your communications skills. During the transit, the planet will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Gemini. The house denotes communication skills. You would be able to converse fluently and win the heart of people with your attractive speeches. Probably, this would be the perfect time to invest in capitals and earn huge profits through your assets like properties and others. You would do the job, and so you are requested to stay calm and focus on your own work; your efficiency and hard work will give good results. Apart from that, you should not get involved in any office politics if found so you will face backlash and bad circumstances. Regarding your health condition, it is necessary to keep yourself fit and doing regular excessive or yoga is the best way to keep going. Ignoring your health might put you in danger, and you may have some health issues.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Cancer Sign

Because the transit is happening in your own house, the impact in this transit will be very strong, and you would face some issues and problems in a different field. During the transition period, the planet Mercury will move towards the first house of your zodiac sign. The first house indicated health, and you would face some serious issues regarding your health, so it is advised to get a regular health checkup, and proper medical treatment is very necessary. Ignoring a single thing regarding your health might put you in a crucial condition during this duration. Apart from that, your financial condition will be in your favour, you might get support from foreign nations or countries, so this is the best time to invest. You at the workplace might get distracted, resulting in late submission of your work, so be concerned about it and increase your working pace. The love life will remain peaceful, and you will get to know each other better. Your partner will understand your better and your relationship will be romantic; you will get your relationship's missing spark and have a memorable time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Leo Sign 

This transit will be a little difficult, though relaxing for Leo's. During the transition planet Mercury will make its position in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of the transit would lead to an increase in the expenditure, and so you are advised to have control over your expenses and maintain a proper account to check the excess flow of money. Leo must face business-related issues and must take help from the professionals. You are expected to go on trips. You might have jobs have huge chances of getting a promotion. You might face a problem with in terms of your health, so you are advised to do regular exercise or yoga, you can also play any sports in order to keep themselves fit and free from diseases.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Virgo Sign

The impact of Mercury will have a strong impact in terms of your health. During the transition, the planet will move towards the eleventh house of your zodiac sign Virgo. This transition will be very favourable for you in terms of health and harmony. People will notice a gradual increase in your communication skill, and you will attract people with a positive and honest mindset. Your social circle will increase, and your loved one will truly enjoy the company. You will make new friends, and you will maintain a trustworthy relation towards you, even you will tend to support your emotionally and mentally. You working in jobs will earn respect, and you will reap the fruits of hard work. Business You will earn a maximum profit and will earn a good return from your investment and assets. You might have a new relationship, and you will impress them with your charisma.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Libra

As soon as the transition begins, the planet Mercury would gradually move into the powerful tenth house, which means that the lifestyle and living standards of your family would get better. You could also get many sources of income and also invest your money in abroad. Natives would also witness a change in their career, which would eventually escalate your professional life. Along with that, you must also focus on eating healthy, sleeping on time and do a regular checkup. Do not forget to take precaution as it might affect your health in future.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Scorpio Sign

There is both a positive and negative impact on your card. The planet Mercury is known to be the strongest planet; it is also the Lord of Zodiac houses as well. During the transition, the planet shifts its position into the ninth house of the zodiac sign, which gives some positive and as well as negative impact in your lives. Your health will remain stable, and you will have a normal family life. Your relationship will not bother you, and you will be happy with your lover. Apart from that business professional have the best time to increase your wealth, this is the best time for the investment you will get fruitful results. You wishing for travelling abroad can finally fulfil your dream. Working professionals are advised to keep doing your hard work and maintain your honesty and focus in your jobs, and you need to be careful with your opponents you will surely try to ruin your image and distract you from your task.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Sagittarius Sign

The impact of Mercury transit can be pressuring for some of you during this time. Due to the transit taking in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, you might have to face various obstruction your lives. In terms of health, you have to precaution to avoid any kind of problem. Health is a very important factor in your life; your mental stability also depends on your health. So you are recommended to do physical activities like regular exercise or yoga, you can also join a sports club and indulge yourself in sports to maintain your health. You working at jobs are required to finish your tasks in time, you have to focus on your tasks to avoid any delays, or else you have to face sudden pressure and deadlines. Business professionals can take amazing advantage of this time, you will earn good profits in terms, and any economic constraints will be sorted out during this transition period. Tough if you notice a change in your communication skills, you have to be careful and decisive about your speech.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Capricorn Sign

During this period, there will be a positive impact on the native's life. During the transitory period, the planet will change its position and will shift towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign. Your seventh house represents the house of career and responsibility. You will notice a gradual increase in your energy and enthusiasm. You will be able to finish your day will full enjoyment and happiness without any complaint. The couple will be happily satisfied with your marital life, you will have outstanding communication with your spouse, and you will maintain this relationship for a long time. Job representatives will impress your donors with your dedication and hard work; you will be able to manage things easily and complete your tasks with ease and excellence. Businessmen are required to stay calm and not hurry in investing, and you should avoid any kind of investment in dealing particularly at this time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aquarius sign 

The transit of the planet Mercury leaves a significant impact on the Aquarius You. During the transitions, the powerful planet will move towards the sixth house of your zodiac sign which signifies the house of expenses. Tough you will notice an increase in your expenses. Still, you will be able to sort every debt and loans on your head during this time. So, just try to lower down your expenses apart from that you are good to go. It would be effectively beneficial for you to keep yourself fit and healthy. You can do such by joining a sports club or doing other physical activities like exercises and yoga, ignoring your health would be bad for the long run. You might work harder still your luck will not favour you, but don't get distracted by watching your colleagues getting promoted, instead work harder and honestly to attain success. You will get enormous time to hang out with your spouse or your loved ones, share your thoughts and mindset, give them space to understand you and your intentions, and you will surely get closer to you.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Pisces Sign

The Pisceans will enjoy the favour of this transit. As the transit of the powerful planet, Mercury will be taking its place in your fifth house, which would eventually increase in your knowledge and sensibility. In fact, this transit is going to give you enormous financial gains and investing would a great opportunity to earn profits this time. Your connection with your spouse or your loved ones will be very peaceful, and you will soon get to understand and know each other, your partner will support you at every step. You doing jobs will not be able to make any achievement, though will dedication in your work and focus will slowly help them out to get through this time. Undoubtedly, it is significantly important to have a healthy body to keep you going for a long period. You should have a controlled diet and should avoid fast food. Ignoring any kind of issue related to health can be very harmful in the long run. So, it's better to take proper health precautions and going for a regular checkup is necessary, native can also do physical activities like yoga or play sports.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Leo
09 Aug,2021
25 Aug,2021

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet and has a significant impact on your Zodiac sign. The Mercury is very influential over your sign, and it changes your way of thinking, boosts up your confidence, increases your communication skills, pushes your mind towards an optimistic view, gives space to your mind to have a greater thought process. Even Mercury over Leo makes their natives unchallengeable, and this is also the reason for Leo's arrogance. This time can be a little dangerous as they would not listen to anyone's advice and think their ideas are the only way to proceed. This period is going to prove very profitable for the natives in terms of financial condition, and they will notice an increase in their income and they will also have a side earning from some secret sources. The natives might face some difficulties in their professional life, and some obstacles are there on their card, though we all know that hard work is the key to success, so with extreme hard work and absolute dedication, they will be able to achieve success.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Aries

The transition in the planet Mercury in Leo is going to be very lucky for your Zodiac Sign Aries. You children might bring some good news to you which will make you feel good. Aries natives working might have to give their best efforts at their workplace; you will have to take some huge responsibilities during this period of time. There are several trips on your card, which can be either personal or professional. Natives trying for a baby will surely get positive results. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo on Taurus Sign

During the transition, the planet Mercury shifts to their fourth house of the natives. This time is going to be full of ups and downs for the Taurus natives, and you should take serious care of your parents, especially your mother's health. There is a huge chance of getting backstabbed by your friends, so keep an eye over your friends and see if someone has that kind of mindset. On the other hand, starting something new at work will give you a good profit and would be very beneficial for you. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Gemini

While during the transition planet Mercury will be posited in your third house, which is also called 'Parakram Kshetra'. With the transit, you will notice a gradual increase in your energy and would feel more enthusiastic. Though, you have to lower down your spirits or else you may get into serious arguments which mill cause friction between you and your siblings. You will also have some issues with your family during this time. There are some frequent tasks as a part of work in your card, which can be personal also. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Cancer

This time Mercury will not be posited in your zodiac sign. So the transition will not favour you, you have to take all your decisions calmly and should have a calm and peaceful mind. You have to handle your family issues and especially while having any disagreement with your cousins and siblings as luck will not be in your favour, so it's better to avoid arguments. You need to have control over your expenses as this time you may get over budget. Lending someone money would result in loss so better make sure you do not lend anyone during this period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Leo

The transit of Mercury in your Zodiac sign will indicate your financial status. You will earn a huge profit in terms of business. Though you need to take proper precautions regarding your health, keep yourself fit during this transition. You will be stressed in taking decisions for your future aspects. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Virgo

The Mercury is the strongest, and during its transit, it is posited in your 12th house, which signifies health and finance. During this time, you need to have control over your expenses or else it may lead to overburdening. There are several trips on your card, and you need to take proper precautions throughout your trip. Natives trying for travelling or applying for a job may get the chance this time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Libra 

Labh Ghar means the house of profits is your eleventh house, and the Mercury transit will be posited in your eleventh house as well. For people who have delayed their vacation or road trip from a long time due to their busy schedule will finally get a chance to travel. Amidst all this the transit is going to prove good for the Libra natives and they will stay safe and satisfied during this period of time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Scorpio

The planet Mercury dusting this transit will be posited in your house known as Karm Kshetra, and this is the best time for a new startup. The natives who are unemployed and are thriving for jobs will sadly have to wait a little longer but don't worry, and you will surely eat the fruit for your patience later.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Sagittarius

Bhagyasthan, the ninth house of your Zodiac sign will be posited by Mercury during its transition in Leo. This transit would be extremely favourable for married couples; they will have a happy and peaceful relationship. Unmarried people may also get the chance to have a successful marriage. This is the best Mahurat to have Pooja at your home, and you will surely be successful in achieving your aims. There are some chances of delay in your work; however, you will get through it from hard work and dedication.

Impact of Mercury in Leo for Capricorn 

The powerful planet Mercury will be posited in your eight houses during this transit which will be very challenging for the natives. You must be immensely careful for your physical as well as mental health, especially your food consumption should be healthy, and you should do exercise regularly. Take proper rest in order to keep your mind and body peaceful. Stay alert against your enemies; they might create some obstacle. Apart from that, handle every task and issue with care and total dedication.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Aquarius 

The Mercury transition will be posited in your seventh house, which will be very favourable for the Aquarians. Unmarried natives might get a chance to have a life partner. In fact, natives already in the process of discussing an alliance with their in-laws will be beneficial. You are suggested to stay away from communicable disease and take proper care of your own health and stay fit. Natives trying to have a baby will surely get positive results.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Pisces 

This transition will not be favourable for you as The planet will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Proper determination and confidence will help you out during this crucial time. Hard work and dedication will give you good results to pay off all the challenges and obstacles. You might have a quarrel with your family, so keep a cool mind and calmly solve your issues.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Virgo
02 Oct,2021
01 Nov,2021

The incredible planet Mercury is the ruling lord of Virgo, and during the transition period, the planet changes its position and brings an influential impact on different fields of one's life. The Mercury transit has an impact over one's way of communication, helping others, family, finance, intellect, marital life. This transit will be influential on each of the signs in the zodiac circle as Mercury's rulings nature is over one's communication, technology, and travel. This transit will bring some favourable impact on the lives of natives. You will be able to notice an inclination towards learning, the chance of travelling to your desired places, one's status in the society. Hence Mercury plays a critical role in the lives of natives. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aries 

The planet Mercury will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Your sixth house will also host the position of the sun. Thus the Aries natives will face the impact of two planets, and there will be a formation of 'Budh Aditya Yog'. Therefore this transition period will heal all your injuries, health issues you were facing for a long time. Working officials will face excessive success in their respective fields, and you will be praised for your hard work and honesty, you may also defeat all your opponents in the office and will prove yourself aa the strongest competitor in your office. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and properties; there is a good chance you will be able to pay every debt. It's is expected to have a little bit control over your expenses; spending too much might lead to over budget. Your married life would be full of happiness and harmony, though paying attention and spending time with your partner will keep you away from clashes and arguments. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Taurus 

During the period of transit, planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in your fifth house, along with the Mercury, Sun will be posited in the same house. Both being in the same house would create favourable impacts on your house, Taurus. The love life of Taurus natives will prosper; you will get to spend some of the blissful moments with your partner. You will have a sense of mutual understanding with your spouse. There are some arguments and clashes between you both, though you have to handle it with patience and try to impress them. Some of the natives will gain interest in spiritual studies and religious concepts at this duration. This would be the perfect time to buy a car or property; you will be successful in it. You have to take proper precautions regarding your health. Your mother's health is going to be perfect; any past problem in her health will tend to heal during this period. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Gemini

This transit will bring a positive impact in the lives of the Gemini natives, the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Gemini will host the position of the planet. There as, your fourth house represents one's well-being and happiness. There is a sign of gaining inheritance to some of your ancestral properties, and you will also gain good profits through these properties or assets. The powerful Mercury and sun being in the same house will bring luck in your life, and you will reap the fruits of benefits during this time. Natives who are not living with their parents will get to meet them, and you will show love and care towards your parents. You will also get some quality time to spend with them. You will have good terms with your siblings and relatives. Your relationship will gain momentum, and you will spend some memorable time with your partner. Working officials will get into the path of success, though they have to stay away from office politics or else your opponents would try to ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Cancer 

It is the third house of your zodiac sign will host the transition period of Mercury. Your third house is also known as Parakram Sthan. The transit of Mercury in your house will increase your energy, give you a positive mind and brings good luck in the field of work. The combination of Mercury and Sun will bring a favourable impact on your house by enhancing your confidence, patience, communication skills, and intellect. You will feel powerful during this time, and you will have absolute clarity in your thoughts and ideas, people will tend to get attracted by you, and you will be able to accomplish every task with perfection. Working officials will enjoy the benefits of this transit, some of you will get promoted, which would bring you out of stress. Though you may get overconfident sometimes due to your short temper you will get involved in arguments, so keep calm and don't engage yourself in such problems which will ruin your good image. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and other sources. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Leo 

The Mercury transit is going to take place in the second house of the individuals, and the conjunctions of Mercury and Sun will bring a positive impact over your sign, Leo. You will get some good news during this time, Leo natives involved in business fields will gain enormous profits through different sources, and you will also have a good chance to receive profits through ancestral property or past investments. This profit might help you to clear out your debts. You will have a good sense of humour, and your communication skill will help you make new friends. Natives who are involved in the field of media, law, or sales professionals will earn huge benefits. Students preparing for competitive exams have to focus on their studies, which is the only way to score good results. Your love life will be standing, and you will spend a happy time with your family. Apart from that, your parents will have a blissful time with you. The working official has to stay away from office politics. The natives will have a perfect health condition.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Virgo 

The transition of Mercury will occur in your own sign, thus creating a Budh Aditya Yoga formation. The Mercury and Sun will collaborate, and both their positioning will be in your first house, which is your ascendant house. The natives will be fortunate during this time period. Your superiors will highly support and respect you for your dedication and hard work. You will be praised, and everyone will be impressed by your timing. Stay alert from your rivals; they will give their best to ruin your image. There is a family trip on your card, you will spend some blissful time with your family at this duration, your partner will support you, and both of you will develop a sense of mutual understanding, which will reduce your clashes and arguments. Health-wise, you are recommended to do regular exercise or yoga in order to keep yourself fit and fine. Maintaining your health will also be beneficial for you as it would ease up your mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Libra

The planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, along with that sun will take the same position, and their conjunction will show ups and downs in your life. The natives have to work really hard in every field to attain success. The working people will have to take certain responsibilities, which would increase your work pressure and put you in stress. Don't worry and you must take this as a test and give your best to complete your tasks responsibly. The natives will witness an increase in expenses, so you are advised to have control over your daily expenditure and prevent your overspending. The Libra native will spend some memorable time with their family, and your spouse will be very supportive with you during this time. Your health will remain stable. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Scorpio

The impact of the transit will give favourable results to the Scorpio natives. During the transit the Planet Mercury will change its position and will shift towards your eleventh house, your eleventh house is also known as the Labh Ghar or the house of profits in Vedic Astrology. So the combination of Sun and Mercury will improve your financial condition, there are chances of financial gain through different sources. Natives having problems with their overspending habit will finally get a way to stop it. You will finally get some saving schemes which will help you in the long term. Apart from that, you are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health, any ignorance in terms of health will put you at risk. Stay away from fast food and maintain a proper diet. There are several personal and professional trips on your card. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Sagittarius 

The Sagittarius natives will host the position of Mercury in their tenth house, where the house is also known as Karyakhetra or working house in Vedic Astrology. The natives will enjoy the benefits during this transitory period. Working natives will go excessively good in respective fields, and you will be praised by your staff for your brilliant work. You will also have a chance of getting an increment or a promotion. Native who are deciding to change their job will get total success. Your family front will remain happy, and your siblings will also maintain good relations with you. Your partner may shower you will love and support you in every difficult situation. Your health will remain stable, though a checkup will help you in preventing problems for the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury changes its position during the transitory period, and your ninth house hosts the transition. Your ninth house represents one's confidence and enthusiasm. The natives will get the favour of luck and support during this duration. After this transit, the natives will notice an increase in one's intelligence and memory power and which will help you attain success in different aspects of life. Working natives will get to use their luck in the work front, initially gaining success. This is the best time to confront your feelings to your loved ones. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aquarius

The transition of the Planet Mercury will take place in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, which would have both positive and negative impact on the lives of individuals. Your disputes with your father or any elder will finally have closure, and you will spend the duration in harmony, you will get to spend some blissfully time with your family. Natives in relationships will get a chance to convert their love into marriage, though they will face certain difficulties in doing so. However, you will find a way to clear every arising dispute; just don't lose patience. There are high chances of gaining through some unexpected sources during this transit. Your friends and family will give you full support at every step of your life. Married couples will get great chances to get closer to each other. Your health will remain good, though doing some physical activity like playing sports or doing exercise is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Pisces 

The transition of planet Mercury will take place in the third house of a zodiac sign. The Pisces natives will not enjoy the transit, as there will not be any favourable outcomes. They will have to go through some stressful things like bad health, loss in business, disputes etc. Your health will be affected by the change in the climate. You are recommended to take proper healthcare during this transit. Natives who are in the field of jobs will remain safe from their rivals. Natives who are planning to change their jobs are advised to wait for some more time as this time might be a little crucial for them. Single natives trying to get married should remain careful as their rivals will try to ruin their image. Married natives will spend this time will no particular issue, though you need to give proper attention to your partner and sending more time will help you know each other better.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Libra
02 Nov,2021
20 Nov,2021

The transit of the planet Mercury has a significant effect on your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the strongest planet and is also referred to as the messenger of God, famed for its logic, along with enormous skills and swiftness. Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, and Venus is the ruling planet for Libra. Thus Libra being a moon sign and signifies by air creates a purification to the speech of the natives due to this transit. It helps in improving your communication skills which would attract people and would be beneficial for you. It increases your creative abilities and gives you a mature mindset. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aries

The transit of the planet Mercury will not be in your favour. During the transit the Planet Mercury will be posited in your seventh house, the seventh house of your Zodiac sign is the house of your marital life. Determination of one's partnership in various fields of life is very important in terms of astrology. Though the transition period is not going to favour the Aries natives, they might face some serious health issues. If you don't take proper care, you might get some severe disease mainly related to your skin, and you should surely consult a specialist for the skin. Working professionals might get some stress related to work, and any kind if the effort is going to be a waste, so the natives are advised to spend some time to relax rather than taking stress. They can give some time to do something they love like their hobbies, so they could feel lighter and energetic again. Native's marital life will also be a little stress, you would get annoyed, and there will be many misunderstandings which would make you upset. So talk to your partner properly and try to sort it out simply rather than making a fuss out of it. This unfavorable transit will bring distraction in your economic life as well, and you will get into a quarrel with your family members also. You have to take proper care at your expenses, or else your expenses might get overburden. Try to save during this period of time. Trips are there on the cards of business natives, though they would not earn enough profits. Have patience and don't lose hope, after the transit ends you will be back in your normal life.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Taurus 

The planet Mercury has a very friendly term with Libras ruling planet Venus, while its transit the planet is put towards the sixth house of you zodiac sign Taurus which will be favourable for them. Students working hard for their studies will definitely get good results at the end. You will notice a certain improvement in your way of speaking, you will be easily communicating with people, and everyone will be impressed by your logic and humour. Natives competing in debates will surely attain success. You will be interested in literature and in reading various books, novels, magazines, etc. You will defeat every opponent standing against you, your confidence will break all the obstacles, and your performance will gradually increase. People of this zodiac sign, who are influenced by the bull, will be very successful in the field of writing and gain enormous fame. Even, they are a centre of attraction in social media and will influence many people due to your communication skills. There are many trips on your card with your lover, you will be able to spend a memorable time with your lover, and your relationship will prosper during this transit. Married natives would also enjoy the same advantages and will be one step closer to each other and create a better understanding.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Gemini 

The Mercury transit will be posited in your fifth house, which is known as the house of progeny, it signifies your children, education and knowledge. This transit will be favourable for the Gemini natives; your relation with your family will get stronger. spend more time with the younger members of your family. You will get to have a happy family trip or picnic during this duration. Your will be filled with joy and happiness, And you will spend a memorable time with your family and get closer to them. If your mom's health was at a decline from a long time, this transit would improve your mom's condition too, and she will be in good health by now. Student natives with the zodiac sign Gemini will gain interest in learning new things, they may specifically try to get involved in the field of religion and spiritual subjects and spend more time in learning religion and scriptures. You will also feel for someone of your opposite gender; both of you will have a memorable time and will enjoy each other's company. However, this relationship would be a temporary one. People trying for a baby might have a chance of getting a twin. In an overall basis, this transit is going to be very precious and memorable for the Geminis.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Leo

The planet Mercury during its transit will be positioned in the third house of the Leo natives, the house of courage and valour. You will notice a particular change in your speaking, and you will be able to communicate fluently with others. On the other hand, people would understand you better. Your relation with your family will remain as it was, on the other hand, you might have some quarrels with your siblings, so take care of that and try to solve it out with the help of your family. You will lose interest in your ambitions and might feel lazy, because of this you will be financially weak too. Though your friend circle will increase and you will enjoy more with your friends. You might feel physically and mentally weak, maybe because of over thinking, so calm yourself down don't think too much, to have a peaceful mind you can do pranayam or yoga and get yourself back.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Virgo 

The second house of the zodiac sign Virgo signifies one's money, wealth, speech, etc. which in accordance with the 'Kalpurush Kundli'. The transit of Mercury takes over this house and may affect the natives in a positive way. You will have a good connection with your family, and they will understand your good intentions and hard work you do for them, you will be successful in impressing them by your speeches and mindset. You will have delicious dishes at home, which would keep you fit and healthy. Apart from your family, your communication skills will also attract everyone at your workplace, they will start respecting you, and you will have a good image in front of them. If you have some juniors working underneath you, motivate them and help them out with everything related to work. This would increase their affection towards you and will respect your more, and you will surely notice an increase in their work pace. People in the field of business will get profits from their schemes and ideas. Students preparing for the competitive exam will get success from their hard work during this period of time.

Impact of Transit of Mercury in Libra on Libra 

According to the 'Kalpurush Kundli,' the transit will take place in your own house, and the planet Mercury which signifies speech and intellect will be posited in your first house which is your ascendant house. The first house of your zodiac sign Libra signifies health, nature, and knowledge. The planet Mercury is known as the strongest planet, and a friend of Venus would leave a positive impact on your personality and in the aspect of life. Though you should take proper care of your health at this time, regular exercise and yoga will keep your health balanced and mind peaceful. You get excellent results in your professional field, your hard work will pay off, and you will perform better at your workplace. Libra native involved in the fields of business will earn huge profits. Apart from that, new starters are recommended to take care of their expenses and or else they might face over budget. Your overall expenses would be stable though due to some expenses might incur due to the health problems of your family member. Students native have to take some serious decisions regarding their future, and they should take advice from their family members as well before taking any final decision. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Scorpio

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet, and the transit it leaves a significant impact over the natives of Zodiac sign Scorpio. During its transit, the planet is posited in your twelfth house. Your twelfth house, according to the Kalpurush Kundali, is known as the house of expenditure. The impact of Mercury transit on your Sign will not be favourable for you. You should take care of your expenses, have a proper account of your spending and spending too much on daily life itineraries would lead to over budgeting. You should make a proper budget plan in order to be successful in getting control of your spending. Students may get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies will get a chance to fulfill their ambitions. Scorpio natives working in the field of business would get a chance to go on trips, though they won't feel good about it and would be annoyed with the trip. Stay alert as your opponents they will try to put obstacles to distract you, take proper precautions. This transit will affect you negatively; your health might deteriorate. You should take proper care of your health, especially your mental health, this duration will give you excess stress which will also lead to appetite loss. Students have to do hard work, intact they might ignore their studies right now. People who are married should maintain a good relationship with their spouse and try to understand their sentiments. If you don't give proper attention to your spouse, it might lead to quarrels and conflict between you both. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Sagittarius

The Mercury is the strongest planet and having friendly relation with Venus; it leaves a very important impact in your Zodiac sign. During the transition of Mercury In Libra on your Sign, the planet shifts its position to the eleventh house, which implies the house of profits. This means that this transit will prove favourable for the Sagittarius natives. There are huge chances of getting your money from someone you have lent to, and it would save from a huge debt issue. Natives planning for something big can execute during this duration and earn huge profits. You will open new doors of happiness with your family, and your relatives will be very helpful during this time and help you in gaining profits which will increase your financial condition. During this transit natives in the profession of the job will enjoy benefits like getting help from their colleagues and have a good time hanging out with their friends. Couples who have recently got married will enjoy an amazing time with each other and get closer to on other too, there is a huge possibility that they might be blessed with a baby and their relationship will loyal with each other. Student natives can enjoy this duration rather than taking stress in their studies if necessary, taking help from seniors will solve their issues.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Capricorn 

The impact of Mercury would get the natives charged, keep them energetic and enthusiastic. The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in their tenth house of the Zodiac Sign Capricorn, which signifies the house of work. The tenth house is also known as the house of Karma Bhava, which may be the reason for your increase in energy and excitement during this period of time. Natives associated in the professional field will be receiving amusing results of their hard work, and they will be praised at their workplace because of completing their task before time. The natives might get increments in their salary too. Apart from that person with the business profession, there are possibilities that you will earn good profits during this duration of time. You will surely defeat your enemies. Your logic and humor will prove to be very impactful on others, including your opponents. You will be the hero of your family you will be able to understand and solve everyone's problems and will create a good image in front of everyone. The love life of the natives will be very favourable too, they will get to hang out with each other, and during this time they will get to know each other, and everything they do will attract you towards them. On the other hand, the student natives are required to take more care of their health rather than putting mental pressure on their studies. As we know, a healthy mind keeps a body fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aquarius 

The Mercury transition taking place on Aquarius will leave an impactful effect on the Sign, the planet will be posited in their ninth house of the Aquarius natives, and as per the Kalpurush Kundli, the ninth house signifies one's religious, luck and fortune. Though, due to this transit, you may have to face difficulties and obstructions in your life. You have to give your level best performance to achieve good results. The natives will earn profit in terms of financial fields, though there will an increase in their expenditures for some reasons. There are trips on your card, and it is recommended to avoid them for a little bit or postponed your trip unless there is a case of emergency. Your family life will also stay on the decline in terms of relation; you will get into quarrels because of your pride and conflicts with your siblings are also possible. Apart from that, your love life will remain balanced. It would be very beneficial for the student natives to keep a distance from their friends as they would distract you from your studies. Other than that your hard work will prove to be good during this transit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Pisces 

During the planetary movement the planet Mercury will make its transit in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, your eight houses which are also known as the Ayu Bhava signifies longevity. You will receive favourable results due to the transit. You will notice an improvement in the field of finance, the natives will get chance to pay off their debts and free from any stress, and they will be left with some money for future savings too. The natives working as professionals, will get praised and known for their wit, and honest work, along with those natives who wish to change jobs will be successful in getting a new one. People in the field of business should not haste and make a mistake; rather, they should consult someone experienced and then implement their ideas. You mothers health will be at stake, so natives are serious about your mother health take her to a doctor before anything serious happens. 

Due to the impact of Mercury transit, the natives will have interest in studying mysterious science subjects like astrology, mythology, etc. You will create a good image in your social life people will tend to follow your thought and get your advice during this time period.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Scorpio
21 Nov,2021
09 Dec,2021

The influence of Mercury in Scorpio increase you focus towards all resources. Mercury is a dualistic planet and transit of Mercury in Scorpio will increase your thinking capability, strengthen your intellect and boosts up your confidence. You will be able to compete with every challenge in your life and overpower them. Scorpio sign is represented as the warrior of the zodiac. So natives with this sign will always have to think their way out instead of worrying about it if you are getting tensed about each and every task than you will suffer. Make your own choice, choose your own path, whether it is worrying or thinking. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aries 

The transit of Mercury will influence due to its change in position, and the planet will be posited in the eighth house of your Zodiac sign Aries. According to the Kundali, the eight houses is represented as the significator of life and expectancy and enlightenment. There will be many changes faced by the natives have to face during this time. However, your economic condition will improve during this period. You will gain profits, and different doors of monetary resources will be open for you. People who are planning to take any loan will be successful at this time. Working officials will have to face some challenges, apart from that they have to be patient or else hasting at any point will put you in stress. You will develop an interest in learning spiritual subjects, and your thoughts and ideas will ache accordingly. Natives who have set one's cap for PhD degree will get favourable results. You siblings will go through a tough time during this time, and you will have to help them out and solve their problems. There are several trips on your card, though you be careful at the time of self-driving. Your health condition will be down, so you are required to maintain your diet and do physical activities. Your spouse will also have a source of earning, which will ease things up and will be handy for you too. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Taurus

The transit of evolutionary Mercury will take place in the seventh house of your zodiac sign Taurus. Your seventh house is signified as the house of marital life, partner and business partners. The impact of Mercury transit is going to give good results for the married natives; they will respect each other and have a term of mutual understanding. People in relationships will spend a beautiful time and carry out romantic conversations, and this time will strengthen your relationship. Even, some of you will propose to your partner for marriage, and some problems may arise still you will be finding out away. One's in the field of work will get benefits through this transit, new opportunities will arise for you during this time. Natives looking for a new job will be successful. You will also gain extreme profits in the field of business; even your partnership business will prosper. You would always be at peace and witness harmony in your family, and children of this zodiac sign will stay healthy and happy. However, you have to take care of your expenses there are chances of an increase in your expenditure. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Scorpio on Gemini 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in the sixth house if your zodiac sign, which is represented as the house of the enemy according to the field of astrology. This time would be very difficult for the Gemini natives. You have to be careful about many things like your enemies, pain, job, competition, health, and even your marriage. Natives might have to face some challenges regarding your health, ignoring your health conditions may give you a negative impact at this time. If you are doing a job, you will be challenged by your rivals, and they will give their best to defeat you and dominate you. You are recommended to stay away from illegal activities to keep yourself and your family. You will meet your in-laws, and their bits of advice would be helpful for you. You will also face an increase in your expenses, and you will have to face many obstacles, though hard work and honesty will help you out to survive this duration.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Cancer 

During this period of transit, the planet will change its position and will be positioned in the powerful fifth house of your Zodiac sign, and your fifth house is a significantly important of your family and children's well-being. You will get new opportunities in the field of education, your children's creative talents, and even your relationship will be prosperous. Students will get to fulfil their wish in higher studies, and this is the best time to show one's ability. Most of you will also get the chance to shift to abroad to continue your studies and sharpen your talents. Natives who are in love will have to face some clashes and arguments with their beloved for small reasons, though you will sort it out with patience and understanding. Some of you will have the chance to express your feeling to your loved ones and get good results. You will face some problems in your marital life due to which misunderstandings will arise. However, your spouse will enjoy some benefits during this transit. You will have an amazing communication skill which will help you earn respect and trust in your society. Your intelligence will help you in taking some tuff decisions which will give you certain benefits in future. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Leo

The transit of the dualistic planet Mercury will show its impact on the fourth house of your zodiac sign, thus influencing your happiness. On the other hand, the transit will have an impactful effect on your luxury, emotions, and property-related things. You will witness several benefits due to this transit. There will be an inflow of happiness and harmony in your life. You will stay motivated; your family will support you in every aspect of life. The Leo natives will spend some quality time with their family members. In terms of property, issues will get resolved during this period. This is also the best time to buy a new house or vehicle for the Leo natives. You mother will get favors of this transit, you will receive her blessings, and her health is going to be perfect at this time. The natives working as hired men will do excellent in their work field; their hard work and dedication will be the reason for their success. Your increase in knowledge will help you attain a better position in society, and you will also make new contact with some of the reputed members of society. You will have excellent health, though stay away from fast food and take proper precaution, and the polluted area may be the reason for your skin disease. So, keep your surroundings clean. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Virgo 

Due to the transition, you will notice a change in your aspect of life. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet Mercury will be posted in the third house of your zodiac sign Virgo. The third house represents various exposures to your life; it brings a change in your courage, will power, passion, confidence and gives you the energy to improve your knowledge, makes you more enthusiastic. Along with that, there is zeal in one's Kundali, which gets enlightened during the transit. The transition will make you more conscious and serious in your behaviour, and you will be more passionate about your tasks. Your thoughts and ideas will impress everyone around you, though your way of communication may hurt someone's intentions, so you are advised to control your speeches. Your short-tempered nature will be the reason for fights and arguments at some point. You are advised to handle things calmly and smartly. You will get the opportunity to get a new job, and you will be surely successful in it. The natives will be successful in helping out their friends and family, though clashes are possible between you and your family. New members will be added in your social circle, and they will tend to continue this friendship for the long term. Apart from that, natives will earn respect in the society due to their partner's success. There are short trips on your card through you need to be cautious during the travelling. Your siblings will behave maturely, and their success will make you happy, and you will also help them out at any cost. Your health would be totally fine at this time, though you are advised to do physical activities and stay fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Libra 

The strongest planet Mercury will make its transit into the second house of your Zodiac sign, Libra. The transition of the planet will influence your family, improve your communication skills, and focus on one's primary education and monetary resource. The impact of the transit will give favourable results for the Libra natives. You will notice a gradual increase in your economic condition. You will gain money through different sources, even though a foreign source. There are high possibilities of returns from investments and domestic sources also. The natives will be able to repay their loans and debts through these profits. Even, if you are waiting for loan approval, this time you may get a piece of good news. During this transition, you will spend more, so keep a tab on your expenses and having a little control over your spending will balance your budget. This duration will give you fruitful results and your good communication skills will create a good image in front of others. Apart from that, you will earn maximum profits due to your chosen personality, and people will tend to trust you more. The partner of the Libra natives will have bad health, so take them for a checkup and cooperate with them. Working professionals will get the taste of success due to their dedication and hard work. Though your opponents won't leave a single chance to ruin your image, it's better to keep a distance from them. Your family members will be proud of your excellence in different fields, and you will spend a peaceful and happy time with them. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Scorpio

The transition of the planet Mercury will be taking place in your own house, so during the transit, the planet will change its direction and will be posited in the first house which is your ascendant house. The Scorpion natives have to face certain challenges during this transit, as their first house is known as the house of self. There will be some changes which will give a negative impact on one's attitude. Your health will be down during this transition period, and even you may suffer from skin problems. So, it is significantly urgent to take necessary care of your health, doing proper workout and keeping yourself and your surrounding clean would be beneficial for your health. Your mental health would stay on the decline too. You will tend to gain your interest in increasing your financial condition, and you would get total success. You will attain good results through hard work and dedication. Your advice to keep yourself calm, or sake debates and arguments may arise between you and your siblings and friends. Your social circle will value you more, and you will make new and trustworthy friends. The natives will be able to fulfil their awaited desires. Your opponent won't stand a chance in front of you. Seniors and colleagues will respect you for maintaining decorum in the office culture. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Sagittarius 

The twelfth house of Sagittarius will host the transition of the planet Mercury, where the twelfth house represents expenditure and income. In the field of astrology, the planet has an impact over your different aspects of life like expenses, salvation, foreign trips, family and others. You will notice a good amount of growth in your expenses. You will find innovative techniques to earn profits, though you need to spend smartly and save for investment. You have to stay alert from frauds; don't trust anyone at this time, trusting on someone may result in huge losses. People applying for a loan may get favourable results. There is a foreign trio on your card, which will be beneficial for your business. This trip will give you good profits. You need to be quite careful, or else you may get into a controversy. Your rivals will do anything to ruin your image so stay secured from them and strategize your plans to defeat them at every point. Ignoring your health issues may give birth to worse disease. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Capricorn

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, along with that; it is also the strongest planet. At the time of transition, the position of the planet remains in the eleventh house of your zodiac sign. The eleventh house of the Capricorn natives implies one's income, success, social circle, siblings, and others. The natives will enjoy several benefits during this transit. You will get rewarded for your success and hard work, resulting in an increase in your desires to achieve your goals. You will face some challenges in different fields, though you will procure your position and defeat each and every obstacle in your life. In terms of your financial condition, you will succeed enormously, and several doors of monetary resources will come to you, and serve you extreme benefits. You will also get an advantage through your property. Your siblings will also get the chance to taste success which would also prove beneficial for you. Your marital life will be full of joy, and couples with a kid will witness their talents. Natives with the job will earn respect through their wisdom and honesty in completing their tasks.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aquarius

The transit of Mercury will be very impactful on Aquarius. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and moves towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. Where the tenth house represents various factors of life like one's career, family's situation, respect, politics and one goal in life, apart from that it is also known as the house of karma and profession. The natives will witness several ups and downs in their lives. The working professionals have to face some challenges, though their sharp intellect and reasoning abilities will help them to get out such tuff situations. Natives applying for a new job have to keep patience and try harder. However, you will not get favourable outcomes at your workplace and get frustrated. Though don't lose your hopes and try to stand up and fight back. Your beloved will try to impress you and their affectionate love will strengthen your relationship. Natives who are involved in politics will not get good results, though you should keep trying. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Pisces

The planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transition and it shifts into your ninth house. The ninth house during the transition influences one's fate, guru, religion, travel, life decisions and financial condition. The Pisces natives will enjoy the benefits during this transit, especially the student natives, will score good marks in their studies, and their mentors will actively participate in helping them. There are family trips on your card. Your partner's achievement will be the reason for your name, fame and respect in society. One's involved in the business will earn profits through different economic sources. Performing religious activities and social services will give you mental satisfaction. You will also earn profits in partnership business. The natives will get more inclined in art and literature; some of them will choose writing as their profession too. You may also plan for a business trip or get a chance to shift to abroad for your higher studies. Your mother's health might get worse if ignored so do proper medication. Don't forget about your health, so de regular yoga or try to get involved in physical activities.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Sagittarius
10 Dec,2021
28 Dec,2021

The transition of the Planet Mercury can be very impactful over your sign. Due to the transit, the planet changes its position and moves to different house cause a change in your communication skills, preaching, educational activities, and intellectual thoughts. It also affects your financial condition by causing a difference in your business, accounting marketing, etc. The planet also influences the relation between your parents, lover, siblings and others. The Sagittarius signifies higher learning, philosophy, religion, teaching, Gurus, fathers teaching, travelling to long distances, etc. When Mercury is positioned in Sagittarius, it affects mainly the accounting and finance fields, higher learning, profits from publishing books, and it is also the best time for astrologers and Gurus. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Aries 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet; during the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards your ninth house, which is the house of one's fate and fortune. The impact of this transition affects one's luck, religion and relation with father. This period can be quite challenging for the natives; you will go through a lot of mental stress and tension because your tasks may not give good results. On the other hand, your family members will help you and support in every bad situation. Natives have to work really hard to get through this. Sitting at home and doing nothing would not help you; instead, you have to work really hard and take serious decisions about your future to make your dreams possible. Your karma is going to hit you back, so take precaution and don't interfere in anyone life. Not only your family but your friends will also stand by your side, and they will help you out with every problem you are dealing with and try to solve them together. Students natives will enjoy the advantages of this time; your hard work and dedication will give you better results in the field of education. You should take proper medications if necessary. If you are unable to handle your economic condition, then taking a loan from the bank would be a great idea. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Taurus

The transit of Mercury in your house will improve in the lives of natives having the zodiac sign Taurus. During the transitory period, the planet will be posited in your eight houses which are represented as the Ayu Bhagya or longevity of your Kundali. You will get to hear good news, and even the Married people will have a new member in the family during this time period. As the impact of this transition would be favourable for you, thus there will peace and harmony between your family member. They will tend to understand your feelings better, and you will stay motivated throughout time. You will be able to help out your family member too, especially the younger member in terms of finance. People in a relationship or married will go for some shopping or buying new clothes with their beloved. You will notice an increase in your social friends who will enjoy your company and have a memorable time with you. You will gain motivation by doing good deeds like donating in a charity and helping your friends give then valuable advice. There are chances of making a mistake in business and incurring losses, though this will not affect you much; instead, you will learn from those mistakes and more confident that you won't repeat it in future. Every Taurus native is advised to maintain a proper diet and do regular exercise to stay fit and healthy. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Gemini

The Planet Mercury is the dearest friend of Venus, and during the transition, Mercury shifts towards the house of partnership which is the seventh house of your zodiac sign. This house helps to know better about your spouse or partner and have a better understanding of life. People having a business partnership should avoid any quarrel or argument, because if you try to pressurize your partner in making your point, it would be problematic for you in future. You need to calmly share your ideas and views and make your partners understand in the right way. You will lack confidence because you will be worried about your future. The married natives are advised to remain totally understanding towards their spouse, listen to them and spend time with them. Working professionals will earn respect and good results due to their hardworking and honesty; even there are opportunities for some of you to get promoted. The most important thing every Gemini native should care about is, you have to do everything patiently, and you will get good results from it. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Cancer 

The transition of Mercury will give a favourable impact on the Cancer Natives. During the transit, the planet will change its position and will shirts towards the third house of your Zodiac sign Cancer. This transition would rather be very auspicious for the natives. If you are professional, then you will be highly praised for your efforts and working techniques, even you will be successful in doing every task with ease. You will feel mentally strong, and you would easily go through the problems which may arise during this duration, and even at the toughest times, your confidence won't break. Natives looking for a job change, this is the best time, and you will be surely successful in getting a new job. You would soon notice a significant improvement in your communication skills due to which people will tend to listen to you and understand your point of views, and your sweetened tone will attract them and thus help you in getting a good image in the social circle. You may also get in contact will some of the reputed members of the society. If you are fighting for any kind of legal case, the decisions will be in your favour during this duration of time. Your expense will soon increase, though you don't have to worry much about it. Having a little control over your spending would sort it out. Married natives will get a chance to go on a trip more like a vacation and spend a memorable time with their spouse. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Leo 

The transition brings a favourable impact over the Leo natives. During the transitory period, the planet is posited into the fifth house which is also represented as the house of progeny. Knowledge of your children is determined by the house. Leo natives will notice a change in their intellect. You will try to significantly improve and do better in your mental ability and will gain more interest in learning new subjects. Natives who are interested in the field of art will be able to attract many people by their creativity and talent. You will gain interest in spiritual learning, and you may also choose this as your subject. Natives will also enjoy debating and discussing their new ideas and point of views during this duration of time. You will get a little short-tempered in dealing with your life partner, though you will certainly pull it down fast and try to make your partner feel good. Students will enjoy extreme favours if this transit, their hardworking and dedication will prove to be beneficial, and they will get full support from their teachers and mentors. If you are studying in the field of mathematics, you will surely get good results and make your parents proud. Apart from that take proper precaution for your health, some skin allergies might cause due to polluted air. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Virgo 

The impact of the transit of planet Mercury would be very beneficial for the Virgo natives. During the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Virgo. The fourth house represents mother and happiness. You will reap the fruits of hard work you did in the past. This time is very lucky for buying a new home. You will be very busy due to some guests arrived at your home. There are many more possibilities of getting great news in various fields of life. You need to handle things between you and your spouse very calmly; otherwise, it may give birth to some clashes and disputes. However, you will be successful in every field of life and solve your problem with ease. Natives have work profession mist complete their work in time and full dedication. Also, you are recommended to do proper exercise or yoga and maintain a healthy diet. Apart from that, you will get the maximum benefit of this transit period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Libra 

The transit period is going to be very challenging for the Libra natives. As the dualistic Planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the third house of your zodiac sign during the transitory period. The third house is referred to as the house of courage and Valor. During this challenging period, you will have to take some serious decisions in your life and if you make any mistake in taking any decisions in terms of your family, this would bring your family apart. Though you just need to be down to earth and accept every mistake you made in front of your family. You opponents will try each and every way possible in order to destroy your image or status, though you will be handling each and every situation very calmly and smartly. You will need to control your wishes and focus on your work in order to attain success in the work fields. You will have to handle each and everything yourself, as we all know, god help those people who are kind and honest. Short-distance trips are there on your card which will refresh your mind. Apart from that your health will be good except your mind, your mental health will be a little disturbed. Keeping yourself fit and fine would be the best way to stay healthy and out of stress. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Scorpio 

The transit would leave a favourable impact on the Scorpio natives. The planet Mercury will change its position and move towards the second house of your Zodiac sign Scorpio and this transit will sort out many problems for you, and you will also get good results of your deeds. People in the field of business will gain enormous wealth through great deals; you will be successful in the economic field. There are chances of getting profits through ancestral properties. Your communication skills will improve, and you will notice a change in your way of speaking, though you need to understand that it is the best time to speak otherwise stay calm in such a situation. You will gain a good image because if your honest work and good deed, you will prosper good image in front of the society. Your health must be seriously taken care of, and you must keep yourself and your surroundings clean. Or else skin related disease can cause huge problems. Scorpion natives studying as students must focus on their studies to get good results in competitive exams. Try to consume a balanced diet and nutritious food. Along with regular exercise or yoga, will keep you mentally and physically fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Sagittarius 

This transit is going to be very impactful on your sign as the transition is taking place in your own songs. During the transition as the planet will be posted in your ascendent house, which according to the Kalpurush Kundali determines one's own health, body, intellect or enlightenment. People involved in the field of business can witness financial loss whose opponents may be the reason, so you need to stay alert from your opponents. Due to financial loss, you might face problems in your families too. However, your friends or relatives would be there to help and support your mentally and financially. You may also have some arguments or clashes with your life partner; however, you will sort it out with your sweet words and end up in peace and harmony in your marital life. Try to be careful with your words in order to stay safe from your colleagues, or you will end in an argument or dispute with your colleagues. Married wives having this sign will appease their husbands with delicious food and have a happy married life. 

Transit of Mercury in Sagittarius on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make it's transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your Zodiac sign. This transit will bring a favourable impact in your life and your communication skills will find a way to touch people's hearts. You will attract your friends and family by your ideas and thoughts. Working professionals will gain respect and they will complete tasks in time. You will gain excess profits and your hardwork will prove to be very beneficial. Student natives working hard for  competitive exams will get good results. Your social circle will increase, people will tend to trust you and have faith in you. Though you need to keep control over your speeches or else it might turn into an argument. You also need to take proper precautions in terms of your health. Regular exercise or yoga would be very beneficial for your health and mental stability. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Aquarius 

The Aquarius natives will gain extreme favour due to this transit. The planet will make its transition and will be posited in your eleventh house, which is represented as your house of income and expenditure. During this transit, you will gain excess profits, and you will be able to clear out all the debts and money rat problems. Gaining profits will improve your financial condition. You will create a good image firing of your family, and you will also get an amazing chance to spend a memorable time with your partner and children as well. You will get to make new friends and actively take part in social activities too, which would help your expand your friend circle. Your increase in knowledge and intelligence will open new doors of profits in your life. Most of you who are in love will gift a beautiful present to your partner expressing your feeling to them; it is the best time to propose and ask for their hand for marriage. Amidst all this, if you still feel like you have not done good deeds than you need to review them again. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Pisces 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in your tenth house, which represents the house of Profession and career, due to this transit, your self-confidence will immensely improve. Your logical perspective will improve, which will help you defeat your opponents. This transit will make your personality strong due to which your enemies will fear from you and decide not to bother you in any way. Natives will easily complete their pending tasks and earn respect in their fields. Your family life will be smooth and peaceful. You will get a chance to spend more time with your life partner and get closer to them, and this time will be very memorable for both of you, which will create mutual understanding between you both. There are chances of shopping on your card, and most probably you will reap the fruits of hard work and give a boost to your career. Your intelligence will be boosted; you will be able to help out your classmates and put your views and points clearly. Your talents will be praised socially, and you can turn these talents into the direction of success.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Aquarius
06 Mar,2022
23 Mar,2022

The strong planet Mercury represents commendable communication, healthy business, trustworthy partnership, education etc. Amidst all this, Mercury increases your ability to memorize and enhances your accounting, marketing and analytic skills. On the other hand, Aquarius strengthens your hope and wishes to fulfill your desires to channelize with large organization and masses, etc. The transition of Mercury in Aquarius is very beneficial and supportive for natives working in various fields like teachers of science, planners and creator of the map would also get the benefit and support due to the transit. And even the mathematical models for weather and other forecasting departments, advisors of finance and other, etc. would also be effectively advantageous too. There are chances where the people may get mislead by a piece of wrong information that something serious is going to happen when the motion of Mercury reverses. Only in case of the birth chart, the reverse effect of Mercury might create some confusion or powerlessness or else if the Mercury is well placed, then there is no need to worry. 

Effects of Mercury Transit on Aries 

Mercury which appears to be the powerful Lord of their third and sixth houses, specifically for the natives of Aries, goes through an evolution. During the transit into Aquarius, the planet will continuously move and would acquire a position in the eleventh house, which appears to be the house of profits, where the house fulfils your achievement, along with benefits and help the natives to accomplish all the ambitions of life. The transit of Mercury in Aquarius will enrich your abilities and natives can also notice a dynamic increase in their proficiency. 

Your hard work and mental effort during this transit will result in huge success to get an increase in your salary and will be extremely favorable for your financial condition. There will be a gradual change in the personality of Arians, where they will notice a significant boost in their confidence and would be able to express their feeling to the loved ones. And your partner would take an interest in you and shower you with love. Natives should make sure about some things, especially for students who are engaged in the field of education. You will get the undue advantage of learning new things, though you may need to increase your effort at the time if Mercury is regressive. Yours have to take proper precaution for your financial condition which may be weakened, though it may only last for a short period.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Taurus 

Mercury is the strongest planet; it is also known as the dearest friend of the Lord of your sign Venus. It makes its transit while moving through the tenth house if your sign and shows an extreme significance for your Karma and business. People having the sign Taurus, where the former is the Lord of their second and fifty houses, resulting in the transit of Mercury in Aquarius will indicate success and improvement in your professional status. 

This transit would be very impactful in your professional life where you will be able to discover hue best abilities based on your knowledge and trust. Get the best utilization of your education, which would help you to complete your task pleasantly. You will accomplish a good image in front of your bosses. Natives having a business will get the chance to enlarge their trade. And you will get to chance to be close with your family and share some of the best emotional moments.

During the Mercury regression, the natives might have to be serious with their professional lives. You may lose interest and make mistakes which would lead you to lose your jobs. Don't worry because everything will be normal after 10th March and you will notice an improvement, and just after an interval of time you would again be the expert in your work again. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Gemini

Mercury shows a strong effect on Gemini as it is the Lord of the Zodiac sign Gemini. However, it is also the Lord of your fourth house, and during its transit, in Aquarius, it moves to your ninth house which is known as the house of fortune, the results will be seemingly favourable for you. During the transit of Mercury on Gemini, the natives will get great benefit in matters related to property, and fate will be in favour of the Gemini natives. You will get complete success in changing your homes and will notice a rise in your fame and respect in society. You will also get emotionally close to your father, and your father will be very supportive and helpful in gaining profits. 

However, you have to take proper precautions during February and mid-March, which may prove to be very difficult for you. Don't worry and you just have to increase your hard work and not get irritated by the same tasks. During the Mercury retrograde, you have to be careful at the time of travelling. Apart from that, you will have enormous success in fields like travelling or writing. The lady luck will be in your favour. You will get a gradual plus significant increase in your income, and there are chances of a great trip which would make you mentally strong. You might make new friends who will prove to be completely supportive.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Cancer

For Cancer natives, Mercury stays the Lord of their third and twelfth house, and during its transit into Aquarius, the planet moves towards their eight houses which might show some ups and downs in life. Though, amidst the NavaGraha, Mercury is the only planet which shows the positive impact in life during its transit in their eight houses. During this time you may prepare yourself to do some hard work, though the result you will be receiving would be very small. This you may have to bear some unwanted expenses, and some unacceptable trips are also on your card. There are some chances where your siblings might also face some issues. You can meet your In-laws, and their suggestions and support will surely help you out to resolve your issue. You must take care of your health or else you have to bear some unwanted expenses regarding your health. Arians advised keeping an eye on your activities, apart from that your problems will solve after this duration ends and you will gain some profits which would help you get back your financial status. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Leo

Mercury which is eventually the Lord of the second and eleventh houses, where both the houses implies wealth, and so Mercury plays an important role in the natives of Leo. When the Mercury transits into the Aquarius, the planet stays in their seventh house, and the seventh house is the house of long term partnerships and business. This transit period will prove to be very beneficial for you, and you might get the chance to get emotionally and mentally closer with your spouse, which would improve your marriage life. 

You both will find a way to fight the distractions and get to connect with each other once again. Spending on your life partner would be very pleasing for both of you. Even this transit will enhance your business skills, and you would earn a huge profit, and new ideas will help you enlarge your enterprises. You can get mentally disturbed because of some increase in your expenses; however, your problems will come to an end after 10th March. You will be back in your normal life again.

Effects of Mercury Transit on Virgo 

Mercury being the Lord of the sign Virgo, it is also the Lord of their tenth house. So, Lord Buddha influences both your body and Karma, which means that the transit of Mercury into Virgo plays a very important role in your life. However, the Mercury transit in Aquarius will cause the planet to set forth in your sixth house, which signifies your enemies, disease and debts.

You have to be very careful regarding your health. The transit will have a bad impact on your health, and there might also be an increase in your health. Any type of ignorance can put you in danger. On the other hand, your professional life would be very successful. Your hard work will give you the chance to create a good image. However, your opponents may be stronger than you and would try to destroy your image. You will get a chance to be free from debts.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Libra 

Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and there is a friendly relation between Mercury and Venus which is the Lord of the sign Libra. Along with that, the Lord of Fortune or Bhagyesh is the Lord of your ninth house, which would move towards your fifth house during this transit. 

When the Mercury transit into Aquarius, which will put a positive impact on your education and the people having the sign Libra will get outstanding results related to their higher studies. And even people in different fields like journalism, acting, writing, etc. or finance or commercial students would witness amazing results due to this transit. Due to transit if Mercury into Aquarius would bring an increase in your income and people doing jobs may get some information about their transfer. The natives will not get confused in making the divisions of their lives. Along with that, married couples might also welcome a baby in their lives. 

Luck will be in favour of the Librans they will spend the best moments of their lives with their beloved ones. Your relationship will get straighten and travelling long distance will be very advantageous for you. The Libra natives will receive great results during the Mercury regression. On the other hand, the students will do excellent in their higher studies and can get an opportunity to go abroad for their further education. After the end of Mercury retrograde, you will have a settled job and people thinking of changing job would be successful at this time.

Effect of Mercury transit on Scorpio

Mercury is the Lord of the eighth and the eleventh houses of the zodiac sign Scorpio, and when it transits into Aquarius, the Mercury stays in the fourth house, which implies overall happiness. During this transit, you will enjoy enormous comfort and money-oriented facilities, and also in this duration, you will get to utilize your resources. Apart from that, you will be very successful in your workplace. You will gain a good image in your social life, and the natives might also notice a positive change in their family. Though you may be strong in terms of wealth, you may not be as much strength in terms of you and your families, especially your mother's health. You may incur a chest pain or stiffness in your body. Though after the end of the Mercury retrograde, you will find yourself in a comfortable zone and be healthy again. People doing a job may get an increment in their salary. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Sagittarius 

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the seventh house for natives with the zodiac sign Sagittarius, and also is the Lord of the tenth house of Karma. During the transit, it moves towards the third house of the native which, according to the Kalpurush Kundali belongs to the Gemini. So, there will be the presence of Lord Buddha which would bring outstanding outcomes for Sagittarians. 

You will be getting the benefit of travelling to many places, which not only give you pleasure but also would be profitable for your financial condition. Your terms with your younger siblings will get better. Your friends will help you out in need. You will improve your communication skill and may also get the house of your ambition. You will perform better all together, and you will gain fame in social media. However, you might make sure you don't make a mistake in communicating with someone. Take proper precautions or else some misunderstanding may lead to some obstacles in your work. You might get stuck in an argument or debate.

Effect of Mercury transit on Capricorn

Mercury is the Lord of the Sixth house for your native and is the house of fortune. During the transit, it will move towards your second house, which signifies wealth. The transit of Mercury into Aquarius will be quite significant for Capricorn. 

This duration will be very beneficial for you, as you will gain many profits economically and your financial status will improve. As you fortune will be in your favour and all your incomplete tasks will be getting accomplished in no time. You will get to attend many trips which would bring you a huge profit. Legal disputes may be decided in your favour. This period will strengthen your financial condition. Students are also going to get excellent results and the ones going for a competitive exam, the results would be good for them, and the change of scoring good marks is very big. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Aquarius 

Mercury is basically the Lord of your fifth and eighth houses and while during the transit period, it shifts to your first or ascendant house, forming a Raj Yoga kind of situation as the mercury transit is crucial for you because it is taking place in your own sign. 

Because the Lord of your eight houses is posited in your ascendant house, your mind might get attracted more towards spiritual subjects. You will notice very specific changes in your mind, and you will get excellent result in research work, and you will get into the depth to your thoughts. With the increase of your thinking capability, you will be able to give opinion related to any topic after you have learned about the situation properly.

 You will witness the fast development of your mind and your presence if the mind will also strengthen. You will be making your decisions on the basis of your future. Though you have to take proper care of your health or due to giving too much pressure in your mind, you might get mental stress. However, you will make the correct decisions for your future, and you will get significant help from children. And people in a relationship will get a great response from their beloved ones, and they will be standing by your side. 

Effect of Mercury Transit on Pisces 

The Lord of the fourth house for Pisces is Mercury which signifies happiness and the seventh house, which states the sign of partnership. And during the transit period, it gets posited in your twelfth house which signifies losses and expenditure. Therefore, the natives will suffer from an increase in their budget, and there will be a downfall in their economic status. Some member of your family might get successful in shifting or travelling abroad, and this is also very good for making a new property. 

On the other hand, this time is very beneficial related to foreign trade and might also get an enormous profit in import-export. Your relationship with your married ones or loved ones might be stressful, but can be sorted out if you pay attention to them. You need to work extremely hard during the time of Mercury retrograde and put all your effort in completing the tasks. This period of time will be very crucial and challenging for the natives. Increasing expenses may affect your budget, and your health will also disturb you. Make sure you take proper healthcare.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisions, marriage problems, business success, financial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Pisces
24 Mar,2022
07 Apr,2022

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and shares a friendly relation with Venus. The impact of Mercury transition is over different fields which include communication, business, partnership, preaching, and it also has effects on one's ability to memorize. Apart from that, accounting, marketing and analytic skills are mostly affected. The zodiac sign Pisces signifies Moksha or peace, the chance of going abroad, your health, physical fitness, focused mind, etc. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aries 

The Planet Mercury rules over the third and sixth house of your zodiac sign Aries. During the transitory period, the planet shifts its position and moves towards the twelfth house of the Aries natives. The twelfth house represents the house of expenditure. Also, this transition will bring a negative impact on your zodiac sign; the natives have to face several ups and downs during this duration. The natives will have to take proper care of their health because due to the influence of the planetary movement, one might notice a decline in their health or suffer from some serious disease like insomnia or skin related disease. So it is recommended to have a proper checkup and have a healthy diet. You will remain disappointed at this duration because of your hard work will not give any results. Stay alert from your opponents and rivals; they will always plan something out to in order to create obstacles in your work. The student natives will get the favour of this transit, and they will be able to go through the competitive exams and get good results, student natives might also get the chance to study abroad. Though to acquire success, they need to work really hard and focus mainly on their studies and exams. You will also gain leads in some legal matters and attain success. You need to take proper control of your expenses, or else your total expenditure might get overbudget. Your sibling will get the chance to go for a tour to foreign countries, and you may get a chance to get hired from a foreign or multinational company. Natives who are studying law will get favourable results, and they will keep this balanced throughout the course during this period. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Taurus 

Venus is the powerful Lord of your zodiac sign Taurus and has a friendly relation with Mercury. The Planet Mercury has its ruling power over your second and fifth house. During the transition, both the planets will be posited in your eleventh house. The eleventh house of your zodiac sign is also represented as the house of profits. People in the field of business will get the favour of this transit. You will get excessive chances to expand your business and earn profits through it, and this period is the best time to release your money to buy some good investment for the advancement of your business. You can also involve your family member to help you out with your business. And luckily, your flow of income will tend to sort out all income related issues, and you will be able to repay all the debts, and your business will be totally settled. Thus the transit of Mercury over your sign would be very favourable for you, even in terms of your love life. All the fights and distance between you and your partner will end up. You will get enough time to spend with your lover and let them know about your true feelings. You will get total support, and your relationship will get its charm back. Student natives will tend to have more interest in their studies. With hard work and full dedication, you will be able to peruse in a better college or even get a chance to travel abroad for your higher studies. Along with that, your family will be really supportive of your decisions and ambitions during this transit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Gemini 

The powerful planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your flourishing house, including your fourth house. Due to this transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of Mercury will reflect on your career, relation, business, etc. This transitory movement of the planet will help you out in the field of business you will be able to take the right decision, which would be very favourable for your future. Though make sure you don't get overconfident, which will bring distraction in your work. Apart from that, you will spend a memorable time with your family; your family member will understand your good intentions and support your decisions. You will be able to express your feeling more conveniently, and you will notice a change in. And in such you will get an enthusiastic environment which would prevail your households. If you have any issues related to your property or any case in court, the decision would be in your favour, along with that any documentation issues will be resolved. Don't get involved with your office colleagues; they would create distractions in your work. And even don't share any personal information with them. During this duration, you may feel low and unhealthy. So, do regular excessive and keep yourself fit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Cancer 

The Planet Mercury rules over your twelfth and third houses, and due to the transit the planet changes its position and is posited in your ninth house, which represents health relationship and travel. Due to this transit, you will get the opportunity to travel abroad. Student natives trying to get into foreign countries for higher education will be successful at this duration. You will also considerably notice an increase in your social circle; people will tend to get influenced by you. You can give a new direction to your life will great efforts. Some natives will also tend to gain interest in the writing profession. And it is possible that you will go into the direction of media or journalism. You will witness a gradual increase in your communication skills, people around you will understand your ideas, you will also acquire an interest in performing social functions and events. Your siblings will support you in every field, especially in the field of finance. You will take great interest in different hobbies like gardening, writing or acting, and there are chances you will go further in this field. You will surely take stand against the evils of the society at this duration. However, stay alert and keep your vocal talent in control or else being too much outspoken can put you in danger. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Leo 

Mercury is a dualistic planet will be posited into the eight houses of the Leo people during the transition period. The presence of the Planet Mercury weakens the Leo sign natives, and the duration of this transit will not be favourable for you. On the other hand, the Planet moon being the Lord of your second and eleventh house will bring a drastic fall in your income. If you are working in the field of business, you might incur huge losses, which might increase your expenditure. Though, you don't have to stop expecting after the small period your financial condition will get a good position. At this drastic time, meeting your in-laws would bring great help, their mature and handful of advice will surely help you out to get through this situation and improve your economic condition. Natives working as am an employee, or having a job have to face many ups and downs, your opponents will wait for a chance to destroy your career, stay alert from them. You may also lose your job, so better keep cautioned and stay away from your opponents and don't share any information with them. You will surely enjoy and feel peaceful in organizing and doing poojas, chanting and learning new rosaries will be satisfying too during this duration. The natives will gain interest in studying spiritual subjects and will gain an interest in such activities. This will refine your ideas and balance your mind in taking decisions for the future.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Virgo 

The dualistic and strongest Planet Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house, while the transit the planet will be posited in your seventh house. This transition will have a favourable impact on the Virgo natives. You will notice an improvement at your workplace, and the impact of the transition will give you favourable results. The natives have the chances of getting promoted. And even, you will also get a salary hike which would ease your expenses. And certainly, the business natives will get the opportunity to gain excess profits and clear out all their debts. Apart from that, there will a negative impact on the people in terms of your health. It is recommended to take proper health care and do regular exercise, which would keep you fit and fine. You will be able to have a stronger relationship with your life partner, and their advice will be very beneficial for you, though you have to face disappointment at times. However, this will not bother your relation with your partner; instead, your relation will get sweeter and stronger with your spouse. Your relationship with your father would soon get better. You will use your humour in the right way, and this will be very beneficial for your business activities. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Libra 

The Planet Mercury is the Lord of your ninth and twelfth houses, and during the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your sixth house. Due to the transit in your sixth house, you will have to work harder to attain success. Though working hard will give very little success, and due to this, you will remain worried throughout the time period. Your income might also deteriorate. You are expected to pay more attention to your diet, and avoiding fast food is best for now. You must try not to get involved in any sort of arguments or debates; this might lead to a quarrel. Your father will receive certain positive results, and he will surely attain an enormous amount of success. Suppose you wish to share any kind of personal details it would give your opponents the opportunity to take unnecessary advantage and put your life at risk. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Scorpio 

The dualistic planet Mercurys is the Lord of your eight and eleventh houses. And during the transition period, the planet tends to change its position towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign Pisces. And the result of this transit will be the quite favourable and adverse situation with regards to your love life. Though your partner will talk to you in a sweeter way, still you will find it difficult to understand them. This will create some misunderstandings between you both, and certainly fights and debates will become a part of your relationship. And you should choose your words carefully in front of your partner. If you are married, these quarrels will not affect your children; they will tend to focus on their studies and do well in life. However, keep your eyes on them and see if they don't get distracted from their studies. The natives will also find themselves lucky in putting their money in lotteries, share market or other investment. You will get to earn from several sources which would improve your financial condition. The planetary movement is very favourable for you or academic life too, hard work and dedication will take you towards success.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Sagittarius

The Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and is also the ruling Lord of the seventh and tenth house of your zodiac sign. During its transition, the planet moves towards the fourth house of the Sagittarius natives. The impact of this transit will create a network between your personal and professional life, so your personal life could be clearly seen influencing your professional one. Thus it's advised to maintain a balance. Your family members will maintain peace and harmony, and they will try to understand and nurture each other. However, some clashes are possible, and you are recommended to stay away from any debates or arguments. During this transition, you will solve some problems of your life partner and put them out from stress. Your work life will prosper due to your hard work, wisdom, dedication and honesty. You will able to get some amazing ideas and complete your tasks with ease. You will also notice an improvement in your business field, and even your perspective about business ideas will be cleared. During this duration, your mother might take some serious decisions regarding the family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Capricorn

According to your Kundli, the Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your sixth and ninth houses. Your zodiac sign gets influenced by the planet and has a positive effect over your luck. During the time of transition, the planet is posited in your third house. And because the transit is taking place in your third house, you need to take proper precautions for your speeches. The chances are that any of your close friends or family might get hurt with your words. Your opponents will be very dangerous for you right now, and they will try to ruin your image in the society. If you are trying for a loan to get approved, this time will surely give you positive results. Your dedication and hard work will surely take you one step closer to success. Natives working with your honest attitude will attract the coworkers and will take you to the peak of success. They will stay by your side and help you out with every problem in your way. Capricorn natives are working in the field of law, and as advocates will get tremendous value and achieve success. Apart from that, try not to express your views and thoughts on any social media platform, because people against society may try to create a problem in your personal life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aquarius 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your fifth and eight houses. For people who have the zodiac sign, Aquarius is highly influenced by the transition of Mercury. During the transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Aquarius, and due to this transition, you will notice a mysterious tone in your speech. People listening to your words may find it very difficult to understand, which might give birth to confusion and clashes, and you will remain in a state of confusion. You should have a proper diet and do regular exercise in order to avoid any kind of disease or discomfort. You will earn more than your expectations and will be able to easily repay all your debts. Natives who are a student will be able to get good marks in their higher studies, and their dedication and hard work will surely take them to the path of success. And this will give them confidence. Married couples will hear some good news from their children. Your lover may introduce you to their family. Your life partner may suffer from a skin disease, so take proper precaution for him/her. Make sure you don't take it lightly. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Pisces 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet. The transition of the planet Mercury will take a position in Pisces itself. Mercury is the Lord of your fourth and seventh house, respectively. The influence of the planet Mercury will be very impactful on your house. During the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your ascendant house. The natives are advised to keep their eyes and ears open and always have focused on their presence of mind. You have to take your decisions carefully, or else it might create problems in future. This transit will especially help you in improving your business conditions. However, it would be great to take decisions by asking your elder or experienced person. Your achievement and change in your behaviour will create jealousy among your friends. Matters related to property will be in your favour during this transition period. Your mother will support you in every task, which would be really helpful. You may have some issues in your love life, so don't hate and solve every problem with patience and sweetly. Some of the natives will gain interest in learning new subjects.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Aries
08 Apr,2022
24 Apr,2022

Mercury plays a critical role during the transition period. According to the Vedic astrology, it influences your inner voice and thoughts and ideas. It represents one's communication and wisdom. You would soon notice a boost in confidence, humor, talent, family, finance and others. Natives who have strong influence of Mercury have intellect and presence of mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aries 

Mercury is the ruling lord of your third and sixth houses of Aries, and as the transition is taking place in the own house, the position of Mercury will shift in the first house also known as your ascendant house. With this transition, your confidence will increase, and you will feel more strengthened. With boosted confidence, you will be able to take serious decisions which will prove to be impactful in future. Your overconfidence will be a reason for arguments and clashes, and you may also hurt someone's sentiments, so control your speech and think before speaking. Your siblings will support you during this time. They will try to do everything to help you out. Your love and affection towards your loved ones will increase; you will trust your family and partner. Mercury being the lord of your sixth house will negatively affect your health, you can have a skin disease, so you are advised to go for a checkup and take proper health care. You should also maintain a proper diet. 

Your relation with your partner will be fabulous; this transit will give you chances to improve your marital life. You would also get quality time with your spouse, and during that time, you will establish your bonds and come closer to each other. You will create a sense of mutual understanding which will decrease clashes and arguments. Your partner will trust you more. Businessmen are advised to take precautions before investing, or else they can suffer a huge loss. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Taurus

Mercury is the ruling lord of the second and fifth houses of your zodiac and thereby, during the transitory period, it will change its direction and will be posited in your twelfth house. During this transit, the Taurus natives will face both positive and negative impacts. The impact of the Mercury transit in Aries will bring an increase in your expenditure; you may spend most of your wealth on particular tasks. Students who are willing to shift abroad for higher studies will get a chance, though they have to work really hard. If your children are trying that, they will succeed in getting admission in a foreign university. Still, the only way to get admission is by working hard. Taurus natives will accomplish good results through their intellect and wisdom, which will help them earn a good position and respect in society. If you work hard in business, you will deal in some profitable investments which will prove to be helpful in the long run.

Those in a relationship will have to face some challenges, and you will stay away from your partner due to some trip. Though having good communication and patience will help you maintain your terms with your partner. Pay attention to your partner, and make them feel important. Giving a little more love and effort will keep the relationship alive. You should keep an eye over your expenses, or it will have a negative effect on your financial status. Some unnecessary disputes will be the reason for your stress. Your health will weaken during this time period, so try to have a good diet and stay away from fast food. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Gemini

The impact of Mercury transit will bring favorable results for the Gemini. As during the transition period of Mercury in Aries, the planet will be positioned in the eleventh house for Gemini. Mercury is the lord of your sign, which will affect your house of income and profits. Your speaking will gain fluency, and with the help of your intellect and wisdom, you will earn enormous wealth. One's working in an office will get favors from their seniors and your communication skills will improve, due to which you will gain momentum at your workplace.

The Gemini people will enjoy the benefits in terms of a relationship. You might get sufficient quality time with your partner, and develop a sense of understanding. Your support will help to prosper your spouse's life. This love and affection will give you the energy to attain success in life. This transition will also help you financially, which would help you in clearing any debt or pending task.

With everything going well, you would be confident, and you will expand your social circle. With the expansion in your social circle, you will attend several weddings and parties. Making new friends will give you a special position in society. Businessmen will make profits through different sources, which will improve your financial conditions.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Cancer

The twelfth and third house of the Cancer natives is ruled by Mercury. During the transitory period, it is posited in your tenth house. Your tenth house is also the house of Karma, which basically signifies career. So, this period will bring certain ups and downs in the lives of the Cancer natives. You have to face certain challenges in professional life. However, your efforts will give you the chance to attain success. Your relations with your colleagues will strengthen; they will be support you. The natives will enjoy their work and will be satisfied. Some of you can be transferred. Apart from everything, you must focus on your task and complete them with honesty and dedication. Any mistake can ruin your image, so recheck everything before submitting. However, you will have to take an extreme workload. In such a situation, do your tasks carefully and calmly. You might feel de-motivated. Do not lose hope; instead complete each and every task with full dedication. You will have a marvelous time with your family, and this time will bring peace and harmony in your family life. Your parents will be proud of you. Your family, and even your siblings and others will help you out in certain tough situations. Your parents will have a health condition. Your relations with your father will gradually improve with time. Your partner's love for you will increase, and they will respect you for being a responsible person. Cancerians involved in the business will earn good profits through certain investments in properties and assets. This will strengthen their financial status.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Leo

The ninth house of the Leo natives signifies the house of fortune and long-distance journeys. During the transitory period, your ninth house will host the position of Mercury. The people will get a positive impact during this transition period. As Mercury is the lord of your second and eleventh houses, thus positively affecting your financial condition. People will notice economic strength, and you will flourish. You will get to complete your pending tasks and succeed in different fields. Your works giving you stress will finally get done. Your efforts will not go waste, and you will execute your task. Leo natives will get a chance to expand their family business and earn profits. 

Working professionals will also get success. You will have a blissful time with your loved ones, and even your siblings will enjoy your company. They will even come out to support you in need. You will make some serious decisions which will be beneficial in the long run. Your communication skills will prosper and people will tend to like you even more. You will create new connections with some of the delegated members of society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Virgo 

Mercury is the lord of your sign, and this transitory period will prove to be essential for the Virgo natives. Mercury is the lord of your tenth house, also known as the house of Karma. During the time of transition, it will enter your eighth house; generally, this house doesn't hold a promising position though there are several benefits. Working people will have to face certain challenges at work. You will be stressed because your efforts won't give you good results. Don't lose hope and wait for your turn to prove yourself. After some time you will notice some improvement, some of you might also get an increment. Your health might create some serious problems for you; not taking precaution would lead to financial loss and an increase in your expenses. 

The natives can earn profits through some secret sources; they will get to utilize their wisdom and intellect during this period. Natives having Mercury placed on their birth chart will get some positive results. Some past investments will be profitable, and you may also cream your pending debts. Your father's health may get worse, so do proper healthcare. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Libra

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus; Libra's ruling Lord is Venus. Mercury is the lord of your ninth and twelfth houses. During the period of transit, Mercury changes its position and shifts towards the seventh house of Libra. Businessmen will get the advantage of this transit, which will bring a good momentum in your business, even there are chances of expansion of your business. If you are thinking of a new startup, then this is the best time. You will get favorable results, and your efforts will take you to success. You will gain profits through some unexpected sources. 

There are several trips on your card, along with that you will earn benefits and experience through these trips; you will make certain connections with foreign sources, which will give you a huge success. Unmarried people might have the chance of getting married during this duration. You will acquire a good sense of humour, and your communication skills will improve. It will give a boost to your personality too. Your decision making will be precise and give you benefits in the long run. You will earn a special status in society, and some influential people will make connections with you. Your health will be stable; a good diet is recommended.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Scorpio

Mercury is the lord of your eighth and eleventh house, during the transitory period the planet changes its position and shifts towards the sixth house of Scorpio. The natives have to face several challenges during this period, as this transition period will be full of ups and downs. Health-wise, you should take precaution regarding your health, or else some skin issue is indicated. Your speech might hurt someone's sentiment or feelings; you can also get into clashes or arguments. You are recommended to keep a check on expenses, as overspending may become a huge problem for you in future. 

During this period, some friends or family will support you; they will also lend some money. You can also take a loan from a bank to survive this period. However, your endless efforts will pull you out of this drastic situation, and you will be successful. You will be able to clear out your past debts. Working professionals will get into a clash with their seniors, so you should focus on your own tasks and complete them within time. Your rivals will try to dent your image, make sure you don't give them any chance. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Sagittarius 

The seventh and tenth house is ruled by Mercury. The impact of Mercury influences your professional, business and spouse's life. The transition of Mercury will in your fifth house, which will bring a positive impact on your income. You will be able to execute your plans perfectly. You will survive the strongest competition in the market, and your effort will be praised. Working people will get a chance to work with some big brands in the market, which will give you fame and benefits. This duration will be extremely favorable for you and you can get in touch with some reputed businessmen. 

Working people will have to be careful with their rivals, and they might also lose their jobs. However, you will soon get other opportunities. The life of those married will be happy; their efforts and wisdom will make you feel proud and respected in society. They might also get a promotion. Students will improve their concentration and focus on study, and you will also learn new things. Married people can have some good news from their children in the field of study. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Capricorn 

Mercury is the lord of your sixth house, it is known as the house of fortune. During the period of transition, it changes its position and shifts in the fourth house for Capricorn. It is the house of happiness. The transit will bring fruitful impact in the lives of Capricorn natives. You will spend this time by earning a fortune and making profits. This time is best to buy a new vehicle. 

You can spend a blissful time with your family, even your parent's health will remain in good condition. You will get to converse with your relatives through social media, which will make you nostalgic and there will be a soothing atmosphere in your family. There will be some property related issues which need to be settled as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will give birth to certain disputes, and these disputes can harm your wealth or even influence your family life. Your professional front will gain improvement, and your endless efforts will make you an expert in your tasks. Any pending case in court will get resolved at this time which will give you relief. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aquarius

Mercury is the lord of your fifth and eight houses, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and goes in the third house of your zodiac sign. Your third house, according to the Kal Purusha Kundli, is Mercury's house itself, which makes the planet more strengthened and results in improving your communication skills. Students’ will enjoy the benefits through this transit. Their intelligence will improve, and they will focus more on their studies, your efforts would give you good results in various other aspects. There are frequent trips on the cards, though it is recommended to avoid them for some time. There will be some economic and monetary problems. As during the pandemic, it is not so safe to travel with proper precautions. 

This duration will improve your relation with your siblings; you will also help them in certain situations. On the other hand, working officials have certain chances of getting an increment. Your communication skills will attract many people you will make new friends, which will increase your social circle. Some of you might get inclined towards writing and choose this as your profession. Your friends will be by your side, and you will prosper this friendship. You will maintain a good image in society

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Pisces

Mercury being the ruling lord of your fourth and seventh houses will enter through your second house during the transitory period. Your second house indicates the way of speaking. Your sense of humour will get better. People will be able to understand your thoughts and ideas and your intellect will help you win every debate. Though you will have to keep this in your mind that your words can hurt someone's feelings, so you must be aware and alert about the choice of words or else you may regret it later. Businessmen will get enormous benefits during this transit period. Your new and amazing strategies will boost your business, and you will also expand your business. Though you should be a little serious about your investments, it might lead to a huge loss. So do check before investing. 

There will be happiness in your family; you will spend some memorable time with them. Your parent's health will remain stable, and they will praise you for your good work. You will be showered with love. You marital live will prevail love and happiness, though some clashes might occur due to arguments, though you will impress them by giving them a surprise. Single people have the best chance to express their feelings to their loved ones; this time will bring Good luck for the Pisces natives.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Taurus
25 Apr,2022
01 Jul,2022

According to the Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury affects one's intellect, judgment, communication and behavior. The second sign in the series of the zodiac is Taurus, and its ruling planet is Venus, who has a friendly relation with Mercury. Along with that, it signifies one's wishes and desires, strength and rigidity, income and wealth, goals and ambitions, family and friends, etc. The planet Mercury has a ruling nature on the second and fifth house of your zodiac sign, Taurus. The impact of Mercury over you sign gives a favorable impact for the natives and according to the Vedic astrology, your second house signifies one's family relations, business conditions, jobs, talents, and materialistic things like assets, foods, property, resources, etc. There as, your fifth house represents one's creative talents, educational qualification, entertainment, energy and enthusiasm, interest in new things, tuff competition, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aries

The second house of your zodiac sign will host the transition of the planet Mercury. Due to this transit, there will be a favourable impact on one's communication skills and knowledge. You will be able to convey your ideas and thoughts fluently. People will tend to understand your good intentions, and you will get full support from them. Natives involved in part-time or full-time jobs will be supported by their individuals at the workplace; even your confidence in speeches will help you pass the interview rounds easily. Though your speaking abilities might put you in danger, people may get hurt or jealous with your improvement. Some of your speeches may turn into an argument or debates. So you are advised to stay calm and solve each and every situation calmly. People who are involved in the business will get huge profits through different sources. Some of you have great chances of earning profits through inheritance of some property or past investments. Your relationship with your beloved may have some chances of getting weak, so spend quality time with them, try to impress them or gift them something. You will get closer in no time, and you will get to enjoy some of the best moments of your life. Your health will be perfect, though maintain a proper diet and do regular workout. You can also get involved in some sports activities which would keep you fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Taurus 

The transit of Mercury is taking place in your powerful house itself, and the planet will be posited in your first house, which is your ascendant house. You will notice an improvement in your way of conversation; your impressive way of speech will attract many people and give you a strong personality. You will gain a soft-spoken and polite behaviour which will touch everyone's heart. Natives in relationships will enjoy the benefits of this transit, they will create a bond of mutual understanding, and their love will prosper. You will spend this time in peace and harmony. If you are working as a job official, you will get to taste success due to your hard work and dedication, though you are advised to stay away from office politics and focus on completing the tasks before time. Health-related issues will not arise. Still, you need to maintain a proper diet, and regular exercise is strongly advised.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Gemini 

During the transit, the planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, which signifies one's mental stress and ability. During this period, the natives will go through some stressful tasks, both mentally and physically. So, don't put yourself into stress by taking too many tasks and maintaining a balance is necessary. If one's involved in business activities, there are several chances to earn a fortune, and you have to keep a track on your expenses or else spending unnecessary will give you unwanted stress. There is a foreign trip on your card with your beloved, you will spend some memorable time with them, and any kind of distance between you both will be sorted out, and your relationship will get the spark back. Working officials should complete their work in the given time, apart from that they will have a decent earning.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Cancer 

The impact of this planet on your house is going to give you some favourable results. Your eleventh house will host the position of the translating planet. And this period will give you certain benefits in terms of your finance, relationship, family, job, knowledge, patience, etc. The natives will get a chance to make new connections through foreign trade and get extreme benefits in their respective financial fields. Your spouse or your partner will be extremely supportive at this time, your relationship will be prosperous, and you will also develop a sense of mutual understanding with your partner. Some clashes are possible at this time, though you will impress them with your caring nature. Jib officials will get help and support from their seniors, and with their ideas, you will create a good image in your respective fields. This will be very profitable for you in the long term. Don't ignore your health, polluted air and dirty surroundings may affect you badly, so take proper care of yourself and your surroundings. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Leo 

The Mercury share a friendly relation with Venus, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The transit will have a significant impact on one's life. Working professionals will tend to have a more focused mind, and your performance will be praised by your colleagues and seniors. Your excellence and dedication in your work will be the reason for your success. Some of the seniors will give some important favours in the long term. You will be prevailing happiness in your family. Your romantic life will ease your mind, and your beloved partner will support you at every step. The natives will have good health, and join a sports club or doing physical activities will keep them mentally and physically fit. Ignoring your health may affect you negatively in the long term. You will have stable economic conditions and investing in assets or properties will open new doors for earning benefits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Virgo

During the transition period, your ninth house will be hosting the position of the planet Mercury, and your ninth house represents the house of one's travelling and communication. The natives will enjoy the benefits of long term travelling. If you are trying to change your job, this transition period will give you favourable results. The natives having Virgo sign will experience an increase in their social status, and people will tend to start recognizing you because of your good deeds. You will also earn a special status in society. Your relationship will be blissful throughout the period, your partner will try to impress you, and there will special time you both will get to spend with each other. The natives are recommended to stay away from fast food and polluted areas; there will be some minor issues which can be resolved by proper medication. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Libra 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Libra. The Libra native might have to face some unexpected losses, which will bring a bad impact on their financial conditions. You will be more inclined towards learning new things, most of you will specifically indulge yourselves in spiritual learnings. However, you will gain enormous profits through past investments, and due to some inheritance, your luck will be extremely fruitful. There will some clashes between your partner, so you need to handle them with calmness and care. The perfect way to deal with such situations is by paying full attention to your partner, soon your good behaviour will impress them, and you will get closer to them. Some of the married natives will get good news during this transit. Your health will be strong and stable throughout the duration, though ignoring any kind of health problem will bring a negative impact on your body. Working professionals will get into the path of success through their dedication and hard work. Their wisdom and honesty will prove to be beneficial.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus in Scorpio

The impact of the Mercury transit will not be favourable for the Scorpio natives. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the third house of your zodiac sign. The natives will have to face certain challenges during this time. You will notice a change in your way of speaking; this will give both positive and negative impact. You will also face difficulties in your marital life, though, and this relationship will require some strong communication and giving proper time and effort will strengthen it. You are advised to have control over your expenses; otherwise, you are overspending in certain things will lead to a financial loss. People involved in the business will have to stay calm and wait for their time to procure a good position in society. There are chances to gain profits through past investments and some recent ones too. Ignoring your health may put you in danger, so maintaining a proper diet is stronger advised. You should also join a gym or yoga class to keep yourself fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Sagittarius

The impact of this transit will directly affect your house of income and expenditure. During the transition period, your sixth house will host the position of Mercury. Hence there are chances where you might get involved in a dispute or argument. Natives will also witness an increase in their expenditure which can lead over budgeting. Working officials will gain respect, and their honesty and wisdom will attract everyone's mind. You must try to maintain a proper distance from your rivals they would give their best to ruin your good image. There are several trips on your card, which will give you some happy and memorable moments. Your relationship with your spouse will soon get stable, keep control over your short temperament and pay full attention to your partner. The natives are recommended to get a full checkup ignoring any kind of problem in their health will lead to a lot of stress in the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Capricorn 

The process of impact starts with the change in the planet's position. Mercury, during the transitory period, is posited in the fifth house if your zodiac sign and your fifth house represent the house of intellect and knowledge. The natives will witness an increase in their knowledge, and with a good sense of humour applied in different fields, you will earn a higher level of profits. Student natives have the probability of choosing good paths for their success, and in future, they will be successful. If you are single, you will get a chance to propose your lover and even your lover will accept your proposal. You will enjoy this time an spend a memorable moment with your beloved. There are foreign trips on your card, which will be adventurous and you will discover new things in life. The natives will earn respects through your excellent communication skills, and your ideas will attract many people. Natives will also have the chances of getting a good status in society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aquarius 

The transit of Mercury will be posited in the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This period will give excessive gains to individuals. If you are facing any health problem, ignoring it will put your life in danger in the long term. So, take proper precaution and go for a full body checkup. Working natives will have to face certain challenges against their competitors, and your rivals will try to create obstacles in the path. So don't lose hope and give you best to cross each and every hurdle in your path. You will have a romantic relationship with your spouse, and you will also get a chance to spend time with them. So, don't ignore the chance of getting close to your partner. Native who are businessmen are recommended not to invest in anything they are not sure of. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Pisces

During the transport motion of the planet Mercury, the third house of your zodiac sign hosts the position of the planet. This transition will bring a significant increase in their confidence and willpower. You will notice an improvement in your communication skills which would give you certain benefits. You fluent way of communication will be favourable you in a different field. Some of the natives will get good results in their interview. Business natives will get the benefit if this duration. You will play a great role in helping your friends, family and society. Short trips are there on your card. Your marital life will need more attention and love; spending some quality time will give peace and harmony. You will be very efficient at your workplace, and your hard work and honesty will help you in creating a good image of yours. You should maintain your diet and do regular exercise.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Gemini
02 Jul,2022
16 Jul,2022

Mercury is a dualistic planet, and it has both positive and negative impact on the lives of zodiac natives. According to the Vedic Astrology Mercury influences one's technique of speech, honesty, kindness, and even fields of work like business and communication skills. Mercury, during the transit, brings a positive sign and improves one's intelligence and luck. Mercury has a significant impact on different fields if the lives of natives, like communication, partnership, business, studies, finance and marketing, family and friends, marital and love life. During the Mercury transit in Gemini, it impacts on one's health, business, family, travelling, married life, social life, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aries

The third house of your powerful zodiac sign would host the transition of Mercury; this transit will increase one's confidence and will power. The natives will have a positive effect due to this transit; the individuals will perform some good deeds. Student natives will gain focus in their studies and will be more inclined towards learning new things. Your effort and hard work will take you towards the path of success. Working natives will get a chance to work in a stable environment; you will be praised by your seniors and complete every task in time. Married couples will spend some blissful time with their spouses. Your health conditions will be perfectly fine, and you will gain energy which can be adequately utilized in some physical activities like gym or sports. Business natives will earn a good source of monetary inflow during this period, along with that; you will be able to clear out your past debts and plans. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Taurus

The transition period would bring some important opportunity in the life of individuals to earn a profit. As the second house of your zodiac sign will be hosting the Mercury transit, this period will be beneficial for the native related to your business, career, health, family, and others. Some of you will earn enormous benefits through your properties. Disputes regarding your property will be resolved. The flow of income will incredibly escalate. Your relationship status will be fabulous; your partner will support you in every field, though some arguments may arise. You will sort them out easily. Don't share your personal life; it would give a bad impact on your life. About the career of student natives, you will propose in your field, and your efforts will take you through the competitive exams. Working natives are recommended to stay away from office politics as they can affect your image. Health-wise the natives will have to go for a proper checkup and take necessary care for their illness, and any ignorance can lead to huge problems in the long-term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Gemini

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, while the transit the planet will change its position and will be posited in your first house, also known as your ascendant house. Mercury transit in Gemini will bring a favourable impact on the lives of their natives. Your ascendant house represents the house of personality. You will notice a new charm in your personality which will attract people towards you. The natives will increase their friend circle. You will enjoy this period will happiness and harmony. Your speaking skills will be fluent, and people will understand your thoughts and ideas. Married couples will be showered by love from their spouses and blessed by their parents. You parents will support your marital life, and they will eventually like your partner. Working natives are advised to work hard and complete their tasks on time. Avoiding debates will be beneficial for you in future. Some of you also have the chance of getting promoted at this time. Your health conditions will be good, and you will feel energetic, which will help you do other tasks as well. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Cancer

The transition of Mercury will happen in the twelfth house if your zodiac sign, Cancer. Due to this transit, you will notice some unavoidable expenses and some health-related issues. You are recommended to take proper health care, maintaining a proper diet and regular exercise will keep you in good condition as it is a way of releasing mental stress too. There are some foreign trips on your card, which will increase your expenses. You should avoid taking any loan or investing at this duration; otherwise, you may end up in a huge loss. You must focus on spending some quality time with your partner, pay proper attention and avoid any kind of argument. If you are trying to get change or get a new job, then this is the best time to do it. In fact, some new strategies in your business will help you earn profits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Leo

The transition of Mercury in Gemini will influence one's income, wealth, abilities, profession, etc. Your eleventh house is going to host the position of Mercury, thus leaving a significant impact on your income. You will get great chances of increasing your economic conditions. This transit will help you fulfil every desire and necessity of your life. You will prosper through your intellect and positive ideas in your social front, which will be very beneficial for you. You will get enough time to learn new things, explore new places and also some of you may make this as your profession which will give you benefits in the long run. Students might get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies. Some of you will also get admission to a foreign college. Your marital life will have some blissful moments; your partner may have some clashes with you. However, you will handle it smartly and solve it with ease. Your health will remain balanced, and keeping your surrounding clean will help you maintain your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Virgo 

The Mercury will make its transit in the tenth house of your zodiac sign, and your tenth house represents one's professionals and personal life. Thus the transit will give a favourable impact on the life of individuals. You will be more energetic, and working natives will be more focused on completing their work with excellence. Your seniors and colleagues will acknowledge your hard work and effort, which will inspire you to work better and strive for the best. They will even support you in the long run. You love life will remain good; you will be having a happy mood which will please your partner. There will be a sense of mutual understanding, and you will develop a new phase in your relationship. Both of you will maintain dignity and trust with each other. You might get a golden opportunity to travel abroad, which will be beneficial for you in different fields. Your health will remain balanced, though doing exercise or yoga is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Libra

The Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, plays a significant role during the transit. At the time of transit, the planet will be posited in the ninth house of your zodiac sign which will lead to certain financial and economic gains. This is the best time to invest, and you will earn the maximum profit. Apart from that, you should check every possible background before investing. Ignoring any kind of issues might lead to a huge loss in future. Your social front will gain improvement and people will start knowing. You might even get into contact with some delighted members of society. There are certain trips to abroad base on your work which will also be beneficial for your business. Working natives should do their work with full dedication and hard work. Married natives have to pay attention to their spouse, as during this period, they will need your support both mentally and physically. You will need this duration with happiness and harmony. Your family member will be proud of you. Your mother's health will remain stable. Though you are advised to keep a distance from office politics, it may ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Scorpio

The strongest Planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transitory period. Thus at the time of transition, the planet shifts towards the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Scorpio. This transition brings several positive impacts as well as some negative ones too. The natives will witness certain profits through different sources; there are some chances of small losses which will not affect your financial condition. Apart from that, you will be able to maintain financial stability during this period. Natives who are married or in a relationship will face several quarrels and clashes with their beloved though this won't go long, you will easily solve it with your impressive and patient heart. In no time, you will be closer to them and spend this duration in happiness and satisfaction. Ignoring your health during this time will give you some negative impacts in future; it may also lead to some serious health problems. So you should take proper precautions regarding your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Sagittarius

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house and has a significant influence in one's communication skill, profits, promotions, expenses and health. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign, Sagittarius. Thus this transit will bring some profits in your house. Your financial condition will improve. Business natives will earn through some secret sources or past investments, which will help them, pay their debt. Working natives will also have some advantages, and there are chances of you getting a promotion at your work front. Join a sports club or doing physical activities will burn some weight you have gained sitting back at home during the pandemic. You will have some clashes with your spouse, they will dominate you with their feelings, though you will impress them with your entertaining skills like funny dialogues and distractions. Overall this transit will prove to be profitable for the Sagittarius natives.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Capricorn

The impact of Mercury transit will be favourable for native in their field of success and workplace. During the period of transition, the planet will change its position and will be posted in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Natives will witness positive development in their financial condition. Working officials will do an incredibly terrific job, which will be praised by their seniors, and some of the natives also have the chance of getting a promotion during this period. Thus this will bring an increase in your income. This period will bring benefits in terms of business; you will earn profit through different sources. Some of you will get benefits through property investment. Your health conditions will be critical due to some injury; you will feel weak and dizzy. Maintaining a strong diet is necessary; take proper medications to prevent infection. Your marital life will gain stability; even fights and clashes will not set you apart. Your love for your partner will be infinite; they will need proper attention and support at the same time. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aquarius

During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This transit has a positive impact on one's intellect and knowledge. Natives will have good communication skills. They will attain enormous success with the blend of communication and intellect. Working officials will gain increment, which will give them the confidence to invest in assets and other fields. Business natives will also get the advantage of this transit, natives will earn excess profits, and this is the best time to invest. You will gain a special status in society. Your social circle will increase. Your love life will be prosperous; even your partner will support you at every step. Your partner will be the biggest reason for your success. Pay proper attention to them, and you will also get some quality time to spend with them. Your health may deteriorate, so take proper precaution for your health, do regular exercise or yoga and maintain your diet. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Pisces 

The powerful and enlightened planet Mercury is the ruling lord of your houses. Your fourth house will host the position of Mercury during the transition period. There will be a significant impact on one's love life and professional life. You will spend some of the memorable moments of your life, your parents will shower you with the blessing, and they will support you at everything you do. This is a good time to purchase a new car or a house. You will earn tremendous success in the workplace; you need to stay focused and avoid laziness or office politics. Your enemies will try to ruin your image whenever they get the chance, so play smart. Your partner will need full attention as they will be doing a terrific job at their place; this will make your image look good in society too. Make them feel good and courageous for their good deed. Health-wise you will stay fit and fine, and you will be joining a sports club or a gym which would be beneficial for you.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Cancer
17 Jul,2022
31 Jul,2022

The transit of the planet Mercury on Capricorn would leave a negative impact on the zodiac sign Cancer. It affects emotion and nature. As Cancer is a representation of a cardinal water sign, so during this transit, you will notice a change in your behaviour and way of talking. You will be more affluent though you will think and react in the impulse of your feeling, which sometimes might be of love and compassion and sometimes will be fear and possessiveness. And this transit will affect your concentration in different field like studies and work. You who have perspective will personal feeling will be involved the most. So there is a list of things you have to take care during this duration of transit.


इस पेज को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए बुध का कर्क राशि में गोचर पर क्लिक करें।


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aries Sign

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and leaves an impactful effect on your zodiac signs. During this transit, it changes its position and shifts toward your fourth house of the Aries, as the fourth house represents the house romantic relationship. The impact of Mercury gives a favourable effect on the Aries. Married couples would enjoy the benefits and have a happy and peaceful married life. In the field of professionals, you will attain good results due to your hard work and honesty. Even the working official will get maximum support from your senior staff and colleagues, getting praised and uplifted for your hard work. Property related issues are going to get resolved, and there are chances of constructing a new house. You should take care of your physical, mental and spiritual health. It is recommended to do exercise and yoga regularly, that would help you stay fit.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Taurus Sign

The transit of Planet Mercury will be favourable for people having the zodiac sign Taurus. During this transition, the planet will be posited in your third house, and this will positively affect your energy and enthusiasm in completing tasks and taking full responsibilities. The individual will notice a boost up in your personal skills like communication, hardwood, and cooperation, which would help them strive for a good fortune. Short trips are there on the native's card, which would bring joy and happiness. Your marital life would be great, and you will have excellent terms with your spouse. You are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health and maintain your fitness by doing regular exercise in order to stay healthy.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Gemini Sign

The impact will have a significant effect on Gemini and will increase your communications skills. During the transit, the planet will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Gemini. The house denotes communication skills. You would be able to converse fluently and win the heart of people with your attractive speeches. Probably, this would be the perfect time to invest in capitals and earn huge profits through your assets like properties and others. You would do the job, and so you are requested to stay calm and focus on your own work; your efficiency and hard work will give good results. Apart from that, you should not get involved in any office politics if found so you will face backlash and bad circumstances. Regarding your health condition, it is necessary to keep yourself fit and doing regular excessive or yoga is the best way to keep going. Ignoring your health might put you in danger, and you may have some health issues.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Cancer Sign

Because the transit is happening in your own house, the impact in this transit will be very strong, and you would face some issues and problems in a different field. During the transition period, the planet Mercury will move towards the first house of your zodiac sign. The first house indicated health, and you would face some serious issues regarding your health, so it is advised to get a regular health checkup, and proper medical treatment is very necessary. Ignoring a single thing regarding your health might put you in a crucial condition during this duration. Apart from that, your financial condition will be in your favour, you might get support from foreign nations or countries, so this is the best time to invest. You at the workplace might get distracted, resulting in late submission of your work, so be concerned about it and increase your working pace. The love life will remain peaceful, and you will get to know each other better. Your partner will understand your better and your relationship will be romantic; you will get your relationship's missing spark and have a memorable time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Leo Sign 

This transit will be a little difficult, though relaxing for Leo's. During the transition planet Mercury will make its position in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of the transit would lead to an increase in the expenditure, and so you are advised to have control over your expenses and maintain a proper account to check the excess flow of money. Leo must face business-related issues and must take help from the professionals. You are expected to go on trips. You might have jobs have huge chances of getting a promotion. You might face a problem with in terms of your health, so you are advised to do regular exercise or yoga, you can also play any sports in order to keep themselves fit and free from diseases.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Virgo Sign

The impact of Mercury will have a strong impact in terms of your health. During the transition, the planet will move towards the eleventh house of your zodiac sign Virgo. This transition will be very favourable for you in terms of health and harmony. People will notice a gradual increase in your communication skill, and you will attract people with a positive and honest mindset. Your social circle will increase, and your loved one will truly enjoy the company. You will make new friends, and you will maintain a trustworthy relation towards you, even you will tend to support your emotionally and mentally. You working in jobs will earn respect, and you will reap the fruits of hard work. Business You will earn a maximum profit and will earn a good return from your investment and assets. You might have a new relationship, and you will impress them with your charisma.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Libra

As soon as the transition begins, the planet Mercury would gradually move into the powerful tenth house, which means that the lifestyle and living standards of your family would get better. You could also get many sources of income and also invest your money in abroad. Natives would also witness a change in their career, which would eventually escalate your professional life. Along with that, you must also focus on eating healthy, sleeping on time and do a regular checkup. Do not forget to take precaution as it might affect your health in future.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Scorpio Sign

There is both a positive and negative impact on your card. The planet Mercury is known to be the strongest planet; it is also the Lord of Zodiac houses as well. During the transition, the planet shifts its position into the ninth house of the zodiac sign, which gives some positive and as well as negative impact in your lives. Your health will remain stable, and you will have a normal family life. Your relationship will not bother you, and you will be happy with your lover. Apart from that business professional have the best time to increase your wealth, this is the best time for the investment you will get fruitful results. You wishing for travelling abroad can finally fulfil your dream. Working professionals are advised to keep doing your hard work and maintain your honesty and focus in your jobs, and you need to be careful with your opponents you will surely try to ruin your image and distract you from your task.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Sagittarius Sign

The impact of Mercury transit can be pressuring for some of you during this time. Due to the transit taking in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, you might have to face various obstruction your lives. In terms of health, you have to precaution to avoid any kind of problem. Health is a very important factor in your life; your mental stability also depends on your health. So you are recommended to do physical activities like regular exercise or yoga, you can also join a sports club and indulge yourself in sports to maintain your health. You working at jobs are required to finish your tasks in time, you have to focus on your tasks to avoid any delays, or else you have to face sudden pressure and deadlines. Business professionals can take amazing advantage of this time, you will earn good profits in terms, and any economic constraints will be sorted out during this transition period. Tough if you notice a change in your communication skills, you have to be careful and decisive about your speech.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Capricorn Sign

During this period, there will be a positive impact on the native's life. During the transitory period, the planet will change its position and will shift towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign. Your seventh house represents the house of career and responsibility. You will notice a gradual increase in your energy and enthusiasm. You will be able to finish your day will full enjoyment and happiness without any complaint. The couple will be happily satisfied with your marital life, you will have outstanding communication with your spouse, and you will maintain this relationship for a long time. Job representatives will impress your donors with your dedication and hard work; you will be able to manage things easily and complete your tasks with ease and excellence. Businessmen are required to stay calm and not hurry in investing, and you should avoid any kind of investment in dealing particularly at this time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aquarius sign 

The transit of the planet Mercury leaves a significant impact on the Aquarius You. During the transitions, the powerful planet will move towards the sixth house of your zodiac sign which signifies the house of expenses. Tough you will notice an increase in your expenses. Still, you will be able to sort every debt and loans on your head during this time. So, just try to lower down your expenses apart from that you are good to go. It would be effectively beneficial for you to keep yourself fit and healthy. You can do such by joining a sports club or doing other physical activities like exercises and yoga, ignoring your health would be bad for the long run. You might work harder still your luck will not favour you, but don't get distracted by watching your colleagues getting promoted, instead work harder and honestly to attain success. You will get enormous time to hang out with your spouse or your loved ones, share your thoughts and mindset, give them space to understand you and your intentions, and you will surely get closer to you.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Pisces Sign

The Pisceans will enjoy the favour of this transit. As the transit of the powerful planet, Mercury will be taking its place in your fifth house, which would eventually increase in your knowledge and sensibility. In fact, this transit is going to give you enormous financial gains and investing would a great opportunity to earn profits this time. Your connection with your spouse or your loved ones will be very peaceful, and you will soon get to understand and know each other, your partner will support you at every step. You doing jobs will not be able to make any achievement, though will dedication in your work and focus will slowly help them out to get through this time. Undoubtedly, it is significantly important to have a healthy body to keep you going for a long period. You should have a controlled diet and should avoid fast food. Ignoring any kind of issue related to health can be very harmful in the long run. So, it's better to take proper health precautions and going for a regular checkup is necessary, native can also do physical activities like yoga or play sports.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Leo
01 Aug,2022
20 Aug,2022

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet and has a significant impact on your Zodiac sign. The Mercury is very influential over your sign, and it changes your way of thinking, boosts up your confidence, increases your communication skills, pushes your mind towards an optimistic view, gives space to your mind to have a greater thought process. Even Mercury over Leo makes their natives unchallengeable, and this is also the reason for Leo's arrogance. This time can be a little dangerous as they would not listen to anyone's advice and think their ideas are the only way to proceed. This period is going to prove very profitable for the natives in terms of financial condition, and they will notice an increase in their income and they will also have a side earning from some secret sources. The natives might face some difficulties in their professional life, and some obstacles are there on their card, though we all know that hard work is the key to success, so with extreme hard work and absolute dedication, they will be able to achieve success.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Aries

The transition in the planet Mercury in Leo is going to be very lucky for your Zodiac Sign Aries. You children might bring some good news to you which will make you feel good. Aries natives working might have to give their best efforts at their workplace; you will have to take some huge responsibilities during this period of time. There are several trips on your card, which can be either personal or professional. Natives trying for a baby will surely get positive results. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo on Taurus Sign

During the transition, the planet Mercury shifts to their fourth house of the natives. This time is going to be full of ups and downs for the Taurus natives, and you should take serious care of your parents, especially your mother's health. There is a huge chance of getting backstabbed by your friends, so keep an eye over your friends and see if someone has that kind of mindset. On the other hand, starting something new at work will give you a good profit and would be very beneficial for you. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Gemini

While during the transition planet Mercury will be posited in your third house, which is also called 'Parakram Kshetra'. With the transit, you will notice a gradual increase in your energy and would feel more enthusiastic. Though, you have to lower down your spirits or else you may get into serious arguments which mill cause friction between you and your siblings. You will also have some issues with your family during this time. There are some frequent tasks as a part of work in your card, which can be personal also. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Cancer

This time Mercury will not be posited in your zodiac sign. So the transition will not favour you, you have to take all your decisions calmly and should have a calm and peaceful mind. You have to handle your family issues and especially while having any disagreement with your cousins and siblings as luck will not be in your favour, so it's better to avoid arguments. You need to have control over your expenses as this time you may get over budget. Lending someone money would result in loss so better make sure you do not lend anyone during this period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Leo

The transit of Mercury in your Zodiac sign will indicate your financial status. You will earn a huge profit in terms of business. Though you need to take proper precautions regarding your health, keep yourself fit during this transition. You will be stressed in taking decisions for your future aspects. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Virgo

The Mercury is the strongest, and during its transit, it is posited in your 12th house, which signifies health and finance. During this time, you need to have control over your expenses or else it may lead to overburdening. There are several trips on your card, and you need to take proper precautions throughout your trip. Natives trying for travelling or applying for a job may get the chance this time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Libra 

Labh Ghar means the house of profits is your eleventh house, and the Mercury transit will be posited in your eleventh house as well. For people who have delayed their vacation or road trip from a long time due to their busy schedule will finally get a chance to travel. Amidst all this the transit is going to prove good for the Libra natives and they will stay safe and satisfied during this period of time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Scorpio

The planet Mercury dusting this transit will be posited in your house known as Karm Kshetra, and this is the best time for a new startup. The natives who are unemployed and are thriving for jobs will sadly have to wait a little longer but don't worry, and you will surely eat the fruit for your patience later.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Sagittarius

Bhagyasthan, the ninth house of your Zodiac sign will be posited by Mercury during its transition in Leo. This transit would be extremely favourable for married couples; they will have a happy and peaceful relationship. Unmarried people may also get the chance to have a successful marriage. This is the best Mahurat to have Pooja at your home, and you will surely be successful in achieving your aims. There are some chances of delay in your work; however, you will get through it from hard work and dedication.

Impact of Mercury in Leo for Capricorn 

The powerful planet Mercury will be posited in your eight houses during this transit which will be very challenging for the natives. You must be immensely careful for your physical as well as mental health, especially your food consumption should be healthy, and you should do exercise regularly. Take proper rest in order to keep your mind and body peaceful. Stay alert against your enemies; they might create some obstacle. Apart from that, handle every task and issue with care and total dedication.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Aquarius 

The Mercury transition will be posited in your seventh house, which will be very favourable for the Aquarians. Unmarried natives might get a chance to have a life partner. In fact, natives already in the process of discussing an alliance with their in-laws will be beneficial. You are suggested to stay away from communicable disease and take proper care of your own health and stay fit. Natives trying to have a baby will surely get positive results.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Pisces 

This transition will not be favourable for you as The planet will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Proper determination and confidence will help you out during this crucial time. Hard work and dedication will give you good results to pay off all the challenges and obstacles. You might have a quarrel with your family, so keep a cool mind and calmly solve your issues.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Virgo
21 Aug,2022
25 Oct,2022

The incredible planet Mercury is the ruling lord of Virgo, and during the transition period, the planet changes its position and brings an influential impact on different fields of one's life. The Mercury transit has an impact over one's way of communication, helping others, family, finance, intellect, marital life. This transit will be influential on each of the signs in the zodiac circle as Mercury's rulings nature is over one's communication, technology, and travel. This transit will bring some favourable impact on the lives of natives. You will be able to notice an inclination towards learning, the chance of travelling to your desired places, one's status in the society. Hence Mercury plays a critical role in the lives of natives. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aries 

The planet Mercury will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Your sixth house will also host the position of the sun. Thus the Aries natives will face the impact of two planets, and there will be a formation of 'Budh Aditya Yog'. Therefore this transition period will heal all your injuries, health issues you were facing for a long time. Working officials will face excessive success in their respective fields, and you will be praised for your hard work and honesty, you may also defeat all your opponents in the office and will prove yourself aa the strongest competitor in your office. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and properties; there is a good chance you will be able to pay every debt. It's is expected to have a little bit control over your expenses; spending too much might lead to over budget. Your married life would be full of happiness and harmony, though paying attention and spending time with your partner will keep you away from clashes and arguments. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Taurus 

During the period of transit, planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in your fifth house, along with the Mercury, Sun will be posited in the same house. Both being in the same house would create favourable impacts on your house, Taurus. The love life of Taurus natives will prosper; you will get to spend some of the blissful moments with your partner. You will have a sense of mutual understanding with your spouse. There are some arguments and clashes between you both, though you have to handle it with patience and try to impress them. Some of the natives will gain interest in spiritual studies and religious concepts at this duration. This would be the perfect time to buy a car or property; you will be successful in it. You have to take proper precautions regarding your health. Your mother's health is going to be perfect; any past problem in her health will tend to heal during this period. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Gemini

This transit will bring a positive impact in the lives of the Gemini natives, the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Gemini will host the position of the planet. There as, your fourth house represents one's well-being and happiness. There is a sign of gaining inheritance to some of your ancestral properties, and you will also gain good profits through these properties or assets. The powerful Mercury and sun being in the same house will bring luck in your life, and you will reap the fruits of benefits during this time. Natives who are not living with their parents will get to meet them, and you will show love and care towards your parents. You will also get some quality time to spend with them. You will have good terms with your siblings and relatives. Your relationship will gain momentum, and you will spend some memorable time with your partner. Working officials will get into the path of success, though they have to stay away from office politics or else your opponents would try to ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Cancer 

It is the third house of your zodiac sign will host the transition period of Mercury. Your third house is also known as Parakram Sthan. The transit of Mercury in your house will increase your energy, give you a positive mind and brings good luck in the field of work. The combination of Mercury and Sun will bring a favourable impact on your house by enhancing your confidence, patience, communication skills, and intellect. You will feel powerful during this time, and you will have absolute clarity in your thoughts and ideas, people will tend to get attracted by you, and you will be able to accomplish every task with perfection. Working officials will enjoy the benefits of this transit, some of you will get promoted, which would bring you out of stress. Though you may get overconfident sometimes due to your short temper you will get involved in arguments, so keep calm and don't engage yourself in such problems which will ruin your good image. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and other sources. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Leo 

The Mercury transit is going to take place in the second house of the individuals, and the conjunctions of Mercury and Sun will bring a positive impact over your sign, Leo. You will get some good news during this time, Leo natives involved in business fields will gain enormous profits through different sources, and you will also have a good chance to receive profits through ancestral property or past investments. This profit might help you to clear out your debts. You will have a good sense of humour, and your communication skill will help you make new friends. Natives who are involved in the field of media, law, or sales professionals will earn huge benefits. Students preparing for competitive exams have to focus on their studies, which is the only way to score good results. Your love life will be standing, and you will spend a happy time with your family. Apart from that, your parents will have a blissful time with you. The working official has to stay away from office politics. The natives will have a perfect health condition.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Virgo 

The transition of Mercury will occur in your own sign, thus creating a Budh Aditya Yoga formation. The Mercury and Sun will collaborate, and both their positioning will be in your first house, which is your ascendant house. The natives will be fortunate during this time period. Your superiors will highly support and respect you for your dedication and hard work. You will be praised, and everyone will be impressed by your timing. Stay alert from your rivals; they will give their best to ruin your image. There is a family trip on your card, you will spend some blissful time with your family at this duration, your partner will support you, and both of you will develop a sense of mutual understanding, which will reduce your clashes and arguments. Health-wise, you are recommended to do regular exercise or yoga in order to keep yourself fit and fine. Maintaining your health will also be beneficial for you as it would ease up your mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Libra

The planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, along with that sun will take the same position, and their conjunction will show ups and downs in your life. The natives have to work really hard in every field to attain success. The working people will have to take certain responsibilities, which would increase your work pressure and put you in stress. Don't worry and you must take this as a test and give your best to complete your tasks responsibly. The natives will witness an increase in expenses, so you are advised to have control over your daily expenditure and prevent your overspending. The Libra native will spend some memorable time with their family, and your spouse will be very supportive with you during this time. Your health will remain stable. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Scorpio

The impact of the transit will give favourable results to the Scorpio natives. During the transit the Planet Mercury will change its position and will shift towards your eleventh house, your eleventh house is also known as the Labh Ghar or the house of profits in Vedic Astrology. So the combination of Sun and Mercury will improve your financial condition, there are chances of financial gain through different sources. Natives having problems with their overspending habit will finally get a way to stop it. You will finally get some saving schemes which will help you in the long term. Apart from that, you are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health, any ignorance in terms of health will put you at risk. Stay away from fast food and maintain a proper diet. There are several personal and professional trips on your card. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Sagittarius 

The Sagittarius natives will host the position of Mercury in their tenth house, where the house is also known as Karyakhetra or working house in Vedic Astrology. The natives will enjoy the benefits during this transitory period. Working natives will go excessively good in respective fields, and you will be praised by your staff for your brilliant work. You will also have a chance of getting an increment or a promotion. Native who are deciding to change their job will get total success. Your family front will remain happy, and your siblings will also maintain good relations with you. Your partner may shower you will love and support you in every difficult situation. Your health will remain stable, though a checkup will help you in preventing problems for the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury changes its position during the transitory period, and your ninth house hosts the transition. Your ninth house represents one's confidence and enthusiasm. The natives will get the favour of luck and support during this duration. After this transit, the natives will notice an increase in one's intelligence and memory power and which will help you attain success in different aspects of life. Working natives will get to use their luck in the work front, initially gaining success. This is the best time to confront your feelings to your loved ones. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aquarius

The transition of the Planet Mercury will take place in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, which would have both positive and negative impact on the lives of individuals. Your disputes with your father or any elder will finally have closure, and you will spend the duration in harmony, you will get to spend some blissfully time with your family. Natives in relationships will get a chance to convert their love into marriage, though they will face certain difficulties in doing so. However, you will find a way to clear every arising dispute; just don't lose patience. There are high chances of gaining through some unexpected sources during this transit. Your friends and family will give you full support at every step of your life. Married couples will get great chances to get closer to each other. Your health will remain good, though doing some physical activity like playing sports or doing exercise is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Pisces 

The transition of planet Mercury will take place in the third house of a zodiac sign. The Pisces natives will not enjoy the transit, as there will not be any favourable outcomes. They will have to go through some stressful things like bad health, loss in business, disputes etc. Your health will be affected by the change in the climate. You are recommended to take proper healthcare during this transit. Natives who are in the field of jobs will remain safe from their rivals. Natives who are planning to change their jobs are advised to wait for some more time as this time might be a little crucial for them. Single natives trying to get married should remain careful as their rivals will try to ruin their image. Married natives will spend this time will no particular issue, though you need to give proper attention to your partner and sending more time will help you know each other better.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Libra
26 Oct,2022
12 Nov,2022

The transit of the planet Mercury has a significant effect on your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the strongest planet and is also referred to as the messenger of God, famed for its logic, along with enormous skills and swiftness. Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, and Venus is the ruling planet for Libra. Thus Libra being a moon sign and signifies by air creates a purification to the speech of the natives due to this transit. It helps in improving your communication skills which would attract people and would be beneficial for you. It increases your creative abilities and gives you a mature mindset. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aries

The transit of the planet Mercury will not be in your favour. During the transit the Planet Mercury will be posited in your seventh house, the seventh house of your Zodiac sign is the house of your marital life. Determination of one's partnership in various fields of life is very important in terms of astrology. Though the transition period is not going to favour the Aries natives, they might face some serious health issues. If you don't take proper care, you might get some severe disease mainly related to your skin, and you should surely consult a specialist for the skin. Working professionals might get some stress related to work, and any kind if the effort is going to be a waste, so the natives are advised to spend some time to relax rather than taking stress. They can give some time to do something they love like their hobbies, so they could feel lighter and energetic again. Native's marital life will also be a little stress, you would get annoyed, and there will be many misunderstandings which would make you upset. So talk to your partner properly and try to sort it out simply rather than making a fuss out of it. This unfavorable transit will bring distraction in your economic life as well, and you will get into a quarrel with your family members also. You have to take proper care at your expenses, or else your expenses might get overburden. Try to save during this period of time. Trips are there on the cards of business natives, though they would not earn enough profits. Have patience and don't lose hope, after the transit ends you will be back in your normal life.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Taurus 

The planet Mercury has a very friendly term with Libras ruling planet Venus, while its transit the planet is put towards the sixth house of you zodiac sign Taurus which will be favourable for them. Students working hard for their studies will definitely get good results at the end. You will notice a certain improvement in your way of speaking, you will be easily communicating with people, and everyone will be impressed by your logic and humour. Natives competing in debates will surely attain success. You will be interested in literature and in reading various books, novels, magazines, etc. You will defeat every opponent standing against you, your confidence will break all the obstacles, and your performance will gradually increase. People of this zodiac sign, who are influenced by the bull, will be very successful in the field of writing and gain enormous fame. Even, they are a centre of attraction in social media and will influence many people due to your communication skills. There are many trips on your card with your lover, you will be able to spend a memorable time with your lover, and your relationship will prosper during this transit. Married natives would also enjoy the same advantages and will be one step closer to each other and create a better understanding.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Gemini 

The Mercury transit will be posited in your fifth house, which is known as the house of progeny, it signifies your children, education and knowledge. This transit will be favourable for the Gemini natives; your relation with your family will get stronger. spend more time with the younger members of your family. You will get to have a happy family trip or picnic during this duration. Your will be filled with joy and happiness, And you will spend a memorable time with your family and get closer to them. If your mom's health was at a decline from a long time, this transit would improve your mom's condition too, and she will be in good health by now. Student natives with the zodiac sign Gemini will gain interest in learning new things, they may specifically try to get involved in the field of religion and spiritual subjects and spend more time in learning religion and scriptures. You will also feel for someone of your opposite gender; both of you will have a memorable time and will enjoy each other's company. However, this relationship would be a temporary one. People trying for a baby might have a chance of getting a twin. In an overall basis, this transit is going to be very precious and memorable for the Geminis.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Leo

The planet Mercury during its transit will be positioned in the third house of the Leo natives, the house of courage and valour. You will notice a particular change in your speaking, and you will be able to communicate fluently with others. On the other hand, people would understand you better. Your relation with your family will remain as it was, on the other hand, you might have some quarrels with your siblings, so take care of that and try to solve it out with the help of your family. You will lose interest in your ambitions and might feel lazy, because of this you will be financially weak too. Though your friend circle will increase and you will enjoy more with your friends. You might feel physically and mentally weak, maybe because of over thinking, so calm yourself down don't think too much, to have a peaceful mind you can do pranayam or yoga and get yourself back.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Virgo 

The second house of the zodiac sign Virgo signifies one's money, wealth, speech, etc. which in accordance with the 'Kalpurush Kundli'. The transit of Mercury takes over this house and may affect the natives in a positive way. You will have a good connection with your family, and they will understand your good intentions and hard work you do for them, you will be successful in impressing them by your speeches and mindset. You will have delicious dishes at home, which would keep you fit and healthy. Apart from your family, your communication skills will also attract everyone at your workplace, they will start respecting you, and you will have a good image in front of them. If you have some juniors working underneath you, motivate them and help them out with everything related to work. This would increase their affection towards you and will respect your more, and you will surely notice an increase in their work pace. People in the field of business will get profits from their schemes and ideas. Students preparing for the competitive exam will get success from their hard work during this period of time.

Impact of Transit of Mercury in Libra on Libra 

According to the 'Kalpurush Kundli,' the transit will take place in your own house, and the planet Mercury which signifies speech and intellect will be posited in your first house which is your ascendant house. The first house of your zodiac sign Libra signifies health, nature, and knowledge. The planet Mercury is known as the strongest planet, and a friend of Venus would leave a positive impact on your personality and in the aspect of life. Though you should take proper care of your health at this time, regular exercise and yoga will keep your health balanced and mind peaceful. You get excellent results in your professional field, your hard work will pay off, and you will perform better at your workplace. Libra native involved in the fields of business will earn huge profits. Apart from that, new starters are recommended to take care of their expenses and or else they might face over budget. Your overall expenses would be stable though due to some expenses might incur due to the health problems of your family member. Students native have to take some serious decisions regarding their future, and they should take advice from their family members as well before taking any final decision. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Scorpio

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet, and the transit it leaves a significant impact over the natives of Zodiac sign Scorpio. During its transit, the planet is posited in your twelfth house. Your twelfth house, according to the Kalpurush Kundali, is known as the house of expenditure. The impact of Mercury transit on your Sign will not be favourable for you. You should take care of your expenses, have a proper account of your spending and spending too much on daily life itineraries would lead to over budgeting. You should make a proper budget plan in order to be successful in getting control of your spending. Students may get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies will get a chance to fulfill their ambitions. Scorpio natives working in the field of business would get a chance to go on trips, though they won't feel good about it and would be annoyed with the trip. Stay alert as your opponents they will try to put obstacles to distract you, take proper precautions. This transit will affect you negatively; your health might deteriorate. You should take proper care of your health, especially your mental health, this duration will give you excess stress which will also lead to appetite loss. Students have to do hard work, intact they might ignore their studies right now. People who are married should maintain a good relationship with their spouse and try to understand their sentiments. If you don't give proper attention to your spouse, it might lead to quarrels and conflict between you both. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Sagittarius

The Mercury is the strongest planet and having friendly relation with Venus; it leaves a very important impact in your Zodiac sign. During the transition of Mercury In Libra on your Sign, the planet shifts its position to the eleventh house, which implies the house of profits. This means that this transit will prove favourable for the Sagittarius natives. There are huge chances of getting your money from someone you have lent to, and it would save from a huge debt issue. Natives planning for something big can execute during this duration and earn huge profits. You will open new doors of happiness with your family, and your relatives will be very helpful during this time and help you in gaining profits which will increase your financial condition. During this transit natives in the profession of the job will enjoy benefits like getting help from their colleagues and have a good time hanging out with their friends. Couples who have recently got married will enjoy an amazing time with each other and get closer to on other too, there is a huge possibility that they might be blessed with a baby and their relationship will loyal with each other. Student natives can enjoy this duration rather than taking stress in their studies if necessary, taking help from seniors will solve their issues.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Capricorn 

The impact of Mercury would get the natives charged, keep them energetic and enthusiastic. The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in their tenth house of the Zodiac Sign Capricorn, which signifies the house of work. The tenth house is also known as the house of Karma Bhava, which may be the reason for your increase in energy and excitement during this period of time. Natives associated in the professional field will be receiving amusing results of their hard work, and they will be praised at their workplace because of completing their task before time. The natives might get increments in their salary too. Apart from that person with the business profession, there are possibilities that you will earn good profits during this duration of time. You will surely defeat your enemies. Your logic and humor will prove to be very impactful on others, including your opponents. You will be the hero of your family you will be able to understand and solve everyone's problems and will create a good image in front of everyone. The love life of the natives will be very favourable too, they will get to hang out with each other, and during this time they will get to know each other, and everything they do will attract you towards them. On the other hand, the student natives are required to take more care of their health rather than putting mental pressure on their studies. As we know, a healthy mind keeps a body fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aquarius 

The Mercury transition taking place on Aquarius will leave an impactful effect on the Sign, the planet will be posited in their ninth house of the Aquarius natives, and as per the Kalpurush Kundli, the ninth house signifies one's religious, luck and fortune. Though, due to this transit, you may have to face difficulties and obstructions in your life. You have to give your level best performance to achieve good results. The natives will earn profit in terms of financial fields, though there will an increase in their expenditures for some reasons. There are trips on your card, and it is recommended to avoid them for a little bit or postponed your trip unless there is a case of emergency. Your family life will also stay on the decline in terms of relation; you will get into quarrels because of your pride and conflicts with your siblings are also possible. Apart from that, your love life will remain balanced. It would be very beneficial for the student natives to keep a distance from their friends as they would distract you from your studies. Other than that your hard work will prove to be good during this transit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Pisces 

During the planetary movement the planet Mercury will make its transit in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, your eight houses which are also known as the Ayu Bhava signifies longevity. You will receive favourable results due to the transit. You will notice an improvement in the field of finance, the natives will get chance to pay off their debts and free from any stress, and they will be left with some money for future savings too. The natives working as professionals, will get praised and known for their wit, and honest work, along with those natives who wish to change jobs will be successful in getting a new one. People in the field of business should not haste and make a mistake; rather, they should consult someone experienced and then implement their ideas. You mothers health will be at stake, so natives are serious about your mother health take her to a doctor before anything serious happens. 

Due to the impact of Mercury transit, the natives will have interest in studying mysterious science subjects like astrology, mythology, etc. You will create a good image in your social life people will tend to follow your thought and get your advice during this time period.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Scorpio
13 Nov,2022
02 Dec,2022

The influence of Mercury in Scorpio increase you focus towards all resources. Mercury is a dualistic planet and transit of Mercury in Scorpio will increase your thinking capability, strengthen your intellect and boosts up your confidence. You will be able to compete with every challenge in your life and overpower them. Scorpio sign is represented as the warrior of the zodiac. So natives with this sign will always have to think their way out instead of worrying about it if you are getting tensed about each and every task than you will suffer. Make your own choice, choose your own path, whether it is worrying or thinking. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aries 

The transit of Mercury will influence due to its change in position, and the planet will be posited in the eighth house of your Zodiac sign Aries. According to the Kundali, the eight houses is represented as the significator of life and expectancy and enlightenment. There will be many changes faced by the natives have to face during this time. However, your economic condition will improve during this period. You will gain profits, and different doors of monetary resources will be open for you. People who are planning to take any loan will be successful at this time. Working officials will have to face some challenges, apart from that they have to be patient or else hasting at any point will put you in stress. You will develop an interest in learning spiritual subjects, and your thoughts and ideas will ache accordingly. Natives who have set one's cap for PhD degree will get favourable results. You siblings will go through a tough time during this time, and you will have to help them out and solve their problems. There are several trips on your card, though you be careful at the time of self-driving. Your health condition will be down, so you are required to maintain your diet and do physical activities. Your spouse will also have a source of earning, which will ease things up and will be handy for you too. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Taurus

The transit of evolutionary Mercury will take place in the seventh house of your zodiac sign Taurus. Your seventh house is signified as the house of marital life, partner and business partners. The impact of Mercury transit is going to give good results for the married natives; they will respect each other and have a term of mutual understanding. People in relationships will spend a beautiful time and carry out romantic conversations, and this time will strengthen your relationship. Even, some of you will propose to your partner for marriage, and some problems may arise still you will be finding out away. One's in the field of work will get benefits through this transit, new opportunities will arise for you during this time. Natives looking for a new job will be successful. You will also gain extreme profits in the field of business; even your partnership business will prosper. You would always be at peace and witness harmony in your family, and children of this zodiac sign will stay healthy and happy. However, you have to take care of your expenses there are chances of an increase in your expenditure. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Scorpio on Gemini 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in the sixth house if your zodiac sign, which is represented as the house of the enemy according to the field of astrology. This time would be very difficult for the Gemini natives. You have to be careful about many things like your enemies, pain, job, competition, health, and even your marriage. Natives might have to face some challenges regarding your health, ignoring your health conditions may give you a negative impact at this time. If you are doing a job, you will be challenged by your rivals, and they will give their best to defeat you and dominate you. You are recommended to stay away from illegal activities to keep yourself and your family. You will meet your in-laws, and their bits of advice would be helpful for you. You will also face an increase in your expenses, and you will have to face many obstacles, though hard work and honesty will help you out to survive this duration.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Cancer 

During this period of transit, the planet will change its position and will be positioned in the powerful fifth house of your Zodiac sign, and your fifth house is a significantly important of your family and children's well-being. You will get new opportunities in the field of education, your children's creative talents, and even your relationship will be prosperous. Students will get to fulfil their wish in higher studies, and this is the best time to show one's ability. Most of you will also get the chance to shift to abroad to continue your studies and sharpen your talents. Natives who are in love will have to face some clashes and arguments with their beloved for small reasons, though you will sort it out with patience and understanding. Some of you will have the chance to express your feeling to your loved ones and get good results. You will face some problems in your marital life due to which misunderstandings will arise. However, your spouse will enjoy some benefits during this transit. You will have an amazing communication skill which will help you earn respect and trust in your society. Your intelligence will help you in taking some tuff decisions which will give you certain benefits in future. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Leo

The transit of the dualistic planet Mercury will show its impact on the fourth house of your zodiac sign, thus influencing your happiness. On the other hand, the transit will have an impactful effect on your luxury, emotions, and property-related things. You will witness several benefits due to this transit. There will be an inflow of happiness and harmony in your life. You will stay motivated; your family will support you in every aspect of life. The Leo natives will spend some quality time with their family members. In terms of property, issues will get resolved during this period. This is also the best time to buy a new house or vehicle for the Leo natives. You mother will get favors of this transit, you will receive her blessings, and her health is going to be perfect at this time. The natives working as hired men will do excellent in their work field; their hard work and dedication will be the reason for their success. Your increase in knowledge will help you attain a better position in society, and you will also make new contact with some of the reputed members of society. You will have excellent health, though stay away from fast food and take proper precaution, and the polluted area may be the reason for your skin disease. So, keep your surroundings clean. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Virgo 

Due to the transition, you will notice a change in your aspect of life. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet Mercury will be posted in the third house of your zodiac sign Virgo. The third house represents various exposures to your life; it brings a change in your courage, will power, passion, confidence and gives you the energy to improve your knowledge, makes you more enthusiastic. Along with that, there is zeal in one's Kundali, which gets enlightened during the transit. The transition will make you more conscious and serious in your behaviour, and you will be more passionate about your tasks. Your thoughts and ideas will impress everyone around you, though your way of communication may hurt someone's intentions, so you are advised to control your speeches. Your short-tempered nature will be the reason for fights and arguments at some point. You are advised to handle things calmly and smartly. You will get the opportunity to get a new job, and you will be surely successful in it. The natives will be successful in helping out their friends and family, though clashes are possible between you and your family. New members will be added in your social circle, and they will tend to continue this friendship for the long term. Apart from that, natives will earn respect in the society due to their partner's success. There are short trips on your card through you need to be cautious during the travelling. Your siblings will behave maturely, and their success will make you happy, and you will also help them out at any cost. Your health would be totally fine at this time, though you are advised to do physical activities and stay fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Libra 

The strongest planet Mercury will make its transit into the second house of your Zodiac sign, Libra. The transition of the planet will influence your family, improve your communication skills, and focus on one's primary education and monetary resource. The impact of the transit will give favourable results for the Libra natives. You will notice a gradual increase in your economic condition. You will gain money through different sources, even though a foreign source. There are high possibilities of returns from investments and domestic sources also. The natives will be able to repay their loans and debts through these profits. Even, if you are waiting for loan approval, this time you may get a piece of good news. During this transition, you will spend more, so keep a tab on your expenses and having a little control over your spending will balance your budget. This duration will give you fruitful results and your good communication skills will create a good image in front of others. Apart from that, you will earn maximum profits due to your chosen personality, and people will tend to trust you more. The partner of the Libra natives will have bad health, so take them for a checkup and cooperate with them. Working professionals will get the taste of success due to their dedication and hard work. Though your opponents won't leave a single chance to ruin your image, it's better to keep a distance from them. Your family members will be proud of your excellence in different fields, and you will spend a peaceful and happy time with them. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Scorpio

The transition of the planet Mercury will be taking place in your own house, so during the transit, the planet will change its direction and will be posited in the first house which is your ascendant house. The Scorpion natives have to face certain challenges during this transit, as their first house is known as the house of self. There will be some changes which will give a negative impact on one's attitude. Your health will be down during this transition period, and even you may suffer from skin problems. So, it is significantly urgent to take necessary care of your health, doing proper workout and keeping yourself and your surrounding clean would be beneficial for your health. Your mental health would stay on the decline too. You will tend to gain your interest in increasing your financial condition, and you would get total success. You will attain good results through hard work and dedication. Your advice to keep yourself calm, or sake debates and arguments may arise between you and your siblings and friends. Your social circle will value you more, and you will make new and trustworthy friends. The natives will be able to fulfil their awaited desires. Your opponent won't stand a chance in front of you. Seniors and colleagues will respect you for maintaining decorum in the office culture. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Sagittarius 

The twelfth house of Sagittarius will host the transition of the planet Mercury, where the twelfth house represents expenditure and income. In the field of astrology, the planet has an impact over your different aspects of life like expenses, salvation, foreign trips, family and others. You will notice a good amount of growth in your expenses. You will find innovative techniques to earn profits, though you need to spend smartly and save for investment. You have to stay alert from frauds; don't trust anyone at this time, trusting on someone may result in huge losses. People applying for a loan may get favourable results. There is a foreign trio on your card, which will be beneficial for your business. This trip will give you good profits. You need to be quite careful, or else you may get into a controversy. Your rivals will do anything to ruin your image so stay secured from them and strategize your plans to defeat them at every point. Ignoring your health issues may give birth to worse disease. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Capricorn

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, along with that; it is also the strongest planet. At the time of transition, the position of the planet remains in the eleventh house of your zodiac sign. The eleventh house of the Capricorn natives implies one's income, success, social circle, siblings, and others. The natives will enjoy several benefits during this transit. You will get rewarded for your success and hard work, resulting in an increase in your desires to achieve your goals. You will face some challenges in different fields, though you will procure your position and defeat each and every obstacle in your life. In terms of your financial condition, you will succeed enormously, and several doors of monetary resources will come to you, and serve you extreme benefits. You will also get an advantage through your property. Your siblings will also get the chance to taste success which would also prove beneficial for you. Your marital life will be full of joy, and couples with a kid will witness their talents. Natives with the job will earn respect through their wisdom and honesty in completing their tasks.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aquarius

The transit of Mercury will be very impactful on Aquarius. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and moves towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. Where the tenth house represents various factors of life like one's career, family's situation, respect, politics and one goal in life, apart from that it is also known as the house of karma and profession. The natives will witness several ups and downs in their lives. The working professionals have to face some challenges, though their sharp intellect and reasoning abilities will help them to get out such tuff situations. Natives applying for a new job have to keep patience and try harder. However, you will not get favourable outcomes at your workplace and get frustrated. Though don't lose your hopes and try to stand up and fight back. Your beloved will try to impress you and their affectionate love will strengthen your relationship. Natives who are involved in politics will not get good results, though you should keep trying. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Pisces

The planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transition and it shifts into your ninth house. The ninth house during the transition influences one's fate, guru, religion, travel, life decisions and financial condition. The Pisces natives will enjoy the benefits during this transit, especially the student natives, will score good marks in their studies, and their mentors will actively participate in helping them. There are family trips on your card. Your partner's achievement will be the reason for your name, fame and respect in society. One's involved in the business will earn profits through different economic sources. Performing religious activities and social services will give you mental satisfaction. You will also earn profits in partnership business. The natives will get more inclined in art and literature; some of them will choose writing as their profession too. You may also plan for a business trip or get a chance to shift to abroad for your higher studies. Your mother's health might get worse if ignored so do proper medication. Don't forget about your health, so de regular yoga or try to get involved in physical activities.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Sagittarius
30 Dec,2022
06 Feb,2023

The transition of the Planet Mercury can be very impactful over your sign. Due to the transit, the planet changes its position and moves to different house cause a change in your communication skills, preaching, educational activities, and intellectual thoughts. It also affects your financial condition by causing a difference in your business, accounting marketing, etc. The planet also influences the relation between your parents, lover, siblings and others. The Sagittarius signifies higher learning, philosophy, religion, teaching, Gurus, fathers teaching, travelling to long distances, etc. When Mercury is positioned in Sagittarius, it affects mainly the accounting and finance fields, higher learning, profits from publishing books, and it is also the best time for astrologers and Gurus. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Aries 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet; during the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards your ninth house, which is the house of one's fate and fortune. The impact of this transition affects one's luck, religion and relation with father. This period can be quite challenging for the natives; you will go through a lot of mental stress and tension because your tasks may not give good results. On the other hand, your family members will help you and support in every bad situation. Natives have to work really hard to get through this. Sitting at home and doing nothing would not help you; instead, you have to work really hard and take serious decisions about your future to make your dreams possible. Your karma is going to hit you back, so take precaution and don't interfere in anyone life. Not only your family but your friends will also stand by your side, and they will help you out with every problem you are dealing with and try to solve them together. Students natives will enjoy the advantages of this time; your hard work and dedication will give you better results in the field of education. You should take proper medications if necessary. If you are unable to handle your economic condition, then taking a loan from the bank would be a great idea. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Taurus

The transit of Mercury in your house will improve in the lives of natives having the zodiac sign Taurus. During the transitory period, the planet will be posited in your eight houses which are represented as the Ayu Bhagya or longevity of your Kundali. You will get to hear good news, and even the Married people will have a new member in the family during this time period. As the impact of this transition would be favourable for you, thus there will peace and harmony between your family member. They will tend to understand your feelings better, and you will stay motivated throughout time. You will be able to help out your family member too, especially the younger member in terms of finance. People in a relationship or married will go for some shopping or buying new clothes with their beloved. You will notice an increase in your social friends who will enjoy your company and have a memorable time with you. You will gain motivation by doing good deeds like donating in a charity and helping your friends give then valuable advice. There are chances of making a mistake in business and incurring losses, though this will not affect you much; instead, you will learn from those mistakes and more confident that you won't repeat it in future. Every Taurus native is advised to maintain a proper diet and do regular exercise to stay fit and healthy. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Gemini

The Planet Mercury is the dearest friend of Venus, and during the transition, Mercury shifts towards the house of partnership which is the seventh house of your zodiac sign. This house helps to know better about your spouse or partner and have a better understanding of life. People having a business partnership should avoid any quarrel or argument, because if you try to pressurize your partner in making your point, it would be problematic for you in future. You need to calmly share your ideas and views and make your partners understand in the right way. You will lack confidence because you will be worried about your future. The married natives are advised to remain totally understanding towards their spouse, listen to them and spend time with them. Working professionals will earn respect and good results due to their hardworking and honesty; even there are opportunities for some of you to get promoted. The most important thing every Gemini native should care about is, you have to do everything patiently, and you will get good results from it. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Cancer 

The transition of Mercury will give a favourable impact on the Cancer Natives. During the transit, the planet will change its position and will shirts towards the third house of your Zodiac sign Cancer. This transition would rather be very auspicious for the natives. If you are professional, then you will be highly praised for your efforts and working techniques, even you will be successful in doing every task with ease. You will feel mentally strong, and you would easily go through the problems which may arise during this duration, and even at the toughest times, your confidence won't break. Natives looking for a job change, this is the best time, and you will be surely successful in getting a new job. You would soon notice a significant improvement in your communication skills due to which people will tend to listen to you and understand your point of views, and your sweetened tone will attract them and thus help you in getting a good image in the social circle. You may also get in contact will some of the reputed members of the society. If you are fighting for any kind of legal case, the decisions will be in your favour during this duration of time. Your expense will soon increase, though you don't have to worry much about it. Having a little control over your spending would sort it out. Married natives will get a chance to go on a trip more like a vacation and spend a memorable time with their spouse. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Leo 

The transition brings a favourable impact over the Leo natives. During the transitory period, the planet is posited into the fifth house which is also represented as the house of progeny. Knowledge of your children is determined by the house. Leo natives will notice a change in their intellect. You will try to significantly improve and do better in your mental ability and will gain more interest in learning new subjects. Natives who are interested in the field of art will be able to attract many people by their creativity and talent. You will gain interest in spiritual learning, and you may also choose this as your subject. Natives will also enjoy debating and discussing their new ideas and point of views during this duration of time. You will get a little short-tempered in dealing with your life partner, though you will certainly pull it down fast and try to make your partner feel good. Students will enjoy extreme favours if this transit, their hardworking and dedication will prove to be beneficial, and they will get full support from their teachers and mentors. If you are studying in the field of mathematics, you will surely get good results and make your parents proud. Apart from that take proper precaution for your health, some skin allergies might cause due to polluted air. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Virgo 

The impact of the transit of planet Mercury would be very beneficial for the Virgo natives. During the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Virgo. The fourth house represents mother and happiness. You will reap the fruits of hard work you did in the past. This time is very lucky for buying a new home. You will be very busy due to some guests arrived at your home. There are many more possibilities of getting great news in various fields of life. You need to handle things between you and your spouse very calmly; otherwise, it may give birth to some clashes and disputes. However, you will be successful in every field of life and solve your problem with ease. Natives have work profession mist complete their work in time and full dedication. Also, you are recommended to do proper exercise or yoga and maintain a healthy diet. Apart from that, you will get the maximum benefit of this transit period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Libra 

The transit period is going to be very challenging for the Libra natives. As the dualistic Planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the third house of your zodiac sign during the transitory period. The third house is referred to as the house of courage and Valor. During this challenging period, you will have to take some serious decisions in your life and if you make any mistake in taking any decisions in terms of your family, this would bring your family apart. Though you just need to be down to earth and accept every mistake you made in front of your family. You opponents will try each and every way possible in order to destroy your image or status, though you will be handling each and every situation very calmly and smartly. You will need to control your wishes and focus on your work in order to attain success in the work fields. You will have to handle each and everything yourself, as we all know, god help those people who are kind and honest. Short-distance trips are there on your card which will refresh your mind. Apart from that your health will be good except your mind, your mental health will be a little disturbed. Keeping yourself fit and fine would be the best way to stay healthy and out of stress. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Scorpio 

The transit would leave a favourable impact on the Scorpio natives. The planet Mercury will change its position and move towards the second house of your Zodiac sign Scorpio and this transit will sort out many problems for you, and you will also get good results of your deeds. People in the field of business will gain enormous wealth through great deals; you will be successful in the economic field. There are chances of getting profits through ancestral properties. Your communication skills will improve, and you will notice a change in your way of speaking, though you need to understand that it is the best time to speak otherwise stay calm in such a situation. You will gain a good image because if your honest work and good deed, you will prosper good image in front of the society. Your health must be seriously taken care of, and you must keep yourself and your surroundings clean. Or else skin related disease can cause huge problems. Scorpion natives studying as students must focus on their studies to get good results in competitive exams. Try to consume a balanced diet and nutritious food. Along with regular exercise or yoga, will keep you mentally and physically fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Sagittarius 

This transit is going to be very impactful on your sign as the transition is taking place in your own songs. During the transition as the planet will be posted in your ascendent house, which according to the Kalpurush Kundali determines one's own health, body, intellect or enlightenment. People involved in the field of business can witness financial loss whose opponents may be the reason, so you need to stay alert from your opponents. Due to financial loss, you might face problems in your families too. However, your friends or relatives would be there to help and support your mentally and financially. You may also have some arguments or clashes with your life partner; however, you will sort it out with your sweet words and end up in peace and harmony in your marital life. Try to be careful with your words in order to stay safe from your colleagues, or you will end in an argument or dispute with your colleagues. Married wives having this sign will appease their husbands with delicious food and have a happy married life. 

Transit of Mercury in Sagittarius on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make it's transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your Zodiac sign. This transit will bring a favourable impact in your life and your communication skills will find a way to touch people's hearts. You will attract your friends and family by your ideas and thoughts. Working professionals will gain respect and they will complete tasks in time. You will gain excess profits and your hardwork will prove to be very beneficial. Student natives working hard for  competitive exams will get good results. Your social circle will increase, people will tend to trust you and have faith in you. Though you need to keep control over your speeches or else it might turn into an argument. You also need to take proper precautions in terms of your health. Regular exercise or yoga would be very beneficial for your health and mental stability. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Aquarius 

The Aquarius natives will gain extreme favour due to this transit. The planet will make its transition and will be posited in your eleventh house, which is represented as your house of income and expenditure. During this transit, you will gain excess profits, and you will be able to clear out all the debts and money rat problems. Gaining profits will improve your financial condition. You will create a good image firing of your family, and you will also get an amazing chance to spend a memorable time with your partner and children as well. You will get to make new friends and actively take part in social activities too, which would help your expand your friend circle. Your increase in knowledge and intelligence will open new doors of profits in your life. Most of you who are in love will gift a beautiful present to your partner expressing your feeling to them; it is the best time to propose and ask for their hand for marriage. Amidst all this, if you still feel like you have not done good deeds than you need to review them again. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Pisces 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in your tenth house, which represents the house of Profession and career, due to this transit, your self-confidence will immensely improve. Your logical perspective will improve, which will help you defeat your opponents. This transit will make your personality strong due to which your enemies will fear from you and decide not to bother you in any way. Natives will easily complete their pending tasks and earn respect in their fields. Your family life will be smooth and peaceful. You will get a chance to spend more time with your life partner and get closer to them, and this time will be very memorable for both of you, which will create mutual understanding between you both. There are chances of shopping on your card, and most probably you will reap the fruits of hard work and give a boost to your career. Your intelligence will be boosted; you will be able to help out your classmates and put your views and points clearly. Your talents will be praised socially, and you can turn these talents into the direction of success.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Capricorn
28 Dec,2022
29 Dec,2022

The transit of Mercury into Capricorn plays a very significant role in the life of their natives. When the Mercury is in Capricorn, it makes the mind of the native think in a very well organized manner, and they also keep their focus on they want to achieve, and it is challenging to distract them from completing their tasks. The Capricorn natives during this transit will always be practical and focus on their business. Their way of communication will always be practical and logical. They will always have some relevance in their conversation, and thus, the transit of Mercury will have a very influential impact in the lives of Capricorns related to their business, career, education, love and marriage life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aries

The powerful Mercury that is the Lord of your third and sixth houses, during the transit, its position moves towards your tenth house. The tenth house of your Kundali implies your livelihood, karma and fame. With the impact of Mercury in your tenth house, during this time, you will do exceptionally well in your office or workplace, which would be all because of your hard work and intelligence. Your bosses and seniors will praise you, and even your colleagues would unexpectedly appreciate your work. People doing business have the best time to give a start to their new ideas, or they will get excessive chances to expand their business. You will have an excellent and happy relationship with your family. You will have a peaceful family life. You siblings will be there to support you in most of your things, which also be very beneficial for your work. Your communication skill will attract many people who might be useful. You need to avoid being overconfident. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Taurus

Mercury that is popularly known as the Lord of the second and the fifth houses of their zodiac sign Capricorn. During the transition, the planet moves towards the ninth house of their zodiac sign. The ninth house implies the house of wealth, fame and respect. Due to the effect of Mercury transition in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, you will notice an improvement in relation with your father. You will witness a significant gain in your financial condition and strong support from your family, especially your father. You will be able to establish a beautiful relation with your beloved and have a very happy marital life. Your communication with your partner will be flawless. You will always lookout for ways to stay together and spend a memorable time. You will gain excess fame in your social group and would be very profitable for you. There are some tips on your card, which would bring some benefit to improve your financial condition. Student natives will get a good result for their hard work in their higher studies. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Gemini

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the fourth house of your zodiac sign. During its transit into Capricorn, it is posited towards their eight houses. Due to the transit, it shows a rise in your physical challenges, and you must be careful about your health. On the other hand, the transit will help you in improving your financial condition. If you are facing any sort of financial issues, during this time, you will get rid of it. Natives connected with Dharma Karma and other religious things are going to get good results. People of this zodiac sign receiving Mantra Deeksha will witness great results. 

This transit is going to prove very beneficial for the Geminis, they will get excellent results working in the field of research, and their main focus will be in studying about spiritual activities in depth. You would get to notice a slight improvement in your communication skills. There are chances of gaining profits economically. However, you have to be careful about your speech since you may get aggressive or arrogant. You might face some difficulties at your workplace, though a little hard work and sincerity will work it out. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Cancer

Mercury is often referred to as the Lord of the third and twelfth houses for Cancerians. During the transition, the planet shifts towards the seventh house of your Kundali. The seventh house signifies a long-term partnership and a successful business. Natives during this transition will gain excess profit in terms of their work or business. There are more chances of profit from telecommunication resources. Natives doing business will be able to receive total success in expanding their business, especially through social media and marketing. In fact, natives working with multinational companies would also be able to get amusing results. In terms of the partnership, the transit would increase mutual understanding with your life partner. Avoid any outsider to interfere in your personal life or else that might raise an issue. Relation with your sibling will also improve, and you will get proper help and support from their side. You will find trustworthy friends, which would make you mentally strong, and you will able to make a decision and attain total success.

Effect of Mercury transit in Capricorn on Leo 

Mercury is the Lord of the eleventh and second houses of your zodiac sign Leo, while during the transit, it shifts to your sixth house which signifies legal activities, debated, and arguments. This transit into your house will give a good impact to you; there are chances that you may get success in any debate or court case during this period. You will notice a gradual increase in your expenses and your income might decrease, so you must take care of your expenses and try to have control of your expenses. You will surely get a good result, and your confidence might boost up. Don't get involved in any argument; it's better to stay away from any sort of distraction like that. This transit will prove to be very beneficial and favourable for the employees. You might be consuming more time in completing your tasks, and your mind would make a bit restless because of that, so don't worry and try to finish all your tasks without any fuss. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Virgo 

Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house and is the Lord of your Zodiac Sign as well. During the transit the planet shifts toward your fifth house which signifies love, education, intelligence, and children in your Kundali. This transit would have a significant impact on your zodiac sign. The transition of Planet Mercury into Capricorn will improve your intellectual thoughts. Student natives will attain great results in their field of academics. On the other hand, natives who are in love with their partner will get more time to know each other and get closer. They will build trust and increase their understanding with each other. Married couples would be very satisfied with their children and would engage with them to attain success in life. People involved in the business will get the chance to expand their business and get beneficial results, including traders and merchants. You will gain intelligence, and with the help of that, you will be able to make the right decisions. This transit will help you gain a special position as an influence on society. Working will notice an improvement in their relationship with their seniors.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Libra

Planet Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and during its transit in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, it is posited in your fourth house. Your fourth house signifies comfort and prosperity, which improves due to the transition of the planet of luck, Mercury. Your family knots will be strengthened, and you will have a great time. Your family knots might get stronger, and you would have a great time in future. This would help you to keep your mind at peace and focus over the working, which would help you get good results. You will get proper utilization of your intelligence and will praise and respect for your decisions. There are chances of getting benefits related to your property. If you do invest in properties, you will get the chance to gain more profit from it. Natives living in abroad might get a chance to come back home and meet their family. You will also receive gifts from your grandparents on your father's side, which would motivate you and make you happy. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Scorpio 

Mercury is the Lord of their eight and eleventh houses if the zodiac signs Scorpio, which during the transition period shifts toward the third house of your Kundali, which signifies communication. Planet Mercury is an important representation of communication. You will be able to fulfil all your ambitions. No one could snatch success from you, and thus this house will benefit a lot in terms of communication and speech. People working in the field of communication, it would be a piece of cake for them to attain success during this period. There are many chances of travelling and enjoying your life along with which you will gain experience too. There could be some arguments with your siblings, so make sure you take proper care for them. Your hard work will surely be the reason for your success. Scorpions in the field of marketing will get advantage of their hard work to get astonishing results. Transport business will also be flawless during the transition and will bring high profits. Employees must be good with every colleague of theirs so that when the time comes, they will help you. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Sagittarius

The powerful planet Mercury is the Lord of their seventh and tenth houses of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. During the transit, the planet moves towards their second house. The second house of the Sagittarius signifies the house of voice and eating habits; on the other hand, it is also known as the house of Dhan Bhava or the house of money. Due to the transit, your ability to speak will attract most of the people; your way of talking will be sweeter and attractive. Due to this change in your personality, you will be able to perform your task faster and will be able to improve your status financially. Natives must focus on hard work, and sincerity will prove to be very beneficial, and they will earn an enormous profit. During this period you will be satisfied with your food habits, though you need to take care of your way of eating and instead eat slowly and calmly. The natives will get numerous chances to earn great profits in terms of money during this period of time. Your conditions regarding your health may get worse though if you take proper care and don't hurry in doing anything will keep you safe. Relation in terms related to your family will be good, and you will have a happy family. You might get an opportunity to spend some quality time with your family and make some memorable moments too. Due to this, you will have a respective and good image in front of your family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Capricorn 

The strongest Planet Mercury affecting its transition over Capricorn will be very favourable for your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the Lord of the sixth house and the ninth house of their zodiac sign Capricorn which signifies their house of fortune. Though the planet will be moving to your first house during the transit, incurring some essential effects and would be very beneficial for the natives. The transit of Mercury would lead to a Raj Yoga kind of situation, where luck would be totally in your favour during this duration of time. You will be successful in attaining fame in terms of finance, social and professional fields. However, if your project or work is stuck somewhere, you will be able to continue it again. Make sure you don't get distracted in any argument, and there are chances your work might get stuck due to this. Your married life would be smooth, and a trip with your spouse could be your next plan. Take proper care of your health as your opponents will leave no chance to dominate you at any cost. Though you will get full support from your father, still you need to stay away from any disputes related to a court or legal issue.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aquarius 

Saturn's friendly Planet Mercury is the Lord of your eight and fifth house of the Zodiac sign Aquarius, and during the Mercury transit in Capricorn, the powerful planet moves towards their twelfth house which represents loss and expenditure. You really need to be careful with your expenses; during this period you may incur an increase in your expenses which weaken you financially. On the other hand, student natives will get the favour of this transit; most of them might also get a chance to go abroad for their studies, which would satisfy their mental health. During this time you should avoid travelling, or else it can be very costly and a waste of time. Your love life may be in a problem, your partner may shift to another city, and the long-distance relationship might cause too much energy and money. You also have to take proper precautions for your health, which might detonate in this duration; you may incur skin and nerve-related problems. Maintain distance from your opponents as they would try to create problems in your work and keep focused in your own work. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Pisces

The Lord for the fourth and seventh house of Pisces is Mercury which is a very powerful planet. While its transition the planet moves towards the eleventh house which signifies the house of profits and benefits. The transit will favour your life in terms of income. You might get an increase in your income, and this is the best time to fulfil all your desire and comfort you wished for. If your family is deciding to sell some kind of property, this is the best time. You will be able to notice an excessive gain in your business, and this is also the best time to expand your business. Your marital life with your spouse will also be lucky as well as beneficial for you. You will get to know more about each other, and in no time you will get closer to your partner. Natives planning for a startup or a new business will get success in it, and with the blessing of Mercury, they will flourish day and night. Due to all this, your image in society will increase, even your social circle will increase, connecting to social media will be very advantageous for you and this duration will provide you fame by your social activities. You will get the chance to hang out with your friends and have a peaceful time.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Capricorn
07 Feb,2023
26 Feb,2023

The transit of Mercury into Capricorn plays a very significant role in the life of their natives. When the Mercury is in Capricorn, it makes the mind of the native think in a very well organized manner, and they also keep their focus on they want to achieve, and it is challenging to distract them from completing their tasks. The Capricorn natives during this transit will always be practical and focus on their business. Their way of communication will always be practical and logical. They will always have some relevance in their conversation, and thus, the transit of Mercury will have a very influential impact in the lives of Capricorns related to their business, career, education, love and marriage life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aries

The powerful Mercury that is the Lord of your third and sixth houses, during the transit, its position moves towards your tenth house. The tenth house of your Kundali implies your livelihood, karma and fame. With the impact of Mercury in your tenth house, during this time, you will do exceptionally well in your office or workplace, which would be all because of your hard work and intelligence. Your bosses and seniors will praise you, and even your colleagues would unexpectedly appreciate your work. People doing business have the best time to give a start to their new ideas, or they will get excessive chances to expand their business. You will have an excellent and happy relationship with your family. You will have a peaceful family life. You siblings will be there to support you in most of your things, which also be very beneficial for your work. Your communication skill will attract many people who might be useful. You need to avoid being overconfident. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Taurus

Mercury that is popularly known as the Lord of the second and the fifth houses of their zodiac sign Capricorn. During the transition, the planet moves towards the ninth house of their zodiac sign. The ninth house implies the house of wealth, fame and respect. Due to the effect of Mercury transition in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, you will notice an improvement in relation with your father. You will witness a significant gain in your financial condition and strong support from your family, especially your father. You will be able to establish a beautiful relation with your beloved and have a very happy marital life. Your communication with your partner will be flawless. You will always lookout for ways to stay together and spend a memorable time. You will gain excess fame in your social group and would be very profitable for you. There are some tips on your card, which would bring some benefit to improve your financial condition. Student natives will get a good result for their hard work in their higher studies. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Gemini

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the fourth house of your zodiac sign. During its transit into Capricorn, it is posited towards their eight houses. Due to the transit, it shows a rise in your physical challenges, and you must be careful about your health. On the other hand, the transit will help you in improving your financial condition. If you are facing any sort of financial issues, during this time, you will get rid of it. Natives connected with Dharma Karma and other religious things are going to get good results. People of this zodiac sign receiving Mantra Deeksha will witness great results. 

This transit is going to prove very beneficial for the Geminis, they will get excellent results working in the field of research, and their main focus will be in studying about spiritual activities in depth. You would get to notice a slight improvement in your communication skills. There are chances of gaining profits economically. However, you have to be careful about your speech since you may get aggressive or arrogant. You might face some difficulties at your workplace, though a little hard work and sincerity will work it out. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Cancer

Mercury is often referred to as the Lord of the third and twelfth houses for Cancerians. During the transition, the planet shifts towards the seventh house of your Kundali. The seventh house signifies a long-term partnership and a successful business. Natives during this transition will gain excess profit in terms of their work or business. There are more chances of profit from telecommunication resources. Natives doing business will be able to receive total success in expanding their business, especially through social media and marketing. In fact, natives working with multinational companies would also be able to get amusing results. In terms of the partnership, the transit would increase mutual understanding with your life partner. Avoid any outsider to interfere in your personal life or else that might raise an issue. Relation with your sibling will also improve, and you will get proper help and support from their side. You will find trustworthy friends, which would make you mentally strong, and you will able to make a decision and attain total success.

Effect of Mercury transit in Capricorn on Leo 

Mercury is the Lord of the eleventh and second houses of your zodiac sign Leo, while during the transit, it shifts to your sixth house which signifies legal activities, debated, and arguments. This transit into your house will give a good impact to you; there are chances that you may get success in any debate or court case during this period. You will notice a gradual increase in your expenses and your income might decrease, so you must take care of your expenses and try to have control of your expenses. You will surely get a good result, and your confidence might boost up. Don't get involved in any argument; it's better to stay away from any sort of distraction like that. This transit will prove to be very beneficial and favourable for the employees. You might be consuming more time in completing your tasks, and your mind would make a bit restless because of that, so don't worry and try to finish all your tasks without any fuss. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Virgo 

Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house and is the Lord of your Zodiac Sign as well. During the transit the planet shifts toward your fifth house which signifies love, education, intelligence, and children in your Kundali. This transit would have a significant impact on your zodiac sign. The transition of Planet Mercury into Capricorn will improve your intellectual thoughts. Student natives will attain great results in their field of academics. On the other hand, natives who are in love with their partner will get more time to know each other and get closer. They will build trust and increase their understanding with each other. Married couples would be very satisfied with their children and would engage with them to attain success in life. People involved in the business will get the chance to expand their business and get beneficial results, including traders and merchants. You will gain intelligence, and with the help of that, you will be able to make the right decisions. This transit will help you gain a special position as an influence on society. Working will notice an improvement in their relationship with their seniors.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Libra

Planet Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and during its transit in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, it is posited in your fourth house. Your fourth house signifies comfort and prosperity, which improves due to the transition of the planet of luck, Mercury. Your family knots will be strengthened, and you will have a great time. Your family knots might get stronger, and you would have a great time in future. This would help you to keep your mind at peace and focus over the working, which would help you get good results. You will get proper utilization of your intelligence and will praise and respect for your decisions. There are chances of getting benefits related to your property. If you do invest in properties, you will get the chance to gain more profit from it. Natives living in abroad might get a chance to come back home and meet their family. You will also receive gifts from your grandparents on your father's side, which would motivate you and make you happy. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Scorpio 

Mercury is the Lord of their eight and eleventh houses if the zodiac signs Scorpio, which during the transition period shifts toward the third house of your Kundali, which signifies communication. Planet Mercury is an important representation of communication. You will be able to fulfil all your ambitions. No one could snatch success from you, and thus this house will benefit a lot in terms of communication and speech. People working in the field of communication, it would be a piece of cake for them to attain success during this period. There are many chances of travelling and enjoying your life along with which you will gain experience too. There could be some arguments with your siblings, so make sure you take proper care for them. Your hard work will surely be the reason for your success. Scorpions in the field of marketing will get advantage of their hard work to get astonishing results. Transport business will also be flawless during the transition and will bring high profits. Employees must be good with every colleague of theirs so that when the time comes, they will help you. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Sagittarius

The powerful planet Mercury is the Lord of their seventh and tenth houses of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. During the transit, the planet moves towards their second house. The second house of the Sagittarius signifies the house of voice and eating habits; on the other hand, it is also known as the house of Dhan Bhava or the house of money. Due to the transit, your ability to speak will attract most of the people; your way of talking will be sweeter and attractive. Due to this change in your personality, you will be able to perform your task faster and will be able to improve your status financially. Natives must focus on hard work, and sincerity will prove to be very beneficial, and they will earn an enormous profit. During this period you will be satisfied with your food habits, though you need to take care of your way of eating and instead eat slowly and calmly. The natives will get numerous chances to earn great profits in terms of money during this period of time. Your conditions regarding your health may get worse though if you take proper care and don't hurry in doing anything will keep you safe. Relation in terms related to your family will be good, and you will have a happy family. You might get an opportunity to spend some quality time with your family and make some memorable moments too. Due to this, you will have a respective and good image in front of your family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Capricorn 

The strongest Planet Mercury affecting its transition over Capricorn will be very favourable for your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the Lord of the sixth house and the ninth house of their zodiac sign Capricorn which signifies their house of fortune. Though the planet will be moving to your first house during the transit, incurring some essential effects and would be very beneficial for the natives. The transit of Mercury would lead to a Raj Yoga kind of situation, where luck would be totally in your favour during this duration of time. You will be successful in attaining fame in terms of finance, social and professional fields. However, if your project or work is stuck somewhere, you will be able to continue it again. Make sure you don't get distracted in any argument, and there are chances your work might get stuck due to this. Your married life would be smooth, and a trip with your spouse could be your next plan. Take proper care of your health as your opponents will leave no chance to dominate you at any cost. Though you will get full support from your father, still you need to stay away from any disputes related to a court or legal issue.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aquarius 

Saturn's friendly Planet Mercury is the Lord of your eight and fifth house of the Zodiac sign Aquarius, and during the Mercury transit in Capricorn, the powerful planet moves towards their twelfth house which represents loss and expenditure. You really need to be careful with your expenses; during this period you may incur an increase in your expenses which weaken you financially. On the other hand, student natives will get the favour of this transit; most of them might also get a chance to go abroad for their studies, which would satisfy their mental health. During this time you should avoid travelling, or else it can be very costly and a waste of time. Your love life may be in a problem, your partner may shift to another city, and the long-distance relationship might cause too much energy and money. You also have to take proper precautions for your health, which might detonate in this duration; you may incur skin and nerve-related problems. Maintain distance from your opponents as they would try to create problems in your work and keep focused in your own work. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Pisces

The Lord for the fourth and seventh house of Pisces is Mercury which is a very powerful planet. While its transition the planet moves towards the eleventh house which signifies the house of profits and benefits. The transit will favour your life in terms of income. You might get an increase in your income, and this is the best time to fulfil all your desire and comfort you wished for. If your family is deciding to sell some kind of property, this is the best time. You will be able to notice an excessive gain in your business, and this is also the best time to expand your business. Your marital life with your spouse will also be lucky as well as beneficial for you. You will get to know more about each other, and in no time you will get closer to your partner. Natives planning for a startup or a new business will get success in it, and with the blessing of Mercury, they will flourish day and night. Due to all this, your image in society will increase, even your social circle will increase, connecting to social media will be very advantageous for you and this duration will provide you fame by your social activities. You will get the chance to hang out with your friends and have a peaceful time.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Aquarius
27 Feb,2023
15 Mar,2023

The strong planet Mercury represents commendable communication, healthy business, trustworthy partnership, education etc. Amidst all this, Mercury increases your ability to memorize and enhances your accounting, marketing and analytic skills. On the other hand, Aquarius strengthens your hope and wishes to fulfill your desires to channelize with large organization and masses, etc. The transition of Mercury in Aquarius is very beneficial and supportive for natives working in various fields like teachers of science, planners and creator of the map would also get the benefit and support due to the transit. And even the mathematical models for weather and other forecasting departments, advisors of finance and other, etc. would also be effectively advantageous too. There are chances where the people may get mislead by a piece of wrong information that something serious is going to happen when the motion of Mercury reverses. Only in case of the birth chart, the reverse effect of Mercury might create some confusion or powerlessness or else if the Mercury is well placed, then there is no need to worry. 

Effects of Mercury Transit on Aries 

Mercury which appears to be the powerful Lord of their third and sixth houses, specifically for the natives of Aries, goes through an evolution. During the transit into Aquarius, the planet will continuously move and would acquire a position in the eleventh house, which appears to be the house of profits, where the house fulfils your achievement, along with benefits and help the natives to accomplish all the ambitions of life. The transit of Mercury in Aquarius will enrich your abilities and natives can also notice a dynamic increase in their proficiency. 

Your hard work and mental effort during this transit will result in huge success to get an increase in your salary and will be extremely favorable for your financial condition. There will be a gradual change in the personality of Arians, where they will notice a significant boost in their confidence and would be able to express their feeling to the loved ones. And your partner would take an interest in you and shower you with love. Natives should make sure about some things, especially for students who are engaged in the field of education. You will get the undue advantage of learning new things, though you may need to increase your effort at the time if Mercury is regressive. Yours have to take proper precaution for your financial condition which may be weakened, though it may only last for a short period.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Taurus 

Mercury is the strongest planet; it is also known as the dearest friend of the Lord of your sign Venus. It makes its transit while moving through the tenth house if your sign and shows an extreme significance for your Karma and business. People having the sign Taurus, where the former is the Lord of their second and fifty houses, resulting in the transit of Mercury in Aquarius will indicate success and improvement in your professional status. 

This transit would be very impactful in your professional life where you will be able to discover hue best abilities based on your knowledge and trust. Get the best utilization of your education, which would help you to complete your task pleasantly. You will accomplish a good image in front of your bosses. Natives having a business will get the chance to enlarge their trade. And you will get to chance to be close with your family and share some of the best emotional moments.

During the Mercury regression, the natives might have to be serious with their professional lives. You may lose interest and make mistakes which would lead you to lose your jobs. Don't worry because everything will be normal after 10th March and you will notice an improvement, and just after an interval of time you would again be the expert in your work again. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Gemini

Mercury shows a strong effect on Gemini as it is the Lord of the Zodiac sign Gemini. However, it is also the Lord of your fourth house, and during its transit, in Aquarius, it moves to your ninth house which is known as the house of fortune, the results will be seemingly favourable for you. During the transit of Mercury on Gemini, the natives will get great benefit in matters related to property, and fate will be in favour of the Gemini natives. You will get complete success in changing your homes and will notice a rise in your fame and respect in society. You will also get emotionally close to your father, and your father will be very supportive and helpful in gaining profits. 

However, you have to take proper precautions during February and mid-March, which may prove to be very difficult for you. Don't worry and you just have to increase your hard work and not get irritated by the same tasks. During the Mercury retrograde, you have to be careful at the time of travelling. Apart from that, you will have enormous success in fields like travelling or writing. The lady luck will be in your favour. You will get a gradual plus significant increase in your income, and there are chances of a great trip which would make you mentally strong. You might make new friends who will prove to be completely supportive.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Cancer

For Cancer natives, Mercury stays the Lord of their third and twelfth house, and during its transit into Aquarius, the planet moves towards their eight houses which might show some ups and downs in life. Though, amidst the NavaGraha, Mercury is the only planet which shows the positive impact in life during its transit in their eight houses. During this time you may prepare yourself to do some hard work, though the result you will be receiving would be very small. This you may have to bear some unwanted expenses, and some unacceptable trips are also on your card. There are some chances where your siblings might also face some issues. You can meet your In-laws, and their suggestions and support will surely help you out to resolve your issue. You must take care of your health or else you have to bear some unwanted expenses regarding your health. Arians advised keeping an eye on your activities, apart from that your problems will solve after this duration ends and you will gain some profits which would help you get back your financial status. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Leo

Mercury which is eventually the Lord of the second and eleventh houses, where both the houses implies wealth, and so Mercury plays an important role in the natives of Leo. When the Mercury transits into the Aquarius, the planet stays in their seventh house, and the seventh house is the house of long term partnerships and business. This transit period will prove to be very beneficial for you, and you might get the chance to get emotionally and mentally closer with your spouse, which would improve your marriage life. 

You both will find a way to fight the distractions and get to connect with each other once again. Spending on your life partner would be very pleasing for both of you. Even this transit will enhance your business skills, and you would earn a huge profit, and new ideas will help you enlarge your enterprises. You can get mentally disturbed because of some increase in your expenses; however, your problems will come to an end after 10th March. You will be back in your normal life again.

Effects of Mercury Transit on Virgo 

Mercury being the Lord of the sign Virgo, it is also the Lord of their tenth house. So, Lord Buddha influences both your body and Karma, which means that the transit of Mercury into Virgo plays a very important role in your life. However, the Mercury transit in Aquarius will cause the planet to set forth in your sixth house, which signifies your enemies, disease and debts.

You have to be very careful regarding your health. The transit will have a bad impact on your health, and there might also be an increase in your health. Any type of ignorance can put you in danger. On the other hand, your professional life would be very successful. Your hard work will give you the chance to create a good image. However, your opponents may be stronger than you and would try to destroy your image. You will get a chance to be free from debts.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Libra 

Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and there is a friendly relation between Mercury and Venus which is the Lord of the sign Libra. Along with that, the Lord of Fortune or Bhagyesh is the Lord of your ninth house, which would move towards your fifth house during this transit. 

When the Mercury transit into Aquarius, which will put a positive impact on your education and the people having the sign Libra will get outstanding results related to their higher studies. And even people in different fields like journalism, acting, writing, etc. or finance or commercial students would witness amazing results due to this transit. Due to transit if Mercury into Aquarius would bring an increase in your income and people doing jobs may get some information about their transfer. The natives will not get confused in making the divisions of their lives. Along with that, married couples might also welcome a baby in their lives. 

Luck will be in favour of the Librans they will spend the best moments of their lives with their beloved ones. Your relationship will get straighten and travelling long distance will be very advantageous for you. The Libra natives will receive great results during the Mercury regression. On the other hand, the students will do excellent in their higher studies and can get an opportunity to go abroad for their further education. After the end of Mercury retrograde, you will have a settled job and people thinking of changing job would be successful at this time.

Effect of Mercury transit on Scorpio

Mercury is the Lord of the eighth and the eleventh houses of the zodiac sign Scorpio, and when it transits into Aquarius, the Mercury stays in the fourth house, which implies overall happiness. During this transit, you will enjoy enormous comfort and money-oriented facilities, and also in this duration, you will get to utilize your resources. Apart from that, you will be very successful in your workplace. You will gain a good image in your social life, and the natives might also notice a positive change in their family. Though you may be strong in terms of wealth, you may not be as much strength in terms of you and your families, especially your mother's health. You may incur a chest pain or stiffness in your body. Though after the end of the Mercury retrograde, you will find yourself in a comfortable zone and be healthy again. People doing a job may get an increment in their salary. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Sagittarius 

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the seventh house for natives with the zodiac sign Sagittarius, and also is the Lord of the tenth house of Karma. During the transit, it moves towards the third house of the native which, according to the Kalpurush Kundali belongs to the Gemini. So, there will be the presence of Lord Buddha which would bring outstanding outcomes for Sagittarians. 

You will be getting the benefit of travelling to many places, which not only give you pleasure but also would be profitable for your financial condition. Your terms with your younger siblings will get better. Your friends will help you out in need. You will improve your communication skill and may also get the house of your ambition. You will perform better all together, and you will gain fame in social media. However, you might make sure you don't make a mistake in communicating with someone. Take proper precautions or else some misunderstanding may lead to some obstacles in your work. You might get stuck in an argument or debate.

Effect of Mercury transit on Capricorn

Mercury is the Lord of the Sixth house for your native and is the house of fortune. During the transit, it will move towards your second house, which signifies wealth. The transit of Mercury into Aquarius will be quite significant for Capricorn. 

This duration will be very beneficial for you, as you will gain many profits economically and your financial status will improve. As you fortune will be in your favour and all your incomplete tasks will be getting accomplished in no time. You will get to attend many trips which would bring you a huge profit. Legal disputes may be decided in your favour. This period will strengthen your financial condition. Students are also going to get excellent results and the ones going for a competitive exam, the results would be good for them, and the change of scoring good marks is very big. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Aquarius 

Mercury is basically the Lord of your fifth and eighth houses and while during the transit period, it shifts to your first or ascendant house, forming a Raj Yoga kind of situation as the mercury transit is crucial for you because it is taking place in your own sign. 

Because the Lord of your eight houses is posited in your ascendant house, your mind might get attracted more towards spiritual subjects. You will notice very specific changes in your mind, and you will get excellent result in research work, and you will get into the depth to your thoughts. With the increase of your thinking capability, you will be able to give opinion related to any topic after you have learned about the situation properly.

 You will witness the fast development of your mind and your presence if the mind will also strengthen. You will be making your decisions on the basis of your future. Though you have to take proper care of your health or due to giving too much pressure in your mind, you might get mental stress. However, you will make the correct decisions for your future, and you will get significant help from children. And people in a relationship will get a great response from their beloved ones, and they will be standing by your side. 

Effect of Mercury Transit on Pisces 

The Lord of the fourth house for Pisces is Mercury which signifies happiness and the seventh house, which states the sign of partnership. And during the transit period, it gets posited in your twelfth house which signifies losses and expenditure. Therefore, the natives will suffer from an increase in their budget, and there will be a downfall in their economic status. Some member of your family might get successful in shifting or travelling abroad, and this is also very good for making a new property. 

On the other hand, this time is very beneficial related to foreign trade and might also get an enormous profit in import-export. Your relationship with your married ones or loved ones might be stressful, but can be sorted out if you pay attention to them. You need to work extremely hard during the time of Mercury retrograde and put all your effort in completing the tasks. This period of time will be very crucial and challenging for the natives. Increasing expenses may affect your budget, and your health will also disturb you. Make sure you take proper healthcare.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisions, marriage problems, business success, financial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Pisces
16 Mar,2023
30 Mar,2023

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and shares a friendly relation with Venus. The impact of Mercury transition is over different fields which include communication, business, partnership, preaching, and it also has effects on one's ability to memorize. Apart from that, accounting, marketing and analytic skills are mostly affected. The zodiac sign Pisces signifies Moksha or peace, the chance of going abroad, your health, physical fitness, focused mind, etc. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aries 

The Planet Mercury rules over the third and sixth house of your zodiac sign Aries. During the transitory period, the planet shifts its position and moves towards the twelfth house of the Aries natives. The twelfth house represents the house of expenditure. Also, this transition will bring a negative impact on your zodiac sign; the natives have to face several ups and downs during this duration. The natives will have to take proper care of their health because due to the influence of the planetary movement, one might notice a decline in their health or suffer from some serious disease like insomnia or skin related disease. So it is recommended to have a proper checkup and have a healthy diet. You will remain disappointed at this duration because of your hard work will not give any results. Stay alert from your opponents and rivals; they will always plan something out to in order to create obstacles in your work. The student natives will get the favour of this transit, and they will be able to go through the competitive exams and get good results, student natives might also get the chance to study abroad. Though to acquire success, they need to work really hard and focus mainly on their studies and exams. You will also gain leads in some legal matters and attain success. You need to take proper control of your expenses, or else your total expenditure might get overbudget. Your sibling will get the chance to go for a tour to foreign countries, and you may get a chance to get hired from a foreign or multinational company. Natives who are studying law will get favourable results, and they will keep this balanced throughout the course during this period. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Taurus 

Venus is the powerful Lord of your zodiac sign Taurus and has a friendly relation with Mercury. The Planet Mercury has its ruling power over your second and fifth house. During the transition, both the planets will be posited in your eleventh house. The eleventh house of your zodiac sign is also represented as the house of profits. People in the field of business will get the favour of this transit. You will get excessive chances to expand your business and earn profits through it, and this period is the best time to release your money to buy some good investment for the advancement of your business. You can also involve your family member to help you out with your business. And luckily, your flow of income will tend to sort out all income related issues, and you will be able to repay all the debts, and your business will be totally settled. Thus the transit of Mercury over your sign would be very favourable for you, even in terms of your love life. All the fights and distance between you and your partner will end up. You will get enough time to spend with your lover and let them know about your true feelings. You will get total support, and your relationship will get its charm back. Student natives will tend to have more interest in their studies. With hard work and full dedication, you will be able to peruse in a better college or even get a chance to travel abroad for your higher studies. Along with that, your family will be really supportive of your decisions and ambitions during this transit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Gemini 

The powerful planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your flourishing house, including your fourth house. Due to this transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of Mercury will reflect on your career, relation, business, etc. This transitory movement of the planet will help you out in the field of business you will be able to take the right decision, which would be very favourable for your future. Though make sure you don't get overconfident, which will bring distraction in your work. Apart from that, you will spend a memorable time with your family; your family member will understand your good intentions and support your decisions. You will be able to express your feeling more conveniently, and you will notice a change in. And in such you will get an enthusiastic environment which would prevail your households. If you have any issues related to your property or any case in court, the decision would be in your favour, along with that any documentation issues will be resolved. Don't get involved with your office colleagues; they would create distractions in your work. And even don't share any personal information with them. During this duration, you may feel low and unhealthy. So, do regular excessive and keep yourself fit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Cancer 

The Planet Mercury rules over your twelfth and third houses, and due to the transit the planet changes its position and is posited in your ninth house, which represents health relationship and travel. Due to this transit, you will get the opportunity to travel abroad. Student natives trying to get into foreign countries for higher education will be successful at this duration. You will also considerably notice an increase in your social circle; people will tend to get influenced by you. You can give a new direction to your life will great efforts. Some natives will also tend to gain interest in the writing profession. And it is possible that you will go into the direction of media or journalism. You will witness a gradual increase in your communication skills, people around you will understand your ideas, you will also acquire an interest in performing social functions and events. Your siblings will support you in every field, especially in the field of finance. You will take great interest in different hobbies like gardening, writing or acting, and there are chances you will go further in this field. You will surely take stand against the evils of the society at this duration. However, stay alert and keep your vocal talent in control or else being too much outspoken can put you in danger. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Leo 

Mercury is a dualistic planet will be posited into the eight houses of the Leo people during the transition period. The presence of the Planet Mercury weakens the Leo sign natives, and the duration of this transit will not be favourable for you. On the other hand, the Planet moon being the Lord of your second and eleventh house will bring a drastic fall in your income. If you are working in the field of business, you might incur huge losses, which might increase your expenditure. Though, you don't have to stop expecting after the small period your financial condition will get a good position. At this drastic time, meeting your in-laws would bring great help, their mature and handful of advice will surely help you out to get through this situation and improve your economic condition. Natives working as am an employee, or having a job have to face many ups and downs, your opponents will wait for a chance to destroy your career, stay alert from them. You may also lose your job, so better keep cautioned and stay away from your opponents and don't share any information with them. You will surely enjoy and feel peaceful in organizing and doing poojas, chanting and learning new rosaries will be satisfying too during this duration. The natives will gain interest in studying spiritual subjects and will gain an interest in such activities. This will refine your ideas and balance your mind in taking decisions for the future.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Virgo 

The dualistic and strongest Planet Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house, while the transit the planet will be posited in your seventh house. This transition will have a favourable impact on the Virgo natives. You will notice an improvement at your workplace, and the impact of the transition will give you favourable results. The natives have the chances of getting promoted. And even, you will also get a salary hike which would ease your expenses. And certainly, the business natives will get the opportunity to gain excess profits and clear out all their debts. Apart from that, there will a negative impact on the people in terms of your health. It is recommended to take proper health care and do regular exercise, which would keep you fit and fine. You will be able to have a stronger relationship with your life partner, and their advice will be very beneficial for you, though you have to face disappointment at times. However, this will not bother your relation with your partner; instead, your relation will get sweeter and stronger with your spouse. Your relationship with your father would soon get better. You will use your humour in the right way, and this will be very beneficial for your business activities. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Libra 

The Planet Mercury is the Lord of your ninth and twelfth houses, and during the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your sixth house. Due to the transit in your sixth house, you will have to work harder to attain success. Though working hard will give very little success, and due to this, you will remain worried throughout the time period. Your income might also deteriorate. You are expected to pay more attention to your diet, and avoiding fast food is best for now. You must try not to get involved in any sort of arguments or debates; this might lead to a quarrel. Your father will receive certain positive results, and he will surely attain an enormous amount of success. Suppose you wish to share any kind of personal details it would give your opponents the opportunity to take unnecessary advantage and put your life at risk. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Scorpio 

The dualistic planet Mercurys is the Lord of your eight and eleventh houses. And during the transition period, the planet tends to change its position towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign Pisces. And the result of this transit will be the quite favourable and adverse situation with regards to your love life. Though your partner will talk to you in a sweeter way, still you will find it difficult to understand them. This will create some misunderstandings between you both, and certainly fights and debates will become a part of your relationship. And you should choose your words carefully in front of your partner. If you are married, these quarrels will not affect your children; they will tend to focus on their studies and do well in life. However, keep your eyes on them and see if they don't get distracted from their studies. The natives will also find themselves lucky in putting their money in lotteries, share market or other investment. You will get to earn from several sources which would improve your financial condition. The planetary movement is very favourable for you or academic life too, hard work and dedication will take you towards success.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Sagittarius

The Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and is also the ruling Lord of the seventh and tenth house of your zodiac sign. During its transition, the planet moves towards the fourth house of the Sagittarius natives. The impact of this transit will create a network between your personal and professional life, so your personal life could be clearly seen influencing your professional one. Thus it's advised to maintain a balance. Your family members will maintain peace and harmony, and they will try to understand and nurture each other. However, some clashes are possible, and you are recommended to stay away from any debates or arguments. During this transition, you will solve some problems of your life partner and put them out from stress. Your work life will prosper due to your hard work, wisdom, dedication and honesty. You will able to get some amazing ideas and complete your tasks with ease. You will also notice an improvement in your business field, and even your perspective about business ideas will be cleared. During this duration, your mother might take some serious decisions regarding the family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Capricorn

According to your Kundli, the Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your sixth and ninth houses. Your zodiac sign gets influenced by the planet and has a positive effect over your luck. During the time of transition, the planet is posited in your third house. And because the transit is taking place in your third house, you need to take proper precautions for your speeches. The chances are that any of your close friends or family might get hurt with your words. Your opponents will be very dangerous for you right now, and they will try to ruin your image in the society. If you are trying for a loan to get approved, this time will surely give you positive results. Your dedication and hard work will surely take you one step closer to success. Natives working with your honest attitude will attract the coworkers and will take you to the peak of success. They will stay by your side and help you out with every problem in your way. Capricorn natives are working in the field of law, and as advocates will get tremendous value and achieve success. Apart from that, try not to express your views and thoughts on any social media platform, because people against society may try to create a problem in your personal life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aquarius 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your fifth and eight houses. For people who have the zodiac sign, Aquarius is highly influenced by the transition of Mercury. During the transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Aquarius, and due to this transition, you will notice a mysterious tone in your speech. People listening to your words may find it very difficult to understand, which might give birth to confusion and clashes, and you will remain in a state of confusion. You should have a proper diet and do regular exercise in order to avoid any kind of disease or discomfort. You will earn more than your expectations and will be able to easily repay all your debts. Natives who are a student will be able to get good marks in their higher studies, and their dedication and hard work will surely take them to the path of success. And this will give them confidence. Married couples will hear some good news from their children. Your lover may introduce you to their family. Your life partner may suffer from a skin disease, so take proper precaution for him/her. Make sure you don't take it lightly. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Pisces 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet. The transition of the planet Mercury will take a position in Pisces itself. Mercury is the Lord of your fourth and seventh house, respectively. The influence of the planet Mercury will be very impactful on your house. During the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your ascendant house. The natives are advised to keep their eyes and ears open and always have focused on their presence of mind. You have to take your decisions carefully, or else it might create problems in future. This transit will especially help you in improving your business conditions. However, it would be great to take decisions by asking your elder or experienced person. Your achievement and change in your behaviour will create jealousy among your friends. Matters related to property will be in your favour during this transition period. Your mother will support you in every task, which would be really helpful. You may have some issues in your love life, so don't hate and solve every problem with patience and sweetly. Some of the natives will gain interest in learning new subjects.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Aries
31 Mar,2023
06 Jun,2023

Mercury plays a critical role during the transition period. According to the Vedic astrology, it influences your inner voice and thoughts and ideas. It represents one's communication and wisdom. You would soon notice a boost in confidence, humor, talent, family, finance and others. Natives who have strong influence of Mercury have intellect and presence of mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aries 

Mercury is the ruling lord of your third and sixth houses of Aries, and as the transition is taking place in the own house, the position of Mercury will shift in the first house also known as your ascendant house. With this transition, your confidence will increase, and you will feel more strengthened. With boosted confidence, you will be able to take serious decisions which will prove to be impactful in future. Your overconfidence will be a reason for arguments and clashes, and you may also hurt someone's sentiments, so control your speech and think before speaking. Your siblings will support you during this time. They will try to do everything to help you out. Your love and affection towards your loved ones will increase; you will trust your family and partner. Mercury being the lord of your sixth house will negatively affect your health, you can have a skin disease, so you are advised to go for a checkup and take proper health care. You should also maintain a proper diet. 

Your relation with your partner will be fabulous; this transit will give you chances to improve your marital life. You would also get quality time with your spouse, and during that time, you will establish your bonds and come closer to each other. You will create a sense of mutual understanding which will decrease clashes and arguments. Your partner will trust you more. Businessmen are advised to take precautions before investing, or else they can suffer a huge loss. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Taurus

Mercury is the ruling lord of the second and fifth houses of your zodiac and thereby, during the transitory period, it will change its direction and will be posited in your twelfth house. During this transit, the Taurus natives will face both positive and negative impacts. The impact of the Mercury transit in Aries will bring an increase in your expenditure; you may spend most of your wealth on particular tasks. Students who are willing to shift abroad for higher studies will get a chance, though they have to work really hard. If your children are trying that, they will succeed in getting admission in a foreign university. Still, the only way to get admission is by working hard. Taurus natives will accomplish good results through their intellect and wisdom, which will help them earn a good position and respect in society. If you work hard in business, you will deal in some profitable investments which will prove to be helpful in the long run.

Those in a relationship will have to face some challenges, and you will stay away from your partner due to some trip. Though having good communication and patience will help you maintain your terms with your partner. Pay attention to your partner, and make them feel important. Giving a little more love and effort will keep the relationship alive. You should keep an eye over your expenses, or it will have a negative effect on your financial status. Some unnecessary disputes will be the reason for your stress. Your health will weaken during this time period, so try to have a good diet and stay away from fast food. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Gemini

The impact of Mercury transit will bring favorable results for the Gemini. As during the transition period of Mercury in Aries, the planet will be positioned in the eleventh house for Gemini. Mercury is the lord of your sign, which will affect your house of income and profits. Your speaking will gain fluency, and with the help of your intellect and wisdom, you will earn enormous wealth. One's working in an office will get favors from their seniors and your communication skills will improve, due to which you will gain momentum at your workplace.

The Gemini people will enjoy the benefits in terms of a relationship. You might get sufficient quality time with your partner, and develop a sense of understanding. Your support will help to prosper your spouse's life. This love and affection will give you the energy to attain success in life. This transition will also help you financially, which would help you in clearing any debt or pending task.

With everything going well, you would be confident, and you will expand your social circle. With the expansion in your social circle, you will attend several weddings and parties. Making new friends will give you a special position in society. Businessmen will make profits through different sources, which will improve your financial conditions.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Cancer

The twelfth and third house of the Cancer natives is ruled by Mercury. During the transitory period, it is posited in your tenth house. Your tenth house is also the house of Karma, which basically signifies career. So, this period will bring certain ups and downs in the lives of the Cancer natives. You have to face certain challenges in professional life. However, your efforts will give you the chance to attain success. Your relations with your colleagues will strengthen; they will be support you. The natives will enjoy their work and will be satisfied. Some of you can be transferred. Apart from everything, you must focus on your task and complete them with honesty and dedication. Any mistake can ruin your image, so recheck everything before submitting. However, you will have to take an extreme workload. In such a situation, do your tasks carefully and calmly. You might feel de-motivated. Do not lose hope; instead complete each and every task with full dedication. You will have a marvelous time with your family, and this time will bring peace and harmony in your family life. Your parents will be proud of you. Your family, and even your siblings and others will help you out in certain tough situations. Your parents will have a health condition. Your relations with your father will gradually improve with time. Your partner's love for you will increase, and they will respect you for being a responsible person. Cancerians involved in the business will earn good profits through certain investments in properties and assets. This will strengthen their financial status.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Leo

The ninth house of the Leo natives signifies the house of fortune and long-distance journeys. During the transitory period, your ninth house will host the position of Mercury. The people will get a positive impact during this transition period. As Mercury is the lord of your second and eleventh houses, thus positively affecting your financial condition. People will notice economic strength, and you will flourish. You will get to complete your pending tasks and succeed in different fields. Your works giving you stress will finally get done. Your efforts will not go waste, and you will execute your task. Leo natives will get a chance to expand their family business and earn profits. 

Working professionals will also get success. You will have a blissful time with your loved ones, and even your siblings will enjoy your company. They will even come out to support you in need. You will make some serious decisions which will be beneficial in the long run. Your communication skills will prosper and people will tend to like you even more. You will create new connections with some of the delegated members of society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Virgo 

Mercury is the lord of your sign, and this transitory period will prove to be essential for the Virgo natives. Mercury is the lord of your tenth house, also known as the house of Karma. During the time of transition, it will enter your eighth house; generally, this house doesn't hold a promising position though there are several benefits. Working people will have to face certain challenges at work. You will be stressed because your efforts won't give you good results. Don't lose hope and wait for your turn to prove yourself. After some time you will notice some improvement, some of you might also get an increment. Your health might create some serious problems for you; not taking precaution would lead to financial loss and an increase in your expenses. 

The natives can earn profits through some secret sources; they will get to utilize their wisdom and intellect during this period. Natives having Mercury placed on their birth chart will get some positive results. Some past investments will be profitable, and you may also cream your pending debts. Your father's health may get worse, so do proper healthcare. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Libra

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus; Libra's ruling Lord is Venus. Mercury is the lord of your ninth and twelfth houses. During the period of transit, Mercury changes its position and shifts towards the seventh house of Libra. Businessmen will get the advantage of this transit, which will bring a good momentum in your business, even there are chances of expansion of your business. If you are thinking of a new startup, then this is the best time. You will get favorable results, and your efforts will take you to success. You will gain profits through some unexpected sources. 

There are several trips on your card, along with that you will earn benefits and experience through these trips; you will make certain connections with foreign sources, which will give you a huge success. Unmarried people might have the chance of getting married during this duration. You will acquire a good sense of humour, and your communication skills will improve. It will give a boost to your personality too. Your decision making will be precise and give you benefits in the long run. You will earn a special status in society, and some influential people will make connections with you. Your health will be stable; a good diet is recommended.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Scorpio

Mercury is the lord of your eighth and eleventh house, during the transitory period the planet changes its position and shifts towards the sixth house of Scorpio. The natives have to face several challenges during this period, as this transition period will be full of ups and downs. Health-wise, you should take precaution regarding your health, or else some skin issue is indicated. Your speech might hurt someone's sentiment or feelings; you can also get into clashes or arguments. You are recommended to keep a check on expenses, as overspending may become a huge problem for you in future. 

During this period, some friends or family will support you; they will also lend some money. You can also take a loan from a bank to survive this period. However, your endless efforts will pull you out of this drastic situation, and you will be successful. You will be able to clear out your past debts. Working professionals will get into a clash with their seniors, so you should focus on your own tasks and complete them within time. Your rivals will try to dent your image, make sure you don't give them any chance. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Sagittarius 

The seventh and tenth house is ruled by Mercury. The impact of Mercury influences your professional, business and spouse's life. The transition of Mercury will in your fifth house, which will bring a positive impact on your income. You will be able to execute your plans perfectly. You will survive the strongest competition in the market, and your effort will be praised. Working people will get a chance to work with some big brands in the market, which will give you fame and benefits. This duration will be extremely favorable for you and you can get in touch with some reputed businessmen. 

Working people will have to be careful with their rivals, and they might also lose their jobs. However, you will soon get other opportunities. The life of those married will be happy; their efforts and wisdom will make you feel proud and respected in society. They might also get a promotion. Students will improve their concentration and focus on study, and you will also learn new things. Married people can have some good news from their children in the field of study. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Capricorn 

Mercury is the lord of your sixth house, it is known as the house of fortune. During the period of transition, it changes its position and shifts in the fourth house for Capricorn. It is the house of happiness. The transit will bring fruitful impact in the lives of Capricorn natives. You will spend this time by earning a fortune and making profits. This time is best to buy a new vehicle. 

You can spend a blissful time with your family, even your parent's health will remain in good condition. You will get to converse with your relatives through social media, which will make you nostalgic and there will be a soothing atmosphere in your family. There will be some property related issues which need to be settled as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will give birth to certain disputes, and these disputes can harm your wealth or even influence your family life. Your professional front will gain improvement, and your endless efforts will make you an expert in your tasks. Any pending case in court will get resolved at this time which will give you relief. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aquarius

Mercury is the lord of your fifth and eight houses, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and goes in the third house of your zodiac sign. Your third house, according to the Kal Purusha Kundli, is Mercury's house itself, which makes the planet more strengthened and results in improving your communication skills. Students’ will enjoy the benefits through this transit. Their intelligence will improve, and they will focus more on their studies, your efforts would give you good results in various other aspects. There are frequent trips on the cards, though it is recommended to avoid them for some time. There will be some economic and monetary problems. As during the pandemic, it is not so safe to travel with proper precautions. 

This duration will improve your relation with your siblings; you will also help them in certain situations. On the other hand, working officials have certain chances of getting an increment. Your communication skills will attract many people you will make new friends, which will increase your social circle. Some of you might get inclined towards writing and choose this as your profession. Your friends will be by your side, and you will prosper this friendship. You will maintain a good image in society

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Pisces

Mercury being the ruling lord of your fourth and seventh houses will enter through your second house during the transitory period. Your second house indicates the way of speaking. Your sense of humour will get better. People will be able to understand your thoughts and ideas and your intellect will help you win every debate. Though you will have to keep this in your mind that your words can hurt someone's feelings, so you must be aware and alert about the choice of words or else you may regret it later. Businessmen will get enormous benefits during this transit period. Your new and amazing strategies will boost your business, and you will also expand your business. Though you should be a little serious about your investments, it might lead to a huge loss. So do check before investing. 

There will be happiness in your family; you will spend some memorable time with them. Your parent's health will remain stable, and they will praise you for your good work. You will be showered with love. You marital live will prevail love and happiness, though some clashes might occur due to arguments, though you will impress them by giving them a surprise. Single people have the best chance to express their feelings to their loved ones; this time will bring Good luck for the Pisces natives.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Taurus
07 Jun,2023
23 Jun,2023

According to the Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury affects one's intellect, judgment, communication and behavior. The second sign in the series of the zodiac is Taurus, and its ruling planet is Venus, who has a friendly relation with Mercury. Along with that, it signifies one's wishes and desires, strength and rigidity, income and wealth, goals and ambitions, family and friends, etc. The planet Mercury has a ruling nature on the second and fifth house of your zodiac sign, Taurus. The impact of Mercury over you sign gives a favorable impact for the natives and according to the Vedic astrology, your second house signifies one's family relations, business conditions, jobs, talents, and materialistic things like assets, foods, property, resources, etc. There as, your fifth house represents one's creative talents, educational qualification, entertainment, energy and enthusiasm, interest in new things, tuff competition, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aries

The second house of your zodiac sign will host the transition of the planet Mercury. Due to this transit, there will be a favourable impact on one's communication skills and knowledge. You will be able to convey your ideas and thoughts fluently. People will tend to understand your good intentions, and you will get full support from them. Natives involved in part-time or full-time jobs will be supported by their individuals at the workplace; even your confidence in speeches will help you pass the interview rounds easily. Though your speaking abilities might put you in danger, people may get hurt or jealous with your improvement. Some of your speeches may turn into an argument or debates. So you are advised to stay calm and solve each and every situation calmly. People who are involved in the business will get huge profits through different sources. Some of you have great chances of earning profits through inheritance of some property or past investments. Your relationship with your beloved may have some chances of getting weak, so spend quality time with them, try to impress them or gift them something. You will get closer in no time, and you will get to enjoy some of the best moments of your life. Your health will be perfect, though maintain a proper diet and do regular workout. You can also get involved in some sports activities which would keep you fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Taurus 

The transit of Mercury is taking place in your powerful house itself, and the planet will be posited in your first house, which is your ascendant house. You will notice an improvement in your way of conversation; your impressive way of speech will attract many people and give you a strong personality. You will gain a soft-spoken and polite behaviour which will touch everyone's heart. Natives in relationships will enjoy the benefits of this transit, they will create a bond of mutual understanding, and their love will prosper. You will spend this time in peace and harmony. If you are working as a job official, you will get to taste success due to your hard work and dedication, though you are advised to stay away from office politics and focus on completing the tasks before time. Health-related issues will not arise. Still, you need to maintain a proper diet, and regular exercise is strongly advised.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Gemini 

During the transit, the planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, which signifies one's mental stress and ability. During this period, the natives will go through some stressful tasks, both mentally and physically. So, don't put yourself into stress by taking too many tasks and maintaining a balance is necessary. If one's involved in business activities, there are several chances to earn a fortune, and you have to keep a track on your expenses or else spending unnecessary will give you unwanted stress. There is a foreign trip on your card with your beloved, you will spend some memorable time with them, and any kind of distance between you both will be sorted out, and your relationship will get the spark back. Working officials should complete their work in the given time, apart from that they will have a decent earning.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Cancer 

The impact of this planet on your house is going to give you some favourable results. Your eleventh house will host the position of the translating planet. And this period will give you certain benefits in terms of your finance, relationship, family, job, knowledge, patience, etc. The natives will get a chance to make new connections through foreign trade and get extreme benefits in their respective financial fields. Your spouse or your partner will be extremely supportive at this time, your relationship will be prosperous, and you will also develop a sense of mutual understanding with your partner. Some clashes are possible at this time, though you will impress them with your caring nature. Jib officials will get help and support from their seniors, and with their ideas, you will create a good image in your respective fields. This will be very profitable for you in the long term. Don't ignore your health, polluted air and dirty surroundings may affect you badly, so take proper care of yourself and your surroundings. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Leo 

The Mercury share a friendly relation with Venus, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The transit will have a significant impact on one's life. Working professionals will tend to have a more focused mind, and your performance will be praised by your colleagues and seniors. Your excellence and dedication in your work will be the reason for your success. Some of the seniors will give some important favours in the long term. You will be prevailing happiness in your family. Your romantic life will ease your mind, and your beloved partner will support you at every step. The natives will have good health, and join a sports club or doing physical activities will keep them mentally and physically fit. Ignoring your health may affect you negatively in the long term. You will have stable economic conditions and investing in assets or properties will open new doors for earning benefits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Virgo

During the transition period, your ninth house will be hosting the position of the planet Mercury, and your ninth house represents the house of one's travelling and communication. The natives will enjoy the benefits of long term travelling. If you are trying to change your job, this transition period will give you favourable results. The natives having Virgo sign will experience an increase in their social status, and people will tend to start recognizing you because of your good deeds. You will also earn a special status in society. Your relationship will be blissful throughout the period, your partner will try to impress you, and there will special time you both will get to spend with each other. The natives are recommended to stay away from fast food and polluted areas; there will be some minor issues which can be resolved by proper medication. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Libra 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Libra. The Libra native might have to face some unexpected losses, which will bring a bad impact on their financial conditions. You will be more inclined towards learning new things, most of you will specifically indulge yourselves in spiritual learnings. However, you will gain enormous profits through past investments, and due to some inheritance, your luck will be extremely fruitful. There will some clashes between your partner, so you need to handle them with calmness and care. The perfect way to deal with such situations is by paying full attention to your partner, soon your good behaviour will impress them, and you will get closer to them. Some of the married natives will get good news during this transit. Your health will be strong and stable throughout the duration, though ignoring any kind of health problem will bring a negative impact on your body. Working professionals will get into the path of success through their dedication and hard work. Their wisdom and honesty will prove to be beneficial.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus in Scorpio

The impact of the Mercury transit will not be favourable for the Scorpio natives. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the third house of your zodiac sign. The natives will have to face certain challenges during this time. You will notice a change in your way of speaking; this will give both positive and negative impact. You will also face difficulties in your marital life, though, and this relationship will require some strong communication and giving proper time and effort will strengthen it. You are advised to have control over your expenses; otherwise, you are overspending in certain things will lead to a financial loss. People involved in the business will have to stay calm and wait for their time to procure a good position in society. There are chances to gain profits through past investments and some recent ones too. Ignoring your health may put you in danger, so maintaining a proper diet is stronger advised. You should also join a gym or yoga class to keep yourself fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Sagittarius

The impact of this transit will directly affect your house of income and expenditure. During the transition period, your sixth house will host the position of Mercury. Hence there are chances where you might get involved in a dispute or argument. Natives will also witness an increase in their expenditure which can lead over budgeting. Working officials will gain respect, and their honesty and wisdom will attract everyone's mind. You must try to maintain a proper distance from your rivals they would give their best to ruin your good image. There are several trips on your card, which will give you some happy and memorable moments. Your relationship with your spouse will soon get stable, keep control over your short temperament and pay full attention to your partner. The natives are recommended to get a full checkup ignoring any kind of problem in their health will lead to a lot of stress in the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Capricorn 

The process of impact starts with the change in the planet's position. Mercury, during the transitory period, is posited in the fifth house if your zodiac sign and your fifth house represent the house of intellect and knowledge. The natives will witness an increase in their knowledge, and with a good sense of humour applied in different fields, you will earn a higher level of profits. Student natives have the probability of choosing good paths for their success, and in future, they will be successful. If you are single, you will get a chance to propose your lover and even your lover will accept your proposal. You will enjoy this time an spend a memorable moment with your beloved. There are foreign trips on your card, which will be adventurous and you will discover new things in life. The natives will earn respects through your excellent communication skills, and your ideas will attract many people. Natives will also have the chances of getting a good status in society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aquarius 

The transit of Mercury will be posited in the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This period will give excessive gains to individuals. If you are facing any health problem, ignoring it will put your life in danger in the long term. So, take proper precaution and go for a full body checkup. Working natives will have to face certain challenges against their competitors, and your rivals will try to create obstacles in the path. So don't lose hope and give you best to cross each and every hurdle in your path. You will have a romantic relationship with your spouse, and you will also get a chance to spend time with them. So, don't ignore the chance of getting close to your partner. Native who are businessmen are recommended not to invest in anything they are not sure of. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Pisces

During the transport motion of the planet Mercury, the third house of your zodiac sign hosts the position of the planet. This transition will bring a significant increase in their confidence and willpower. You will notice an improvement in your communication skills which would give you certain benefits. You fluent way of communication will be favourable you in a different field. Some of the natives will get good results in their interview. Business natives will get the benefit if this duration. You will play a great role in helping your friends, family and society. Short trips are there on your card. Your marital life will need more attention and love; spending some quality time will give peace and harmony. You will be very efficient at your workplace, and your hard work and honesty will help you in creating a good image of yours. You should maintain your diet and do regular exercise.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Gemini
24 Jun,2023
07 Jul,2023

Mercury is a dualistic planet, and it has both positive and negative impact on the lives of zodiac natives. According to the Vedic Astrology Mercury influences one's technique of speech, honesty, kindness, and even fields of work like business and communication skills. Mercury, during the transit, brings a positive sign and improves one's intelligence and luck. Mercury has a significant impact on different fields if the lives of natives, like communication, partnership, business, studies, finance and marketing, family and friends, marital and love life. During the Mercury transit in Gemini, it impacts on one's health, business, family, travelling, married life, social life, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aries

The third house of your powerful zodiac sign would host the transition of Mercury; this transit will increase one's confidence and will power. The natives will have a positive effect due to this transit; the individuals will perform some good deeds. Student natives will gain focus in their studies and will be more inclined towards learning new things. Your effort and hard work will take you towards the path of success. Working natives will get a chance to work in a stable environment; you will be praised by your seniors and complete every task in time. Married couples will spend some blissful time with their spouses. Your health conditions will be perfectly fine, and you will gain energy which can be adequately utilized in some physical activities like gym or sports. Business natives will earn a good source of monetary inflow during this period, along with that; you will be able to clear out your past debts and plans. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Taurus

The transition period would bring some important opportunity in the life of individuals to earn a profit. As the second house of your zodiac sign will be hosting the Mercury transit, this period will be beneficial for the native related to your business, career, health, family, and others. Some of you will earn enormous benefits through your properties. Disputes regarding your property will be resolved. The flow of income will incredibly escalate. Your relationship status will be fabulous; your partner will support you in every field, though some arguments may arise. You will sort them out easily. Don't share your personal life; it would give a bad impact on your life. About the career of student natives, you will propose in your field, and your efforts will take you through the competitive exams. Working natives are recommended to stay away from office politics as they can affect your image. Health-wise the natives will have to go for a proper checkup and take necessary care for their illness, and any ignorance can lead to huge problems in the long-term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Gemini

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, while the transit the planet will change its position and will be posited in your first house, also known as your ascendant house. Mercury transit in Gemini will bring a favourable impact on the lives of their natives. Your ascendant house represents the house of personality. You will notice a new charm in your personality which will attract people towards you. The natives will increase their friend circle. You will enjoy this period will happiness and harmony. Your speaking skills will be fluent, and people will understand your thoughts and ideas. Married couples will be showered by love from their spouses and blessed by their parents. You parents will support your marital life, and they will eventually like your partner. Working natives are advised to work hard and complete their tasks on time. Avoiding debates will be beneficial for you in future. Some of you also have the chance of getting promoted at this time. Your health conditions will be good, and you will feel energetic, which will help you do other tasks as well. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Cancer

The transition of Mercury will happen in the twelfth house if your zodiac sign, Cancer. Due to this transit, you will notice some unavoidable expenses and some health-related issues. You are recommended to take proper health care, maintaining a proper diet and regular exercise will keep you in good condition as it is a way of releasing mental stress too. There are some foreign trips on your card, which will increase your expenses. You should avoid taking any loan or investing at this duration; otherwise, you may end up in a huge loss. You must focus on spending some quality time with your partner, pay proper attention and avoid any kind of argument. If you are trying to get change or get a new job, then this is the best time to do it. In fact, some new strategies in your business will help you earn profits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Leo

The transition of Mercury in Gemini will influence one's income, wealth, abilities, profession, etc. Your eleventh house is going to host the position of Mercury, thus leaving a significant impact on your income. You will get great chances of increasing your economic conditions. This transit will help you fulfil every desire and necessity of your life. You will prosper through your intellect and positive ideas in your social front, which will be very beneficial for you. You will get enough time to learn new things, explore new places and also some of you may make this as your profession which will give you benefits in the long run. Students might get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies. Some of you will also get admission to a foreign college. Your marital life will have some blissful moments; your partner may have some clashes with you. However, you will handle it smartly and solve it with ease. Your health will remain balanced, and keeping your surrounding clean will help you maintain your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Virgo 

The Mercury will make its transit in the tenth house of your zodiac sign, and your tenth house represents one's professionals and personal life. Thus the transit will give a favourable impact on the life of individuals. You will be more energetic, and working natives will be more focused on completing their work with excellence. Your seniors and colleagues will acknowledge your hard work and effort, which will inspire you to work better and strive for the best. They will even support you in the long run. You love life will remain good; you will be having a happy mood which will please your partner. There will be a sense of mutual understanding, and you will develop a new phase in your relationship. Both of you will maintain dignity and trust with each other. You might get a golden opportunity to travel abroad, which will be beneficial for you in different fields. Your health will remain balanced, though doing exercise or yoga is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Libra

The Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, plays a significant role during the transit. At the time of transit, the planet will be posited in the ninth house of your zodiac sign which will lead to certain financial and economic gains. This is the best time to invest, and you will earn the maximum profit. Apart from that, you should check every possible background before investing. Ignoring any kind of issues might lead to a huge loss in future. Your social front will gain improvement and people will start knowing. You might even get into contact with some delighted members of society. There are certain trips to abroad base on your work which will also be beneficial for your business. Working natives should do their work with full dedication and hard work. Married natives have to pay attention to their spouse, as during this period, they will need your support both mentally and physically. You will need this duration with happiness and harmony. Your family member will be proud of you. Your mother's health will remain stable. Though you are advised to keep a distance from office politics, it may ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Scorpio

The strongest Planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transitory period. Thus at the time of transition, the planet shifts towards the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Scorpio. This transition brings several positive impacts as well as some negative ones too. The natives will witness certain profits through different sources; there are some chances of small losses which will not affect your financial condition. Apart from that, you will be able to maintain financial stability during this period. Natives who are married or in a relationship will face several quarrels and clashes with their beloved though this won't go long, you will easily solve it with your impressive and patient heart. In no time, you will be closer to them and spend this duration in happiness and satisfaction. Ignoring your health during this time will give you some negative impacts in future; it may also lead to some serious health problems. So you should take proper precautions regarding your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Sagittarius

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house and has a significant influence in one's communication skill, profits, promotions, expenses and health. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign, Sagittarius. Thus this transit will bring some profits in your house. Your financial condition will improve. Business natives will earn through some secret sources or past investments, which will help them, pay their debt. Working natives will also have some advantages, and there are chances of you getting a promotion at your work front. Join a sports club or doing physical activities will burn some weight you have gained sitting back at home during the pandemic. You will have some clashes with your spouse, they will dominate you with their feelings, though you will impress them with your entertaining skills like funny dialogues and distractions. Overall this transit will prove to be profitable for the Sagittarius natives.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Capricorn

The impact of Mercury transit will be favourable for native in their field of success and workplace. During the period of transition, the planet will change its position and will be posted in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Natives will witness positive development in their financial condition. Working officials will do an incredibly terrific job, which will be praised by their seniors, and some of the natives also have the chance of getting a promotion during this period. Thus this will bring an increase in your income. This period will bring benefits in terms of business; you will earn profit through different sources. Some of you will get benefits through property investment. Your health conditions will be critical due to some injury; you will feel weak and dizzy. Maintaining a strong diet is necessary; take proper medications to prevent infection. Your marital life will gain stability; even fights and clashes will not set you apart. Your love for your partner will be infinite; they will need proper attention and support at the same time. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aquarius

During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This transit has a positive impact on one's intellect and knowledge. Natives will have good communication skills. They will attain enormous success with the blend of communication and intellect. Working officials will gain increment, which will give them the confidence to invest in assets and other fields. Business natives will also get the advantage of this transit, natives will earn excess profits, and this is the best time to invest. You will gain a special status in society. Your social circle will increase. Your love life will be prosperous; even your partner will support you at every step. Your partner will be the biggest reason for your success. Pay proper attention to them, and you will also get some quality time to spend with them. Your health may deteriorate, so take proper precaution for your health, do regular exercise or yoga and maintain your diet. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Pisces 

The powerful and enlightened planet Mercury is the ruling lord of your houses. Your fourth house will host the position of Mercury during the transition period. There will be a significant impact on one's love life and professional life. You will spend some of the memorable moments of your life, your parents will shower you with the blessing, and they will support you at everything you do. This is a good time to purchase a new car or a house. You will earn tremendous success in the workplace; you need to stay focused and avoid laziness or office politics. Your enemies will try to ruin your image whenever they get the chance, so play smart. Your partner will need full attention as they will be doing a terrific job at their place; this will make your image look good in society too. Make them feel good and courageous for their good deed. Health-wise you will stay fit and fine, and you will be joining a sports club or a gym which would be beneficial for you.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Cancer
08 Jul,2023
24 Jul,2023

The transit of the planet Mercury on Capricorn would leave a negative impact on the zodiac sign Cancer. It affects emotion and nature. As Cancer is a representation of a cardinal water sign, so during this transit, you will notice a change in your behaviour and way of talking. You will be more affluent though you will think and react in the impulse of your feeling, which sometimes might be of love and compassion and sometimes will be fear and possessiveness. And this transit will affect your concentration in different field like studies and work. You who have perspective will personal feeling will be involved the most. So there is a list of things you have to take care during this duration of transit.


इस पेज को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए बुध का कर्क राशि में गोचर पर क्लिक करें।


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aries Sign

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and leaves an impactful effect on your zodiac signs. During this transit, it changes its position and shifts toward your fourth house of the Aries, as the fourth house represents the house romantic relationship. The impact of Mercury gives a favourable effect on the Aries. Married couples would enjoy the benefits and have a happy and peaceful married life. In the field of professionals, you will attain good results due to your hard work and honesty. Even the working official will get maximum support from your senior staff and colleagues, getting praised and uplifted for your hard work. Property related issues are going to get resolved, and there are chances of constructing a new house. You should take care of your physical, mental and spiritual health. It is recommended to do exercise and yoga regularly, that would help you stay fit.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Taurus Sign

The transit of Planet Mercury will be favourable for people having the zodiac sign Taurus. During this transition, the planet will be posited in your third house, and this will positively affect your energy and enthusiasm in completing tasks and taking full responsibilities. The individual will notice a boost up in your personal skills like communication, hardwood, and cooperation, which would help them strive for a good fortune. Short trips are there on the native's card, which would bring joy and happiness. Your marital life would be great, and you will have excellent terms with your spouse. You are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health and maintain your fitness by doing regular exercise in order to stay healthy.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Gemini Sign

The impact will have a significant effect on Gemini and will increase your communications skills. During the transit, the planet will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Gemini. The house denotes communication skills. You would be able to converse fluently and win the heart of people with your attractive speeches. Probably, this would be the perfect time to invest in capitals and earn huge profits through your assets like properties and others. You would do the job, and so you are requested to stay calm and focus on your own work; your efficiency and hard work will give good results. Apart from that, you should not get involved in any office politics if found so you will face backlash and bad circumstances. Regarding your health condition, it is necessary to keep yourself fit and doing regular excessive or yoga is the best way to keep going. Ignoring your health might put you in danger, and you may have some health issues.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Cancer Sign

Because the transit is happening in your own house, the impact in this transit will be very strong, and you would face some issues and problems in a different field. During the transition period, the planet Mercury will move towards the first house of your zodiac sign. The first house indicated health, and you would face some serious issues regarding your health, so it is advised to get a regular health checkup, and proper medical treatment is very necessary. Ignoring a single thing regarding your health might put you in a crucial condition during this duration. Apart from that, your financial condition will be in your favour, you might get support from foreign nations or countries, so this is the best time to invest. You at the workplace might get distracted, resulting in late submission of your work, so be concerned about it and increase your working pace. The love life will remain peaceful, and you will get to know each other better. Your partner will understand your better and your relationship will be romantic; you will get your relationship's missing spark and have a memorable time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Leo Sign 

This transit will be a little difficult, though relaxing for Leo's. During the transition planet Mercury will make its position in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of the transit would lead to an increase in the expenditure, and so you are advised to have control over your expenses and maintain a proper account to check the excess flow of money. Leo must face business-related issues and must take help from the professionals. You are expected to go on trips. You might have jobs have huge chances of getting a promotion. You might face a problem with in terms of your health, so you are advised to do regular exercise or yoga, you can also play any sports in order to keep themselves fit and free from diseases.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Virgo Sign

The impact of Mercury will have a strong impact in terms of your health. During the transition, the planet will move towards the eleventh house of your zodiac sign Virgo. This transition will be very favourable for you in terms of health and harmony. People will notice a gradual increase in your communication skill, and you will attract people with a positive and honest mindset. Your social circle will increase, and your loved one will truly enjoy the company. You will make new friends, and you will maintain a trustworthy relation towards you, even you will tend to support your emotionally and mentally. You working in jobs will earn respect, and you will reap the fruits of hard work. Business You will earn a maximum profit and will earn a good return from your investment and assets. You might have a new relationship, and you will impress them with your charisma.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Libra

As soon as the transition begins, the planet Mercury would gradually move into the powerful tenth house, which means that the lifestyle and living standards of your family would get better. You could also get many sources of income and also invest your money in abroad. Natives would also witness a change in their career, which would eventually escalate your professional life. Along with that, you must also focus on eating healthy, sleeping on time and do a regular checkup. Do not forget to take precaution as it might affect your health in future.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Scorpio Sign

There is both a positive and negative impact on your card. The planet Mercury is known to be the strongest planet; it is also the Lord of Zodiac houses as well. During the transition, the planet shifts its position into the ninth house of the zodiac sign, which gives some positive and as well as negative impact in your lives. Your health will remain stable, and you will have a normal family life. Your relationship will not bother you, and you will be happy with your lover. Apart from that business professional have the best time to increase your wealth, this is the best time for the investment you will get fruitful results. You wishing for travelling abroad can finally fulfil your dream. Working professionals are advised to keep doing your hard work and maintain your honesty and focus in your jobs, and you need to be careful with your opponents you will surely try to ruin your image and distract you from your task.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Sagittarius Sign

The impact of Mercury transit can be pressuring for some of you during this time. Due to the transit taking in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, you might have to face various obstruction your lives. In terms of health, you have to precaution to avoid any kind of problem. Health is a very important factor in your life; your mental stability also depends on your health. So you are recommended to do physical activities like regular exercise or yoga, you can also join a sports club and indulge yourself in sports to maintain your health. You working at jobs are required to finish your tasks in time, you have to focus on your tasks to avoid any delays, or else you have to face sudden pressure and deadlines. Business professionals can take amazing advantage of this time, you will earn good profits in terms, and any economic constraints will be sorted out during this transition period. Tough if you notice a change in your communication skills, you have to be careful and decisive about your speech.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Capricorn Sign

During this period, there will be a positive impact on the native's life. During the transitory period, the planet will change its position and will shift towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign. Your seventh house represents the house of career and responsibility. You will notice a gradual increase in your energy and enthusiasm. You will be able to finish your day will full enjoyment and happiness without any complaint. The couple will be happily satisfied with your marital life, you will have outstanding communication with your spouse, and you will maintain this relationship for a long time. Job representatives will impress your donors with your dedication and hard work; you will be able to manage things easily and complete your tasks with ease and excellence. Businessmen are required to stay calm and not hurry in investing, and you should avoid any kind of investment in dealing particularly at this time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aquarius sign 

The transit of the planet Mercury leaves a significant impact on the Aquarius You. During the transitions, the powerful planet will move towards the sixth house of your zodiac sign which signifies the house of expenses. Tough you will notice an increase in your expenses. Still, you will be able to sort every debt and loans on your head during this time. So, just try to lower down your expenses apart from that you are good to go. It would be effectively beneficial for you to keep yourself fit and healthy. You can do such by joining a sports club or doing other physical activities like exercises and yoga, ignoring your health would be bad for the long run. You might work harder still your luck will not favour you, but don't get distracted by watching your colleagues getting promoted, instead work harder and honestly to attain success. You will get enormous time to hang out with your spouse or your loved ones, share your thoughts and mindset, give them space to understand you and your intentions, and you will surely get closer to you.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Pisces Sign

The Pisceans will enjoy the favour of this transit. As the transit of the powerful planet, Mercury will be taking its place in your fifth house, which would eventually increase in your knowledge and sensibility. In fact, this transit is going to give you enormous financial gains and investing would a great opportunity to earn profits this time. Your connection with your spouse or your loved ones will be very peaceful, and you will soon get to understand and know each other, your partner will support you at every step. You doing jobs will not be able to make any achievement, though will dedication in your work and focus will slowly help them out to get through this time. Undoubtedly, it is significantly important to have a healthy body to keep you going for a long period. You should have a controlled diet and should avoid fast food. Ignoring any kind of issue related to health can be very harmful in the long run. So, it's better to take proper health precautions and going for a regular checkup is necessary, native can also do physical activities like yoga or play sports.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Leo
25 Jul,2023
30 Sep,2023

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet and has a significant impact on your Zodiac sign. The Mercury is very influential over your sign, and it changes your way of thinking, boosts up your confidence, increases your communication skills, pushes your mind towards an optimistic view, gives space to your mind to have a greater thought process. Even Mercury over Leo makes their natives unchallengeable, and this is also the reason for Leo's arrogance. This time can be a little dangerous as they would not listen to anyone's advice and think their ideas are the only way to proceed. This period is going to prove very profitable for the natives in terms of financial condition, and they will notice an increase in their income and they will also have a side earning from some secret sources. The natives might face some difficulties in their professional life, and some obstacles are there on their card, though we all know that hard work is the key to success, so with extreme hard work and absolute dedication, they will be able to achieve success.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Aries

The transition in the planet Mercury in Leo is going to be very lucky for your Zodiac Sign Aries. You children might bring some good news to you which will make you feel good. Aries natives working might have to give their best efforts at their workplace; you will have to take some huge responsibilities during this period of time. There are several trips on your card, which can be either personal or professional. Natives trying for a baby will surely get positive results. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo on Taurus Sign

During the transition, the planet Mercury shifts to their fourth house of the natives. This time is going to be full of ups and downs for the Taurus natives, and you should take serious care of your parents, especially your mother's health. There is a huge chance of getting backstabbed by your friends, so keep an eye over your friends and see if someone has that kind of mindset. On the other hand, starting something new at work will give you a good profit and would be very beneficial for you. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Gemini

While during the transition planet Mercury will be posited in your third house, which is also called 'Parakram Kshetra'. With the transit, you will notice a gradual increase in your energy and would feel more enthusiastic. Though, you have to lower down your spirits or else you may get into serious arguments which mill cause friction between you and your siblings. You will also have some issues with your family during this time. There are some frequent tasks as a part of work in your card, which can be personal also. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Cancer

This time Mercury will not be posited in your zodiac sign. So the transition will not favour you, you have to take all your decisions calmly and should have a calm and peaceful mind. You have to handle your family issues and especially while having any disagreement with your cousins and siblings as luck will not be in your favour, so it's better to avoid arguments. You need to have control over your expenses as this time you may get over budget. Lending someone money would result in loss so better make sure you do not lend anyone during this period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Leo

The transit of Mercury in your Zodiac sign will indicate your financial status. You will earn a huge profit in terms of business. Though you need to take proper precautions regarding your health, keep yourself fit during this transition. You will be stressed in taking decisions for your future aspects. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Virgo

The Mercury is the strongest, and during its transit, it is posited in your 12th house, which signifies health and finance. During this time, you need to have control over your expenses or else it may lead to overburdening. There are several trips on your card, and you need to take proper precautions throughout your trip. Natives trying for travelling or applying for a job may get the chance this time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Libra 

Labh Ghar means the house of profits is your eleventh house, and the Mercury transit will be posited in your eleventh house as well. For people who have delayed their vacation or road trip from a long time due to their busy schedule will finally get a chance to travel. Amidst all this the transit is going to prove good for the Libra natives and they will stay safe and satisfied during this period of time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Scorpio

The planet Mercury dusting this transit will be posited in your house known as Karm Kshetra, and this is the best time for a new startup. The natives who are unemployed and are thriving for jobs will sadly have to wait a little longer but don't worry, and you will surely eat the fruit for your patience later.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Sagittarius

Bhagyasthan, the ninth house of your Zodiac sign will be posited by Mercury during its transition in Leo. This transit would be extremely favourable for married couples; they will have a happy and peaceful relationship. Unmarried people may also get the chance to have a successful marriage. This is the best Mahurat to have Pooja at your home, and you will surely be successful in achieving your aims. There are some chances of delay in your work; however, you will get through it from hard work and dedication.

Impact of Mercury in Leo for Capricorn 

The powerful planet Mercury will be posited in your eight houses during this transit which will be very challenging for the natives. You must be immensely careful for your physical as well as mental health, especially your food consumption should be healthy, and you should do exercise regularly. Take proper rest in order to keep your mind and body peaceful. Stay alert against your enemies; they might create some obstacle. Apart from that, handle every task and issue with care and total dedication.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Aquarius 

The Mercury transition will be posited in your seventh house, which will be very favourable for the Aquarians. Unmarried natives might get a chance to have a life partner. In fact, natives already in the process of discussing an alliance with their in-laws will be beneficial. You are suggested to stay away from communicable disease and take proper care of your own health and stay fit. Natives trying to have a baby will surely get positive results.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Pisces 

This transition will not be favourable for you as The planet will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Proper determination and confidence will help you out during this crucial time. Hard work and dedication will give you good results to pay off all the challenges and obstacles. You might have a quarrel with your family, so keep a cool mind and calmly solve your issues.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Virgo
01 Oct,2023
18 Oct,2023

The incredible planet Mercury is the ruling lord of Virgo, and during the transition period, the planet changes its position and brings an influential impact on different fields of one's life. The Mercury transit has an impact over one's way of communication, helping others, family, finance, intellect, marital life. This transit will be influential on each of the signs in the zodiac circle as Mercury's rulings nature is over one's communication, technology, and travel. This transit will bring some favourable impact on the lives of natives. You will be able to notice an inclination towards learning, the chance of travelling to your desired places, one's status in the society. Hence Mercury plays a critical role in the lives of natives. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aries 

The planet Mercury will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Your sixth house will also host the position of the sun. Thus the Aries natives will face the impact of two planets, and there will be a formation of 'Budh Aditya Yog'. Therefore this transition period will heal all your injuries, health issues you were facing for a long time. Working officials will face excessive success in their respective fields, and you will be praised for your hard work and honesty, you may also defeat all your opponents in the office and will prove yourself aa the strongest competitor in your office. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and properties; there is a good chance you will be able to pay every debt. It's is expected to have a little bit control over your expenses; spending too much might lead to over budget. Your married life would be full of happiness and harmony, though paying attention and spending time with your partner will keep you away from clashes and arguments. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Taurus 

During the period of transit, planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in your fifth house, along with the Mercury, Sun will be posited in the same house. Both being in the same house would create favourable impacts on your house, Taurus. The love life of Taurus natives will prosper; you will get to spend some of the blissful moments with your partner. You will have a sense of mutual understanding with your spouse. There are some arguments and clashes between you both, though you have to handle it with patience and try to impress them. Some of the natives will gain interest in spiritual studies and religious concepts at this duration. This would be the perfect time to buy a car or property; you will be successful in it. You have to take proper precautions regarding your health. Your mother's health is going to be perfect; any past problem in her health will tend to heal during this period. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Gemini

This transit will bring a positive impact in the lives of the Gemini natives, the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Gemini will host the position of the planet. There as, your fourth house represents one's well-being and happiness. There is a sign of gaining inheritance to some of your ancestral properties, and you will also gain good profits through these properties or assets. The powerful Mercury and sun being in the same house will bring luck in your life, and you will reap the fruits of benefits during this time. Natives who are not living with their parents will get to meet them, and you will show love and care towards your parents. You will also get some quality time to spend with them. You will have good terms with your siblings and relatives. Your relationship will gain momentum, and you will spend some memorable time with your partner. Working officials will get into the path of success, though they have to stay away from office politics or else your opponents would try to ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Cancer 

It is the third house of your zodiac sign will host the transition period of Mercury. Your third house is also known as Parakram Sthan. The transit of Mercury in your house will increase your energy, give you a positive mind and brings good luck in the field of work. The combination of Mercury and Sun will bring a favourable impact on your house by enhancing your confidence, patience, communication skills, and intellect. You will feel powerful during this time, and you will have absolute clarity in your thoughts and ideas, people will tend to get attracted by you, and you will be able to accomplish every task with perfection. Working officials will enjoy the benefits of this transit, some of you will get promoted, which would bring you out of stress. Though you may get overconfident sometimes due to your short temper you will get involved in arguments, so keep calm and don't engage yourself in such problems which will ruin your good image. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and other sources. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Leo 

The Mercury transit is going to take place in the second house of the individuals, and the conjunctions of Mercury and Sun will bring a positive impact over your sign, Leo. You will get some good news during this time, Leo natives involved in business fields will gain enormous profits through different sources, and you will also have a good chance to receive profits through ancestral property or past investments. This profit might help you to clear out your debts. You will have a good sense of humour, and your communication skill will help you make new friends. Natives who are involved in the field of media, law, or sales professionals will earn huge benefits. Students preparing for competitive exams have to focus on their studies, which is the only way to score good results. Your love life will be standing, and you will spend a happy time with your family. Apart from that, your parents will have a blissful time with you. The working official has to stay away from office politics. The natives will have a perfect health condition.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Virgo 

The transition of Mercury will occur in your own sign, thus creating a Budh Aditya Yoga formation. The Mercury and Sun will collaborate, and both their positioning will be in your first house, which is your ascendant house. The natives will be fortunate during this time period. Your superiors will highly support and respect you for your dedication and hard work. You will be praised, and everyone will be impressed by your timing. Stay alert from your rivals; they will give their best to ruin your image. There is a family trip on your card, you will spend some blissful time with your family at this duration, your partner will support you, and both of you will develop a sense of mutual understanding, which will reduce your clashes and arguments. Health-wise, you are recommended to do regular exercise or yoga in order to keep yourself fit and fine. Maintaining your health will also be beneficial for you as it would ease up your mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Libra

The planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, along with that sun will take the same position, and their conjunction will show ups and downs in your life. The natives have to work really hard in every field to attain success. The working people will have to take certain responsibilities, which would increase your work pressure and put you in stress. Don't worry and you must take this as a test and give your best to complete your tasks responsibly. The natives will witness an increase in expenses, so you are advised to have control over your daily expenditure and prevent your overspending. The Libra native will spend some memorable time with their family, and your spouse will be very supportive with you during this time. Your health will remain stable. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Scorpio

The impact of the transit will give favourable results to the Scorpio natives. During the transit the Planet Mercury will change its position and will shift towards your eleventh house, your eleventh house is also known as the Labh Ghar or the house of profits in Vedic Astrology. So the combination of Sun and Mercury will improve your financial condition, there are chances of financial gain through different sources. Natives having problems with their overspending habit will finally get a way to stop it. You will finally get some saving schemes which will help you in the long term. Apart from that, you are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health, any ignorance in terms of health will put you at risk. Stay away from fast food and maintain a proper diet. There are several personal and professional trips on your card. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Sagittarius 

The Sagittarius natives will host the position of Mercury in their tenth house, where the house is also known as Karyakhetra or working house in Vedic Astrology. The natives will enjoy the benefits during this transitory period. Working natives will go excessively good in respective fields, and you will be praised by your staff for your brilliant work. You will also have a chance of getting an increment or a promotion. Native who are deciding to change their job will get total success. Your family front will remain happy, and your siblings will also maintain good relations with you. Your partner may shower you will love and support you in every difficult situation. Your health will remain stable, though a checkup will help you in preventing problems for the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury changes its position during the transitory period, and your ninth house hosts the transition. Your ninth house represents one's confidence and enthusiasm. The natives will get the favour of luck and support during this duration. After this transit, the natives will notice an increase in one's intelligence and memory power and which will help you attain success in different aspects of life. Working natives will get to use their luck in the work front, initially gaining success. This is the best time to confront your feelings to your loved ones. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aquarius

The transition of the Planet Mercury will take place in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, which would have both positive and negative impact on the lives of individuals. Your disputes with your father or any elder will finally have closure, and you will spend the duration in harmony, you will get to spend some blissfully time with your family. Natives in relationships will get a chance to convert their love into marriage, though they will face certain difficulties in doing so. However, you will find a way to clear every arising dispute; just don't lose patience. There are high chances of gaining through some unexpected sources during this transit. Your friends and family will give you full support at every step of your life. Married couples will get great chances to get closer to each other. Your health will remain good, though doing some physical activity like playing sports or doing exercise is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Pisces 

The transition of planet Mercury will take place in the third house of a zodiac sign. The Pisces natives will not enjoy the transit, as there will not be any favourable outcomes. They will have to go through some stressful things like bad health, loss in business, disputes etc. Your health will be affected by the change in the climate. You are recommended to take proper healthcare during this transit. Natives who are in the field of jobs will remain safe from their rivals. Natives who are planning to change their jobs are advised to wait for some more time as this time might be a little crucial for them. Single natives trying to get married should remain careful as their rivals will try to ruin their image. Married natives will spend this time will no particular issue, though you need to give proper attention to your partner and sending more time will help you know each other better.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Libra
19 Oct,2023
05 Nov,2023

The transit of the planet Mercury has a significant effect on your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the strongest planet and is also referred to as the messenger of God, famed for its logic, along with enormous skills and swiftness. Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, and Venus is the ruling planet for Libra. Thus Libra being a moon sign and signifies by air creates a purification to the speech of the natives due to this transit. It helps in improving your communication skills which would attract people and would be beneficial for you. It increases your creative abilities and gives you a mature mindset. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aries

The transit of the planet Mercury will not be in your favour. During the transit the Planet Mercury will be posited in your seventh house, the seventh house of your Zodiac sign is the house of your marital life. Determination of one's partnership in various fields of life is very important in terms of astrology. Though the transition period is not going to favour the Aries natives, they might face some serious health issues. If you don't take proper care, you might get some severe disease mainly related to your skin, and you should surely consult a specialist for the skin. Working professionals might get some stress related to work, and any kind if the effort is going to be a waste, so the natives are advised to spend some time to relax rather than taking stress. They can give some time to do something they love like their hobbies, so they could feel lighter and energetic again. Native's marital life will also be a little stress, you would get annoyed, and there will be many misunderstandings which would make you upset. So talk to your partner properly and try to sort it out simply rather than making a fuss out of it. This unfavorable transit will bring distraction in your economic life as well, and you will get into a quarrel with your family members also. You have to take proper care at your expenses, or else your expenses might get overburden. Try to save during this period of time. Trips are there on the cards of business natives, though they would not earn enough profits. Have patience and don't lose hope, after the transit ends you will be back in your normal life.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Taurus 

The planet Mercury has a very friendly term with Libras ruling planet Venus, while its transit the planet is put towards the sixth house of you zodiac sign Taurus which will be favourable for them. Students working hard for their studies will definitely get good results at the end. You will notice a certain improvement in your way of speaking, you will be easily communicating with people, and everyone will be impressed by your logic and humour. Natives competing in debates will surely attain success. You will be interested in literature and in reading various books, novels, magazines, etc. You will defeat every opponent standing against you, your confidence will break all the obstacles, and your performance will gradually increase. People of this zodiac sign, who are influenced by the bull, will be very successful in the field of writing and gain enormous fame. Even, they are a centre of attraction in social media and will influence many people due to your communication skills. There are many trips on your card with your lover, you will be able to spend a memorable time with your lover, and your relationship will prosper during this transit. Married natives would also enjoy the same advantages and will be one step closer to each other and create a better understanding.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Gemini 

The Mercury transit will be posited in your fifth house, which is known as the house of progeny, it signifies your children, education and knowledge. This transit will be favourable for the Gemini natives; your relation with your family will get stronger. spend more time with the younger members of your family. You will get to have a happy family trip or picnic during this duration. Your will be filled with joy and happiness, And you will spend a memorable time with your family and get closer to them. If your mom's health was at a decline from a long time, this transit would improve your mom's condition too, and she will be in good health by now. Student natives with the zodiac sign Gemini will gain interest in learning new things, they may specifically try to get involved in the field of religion and spiritual subjects and spend more time in learning religion and scriptures. You will also feel for someone of your opposite gender; both of you will have a memorable time and will enjoy each other's company. However, this relationship would be a temporary one. People trying for a baby might have a chance of getting a twin. In an overall basis, this transit is going to be very precious and memorable for the Geminis.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Leo

The planet Mercury during its transit will be positioned in the third house of the Leo natives, the house of courage and valour. You will notice a particular change in your speaking, and you will be able to communicate fluently with others. On the other hand, people would understand you better. Your relation with your family will remain as it was, on the other hand, you might have some quarrels with your siblings, so take care of that and try to solve it out with the help of your family. You will lose interest in your ambitions and might feel lazy, because of this you will be financially weak too. Though your friend circle will increase and you will enjoy more with your friends. You might feel physically and mentally weak, maybe because of over thinking, so calm yourself down don't think too much, to have a peaceful mind you can do pranayam or yoga and get yourself back.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Virgo 

The second house of the zodiac sign Virgo signifies one's money, wealth, speech, etc. which in accordance with the 'Kalpurush Kundli'. The transit of Mercury takes over this house and may affect the natives in a positive way. You will have a good connection with your family, and they will understand your good intentions and hard work you do for them, you will be successful in impressing them by your speeches and mindset. You will have delicious dishes at home, which would keep you fit and healthy. Apart from your family, your communication skills will also attract everyone at your workplace, they will start respecting you, and you will have a good image in front of them. If you have some juniors working underneath you, motivate them and help them out with everything related to work. This would increase their affection towards you and will respect your more, and you will surely notice an increase in their work pace. People in the field of business will get profits from their schemes and ideas. Students preparing for the competitive exam will get success from their hard work during this period of time.

Impact of Transit of Mercury in Libra on Libra 

According to the 'Kalpurush Kundli,' the transit will take place in your own house, and the planet Mercury which signifies speech and intellect will be posited in your first house which is your ascendant house. The first house of your zodiac sign Libra signifies health, nature, and knowledge. The planet Mercury is known as the strongest planet, and a friend of Venus would leave a positive impact on your personality and in the aspect of life. Though you should take proper care of your health at this time, regular exercise and yoga will keep your health balanced and mind peaceful. You get excellent results in your professional field, your hard work will pay off, and you will perform better at your workplace. Libra native involved in the fields of business will earn huge profits. Apart from that, new starters are recommended to take care of their expenses and or else they might face over budget. Your overall expenses would be stable though due to some expenses might incur due to the health problems of your family member. Students native have to take some serious decisions regarding their future, and they should take advice from their family members as well before taking any final decision. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Scorpio

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet, and the transit it leaves a significant impact over the natives of Zodiac sign Scorpio. During its transit, the planet is posited in your twelfth house. Your twelfth house, according to the Kalpurush Kundali, is known as the house of expenditure. The impact of Mercury transit on your Sign will not be favourable for you. You should take care of your expenses, have a proper account of your spending and spending too much on daily life itineraries would lead to over budgeting. You should make a proper budget plan in order to be successful in getting control of your spending. Students may get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies will get a chance to fulfill their ambitions. Scorpio natives working in the field of business would get a chance to go on trips, though they won't feel good about it and would be annoyed with the trip. Stay alert as your opponents they will try to put obstacles to distract you, take proper precautions. This transit will affect you negatively; your health might deteriorate. You should take proper care of your health, especially your mental health, this duration will give you excess stress which will also lead to appetite loss. Students have to do hard work, intact they might ignore their studies right now. People who are married should maintain a good relationship with their spouse and try to understand their sentiments. If you don't give proper attention to your spouse, it might lead to quarrels and conflict between you both. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Sagittarius

The Mercury is the strongest planet and having friendly relation with Venus; it leaves a very important impact in your Zodiac sign. During the transition of Mercury In Libra on your Sign, the planet shifts its position to the eleventh house, which implies the house of profits. This means that this transit will prove favourable for the Sagittarius natives. There are huge chances of getting your money from someone you have lent to, and it would save from a huge debt issue. Natives planning for something big can execute during this duration and earn huge profits. You will open new doors of happiness with your family, and your relatives will be very helpful during this time and help you in gaining profits which will increase your financial condition. During this transit natives in the profession of the job will enjoy benefits like getting help from their colleagues and have a good time hanging out with their friends. Couples who have recently got married will enjoy an amazing time with each other and get closer to on other too, there is a huge possibility that they might be blessed with a baby and their relationship will loyal with each other. Student natives can enjoy this duration rather than taking stress in their studies if necessary, taking help from seniors will solve their issues.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Capricorn 

The impact of Mercury would get the natives charged, keep them energetic and enthusiastic. The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in their tenth house of the Zodiac Sign Capricorn, which signifies the house of work. The tenth house is also known as the house of Karma Bhava, which may be the reason for your increase in energy and excitement during this period of time. Natives associated in the professional field will be receiving amusing results of their hard work, and they will be praised at their workplace because of completing their task before time. The natives might get increments in their salary too. Apart from that person with the business profession, there are possibilities that you will earn good profits during this duration of time. You will surely defeat your enemies. Your logic and humor will prove to be very impactful on others, including your opponents. You will be the hero of your family you will be able to understand and solve everyone's problems and will create a good image in front of everyone. The love life of the natives will be very favourable too, they will get to hang out with each other, and during this time they will get to know each other, and everything they do will attract you towards them. On the other hand, the student natives are required to take more care of their health rather than putting mental pressure on their studies. As we know, a healthy mind keeps a body fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aquarius 

The Mercury transition taking place on Aquarius will leave an impactful effect on the Sign, the planet will be posited in their ninth house of the Aquarius natives, and as per the Kalpurush Kundli, the ninth house signifies one's religious, luck and fortune. Though, due to this transit, you may have to face difficulties and obstructions in your life. You have to give your level best performance to achieve good results. The natives will earn profit in terms of financial fields, though there will an increase in their expenditures for some reasons. There are trips on your card, and it is recommended to avoid them for a little bit or postponed your trip unless there is a case of emergency. Your family life will also stay on the decline in terms of relation; you will get into quarrels because of your pride and conflicts with your siblings are also possible. Apart from that, your love life will remain balanced. It would be very beneficial for the student natives to keep a distance from their friends as they would distract you from your studies. Other than that your hard work will prove to be good during this transit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Pisces 

During the planetary movement the planet Mercury will make its transit in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, your eight houses which are also known as the Ayu Bhava signifies longevity. You will receive favourable results due to the transit. You will notice an improvement in the field of finance, the natives will get chance to pay off their debts and free from any stress, and they will be left with some money for future savings too. The natives working as professionals, will get praised and known for their wit, and honest work, along with those natives who wish to change jobs will be successful in getting a new one. People in the field of business should not haste and make a mistake; rather, they should consult someone experienced and then implement their ideas. You mothers health will be at stake, so natives are serious about your mother health take her to a doctor before anything serious happens. 

Due to the impact of Mercury transit, the natives will have interest in studying mysterious science subjects like astrology, mythology, etc. You will create a good image in your social life people will tend to follow your thought and get your advice during this time period.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Scorpio
28 Dec,2023
06 Jan,2024

The influence of Mercury in Scorpio increase you focus towards all resources. Mercury is a dualistic planet and transit of Mercury in Scorpio will increase your thinking capability, strengthen your intellect and boosts up your confidence. You will be able to compete with every challenge in your life and overpower them. Scorpio sign is represented as the warrior of the zodiac. So natives with this sign will always have to think their way out instead of worrying about it if you are getting tensed about each and every task than you will suffer. Make your own choice, choose your own path, whether it is worrying or thinking. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aries 

The transit of Mercury will influence due to its change in position, and the planet will be posited in the eighth house of your Zodiac sign Aries. According to the Kundali, the eight houses is represented as the significator of life and expectancy and enlightenment. There will be many changes faced by the natives have to face during this time. However, your economic condition will improve during this period. You will gain profits, and different doors of monetary resources will be open for you. People who are planning to take any loan will be successful at this time. Working officials will have to face some challenges, apart from that they have to be patient or else hasting at any point will put you in stress. You will develop an interest in learning spiritual subjects, and your thoughts and ideas will ache accordingly. Natives who have set one's cap for PhD degree will get favourable results. You siblings will go through a tough time during this time, and you will have to help them out and solve their problems. There are several trips on your card, though you be careful at the time of self-driving. Your health condition will be down, so you are required to maintain your diet and do physical activities. Your spouse will also have a source of earning, which will ease things up and will be handy for you too. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Taurus

The transit of evolutionary Mercury will take place in the seventh house of your zodiac sign Taurus. Your seventh house is signified as the house of marital life, partner and business partners. The impact of Mercury transit is going to give good results for the married natives; they will respect each other and have a term of mutual understanding. People in relationships will spend a beautiful time and carry out romantic conversations, and this time will strengthen your relationship. Even, some of you will propose to your partner for marriage, and some problems may arise still you will be finding out away. One's in the field of work will get benefits through this transit, new opportunities will arise for you during this time. Natives looking for a new job will be successful. You will also gain extreme profits in the field of business; even your partnership business will prosper. You would always be at peace and witness harmony in your family, and children of this zodiac sign will stay healthy and happy. However, you have to take care of your expenses there are chances of an increase in your expenditure. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Scorpio on Gemini 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in the sixth house if your zodiac sign, which is represented as the house of the enemy according to the field of astrology. This time would be very difficult for the Gemini natives. You have to be careful about many things like your enemies, pain, job, competition, health, and even your marriage. Natives might have to face some challenges regarding your health, ignoring your health conditions may give you a negative impact at this time. If you are doing a job, you will be challenged by your rivals, and they will give their best to defeat you and dominate you. You are recommended to stay away from illegal activities to keep yourself and your family. You will meet your in-laws, and their bits of advice would be helpful for you. You will also face an increase in your expenses, and you will have to face many obstacles, though hard work and honesty will help you out to survive this duration.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Cancer 

During this period of transit, the planet will change its position and will be positioned in the powerful fifth house of your Zodiac sign, and your fifth house is a significantly important of your family and children's well-being. You will get new opportunities in the field of education, your children's creative talents, and even your relationship will be prosperous. Students will get to fulfil their wish in higher studies, and this is the best time to show one's ability. Most of you will also get the chance to shift to abroad to continue your studies and sharpen your talents. Natives who are in love will have to face some clashes and arguments with their beloved for small reasons, though you will sort it out with patience and understanding. Some of you will have the chance to express your feeling to your loved ones and get good results. You will face some problems in your marital life due to which misunderstandings will arise. However, your spouse will enjoy some benefits during this transit. You will have an amazing communication skill which will help you earn respect and trust in your society. Your intelligence will help you in taking some tuff decisions which will give you certain benefits in future. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Leo

The transit of the dualistic planet Mercury will show its impact on the fourth house of your zodiac sign, thus influencing your happiness. On the other hand, the transit will have an impactful effect on your luxury, emotions, and property-related things. You will witness several benefits due to this transit. There will be an inflow of happiness and harmony in your life. You will stay motivated; your family will support you in every aspect of life. The Leo natives will spend some quality time with their family members. In terms of property, issues will get resolved during this period. This is also the best time to buy a new house or vehicle for the Leo natives. You mother will get favors of this transit, you will receive her blessings, and her health is going to be perfect at this time. The natives working as hired men will do excellent in their work field; their hard work and dedication will be the reason for their success. Your increase in knowledge will help you attain a better position in society, and you will also make new contact with some of the reputed members of society. You will have excellent health, though stay away from fast food and take proper precaution, and the polluted area may be the reason for your skin disease. So, keep your surroundings clean. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Virgo 

Due to the transition, you will notice a change in your aspect of life. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet Mercury will be posted in the third house of your zodiac sign Virgo. The third house represents various exposures to your life; it brings a change in your courage, will power, passion, confidence and gives you the energy to improve your knowledge, makes you more enthusiastic. Along with that, there is zeal in one's Kundali, which gets enlightened during the transit. The transition will make you more conscious and serious in your behaviour, and you will be more passionate about your tasks. Your thoughts and ideas will impress everyone around you, though your way of communication may hurt someone's intentions, so you are advised to control your speeches. Your short-tempered nature will be the reason for fights and arguments at some point. You are advised to handle things calmly and smartly. You will get the opportunity to get a new job, and you will be surely successful in it. The natives will be successful in helping out their friends and family, though clashes are possible between you and your family. New members will be added in your social circle, and they will tend to continue this friendship for the long term. Apart from that, natives will earn respect in the society due to their partner's success. There are short trips on your card through you need to be cautious during the travelling. Your siblings will behave maturely, and their success will make you happy, and you will also help them out at any cost. Your health would be totally fine at this time, though you are advised to do physical activities and stay fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Libra 

The strongest planet Mercury will make its transit into the second house of your Zodiac sign, Libra. The transition of the planet will influence your family, improve your communication skills, and focus on one's primary education and monetary resource. The impact of the transit will give favourable results for the Libra natives. You will notice a gradual increase in your economic condition. You will gain money through different sources, even though a foreign source. There are high possibilities of returns from investments and domestic sources also. The natives will be able to repay their loans and debts through these profits. Even, if you are waiting for loan approval, this time you may get a piece of good news. During this transition, you will spend more, so keep a tab on your expenses and having a little control over your spending will balance your budget. This duration will give you fruitful results and your good communication skills will create a good image in front of others. Apart from that, you will earn maximum profits due to your chosen personality, and people will tend to trust you more. The partner of the Libra natives will have bad health, so take them for a checkup and cooperate with them. Working professionals will get the taste of success due to their dedication and hard work. Though your opponents won't leave a single chance to ruin your image, it's better to keep a distance from them. Your family members will be proud of your excellence in different fields, and you will spend a peaceful and happy time with them. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Scorpio

The transition of the planet Mercury will be taking place in your own house, so during the transit, the planet will change its direction and will be posited in the first house which is your ascendant house. The Scorpion natives have to face certain challenges during this transit, as their first house is known as the house of self. There will be some changes which will give a negative impact on one's attitude. Your health will be down during this transition period, and even you may suffer from skin problems. So, it is significantly urgent to take necessary care of your health, doing proper workout and keeping yourself and your surrounding clean would be beneficial for your health. Your mental health would stay on the decline too. You will tend to gain your interest in increasing your financial condition, and you would get total success. You will attain good results through hard work and dedication. Your advice to keep yourself calm, or sake debates and arguments may arise between you and your siblings and friends. Your social circle will value you more, and you will make new and trustworthy friends. The natives will be able to fulfil their awaited desires. Your opponent won't stand a chance in front of you. Seniors and colleagues will respect you for maintaining decorum in the office culture. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Sagittarius 

The twelfth house of Sagittarius will host the transition of the planet Mercury, where the twelfth house represents expenditure and income. In the field of astrology, the planet has an impact over your different aspects of life like expenses, salvation, foreign trips, family and others. You will notice a good amount of growth in your expenses. You will find innovative techniques to earn profits, though you need to spend smartly and save for investment. You have to stay alert from frauds; don't trust anyone at this time, trusting on someone may result in huge losses. People applying for a loan may get favourable results. There is a foreign trio on your card, which will be beneficial for your business. This trip will give you good profits. You need to be quite careful, or else you may get into a controversy. Your rivals will do anything to ruin your image so stay secured from them and strategize your plans to defeat them at every point. Ignoring your health issues may give birth to worse disease. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Capricorn

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, along with that; it is also the strongest planet. At the time of transition, the position of the planet remains in the eleventh house of your zodiac sign. The eleventh house of the Capricorn natives implies one's income, success, social circle, siblings, and others. The natives will enjoy several benefits during this transit. You will get rewarded for your success and hard work, resulting in an increase in your desires to achieve your goals. You will face some challenges in different fields, though you will procure your position and defeat each and every obstacle in your life. In terms of your financial condition, you will succeed enormously, and several doors of monetary resources will come to you, and serve you extreme benefits. You will also get an advantage through your property. Your siblings will also get the chance to taste success which would also prove beneficial for you. Your marital life will be full of joy, and couples with a kid will witness their talents. Natives with the job will earn respect through their wisdom and honesty in completing their tasks.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aquarius

The transit of Mercury will be very impactful on Aquarius. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and moves towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. Where the tenth house represents various factors of life like one's career, family's situation, respect, politics and one goal in life, apart from that it is also known as the house of karma and profession. The natives will witness several ups and downs in their lives. The working professionals have to face some challenges, though their sharp intellect and reasoning abilities will help them to get out such tuff situations. Natives applying for a new job have to keep patience and try harder. However, you will not get favourable outcomes at your workplace and get frustrated. Though don't lose your hopes and try to stand up and fight back. Your beloved will try to impress you and their affectionate love will strengthen your relationship. Natives who are involved in politics will not get good results, though you should keep trying. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Pisces

The planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transition and it shifts into your ninth house. The ninth house during the transition influences one's fate, guru, religion, travel, life decisions and financial condition. The Pisces natives will enjoy the benefits during this transit, especially the student natives, will score good marks in their studies, and their mentors will actively participate in helping them. There are family trips on your card. Your partner's achievement will be the reason for your name, fame and respect in society. One's involved in the business will earn profits through different economic sources. Performing religious activities and social services will give you mental satisfaction. You will also earn profits in partnership business. The natives will get more inclined in art and literature; some of them will choose writing as their profession too. You may also plan for a business trip or get a chance to shift to abroad for your higher studies. Your mother's health might get worse if ignored so do proper medication. Don't forget about your health, so de regular yoga or try to get involved in physical activities.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Sagittarius
27 Nov,2023
27 Dec,2023

The transition of the Planet Mercury can be very impactful over your sign. Due to the transit, the planet changes its position and moves to different house cause a change in your communication skills, preaching, educational activities, and intellectual thoughts. It also affects your financial condition by causing a difference in your business, accounting marketing, etc. The planet also influences the relation between your parents, lover, siblings and others. The Sagittarius signifies higher learning, philosophy, religion, teaching, Gurus, fathers teaching, travelling to long distances, etc. When Mercury is positioned in Sagittarius, it affects mainly the accounting and finance fields, higher learning, profits from publishing books, and it is also the best time for astrologers and Gurus. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Aries 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet; during the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards your ninth house, which is the house of one's fate and fortune. The impact of this transition affects one's luck, religion and relation with father. This period can be quite challenging for the natives; you will go through a lot of mental stress and tension because your tasks may not give good results. On the other hand, your family members will help you and support in every bad situation. Natives have to work really hard to get through this. Sitting at home and doing nothing would not help you; instead, you have to work really hard and take serious decisions about your future to make your dreams possible. Your karma is going to hit you back, so take precaution and don't interfere in anyone life. Not only your family but your friends will also stand by your side, and they will help you out with every problem you are dealing with and try to solve them together. Students natives will enjoy the advantages of this time; your hard work and dedication will give you better results in the field of education. You should take proper medications if necessary. If you are unable to handle your economic condition, then taking a loan from the bank would be a great idea. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Taurus

The transit of Mercury in your house will improve in the lives of natives having the zodiac sign Taurus. During the transitory period, the planet will be posited in your eight houses which are represented as the Ayu Bhagya or longevity of your Kundali. You will get to hear good news, and even the Married people will have a new member in the family during this time period. As the impact of this transition would be favourable for you, thus there will peace and harmony between your family member. They will tend to understand your feelings better, and you will stay motivated throughout time. You will be able to help out your family member too, especially the younger member in terms of finance. People in a relationship or married will go for some shopping or buying new clothes with their beloved. You will notice an increase in your social friends who will enjoy your company and have a memorable time with you. You will gain motivation by doing good deeds like donating in a charity and helping your friends give then valuable advice. There are chances of making a mistake in business and incurring losses, though this will not affect you much; instead, you will learn from those mistakes and more confident that you won't repeat it in future. Every Taurus native is advised to maintain a proper diet and do regular exercise to stay fit and healthy. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Gemini

The Planet Mercury is the dearest friend of Venus, and during the transition, Mercury shifts towards the house of partnership which is the seventh house of your zodiac sign. This house helps to know better about your spouse or partner and have a better understanding of life. People having a business partnership should avoid any quarrel or argument, because if you try to pressurize your partner in making your point, it would be problematic for you in future. You need to calmly share your ideas and views and make your partners understand in the right way. You will lack confidence because you will be worried about your future. The married natives are advised to remain totally understanding towards their spouse, listen to them and spend time with them. Working professionals will earn respect and good results due to their hardworking and honesty; even there are opportunities for some of you to get promoted. The most important thing every Gemini native should care about is, you have to do everything patiently, and you will get good results from it. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Cancer 

The transition of Mercury will give a favourable impact on the Cancer Natives. During the transit, the planet will change its position and will shirts towards the third house of your Zodiac sign Cancer. This transition would rather be very auspicious for the natives. If you are professional, then you will be highly praised for your efforts and working techniques, even you will be successful in doing every task with ease. You will feel mentally strong, and you would easily go through the problems which may arise during this duration, and even at the toughest times, your confidence won't break. Natives looking for a job change, this is the best time, and you will be surely successful in getting a new job. You would soon notice a significant improvement in your communication skills due to which people will tend to listen to you and understand your point of views, and your sweetened tone will attract them and thus help you in getting a good image in the social circle. You may also get in contact will some of the reputed members of the society. If you are fighting for any kind of legal case, the decisions will be in your favour during this duration of time. Your expense will soon increase, though you don't have to worry much about it. Having a little control over your spending would sort it out. Married natives will get a chance to go on a trip more like a vacation and spend a memorable time with their spouse. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Leo 

The transition brings a favourable impact over the Leo natives. During the transitory period, the planet is posited into the fifth house which is also represented as the house of progeny. Knowledge of your children is determined by the house. Leo natives will notice a change in their intellect. You will try to significantly improve and do better in your mental ability and will gain more interest in learning new subjects. Natives who are interested in the field of art will be able to attract many people by their creativity and talent. You will gain interest in spiritual learning, and you may also choose this as your subject. Natives will also enjoy debating and discussing their new ideas and point of views during this duration of time. You will get a little short-tempered in dealing with your life partner, though you will certainly pull it down fast and try to make your partner feel good. Students will enjoy extreme favours if this transit, their hardworking and dedication will prove to be beneficial, and they will get full support from their teachers and mentors. If you are studying in the field of mathematics, you will surely get good results and make your parents proud. Apart from that take proper precaution for your health, some skin allergies might cause due to polluted air. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Virgo 

The impact of the transit of planet Mercury would be very beneficial for the Virgo natives. During the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Virgo. The fourth house represents mother and happiness. You will reap the fruits of hard work you did in the past. This time is very lucky for buying a new home. You will be very busy due to some guests arrived at your home. There are many more possibilities of getting great news in various fields of life. You need to handle things between you and your spouse very calmly; otherwise, it may give birth to some clashes and disputes. However, you will be successful in every field of life and solve your problem with ease. Natives have work profession mist complete their work in time and full dedication. Also, you are recommended to do proper exercise or yoga and maintain a healthy diet. Apart from that, you will get the maximum benefit of this transit period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Libra 

The transit period is going to be very challenging for the Libra natives. As the dualistic Planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the third house of your zodiac sign during the transitory period. The third house is referred to as the house of courage and Valor. During this challenging period, you will have to take some serious decisions in your life and if you make any mistake in taking any decisions in terms of your family, this would bring your family apart. Though you just need to be down to earth and accept every mistake you made in front of your family. You opponents will try each and every way possible in order to destroy your image or status, though you will be handling each and every situation very calmly and smartly. You will need to control your wishes and focus on your work in order to attain success in the work fields. You will have to handle each and everything yourself, as we all know, god help those people who are kind and honest. Short-distance trips are there on your card which will refresh your mind. Apart from that your health will be good except your mind, your mental health will be a little disturbed. Keeping yourself fit and fine would be the best way to stay healthy and out of stress. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Scorpio 

The transit would leave a favourable impact on the Scorpio natives. The planet Mercury will change its position and move towards the second house of your Zodiac sign Scorpio and this transit will sort out many problems for you, and you will also get good results of your deeds. People in the field of business will gain enormous wealth through great deals; you will be successful in the economic field. There are chances of getting profits through ancestral properties. Your communication skills will improve, and you will notice a change in your way of speaking, though you need to understand that it is the best time to speak otherwise stay calm in such a situation. You will gain a good image because if your honest work and good deed, you will prosper good image in front of the society. Your health must be seriously taken care of, and you must keep yourself and your surroundings clean. Or else skin related disease can cause huge problems. Scorpion natives studying as students must focus on their studies to get good results in competitive exams. Try to consume a balanced diet and nutritious food. Along with regular exercise or yoga, will keep you mentally and physically fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Sagittarius 

This transit is going to be very impactful on your sign as the transition is taking place in your own songs. During the transition as the planet will be posted in your ascendent house, which according to the Kalpurush Kundali determines one's own health, body, intellect or enlightenment. People involved in the field of business can witness financial loss whose opponents may be the reason, so you need to stay alert from your opponents. Due to financial loss, you might face problems in your families too. However, your friends or relatives would be there to help and support your mentally and financially. You may also have some arguments or clashes with your life partner; however, you will sort it out with your sweet words and end up in peace and harmony in your marital life. Try to be careful with your words in order to stay safe from your colleagues, or you will end in an argument or dispute with your colleagues. Married wives having this sign will appease their husbands with delicious food and have a happy married life. 

Transit of Mercury in Sagittarius on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make it's transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your Zodiac sign. This transit will bring a favourable impact in your life and your communication skills will find a way to touch people's hearts. You will attract your friends and family by your ideas and thoughts. Working professionals will gain respect and they will complete tasks in time. You will gain excess profits and your hardwork will prove to be very beneficial. Student natives working hard for  competitive exams will get good results. Your social circle will increase, people will tend to trust you and have faith in you. Though you need to keep control over your speeches or else it might turn into an argument. You also need to take proper precautions in terms of your health. Regular exercise or yoga would be very beneficial for your health and mental stability. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Aquarius 

The Aquarius natives will gain extreme favour due to this transit. The planet will make its transition and will be posited in your eleventh house, which is represented as your house of income and expenditure. During this transit, you will gain excess profits, and you will be able to clear out all the debts and money rat problems. Gaining profits will improve your financial condition. You will create a good image firing of your family, and you will also get an amazing chance to spend a memorable time with your partner and children as well. You will get to make new friends and actively take part in social activities too, which would help your expand your friend circle. Your increase in knowledge and intelligence will open new doors of profits in your life. Most of you who are in love will gift a beautiful present to your partner expressing your feeling to them; it is the best time to propose and ask for their hand for marriage. Amidst all this, if you still feel like you have not done good deeds than you need to review them again. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Pisces 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in your tenth house, which represents the house of Profession and career, due to this transit, your self-confidence will immensely improve. Your logical perspective will improve, which will help you defeat your opponents. This transit will make your personality strong due to which your enemies will fear from you and decide not to bother you in any way. Natives will easily complete their pending tasks and earn respect in their fields. Your family life will be smooth and peaceful. You will get a chance to spend more time with your life partner and get closer to them, and this time will be very memorable for both of you, which will create mutual understanding between you both. There are chances of shopping on your card, and most probably you will reap the fruits of hard work and give a boost to your career. Your intelligence will be boosted; you will be able to help out your classmates and put your views and points clearly. Your talents will be praised socially, and you can turn these talents into the direction of success.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Sagittarius
07 Jan,2024
31 Jan,2024

The transition of the Planet Mercury can be very impactful over your sign. Due to the transit, the planet changes its position and moves to different house cause a change in your communication skills, preaching, educational activities, and intellectual thoughts. It also affects your financial condition by causing a difference in your business, accounting marketing, etc. The planet also influences the relation between your parents, lover, siblings and others. The Sagittarius signifies higher learning, philosophy, religion, teaching, Gurus, fathers teaching, travelling to long distances, etc. When Mercury is positioned in Sagittarius, it affects mainly the accounting and finance fields, higher learning, profits from publishing books, and it is also the best time for astrologers and Gurus. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Aries 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet; during the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards your ninth house, which is the house of one's fate and fortune. The impact of this transition affects one's luck, religion and relation with father. This period can be quite challenging for the natives; you will go through a lot of mental stress and tension because your tasks may not give good results. On the other hand, your family members will help you and support in every bad situation. Natives have to work really hard to get through this. Sitting at home and doing nothing would not help you; instead, you have to work really hard and take serious decisions about your future to make your dreams possible. Your karma is going to hit you back, so take precaution and don't interfere in anyone life. Not only your family but your friends will also stand by your side, and they will help you out with every problem you are dealing with and try to solve them together. Students natives will enjoy the advantages of this time; your hard work and dedication will give you better results in the field of education. You should take proper medications if necessary. If you are unable to handle your economic condition, then taking a loan from the bank would be a great idea. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Taurus

The transit of Mercury in your house will improve in the lives of natives having the zodiac sign Taurus. During the transitory period, the planet will be posited in your eight houses which are represented as the Ayu Bhagya or longevity of your Kundali. You will get to hear good news, and even the Married people will have a new member in the family during this time period. As the impact of this transition would be favourable for you, thus there will peace and harmony between your family member. They will tend to understand your feelings better, and you will stay motivated throughout time. You will be able to help out your family member too, especially the younger member in terms of finance. People in a relationship or married will go for some shopping or buying new clothes with their beloved. You will notice an increase in your social friends who will enjoy your company and have a memorable time with you. You will gain motivation by doing good deeds like donating in a charity and helping your friends give then valuable advice. There are chances of making a mistake in business and incurring losses, though this will not affect you much; instead, you will learn from those mistakes and more confident that you won't repeat it in future. Every Taurus native is advised to maintain a proper diet and do regular exercise to stay fit and healthy. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Gemini

The Planet Mercury is the dearest friend of Venus, and during the transition, Mercury shifts towards the house of partnership which is the seventh house of your zodiac sign. This house helps to know better about your spouse or partner and have a better understanding of life. People having a business partnership should avoid any quarrel or argument, because if you try to pressurize your partner in making your point, it would be problematic for you in future. You need to calmly share your ideas and views and make your partners understand in the right way. You will lack confidence because you will be worried about your future. The married natives are advised to remain totally understanding towards their spouse, listen to them and spend time with them. Working professionals will earn respect and good results due to their hardworking and honesty; even there are opportunities for some of you to get promoted. The most important thing every Gemini native should care about is, you have to do everything patiently, and you will get good results from it. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Cancer 

The transition of Mercury will give a favourable impact on the Cancer Natives. During the transit, the planet will change its position and will shirts towards the third house of your Zodiac sign Cancer. This transition would rather be very auspicious for the natives. If you are professional, then you will be highly praised for your efforts and working techniques, even you will be successful in doing every task with ease. You will feel mentally strong, and you would easily go through the problems which may arise during this duration, and even at the toughest times, your confidence won't break. Natives looking for a job change, this is the best time, and you will be surely successful in getting a new job. You would soon notice a significant improvement in your communication skills due to which people will tend to listen to you and understand your point of views, and your sweetened tone will attract them and thus help you in getting a good image in the social circle. You may also get in contact will some of the reputed members of the society. If you are fighting for any kind of legal case, the decisions will be in your favour during this duration of time. Your expense will soon increase, though you don't have to worry much about it. Having a little control over your spending would sort it out. Married natives will get a chance to go on a trip more like a vacation and spend a memorable time with their spouse. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Leo 

The transition brings a favourable impact over the Leo natives. During the transitory period, the planet is posited into the fifth house which is also represented as the house of progeny. Knowledge of your children is determined by the house. Leo natives will notice a change in their intellect. You will try to significantly improve and do better in your mental ability and will gain more interest in learning new subjects. Natives who are interested in the field of art will be able to attract many people by their creativity and talent. You will gain interest in spiritual learning, and you may also choose this as your subject. Natives will also enjoy debating and discussing their new ideas and point of views during this duration of time. You will get a little short-tempered in dealing with your life partner, though you will certainly pull it down fast and try to make your partner feel good. Students will enjoy extreme favours if this transit, their hardworking and dedication will prove to be beneficial, and they will get full support from their teachers and mentors. If you are studying in the field of mathematics, you will surely get good results and make your parents proud. Apart from that take proper precaution for your health, some skin allergies might cause due to polluted air. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Virgo 

The impact of the transit of planet Mercury would be very beneficial for the Virgo natives. During the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Virgo. The fourth house represents mother and happiness. You will reap the fruits of hard work you did in the past. This time is very lucky for buying a new home. You will be very busy due to some guests arrived at your home. There are many more possibilities of getting great news in various fields of life. You need to handle things between you and your spouse very calmly; otherwise, it may give birth to some clashes and disputes. However, you will be successful in every field of life and solve your problem with ease. Natives have work profession mist complete their work in time and full dedication. Also, you are recommended to do proper exercise or yoga and maintain a healthy diet. Apart from that, you will get the maximum benefit of this transit period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Libra 

The transit period is going to be very challenging for the Libra natives. As the dualistic Planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the third house of your zodiac sign during the transitory period. The third house is referred to as the house of courage and Valor. During this challenging period, you will have to take some serious decisions in your life and if you make any mistake in taking any decisions in terms of your family, this would bring your family apart. Though you just need to be down to earth and accept every mistake you made in front of your family. You opponents will try each and every way possible in order to destroy your image or status, though you will be handling each and every situation very calmly and smartly. You will need to control your wishes and focus on your work in order to attain success in the work fields. You will have to handle each and everything yourself, as we all know, god help those people who are kind and honest. Short-distance trips are there on your card which will refresh your mind. Apart from that your health will be good except your mind, your mental health will be a little disturbed. Keeping yourself fit and fine would be the best way to stay healthy and out of stress. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Scorpio 

The transit would leave a favourable impact on the Scorpio natives. The planet Mercury will change its position and move towards the second house of your Zodiac sign Scorpio and this transit will sort out many problems for you, and you will also get good results of your deeds. People in the field of business will gain enormous wealth through great deals; you will be successful in the economic field. There are chances of getting profits through ancestral properties. Your communication skills will improve, and you will notice a change in your way of speaking, though you need to understand that it is the best time to speak otherwise stay calm in such a situation. You will gain a good image because if your honest work and good deed, you will prosper good image in front of the society. Your health must be seriously taken care of, and you must keep yourself and your surroundings clean. Or else skin related disease can cause huge problems. Scorpion natives studying as students must focus on their studies to get good results in competitive exams. Try to consume a balanced diet and nutritious food. Along with regular exercise or yoga, will keep you mentally and physically fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Sagittarius 

This transit is going to be very impactful on your sign as the transition is taking place in your own songs. During the transition as the planet will be posted in your ascendent house, which according to the Kalpurush Kundali determines one's own health, body, intellect or enlightenment. People involved in the field of business can witness financial loss whose opponents may be the reason, so you need to stay alert from your opponents. Due to financial loss, you might face problems in your families too. However, your friends or relatives would be there to help and support your mentally and financially. You may also have some arguments or clashes with your life partner; however, you will sort it out with your sweet words and end up in peace and harmony in your marital life. Try to be careful with your words in order to stay safe from your colleagues, or you will end in an argument or dispute with your colleagues. Married wives having this sign will appease their husbands with delicious food and have a happy married life. 

Transit of Mercury in Sagittarius on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make it's transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your Zodiac sign. This transit will bring a favourable impact in your life and your communication skills will find a way to touch people's hearts. You will attract your friends and family by your ideas and thoughts. Working professionals will gain respect and they will complete tasks in time. You will gain excess profits and your hardwork will prove to be very beneficial. Student natives working hard for  competitive exams will get good results. Your social circle will increase, people will tend to trust you and have faith in you. Though you need to keep control over your speeches or else it might turn into an argument. You also need to take proper precautions in terms of your health. Regular exercise or yoga would be very beneficial for your health and mental stability. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Aquarius 

The Aquarius natives will gain extreme favour due to this transit. The planet will make its transition and will be posited in your eleventh house, which is represented as your house of income and expenditure. During this transit, you will gain excess profits, and you will be able to clear out all the debts and money rat problems. Gaining profits will improve your financial condition. You will create a good image firing of your family, and you will also get an amazing chance to spend a memorable time with your partner and children as well. You will get to make new friends and actively take part in social activities too, which would help your expand your friend circle. Your increase in knowledge and intelligence will open new doors of profits in your life. Most of you who are in love will gift a beautiful present to your partner expressing your feeling to them; it is the best time to propose and ask for their hand for marriage. Amidst all this, if you still feel like you have not done good deeds than you need to review them again. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Pisces 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in your tenth house, which represents the house of Profession and career, due to this transit, your self-confidence will immensely improve. Your logical perspective will improve, which will help you defeat your opponents. This transit will make your personality strong due to which your enemies will fear from you and decide not to bother you in any way. Natives will easily complete their pending tasks and earn respect in their fields. Your family life will be smooth and peaceful. You will get a chance to spend more time with your life partner and get closer to them, and this time will be very memorable for both of you, which will create mutual understanding between you both. There are chances of shopping on your card, and most probably you will reap the fruits of hard work and give a boost to your career. Your intelligence will be boosted; you will be able to help out your classmates and put your views and points clearly. Your talents will be praised socially, and you can turn these talents into the direction of success.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Capricorn
01 Feb,2024
19 Feb,2024

The transit of Mercury into Capricorn plays a very significant role in the life of their natives. When the Mercury is in Capricorn, it makes the mind of the native think in a very well organized manner, and they also keep their focus on they want to achieve, and it is challenging to distract them from completing their tasks. The Capricorn natives during this transit will always be practical and focus on their business. Their way of communication will always be practical and logical. They will always have some relevance in their conversation, and thus, the transit of Mercury will have a very influential impact in the lives of Capricorns related to their business, career, education, love and marriage life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aries

The powerful Mercury that is the Lord of your third and sixth houses, during the transit, its position moves towards your tenth house. The tenth house of your Kundali implies your livelihood, karma and fame. With the impact of Mercury in your tenth house, during this time, you will do exceptionally well in your office or workplace, which would be all because of your hard work and intelligence. Your bosses and seniors will praise you, and even your colleagues would unexpectedly appreciate your work. People doing business have the best time to give a start to their new ideas, or they will get excessive chances to expand their business. You will have an excellent and happy relationship with your family. You will have a peaceful family life. You siblings will be there to support you in most of your things, which also be very beneficial for your work. Your communication skill will attract many people who might be useful. You need to avoid being overconfident. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Taurus

Mercury that is popularly known as the Lord of the second and the fifth houses of their zodiac sign Capricorn. During the transition, the planet moves towards the ninth house of their zodiac sign. The ninth house implies the house of wealth, fame and respect. Due to the effect of Mercury transition in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, you will notice an improvement in relation with your father. You will witness a significant gain in your financial condition and strong support from your family, especially your father. You will be able to establish a beautiful relation with your beloved and have a very happy marital life. Your communication with your partner will be flawless. You will always lookout for ways to stay together and spend a memorable time. You will gain excess fame in your social group and would be very profitable for you. There are some tips on your card, which would bring some benefit to improve your financial condition. Student natives will get a good result for their hard work in their higher studies. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Gemini

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the fourth house of your zodiac sign. During its transit into Capricorn, it is posited towards their eight houses. Due to the transit, it shows a rise in your physical challenges, and you must be careful about your health. On the other hand, the transit will help you in improving your financial condition. If you are facing any sort of financial issues, during this time, you will get rid of it. Natives connected with Dharma Karma and other religious things are going to get good results. People of this zodiac sign receiving Mantra Deeksha will witness great results. 

This transit is going to prove very beneficial for the Geminis, they will get excellent results working in the field of research, and their main focus will be in studying about spiritual activities in depth. You would get to notice a slight improvement in your communication skills. There are chances of gaining profits economically. However, you have to be careful about your speech since you may get aggressive or arrogant. You might face some difficulties at your workplace, though a little hard work and sincerity will work it out. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Cancer

Mercury is often referred to as the Lord of the third and twelfth houses for Cancerians. During the transition, the planet shifts towards the seventh house of your Kundali. The seventh house signifies a long-term partnership and a successful business. Natives during this transition will gain excess profit in terms of their work or business. There are more chances of profit from telecommunication resources. Natives doing business will be able to receive total success in expanding their business, especially through social media and marketing. In fact, natives working with multinational companies would also be able to get amusing results. In terms of the partnership, the transit would increase mutual understanding with your life partner. Avoid any outsider to interfere in your personal life or else that might raise an issue. Relation with your sibling will also improve, and you will get proper help and support from their side. You will find trustworthy friends, which would make you mentally strong, and you will able to make a decision and attain total success.

Effect of Mercury transit in Capricorn on Leo 

Mercury is the Lord of the eleventh and second houses of your zodiac sign Leo, while during the transit, it shifts to your sixth house which signifies legal activities, debated, and arguments. This transit into your house will give a good impact to you; there are chances that you may get success in any debate or court case during this period. You will notice a gradual increase in your expenses and your income might decrease, so you must take care of your expenses and try to have control of your expenses. You will surely get a good result, and your confidence might boost up. Don't get involved in any argument; it's better to stay away from any sort of distraction like that. This transit will prove to be very beneficial and favourable for the employees. You might be consuming more time in completing your tasks, and your mind would make a bit restless because of that, so don't worry and try to finish all your tasks without any fuss. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Virgo 

Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house and is the Lord of your Zodiac Sign as well. During the transit the planet shifts toward your fifth house which signifies love, education, intelligence, and children in your Kundali. This transit would have a significant impact on your zodiac sign. The transition of Planet Mercury into Capricorn will improve your intellectual thoughts. Student natives will attain great results in their field of academics. On the other hand, natives who are in love with their partner will get more time to know each other and get closer. They will build trust and increase their understanding with each other. Married couples would be very satisfied with their children and would engage with them to attain success in life. People involved in the business will get the chance to expand their business and get beneficial results, including traders and merchants. You will gain intelligence, and with the help of that, you will be able to make the right decisions. This transit will help you gain a special position as an influence on society. Working will notice an improvement in their relationship with their seniors.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Libra

Planet Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and during its transit in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, it is posited in your fourth house. Your fourth house signifies comfort and prosperity, which improves due to the transition of the planet of luck, Mercury. Your family knots will be strengthened, and you will have a great time. Your family knots might get stronger, and you would have a great time in future. This would help you to keep your mind at peace and focus over the working, which would help you get good results. You will get proper utilization of your intelligence and will praise and respect for your decisions. There are chances of getting benefits related to your property. If you do invest in properties, you will get the chance to gain more profit from it. Natives living in abroad might get a chance to come back home and meet their family. You will also receive gifts from your grandparents on your father's side, which would motivate you and make you happy. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Scorpio 

Mercury is the Lord of their eight and eleventh houses if the zodiac signs Scorpio, which during the transition period shifts toward the third house of your Kundali, which signifies communication. Planet Mercury is an important representation of communication. You will be able to fulfil all your ambitions. No one could snatch success from you, and thus this house will benefit a lot in terms of communication and speech. People working in the field of communication, it would be a piece of cake for them to attain success during this period. There are many chances of travelling and enjoying your life along with which you will gain experience too. There could be some arguments with your siblings, so make sure you take proper care for them. Your hard work will surely be the reason for your success. Scorpions in the field of marketing will get advantage of their hard work to get astonishing results. Transport business will also be flawless during the transition and will bring high profits. Employees must be good with every colleague of theirs so that when the time comes, they will help you. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Sagittarius

The powerful planet Mercury is the Lord of their seventh and tenth houses of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. During the transit, the planet moves towards their second house. The second house of the Sagittarius signifies the house of voice and eating habits; on the other hand, it is also known as the house of Dhan Bhava or the house of money. Due to the transit, your ability to speak will attract most of the people; your way of talking will be sweeter and attractive. Due to this change in your personality, you will be able to perform your task faster and will be able to improve your status financially. Natives must focus on hard work, and sincerity will prove to be very beneficial, and they will earn an enormous profit. During this period you will be satisfied with your food habits, though you need to take care of your way of eating and instead eat slowly and calmly. The natives will get numerous chances to earn great profits in terms of money during this period of time. Your conditions regarding your health may get worse though if you take proper care and don't hurry in doing anything will keep you safe. Relation in terms related to your family will be good, and you will have a happy family. You might get an opportunity to spend some quality time with your family and make some memorable moments too. Due to this, you will have a respective and good image in front of your family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Capricorn 

The strongest Planet Mercury affecting its transition over Capricorn will be very favourable for your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the Lord of the sixth house and the ninth house of their zodiac sign Capricorn which signifies their house of fortune. Though the planet will be moving to your first house during the transit, incurring some essential effects and would be very beneficial for the natives. The transit of Mercury would lead to a Raj Yoga kind of situation, where luck would be totally in your favour during this duration of time. You will be successful in attaining fame in terms of finance, social and professional fields. However, if your project or work is stuck somewhere, you will be able to continue it again. Make sure you don't get distracted in any argument, and there are chances your work might get stuck due to this. Your married life would be smooth, and a trip with your spouse could be your next plan. Take proper care of your health as your opponents will leave no chance to dominate you at any cost. Though you will get full support from your father, still you need to stay away from any disputes related to a court or legal issue.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aquarius 

Saturn's friendly Planet Mercury is the Lord of your eight and fifth house of the Zodiac sign Aquarius, and during the Mercury transit in Capricorn, the powerful planet moves towards their twelfth house which represents loss and expenditure. You really need to be careful with your expenses; during this period you may incur an increase in your expenses which weaken you financially. On the other hand, student natives will get the favour of this transit; most of them might also get a chance to go abroad for their studies, which would satisfy their mental health. During this time you should avoid travelling, or else it can be very costly and a waste of time. Your love life may be in a problem, your partner may shift to another city, and the long-distance relationship might cause too much energy and money. You also have to take proper precautions for your health, which might detonate in this duration; you may incur skin and nerve-related problems. Maintain distance from your opponents as they would try to create problems in your work and keep focused in your own work. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Pisces

The Lord for the fourth and seventh house of Pisces is Mercury which is a very powerful planet. While its transition the planet moves towards the eleventh house which signifies the house of profits and benefits. The transit will favour your life in terms of income. You might get an increase in your income, and this is the best time to fulfil all your desire and comfort you wished for. If your family is deciding to sell some kind of property, this is the best time. You will be able to notice an excessive gain in your business, and this is also the best time to expand your business. Your marital life with your spouse will also be lucky as well as beneficial for you. You will get to know more about each other, and in no time you will get closer to your partner. Natives planning for a startup or a new business will get success in it, and with the blessing of Mercury, they will flourish day and night. Due to all this, your image in society will increase, even your social circle will increase, connecting to social media will be very advantageous for you and this duration will provide you fame by your social activities. You will get the chance to hang out with your friends and have a peaceful time.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Aquarius
20 Feb,2024
07 Mar,2024

The strong planet Mercury represents commendable communication, healthy business, trustworthy partnership, education etc. Amidst all this, Mercury increases your ability to memorize and enhances your accounting, marketing and analytic skills. On the other hand, Aquarius strengthens your hope and wishes to fulfill your desires to channelize with large organization and masses, etc. The transition of Mercury in Aquarius is very beneficial and supportive for natives working in various fields like teachers of science, planners and creator of the map would also get the benefit and support due to the transit. And even the mathematical models for weather and other forecasting departments, advisors of finance and other, etc. would also be effectively advantageous too. There are chances where the people may get mislead by a piece of wrong information that something serious is going to happen when the motion of Mercury reverses. Only in case of the birth chart, the reverse effect of Mercury might create some confusion or powerlessness or else if the Mercury is well placed, then there is no need to worry. 

Effects of Mercury Transit on Aries 

Mercury which appears to be the powerful Lord of their third and sixth houses, specifically for the natives of Aries, goes through an evolution. During the transit into Aquarius, the planet will continuously move and would acquire a position in the eleventh house, which appears to be the house of profits, where the house fulfils your achievement, along with benefits and help the natives to accomplish all the ambitions of life. The transit of Mercury in Aquarius will enrich your abilities and natives can also notice a dynamic increase in their proficiency. 

Your hard work and mental effort during this transit will result in huge success to get an increase in your salary and will be extremely favorable for your financial condition. There will be a gradual change in the personality of Arians, where they will notice a significant boost in their confidence and would be able to express their feeling to the loved ones. And your partner would take an interest in you and shower you with love. Natives should make sure about some things, especially for students who are engaged in the field of education. You will get the undue advantage of learning new things, though you may need to increase your effort at the time if Mercury is regressive. Yours have to take proper precaution for your financial condition which may be weakened, though it may only last for a short period.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Taurus 

Mercury is the strongest planet; it is also known as the dearest friend of the Lord of your sign Venus. It makes its transit while moving through the tenth house if your sign and shows an extreme significance for your Karma and business. People having the sign Taurus, where the former is the Lord of their second and fifty houses, resulting in the transit of Mercury in Aquarius will indicate success and improvement in your professional status. 

This transit would be very impactful in your professional life where you will be able to discover hue best abilities based on your knowledge and trust. Get the best utilization of your education, which would help you to complete your task pleasantly. You will accomplish a good image in front of your bosses. Natives having a business will get the chance to enlarge their trade. And you will get to chance to be close with your family and share some of the best emotional moments.

During the Mercury regression, the natives might have to be serious with their professional lives. You may lose interest and make mistakes which would lead you to lose your jobs. Don't worry because everything will be normal after 10th March and you will notice an improvement, and just after an interval of time you would again be the expert in your work again. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Gemini

Mercury shows a strong effect on Gemini as it is the Lord of the Zodiac sign Gemini. However, it is also the Lord of your fourth house, and during its transit, in Aquarius, it moves to your ninth house which is known as the house of fortune, the results will be seemingly favourable for you. During the transit of Mercury on Gemini, the natives will get great benefit in matters related to property, and fate will be in favour of the Gemini natives. You will get complete success in changing your homes and will notice a rise in your fame and respect in society. You will also get emotionally close to your father, and your father will be very supportive and helpful in gaining profits. 

However, you have to take proper precautions during February and mid-March, which may prove to be very difficult for you. Don't worry and you just have to increase your hard work and not get irritated by the same tasks. During the Mercury retrograde, you have to be careful at the time of travelling. Apart from that, you will have enormous success in fields like travelling or writing. The lady luck will be in your favour. You will get a gradual plus significant increase in your income, and there are chances of a great trip which would make you mentally strong. You might make new friends who will prove to be completely supportive.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Cancer

For Cancer natives, Mercury stays the Lord of their third and twelfth house, and during its transit into Aquarius, the planet moves towards their eight houses which might show some ups and downs in life. Though, amidst the NavaGraha, Mercury is the only planet which shows the positive impact in life during its transit in their eight houses. During this time you may prepare yourself to do some hard work, though the result you will be receiving would be very small. This you may have to bear some unwanted expenses, and some unacceptable trips are also on your card. There are some chances where your siblings might also face some issues. You can meet your In-laws, and their suggestions and support will surely help you out to resolve your issue. You must take care of your health or else you have to bear some unwanted expenses regarding your health. Arians advised keeping an eye on your activities, apart from that your problems will solve after this duration ends and you will gain some profits which would help you get back your financial status. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Leo

Mercury which is eventually the Lord of the second and eleventh houses, where both the houses implies wealth, and so Mercury plays an important role in the natives of Leo. When the Mercury transits into the Aquarius, the planet stays in their seventh house, and the seventh house is the house of long term partnerships and business. This transit period will prove to be very beneficial for you, and you might get the chance to get emotionally and mentally closer with your spouse, which would improve your marriage life. 

You both will find a way to fight the distractions and get to connect with each other once again. Spending on your life partner would be very pleasing for both of you. Even this transit will enhance your business skills, and you would earn a huge profit, and new ideas will help you enlarge your enterprises. You can get mentally disturbed because of some increase in your expenses; however, your problems will come to an end after 10th March. You will be back in your normal life again.

Effects of Mercury Transit on Virgo 

Mercury being the Lord of the sign Virgo, it is also the Lord of their tenth house. So, Lord Buddha influences both your body and Karma, which means that the transit of Mercury into Virgo plays a very important role in your life. However, the Mercury transit in Aquarius will cause the planet to set forth in your sixth house, which signifies your enemies, disease and debts.

You have to be very careful regarding your health. The transit will have a bad impact on your health, and there might also be an increase in your health. Any type of ignorance can put you in danger. On the other hand, your professional life would be very successful. Your hard work will give you the chance to create a good image. However, your opponents may be stronger than you and would try to destroy your image. You will get a chance to be free from debts.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Libra 

Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and there is a friendly relation between Mercury and Venus which is the Lord of the sign Libra. Along with that, the Lord of Fortune or Bhagyesh is the Lord of your ninth house, which would move towards your fifth house during this transit. 

When the Mercury transit into Aquarius, which will put a positive impact on your education and the people having the sign Libra will get outstanding results related to their higher studies. And even people in different fields like journalism, acting, writing, etc. or finance or commercial students would witness amazing results due to this transit. Due to transit if Mercury into Aquarius would bring an increase in your income and people doing jobs may get some information about their transfer. The natives will not get confused in making the divisions of their lives. Along with that, married couples might also welcome a baby in their lives. 

Luck will be in favour of the Librans they will spend the best moments of their lives with their beloved ones. Your relationship will get straighten and travelling long distance will be very advantageous for you. The Libra natives will receive great results during the Mercury regression. On the other hand, the students will do excellent in their higher studies and can get an opportunity to go abroad for their further education. After the end of Mercury retrograde, you will have a settled job and people thinking of changing job would be successful at this time.

Effect of Mercury transit on Scorpio

Mercury is the Lord of the eighth and the eleventh houses of the zodiac sign Scorpio, and when it transits into Aquarius, the Mercury stays in the fourth house, which implies overall happiness. During this transit, you will enjoy enormous comfort and money-oriented facilities, and also in this duration, you will get to utilize your resources. Apart from that, you will be very successful in your workplace. You will gain a good image in your social life, and the natives might also notice a positive change in their family. Though you may be strong in terms of wealth, you may not be as much strength in terms of you and your families, especially your mother's health. You may incur a chest pain or stiffness in your body. Though after the end of the Mercury retrograde, you will find yourself in a comfortable zone and be healthy again. People doing a job may get an increment in their salary. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Sagittarius 

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the seventh house for natives with the zodiac sign Sagittarius, and also is the Lord of the tenth house of Karma. During the transit, it moves towards the third house of the native which, according to the Kalpurush Kundali belongs to the Gemini. So, there will be the presence of Lord Buddha which would bring outstanding outcomes for Sagittarians. 

You will be getting the benefit of travelling to many places, which not only give you pleasure but also would be profitable for your financial condition. Your terms with your younger siblings will get better. Your friends will help you out in need. You will improve your communication skill and may also get the house of your ambition. You will perform better all together, and you will gain fame in social media. However, you might make sure you don't make a mistake in communicating with someone. Take proper precautions or else some misunderstanding may lead to some obstacles in your work. You might get stuck in an argument or debate.

Effect of Mercury transit on Capricorn

Mercury is the Lord of the Sixth house for your native and is the house of fortune. During the transit, it will move towards your second house, which signifies wealth. The transit of Mercury into Aquarius will be quite significant for Capricorn. 

This duration will be very beneficial for you, as you will gain many profits economically and your financial status will improve. As you fortune will be in your favour and all your incomplete tasks will be getting accomplished in no time. You will get to attend many trips which would bring you a huge profit. Legal disputes may be decided in your favour. This period will strengthen your financial condition. Students are also going to get excellent results and the ones going for a competitive exam, the results would be good for them, and the change of scoring good marks is very big. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Aquarius 

Mercury is basically the Lord of your fifth and eighth houses and while during the transit period, it shifts to your first or ascendant house, forming a Raj Yoga kind of situation as the mercury transit is crucial for you because it is taking place in your own sign. 

Because the Lord of your eight houses is posited in your ascendant house, your mind might get attracted more towards spiritual subjects. You will notice very specific changes in your mind, and you will get excellent result in research work, and you will get into the depth to your thoughts. With the increase of your thinking capability, you will be able to give opinion related to any topic after you have learned about the situation properly.

 You will witness the fast development of your mind and your presence if the mind will also strengthen. You will be making your decisions on the basis of your future. Though you have to take proper care of your health or due to giving too much pressure in your mind, you might get mental stress. However, you will make the correct decisions for your future, and you will get significant help from children. And people in a relationship will get a great response from their beloved ones, and they will be standing by your side. 

Effect of Mercury Transit on Pisces 

The Lord of the fourth house for Pisces is Mercury which signifies happiness and the seventh house, which states the sign of partnership. And during the transit period, it gets posited in your twelfth house which signifies losses and expenditure. Therefore, the natives will suffer from an increase in their budget, and there will be a downfall in their economic status. Some member of your family might get successful in shifting or travelling abroad, and this is also very good for making a new property. 

On the other hand, this time is very beneficial related to foreign trade and might also get an enormous profit in import-export. Your relationship with your married ones or loved ones might be stressful, but can be sorted out if you pay attention to them. You need to work extremely hard during the time of Mercury retrograde and put all your effort in completing the tasks. This period of time will be very crucial and challenging for the natives. Increasing expenses may affect your budget, and your health will also disturb you. Make sure you take proper healthcare.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisions, marriage problems, business success, financial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Pisces
09 Apr,2024
09 May,2024

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and shares a friendly relation with Venus. The impact of Mercury transition is over different fields which include communication, business, partnership, preaching, and it also has effects on one's ability to memorize. Apart from that, accounting, marketing and analytic skills are mostly affected. The zodiac sign Pisces signifies Moksha or peace, the chance of going abroad, your health, physical fitness, focused mind, etc. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aries 

The Planet Mercury rules over the third and sixth house of your zodiac sign Aries. During the transitory period, the planet shifts its position and moves towards the twelfth house of the Aries natives. The twelfth house represents the house of expenditure. Also, this transition will bring a negative impact on your zodiac sign; the natives have to face several ups and downs during this duration. The natives will have to take proper care of their health because due to the influence of the planetary movement, one might notice a decline in their health or suffer from some serious disease like insomnia or skin related disease. So it is recommended to have a proper checkup and have a healthy diet. You will remain disappointed at this duration because of your hard work will not give any results. Stay alert from your opponents and rivals; they will always plan something out to in order to create obstacles in your work. The student natives will get the favour of this transit, and they will be able to go through the competitive exams and get good results, student natives might also get the chance to study abroad. Though to acquire success, they need to work really hard and focus mainly on their studies and exams. You will also gain leads in some legal matters and attain success. You need to take proper control of your expenses, or else your total expenditure might get overbudget. Your sibling will get the chance to go for a tour to foreign countries, and you may get a chance to get hired from a foreign or multinational company. Natives who are studying law will get favourable results, and they will keep this balanced throughout the course during this period. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Taurus 

Venus is the powerful Lord of your zodiac sign Taurus and has a friendly relation with Mercury. The Planet Mercury has its ruling power over your second and fifth house. During the transition, both the planets will be posited in your eleventh house. The eleventh house of your zodiac sign is also represented as the house of profits. People in the field of business will get the favour of this transit. You will get excessive chances to expand your business and earn profits through it, and this period is the best time to release your money to buy some good investment for the advancement of your business. You can also involve your family member to help you out with your business. And luckily, your flow of income will tend to sort out all income related issues, and you will be able to repay all the debts, and your business will be totally settled. Thus the transit of Mercury over your sign would be very favourable for you, even in terms of your love life. All the fights and distance between you and your partner will end up. You will get enough time to spend with your lover and let them know about your true feelings. You will get total support, and your relationship will get its charm back. Student natives will tend to have more interest in their studies. With hard work and full dedication, you will be able to peruse in a better college or even get a chance to travel abroad for your higher studies. Along with that, your family will be really supportive of your decisions and ambitions during this transit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Gemini 

The powerful planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your flourishing house, including your fourth house. Due to this transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of Mercury will reflect on your career, relation, business, etc. This transitory movement of the planet will help you out in the field of business you will be able to take the right decision, which would be very favourable for your future. Though make sure you don't get overconfident, which will bring distraction in your work. Apart from that, you will spend a memorable time with your family; your family member will understand your good intentions and support your decisions. You will be able to express your feeling more conveniently, and you will notice a change in. And in such you will get an enthusiastic environment which would prevail your households. If you have any issues related to your property or any case in court, the decision would be in your favour, along with that any documentation issues will be resolved. Don't get involved with your office colleagues; they would create distractions in your work. And even don't share any personal information with them. During this duration, you may feel low and unhealthy. So, do regular excessive and keep yourself fit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Cancer 

The Planet Mercury rules over your twelfth and third houses, and due to the transit the planet changes its position and is posited in your ninth house, which represents health relationship and travel. Due to this transit, you will get the opportunity to travel abroad. Student natives trying to get into foreign countries for higher education will be successful at this duration. You will also considerably notice an increase in your social circle; people will tend to get influenced by you. You can give a new direction to your life will great efforts. Some natives will also tend to gain interest in the writing profession. And it is possible that you will go into the direction of media or journalism. You will witness a gradual increase in your communication skills, people around you will understand your ideas, you will also acquire an interest in performing social functions and events. Your siblings will support you in every field, especially in the field of finance. You will take great interest in different hobbies like gardening, writing or acting, and there are chances you will go further in this field. You will surely take stand against the evils of the society at this duration. However, stay alert and keep your vocal talent in control or else being too much outspoken can put you in danger. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Leo 

Mercury is a dualistic planet will be posited into the eight houses of the Leo people during the transition period. The presence of the Planet Mercury weakens the Leo sign natives, and the duration of this transit will not be favourable for you. On the other hand, the Planet moon being the Lord of your second and eleventh house will bring a drastic fall in your income. If you are working in the field of business, you might incur huge losses, which might increase your expenditure. Though, you don't have to stop expecting after the small period your financial condition will get a good position. At this drastic time, meeting your in-laws would bring great help, their mature and handful of advice will surely help you out to get through this situation and improve your economic condition. Natives working as am an employee, or having a job have to face many ups and downs, your opponents will wait for a chance to destroy your career, stay alert from them. You may also lose your job, so better keep cautioned and stay away from your opponents and don't share any information with them. You will surely enjoy and feel peaceful in organizing and doing poojas, chanting and learning new rosaries will be satisfying too during this duration. The natives will gain interest in studying spiritual subjects and will gain an interest in such activities. This will refine your ideas and balance your mind in taking decisions for the future.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Virgo 

The dualistic and strongest Planet Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house, while the transit the planet will be posited in your seventh house. This transition will have a favourable impact on the Virgo natives. You will notice an improvement at your workplace, and the impact of the transition will give you favourable results. The natives have the chances of getting promoted. And even, you will also get a salary hike which would ease your expenses. And certainly, the business natives will get the opportunity to gain excess profits and clear out all their debts. Apart from that, there will a negative impact on the people in terms of your health. It is recommended to take proper health care and do regular exercise, which would keep you fit and fine. You will be able to have a stronger relationship with your life partner, and their advice will be very beneficial for you, though you have to face disappointment at times. However, this will not bother your relation with your partner; instead, your relation will get sweeter and stronger with your spouse. Your relationship with your father would soon get better. You will use your humour in the right way, and this will be very beneficial for your business activities. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Libra 

The Planet Mercury is the Lord of your ninth and twelfth houses, and during the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your sixth house. Due to the transit in your sixth house, you will have to work harder to attain success. Though working hard will give very little success, and due to this, you will remain worried throughout the time period. Your income might also deteriorate. You are expected to pay more attention to your diet, and avoiding fast food is best for now. You must try not to get involved in any sort of arguments or debates; this might lead to a quarrel. Your father will receive certain positive results, and he will surely attain an enormous amount of success. Suppose you wish to share any kind of personal details it would give your opponents the opportunity to take unnecessary advantage and put your life at risk. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Scorpio 

The dualistic planet Mercurys is the Lord of your eight and eleventh houses. And during the transition period, the planet tends to change its position towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign Pisces. And the result of this transit will be the quite favourable and adverse situation with regards to your love life. Though your partner will talk to you in a sweeter way, still you will find it difficult to understand them. This will create some misunderstandings between you both, and certainly fights and debates will become a part of your relationship. And you should choose your words carefully in front of your partner. If you are married, these quarrels will not affect your children; they will tend to focus on their studies and do well in life. However, keep your eyes on them and see if they don't get distracted from their studies. The natives will also find themselves lucky in putting their money in lotteries, share market or other investment. You will get to earn from several sources which would improve your financial condition. The planetary movement is very favourable for you or academic life too, hard work and dedication will take you towards success.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Sagittarius

The Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and is also the ruling Lord of the seventh and tenth house of your zodiac sign. During its transition, the planet moves towards the fourth house of the Sagittarius natives. The impact of this transit will create a network between your personal and professional life, so your personal life could be clearly seen influencing your professional one. Thus it's advised to maintain a balance. Your family members will maintain peace and harmony, and they will try to understand and nurture each other. However, some clashes are possible, and you are recommended to stay away from any debates or arguments. During this transition, you will solve some problems of your life partner and put them out from stress. Your work life will prosper due to your hard work, wisdom, dedication and honesty. You will able to get some amazing ideas and complete your tasks with ease. You will also notice an improvement in your business field, and even your perspective about business ideas will be cleared. During this duration, your mother might take some serious decisions regarding the family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Capricorn

According to your Kundli, the Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your sixth and ninth houses. Your zodiac sign gets influenced by the planet and has a positive effect over your luck. During the time of transition, the planet is posited in your third house. And because the transit is taking place in your third house, you need to take proper precautions for your speeches. The chances are that any of your close friends or family might get hurt with your words. Your opponents will be very dangerous for you right now, and they will try to ruin your image in the society. If you are trying for a loan to get approved, this time will surely give you positive results. Your dedication and hard work will surely take you one step closer to success. Natives working with your honest attitude will attract the coworkers and will take you to the peak of success. They will stay by your side and help you out with every problem in your way. Capricorn natives are working in the field of law, and as advocates will get tremendous value and achieve success. Apart from that, try not to express your views and thoughts on any social media platform, because people against society may try to create a problem in your personal life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aquarius 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your fifth and eight houses. For people who have the zodiac sign, Aquarius is highly influenced by the transition of Mercury. During the transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Aquarius, and due to this transition, you will notice a mysterious tone in your speech. People listening to your words may find it very difficult to understand, which might give birth to confusion and clashes, and you will remain in a state of confusion. You should have a proper diet and do regular exercise in order to avoid any kind of disease or discomfort. You will earn more than your expectations and will be able to easily repay all your debts. Natives who are a student will be able to get good marks in their higher studies, and their dedication and hard work will surely take them to the path of success. And this will give them confidence. Married couples will hear some good news from their children. Your lover may introduce you to their family. Your life partner may suffer from a skin disease, so take proper precaution for him/her. Make sure you don't take it lightly. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Pisces 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet. The transition of the planet Mercury will take a position in Pisces itself. Mercury is the Lord of your fourth and seventh house, respectively. The influence of the planet Mercury will be very impactful on your house. During the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your ascendant house. The natives are advised to keep their eyes and ears open and always have focused on their presence of mind. You have to take your decisions carefully, or else it might create problems in future. This transit will especially help you in improving your business conditions. However, it would be great to take decisions by asking your elder or experienced person. Your achievement and change in your behaviour will create jealousy among your friends. Matters related to property will be in your favour during this transition period. Your mother will support you in every task, which would be really helpful. You may have some issues in your love life, so don't hate and solve every problem with patience and sweetly. Some of the natives will gain interest in learning new subjects.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Aries
26 Mar,2024
30 May,2024

Mercury plays a critical role during the transition period. According to the Vedic astrology, it influences your inner voice and thoughts and ideas. It represents one's communication and wisdom. You would soon notice a boost in confidence, humor, talent, family, finance and others. Natives who have strong influence of Mercury have intellect and presence of mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aries 

Mercury is the ruling lord of your third and sixth houses of Aries, and as the transition is taking place in the own house, the position of Mercury will shift in the first house also known as your ascendant house. With this transition, your confidence will increase, and you will feel more strengthened. With boosted confidence, you will be able to take serious decisions which will prove to be impactful in future. Your overconfidence will be a reason for arguments and clashes, and you may also hurt someone's sentiments, so control your speech and think before speaking. Your siblings will support you during this time. They will try to do everything to help you out. Your love and affection towards your loved ones will increase; you will trust your family and partner. Mercury being the lord of your sixth house will negatively affect your health, you can have a skin disease, so you are advised to go for a checkup and take proper health care. You should also maintain a proper diet. 

Your relation with your partner will be fabulous; this transit will give you chances to improve your marital life. You would also get quality time with your spouse, and during that time, you will establish your bonds and come closer to each other. You will create a sense of mutual understanding which will decrease clashes and arguments. Your partner will trust you more. Businessmen are advised to take precautions before investing, or else they can suffer a huge loss. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Taurus

Mercury is the ruling lord of the second and fifth houses of your zodiac and thereby, during the transitory period, it will change its direction and will be posited in your twelfth house. During this transit, the Taurus natives will face both positive and negative impacts. The impact of the Mercury transit in Aries will bring an increase in your expenditure; you may spend most of your wealth on particular tasks. Students who are willing to shift abroad for higher studies will get a chance, though they have to work really hard. If your children are trying that, they will succeed in getting admission in a foreign university. Still, the only way to get admission is by working hard. Taurus natives will accomplish good results through their intellect and wisdom, which will help them earn a good position and respect in society. If you work hard in business, you will deal in some profitable investments which will prove to be helpful in the long run.

Those in a relationship will have to face some challenges, and you will stay away from your partner due to some trip. Though having good communication and patience will help you maintain your terms with your partner. Pay attention to your partner, and make them feel important. Giving a little more love and effort will keep the relationship alive. You should keep an eye over your expenses, or it will have a negative effect on your financial status. Some unnecessary disputes will be the reason for your stress. Your health will weaken during this time period, so try to have a good diet and stay away from fast food. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Gemini

The impact of Mercury transit will bring favorable results for the Gemini. As during the transition period of Mercury in Aries, the planet will be positioned in the eleventh house for Gemini. Mercury is the lord of your sign, which will affect your house of income and profits. Your speaking will gain fluency, and with the help of your intellect and wisdom, you will earn enormous wealth. One's working in an office will get favors from their seniors and your communication skills will improve, due to which you will gain momentum at your workplace.

The Gemini people will enjoy the benefits in terms of a relationship. You might get sufficient quality time with your partner, and develop a sense of understanding. Your support will help to prosper your spouse's life. This love and affection will give you the energy to attain success in life. This transition will also help you financially, which would help you in clearing any debt or pending task.

With everything going well, you would be confident, and you will expand your social circle. With the expansion in your social circle, you will attend several weddings and parties. Making new friends will give you a special position in society. Businessmen will make profits through different sources, which will improve your financial conditions.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Cancer

The twelfth and third house of the Cancer natives is ruled by Mercury. During the transitory period, it is posited in your tenth house. Your tenth house is also the house of Karma, which basically signifies career. So, this period will bring certain ups and downs in the lives of the Cancer natives. You have to face certain challenges in professional life. However, your efforts will give you the chance to attain success. Your relations with your colleagues will strengthen; they will be support you. The natives will enjoy their work and will be satisfied. Some of you can be transferred. Apart from everything, you must focus on your task and complete them with honesty and dedication. Any mistake can ruin your image, so recheck everything before submitting. However, you will have to take an extreme workload. In such a situation, do your tasks carefully and calmly. You might feel de-motivated. Do not lose hope; instead complete each and every task with full dedication. You will have a marvelous time with your family, and this time will bring peace and harmony in your family life. Your parents will be proud of you. Your family, and even your siblings and others will help you out in certain tough situations. Your parents will have a health condition. Your relations with your father will gradually improve with time. Your partner's love for you will increase, and they will respect you for being a responsible person. Cancerians involved in the business will earn good profits through certain investments in properties and assets. This will strengthen their financial status.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Leo

The ninth house of the Leo natives signifies the house of fortune and long-distance journeys. During the transitory period, your ninth house will host the position of Mercury. The people will get a positive impact during this transition period. As Mercury is the lord of your second and eleventh houses, thus positively affecting your financial condition. People will notice economic strength, and you will flourish. You will get to complete your pending tasks and succeed in different fields. Your works giving you stress will finally get done. Your efforts will not go waste, and you will execute your task. Leo natives will get a chance to expand their family business and earn profits. 

Working professionals will also get success. You will have a blissful time with your loved ones, and even your siblings will enjoy your company. They will even come out to support you in need. You will make some serious decisions which will be beneficial in the long run. Your communication skills will prosper and people will tend to like you even more. You will create new connections with some of the delegated members of society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Virgo 

Mercury is the lord of your sign, and this transitory period will prove to be essential for the Virgo natives. Mercury is the lord of your tenth house, also known as the house of Karma. During the time of transition, it will enter your eighth house; generally, this house doesn't hold a promising position though there are several benefits. Working people will have to face certain challenges at work. You will be stressed because your efforts won't give you good results. Don't lose hope and wait for your turn to prove yourself. After some time you will notice some improvement, some of you might also get an increment. Your health might create some serious problems for you; not taking precaution would lead to financial loss and an increase in your expenses. 

The natives can earn profits through some secret sources; they will get to utilize their wisdom and intellect during this period. Natives having Mercury placed on their birth chart will get some positive results. Some past investments will be profitable, and you may also cream your pending debts. Your father's health may get worse, so do proper healthcare. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Libra

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus; Libra's ruling Lord is Venus. Mercury is the lord of your ninth and twelfth houses. During the period of transit, Mercury changes its position and shifts towards the seventh house of Libra. Businessmen will get the advantage of this transit, which will bring a good momentum in your business, even there are chances of expansion of your business. If you are thinking of a new startup, then this is the best time. You will get favorable results, and your efforts will take you to success. You will gain profits through some unexpected sources. 

There are several trips on your card, along with that you will earn benefits and experience through these trips; you will make certain connections with foreign sources, which will give you a huge success. Unmarried people might have the chance of getting married during this duration. You will acquire a good sense of humour, and your communication skills will improve. It will give a boost to your personality too. Your decision making will be precise and give you benefits in the long run. You will earn a special status in society, and some influential people will make connections with you. Your health will be stable; a good diet is recommended.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Scorpio

Mercury is the lord of your eighth and eleventh house, during the transitory period the planet changes its position and shifts towards the sixth house of Scorpio. The natives have to face several challenges during this period, as this transition period will be full of ups and downs. Health-wise, you should take precaution regarding your health, or else some skin issue is indicated. Your speech might hurt someone's sentiment or feelings; you can also get into clashes or arguments. You are recommended to keep a check on expenses, as overspending may become a huge problem for you in future. 

During this period, some friends or family will support you; they will also lend some money. You can also take a loan from a bank to survive this period. However, your endless efforts will pull you out of this drastic situation, and you will be successful. You will be able to clear out your past debts. Working professionals will get into a clash with their seniors, so you should focus on your own tasks and complete them within time. Your rivals will try to dent your image, make sure you don't give them any chance. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Sagittarius 

The seventh and tenth house is ruled by Mercury. The impact of Mercury influences your professional, business and spouse's life. The transition of Mercury will in your fifth house, which will bring a positive impact on your income. You will be able to execute your plans perfectly. You will survive the strongest competition in the market, and your effort will be praised. Working people will get a chance to work with some big brands in the market, which will give you fame and benefits. This duration will be extremely favorable for you and you can get in touch with some reputed businessmen. 

Working people will have to be careful with their rivals, and they might also lose their jobs. However, you will soon get other opportunities. The life of those married will be happy; their efforts and wisdom will make you feel proud and respected in society. They might also get a promotion. Students will improve their concentration and focus on study, and you will also learn new things. Married people can have some good news from their children in the field of study. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Capricorn 

Mercury is the lord of your sixth house, it is known as the house of fortune. During the period of transition, it changes its position and shifts in the fourth house for Capricorn. It is the house of happiness. The transit will bring fruitful impact in the lives of Capricorn natives. You will spend this time by earning a fortune and making profits. This time is best to buy a new vehicle. 

You can spend a blissful time with your family, even your parent's health will remain in good condition. You will get to converse with your relatives through social media, which will make you nostalgic and there will be a soothing atmosphere in your family. There will be some property related issues which need to be settled as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will give birth to certain disputes, and these disputes can harm your wealth or even influence your family life. Your professional front will gain improvement, and your endless efforts will make you an expert in your tasks. Any pending case in court will get resolved at this time which will give you relief. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aquarius

Mercury is the lord of your fifth and eight houses, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and goes in the third house of your zodiac sign. Your third house, according to the Kal Purusha Kundli, is Mercury's house itself, which makes the planet more strengthened and results in improving your communication skills. Students’ will enjoy the benefits through this transit. Their intelligence will improve, and they will focus more on their studies, your efforts would give you good results in various other aspects. There are frequent trips on the cards, though it is recommended to avoid them for some time. There will be some economic and monetary problems. As during the pandemic, it is not so safe to travel with proper precautions. 

This duration will improve your relation with your siblings; you will also help them in certain situations. On the other hand, working officials have certain chances of getting an increment. Your communication skills will attract many people you will make new friends, which will increase your social circle. Some of you might get inclined towards writing and choose this as your profession. Your friends will be by your side, and you will prosper this friendship. You will maintain a good image in society

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Pisces

Mercury being the ruling lord of your fourth and seventh houses will enter through your second house during the transitory period. Your second house indicates the way of speaking. Your sense of humour will get better. People will be able to understand your thoughts and ideas and your intellect will help you win every debate. Though you will have to keep this in your mind that your words can hurt someone's feelings, so you must be aware and alert about the choice of words or else you may regret it later. Businessmen will get enormous benefits during this transit period. Your new and amazing strategies will boost your business, and you will also expand your business. Though you should be a little serious about your investments, it might lead to a huge loss. So do check before investing. 

There will be happiness in your family; you will spend some memorable time with them. Your parent's health will remain stable, and they will praise you for your good work. You will be showered with love. You marital live will prevail love and happiness, though some clashes might occur due to arguments, though you will impress them by giving them a surprise. Single people have the best chance to express their feelings to their loved ones; this time will bring Good luck for the Pisces natives.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Taurus
31 May,2024
13 Jun,2024

According to the Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury affects one's intellect, judgment, communication and behavior. The second sign in the series of the zodiac is Taurus, and its ruling planet is Venus, who has a friendly relation with Mercury. Along with that, it signifies one's wishes and desires, strength and rigidity, income and wealth, goals and ambitions, family and friends, etc. The planet Mercury has a ruling nature on the second and fifth house of your zodiac sign, Taurus. The impact of Mercury over you sign gives a favorable impact for the natives and according to the Vedic astrology, your second house signifies one's family relations, business conditions, jobs, talents, and materialistic things like assets, foods, property, resources, etc. There as, your fifth house represents one's creative talents, educational qualification, entertainment, energy and enthusiasm, interest in new things, tuff competition, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aries

The second house of your zodiac sign will host the transition of the planet Mercury. Due to this transit, there will be a favourable impact on one's communication skills and knowledge. You will be able to convey your ideas and thoughts fluently. People will tend to understand your good intentions, and you will get full support from them. Natives involved in part-time or full-time jobs will be supported by their individuals at the workplace; even your confidence in speeches will help you pass the interview rounds easily. Though your speaking abilities might put you in danger, people may get hurt or jealous with your improvement. Some of your speeches may turn into an argument or debates. So you are advised to stay calm and solve each and every situation calmly. People who are involved in the business will get huge profits through different sources. Some of you have great chances of earning profits through inheritance of some property or past investments. Your relationship with your beloved may have some chances of getting weak, so spend quality time with them, try to impress them or gift them something. You will get closer in no time, and you will get to enjoy some of the best moments of your life. Your health will be perfect, though maintain a proper diet and do regular workout. You can also get involved in some sports activities which would keep you fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Taurus 

The transit of Mercury is taking place in your powerful house itself, and the planet will be posited in your first house, which is your ascendant house. You will notice an improvement in your way of conversation; your impressive way of speech will attract many people and give you a strong personality. You will gain a soft-spoken and polite behaviour which will touch everyone's heart. Natives in relationships will enjoy the benefits of this transit, they will create a bond of mutual understanding, and their love will prosper. You will spend this time in peace and harmony. If you are working as a job official, you will get to taste success due to your hard work and dedication, though you are advised to stay away from office politics and focus on completing the tasks before time. Health-related issues will not arise. Still, you need to maintain a proper diet, and regular exercise is strongly advised.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Gemini 

During the transit, the planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, which signifies one's mental stress and ability. During this period, the natives will go through some stressful tasks, both mentally and physically. So, don't put yourself into stress by taking too many tasks and maintaining a balance is necessary. If one's involved in business activities, there are several chances to earn a fortune, and you have to keep a track on your expenses or else spending unnecessary will give you unwanted stress. There is a foreign trip on your card with your beloved, you will spend some memorable time with them, and any kind of distance between you both will be sorted out, and your relationship will get the spark back. Working officials should complete their work in the given time, apart from that they will have a decent earning.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Cancer 

The impact of this planet on your house is going to give you some favourable results. Your eleventh house will host the position of the translating planet. And this period will give you certain benefits in terms of your finance, relationship, family, job, knowledge, patience, etc. The natives will get a chance to make new connections through foreign trade and get extreme benefits in their respective financial fields. Your spouse or your partner will be extremely supportive at this time, your relationship will be prosperous, and you will also develop a sense of mutual understanding with your partner. Some clashes are possible at this time, though you will impress them with your caring nature. Jib officials will get help and support from their seniors, and with their ideas, you will create a good image in your respective fields. This will be very profitable for you in the long term. Don't ignore your health, polluted air and dirty surroundings may affect you badly, so take proper care of yourself and your surroundings. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Leo 

The Mercury share a friendly relation with Venus, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The transit will have a significant impact on one's life. Working professionals will tend to have a more focused mind, and your performance will be praised by your colleagues and seniors. Your excellence and dedication in your work will be the reason for your success. Some of the seniors will give some important favours in the long term. You will be prevailing happiness in your family. Your romantic life will ease your mind, and your beloved partner will support you at every step. The natives will have good health, and join a sports club or doing physical activities will keep them mentally and physically fit. Ignoring your health may affect you negatively in the long term. You will have stable economic conditions and investing in assets or properties will open new doors for earning benefits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Virgo

During the transition period, your ninth house will be hosting the position of the planet Mercury, and your ninth house represents the house of one's travelling and communication. The natives will enjoy the benefits of long term travelling. If you are trying to change your job, this transition period will give you favourable results. The natives having Virgo sign will experience an increase in their social status, and people will tend to start recognizing you because of your good deeds. You will also earn a special status in society. Your relationship will be blissful throughout the period, your partner will try to impress you, and there will special time you both will get to spend with each other. The natives are recommended to stay away from fast food and polluted areas; there will be some minor issues which can be resolved by proper medication. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Libra 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Libra. The Libra native might have to face some unexpected losses, which will bring a bad impact on their financial conditions. You will be more inclined towards learning new things, most of you will specifically indulge yourselves in spiritual learnings. However, you will gain enormous profits through past investments, and due to some inheritance, your luck will be extremely fruitful. There will some clashes between your partner, so you need to handle them with calmness and care. The perfect way to deal with such situations is by paying full attention to your partner, soon your good behaviour will impress them, and you will get closer to them. Some of the married natives will get good news during this transit. Your health will be strong and stable throughout the duration, though ignoring any kind of health problem will bring a negative impact on your body. Working professionals will get into the path of success through their dedication and hard work. Their wisdom and honesty will prove to be beneficial.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus in Scorpio

The impact of the Mercury transit will not be favourable for the Scorpio natives. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the third house of your zodiac sign. The natives will have to face certain challenges during this time. You will notice a change in your way of speaking; this will give both positive and negative impact. You will also face difficulties in your marital life, though, and this relationship will require some strong communication and giving proper time and effort will strengthen it. You are advised to have control over your expenses; otherwise, you are overspending in certain things will lead to a financial loss. People involved in the business will have to stay calm and wait for their time to procure a good position in society. There are chances to gain profits through past investments and some recent ones too. Ignoring your health may put you in danger, so maintaining a proper diet is stronger advised. You should also join a gym or yoga class to keep yourself fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Sagittarius

The impact of this transit will directly affect your house of income and expenditure. During the transition period, your sixth house will host the position of Mercury. Hence there are chances where you might get involved in a dispute or argument. Natives will also witness an increase in their expenditure which can lead over budgeting. Working officials will gain respect, and their honesty and wisdom will attract everyone's mind. You must try to maintain a proper distance from your rivals they would give their best to ruin your good image. There are several trips on your card, which will give you some happy and memorable moments. Your relationship with your spouse will soon get stable, keep control over your short temperament and pay full attention to your partner. The natives are recommended to get a full checkup ignoring any kind of problem in their health will lead to a lot of stress in the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Capricorn 

The process of impact starts with the change in the planet's position. Mercury, during the transitory period, is posited in the fifth house if your zodiac sign and your fifth house represent the house of intellect and knowledge. The natives will witness an increase in their knowledge, and with a good sense of humour applied in different fields, you will earn a higher level of profits. Student natives have the probability of choosing good paths for their success, and in future, they will be successful. If you are single, you will get a chance to propose your lover and even your lover will accept your proposal. You will enjoy this time an spend a memorable moment with your beloved. There are foreign trips on your card, which will be adventurous and you will discover new things in life. The natives will earn respects through your excellent communication skills, and your ideas will attract many people. Natives will also have the chances of getting a good status in society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aquarius 

The transit of Mercury will be posited in the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This period will give excessive gains to individuals. If you are facing any health problem, ignoring it will put your life in danger in the long term. So, take proper precaution and go for a full body checkup. Working natives will have to face certain challenges against their competitors, and your rivals will try to create obstacles in the path. So don't lose hope and give you best to cross each and every hurdle in your path. You will have a romantic relationship with your spouse, and you will also get a chance to spend time with them. So, don't ignore the chance of getting close to your partner. Native who are businessmen are recommended not to invest in anything they are not sure of. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Pisces

During the transport motion of the planet Mercury, the third house of your zodiac sign hosts the position of the planet. This transition will bring a significant increase in their confidence and willpower. You will notice an improvement in your communication skills which would give you certain benefits. You fluent way of communication will be favourable you in a different field. Some of the natives will get good results in their interview. Business natives will get the benefit if this duration. You will play a great role in helping your friends, family and society. Short trips are there on your card. Your marital life will need more attention and love; spending some quality time will give peace and harmony. You will be very efficient at your workplace, and your hard work and honesty will help you in creating a good image of yours. You should maintain your diet and do regular exercise.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Gemini
14 Jun,2024
28 Jun,2024

Mercury is a dualistic planet, and it has both positive and negative impact on the lives of zodiac natives. According to the Vedic Astrology Mercury influences one's technique of speech, honesty, kindness, and even fields of work like business and communication skills. Mercury, during the transit, brings a positive sign and improves one's intelligence and luck. Mercury has a significant impact on different fields if the lives of natives, like communication, partnership, business, studies, finance and marketing, family and friends, marital and love life. During the Mercury transit in Gemini, it impacts on one's health, business, family, travelling, married life, social life, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aries

The third house of your powerful zodiac sign would host the transition of Mercury; this transit will increase one's confidence and will power. The natives will have a positive effect due to this transit; the individuals will perform some good deeds. Student natives will gain focus in their studies and will be more inclined towards learning new things. Your effort and hard work will take you towards the path of success. Working natives will get a chance to work in a stable environment; you will be praised by your seniors and complete every task in time. Married couples will spend some blissful time with their spouses. Your health conditions will be perfectly fine, and you will gain energy which can be adequately utilized in some physical activities like gym or sports. Business natives will earn a good source of monetary inflow during this period, along with that; you will be able to clear out your past debts and plans. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Taurus

The transition period would bring some important opportunity in the life of individuals to earn a profit. As the second house of your zodiac sign will be hosting the Mercury transit, this period will be beneficial for the native related to your business, career, health, family, and others. Some of you will earn enormous benefits through your properties. Disputes regarding your property will be resolved. The flow of income will incredibly escalate. Your relationship status will be fabulous; your partner will support you in every field, though some arguments may arise. You will sort them out easily. Don't share your personal life; it would give a bad impact on your life. About the career of student natives, you will propose in your field, and your efforts will take you through the competitive exams. Working natives are recommended to stay away from office politics as they can affect your image. Health-wise the natives will have to go for a proper checkup and take necessary care for their illness, and any ignorance can lead to huge problems in the long-term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Gemini

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, while the transit the planet will change its position and will be posited in your first house, also known as your ascendant house. Mercury transit in Gemini will bring a favourable impact on the lives of their natives. Your ascendant house represents the house of personality. You will notice a new charm in your personality which will attract people towards you. The natives will increase their friend circle. You will enjoy this period will happiness and harmony. Your speaking skills will be fluent, and people will understand your thoughts and ideas. Married couples will be showered by love from their spouses and blessed by their parents. You parents will support your marital life, and they will eventually like your partner. Working natives are advised to work hard and complete their tasks on time. Avoiding debates will be beneficial for you in future. Some of you also have the chance of getting promoted at this time. Your health conditions will be good, and you will feel energetic, which will help you do other tasks as well. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Cancer

The transition of Mercury will happen in the twelfth house if your zodiac sign, Cancer. Due to this transit, you will notice some unavoidable expenses and some health-related issues. You are recommended to take proper health care, maintaining a proper diet and regular exercise will keep you in good condition as it is a way of releasing mental stress too. There are some foreign trips on your card, which will increase your expenses. You should avoid taking any loan or investing at this duration; otherwise, you may end up in a huge loss. You must focus on spending some quality time with your partner, pay proper attention and avoid any kind of argument. If you are trying to get change or get a new job, then this is the best time to do it. In fact, some new strategies in your business will help you earn profits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Leo

The transition of Mercury in Gemini will influence one's income, wealth, abilities, profession, etc. Your eleventh house is going to host the position of Mercury, thus leaving a significant impact on your income. You will get great chances of increasing your economic conditions. This transit will help you fulfil every desire and necessity of your life. You will prosper through your intellect and positive ideas in your social front, which will be very beneficial for you. You will get enough time to learn new things, explore new places and also some of you may make this as your profession which will give you benefits in the long run. Students might get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies. Some of you will also get admission to a foreign college. Your marital life will have some blissful moments; your partner may have some clashes with you. However, you will handle it smartly and solve it with ease. Your health will remain balanced, and keeping your surrounding clean will help you maintain your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Virgo 

The Mercury will make its transit in the tenth house of your zodiac sign, and your tenth house represents one's professionals and personal life. Thus the transit will give a favourable impact on the life of individuals. You will be more energetic, and working natives will be more focused on completing their work with excellence. Your seniors and colleagues will acknowledge your hard work and effort, which will inspire you to work better and strive for the best. They will even support you in the long run. You love life will remain good; you will be having a happy mood which will please your partner. There will be a sense of mutual understanding, and you will develop a new phase in your relationship. Both of you will maintain dignity and trust with each other. You might get a golden opportunity to travel abroad, which will be beneficial for you in different fields. Your health will remain balanced, though doing exercise or yoga is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Libra

The Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, plays a significant role during the transit. At the time of transit, the planet will be posited in the ninth house of your zodiac sign which will lead to certain financial and economic gains. This is the best time to invest, and you will earn the maximum profit. Apart from that, you should check every possible background before investing. Ignoring any kind of issues might lead to a huge loss in future. Your social front will gain improvement and people will start knowing. You might even get into contact with some delighted members of society. There are certain trips to abroad base on your work which will also be beneficial for your business. Working natives should do their work with full dedication and hard work. Married natives have to pay attention to their spouse, as during this period, they will need your support both mentally and physically. You will need this duration with happiness and harmony. Your family member will be proud of you. Your mother's health will remain stable. Though you are advised to keep a distance from office politics, it may ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Scorpio

The strongest Planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transitory period. Thus at the time of transition, the planet shifts towards the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Scorpio. This transition brings several positive impacts as well as some negative ones too. The natives will witness certain profits through different sources; there are some chances of small losses which will not affect your financial condition. Apart from that, you will be able to maintain financial stability during this period. Natives who are married or in a relationship will face several quarrels and clashes with their beloved though this won't go long, you will easily solve it with your impressive and patient heart. In no time, you will be closer to them and spend this duration in happiness and satisfaction. Ignoring your health during this time will give you some negative impacts in future; it may also lead to some serious health problems. So you should take proper precautions regarding your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Sagittarius

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house and has a significant influence in one's communication skill, profits, promotions, expenses and health. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign, Sagittarius. Thus this transit will bring some profits in your house. Your financial condition will improve. Business natives will earn through some secret sources or past investments, which will help them, pay their debt. Working natives will also have some advantages, and there are chances of you getting a promotion at your work front. Join a sports club or doing physical activities will burn some weight you have gained sitting back at home during the pandemic. You will have some clashes with your spouse, they will dominate you with their feelings, though you will impress them with your entertaining skills like funny dialogues and distractions. Overall this transit will prove to be profitable for the Sagittarius natives.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Capricorn

The impact of Mercury transit will be favourable for native in their field of success and workplace. During the period of transition, the planet will change its position and will be posted in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Natives will witness positive development in their financial condition. Working officials will do an incredibly terrific job, which will be praised by their seniors, and some of the natives also have the chance of getting a promotion during this period. Thus this will bring an increase in your income. This period will bring benefits in terms of business; you will earn profit through different sources. Some of you will get benefits through property investment. Your health conditions will be critical due to some injury; you will feel weak and dizzy. Maintaining a strong diet is necessary; take proper medications to prevent infection. Your marital life will gain stability; even fights and clashes will not set you apart. Your love for your partner will be infinite; they will need proper attention and support at the same time. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aquarius

During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This transit has a positive impact on one's intellect and knowledge. Natives will have good communication skills. They will attain enormous success with the blend of communication and intellect. Working officials will gain increment, which will give them the confidence to invest in assets and other fields. Business natives will also get the advantage of this transit, natives will earn excess profits, and this is the best time to invest. You will gain a special status in society. Your social circle will increase. Your love life will be prosperous; even your partner will support you at every step. Your partner will be the biggest reason for your success. Pay proper attention to them, and you will also get some quality time to spend with them. Your health may deteriorate, so take proper precaution for your health, do regular exercise or yoga and maintain your diet. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Pisces 

The powerful and enlightened planet Mercury is the ruling lord of your houses. Your fourth house will host the position of Mercury during the transition period. There will be a significant impact on one's love life and professional life. You will spend some of the memorable moments of your life, your parents will shower you with the blessing, and they will support you at everything you do. This is a good time to purchase a new car or a house. You will earn tremendous success in the workplace; you need to stay focused and avoid laziness or office politics. Your enemies will try to ruin your image whenever they get the chance, so play smart. Your partner will need full attention as they will be doing a terrific job at their place; this will make your image look good in society too. Make them feel good and courageous for their good deed. Health-wise you will stay fit and fine, and you will be joining a sports club or a gym which would be beneficial for you.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Cancer
22 Aug,2024
03 Sep,2024

The transit of the planet Mercury on Capricorn would leave a negative impact on the zodiac sign Cancer. It affects emotion and nature. As Cancer is a representation of a cardinal water sign, so during this transit, you will notice a change in your behaviour and way of talking. You will be more affluent though you will think and react in the impulse of your feeling, which sometimes might be of love and compassion and sometimes will be fear and possessiveness. And this transit will affect your concentration in different field like studies and work. You who have perspective will personal feeling will be involved the most. So there is a list of things you have to take care during this duration of transit.


इस पेज को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए बुध का कर्क राशि में गोचर पर क्लिक करें।


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aries Sign

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and leaves an impactful effect on your zodiac signs. During this transit, it changes its position and shifts toward your fourth house of the Aries, as the fourth house represents the house romantic relationship. The impact of Mercury gives a favourable effect on the Aries. Married couples would enjoy the benefits and have a happy and peaceful married life. In the field of professionals, you will attain good results due to your hard work and honesty. Even the working official will get maximum support from your senior staff and colleagues, getting praised and uplifted for your hard work. Property related issues are going to get resolved, and there are chances of constructing a new house. You should take care of your physical, mental and spiritual health. It is recommended to do exercise and yoga regularly, that would help you stay fit.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Taurus Sign

The transit of Planet Mercury will be favourable for people having the zodiac sign Taurus. During this transition, the planet will be posited in your third house, and this will positively affect your energy and enthusiasm in completing tasks and taking full responsibilities. The individual will notice a boost up in your personal skills like communication, hardwood, and cooperation, which would help them strive for a good fortune. Short trips are there on the native's card, which would bring joy and happiness. Your marital life would be great, and you will have excellent terms with your spouse. You are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health and maintain your fitness by doing regular exercise in order to stay healthy.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Gemini Sign

The impact will have a significant effect on Gemini and will increase your communications skills. During the transit, the planet will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Gemini. The house denotes communication skills. You would be able to converse fluently and win the heart of people with your attractive speeches. Probably, this would be the perfect time to invest in capitals and earn huge profits through your assets like properties and others. You would do the job, and so you are requested to stay calm and focus on your own work; your efficiency and hard work will give good results. Apart from that, you should not get involved in any office politics if found so you will face backlash and bad circumstances. Regarding your health condition, it is necessary to keep yourself fit and doing regular excessive or yoga is the best way to keep going. Ignoring your health might put you in danger, and you may have some health issues.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Cancer Sign

Because the transit is happening in your own house, the impact in this transit will be very strong, and you would face some issues and problems in a different field. During the transition period, the planet Mercury will move towards the first house of your zodiac sign. The first house indicated health, and you would face some serious issues regarding your health, so it is advised to get a regular health checkup, and proper medical treatment is very necessary. Ignoring a single thing regarding your health might put you in a crucial condition during this duration. Apart from that, your financial condition will be in your favour, you might get support from foreign nations or countries, so this is the best time to invest. You at the workplace might get distracted, resulting in late submission of your work, so be concerned about it and increase your working pace. The love life will remain peaceful, and you will get to know each other better. Your partner will understand your better and your relationship will be romantic; you will get your relationship's missing spark and have a memorable time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Leo Sign 

This transit will be a little difficult, though relaxing for Leo's. During the transition planet Mercury will make its position in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of the transit would lead to an increase in the expenditure, and so you are advised to have control over your expenses and maintain a proper account to check the excess flow of money. Leo must face business-related issues and must take help from the professionals. You are expected to go on trips. You might have jobs have huge chances of getting a promotion. You might face a problem with in terms of your health, so you are advised to do regular exercise or yoga, you can also play any sports in order to keep themselves fit and free from diseases.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Virgo Sign

The impact of Mercury will have a strong impact in terms of your health. During the transition, the planet will move towards the eleventh house of your zodiac sign Virgo. This transition will be very favourable for you in terms of health and harmony. People will notice a gradual increase in your communication skill, and you will attract people with a positive and honest mindset. Your social circle will increase, and your loved one will truly enjoy the company. You will make new friends, and you will maintain a trustworthy relation towards you, even you will tend to support your emotionally and mentally. You working in jobs will earn respect, and you will reap the fruits of hard work. Business You will earn a maximum profit and will earn a good return from your investment and assets. You might have a new relationship, and you will impress them with your charisma.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Libra

As soon as the transition begins, the planet Mercury would gradually move into the powerful tenth house, which means that the lifestyle and living standards of your family would get better. You could also get many sources of income and also invest your money in abroad. Natives would also witness a change in their career, which would eventually escalate your professional life. Along with that, you must also focus on eating healthy, sleeping on time and do a regular checkup. Do not forget to take precaution as it might affect your health in future.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Scorpio Sign

There is both a positive and negative impact on your card. The planet Mercury is known to be the strongest planet; it is also the Lord of Zodiac houses as well. During the transition, the planet shifts its position into the ninth house of the zodiac sign, which gives some positive and as well as negative impact in your lives. Your health will remain stable, and you will have a normal family life. Your relationship will not bother you, and you will be happy with your lover. Apart from that business professional have the best time to increase your wealth, this is the best time for the investment you will get fruitful results. You wishing for travelling abroad can finally fulfil your dream. Working professionals are advised to keep doing your hard work and maintain your honesty and focus in your jobs, and you need to be careful with your opponents you will surely try to ruin your image and distract you from your task.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Sagittarius Sign

The impact of Mercury transit can be pressuring for some of you during this time. Due to the transit taking in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, you might have to face various obstruction your lives. In terms of health, you have to precaution to avoid any kind of problem. Health is a very important factor in your life; your mental stability also depends on your health. So you are recommended to do physical activities like regular exercise or yoga, you can also join a sports club and indulge yourself in sports to maintain your health. You working at jobs are required to finish your tasks in time, you have to focus on your tasks to avoid any delays, or else you have to face sudden pressure and deadlines. Business professionals can take amazing advantage of this time, you will earn good profits in terms, and any economic constraints will be sorted out during this transition period. Tough if you notice a change in your communication skills, you have to be careful and decisive about your speech.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Capricorn Sign

During this period, there will be a positive impact on the native's life. During the transitory period, the planet will change its position and will shift towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign. Your seventh house represents the house of career and responsibility. You will notice a gradual increase in your energy and enthusiasm. You will be able to finish your day will full enjoyment and happiness without any complaint. The couple will be happily satisfied with your marital life, you will have outstanding communication with your spouse, and you will maintain this relationship for a long time. Job representatives will impress your donors with your dedication and hard work; you will be able to manage things easily and complete your tasks with ease and excellence. Businessmen are required to stay calm and not hurry in investing, and you should avoid any kind of investment in dealing particularly at this time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aquarius sign 

The transit of the planet Mercury leaves a significant impact on the Aquarius You. During the transitions, the powerful planet will move towards the sixth house of your zodiac sign which signifies the house of expenses. Tough you will notice an increase in your expenses. Still, you will be able to sort every debt and loans on your head during this time. So, just try to lower down your expenses apart from that you are good to go. It would be effectively beneficial for you to keep yourself fit and healthy. You can do such by joining a sports club or doing other physical activities like exercises and yoga, ignoring your health would be bad for the long run. You might work harder still your luck will not favour you, but don't get distracted by watching your colleagues getting promoted, instead work harder and honestly to attain success. You will get enormous time to hang out with your spouse or your loved ones, share your thoughts and mindset, give them space to understand you and your intentions, and you will surely get closer to you.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Pisces Sign

The Pisceans will enjoy the favour of this transit. As the transit of the powerful planet, Mercury will be taking its place in your fifth house, which would eventually increase in your knowledge and sensibility. In fact, this transit is going to give you enormous financial gains and investing would a great opportunity to earn profits this time. Your connection with your spouse or your loved ones will be very peaceful, and you will soon get to understand and know each other, your partner will support you at every step. You doing jobs will not be able to make any achievement, though will dedication in your work and focus will slowly help them out to get through this time. Undoubtedly, it is significantly important to have a healthy body to keep you going for a long period. You should have a controlled diet and should avoid fast food. Ignoring any kind of issue related to health can be very harmful in the long run. So, it's better to take proper health precautions and going for a regular checkup is necessary, native can also do physical activities like yoga or play sports.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Leo
04 Sep,2024
22 Sep,2024

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet and has a significant impact on your Zodiac sign. The Mercury is very influential over your sign, and it changes your way of thinking, boosts up your confidence, increases your communication skills, pushes your mind towards an optimistic view, gives space to your mind to have a greater thought process. Even Mercury over Leo makes their natives unchallengeable, and this is also the reason for Leo's arrogance. This time can be a little dangerous as they would not listen to anyone's advice and think their ideas are the only way to proceed. This period is going to prove very profitable for the natives in terms of financial condition, and they will notice an increase in their income and they will also have a side earning from some secret sources. The natives might face some difficulties in their professional life, and some obstacles are there on their card, though we all know that hard work is the key to success, so with extreme hard work and absolute dedication, they will be able to achieve success.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Aries

The transition in the planet Mercury in Leo is going to be very lucky for your Zodiac Sign Aries. You children might bring some good news to you which will make you feel good. Aries natives working might have to give their best efforts at their workplace; you will have to take some huge responsibilities during this period of time. There are several trips on your card, which can be either personal or professional. Natives trying for a baby will surely get positive results. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo on Taurus Sign

During the transition, the planet Mercury shifts to their fourth house of the natives. This time is going to be full of ups and downs for the Taurus natives, and you should take serious care of your parents, especially your mother's health. There is a huge chance of getting backstabbed by your friends, so keep an eye over your friends and see if someone has that kind of mindset. On the other hand, starting something new at work will give you a good profit and would be very beneficial for you. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Gemini

While during the transition planet Mercury will be posited in your third house, which is also called 'Parakram Kshetra'. With the transit, you will notice a gradual increase in your energy and would feel more enthusiastic. Though, you have to lower down your spirits or else you may get into serious arguments which mill cause friction between you and your siblings. You will also have some issues with your family during this time. There are some frequent tasks as a part of work in your card, which can be personal also. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Cancer

This time Mercury will not be posited in your zodiac sign. So the transition will not favour you, you have to take all your decisions calmly and should have a calm and peaceful mind. You have to handle your family issues and especially while having any disagreement with your cousins and siblings as luck will not be in your favour, so it's better to avoid arguments. You need to have control over your expenses as this time you may get over budget. Lending someone money would result in loss so better make sure you do not lend anyone during this period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Leo

The transit of Mercury in your Zodiac sign will indicate your financial status. You will earn a huge profit in terms of business. Though you need to take proper precautions regarding your health, keep yourself fit during this transition. You will be stressed in taking decisions for your future aspects. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Virgo

The Mercury is the strongest, and during its transit, it is posited in your 12th house, which signifies health and finance. During this time, you need to have control over your expenses or else it may lead to overburdening. There are several trips on your card, and you need to take proper precautions throughout your trip. Natives trying for travelling or applying for a job may get the chance this time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Libra 

Labh Ghar means the house of profits is your eleventh house, and the Mercury transit will be posited in your eleventh house as well. For people who have delayed their vacation or road trip from a long time due to their busy schedule will finally get a chance to travel. Amidst all this the transit is going to prove good for the Libra natives and they will stay safe and satisfied during this period of time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Scorpio

The planet Mercury dusting this transit will be posited in your house known as Karm Kshetra, and this is the best time for a new startup. The natives who are unemployed and are thriving for jobs will sadly have to wait a little longer but don't worry, and you will surely eat the fruit for your patience later.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Sagittarius

Bhagyasthan, the ninth house of your Zodiac sign will be posited by Mercury during its transition in Leo. This transit would be extremely favourable for married couples; they will have a happy and peaceful relationship. Unmarried people may also get the chance to have a successful marriage. This is the best Mahurat to have Pooja at your home, and you will surely be successful in achieving your aims. There are some chances of delay in your work; however, you will get through it from hard work and dedication.

Impact of Mercury in Leo for Capricorn 

The powerful planet Mercury will be posited in your eight houses during this transit which will be very challenging for the natives. You must be immensely careful for your physical as well as mental health, especially your food consumption should be healthy, and you should do exercise regularly. Take proper rest in order to keep your mind and body peaceful. Stay alert against your enemies; they might create some obstacle. Apart from that, handle every task and issue with care and total dedication.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Aquarius 

The Mercury transition will be posited in your seventh house, which will be very favourable for the Aquarians. Unmarried natives might get a chance to have a life partner. In fact, natives already in the process of discussing an alliance with their in-laws will be beneficial. You are suggested to stay away from communicable disease and take proper care of your own health and stay fit. Natives trying to have a baby will surely get positive results.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Pisces 

This transition will not be favourable for you as The planet will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Proper determination and confidence will help you out during this crucial time. Hard work and dedication will give you good results to pay off all the challenges and obstacles. You might have a quarrel with your family, so keep a cool mind and calmly solve your issues.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Virgo
23 Sep,2024
09 Oct,2024

The incredible planet Mercury is the ruling lord of Virgo, and during the transition period, the planet changes its position and brings an influential impact on different fields of one's life. The Mercury transit has an impact over one's way of communication, helping others, family, finance, intellect, marital life. This transit will be influential on each of the signs in the zodiac circle as Mercury's rulings nature is over one's communication, technology, and travel. This transit will bring some favourable impact on the lives of natives. You will be able to notice an inclination towards learning, the chance of travelling to your desired places, one's status in the society. Hence Mercury plays a critical role in the lives of natives. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aries 

The planet Mercury will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Your sixth house will also host the position of the sun. Thus the Aries natives will face the impact of two planets, and there will be a formation of 'Budh Aditya Yog'. Therefore this transition period will heal all your injuries, health issues you were facing for a long time. Working officials will face excessive success in their respective fields, and you will be praised for your hard work and honesty, you may also defeat all your opponents in the office and will prove yourself aa the strongest competitor in your office. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and properties; there is a good chance you will be able to pay every debt. It's is expected to have a little bit control over your expenses; spending too much might lead to over budget. Your married life would be full of happiness and harmony, though paying attention and spending time with your partner will keep you away from clashes and arguments. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Taurus 

During the period of transit, planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in your fifth house, along with the Mercury, Sun will be posited in the same house. Both being in the same house would create favourable impacts on your house, Taurus. The love life of Taurus natives will prosper; you will get to spend some of the blissful moments with your partner. You will have a sense of mutual understanding with your spouse. There are some arguments and clashes between you both, though you have to handle it with patience and try to impress them. Some of the natives will gain interest in spiritual studies and religious concepts at this duration. This would be the perfect time to buy a car or property; you will be successful in it. You have to take proper precautions regarding your health. Your mother's health is going to be perfect; any past problem in her health will tend to heal during this period. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Gemini

This transit will bring a positive impact in the lives of the Gemini natives, the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Gemini will host the position of the planet. There as, your fourth house represents one's well-being and happiness. There is a sign of gaining inheritance to some of your ancestral properties, and you will also gain good profits through these properties or assets. The powerful Mercury and sun being in the same house will bring luck in your life, and you will reap the fruits of benefits during this time. Natives who are not living with their parents will get to meet them, and you will show love and care towards your parents. You will also get some quality time to spend with them. You will have good terms with your siblings and relatives. Your relationship will gain momentum, and you will spend some memorable time with your partner. Working officials will get into the path of success, though they have to stay away from office politics or else your opponents would try to ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Cancer 

It is the third house of your zodiac sign will host the transition period of Mercury. Your third house is also known as Parakram Sthan. The transit of Mercury in your house will increase your energy, give you a positive mind and brings good luck in the field of work. The combination of Mercury and Sun will bring a favourable impact on your house by enhancing your confidence, patience, communication skills, and intellect. You will feel powerful during this time, and you will have absolute clarity in your thoughts and ideas, people will tend to get attracted by you, and you will be able to accomplish every task with perfection. Working officials will enjoy the benefits of this transit, some of you will get promoted, which would bring you out of stress. Though you may get overconfident sometimes due to your short temper you will get involved in arguments, so keep calm and don't engage yourself in such problems which will ruin your good image. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and other sources. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Leo 

The Mercury transit is going to take place in the second house of the individuals, and the conjunctions of Mercury and Sun will bring a positive impact over your sign, Leo. You will get some good news during this time, Leo natives involved in business fields will gain enormous profits through different sources, and you will also have a good chance to receive profits through ancestral property or past investments. This profit might help you to clear out your debts. You will have a good sense of humour, and your communication skill will help you make new friends. Natives who are involved in the field of media, law, or sales professionals will earn huge benefits. Students preparing for competitive exams have to focus on their studies, which is the only way to score good results. Your love life will be standing, and you will spend a happy time with your family. Apart from that, your parents will have a blissful time with you. The working official has to stay away from office politics. The natives will have a perfect health condition.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Virgo 

The transition of Mercury will occur in your own sign, thus creating a Budh Aditya Yoga formation. The Mercury and Sun will collaborate, and both their positioning will be in your first house, which is your ascendant house. The natives will be fortunate during this time period. Your superiors will highly support and respect you for your dedication and hard work. You will be praised, and everyone will be impressed by your timing. Stay alert from your rivals; they will give their best to ruin your image. There is a family trip on your card, you will spend some blissful time with your family at this duration, your partner will support you, and both of you will develop a sense of mutual understanding, which will reduce your clashes and arguments. Health-wise, you are recommended to do regular exercise or yoga in order to keep yourself fit and fine. Maintaining your health will also be beneficial for you as it would ease up your mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Libra

The planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, along with that sun will take the same position, and their conjunction will show ups and downs in your life. The natives have to work really hard in every field to attain success. The working people will have to take certain responsibilities, which would increase your work pressure and put you in stress. Don't worry and you must take this as a test and give your best to complete your tasks responsibly. The natives will witness an increase in expenses, so you are advised to have control over your daily expenditure and prevent your overspending. The Libra native will spend some memorable time with their family, and your spouse will be very supportive with you during this time. Your health will remain stable. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Scorpio

The impact of the transit will give favourable results to the Scorpio natives. During the transit the Planet Mercury will change its position and will shift towards your eleventh house, your eleventh house is also known as the Labh Ghar or the house of profits in Vedic Astrology. So the combination of Sun and Mercury will improve your financial condition, there are chances of financial gain through different sources. Natives having problems with their overspending habit will finally get a way to stop it. You will finally get some saving schemes which will help you in the long term. Apart from that, you are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health, any ignorance in terms of health will put you at risk. Stay away from fast food and maintain a proper diet. There are several personal and professional trips on your card. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Sagittarius 

The Sagittarius natives will host the position of Mercury in their tenth house, where the house is also known as Karyakhetra or working house in Vedic Astrology. The natives will enjoy the benefits during this transitory period. Working natives will go excessively good in respective fields, and you will be praised by your staff for your brilliant work. You will also have a chance of getting an increment or a promotion. Native who are deciding to change their job will get total success. Your family front will remain happy, and your siblings will also maintain good relations with you. Your partner may shower you will love and support you in every difficult situation. Your health will remain stable, though a checkup will help you in preventing problems for the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury changes its position during the transitory period, and your ninth house hosts the transition. Your ninth house represents one's confidence and enthusiasm. The natives will get the favour of luck and support during this duration. After this transit, the natives will notice an increase in one's intelligence and memory power and which will help you attain success in different aspects of life. Working natives will get to use their luck in the work front, initially gaining success. This is the best time to confront your feelings to your loved ones. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aquarius

The transition of the Planet Mercury will take place in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, which would have both positive and negative impact on the lives of individuals. Your disputes with your father or any elder will finally have closure, and you will spend the duration in harmony, you will get to spend some blissfully time with your family. Natives in relationships will get a chance to convert their love into marriage, though they will face certain difficulties in doing so. However, you will find a way to clear every arising dispute; just don't lose patience. There are high chances of gaining through some unexpected sources during this transit. Your friends and family will give you full support at every step of your life. Married couples will get great chances to get closer to each other. Your health will remain good, though doing some physical activity like playing sports or doing exercise is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Pisces 

The transition of planet Mercury will take place in the third house of a zodiac sign. The Pisces natives will not enjoy the transit, as there will not be any favourable outcomes. They will have to go through some stressful things like bad health, loss in business, disputes etc. Your health will be affected by the change in the climate. You are recommended to take proper healthcare during this transit. Natives who are in the field of jobs will remain safe from their rivals. Natives who are planning to change their jobs are advised to wait for some more time as this time might be a little crucial for them. Single natives trying to get married should remain careful as their rivals will try to ruin their image. Married natives will spend this time will no particular issue, though you need to give proper attention to your partner and sending more time will help you know each other better.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Libra
10 Oct,2024
28 Oct,2024

The transit of the planet Mercury has a significant effect on your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the strongest planet and is also referred to as the messenger of God, famed for its logic, along with enormous skills and swiftness. Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, and Venus is the ruling planet for Libra. Thus Libra being a moon sign and signifies by air creates a purification to the speech of the natives due to this transit. It helps in improving your communication skills which would attract people and would be beneficial for you. It increases your creative abilities and gives you a mature mindset. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aries

The transit of the planet Mercury will not be in your favour. During the transit the Planet Mercury will be posited in your seventh house, the seventh house of your Zodiac sign is the house of your marital life. Determination of one's partnership in various fields of life is very important in terms of astrology. Though the transition period is not going to favour the Aries natives, they might face some serious health issues. If you don't take proper care, you might get some severe disease mainly related to your skin, and you should surely consult a specialist for the skin. Working professionals might get some stress related to work, and any kind if the effort is going to be a waste, so the natives are advised to spend some time to relax rather than taking stress. They can give some time to do something they love like their hobbies, so they could feel lighter and energetic again. Native's marital life will also be a little stress, you would get annoyed, and there will be many misunderstandings which would make you upset. So talk to your partner properly and try to sort it out simply rather than making a fuss out of it. This unfavorable transit will bring distraction in your economic life as well, and you will get into a quarrel with your family members also. You have to take proper care at your expenses, or else your expenses might get overburden. Try to save during this period of time. Trips are there on the cards of business natives, though they would not earn enough profits. Have patience and don't lose hope, after the transit ends you will be back in your normal life.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Taurus 

The planet Mercury has a very friendly term with Libras ruling planet Venus, while its transit the planet is put towards the sixth house of you zodiac sign Taurus which will be favourable for them. Students working hard for their studies will definitely get good results at the end. You will notice a certain improvement in your way of speaking, you will be easily communicating with people, and everyone will be impressed by your logic and humour. Natives competing in debates will surely attain success. You will be interested in literature and in reading various books, novels, magazines, etc. You will defeat every opponent standing against you, your confidence will break all the obstacles, and your performance will gradually increase. People of this zodiac sign, who are influenced by the bull, will be very successful in the field of writing and gain enormous fame. Even, they are a centre of attraction in social media and will influence many people due to your communication skills. There are many trips on your card with your lover, you will be able to spend a memorable time with your lover, and your relationship will prosper during this transit. Married natives would also enjoy the same advantages and will be one step closer to each other and create a better understanding.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Gemini 

The Mercury transit will be posited in your fifth house, which is known as the house of progeny, it signifies your children, education and knowledge. This transit will be favourable for the Gemini natives; your relation with your family will get stronger. spend more time with the younger members of your family. You will get to have a happy family trip or picnic during this duration. Your will be filled with joy and happiness, And you will spend a memorable time with your family and get closer to them. If your mom's health was at a decline from a long time, this transit would improve your mom's condition too, and she will be in good health by now. Student natives with the zodiac sign Gemini will gain interest in learning new things, they may specifically try to get involved in the field of religion and spiritual subjects and spend more time in learning religion and scriptures. You will also feel for someone of your opposite gender; both of you will have a memorable time and will enjoy each other's company. However, this relationship would be a temporary one. People trying for a baby might have a chance of getting a twin. In an overall basis, this transit is going to be very precious and memorable for the Geminis.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Leo

The planet Mercury during its transit will be positioned in the third house of the Leo natives, the house of courage and valour. You will notice a particular change in your speaking, and you will be able to communicate fluently with others. On the other hand, people would understand you better. Your relation with your family will remain as it was, on the other hand, you might have some quarrels with your siblings, so take care of that and try to solve it out with the help of your family. You will lose interest in your ambitions and might feel lazy, because of this you will be financially weak too. Though your friend circle will increase and you will enjoy more with your friends. You might feel physically and mentally weak, maybe because of over thinking, so calm yourself down don't think too much, to have a peaceful mind you can do pranayam or yoga and get yourself back.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Virgo 

The second house of the zodiac sign Virgo signifies one's money, wealth, speech, etc. which in accordance with the 'Kalpurush Kundli'. The transit of Mercury takes over this house and may affect the natives in a positive way. You will have a good connection with your family, and they will understand your good intentions and hard work you do for them, you will be successful in impressing them by your speeches and mindset. You will have delicious dishes at home, which would keep you fit and healthy. Apart from your family, your communication skills will also attract everyone at your workplace, they will start respecting you, and you will have a good image in front of them. If you have some juniors working underneath you, motivate them and help them out with everything related to work. This would increase their affection towards you and will respect your more, and you will surely notice an increase in their work pace. People in the field of business will get profits from their schemes and ideas. Students preparing for the competitive exam will get success from their hard work during this period of time.

Impact of Transit of Mercury in Libra on Libra 

According to the 'Kalpurush Kundli,' the transit will take place in your own house, and the planet Mercury which signifies speech and intellect will be posited in your first house which is your ascendant house. The first house of your zodiac sign Libra signifies health, nature, and knowledge. The planet Mercury is known as the strongest planet, and a friend of Venus would leave a positive impact on your personality and in the aspect of life. Though you should take proper care of your health at this time, regular exercise and yoga will keep your health balanced and mind peaceful. You get excellent results in your professional field, your hard work will pay off, and you will perform better at your workplace. Libra native involved in the fields of business will earn huge profits. Apart from that, new starters are recommended to take care of their expenses and or else they might face over budget. Your overall expenses would be stable though due to some expenses might incur due to the health problems of your family member. Students native have to take some serious decisions regarding their future, and they should take advice from their family members as well before taking any final decision. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Scorpio

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet, and the transit it leaves a significant impact over the natives of Zodiac sign Scorpio. During its transit, the planet is posited in your twelfth house. Your twelfth house, according to the Kalpurush Kundali, is known as the house of expenditure. The impact of Mercury transit on your Sign will not be favourable for you. You should take care of your expenses, have a proper account of your spending and spending too much on daily life itineraries would lead to over budgeting. You should make a proper budget plan in order to be successful in getting control of your spending. Students may get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies will get a chance to fulfill their ambitions. Scorpio natives working in the field of business would get a chance to go on trips, though they won't feel good about it and would be annoyed with the trip. Stay alert as your opponents they will try to put obstacles to distract you, take proper precautions. This transit will affect you negatively; your health might deteriorate. You should take proper care of your health, especially your mental health, this duration will give you excess stress which will also lead to appetite loss. Students have to do hard work, intact they might ignore their studies right now. People who are married should maintain a good relationship with their spouse and try to understand their sentiments. If you don't give proper attention to your spouse, it might lead to quarrels and conflict between you both. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Sagittarius

The Mercury is the strongest planet and having friendly relation with Venus; it leaves a very important impact in your Zodiac sign. During the transition of Mercury In Libra on your Sign, the planet shifts its position to the eleventh house, which implies the house of profits. This means that this transit will prove favourable for the Sagittarius natives. There are huge chances of getting your money from someone you have lent to, and it would save from a huge debt issue. Natives planning for something big can execute during this duration and earn huge profits. You will open new doors of happiness with your family, and your relatives will be very helpful during this time and help you in gaining profits which will increase your financial condition. During this transit natives in the profession of the job will enjoy benefits like getting help from their colleagues and have a good time hanging out with their friends. Couples who have recently got married will enjoy an amazing time with each other and get closer to on other too, there is a huge possibility that they might be blessed with a baby and their relationship will loyal with each other. Student natives can enjoy this duration rather than taking stress in their studies if necessary, taking help from seniors will solve their issues.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Capricorn 

The impact of Mercury would get the natives charged, keep them energetic and enthusiastic. The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in their tenth house of the Zodiac Sign Capricorn, which signifies the house of work. The tenth house is also known as the house of Karma Bhava, which may be the reason for your increase in energy and excitement during this period of time. Natives associated in the professional field will be receiving amusing results of their hard work, and they will be praised at their workplace because of completing their task before time. The natives might get increments in their salary too. Apart from that person with the business profession, there are possibilities that you will earn good profits during this duration of time. You will surely defeat your enemies. Your logic and humor will prove to be very impactful on others, including your opponents. You will be the hero of your family you will be able to understand and solve everyone's problems and will create a good image in front of everyone. The love life of the natives will be very favourable too, they will get to hang out with each other, and during this time they will get to know each other, and everything they do will attract you towards them. On the other hand, the student natives are required to take more care of their health rather than putting mental pressure on their studies. As we know, a healthy mind keeps a body fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aquarius 

The Mercury transition taking place on Aquarius will leave an impactful effect on the Sign, the planet will be posited in their ninth house of the Aquarius natives, and as per the Kalpurush Kundli, the ninth house signifies one's religious, luck and fortune. Though, due to this transit, you may have to face difficulties and obstructions in your life. You have to give your level best performance to achieve good results. The natives will earn profit in terms of financial fields, though there will an increase in their expenditures for some reasons. There are trips on your card, and it is recommended to avoid them for a little bit or postponed your trip unless there is a case of emergency. Your family life will also stay on the decline in terms of relation; you will get into quarrels because of your pride and conflicts with your siblings are also possible. Apart from that, your love life will remain balanced. It would be very beneficial for the student natives to keep a distance from their friends as they would distract you from your studies. Other than that your hard work will prove to be good during this transit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Pisces 

During the planetary movement the planet Mercury will make its transit in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, your eight houses which are also known as the Ayu Bhava signifies longevity. You will receive favourable results due to the transit. You will notice an improvement in the field of finance, the natives will get chance to pay off their debts and free from any stress, and they will be left with some money for future savings too. The natives working as professionals, will get praised and known for their wit, and honest work, along with those natives who wish to change jobs will be successful in getting a new one. People in the field of business should not haste and make a mistake; rather, they should consult someone experienced and then implement their ideas. You mothers health will be at stake, so natives are serious about your mother health take her to a doctor before anything serious happens. 

Due to the impact of Mercury transit, the natives will have interest in studying mysterious science subjects like astrology, mythology, etc. You will create a good image in your social life people will tend to follow your thought and get your advice during this time period.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Scorpio
29 Oct,2024
03 Jan,2025

The influence of Mercury in Scorpio increase you focus towards all resources. Mercury is a dualistic planet and transit of Mercury in Scorpio will increase your thinking capability, strengthen your intellect and boosts up your confidence. You will be able to compete with every challenge in your life and overpower them. Scorpio sign is represented as the warrior of the zodiac. So natives with this sign will always have to think their way out instead of worrying about it if you are getting tensed about each and every task than you will suffer. Make your own choice, choose your own path, whether it is worrying or thinking. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aries 

The transit of Mercury will influence due to its change in position, and the planet will be posited in the eighth house of your Zodiac sign Aries. According to the Kundali, the eight houses is represented as the significator of life and expectancy and enlightenment. There will be many changes faced by the natives have to face during this time. However, your economic condition will improve during this period. You will gain profits, and different doors of monetary resources will be open for you. People who are planning to take any loan will be successful at this time. Working officials will have to face some challenges, apart from that they have to be patient or else hasting at any point will put you in stress. You will develop an interest in learning spiritual subjects, and your thoughts and ideas will ache accordingly. Natives who have set one's cap for PhD degree will get favourable results. You siblings will go through a tough time during this time, and you will have to help them out and solve their problems. There are several trips on your card, though you be careful at the time of self-driving. Your health condition will be down, so you are required to maintain your diet and do physical activities. Your spouse will also have a source of earning, which will ease things up and will be handy for you too. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Taurus

The transit of evolutionary Mercury will take place in the seventh house of your zodiac sign Taurus. Your seventh house is signified as the house of marital life, partner and business partners. The impact of Mercury transit is going to give good results for the married natives; they will respect each other and have a term of mutual understanding. People in relationships will spend a beautiful time and carry out romantic conversations, and this time will strengthen your relationship. Even, some of you will propose to your partner for marriage, and some problems may arise still you will be finding out away. One's in the field of work will get benefits through this transit, new opportunities will arise for you during this time. Natives looking for a new job will be successful. You will also gain extreme profits in the field of business; even your partnership business will prosper. You would always be at peace and witness harmony in your family, and children of this zodiac sign will stay healthy and happy. However, you have to take care of your expenses there are chances of an increase in your expenditure. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Scorpio on Gemini 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in the sixth house if your zodiac sign, which is represented as the house of the enemy according to the field of astrology. This time would be very difficult for the Gemini natives. You have to be careful about many things like your enemies, pain, job, competition, health, and even your marriage. Natives might have to face some challenges regarding your health, ignoring your health conditions may give you a negative impact at this time. If you are doing a job, you will be challenged by your rivals, and they will give their best to defeat you and dominate you. You are recommended to stay away from illegal activities to keep yourself and your family. You will meet your in-laws, and their bits of advice would be helpful for you. You will also face an increase in your expenses, and you will have to face many obstacles, though hard work and honesty will help you out to survive this duration.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Cancer 

During this period of transit, the planet will change its position and will be positioned in the powerful fifth house of your Zodiac sign, and your fifth house is a significantly important of your family and children's well-being. You will get new opportunities in the field of education, your children's creative talents, and even your relationship will be prosperous. Students will get to fulfil their wish in higher studies, and this is the best time to show one's ability. Most of you will also get the chance to shift to abroad to continue your studies and sharpen your talents. Natives who are in love will have to face some clashes and arguments with their beloved for small reasons, though you will sort it out with patience and understanding. Some of you will have the chance to express your feeling to your loved ones and get good results. You will face some problems in your marital life due to which misunderstandings will arise. However, your spouse will enjoy some benefits during this transit. You will have an amazing communication skill which will help you earn respect and trust in your society. Your intelligence will help you in taking some tuff decisions which will give you certain benefits in future. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Leo

The transit of the dualistic planet Mercury will show its impact on the fourth house of your zodiac sign, thus influencing your happiness. On the other hand, the transit will have an impactful effect on your luxury, emotions, and property-related things. You will witness several benefits due to this transit. There will be an inflow of happiness and harmony in your life. You will stay motivated; your family will support you in every aspect of life. The Leo natives will spend some quality time with their family members. In terms of property, issues will get resolved during this period. This is also the best time to buy a new house or vehicle for the Leo natives. You mother will get favors of this transit, you will receive her blessings, and her health is going to be perfect at this time. The natives working as hired men will do excellent in their work field; their hard work and dedication will be the reason for their success. Your increase in knowledge will help you attain a better position in society, and you will also make new contact with some of the reputed members of society. You will have excellent health, though stay away from fast food and take proper precaution, and the polluted area may be the reason for your skin disease. So, keep your surroundings clean. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Virgo 

Due to the transition, you will notice a change in your aspect of life. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet Mercury will be posted in the third house of your zodiac sign Virgo. The third house represents various exposures to your life; it brings a change in your courage, will power, passion, confidence and gives you the energy to improve your knowledge, makes you more enthusiastic. Along with that, there is zeal in one's Kundali, which gets enlightened during the transit. The transition will make you more conscious and serious in your behaviour, and you will be more passionate about your tasks. Your thoughts and ideas will impress everyone around you, though your way of communication may hurt someone's intentions, so you are advised to control your speeches. Your short-tempered nature will be the reason for fights and arguments at some point. You are advised to handle things calmly and smartly. You will get the opportunity to get a new job, and you will be surely successful in it. The natives will be successful in helping out their friends and family, though clashes are possible between you and your family. New members will be added in your social circle, and they will tend to continue this friendship for the long term. Apart from that, natives will earn respect in the society due to their partner's success. There are short trips on your card through you need to be cautious during the travelling. Your siblings will behave maturely, and their success will make you happy, and you will also help them out at any cost. Your health would be totally fine at this time, though you are advised to do physical activities and stay fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Libra 

The strongest planet Mercury will make its transit into the second house of your Zodiac sign, Libra. The transition of the planet will influence your family, improve your communication skills, and focus on one's primary education and monetary resource. The impact of the transit will give favourable results for the Libra natives. You will notice a gradual increase in your economic condition. You will gain money through different sources, even though a foreign source. There are high possibilities of returns from investments and domestic sources also. The natives will be able to repay their loans and debts through these profits. Even, if you are waiting for loan approval, this time you may get a piece of good news. During this transition, you will spend more, so keep a tab on your expenses and having a little control over your spending will balance your budget. This duration will give you fruitful results and your good communication skills will create a good image in front of others. Apart from that, you will earn maximum profits due to your chosen personality, and people will tend to trust you more. The partner of the Libra natives will have bad health, so take them for a checkup and cooperate with them. Working professionals will get the taste of success due to their dedication and hard work. Though your opponents won't leave a single chance to ruin your image, it's better to keep a distance from them. Your family members will be proud of your excellence in different fields, and you will spend a peaceful and happy time with them. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Scorpio

The transition of the planet Mercury will be taking place in your own house, so during the transit, the planet will change its direction and will be posited in the first house which is your ascendant house. The Scorpion natives have to face certain challenges during this transit, as their first house is known as the house of self. There will be some changes which will give a negative impact on one's attitude. Your health will be down during this transition period, and even you may suffer from skin problems. So, it is significantly urgent to take necessary care of your health, doing proper workout and keeping yourself and your surrounding clean would be beneficial for your health. Your mental health would stay on the decline too. You will tend to gain your interest in increasing your financial condition, and you would get total success. You will attain good results through hard work and dedication. Your advice to keep yourself calm, or sake debates and arguments may arise between you and your siblings and friends. Your social circle will value you more, and you will make new and trustworthy friends. The natives will be able to fulfil their awaited desires. Your opponent won't stand a chance in front of you. Seniors and colleagues will respect you for maintaining decorum in the office culture. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Sagittarius 

The twelfth house of Sagittarius will host the transition of the planet Mercury, where the twelfth house represents expenditure and income. In the field of astrology, the planet has an impact over your different aspects of life like expenses, salvation, foreign trips, family and others. You will notice a good amount of growth in your expenses. You will find innovative techniques to earn profits, though you need to spend smartly and save for investment. You have to stay alert from frauds; don't trust anyone at this time, trusting on someone may result in huge losses. People applying for a loan may get favourable results. There is a foreign trio on your card, which will be beneficial for your business. This trip will give you good profits. You need to be quite careful, or else you may get into a controversy. Your rivals will do anything to ruin your image so stay secured from them and strategize your plans to defeat them at every point. Ignoring your health issues may give birth to worse disease. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Capricorn

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, along with that; it is also the strongest planet. At the time of transition, the position of the planet remains in the eleventh house of your zodiac sign. The eleventh house of the Capricorn natives implies one's income, success, social circle, siblings, and others. The natives will enjoy several benefits during this transit. You will get rewarded for your success and hard work, resulting in an increase in your desires to achieve your goals. You will face some challenges in different fields, though you will procure your position and defeat each and every obstacle in your life. In terms of your financial condition, you will succeed enormously, and several doors of monetary resources will come to you, and serve you extreme benefits. You will also get an advantage through your property. Your siblings will also get the chance to taste success which would also prove beneficial for you. Your marital life will be full of joy, and couples with a kid will witness their talents. Natives with the job will earn respect through their wisdom and honesty in completing their tasks.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aquarius

The transit of Mercury will be very impactful on Aquarius. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and moves towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. Where the tenth house represents various factors of life like one's career, family's situation, respect, politics and one goal in life, apart from that it is also known as the house of karma and profession. The natives will witness several ups and downs in their lives. The working professionals have to face some challenges, though their sharp intellect and reasoning abilities will help them to get out such tuff situations. Natives applying for a new job have to keep patience and try harder. However, you will not get favourable outcomes at your workplace and get frustrated. Though don't lose your hopes and try to stand up and fight back. Your beloved will try to impress you and their affectionate love will strengthen your relationship. Natives who are involved in politics will not get good results, though you should keep trying. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Pisces

The planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transition and it shifts into your ninth house. The ninth house during the transition influences one's fate, guru, religion, travel, life decisions and financial condition. The Pisces natives will enjoy the benefits during this transit, especially the student natives, will score good marks in their studies, and their mentors will actively participate in helping them. There are family trips on your card. Your partner's achievement will be the reason for your name, fame and respect in society. One's involved in the business will earn profits through different economic sources. Performing religious activities and social services will give you mental satisfaction. You will also earn profits in partnership business. The natives will get more inclined in art and literature; some of them will choose writing as their profession too. You may also plan for a business trip or get a chance to shift to abroad for your higher studies. Your mother's health might get worse if ignored so do proper medication. Don't forget about your health, so de regular yoga or try to get involved in physical activities.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Sagittarius
29 Dec,2025
16 Jan,2026

The transition of the Planet Mercury can be very impactful over your sign. Due to the transit, the planet changes its position and moves to different house cause a change in your communication skills, preaching, educational activities, and intellectual thoughts. It also affects your financial condition by causing a difference in your business, accounting marketing, etc. The planet also influences the relation between your parents, lover, siblings and others. The Sagittarius signifies higher learning, philosophy, religion, teaching, Gurus, fathers teaching, travelling to long distances, etc. When Mercury is positioned in Sagittarius, it affects mainly the accounting and finance fields, higher learning, profits from publishing books, and it is also the best time for astrologers and Gurus. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Aries 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet; during the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards your ninth house, which is the house of one's fate and fortune. The impact of this transition affects one's luck, religion and relation with father. This period can be quite challenging for the natives; you will go through a lot of mental stress and tension because your tasks may not give good results. On the other hand, your family members will help you and support in every bad situation. Natives have to work really hard to get through this. Sitting at home and doing nothing would not help you; instead, you have to work really hard and take serious decisions about your future to make your dreams possible. Your karma is going to hit you back, so take precaution and don't interfere in anyone life. Not only your family but your friends will also stand by your side, and they will help you out with every problem you are dealing with and try to solve them together. Students natives will enjoy the advantages of this time; your hard work and dedication will give you better results in the field of education. You should take proper medications if necessary. If you are unable to handle your economic condition, then taking a loan from the bank would be a great idea. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Taurus

The transit of Mercury in your house will improve in the lives of natives having the zodiac sign Taurus. During the transitory period, the planet will be posited in your eight houses which are represented as the Ayu Bhagya or longevity of your Kundali. You will get to hear good news, and even the Married people will have a new member in the family during this time period. As the impact of this transition would be favourable for you, thus there will peace and harmony between your family member. They will tend to understand your feelings better, and you will stay motivated throughout time. You will be able to help out your family member too, especially the younger member in terms of finance. People in a relationship or married will go for some shopping or buying new clothes with their beloved. You will notice an increase in your social friends who will enjoy your company and have a memorable time with you. You will gain motivation by doing good deeds like donating in a charity and helping your friends give then valuable advice. There are chances of making a mistake in business and incurring losses, though this will not affect you much; instead, you will learn from those mistakes and more confident that you won't repeat it in future. Every Taurus native is advised to maintain a proper diet and do regular exercise to stay fit and healthy. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Gemini

The Planet Mercury is the dearest friend of Venus, and during the transition, Mercury shifts towards the house of partnership which is the seventh house of your zodiac sign. This house helps to know better about your spouse or partner and have a better understanding of life. People having a business partnership should avoid any quarrel or argument, because if you try to pressurize your partner in making your point, it would be problematic for you in future. You need to calmly share your ideas and views and make your partners understand in the right way. You will lack confidence because you will be worried about your future. The married natives are advised to remain totally understanding towards their spouse, listen to them and spend time with them. Working professionals will earn respect and good results due to their hardworking and honesty; even there are opportunities for some of you to get promoted. The most important thing every Gemini native should care about is, you have to do everything patiently, and you will get good results from it. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Cancer 

The transition of Mercury will give a favourable impact on the Cancer Natives. During the transit, the planet will change its position and will shirts towards the third house of your Zodiac sign Cancer. This transition would rather be very auspicious for the natives. If you are professional, then you will be highly praised for your efforts and working techniques, even you will be successful in doing every task with ease. You will feel mentally strong, and you would easily go through the problems which may arise during this duration, and even at the toughest times, your confidence won't break. Natives looking for a job change, this is the best time, and you will be surely successful in getting a new job. You would soon notice a significant improvement in your communication skills due to which people will tend to listen to you and understand your point of views, and your sweetened tone will attract them and thus help you in getting a good image in the social circle. You may also get in contact will some of the reputed members of the society. If you are fighting for any kind of legal case, the decisions will be in your favour during this duration of time. Your expense will soon increase, though you don't have to worry much about it. Having a little control over your spending would sort it out. Married natives will get a chance to go on a trip more like a vacation and spend a memorable time with their spouse. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Leo 

The transition brings a favourable impact over the Leo natives. During the transitory period, the planet is posited into the fifth house which is also represented as the house of progeny. Knowledge of your children is determined by the house. Leo natives will notice a change in their intellect. You will try to significantly improve and do better in your mental ability and will gain more interest in learning new subjects. Natives who are interested in the field of art will be able to attract many people by their creativity and talent. You will gain interest in spiritual learning, and you may also choose this as your subject. Natives will also enjoy debating and discussing their new ideas and point of views during this duration of time. You will get a little short-tempered in dealing with your life partner, though you will certainly pull it down fast and try to make your partner feel good. Students will enjoy extreme favours if this transit, their hardworking and dedication will prove to be beneficial, and they will get full support from their teachers and mentors. If you are studying in the field of mathematics, you will surely get good results and make your parents proud. Apart from that take proper precaution for your health, some skin allergies might cause due to polluted air. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Virgo 

The impact of the transit of planet Mercury would be very beneficial for the Virgo natives. During the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Virgo. The fourth house represents mother and happiness. You will reap the fruits of hard work you did in the past. This time is very lucky for buying a new home. You will be very busy due to some guests arrived at your home. There are many more possibilities of getting great news in various fields of life. You need to handle things between you and your spouse very calmly; otherwise, it may give birth to some clashes and disputes. However, you will be successful in every field of life and solve your problem with ease. Natives have work profession mist complete their work in time and full dedication. Also, you are recommended to do proper exercise or yoga and maintain a healthy diet. Apart from that, you will get the maximum benefit of this transit period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Libra 

The transit period is going to be very challenging for the Libra natives. As the dualistic Planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the third house of your zodiac sign during the transitory period. The third house is referred to as the house of courage and Valor. During this challenging period, you will have to take some serious decisions in your life and if you make any mistake in taking any decisions in terms of your family, this would bring your family apart. Though you just need to be down to earth and accept every mistake you made in front of your family. You opponents will try each and every way possible in order to destroy your image or status, though you will be handling each and every situation very calmly and smartly. You will need to control your wishes and focus on your work in order to attain success in the work fields. You will have to handle each and everything yourself, as we all know, god help those people who are kind and honest. Short-distance trips are there on your card which will refresh your mind. Apart from that your health will be good except your mind, your mental health will be a little disturbed. Keeping yourself fit and fine would be the best way to stay healthy and out of stress. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Scorpio 

The transit would leave a favourable impact on the Scorpio natives. The planet Mercury will change its position and move towards the second house of your Zodiac sign Scorpio and this transit will sort out many problems for you, and you will also get good results of your deeds. People in the field of business will gain enormous wealth through great deals; you will be successful in the economic field. There are chances of getting profits through ancestral properties. Your communication skills will improve, and you will notice a change in your way of speaking, though you need to understand that it is the best time to speak otherwise stay calm in such a situation. You will gain a good image because if your honest work and good deed, you will prosper good image in front of the society. Your health must be seriously taken care of, and you must keep yourself and your surroundings clean. Or else skin related disease can cause huge problems. Scorpion natives studying as students must focus on their studies to get good results in competitive exams. Try to consume a balanced diet and nutritious food. Along with regular exercise or yoga, will keep you mentally and physically fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Sagittarius 

This transit is going to be very impactful on your sign as the transition is taking place in your own songs. During the transition as the planet will be posted in your ascendent house, which according to the Kalpurush Kundali determines one's own health, body, intellect or enlightenment. People involved in the field of business can witness financial loss whose opponents may be the reason, so you need to stay alert from your opponents. Due to financial loss, you might face problems in your families too. However, your friends or relatives would be there to help and support your mentally and financially. You may also have some arguments or clashes with your life partner; however, you will sort it out with your sweet words and end up in peace and harmony in your marital life. Try to be careful with your words in order to stay safe from your colleagues, or you will end in an argument or dispute with your colleagues. Married wives having this sign will appease their husbands with delicious food and have a happy married life. 

Transit of Mercury in Sagittarius on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make it's transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your Zodiac sign. This transit will bring a favourable impact in your life and your communication skills will find a way to touch people's hearts. You will attract your friends and family by your ideas and thoughts. Working professionals will gain respect and they will complete tasks in time. You will gain excess profits and your hardwork will prove to be very beneficial. Student natives working hard for  competitive exams will get good results. Your social circle will increase, people will tend to trust you and have faith in you. Though you need to keep control over your speeches or else it might turn into an argument. You also need to take proper precautions in terms of your health. Regular exercise or yoga would be very beneficial for your health and mental stability. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Aquarius 

The Aquarius natives will gain extreme favour due to this transit. The planet will make its transition and will be posited in your eleventh house, which is represented as your house of income and expenditure. During this transit, you will gain excess profits, and you will be able to clear out all the debts and money rat problems. Gaining profits will improve your financial condition. You will create a good image firing of your family, and you will also get an amazing chance to spend a memorable time with your partner and children as well. You will get to make new friends and actively take part in social activities too, which would help your expand your friend circle. Your increase in knowledge and intelligence will open new doors of profits in your life. Most of you who are in love will gift a beautiful present to your partner expressing your feeling to them; it is the best time to propose and ask for their hand for marriage. Amidst all this, if you still feel like you have not done good deeds than you need to review them again. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Pisces 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in your tenth house, which represents the house of Profession and career, due to this transit, your self-confidence will immensely improve. Your logical perspective will improve, which will help you defeat your opponents. This transit will make your personality strong due to which your enemies will fear from you and decide not to bother you in any way. Natives will easily complete their pending tasks and earn respect in their fields. Your family life will be smooth and peaceful. You will get a chance to spend more time with your life partner and get closer to them, and this time will be very memorable for both of you, which will create mutual understanding between you both. There are chances of shopping on your card, and most probably you will reap the fruits of hard work and give a boost to your career. Your intelligence will be boosted; you will be able to help out your classmates and put your views and points clearly. Your talents will be praised socially, and you can turn these talents into the direction of success.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Capricorn
24 Jan,2025
10 Feb,2025

The transit of Mercury into Capricorn plays a very significant role in the life of their natives. When the Mercury is in Capricorn, it makes the mind of the native think in a very well organized manner, and they also keep their focus on they want to achieve, and it is challenging to distract them from completing their tasks. The Capricorn natives during this transit will always be practical and focus on their business. Their way of communication will always be practical and logical. They will always have some relevance in their conversation, and thus, the transit of Mercury will have a very influential impact in the lives of Capricorns related to their business, career, education, love and marriage life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aries

The powerful Mercury that is the Lord of your third and sixth houses, during the transit, its position moves towards your tenth house. The tenth house of your Kundali implies your livelihood, karma and fame. With the impact of Mercury in your tenth house, during this time, you will do exceptionally well in your office or workplace, which would be all because of your hard work and intelligence. Your bosses and seniors will praise you, and even your colleagues would unexpectedly appreciate your work. People doing business have the best time to give a start to their new ideas, or they will get excessive chances to expand their business. You will have an excellent and happy relationship with your family. You will have a peaceful family life. You siblings will be there to support you in most of your things, which also be very beneficial for your work. Your communication skill will attract many people who might be useful. You need to avoid being overconfident. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Taurus

Mercury that is popularly known as the Lord of the second and the fifth houses of their zodiac sign Capricorn. During the transition, the planet moves towards the ninth house of their zodiac sign. The ninth house implies the house of wealth, fame and respect. Due to the effect of Mercury transition in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, you will notice an improvement in relation with your father. You will witness a significant gain in your financial condition and strong support from your family, especially your father. You will be able to establish a beautiful relation with your beloved and have a very happy marital life. Your communication with your partner will be flawless. You will always lookout for ways to stay together and spend a memorable time. You will gain excess fame in your social group and would be very profitable for you. There are some tips on your card, which would bring some benefit to improve your financial condition. Student natives will get a good result for their hard work in their higher studies. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Gemini

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the fourth house of your zodiac sign. During its transit into Capricorn, it is posited towards their eight houses. Due to the transit, it shows a rise in your physical challenges, and you must be careful about your health. On the other hand, the transit will help you in improving your financial condition. If you are facing any sort of financial issues, during this time, you will get rid of it. Natives connected with Dharma Karma and other religious things are going to get good results. People of this zodiac sign receiving Mantra Deeksha will witness great results. 

This transit is going to prove very beneficial for the Geminis, they will get excellent results working in the field of research, and their main focus will be in studying about spiritual activities in depth. You would get to notice a slight improvement in your communication skills. There are chances of gaining profits economically. However, you have to be careful about your speech since you may get aggressive or arrogant. You might face some difficulties at your workplace, though a little hard work and sincerity will work it out. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Cancer

Mercury is often referred to as the Lord of the third and twelfth houses for Cancerians. During the transition, the planet shifts towards the seventh house of your Kundali. The seventh house signifies a long-term partnership and a successful business. Natives during this transition will gain excess profit in terms of their work or business. There are more chances of profit from telecommunication resources. Natives doing business will be able to receive total success in expanding their business, especially through social media and marketing. In fact, natives working with multinational companies would also be able to get amusing results. In terms of the partnership, the transit would increase mutual understanding with your life partner. Avoid any outsider to interfere in your personal life or else that might raise an issue. Relation with your sibling will also improve, and you will get proper help and support from their side. You will find trustworthy friends, which would make you mentally strong, and you will able to make a decision and attain total success.

Effect of Mercury transit in Capricorn on Leo 

Mercury is the Lord of the eleventh and second houses of your zodiac sign Leo, while during the transit, it shifts to your sixth house which signifies legal activities, debated, and arguments. This transit into your house will give a good impact to you; there are chances that you may get success in any debate or court case during this period. You will notice a gradual increase in your expenses and your income might decrease, so you must take care of your expenses and try to have control of your expenses. You will surely get a good result, and your confidence might boost up. Don't get involved in any argument; it's better to stay away from any sort of distraction like that. This transit will prove to be very beneficial and favourable for the employees. You might be consuming more time in completing your tasks, and your mind would make a bit restless because of that, so don't worry and try to finish all your tasks without any fuss. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Virgo 

Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house and is the Lord of your Zodiac Sign as well. During the transit the planet shifts toward your fifth house which signifies love, education, intelligence, and children in your Kundali. This transit would have a significant impact on your zodiac sign. The transition of Planet Mercury into Capricorn will improve your intellectual thoughts. Student natives will attain great results in their field of academics. On the other hand, natives who are in love with their partner will get more time to know each other and get closer. They will build trust and increase their understanding with each other. Married couples would be very satisfied with their children and would engage with them to attain success in life. People involved in the business will get the chance to expand their business and get beneficial results, including traders and merchants. You will gain intelligence, and with the help of that, you will be able to make the right decisions. This transit will help you gain a special position as an influence on society. Working will notice an improvement in their relationship with their seniors.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Libra

Planet Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and during its transit in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, it is posited in your fourth house. Your fourth house signifies comfort and prosperity, which improves due to the transition of the planet of luck, Mercury. Your family knots will be strengthened, and you will have a great time. Your family knots might get stronger, and you would have a great time in future. This would help you to keep your mind at peace and focus over the working, which would help you get good results. You will get proper utilization of your intelligence and will praise and respect for your decisions. There are chances of getting benefits related to your property. If you do invest in properties, you will get the chance to gain more profit from it. Natives living in abroad might get a chance to come back home and meet their family. You will also receive gifts from your grandparents on your father's side, which would motivate you and make you happy. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Scorpio 

Mercury is the Lord of their eight and eleventh houses if the zodiac signs Scorpio, which during the transition period shifts toward the third house of your Kundali, which signifies communication. Planet Mercury is an important representation of communication. You will be able to fulfil all your ambitions. No one could snatch success from you, and thus this house will benefit a lot in terms of communication and speech. People working in the field of communication, it would be a piece of cake for them to attain success during this period. There are many chances of travelling and enjoying your life along with which you will gain experience too. There could be some arguments with your siblings, so make sure you take proper care for them. Your hard work will surely be the reason for your success. Scorpions in the field of marketing will get advantage of their hard work to get astonishing results. Transport business will also be flawless during the transition and will bring high profits. Employees must be good with every colleague of theirs so that when the time comes, they will help you. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Sagittarius

The powerful planet Mercury is the Lord of their seventh and tenth houses of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. During the transit, the planet moves towards their second house. The second house of the Sagittarius signifies the house of voice and eating habits; on the other hand, it is also known as the house of Dhan Bhava or the house of money. Due to the transit, your ability to speak will attract most of the people; your way of talking will be sweeter and attractive. Due to this change in your personality, you will be able to perform your task faster and will be able to improve your status financially. Natives must focus on hard work, and sincerity will prove to be very beneficial, and they will earn an enormous profit. During this period you will be satisfied with your food habits, though you need to take care of your way of eating and instead eat slowly and calmly. The natives will get numerous chances to earn great profits in terms of money during this period of time. Your conditions regarding your health may get worse though if you take proper care and don't hurry in doing anything will keep you safe. Relation in terms related to your family will be good, and you will have a happy family. You might get an opportunity to spend some quality time with your family and make some memorable moments too. Due to this, you will have a respective and good image in front of your family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Capricorn 

The strongest Planet Mercury affecting its transition over Capricorn will be very favourable for your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the Lord of the sixth house and the ninth house of their zodiac sign Capricorn which signifies their house of fortune. Though the planet will be moving to your first house during the transit, incurring some essential effects and would be very beneficial for the natives. The transit of Mercury would lead to a Raj Yoga kind of situation, where luck would be totally in your favour during this duration of time. You will be successful in attaining fame in terms of finance, social and professional fields. However, if your project or work is stuck somewhere, you will be able to continue it again. Make sure you don't get distracted in any argument, and there are chances your work might get stuck due to this. Your married life would be smooth, and a trip with your spouse could be your next plan. Take proper care of your health as your opponents will leave no chance to dominate you at any cost. Though you will get full support from your father, still you need to stay away from any disputes related to a court or legal issue.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aquarius 

Saturn's friendly Planet Mercury is the Lord of your eight and fifth house of the Zodiac sign Aquarius, and during the Mercury transit in Capricorn, the powerful planet moves towards their twelfth house which represents loss and expenditure. You really need to be careful with your expenses; during this period you may incur an increase in your expenses which weaken you financially. On the other hand, student natives will get the favour of this transit; most of them might also get a chance to go abroad for their studies, which would satisfy their mental health. During this time you should avoid travelling, or else it can be very costly and a waste of time. Your love life may be in a problem, your partner may shift to another city, and the long-distance relationship might cause too much energy and money. You also have to take proper precautions for your health, which might detonate in this duration; you may incur skin and nerve-related problems. Maintain distance from your opponents as they would try to create problems in your work and keep focused in your own work. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Pisces

The Lord for the fourth and seventh house of Pisces is Mercury which is a very powerful planet. While its transition the planet moves towards the eleventh house which signifies the house of profits and benefits. The transit will favour your life in terms of income. You might get an increase in your income, and this is the best time to fulfil all your desire and comfort you wished for. If your family is deciding to sell some kind of property, this is the best time. You will be able to notice an excessive gain in your business, and this is also the best time to expand your business. Your marital life with your spouse will also be lucky as well as beneficial for you. You will get to know more about each other, and in no time you will get closer to your partner. Natives planning for a startup or a new business will get success in it, and with the blessing of Mercury, they will flourish day and night. Due to all this, your image in society will increase, even your social circle will increase, connecting to social media will be very advantageous for you and this duration will provide you fame by your social activities. You will get the chance to hang out with your friends and have a peaceful time.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Aquarius
11 Feb,2025
26 Feb,2025

The strong planet Mercury represents commendable communication, healthy business, trustworthy partnership, education etc. Amidst all this, Mercury increases your ability to memorize and enhances your accounting, marketing and analytic skills. On the other hand, Aquarius strengthens your hope and wishes to fulfill your desires to channelize with large organization and masses, etc. The transition of Mercury in Aquarius is very beneficial and supportive for natives working in various fields like teachers of science, planners and creator of the map would also get the benefit and support due to the transit. And even the mathematical models for weather and other forecasting departments, advisors of finance and other, etc. would also be effectively advantageous too. There are chances where the people may get mislead by a piece of wrong information that something serious is going to happen when the motion of Mercury reverses. Only in case of the birth chart, the reverse effect of Mercury might create some confusion or powerlessness or else if the Mercury is well placed, then there is no need to worry. 

Effects of Mercury Transit on Aries 

Mercury which appears to be the powerful Lord of their third and sixth houses, specifically for the natives of Aries, goes through an evolution. During the transit into Aquarius, the planet will continuously move and would acquire a position in the eleventh house, which appears to be the house of profits, where the house fulfils your achievement, along with benefits and help the natives to accomplish all the ambitions of life. The transit of Mercury in Aquarius will enrich your abilities and natives can also notice a dynamic increase in their proficiency. 

Your hard work and mental effort during this transit will result in huge success to get an increase in your salary and will be extremely favorable for your financial condition. There will be a gradual change in the personality of Arians, where they will notice a significant boost in their confidence and would be able to express their feeling to the loved ones. And your partner would take an interest in you and shower you with love. Natives should make sure about some things, especially for students who are engaged in the field of education. You will get the undue advantage of learning new things, though you may need to increase your effort at the time if Mercury is regressive. Yours have to take proper precaution for your financial condition which may be weakened, though it may only last for a short period.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Taurus 

Mercury is the strongest planet; it is also known as the dearest friend of the Lord of your sign Venus. It makes its transit while moving through the tenth house if your sign and shows an extreme significance for your Karma and business. People having the sign Taurus, where the former is the Lord of their second and fifty houses, resulting in the transit of Mercury in Aquarius will indicate success and improvement in your professional status. 

This transit would be very impactful in your professional life where you will be able to discover hue best abilities based on your knowledge and trust. Get the best utilization of your education, which would help you to complete your task pleasantly. You will accomplish a good image in front of your bosses. Natives having a business will get the chance to enlarge their trade. And you will get to chance to be close with your family and share some of the best emotional moments.

During the Mercury regression, the natives might have to be serious with their professional lives. You may lose interest and make mistakes which would lead you to lose your jobs. Don't worry because everything will be normal after 10th March and you will notice an improvement, and just after an interval of time you would again be the expert in your work again. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Gemini

Mercury shows a strong effect on Gemini as it is the Lord of the Zodiac sign Gemini. However, it is also the Lord of your fourth house, and during its transit, in Aquarius, it moves to your ninth house which is known as the house of fortune, the results will be seemingly favourable for you. During the transit of Mercury on Gemini, the natives will get great benefit in matters related to property, and fate will be in favour of the Gemini natives. You will get complete success in changing your homes and will notice a rise in your fame and respect in society. You will also get emotionally close to your father, and your father will be very supportive and helpful in gaining profits. 

However, you have to take proper precautions during February and mid-March, which may prove to be very difficult for you. Don't worry and you just have to increase your hard work and not get irritated by the same tasks. During the Mercury retrograde, you have to be careful at the time of travelling. Apart from that, you will have enormous success in fields like travelling or writing. The lady luck will be in your favour. You will get a gradual plus significant increase in your income, and there are chances of a great trip which would make you mentally strong. You might make new friends who will prove to be completely supportive.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Cancer

For Cancer natives, Mercury stays the Lord of their third and twelfth house, and during its transit into Aquarius, the planet moves towards their eight houses which might show some ups and downs in life. Though, amidst the NavaGraha, Mercury is the only planet which shows the positive impact in life during its transit in their eight houses. During this time you may prepare yourself to do some hard work, though the result you will be receiving would be very small. This you may have to bear some unwanted expenses, and some unacceptable trips are also on your card. There are some chances where your siblings might also face some issues. You can meet your In-laws, and their suggestions and support will surely help you out to resolve your issue. You must take care of your health or else you have to bear some unwanted expenses regarding your health. Arians advised keeping an eye on your activities, apart from that your problems will solve after this duration ends and you will gain some profits which would help you get back your financial status. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Leo

Mercury which is eventually the Lord of the second and eleventh houses, where both the houses implies wealth, and so Mercury plays an important role in the natives of Leo. When the Mercury transits into the Aquarius, the planet stays in their seventh house, and the seventh house is the house of long term partnerships and business. This transit period will prove to be very beneficial for you, and you might get the chance to get emotionally and mentally closer with your spouse, which would improve your marriage life. 

You both will find a way to fight the distractions and get to connect with each other once again. Spending on your life partner would be very pleasing for both of you. Even this transit will enhance your business skills, and you would earn a huge profit, and new ideas will help you enlarge your enterprises. You can get mentally disturbed because of some increase in your expenses; however, your problems will come to an end after 10th March. You will be back in your normal life again.

Effects of Mercury Transit on Virgo 

Mercury being the Lord of the sign Virgo, it is also the Lord of their tenth house. So, Lord Buddha influences both your body and Karma, which means that the transit of Mercury into Virgo plays a very important role in your life. However, the Mercury transit in Aquarius will cause the planet to set forth in your sixth house, which signifies your enemies, disease and debts.

You have to be very careful regarding your health. The transit will have a bad impact on your health, and there might also be an increase in your health. Any type of ignorance can put you in danger. On the other hand, your professional life would be very successful. Your hard work will give you the chance to create a good image. However, your opponents may be stronger than you and would try to destroy your image. You will get a chance to be free from debts.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Libra 

Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and there is a friendly relation between Mercury and Venus which is the Lord of the sign Libra. Along with that, the Lord of Fortune or Bhagyesh is the Lord of your ninth house, which would move towards your fifth house during this transit. 

When the Mercury transit into Aquarius, which will put a positive impact on your education and the people having the sign Libra will get outstanding results related to their higher studies. And even people in different fields like journalism, acting, writing, etc. or finance or commercial students would witness amazing results due to this transit. Due to transit if Mercury into Aquarius would bring an increase in your income and people doing jobs may get some information about their transfer. The natives will not get confused in making the divisions of their lives. Along with that, married couples might also welcome a baby in their lives. 

Luck will be in favour of the Librans they will spend the best moments of their lives with their beloved ones. Your relationship will get straighten and travelling long distance will be very advantageous for you. The Libra natives will receive great results during the Mercury regression. On the other hand, the students will do excellent in their higher studies and can get an opportunity to go abroad for their further education. After the end of Mercury retrograde, you will have a settled job and people thinking of changing job would be successful at this time.

Effect of Mercury transit on Scorpio

Mercury is the Lord of the eighth and the eleventh houses of the zodiac sign Scorpio, and when it transits into Aquarius, the Mercury stays in the fourth house, which implies overall happiness. During this transit, you will enjoy enormous comfort and money-oriented facilities, and also in this duration, you will get to utilize your resources. Apart from that, you will be very successful in your workplace. You will gain a good image in your social life, and the natives might also notice a positive change in their family. Though you may be strong in terms of wealth, you may not be as much strength in terms of you and your families, especially your mother's health. You may incur a chest pain or stiffness in your body. Though after the end of the Mercury retrograde, you will find yourself in a comfortable zone and be healthy again. People doing a job may get an increment in their salary. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Sagittarius 

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the seventh house for natives with the zodiac sign Sagittarius, and also is the Lord of the tenth house of Karma. During the transit, it moves towards the third house of the native which, according to the Kalpurush Kundali belongs to the Gemini. So, there will be the presence of Lord Buddha which would bring outstanding outcomes for Sagittarians. 

You will be getting the benefit of travelling to many places, which not only give you pleasure but also would be profitable for your financial condition. Your terms with your younger siblings will get better. Your friends will help you out in need. You will improve your communication skill and may also get the house of your ambition. You will perform better all together, and you will gain fame in social media. However, you might make sure you don't make a mistake in communicating with someone. Take proper precautions or else some misunderstanding may lead to some obstacles in your work. You might get stuck in an argument or debate.

Effect of Mercury transit on Capricorn

Mercury is the Lord of the Sixth house for your native and is the house of fortune. During the transit, it will move towards your second house, which signifies wealth. The transit of Mercury into Aquarius will be quite significant for Capricorn. 

This duration will be very beneficial for you, as you will gain many profits economically and your financial status will improve. As you fortune will be in your favour and all your incomplete tasks will be getting accomplished in no time. You will get to attend many trips which would bring you a huge profit. Legal disputes may be decided in your favour. This period will strengthen your financial condition. Students are also going to get excellent results and the ones going for a competitive exam, the results would be good for them, and the change of scoring good marks is very big. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Aquarius 

Mercury is basically the Lord of your fifth and eighth houses and while during the transit period, it shifts to your first or ascendant house, forming a Raj Yoga kind of situation as the mercury transit is crucial for you because it is taking place in your own sign. 

Because the Lord of your eight houses is posited in your ascendant house, your mind might get attracted more towards spiritual subjects. You will notice very specific changes in your mind, and you will get excellent result in research work, and you will get into the depth to your thoughts. With the increase of your thinking capability, you will be able to give opinion related to any topic after you have learned about the situation properly.

 You will witness the fast development of your mind and your presence if the mind will also strengthen. You will be making your decisions on the basis of your future. Though you have to take proper care of your health or due to giving too much pressure in your mind, you might get mental stress. However, you will make the correct decisions for your future, and you will get significant help from children. And people in a relationship will get a great response from their beloved ones, and they will be standing by your side. 

Effect of Mercury Transit on Pisces 

The Lord of the fourth house for Pisces is Mercury which signifies happiness and the seventh house, which states the sign of partnership. And during the transit period, it gets posited in your twelfth house which signifies losses and expenditure. Therefore, the natives will suffer from an increase in their budget, and there will be a downfall in their economic status. Some member of your family might get successful in shifting or travelling abroad, and this is also very good for making a new property. 

On the other hand, this time is very beneficial related to foreign trade and might also get an enormous profit in import-export. Your relationship with your married ones or loved ones might be stressful, but can be sorted out if you pay attention to them. You need to work extremely hard during the time of Mercury retrograde and put all your effort in completing the tasks. This period of time will be very crucial and challenging for the natives. Increasing expenses may affect your budget, and your health will also disturb you. Make sure you take proper healthcare.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisions, marriage problems, business success, financial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Pisces
27 Feb,2025
06 May,2025

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and shares a friendly relation with Venus. The impact of Mercury transition is over different fields which include communication, business, partnership, preaching, and it also has effects on one's ability to memorize. Apart from that, accounting, marketing and analytic skills are mostly affected. The zodiac sign Pisces signifies Moksha or peace, the chance of going abroad, your health, physical fitness, focused mind, etc. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aries 

The Planet Mercury rules over the third and sixth house of your zodiac sign Aries. During the transitory period, the planet shifts its position and moves towards the twelfth house of the Aries natives. The twelfth house represents the house of expenditure. Also, this transition will bring a negative impact on your zodiac sign; the natives have to face several ups and downs during this duration. The natives will have to take proper care of their health because due to the influence of the planetary movement, one might notice a decline in their health or suffer from some serious disease like insomnia or skin related disease. So it is recommended to have a proper checkup and have a healthy diet. You will remain disappointed at this duration because of your hard work will not give any results. Stay alert from your opponents and rivals; they will always plan something out to in order to create obstacles in your work. The student natives will get the favour of this transit, and they will be able to go through the competitive exams and get good results, student natives might also get the chance to study abroad. Though to acquire success, they need to work really hard and focus mainly on their studies and exams. You will also gain leads in some legal matters and attain success. You need to take proper control of your expenses, or else your total expenditure might get overbudget. Your sibling will get the chance to go for a tour to foreign countries, and you may get a chance to get hired from a foreign or multinational company. Natives who are studying law will get favourable results, and they will keep this balanced throughout the course during this period. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Taurus 

Venus is the powerful Lord of your zodiac sign Taurus and has a friendly relation with Mercury. The Planet Mercury has its ruling power over your second and fifth house. During the transition, both the planets will be posited in your eleventh house. The eleventh house of your zodiac sign is also represented as the house of profits. People in the field of business will get the favour of this transit. You will get excessive chances to expand your business and earn profits through it, and this period is the best time to release your money to buy some good investment for the advancement of your business. You can also involve your family member to help you out with your business. And luckily, your flow of income will tend to sort out all income related issues, and you will be able to repay all the debts, and your business will be totally settled. Thus the transit of Mercury over your sign would be very favourable for you, even in terms of your love life. All the fights and distance between you and your partner will end up. You will get enough time to spend with your lover and let them know about your true feelings. You will get total support, and your relationship will get its charm back. Student natives will tend to have more interest in their studies. With hard work and full dedication, you will be able to peruse in a better college or even get a chance to travel abroad for your higher studies. Along with that, your family will be really supportive of your decisions and ambitions during this transit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Gemini 

The powerful planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your flourishing house, including your fourth house. Due to this transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of Mercury will reflect on your career, relation, business, etc. This transitory movement of the planet will help you out in the field of business you will be able to take the right decision, which would be very favourable for your future. Though make sure you don't get overconfident, which will bring distraction in your work. Apart from that, you will spend a memorable time with your family; your family member will understand your good intentions and support your decisions. You will be able to express your feeling more conveniently, and you will notice a change in. And in such you will get an enthusiastic environment which would prevail your households. If you have any issues related to your property or any case in court, the decision would be in your favour, along with that any documentation issues will be resolved. Don't get involved with your office colleagues; they would create distractions in your work. And even don't share any personal information with them. During this duration, you may feel low and unhealthy. So, do regular excessive and keep yourself fit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Cancer 

The Planet Mercury rules over your twelfth and third houses, and due to the transit the planet changes its position and is posited in your ninth house, which represents health relationship and travel. Due to this transit, you will get the opportunity to travel abroad. Student natives trying to get into foreign countries for higher education will be successful at this duration. You will also considerably notice an increase in your social circle; people will tend to get influenced by you. You can give a new direction to your life will great efforts. Some natives will also tend to gain interest in the writing profession. And it is possible that you will go into the direction of media or journalism. You will witness a gradual increase in your communication skills, people around you will understand your ideas, you will also acquire an interest in performing social functions and events. Your siblings will support you in every field, especially in the field of finance. You will take great interest in different hobbies like gardening, writing or acting, and there are chances you will go further in this field. You will surely take stand against the evils of the society at this duration. However, stay alert and keep your vocal talent in control or else being too much outspoken can put you in danger. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Leo 

Mercury is a dualistic planet will be posited into the eight houses of the Leo people during the transition period. The presence of the Planet Mercury weakens the Leo sign natives, and the duration of this transit will not be favourable for you. On the other hand, the Planet moon being the Lord of your second and eleventh house will bring a drastic fall in your income. If you are working in the field of business, you might incur huge losses, which might increase your expenditure. Though, you don't have to stop expecting after the small period your financial condition will get a good position. At this drastic time, meeting your in-laws would bring great help, their mature and handful of advice will surely help you out to get through this situation and improve your economic condition. Natives working as am an employee, or having a job have to face many ups and downs, your opponents will wait for a chance to destroy your career, stay alert from them. You may also lose your job, so better keep cautioned and stay away from your opponents and don't share any information with them. You will surely enjoy and feel peaceful in organizing and doing poojas, chanting and learning new rosaries will be satisfying too during this duration. The natives will gain interest in studying spiritual subjects and will gain an interest in such activities. This will refine your ideas and balance your mind in taking decisions for the future.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Virgo 

The dualistic and strongest Planet Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house, while the transit the planet will be posited in your seventh house. This transition will have a favourable impact on the Virgo natives. You will notice an improvement at your workplace, and the impact of the transition will give you favourable results. The natives have the chances of getting promoted. And even, you will also get a salary hike which would ease your expenses. And certainly, the business natives will get the opportunity to gain excess profits and clear out all their debts. Apart from that, there will a negative impact on the people in terms of your health. It is recommended to take proper health care and do regular exercise, which would keep you fit and fine. You will be able to have a stronger relationship with your life partner, and their advice will be very beneficial for you, though you have to face disappointment at times. However, this will not bother your relation with your partner; instead, your relation will get sweeter and stronger with your spouse. Your relationship with your father would soon get better. You will use your humour in the right way, and this will be very beneficial for your business activities. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Libra 

The Planet Mercury is the Lord of your ninth and twelfth houses, and during the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your sixth house. Due to the transit in your sixth house, you will have to work harder to attain success. Though working hard will give very little success, and due to this, you will remain worried throughout the time period. Your income might also deteriorate. You are expected to pay more attention to your diet, and avoiding fast food is best for now. You must try not to get involved in any sort of arguments or debates; this might lead to a quarrel. Your father will receive certain positive results, and he will surely attain an enormous amount of success. Suppose you wish to share any kind of personal details it would give your opponents the opportunity to take unnecessary advantage and put your life at risk. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Scorpio 

The dualistic planet Mercurys is the Lord of your eight and eleventh houses. And during the transition period, the planet tends to change its position towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign Pisces. And the result of this transit will be the quite favourable and adverse situation with regards to your love life. Though your partner will talk to you in a sweeter way, still you will find it difficult to understand them. This will create some misunderstandings between you both, and certainly fights and debates will become a part of your relationship. And you should choose your words carefully in front of your partner. If you are married, these quarrels will not affect your children; they will tend to focus on their studies and do well in life. However, keep your eyes on them and see if they don't get distracted from their studies. The natives will also find themselves lucky in putting their money in lotteries, share market or other investment. You will get to earn from several sources which would improve your financial condition. The planetary movement is very favourable for you or academic life too, hard work and dedication will take you towards success.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Sagittarius

The Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and is also the ruling Lord of the seventh and tenth house of your zodiac sign. During its transition, the planet moves towards the fourth house of the Sagittarius natives. The impact of this transit will create a network between your personal and professional life, so your personal life could be clearly seen influencing your professional one. Thus it's advised to maintain a balance. Your family members will maintain peace and harmony, and they will try to understand and nurture each other. However, some clashes are possible, and you are recommended to stay away from any debates or arguments. During this transition, you will solve some problems of your life partner and put them out from stress. Your work life will prosper due to your hard work, wisdom, dedication and honesty. You will able to get some amazing ideas and complete your tasks with ease. You will also notice an improvement in your business field, and even your perspective about business ideas will be cleared. During this duration, your mother might take some serious decisions regarding the family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Capricorn

According to your Kundli, the Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your sixth and ninth houses. Your zodiac sign gets influenced by the planet and has a positive effect over your luck. During the time of transition, the planet is posited in your third house. And because the transit is taking place in your third house, you need to take proper precautions for your speeches. The chances are that any of your close friends or family might get hurt with your words. Your opponents will be very dangerous for you right now, and they will try to ruin your image in the society. If you are trying for a loan to get approved, this time will surely give you positive results. Your dedication and hard work will surely take you one step closer to success. Natives working with your honest attitude will attract the coworkers and will take you to the peak of success. They will stay by your side and help you out with every problem in your way. Capricorn natives are working in the field of law, and as advocates will get tremendous value and achieve success. Apart from that, try not to express your views and thoughts on any social media platform, because people against society may try to create a problem in your personal life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aquarius 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your fifth and eight houses. For people who have the zodiac sign, Aquarius is highly influenced by the transition of Mercury. During the transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Aquarius, and due to this transition, you will notice a mysterious tone in your speech. People listening to your words may find it very difficult to understand, which might give birth to confusion and clashes, and you will remain in a state of confusion. You should have a proper diet and do regular exercise in order to avoid any kind of disease or discomfort. You will earn more than your expectations and will be able to easily repay all your debts. Natives who are a student will be able to get good marks in their higher studies, and their dedication and hard work will surely take them to the path of success. And this will give them confidence. Married couples will hear some good news from their children. Your lover may introduce you to their family. Your life partner may suffer from a skin disease, so take proper precaution for him/her. Make sure you don't take it lightly. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Pisces 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet. The transition of the planet Mercury will take a position in Pisces itself. Mercury is the Lord of your fourth and seventh house, respectively. The influence of the planet Mercury will be very impactful on your house. During the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your ascendant house. The natives are advised to keep their eyes and ears open and always have focused on their presence of mind. You have to take your decisions carefully, or else it might create problems in future. This transit will especially help you in improving your business conditions. However, it would be great to take decisions by asking your elder or experienced person. Your achievement and change in your behaviour will create jealousy among your friends. Matters related to property will be in your favour during this transition period. Your mother will support you in every task, which would be really helpful. You may have some issues in your love life, so don't hate and solve every problem with patience and sweetly. Some of the natives will gain interest in learning new subjects.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Aries
07 May,2025
22 May,2025

Mercury plays a critical role during the transition period. According to the Vedic astrology, it influences your inner voice and thoughts and ideas. It represents one's communication and wisdom. You would soon notice a boost in confidence, humor, talent, family, finance and others. Natives who have strong influence of Mercury have intellect and presence of mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aries 

Mercury is the ruling lord of your third and sixth houses of Aries, and as the transition is taking place in the own house, the position of Mercury will shift in the first house also known as your ascendant house. With this transition, your confidence will increase, and you will feel more strengthened. With boosted confidence, you will be able to take serious decisions which will prove to be impactful in future. Your overconfidence will be a reason for arguments and clashes, and you may also hurt someone's sentiments, so control your speech and think before speaking. Your siblings will support you during this time. They will try to do everything to help you out. Your love and affection towards your loved ones will increase; you will trust your family and partner. Mercury being the lord of your sixth house will negatively affect your health, you can have a skin disease, so you are advised to go for a checkup and take proper health care. You should also maintain a proper diet. 

Your relation with your partner will be fabulous; this transit will give you chances to improve your marital life. You would also get quality time with your spouse, and during that time, you will establish your bonds and come closer to each other. You will create a sense of mutual understanding which will decrease clashes and arguments. Your partner will trust you more. Businessmen are advised to take precautions before investing, or else they can suffer a huge loss. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Taurus

Mercury is the ruling lord of the second and fifth houses of your zodiac and thereby, during the transitory period, it will change its direction and will be posited in your twelfth house. During this transit, the Taurus natives will face both positive and negative impacts. The impact of the Mercury transit in Aries will bring an increase in your expenditure; you may spend most of your wealth on particular tasks. Students who are willing to shift abroad for higher studies will get a chance, though they have to work really hard. If your children are trying that, they will succeed in getting admission in a foreign university. Still, the only way to get admission is by working hard. Taurus natives will accomplish good results through their intellect and wisdom, which will help them earn a good position and respect in society. If you work hard in business, you will deal in some profitable investments which will prove to be helpful in the long run.

Those in a relationship will have to face some challenges, and you will stay away from your partner due to some trip. Though having good communication and patience will help you maintain your terms with your partner. Pay attention to your partner, and make them feel important. Giving a little more love and effort will keep the relationship alive. You should keep an eye over your expenses, or it will have a negative effect on your financial status. Some unnecessary disputes will be the reason for your stress. Your health will weaken during this time period, so try to have a good diet and stay away from fast food. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Gemini

The impact of Mercury transit will bring favorable results for the Gemini. As during the transition period of Mercury in Aries, the planet will be positioned in the eleventh house for Gemini. Mercury is the lord of your sign, which will affect your house of income and profits. Your speaking will gain fluency, and with the help of your intellect and wisdom, you will earn enormous wealth. One's working in an office will get favors from their seniors and your communication skills will improve, due to which you will gain momentum at your workplace.

The Gemini people will enjoy the benefits in terms of a relationship. You might get sufficient quality time with your partner, and develop a sense of understanding. Your support will help to prosper your spouse's life. This love and affection will give you the energy to attain success in life. This transition will also help you financially, which would help you in clearing any debt or pending task.

With everything going well, you would be confident, and you will expand your social circle. With the expansion in your social circle, you will attend several weddings and parties. Making new friends will give you a special position in society. Businessmen will make profits through different sources, which will improve your financial conditions.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Cancer

The twelfth and third house of the Cancer natives is ruled by Mercury. During the transitory period, it is posited in your tenth house. Your tenth house is also the house of Karma, which basically signifies career. So, this period will bring certain ups and downs in the lives of the Cancer natives. You have to face certain challenges in professional life. However, your efforts will give you the chance to attain success. Your relations with your colleagues will strengthen; they will be support you. The natives will enjoy their work and will be satisfied. Some of you can be transferred. Apart from everything, you must focus on your task and complete them with honesty and dedication. Any mistake can ruin your image, so recheck everything before submitting. However, you will have to take an extreme workload. In such a situation, do your tasks carefully and calmly. You might feel de-motivated. Do not lose hope; instead complete each and every task with full dedication. You will have a marvelous time with your family, and this time will bring peace and harmony in your family life. Your parents will be proud of you. Your family, and even your siblings and others will help you out in certain tough situations. Your parents will have a health condition. Your relations with your father will gradually improve with time. Your partner's love for you will increase, and they will respect you for being a responsible person. Cancerians involved in the business will earn good profits through certain investments in properties and assets. This will strengthen their financial status.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Leo

The ninth house of the Leo natives signifies the house of fortune and long-distance journeys. During the transitory period, your ninth house will host the position of Mercury. The people will get a positive impact during this transition period. As Mercury is the lord of your second and eleventh houses, thus positively affecting your financial condition. People will notice economic strength, and you will flourish. You will get to complete your pending tasks and succeed in different fields. Your works giving you stress will finally get done. Your efforts will not go waste, and you will execute your task. Leo natives will get a chance to expand their family business and earn profits. 

Working professionals will also get success. You will have a blissful time with your loved ones, and even your siblings will enjoy your company. They will even come out to support you in need. You will make some serious decisions which will be beneficial in the long run. Your communication skills will prosper and people will tend to like you even more. You will create new connections with some of the delegated members of society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Virgo 

Mercury is the lord of your sign, and this transitory period will prove to be essential for the Virgo natives. Mercury is the lord of your tenth house, also known as the house of Karma. During the time of transition, it will enter your eighth house; generally, this house doesn't hold a promising position though there are several benefits. Working people will have to face certain challenges at work. You will be stressed because your efforts won't give you good results. Don't lose hope and wait for your turn to prove yourself. After some time you will notice some improvement, some of you might also get an increment. Your health might create some serious problems for you; not taking precaution would lead to financial loss and an increase in your expenses. 

The natives can earn profits through some secret sources; they will get to utilize their wisdom and intellect during this period. Natives having Mercury placed on their birth chart will get some positive results. Some past investments will be profitable, and you may also cream your pending debts. Your father's health may get worse, so do proper healthcare. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Libra

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus; Libra's ruling Lord is Venus. Mercury is the lord of your ninth and twelfth houses. During the period of transit, Mercury changes its position and shifts towards the seventh house of Libra. Businessmen will get the advantage of this transit, which will bring a good momentum in your business, even there are chances of expansion of your business. If you are thinking of a new startup, then this is the best time. You will get favorable results, and your efforts will take you to success. You will gain profits through some unexpected sources. 

There are several trips on your card, along with that you will earn benefits and experience through these trips; you will make certain connections with foreign sources, which will give you a huge success. Unmarried people might have the chance of getting married during this duration. You will acquire a good sense of humour, and your communication skills will improve. It will give a boost to your personality too. Your decision making will be precise and give you benefits in the long run. You will earn a special status in society, and some influential people will make connections with you. Your health will be stable; a good diet is recommended.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Scorpio

Mercury is the lord of your eighth and eleventh house, during the transitory period the planet changes its position and shifts towards the sixth house of Scorpio. The natives have to face several challenges during this period, as this transition period will be full of ups and downs. Health-wise, you should take precaution regarding your health, or else some skin issue is indicated. Your speech might hurt someone's sentiment or feelings; you can also get into clashes or arguments. You are recommended to keep a check on expenses, as overspending may become a huge problem for you in future. 

During this period, some friends or family will support you; they will also lend some money. You can also take a loan from a bank to survive this period. However, your endless efforts will pull you out of this drastic situation, and you will be successful. You will be able to clear out your past debts. Working professionals will get into a clash with their seniors, so you should focus on your own tasks and complete them within time. Your rivals will try to dent your image, make sure you don't give them any chance. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Sagittarius 

The seventh and tenth house is ruled by Mercury. The impact of Mercury influences your professional, business and spouse's life. The transition of Mercury will in your fifth house, which will bring a positive impact on your income. You will be able to execute your plans perfectly. You will survive the strongest competition in the market, and your effort will be praised. Working people will get a chance to work with some big brands in the market, which will give you fame and benefits. This duration will be extremely favorable for you and you can get in touch with some reputed businessmen. 

Working people will have to be careful with their rivals, and they might also lose their jobs. However, you will soon get other opportunities. The life of those married will be happy; their efforts and wisdom will make you feel proud and respected in society. They might also get a promotion. Students will improve their concentration and focus on study, and you will also learn new things. Married people can have some good news from their children in the field of study. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Capricorn 

Mercury is the lord of your sixth house, it is known as the house of fortune. During the period of transition, it changes its position and shifts in the fourth house for Capricorn. It is the house of happiness. The transit will bring fruitful impact in the lives of Capricorn natives. You will spend this time by earning a fortune and making profits. This time is best to buy a new vehicle. 

You can spend a blissful time with your family, even your parent's health will remain in good condition. You will get to converse with your relatives through social media, which will make you nostalgic and there will be a soothing atmosphere in your family. There will be some property related issues which need to be settled as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will give birth to certain disputes, and these disputes can harm your wealth or even influence your family life. Your professional front will gain improvement, and your endless efforts will make you an expert in your tasks. Any pending case in court will get resolved at this time which will give you relief. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aquarius

Mercury is the lord of your fifth and eight houses, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and goes in the third house of your zodiac sign. Your third house, according to the Kal Purusha Kundli, is Mercury's house itself, which makes the planet more strengthened and results in improving your communication skills. Students’ will enjoy the benefits through this transit. Their intelligence will improve, and they will focus more on their studies, your efforts would give you good results in various other aspects. There are frequent trips on the cards, though it is recommended to avoid them for some time. There will be some economic and monetary problems. As during the pandemic, it is not so safe to travel with proper precautions. 

This duration will improve your relation with your siblings; you will also help them in certain situations. On the other hand, working officials have certain chances of getting an increment. Your communication skills will attract many people you will make new friends, which will increase your social circle. Some of you might get inclined towards writing and choose this as your profession. Your friends will be by your side, and you will prosper this friendship. You will maintain a good image in society

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Pisces

Mercury being the ruling lord of your fourth and seventh houses will enter through your second house during the transitory period. Your second house indicates the way of speaking. Your sense of humour will get better. People will be able to understand your thoughts and ideas and your intellect will help you win every debate. Though you will have to keep this in your mind that your words can hurt someone's feelings, so you must be aware and alert about the choice of words or else you may regret it later. Businessmen will get enormous benefits during this transit period. Your new and amazing strategies will boost your business, and you will also expand your business. Though you should be a little serious about your investments, it might lead to a huge loss. So do check before investing. 

There will be happiness in your family; you will spend some memorable time with them. Your parent's health will remain stable, and they will praise you for your good work. You will be showered with love. You marital live will prevail love and happiness, though some clashes might occur due to arguments, though you will impress them by giving them a surprise. Single people have the best chance to express their feelings to their loved ones; this time will bring Good luck for the Pisces natives.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Taurus
23 May,2025
05 Jun,2025

According to the Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury affects one's intellect, judgment, communication and behavior. The second sign in the series of the zodiac is Taurus, and its ruling planet is Venus, who has a friendly relation with Mercury. Along with that, it signifies one's wishes and desires, strength and rigidity, income and wealth, goals and ambitions, family and friends, etc. The planet Mercury has a ruling nature on the second and fifth house of your zodiac sign, Taurus. The impact of Mercury over you sign gives a favorable impact for the natives and according to the Vedic astrology, your second house signifies one's family relations, business conditions, jobs, talents, and materialistic things like assets, foods, property, resources, etc. There as, your fifth house represents one's creative talents, educational qualification, entertainment, energy and enthusiasm, interest in new things, tuff competition, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aries

The second house of your zodiac sign will host the transition of the planet Mercury. Due to this transit, there will be a favourable impact on one's communication skills and knowledge. You will be able to convey your ideas and thoughts fluently. People will tend to understand your good intentions, and you will get full support from them. Natives involved in part-time or full-time jobs will be supported by their individuals at the workplace; even your confidence in speeches will help you pass the interview rounds easily. Though your speaking abilities might put you in danger, people may get hurt or jealous with your improvement. Some of your speeches may turn into an argument or debates. So you are advised to stay calm and solve each and every situation calmly. People who are involved in the business will get huge profits through different sources. Some of you have great chances of earning profits through inheritance of some property or past investments. Your relationship with your beloved may have some chances of getting weak, so spend quality time with them, try to impress them or gift them something. You will get closer in no time, and you will get to enjoy some of the best moments of your life. Your health will be perfect, though maintain a proper diet and do regular workout. You can also get involved in some sports activities which would keep you fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Taurus 

The transit of Mercury is taking place in your powerful house itself, and the planet will be posited in your first house, which is your ascendant house. You will notice an improvement in your way of conversation; your impressive way of speech will attract many people and give you a strong personality. You will gain a soft-spoken and polite behaviour which will touch everyone's heart. Natives in relationships will enjoy the benefits of this transit, they will create a bond of mutual understanding, and their love will prosper. You will spend this time in peace and harmony. If you are working as a job official, you will get to taste success due to your hard work and dedication, though you are advised to stay away from office politics and focus on completing the tasks before time. Health-related issues will not arise. Still, you need to maintain a proper diet, and regular exercise is strongly advised.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Gemini 

During the transit, the planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, which signifies one's mental stress and ability. During this period, the natives will go through some stressful tasks, both mentally and physically. So, don't put yourself into stress by taking too many tasks and maintaining a balance is necessary. If one's involved in business activities, there are several chances to earn a fortune, and you have to keep a track on your expenses or else spending unnecessary will give you unwanted stress. There is a foreign trip on your card with your beloved, you will spend some memorable time with them, and any kind of distance between you both will be sorted out, and your relationship will get the spark back. Working officials should complete their work in the given time, apart from that they will have a decent earning.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Cancer 

The impact of this planet on your house is going to give you some favourable results. Your eleventh house will host the position of the translating planet. And this period will give you certain benefits in terms of your finance, relationship, family, job, knowledge, patience, etc. The natives will get a chance to make new connections through foreign trade and get extreme benefits in their respective financial fields. Your spouse or your partner will be extremely supportive at this time, your relationship will be prosperous, and you will also develop a sense of mutual understanding with your partner. Some clashes are possible at this time, though you will impress them with your caring nature. Jib officials will get help and support from their seniors, and with their ideas, you will create a good image in your respective fields. This will be very profitable for you in the long term. Don't ignore your health, polluted air and dirty surroundings may affect you badly, so take proper care of yourself and your surroundings. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Leo 

The Mercury share a friendly relation with Venus, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The transit will have a significant impact on one's life. Working professionals will tend to have a more focused mind, and your performance will be praised by your colleagues and seniors. Your excellence and dedication in your work will be the reason for your success. Some of the seniors will give some important favours in the long term. You will be prevailing happiness in your family. Your romantic life will ease your mind, and your beloved partner will support you at every step. The natives will have good health, and join a sports club or doing physical activities will keep them mentally and physically fit. Ignoring your health may affect you negatively in the long term. You will have stable economic conditions and investing in assets or properties will open new doors for earning benefits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Virgo

During the transition period, your ninth house will be hosting the position of the planet Mercury, and your ninth house represents the house of one's travelling and communication. The natives will enjoy the benefits of long term travelling. If you are trying to change your job, this transition period will give you favourable results. The natives having Virgo sign will experience an increase in their social status, and people will tend to start recognizing you because of your good deeds. You will also earn a special status in society. Your relationship will be blissful throughout the period, your partner will try to impress you, and there will special time you both will get to spend with each other. The natives are recommended to stay away from fast food and polluted areas; there will be some minor issues which can be resolved by proper medication. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Libra 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Libra. The Libra native might have to face some unexpected losses, which will bring a bad impact on their financial conditions. You will be more inclined towards learning new things, most of you will specifically indulge yourselves in spiritual learnings. However, you will gain enormous profits through past investments, and due to some inheritance, your luck will be extremely fruitful. There will some clashes between your partner, so you need to handle them with calmness and care. The perfect way to deal with such situations is by paying full attention to your partner, soon your good behaviour will impress them, and you will get closer to them. Some of the married natives will get good news during this transit. Your health will be strong and stable throughout the duration, though ignoring any kind of health problem will bring a negative impact on your body. Working professionals will get into the path of success through their dedication and hard work. Their wisdom and honesty will prove to be beneficial.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus in Scorpio

The impact of the Mercury transit will not be favourable for the Scorpio natives. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the third house of your zodiac sign. The natives will have to face certain challenges during this time. You will notice a change in your way of speaking; this will give both positive and negative impact. You will also face difficulties in your marital life, though, and this relationship will require some strong communication and giving proper time and effort will strengthen it. You are advised to have control over your expenses; otherwise, you are overspending in certain things will lead to a financial loss. People involved in the business will have to stay calm and wait for their time to procure a good position in society. There are chances to gain profits through past investments and some recent ones too. Ignoring your health may put you in danger, so maintaining a proper diet is stronger advised. You should also join a gym or yoga class to keep yourself fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Sagittarius

The impact of this transit will directly affect your house of income and expenditure. During the transition period, your sixth house will host the position of Mercury. Hence there are chances where you might get involved in a dispute or argument. Natives will also witness an increase in their expenditure which can lead over budgeting. Working officials will gain respect, and their honesty and wisdom will attract everyone's mind. You must try to maintain a proper distance from your rivals they would give their best to ruin your good image. There are several trips on your card, which will give you some happy and memorable moments. Your relationship with your spouse will soon get stable, keep control over your short temperament and pay full attention to your partner. The natives are recommended to get a full checkup ignoring any kind of problem in their health will lead to a lot of stress in the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Capricorn 

The process of impact starts with the change in the planet's position. Mercury, during the transitory period, is posited in the fifth house if your zodiac sign and your fifth house represent the house of intellect and knowledge. The natives will witness an increase in their knowledge, and with a good sense of humour applied in different fields, you will earn a higher level of profits. Student natives have the probability of choosing good paths for their success, and in future, they will be successful. If you are single, you will get a chance to propose your lover and even your lover will accept your proposal. You will enjoy this time an spend a memorable moment with your beloved. There are foreign trips on your card, which will be adventurous and you will discover new things in life. The natives will earn respects through your excellent communication skills, and your ideas will attract many people. Natives will also have the chances of getting a good status in society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aquarius 

The transit of Mercury will be posited in the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This period will give excessive gains to individuals. If you are facing any health problem, ignoring it will put your life in danger in the long term. So, take proper precaution and go for a full body checkup. Working natives will have to face certain challenges against their competitors, and your rivals will try to create obstacles in the path. So don't lose hope and give you best to cross each and every hurdle in your path. You will have a romantic relationship with your spouse, and you will also get a chance to spend time with them. So, don't ignore the chance of getting close to your partner. Native who are businessmen are recommended not to invest in anything they are not sure of. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Pisces

During the transport motion of the planet Mercury, the third house of your zodiac sign hosts the position of the planet. This transition will bring a significant increase in their confidence and willpower. You will notice an improvement in your communication skills which would give you certain benefits. You fluent way of communication will be favourable you in a different field. Some of the natives will get good results in their interview. Business natives will get the benefit if this duration. You will play a great role in helping your friends, family and society. Short trips are there on your card. Your marital life will need more attention and love; spending some quality time will give peace and harmony. You will be very efficient at your workplace, and your hard work and honesty will help you in creating a good image of yours. You should maintain your diet and do regular exercise.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Gemini
06 Jun,2025
21 Jun,2025

Mercury is a dualistic planet, and it has both positive and negative impact on the lives of zodiac natives. According to the Vedic Astrology Mercury influences one's technique of speech, honesty, kindness, and even fields of work like business and communication skills. Mercury, during the transit, brings a positive sign and improves one's intelligence and luck. Mercury has a significant impact on different fields if the lives of natives, like communication, partnership, business, studies, finance and marketing, family and friends, marital and love life. During the Mercury transit in Gemini, it impacts on one's health, business, family, travelling, married life, social life, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aries

The third house of your powerful zodiac sign would host the transition of Mercury; this transit will increase one's confidence and will power. The natives will have a positive effect due to this transit; the individuals will perform some good deeds. Student natives will gain focus in their studies and will be more inclined towards learning new things. Your effort and hard work will take you towards the path of success. Working natives will get a chance to work in a stable environment; you will be praised by your seniors and complete every task in time. Married couples will spend some blissful time with their spouses. Your health conditions will be perfectly fine, and you will gain energy which can be adequately utilized in some physical activities like gym or sports. Business natives will earn a good source of monetary inflow during this period, along with that; you will be able to clear out your past debts and plans. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Taurus

The transition period would bring some important opportunity in the life of individuals to earn a profit. As the second house of your zodiac sign will be hosting the Mercury transit, this period will be beneficial for the native related to your business, career, health, family, and others. Some of you will earn enormous benefits through your properties. Disputes regarding your property will be resolved. The flow of income will incredibly escalate. Your relationship status will be fabulous; your partner will support you in every field, though some arguments may arise. You will sort them out easily. Don't share your personal life; it would give a bad impact on your life. About the career of student natives, you will propose in your field, and your efforts will take you through the competitive exams. Working natives are recommended to stay away from office politics as they can affect your image. Health-wise the natives will have to go for a proper checkup and take necessary care for their illness, and any ignorance can lead to huge problems in the long-term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Gemini

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, while the transit the planet will change its position and will be posited in your first house, also known as your ascendant house. Mercury transit in Gemini will bring a favourable impact on the lives of their natives. Your ascendant house represents the house of personality. You will notice a new charm in your personality which will attract people towards you. The natives will increase their friend circle. You will enjoy this period will happiness and harmony. Your speaking skills will be fluent, and people will understand your thoughts and ideas. Married couples will be showered by love from their spouses and blessed by their parents. You parents will support your marital life, and they will eventually like your partner. Working natives are advised to work hard and complete their tasks on time. Avoiding debates will be beneficial for you in future. Some of you also have the chance of getting promoted at this time. Your health conditions will be good, and you will feel energetic, which will help you do other tasks as well. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Cancer

The transition of Mercury will happen in the twelfth house if your zodiac sign, Cancer. Due to this transit, you will notice some unavoidable expenses and some health-related issues. You are recommended to take proper health care, maintaining a proper diet and regular exercise will keep you in good condition as it is a way of releasing mental stress too. There are some foreign trips on your card, which will increase your expenses. You should avoid taking any loan or investing at this duration; otherwise, you may end up in a huge loss. You must focus on spending some quality time with your partner, pay proper attention and avoid any kind of argument. If you are trying to get change or get a new job, then this is the best time to do it. In fact, some new strategies in your business will help you earn profits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Leo

The transition of Mercury in Gemini will influence one's income, wealth, abilities, profession, etc. Your eleventh house is going to host the position of Mercury, thus leaving a significant impact on your income. You will get great chances of increasing your economic conditions. This transit will help you fulfil every desire and necessity of your life. You will prosper through your intellect and positive ideas in your social front, which will be very beneficial for you. You will get enough time to learn new things, explore new places and also some of you may make this as your profession which will give you benefits in the long run. Students might get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies. Some of you will also get admission to a foreign college. Your marital life will have some blissful moments; your partner may have some clashes with you. However, you will handle it smartly and solve it with ease. Your health will remain balanced, and keeping your surrounding clean will help you maintain your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Virgo 

The Mercury will make its transit in the tenth house of your zodiac sign, and your tenth house represents one's professionals and personal life. Thus the transit will give a favourable impact on the life of individuals. You will be more energetic, and working natives will be more focused on completing their work with excellence. Your seniors and colleagues will acknowledge your hard work and effort, which will inspire you to work better and strive for the best. They will even support you in the long run. You love life will remain good; you will be having a happy mood which will please your partner. There will be a sense of mutual understanding, and you will develop a new phase in your relationship. Both of you will maintain dignity and trust with each other. You might get a golden opportunity to travel abroad, which will be beneficial for you in different fields. Your health will remain balanced, though doing exercise or yoga is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Libra

The Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, plays a significant role during the transit. At the time of transit, the planet will be posited in the ninth house of your zodiac sign which will lead to certain financial and economic gains. This is the best time to invest, and you will earn the maximum profit. Apart from that, you should check every possible background before investing. Ignoring any kind of issues might lead to a huge loss in future. Your social front will gain improvement and people will start knowing. You might even get into contact with some delighted members of society. There are certain trips to abroad base on your work which will also be beneficial for your business. Working natives should do their work with full dedication and hard work. Married natives have to pay attention to their spouse, as during this period, they will need your support both mentally and physically. You will need this duration with happiness and harmony. Your family member will be proud of you. Your mother's health will remain stable. Though you are advised to keep a distance from office politics, it may ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Scorpio

The strongest Planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transitory period. Thus at the time of transition, the planet shifts towards the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Scorpio. This transition brings several positive impacts as well as some negative ones too. The natives will witness certain profits through different sources; there are some chances of small losses which will not affect your financial condition. Apart from that, you will be able to maintain financial stability during this period. Natives who are married or in a relationship will face several quarrels and clashes with their beloved though this won't go long, you will easily solve it with your impressive and patient heart. In no time, you will be closer to them and spend this duration in happiness and satisfaction. Ignoring your health during this time will give you some negative impacts in future; it may also lead to some serious health problems. So you should take proper precautions regarding your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Sagittarius

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house and has a significant influence in one's communication skill, profits, promotions, expenses and health. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign, Sagittarius. Thus this transit will bring some profits in your house. Your financial condition will improve. Business natives will earn through some secret sources or past investments, which will help them, pay their debt. Working natives will also have some advantages, and there are chances of you getting a promotion at your work front. Join a sports club or doing physical activities will burn some weight you have gained sitting back at home during the pandemic. You will have some clashes with your spouse, they will dominate you with their feelings, though you will impress them with your entertaining skills like funny dialogues and distractions. Overall this transit will prove to be profitable for the Sagittarius natives.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Capricorn

The impact of Mercury transit will be favourable for native in their field of success and workplace. During the period of transition, the planet will change its position and will be posted in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Natives will witness positive development in their financial condition. Working officials will do an incredibly terrific job, which will be praised by their seniors, and some of the natives also have the chance of getting a promotion during this period. Thus this will bring an increase in your income. This period will bring benefits in terms of business; you will earn profit through different sources. Some of you will get benefits through property investment. Your health conditions will be critical due to some injury; you will feel weak and dizzy. Maintaining a strong diet is necessary; take proper medications to prevent infection. Your marital life will gain stability; even fights and clashes will not set you apart. Your love for your partner will be infinite; they will need proper attention and support at the same time. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aquarius

During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This transit has a positive impact on one's intellect and knowledge. Natives will have good communication skills. They will attain enormous success with the blend of communication and intellect. Working officials will gain increment, which will give them the confidence to invest in assets and other fields. Business natives will also get the advantage of this transit, natives will earn excess profits, and this is the best time to invest. You will gain a special status in society. Your social circle will increase. Your love life will be prosperous; even your partner will support you at every step. Your partner will be the biggest reason for your success. Pay proper attention to them, and you will also get some quality time to spend with them. Your health may deteriorate, so take proper precaution for your health, do regular exercise or yoga and maintain your diet. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Pisces 

The powerful and enlightened planet Mercury is the ruling lord of your houses. Your fourth house will host the position of Mercury during the transition period. There will be a significant impact on one's love life and professional life. You will spend some of the memorable moments of your life, your parents will shower you with the blessing, and they will support you at everything you do. This is a good time to purchase a new car or a house. You will earn tremendous success in the workplace; you need to stay focused and avoid laziness or office politics. Your enemies will try to ruin your image whenever they get the chance, so play smart. Your partner will need full attention as they will be doing a terrific job at their place; this will make your image look good in society too. Make them feel good and courageous for their good deed. Health-wise you will stay fit and fine, and you will be joining a sports club or a gym which would be beneficial for you.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Cancer
22 Jun,2025
29 Aug,2025

The transit of the planet Mercury on Capricorn would leave a negative impact on the zodiac sign Cancer. It affects emotion and nature. As Cancer is a representation of a cardinal water sign, so during this transit, you will notice a change in your behaviour and way of talking. You will be more affluent though you will think and react in the impulse of your feeling, which sometimes might be of love and compassion and sometimes will be fear and possessiveness. And this transit will affect your concentration in different field like studies and work. You who have perspective will personal feeling will be involved the most. So there is a list of things you have to take care during this duration of transit.


इस पेज को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए बुध का कर्क राशि में गोचर पर क्लिक करें।


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aries Sign

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and leaves an impactful effect on your zodiac signs. During this transit, it changes its position and shifts toward your fourth house of the Aries, as the fourth house represents the house romantic relationship. The impact of Mercury gives a favourable effect on the Aries. Married couples would enjoy the benefits and have a happy and peaceful married life. In the field of professionals, you will attain good results due to your hard work and honesty. Even the working official will get maximum support from your senior staff and colleagues, getting praised and uplifted for your hard work. Property related issues are going to get resolved, and there are chances of constructing a new house. You should take care of your physical, mental and spiritual health. It is recommended to do exercise and yoga regularly, that would help you stay fit.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Taurus Sign

The transit of Planet Mercury will be favourable for people having the zodiac sign Taurus. During this transition, the planet will be posited in your third house, and this will positively affect your energy and enthusiasm in completing tasks and taking full responsibilities. The individual will notice a boost up in your personal skills like communication, hardwood, and cooperation, which would help them strive for a good fortune. Short trips are there on the native's card, which would bring joy and happiness. Your marital life would be great, and you will have excellent terms with your spouse. You are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health and maintain your fitness by doing regular exercise in order to stay healthy.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Gemini Sign

The impact will have a significant effect on Gemini and will increase your communications skills. During the transit, the planet will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Gemini. The house denotes communication skills. You would be able to converse fluently and win the heart of people with your attractive speeches. Probably, this would be the perfect time to invest in capitals and earn huge profits through your assets like properties and others. You would do the job, and so you are requested to stay calm and focus on your own work; your efficiency and hard work will give good results. Apart from that, you should not get involved in any office politics if found so you will face backlash and bad circumstances. Regarding your health condition, it is necessary to keep yourself fit and doing regular excessive or yoga is the best way to keep going. Ignoring your health might put you in danger, and you may have some health issues.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Cancer Sign

Because the transit is happening in your own house, the impact in this transit will be very strong, and you would face some issues and problems in a different field. During the transition period, the planet Mercury will move towards the first house of your zodiac sign. The first house indicated health, and you would face some serious issues regarding your health, so it is advised to get a regular health checkup, and proper medical treatment is very necessary. Ignoring a single thing regarding your health might put you in a crucial condition during this duration. Apart from that, your financial condition will be in your favour, you might get support from foreign nations or countries, so this is the best time to invest. You at the workplace might get distracted, resulting in late submission of your work, so be concerned about it and increase your working pace. The love life will remain peaceful, and you will get to know each other better. Your partner will understand your better and your relationship will be romantic; you will get your relationship's missing spark and have a memorable time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Leo Sign 

This transit will be a little difficult, though relaxing for Leo's. During the transition planet Mercury will make its position in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of the transit would lead to an increase in the expenditure, and so you are advised to have control over your expenses and maintain a proper account to check the excess flow of money. Leo must face business-related issues and must take help from the professionals. You are expected to go on trips. You might have jobs have huge chances of getting a promotion. You might face a problem with in terms of your health, so you are advised to do regular exercise or yoga, you can also play any sports in order to keep themselves fit and free from diseases.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Virgo Sign

The impact of Mercury will have a strong impact in terms of your health. During the transition, the planet will move towards the eleventh house of your zodiac sign Virgo. This transition will be very favourable for you in terms of health and harmony. People will notice a gradual increase in your communication skill, and you will attract people with a positive and honest mindset. Your social circle will increase, and your loved one will truly enjoy the company. You will make new friends, and you will maintain a trustworthy relation towards you, even you will tend to support your emotionally and mentally. You working in jobs will earn respect, and you will reap the fruits of hard work. Business You will earn a maximum profit and will earn a good return from your investment and assets. You might have a new relationship, and you will impress them with your charisma.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Libra

As soon as the transition begins, the planet Mercury would gradually move into the powerful tenth house, which means that the lifestyle and living standards of your family would get better. You could also get many sources of income and also invest your money in abroad. Natives would also witness a change in their career, which would eventually escalate your professional life. Along with that, you must also focus on eating healthy, sleeping on time and do a regular checkup. Do not forget to take precaution as it might affect your health in future.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Scorpio Sign

There is both a positive and negative impact on your card. The planet Mercury is known to be the strongest planet; it is also the Lord of Zodiac houses as well. During the transition, the planet shifts its position into the ninth house of the zodiac sign, which gives some positive and as well as negative impact in your lives. Your health will remain stable, and you will have a normal family life. Your relationship will not bother you, and you will be happy with your lover. Apart from that business professional have the best time to increase your wealth, this is the best time for the investment you will get fruitful results. You wishing for travelling abroad can finally fulfil your dream. Working professionals are advised to keep doing your hard work and maintain your honesty and focus in your jobs, and you need to be careful with your opponents you will surely try to ruin your image and distract you from your task.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Sagittarius Sign

The impact of Mercury transit can be pressuring for some of you during this time. Due to the transit taking in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, you might have to face various obstruction your lives. In terms of health, you have to precaution to avoid any kind of problem. Health is a very important factor in your life; your mental stability also depends on your health. So you are recommended to do physical activities like regular exercise or yoga, you can also join a sports club and indulge yourself in sports to maintain your health. You working at jobs are required to finish your tasks in time, you have to focus on your tasks to avoid any delays, or else you have to face sudden pressure and deadlines. Business professionals can take amazing advantage of this time, you will earn good profits in terms, and any economic constraints will be sorted out during this transition period. Tough if you notice a change in your communication skills, you have to be careful and decisive about your speech.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Capricorn Sign

During this period, there will be a positive impact on the native's life. During the transitory period, the planet will change its position and will shift towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign. Your seventh house represents the house of career and responsibility. You will notice a gradual increase in your energy and enthusiasm. You will be able to finish your day will full enjoyment and happiness without any complaint. The couple will be happily satisfied with your marital life, you will have outstanding communication with your spouse, and you will maintain this relationship for a long time. Job representatives will impress your donors with your dedication and hard work; you will be able to manage things easily and complete your tasks with ease and excellence. Businessmen are required to stay calm and not hurry in investing, and you should avoid any kind of investment in dealing particularly at this time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aquarius sign 

The transit of the planet Mercury leaves a significant impact on the Aquarius You. During the transitions, the powerful planet will move towards the sixth house of your zodiac sign which signifies the house of expenses. Tough you will notice an increase in your expenses. Still, you will be able to sort every debt and loans on your head during this time. So, just try to lower down your expenses apart from that you are good to go. It would be effectively beneficial for you to keep yourself fit and healthy. You can do such by joining a sports club or doing other physical activities like exercises and yoga, ignoring your health would be bad for the long run. You might work harder still your luck will not favour you, but don't get distracted by watching your colleagues getting promoted, instead work harder and honestly to attain success. You will get enormous time to hang out with your spouse or your loved ones, share your thoughts and mindset, give them space to understand you and your intentions, and you will surely get closer to you.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Pisces Sign

The Pisceans will enjoy the favour of this transit. As the transit of the powerful planet, Mercury will be taking its place in your fifth house, which would eventually increase in your knowledge and sensibility. In fact, this transit is going to give you enormous financial gains and investing would a great opportunity to earn profits this time. Your connection with your spouse or your loved ones will be very peaceful, and you will soon get to understand and know each other, your partner will support you at every step. You doing jobs will not be able to make any achievement, though will dedication in your work and focus will slowly help them out to get through this time. Undoubtedly, it is significantly important to have a healthy body to keep you going for a long period. You should have a controlled diet and should avoid fast food. Ignoring any kind of issue related to health can be very harmful in the long run. So, it's better to take proper health precautions and going for a regular checkup is necessary, native can also do physical activities like yoga or play sports.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Leo
30 Aug,2025
14 Sep,2025

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet and has a significant impact on your Zodiac sign. The Mercury is very influential over your sign, and it changes your way of thinking, boosts up your confidence, increases your communication skills, pushes your mind towards an optimistic view, gives space to your mind to have a greater thought process. Even Mercury over Leo makes their natives unchallengeable, and this is also the reason for Leo's arrogance. This time can be a little dangerous as they would not listen to anyone's advice and think their ideas are the only way to proceed. This period is going to prove very profitable for the natives in terms of financial condition, and they will notice an increase in their income and they will also have a side earning from some secret sources. The natives might face some difficulties in their professional life, and some obstacles are there on their card, though we all know that hard work is the key to success, so with extreme hard work and absolute dedication, they will be able to achieve success.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Aries

The transition in the planet Mercury in Leo is going to be very lucky for your Zodiac Sign Aries. You children might bring some good news to you which will make you feel good. Aries natives working might have to give their best efforts at their workplace; you will have to take some huge responsibilities during this period of time. There are several trips on your card, which can be either personal or professional. Natives trying for a baby will surely get positive results. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo on Taurus Sign

During the transition, the planet Mercury shifts to their fourth house of the natives. This time is going to be full of ups and downs for the Taurus natives, and you should take serious care of your parents, especially your mother's health. There is a huge chance of getting backstabbed by your friends, so keep an eye over your friends and see if someone has that kind of mindset. On the other hand, starting something new at work will give you a good profit and would be very beneficial for you. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Gemini

While during the transition planet Mercury will be posited in your third house, which is also called 'Parakram Kshetra'. With the transit, you will notice a gradual increase in your energy and would feel more enthusiastic. Though, you have to lower down your spirits or else you may get into serious arguments which mill cause friction between you and your siblings. You will also have some issues with your family during this time. There are some frequent tasks as a part of work in your card, which can be personal also. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Cancer

This time Mercury will not be posited in your zodiac sign. So the transition will not favour you, you have to take all your decisions calmly and should have a calm and peaceful mind. You have to handle your family issues and especially while having any disagreement with your cousins and siblings as luck will not be in your favour, so it's better to avoid arguments. You need to have control over your expenses as this time you may get over budget. Lending someone money would result in loss so better make sure you do not lend anyone during this period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Leo

The transit of Mercury in your Zodiac sign will indicate your financial status. You will earn a huge profit in terms of business. Though you need to take proper precautions regarding your health, keep yourself fit during this transition. You will be stressed in taking decisions for your future aspects. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Virgo

The Mercury is the strongest, and during its transit, it is posited in your 12th house, which signifies health and finance. During this time, you need to have control over your expenses or else it may lead to overburdening. There are several trips on your card, and you need to take proper precautions throughout your trip. Natives trying for travelling or applying for a job may get the chance this time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Libra 

Labh Ghar means the house of profits is your eleventh house, and the Mercury transit will be posited in your eleventh house as well. For people who have delayed their vacation or road trip from a long time due to their busy schedule will finally get a chance to travel. Amidst all this the transit is going to prove good for the Libra natives and they will stay safe and satisfied during this period of time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Scorpio

The planet Mercury dusting this transit will be posited in your house known as Karm Kshetra, and this is the best time for a new startup. The natives who are unemployed and are thriving for jobs will sadly have to wait a little longer but don't worry, and you will surely eat the fruit for your patience later.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Sagittarius

Bhagyasthan, the ninth house of your Zodiac sign will be posited by Mercury during its transition in Leo. This transit would be extremely favourable for married couples; they will have a happy and peaceful relationship. Unmarried people may also get the chance to have a successful marriage. This is the best Mahurat to have Pooja at your home, and you will surely be successful in achieving your aims. There are some chances of delay in your work; however, you will get through it from hard work and dedication.

Impact of Mercury in Leo for Capricorn 

The powerful planet Mercury will be posited in your eight houses during this transit which will be very challenging for the natives. You must be immensely careful for your physical as well as mental health, especially your food consumption should be healthy, and you should do exercise regularly. Take proper rest in order to keep your mind and body peaceful. Stay alert against your enemies; they might create some obstacle. Apart from that, handle every task and issue with care and total dedication.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Aquarius 

The Mercury transition will be posited in your seventh house, which will be very favourable for the Aquarians. Unmarried natives might get a chance to have a life partner. In fact, natives already in the process of discussing an alliance with their in-laws will be beneficial. You are suggested to stay away from communicable disease and take proper care of your own health and stay fit. Natives trying to have a baby will surely get positive results.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Pisces 

This transition will not be favourable for you as The planet will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Proper determination and confidence will help you out during this crucial time. Hard work and dedication will give you good results to pay off all the challenges and obstacles. You might have a quarrel with your family, so keep a cool mind and calmly solve your issues.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Virgo
15 Sep,2025
02 Oct,2025

The incredible planet Mercury is the ruling lord of Virgo, and during the transition period, the planet changes its position and brings an influential impact on different fields of one's life. The Mercury transit has an impact over one's way of communication, helping others, family, finance, intellect, marital life. This transit will be influential on each of the signs in the zodiac circle as Mercury's rulings nature is over one's communication, technology, and travel. This transit will bring some favourable impact on the lives of natives. You will be able to notice an inclination towards learning, the chance of travelling to your desired places, one's status in the society. Hence Mercury plays a critical role in the lives of natives. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aries 

The planet Mercury will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Your sixth house will also host the position of the sun. Thus the Aries natives will face the impact of two planets, and there will be a formation of 'Budh Aditya Yog'. Therefore this transition period will heal all your injuries, health issues you were facing for a long time. Working officials will face excessive success in their respective fields, and you will be praised for your hard work and honesty, you may also defeat all your opponents in the office and will prove yourself aa the strongest competitor in your office. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and properties; there is a good chance you will be able to pay every debt. It's is expected to have a little bit control over your expenses; spending too much might lead to over budget. Your married life would be full of happiness and harmony, though paying attention and spending time with your partner will keep you away from clashes and arguments. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Taurus 

During the period of transit, planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in your fifth house, along with the Mercury, Sun will be posited in the same house. Both being in the same house would create favourable impacts on your house, Taurus. The love life of Taurus natives will prosper; you will get to spend some of the blissful moments with your partner. You will have a sense of mutual understanding with your spouse. There are some arguments and clashes between you both, though you have to handle it with patience and try to impress them. Some of the natives will gain interest in spiritual studies and religious concepts at this duration. This would be the perfect time to buy a car or property; you will be successful in it. You have to take proper precautions regarding your health. Your mother's health is going to be perfect; any past problem in her health will tend to heal during this period. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Gemini

This transit will bring a positive impact in the lives of the Gemini natives, the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Gemini will host the position of the planet. There as, your fourth house represents one's well-being and happiness. There is a sign of gaining inheritance to some of your ancestral properties, and you will also gain good profits through these properties or assets. The powerful Mercury and sun being in the same house will bring luck in your life, and you will reap the fruits of benefits during this time. Natives who are not living with their parents will get to meet them, and you will show love and care towards your parents. You will also get some quality time to spend with them. You will have good terms with your siblings and relatives. Your relationship will gain momentum, and you will spend some memorable time with your partner. Working officials will get into the path of success, though they have to stay away from office politics or else your opponents would try to ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Cancer 

It is the third house of your zodiac sign will host the transition period of Mercury. Your third house is also known as Parakram Sthan. The transit of Mercury in your house will increase your energy, give you a positive mind and brings good luck in the field of work. The combination of Mercury and Sun will bring a favourable impact on your house by enhancing your confidence, patience, communication skills, and intellect. You will feel powerful during this time, and you will have absolute clarity in your thoughts and ideas, people will tend to get attracted by you, and you will be able to accomplish every task with perfection. Working officials will enjoy the benefits of this transit, some of you will get promoted, which would bring you out of stress. Though you may get overconfident sometimes due to your short temper you will get involved in arguments, so keep calm and don't engage yourself in such problems which will ruin your good image. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and other sources. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Leo 

The Mercury transit is going to take place in the second house of the individuals, and the conjunctions of Mercury and Sun will bring a positive impact over your sign, Leo. You will get some good news during this time, Leo natives involved in business fields will gain enormous profits through different sources, and you will also have a good chance to receive profits through ancestral property or past investments. This profit might help you to clear out your debts. You will have a good sense of humour, and your communication skill will help you make new friends. Natives who are involved in the field of media, law, or sales professionals will earn huge benefits. Students preparing for competitive exams have to focus on their studies, which is the only way to score good results. Your love life will be standing, and you will spend a happy time with your family. Apart from that, your parents will have a blissful time with you. The working official has to stay away from office politics. The natives will have a perfect health condition.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Virgo 

The transition of Mercury will occur in your own sign, thus creating a Budh Aditya Yoga formation. The Mercury and Sun will collaborate, and both their positioning will be in your first house, which is your ascendant house. The natives will be fortunate during this time period. Your superiors will highly support and respect you for your dedication and hard work. You will be praised, and everyone will be impressed by your timing. Stay alert from your rivals; they will give their best to ruin your image. There is a family trip on your card, you will spend some blissful time with your family at this duration, your partner will support you, and both of you will develop a sense of mutual understanding, which will reduce your clashes and arguments. Health-wise, you are recommended to do regular exercise or yoga in order to keep yourself fit and fine. Maintaining your health will also be beneficial for you as it would ease up your mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Libra

The planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, along with that sun will take the same position, and their conjunction will show ups and downs in your life. The natives have to work really hard in every field to attain success. The working people will have to take certain responsibilities, which would increase your work pressure and put you in stress. Don't worry and you must take this as a test and give your best to complete your tasks responsibly. The natives will witness an increase in expenses, so you are advised to have control over your daily expenditure and prevent your overspending. The Libra native will spend some memorable time with their family, and your spouse will be very supportive with you during this time. Your health will remain stable. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Scorpio

The impact of the transit will give favourable results to the Scorpio natives. During the transit the Planet Mercury will change its position and will shift towards your eleventh house, your eleventh house is also known as the Labh Ghar or the house of profits in Vedic Astrology. So the combination of Sun and Mercury will improve your financial condition, there are chances of financial gain through different sources. Natives having problems with their overspending habit will finally get a way to stop it. You will finally get some saving schemes which will help you in the long term. Apart from that, you are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health, any ignorance in terms of health will put you at risk. Stay away from fast food and maintain a proper diet. There are several personal and professional trips on your card. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Sagittarius 

The Sagittarius natives will host the position of Mercury in their tenth house, where the house is also known as Karyakhetra or working house in Vedic Astrology. The natives will enjoy the benefits during this transitory period. Working natives will go excessively good in respective fields, and you will be praised by your staff for your brilliant work. You will also have a chance of getting an increment or a promotion. Native who are deciding to change their job will get total success. Your family front will remain happy, and your siblings will also maintain good relations with you. Your partner may shower you will love and support you in every difficult situation. Your health will remain stable, though a checkup will help you in preventing problems for the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury changes its position during the transitory period, and your ninth house hosts the transition. Your ninth house represents one's confidence and enthusiasm. The natives will get the favour of luck and support during this duration. After this transit, the natives will notice an increase in one's intelligence and memory power and which will help you attain success in different aspects of life. Working natives will get to use their luck in the work front, initially gaining success. This is the best time to confront your feelings to your loved ones. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aquarius

The transition of the Planet Mercury will take place in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, which would have both positive and negative impact on the lives of individuals. Your disputes with your father or any elder will finally have closure, and you will spend the duration in harmony, you will get to spend some blissfully time with your family. Natives in relationships will get a chance to convert their love into marriage, though they will face certain difficulties in doing so. However, you will find a way to clear every arising dispute; just don't lose patience. There are high chances of gaining through some unexpected sources during this transit. Your friends and family will give you full support at every step of your life. Married couples will get great chances to get closer to each other. Your health will remain good, though doing some physical activity like playing sports or doing exercise is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Pisces 

The transition of planet Mercury will take place in the third house of a zodiac sign. The Pisces natives will not enjoy the transit, as there will not be any favourable outcomes. They will have to go through some stressful things like bad health, loss in business, disputes etc. Your health will be affected by the change in the climate. You are recommended to take proper healthcare during this transit. Natives who are in the field of jobs will remain safe from their rivals. Natives who are planning to change their jobs are advised to wait for some more time as this time might be a little crucial for them. Single natives trying to get married should remain careful as their rivals will try to ruin their image. Married natives will spend this time will no particular issue, though you need to give proper attention to your partner and sending more time will help you know each other better.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Libra
23 Nov,2025
05 Dec,2025

The transit of the planet Mercury has a significant effect on your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the strongest planet and is also referred to as the messenger of God, famed for its logic, along with enormous skills and swiftness. Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, and Venus is the ruling planet for Libra. Thus Libra being a moon sign and signifies by air creates a purification to the speech of the natives due to this transit. It helps in improving your communication skills which would attract people and would be beneficial for you. It increases your creative abilities and gives you a mature mindset. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aries

The transit of the planet Mercury will not be in your favour. During the transit the Planet Mercury will be posited in your seventh house, the seventh house of your Zodiac sign is the house of your marital life. Determination of one's partnership in various fields of life is very important in terms of astrology. Though the transition period is not going to favour the Aries natives, they might face some serious health issues. If you don't take proper care, you might get some severe disease mainly related to your skin, and you should surely consult a specialist for the skin. Working professionals might get some stress related to work, and any kind if the effort is going to be a waste, so the natives are advised to spend some time to relax rather than taking stress. They can give some time to do something they love like their hobbies, so they could feel lighter and energetic again. Native's marital life will also be a little stress, you would get annoyed, and there will be many misunderstandings which would make you upset. So talk to your partner properly and try to sort it out simply rather than making a fuss out of it. This unfavorable transit will bring distraction in your economic life as well, and you will get into a quarrel with your family members also. You have to take proper care at your expenses, or else your expenses might get overburden. Try to save during this period of time. Trips are there on the cards of business natives, though they would not earn enough profits. Have patience and don't lose hope, after the transit ends you will be back in your normal life.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Taurus 

The planet Mercury has a very friendly term with Libras ruling planet Venus, while its transit the planet is put towards the sixth house of you zodiac sign Taurus which will be favourable for them. Students working hard for their studies will definitely get good results at the end. You will notice a certain improvement in your way of speaking, you will be easily communicating with people, and everyone will be impressed by your logic and humour. Natives competing in debates will surely attain success. You will be interested in literature and in reading various books, novels, magazines, etc. You will defeat every opponent standing against you, your confidence will break all the obstacles, and your performance will gradually increase. People of this zodiac sign, who are influenced by the bull, will be very successful in the field of writing and gain enormous fame. Even, they are a centre of attraction in social media and will influence many people due to your communication skills. There are many trips on your card with your lover, you will be able to spend a memorable time with your lover, and your relationship will prosper during this transit. Married natives would also enjoy the same advantages and will be one step closer to each other and create a better understanding.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Gemini 

The Mercury transit will be posited in your fifth house, which is known as the house of progeny, it signifies your children, education and knowledge. This transit will be favourable for the Gemini natives; your relation with your family will get stronger. spend more time with the younger members of your family. You will get to have a happy family trip or picnic during this duration. Your will be filled with joy and happiness, And you will spend a memorable time with your family and get closer to them. If your mom's health was at a decline from a long time, this transit would improve your mom's condition too, and she will be in good health by now. Student natives with the zodiac sign Gemini will gain interest in learning new things, they may specifically try to get involved in the field of religion and spiritual subjects and spend more time in learning religion and scriptures. You will also feel for someone of your opposite gender; both of you will have a memorable time and will enjoy each other's company. However, this relationship would be a temporary one. People trying for a baby might have a chance of getting a twin. In an overall basis, this transit is going to be very precious and memorable for the Geminis.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Leo

The planet Mercury during its transit will be positioned in the third house of the Leo natives, the house of courage and valour. You will notice a particular change in your speaking, and you will be able to communicate fluently with others. On the other hand, people would understand you better. Your relation with your family will remain as it was, on the other hand, you might have some quarrels with your siblings, so take care of that and try to solve it out with the help of your family. You will lose interest in your ambitions and might feel lazy, because of this you will be financially weak too. Though your friend circle will increase and you will enjoy more with your friends. You might feel physically and mentally weak, maybe because of over thinking, so calm yourself down don't think too much, to have a peaceful mind you can do pranayam or yoga and get yourself back.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Virgo 

The second house of the zodiac sign Virgo signifies one's money, wealth, speech, etc. which in accordance with the 'Kalpurush Kundli'. The transit of Mercury takes over this house and may affect the natives in a positive way. You will have a good connection with your family, and they will understand your good intentions and hard work you do for them, you will be successful in impressing them by your speeches and mindset. You will have delicious dishes at home, which would keep you fit and healthy. Apart from your family, your communication skills will also attract everyone at your workplace, they will start respecting you, and you will have a good image in front of them. If you have some juniors working underneath you, motivate them and help them out with everything related to work. This would increase their affection towards you and will respect your more, and you will surely notice an increase in their work pace. People in the field of business will get profits from their schemes and ideas. Students preparing for the competitive exam will get success from their hard work during this period of time.

Impact of Transit of Mercury in Libra on Libra 

According to the 'Kalpurush Kundli,' the transit will take place in your own house, and the planet Mercury which signifies speech and intellect will be posited in your first house which is your ascendant house. The first house of your zodiac sign Libra signifies health, nature, and knowledge. The planet Mercury is known as the strongest planet, and a friend of Venus would leave a positive impact on your personality and in the aspect of life. Though you should take proper care of your health at this time, regular exercise and yoga will keep your health balanced and mind peaceful. You get excellent results in your professional field, your hard work will pay off, and you will perform better at your workplace. Libra native involved in the fields of business will earn huge profits. Apart from that, new starters are recommended to take care of their expenses and or else they might face over budget. Your overall expenses would be stable though due to some expenses might incur due to the health problems of your family member. Students native have to take some serious decisions regarding their future, and they should take advice from their family members as well before taking any final decision. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Scorpio

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet, and the transit it leaves a significant impact over the natives of Zodiac sign Scorpio. During its transit, the planet is posited in your twelfth house. Your twelfth house, according to the Kalpurush Kundali, is known as the house of expenditure. The impact of Mercury transit on your Sign will not be favourable for you. You should take care of your expenses, have a proper account of your spending and spending too much on daily life itineraries would lead to over budgeting. You should make a proper budget plan in order to be successful in getting control of your spending. Students may get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies will get a chance to fulfill their ambitions. Scorpio natives working in the field of business would get a chance to go on trips, though they won't feel good about it and would be annoyed with the trip. Stay alert as your opponents they will try to put obstacles to distract you, take proper precautions. This transit will affect you negatively; your health might deteriorate. You should take proper care of your health, especially your mental health, this duration will give you excess stress which will also lead to appetite loss. Students have to do hard work, intact they might ignore their studies right now. People who are married should maintain a good relationship with their spouse and try to understand their sentiments. If you don't give proper attention to your spouse, it might lead to quarrels and conflict between you both. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Sagittarius

The Mercury is the strongest planet and having friendly relation with Venus; it leaves a very important impact in your Zodiac sign. During the transition of Mercury In Libra on your Sign, the planet shifts its position to the eleventh house, which implies the house of profits. This means that this transit will prove favourable for the Sagittarius natives. There are huge chances of getting your money from someone you have lent to, and it would save from a huge debt issue. Natives planning for something big can execute during this duration and earn huge profits. You will open new doors of happiness with your family, and your relatives will be very helpful during this time and help you in gaining profits which will increase your financial condition. During this transit natives in the profession of the job will enjoy benefits like getting help from their colleagues and have a good time hanging out with their friends. Couples who have recently got married will enjoy an amazing time with each other and get closer to on other too, there is a huge possibility that they might be blessed with a baby and their relationship will loyal with each other. Student natives can enjoy this duration rather than taking stress in their studies if necessary, taking help from seniors will solve their issues.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Capricorn 

The impact of Mercury would get the natives charged, keep them energetic and enthusiastic. The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in their tenth house of the Zodiac Sign Capricorn, which signifies the house of work. The tenth house is also known as the house of Karma Bhava, which may be the reason for your increase in energy and excitement during this period of time. Natives associated in the professional field will be receiving amusing results of their hard work, and they will be praised at their workplace because of completing their task before time. The natives might get increments in their salary too. Apart from that person with the business profession, there are possibilities that you will earn good profits during this duration of time. You will surely defeat your enemies. Your logic and humor will prove to be very impactful on others, including your opponents. You will be the hero of your family you will be able to understand and solve everyone's problems and will create a good image in front of everyone. The love life of the natives will be very favourable too, they will get to hang out with each other, and during this time they will get to know each other, and everything they do will attract you towards them. On the other hand, the student natives are required to take more care of their health rather than putting mental pressure on their studies. As we know, a healthy mind keeps a body fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aquarius 

The Mercury transition taking place on Aquarius will leave an impactful effect on the Sign, the planet will be posited in their ninth house of the Aquarius natives, and as per the Kalpurush Kundli, the ninth house signifies one's religious, luck and fortune. Though, due to this transit, you may have to face difficulties and obstructions in your life. You have to give your level best performance to achieve good results. The natives will earn profit in terms of financial fields, though there will an increase in their expenditures for some reasons. There are trips on your card, and it is recommended to avoid them for a little bit or postponed your trip unless there is a case of emergency. Your family life will also stay on the decline in terms of relation; you will get into quarrels because of your pride and conflicts with your siblings are also possible. Apart from that, your love life will remain balanced. It would be very beneficial for the student natives to keep a distance from their friends as they would distract you from your studies. Other than that your hard work will prove to be good during this transit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Pisces 

During the planetary movement the planet Mercury will make its transit in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, your eight houses which are also known as the Ayu Bhava signifies longevity. You will receive favourable results due to the transit. You will notice an improvement in the field of finance, the natives will get chance to pay off their debts and free from any stress, and they will be left with some money for future savings too. The natives working as professionals, will get praised and known for their wit, and honest work, along with those natives who wish to change jobs will be successful in getting a new one. People in the field of business should not haste and make a mistake; rather, they should consult someone experienced and then implement their ideas. You mothers health will be at stake, so natives are serious about your mother health take her to a doctor before anything serious happens. 

Due to the impact of Mercury transit, the natives will have interest in studying mysterious science subjects like astrology, mythology, etc. You will create a good image in your social life people will tend to follow your thought and get your advice during this time period.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Scorpio
06 Dec,2025
28 Dec,2025

The influence of Mercury in Scorpio increase you focus towards all resources. Mercury is a dualistic planet and transit of Mercury in Scorpio will increase your thinking capability, strengthen your intellect and boosts up your confidence. You will be able to compete with every challenge in your life and overpower them. Scorpio sign is represented as the warrior of the zodiac. So natives with this sign will always have to think their way out instead of worrying about it if you are getting tensed about each and every task than you will suffer. Make your own choice, choose your own path, whether it is worrying or thinking. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aries 

The transit of Mercury will influence due to its change in position, and the planet will be posited in the eighth house of your Zodiac sign Aries. According to the Kundali, the eight houses is represented as the significator of life and expectancy and enlightenment. There will be many changes faced by the natives have to face during this time. However, your economic condition will improve during this period. You will gain profits, and different doors of monetary resources will be open for you. People who are planning to take any loan will be successful at this time. Working officials will have to face some challenges, apart from that they have to be patient or else hasting at any point will put you in stress. You will develop an interest in learning spiritual subjects, and your thoughts and ideas will ache accordingly. Natives who have set one's cap for PhD degree will get favourable results. You siblings will go through a tough time during this time, and you will have to help them out and solve their problems. There are several trips on your card, though you be careful at the time of self-driving. Your health condition will be down, so you are required to maintain your diet and do physical activities. Your spouse will also have a source of earning, which will ease things up and will be handy for you too. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Taurus

The transit of evolutionary Mercury will take place in the seventh house of your zodiac sign Taurus. Your seventh house is signified as the house of marital life, partner and business partners. The impact of Mercury transit is going to give good results for the married natives; they will respect each other and have a term of mutual understanding. People in relationships will spend a beautiful time and carry out romantic conversations, and this time will strengthen your relationship. Even, some of you will propose to your partner for marriage, and some problems may arise still you will be finding out away. One's in the field of work will get benefits through this transit, new opportunities will arise for you during this time. Natives looking for a new job will be successful. You will also gain extreme profits in the field of business; even your partnership business will prosper. You would always be at peace and witness harmony in your family, and children of this zodiac sign will stay healthy and happy. However, you have to take care of your expenses there are chances of an increase in your expenditure. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Scorpio on Gemini 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in the sixth house if your zodiac sign, which is represented as the house of the enemy according to the field of astrology. This time would be very difficult for the Gemini natives. You have to be careful about many things like your enemies, pain, job, competition, health, and even your marriage. Natives might have to face some challenges regarding your health, ignoring your health conditions may give you a negative impact at this time. If you are doing a job, you will be challenged by your rivals, and they will give their best to defeat you and dominate you. You are recommended to stay away from illegal activities to keep yourself and your family. You will meet your in-laws, and their bits of advice would be helpful for you. You will also face an increase in your expenses, and you will have to face many obstacles, though hard work and honesty will help you out to survive this duration.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Cancer 

During this period of transit, the planet will change its position and will be positioned in the powerful fifth house of your Zodiac sign, and your fifth house is a significantly important of your family and children's well-being. You will get new opportunities in the field of education, your children's creative talents, and even your relationship will be prosperous. Students will get to fulfil their wish in higher studies, and this is the best time to show one's ability. Most of you will also get the chance to shift to abroad to continue your studies and sharpen your talents. Natives who are in love will have to face some clashes and arguments with their beloved for small reasons, though you will sort it out with patience and understanding. Some of you will have the chance to express your feeling to your loved ones and get good results. You will face some problems in your marital life due to which misunderstandings will arise. However, your spouse will enjoy some benefits during this transit. You will have an amazing communication skill which will help you earn respect and trust in your society. Your intelligence will help you in taking some tuff decisions which will give you certain benefits in future. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Leo

The transit of the dualistic planet Mercury will show its impact on the fourth house of your zodiac sign, thus influencing your happiness. On the other hand, the transit will have an impactful effect on your luxury, emotions, and property-related things. You will witness several benefits due to this transit. There will be an inflow of happiness and harmony in your life. You will stay motivated; your family will support you in every aspect of life. The Leo natives will spend some quality time with their family members. In terms of property, issues will get resolved during this period. This is also the best time to buy a new house or vehicle for the Leo natives. You mother will get favors of this transit, you will receive her blessings, and her health is going to be perfect at this time. The natives working as hired men will do excellent in their work field; their hard work and dedication will be the reason for their success. Your increase in knowledge will help you attain a better position in society, and you will also make new contact with some of the reputed members of society. You will have excellent health, though stay away from fast food and take proper precaution, and the polluted area may be the reason for your skin disease. So, keep your surroundings clean. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Virgo 

Due to the transition, you will notice a change in your aspect of life. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet Mercury will be posted in the third house of your zodiac sign Virgo. The third house represents various exposures to your life; it brings a change in your courage, will power, passion, confidence and gives you the energy to improve your knowledge, makes you more enthusiastic. Along with that, there is zeal in one's Kundali, which gets enlightened during the transit. The transition will make you more conscious and serious in your behaviour, and you will be more passionate about your tasks. Your thoughts and ideas will impress everyone around you, though your way of communication may hurt someone's intentions, so you are advised to control your speeches. Your short-tempered nature will be the reason for fights and arguments at some point. You are advised to handle things calmly and smartly. You will get the opportunity to get a new job, and you will be surely successful in it. The natives will be successful in helping out their friends and family, though clashes are possible between you and your family. New members will be added in your social circle, and they will tend to continue this friendship for the long term. Apart from that, natives will earn respect in the society due to their partner's success. There are short trips on your card through you need to be cautious during the travelling. Your siblings will behave maturely, and their success will make you happy, and you will also help them out at any cost. Your health would be totally fine at this time, though you are advised to do physical activities and stay fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Libra 

The strongest planet Mercury will make its transit into the second house of your Zodiac sign, Libra. The transition of the planet will influence your family, improve your communication skills, and focus on one's primary education and monetary resource. The impact of the transit will give favourable results for the Libra natives. You will notice a gradual increase in your economic condition. You will gain money through different sources, even though a foreign source. There are high possibilities of returns from investments and domestic sources also. The natives will be able to repay their loans and debts through these profits. Even, if you are waiting for loan approval, this time you may get a piece of good news. During this transition, you will spend more, so keep a tab on your expenses and having a little control over your spending will balance your budget. This duration will give you fruitful results and your good communication skills will create a good image in front of others. Apart from that, you will earn maximum profits due to your chosen personality, and people will tend to trust you more. The partner of the Libra natives will have bad health, so take them for a checkup and cooperate with them. Working professionals will get the taste of success due to their dedication and hard work. Though your opponents won't leave a single chance to ruin your image, it's better to keep a distance from them. Your family members will be proud of your excellence in different fields, and you will spend a peaceful and happy time with them. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Scorpio

The transition of the planet Mercury will be taking place in your own house, so during the transit, the planet will change its direction and will be posited in the first house which is your ascendant house. The Scorpion natives have to face certain challenges during this transit, as their first house is known as the house of self. There will be some changes which will give a negative impact on one's attitude. Your health will be down during this transition period, and even you may suffer from skin problems. So, it is significantly urgent to take necessary care of your health, doing proper workout and keeping yourself and your surrounding clean would be beneficial for your health. Your mental health would stay on the decline too. You will tend to gain your interest in increasing your financial condition, and you would get total success. You will attain good results through hard work and dedication. Your advice to keep yourself calm, or sake debates and arguments may arise between you and your siblings and friends. Your social circle will value you more, and you will make new and trustworthy friends. The natives will be able to fulfil their awaited desires. Your opponent won't stand a chance in front of you. Seniors and colleagues will respect you for maintaining decorum in the office culture. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Sagittarius 

The twelfth house of Sagittarius will host the transition of the planet Mercury, where the twelfth house represents expenditure and income. In the field of astrology, the planet has an impact over your different aspects of life like expenses, salvation, foreign trips, family and others. You will notice a good amount of growth in your expenses. You will find innovative techniques to earn profits, though you need to spend smartly and save for investment. You have to stay alert from frauds; don't trust anyone at this time, trusting on someone may result in huge losses. People applying for a loan may get favourable results. There is a foreign trio on your card, which will be beneficial for your business. This trip will give you good profits. You need to be quite careful, or else you may get into a controversy. Your rivals will do anything to ruin your image so stay secured from them and strategize your plans to defeat them at every point. Ignoring your health issues may give birth to worse disease. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Capricorn

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, along with that; it is also the strongest planet. At the time of transition, the position of the planet remains in the eleventh house of your zodiac sign. The eleventh house of the Capricorn natives implies one's income, success, social circle, siblings, and others. The natives will enjoy several benefits during this transit. You will get rewarded for your success and hard work, resulting in an increase in your desires to achieve your goals. You will face some challenges in different fields, though you will procure your position and defeat each and every obstacle in your life. In terms of your financial condition, you will succeed enormously, and several doors of monetary resources will come to you, and serve you extreme benefits. You will also get an advantage through your property. Your siblings will also get the chance to taste success which would also prove beneficial for you. Your marital life will be full of joy, and couples with a kid will witness their talents. Natives with the job will earn respect through their wisdom and honesty in completing their tasks.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aquarius

The transit of Mercury will be very impactful on Aquarius. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and moves towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. Where the tenth house represents various factors of life like one's career, family's situation, respect, politics and one goal in life, apart from that it is also known as the house of karma and profession. The natives will witness several ups and downs in their lives. The working professionals have to face some challenges, though their sharp intellect and reasoning abilities will help them to get out such tuff situations. Natives applying for a new job have to keep patience and try harder. However, you will not get favourable outcomes at your workplace and get frustrated. Though don't lose your hopes and try to stand up and fight back. Your beloved will try to impress you and their affectionate love will strengthen your relationship. Natives who are involved in politics will not get good results, though you should keep trying. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Pisces

The planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transition and it shifts into your ninth house. The ninth house during the transition influences one's fate, guru, religion, travel, life decisions and financial condition. The Pisces natives will enjoy the benefits during this transit, especially the student natives, will score good marks in their studies, and their mentors will actively participate in helping them. There are family trips on your card. Your partner's achievement will be the reason for your name, fame and respect in society. One's involved in the business will earn profits through different economic sources. Performing religious activities and social services will give you mental satisfaction. You will also earn profits in partnership business. The natives will get more inclined in art and literature; some of them will choose writing as their profession too. You may also plan for a business trip or get a chance to shift to abroad for your higher studies. Your mother's health might get worse if ignored so do proper medication. Don't forget about your health, so de regular yoga or try to get involved in physical activities.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Capricorn
17 Jan,2026
02 Feb,2026

The transit of Mercury into Capricorn plays a very significant role in the life of their natives. When the Mercury is in Capricorn, it makes the mind of the native think in a very well organized manner, and they also keep their focus on they want to achieve, and it is challenging to distract them from completing their tasks. The Capricorn natives during this transit will always be practical and focus on their business. Their way of communication will always be practical and logical. They will always have some relevance in their conversation, and thus, the transit of Mercury will have a very influential impact in the lives of Capricorns related to their business, career, education, love and marriage life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aries

The powerful Mercury that is the Lord of your third and sixth houses, during the transit, its position moves towards your tenth house. The tenth house of your Kundali implies your livelihood, karma and fame. With the impact of Mercury in your tenth house, during this time, you will do exceptionally well in your office or workplace, which would be all because of your hard work and intelligence. Your bosses and seniors will praise you, and even your colleagues would unexpectedly appreciate your work. People doing business have the best time to give a start to their new ideas, or they will get excessive chances to expand their business. You will have an excellent and happy relationship with your family. You will have a peaceful family life. You siblings will be there to support you in most of your things, which also be very beneficial for your work. Your communication skill will attract many people who might be useful. You need to avoid being overconfident. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Taurus

Mercury that is popularly known as the Lord of the second and the fifth houses of their zodiac sign Capricorn. During the transition, the planet moves towards the ninth house of their zodiac sign. The ninth house implies the house of wealth, fame and respect. Due to the effect of Mercury transition in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, you will notice an improvement in relation with your father. You will witness a significant gain in your financial condition and strong support from your family, especially your father. You will be able to establish a beautiful relation with your beloved and have a very happy marital life. Your communication with your partner will be flawless. You will always lookout for ways to stay together and spend a memorable time. You will gain excess fame in your social group and would be very profitable for you. There are some tips on your card, which would bring some benefit to improve your financial condition. Student natives will get a good result for their hard work in their higher studies. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Gemini

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the fourth house of your zodiac sign. During its transit into Capricorn, it is posited towards their eight houses. Due to the transit, it shows a rise in your physical challenges, and you must be careful about your health. On the other hand, the transit will help you in improving your financial condition. If you are facing any sort of financial issues, during this time, you will get rid of it. Natives connected with Dharma Karma and other religious things are going to get good results. People of this zodiac sign receiving Mantra Deeksha will witness great results. 

This transit is going to prove very beneficial for the Geminis, they will get excellent results working in the field of research, and their main focus will be in studying about spiritual activities in depth. You would get to notice a slight improvement in your communication skills. There are chances of gaining profits economically. However, you have to be careful about your speech since you may get aggressive or arrogant. You might face some difficulties at your workplace, though a little hard work and sincerity will work it out. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Cancer

Mercury is often referred to as the Lord of the third and twelfth houses for Cancerians. During the transition, the planet shifts towards the seventh house of your Kundali. The seventh house signifies a long-term partnership and a successful business. Natives during this transition will gain excess profit in terms of their work or business. There are more chances of profit from telecommunication resources. Natives doing business will be able to receive total success in expanding their business, especially through social media and marketing. In fact, natives working with multinational companies would also be able to get amusing results. In terms of the partnership, the transit would increase mutual understanding with your life partner. Avoid any outsider to interfere in your personal life or else that might raise an issue. Relation with your sibling will also improve, and you will get proper help and support from their side. You will find trustworthy friends, which would make you mentally strong, and you will able to make a decision and attain total success.

Effect of Mercury transit in Capricorn on Leo 

Mercury is the Lord of the eleventh and second houses of your zodiac sign Leo, while during the transit, it shifts to your sixth house which signifies legal activities, debated, and arguments. This transit into your house will give a good impact to you; there are chances that you may get success in any debate or court case during this period. You will notice a gradual increase in your expenses and your income might decrease, so you must take care of your expenses and try to have control of your expenses. You will surely get a good result, and your confidence might boost up. Don't get involved in any argument; it's better to stay away from any sort of distraction like that. This transit will prove to be very beneficial and favourable for the employees. You might be consuming more time in completing your tasks, and your mind would make a bit restless because of that, so don't worry and try to finish all your tasks without any fuss. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Virgo 

Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house and is the Lord of your Zodiac Sign as well. During the transit the planet shifts toward your fifth house which signifies love, education, intelligence, and children in your Kundali. This transit would have a significant impact on your zodiac sign. The transition of Planet Mercury into Capricorn will improve your intellectual thoughts. Student natives will attain great results in their field of academics. On the other hand, natives who are in love with their partner will get more time to know each other and get closer. They will build trust and increase their understanding with each other. Married couples would be very satisfied with their children and would engage with them to attain success in life. People involved in the business will get the chance to expand their business and get beneficial results, including traders and merchants. You will gain intelligence, and with the help of that, you will be able to make the right decisions. This transit will help you gain a special position as an influence on society. Working will notice an improvement in their relationship with their seniors.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Libra

Planet Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and during its transit in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, it is posited in your fourth house. Your fourth house signifies comfort and prosperity, which improves due to the transition of the planet of luck, Mercury. Your family knots will be strengthened, and you will have a great time. Your family knots might get stronger, and you would have a great time in future. This would help you to keep your mind at peace and focus over the working, which would help you get good results. You will get proper utilization of your intelligence and will praise and respect for your decisions. There are chances of getting benefits related to your property. If you do invest in properties, you will get the chance to gain more profit from it. Natives living in abroad might get a chance to come back home and meet their family. You will also receive gifts from your grandparents on your father's side, which would motivate you and make you happy. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Scorpio 

Mercury is the Lord of their eight and eleventh houses if the zodiac signs Scorpio, which during the transition period shifts toward the third house of your Kundali, which signifies communication. Planet Mercury is an important representation of communication. You will be able to fulfil all your ambitions. No one could snatch success from you, and thus this house will benefit a lot in terms of communication and speech. People working in the field of communication, it would be a piece of cake for them to attain success during this period. There are many chances of travelling and enjoying your life along with which you will gain experience too. There could be some arguments with your siblings, so make sure you take proper care for them. Your hard work will surely be the reason for your success. Scorpions in the field of marketing will get advantage of their hard work to get astonishing results. Transport business will also be flawless during the transition and will bring high profits. Employees must be good with every colleague of theirs so that when the time comes, they will help you. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Sagittarius

The powerful planet Mercury is the Lord of their seventh and tenth houses of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. During the transit, the planet moves towards their second house. The second house of the Sagittarius signifies the house of voice and eating habits; on the other hand, it is also known as the house of Dhan Bhava or the house of money. Due to the transit, your ability to speak will attract most of the people; your way of talking will be sweeter and attractive. Due to this change in your personality, you will be able to perform your task faster and will be able to improve your status financially. Natives must focus on hard work, and sincerity will prove to be very beneficial, and they will earn an enormous profit. During this period you will be satisfied with your food habits, though you need to take care of your way of eating and instead eat slowly and calmly. The natives will get numerous chances to earn great profits in terms of money during this period of time. Your conditions regarding your health may get worse though if you take proper care and don't hurry in doing anything will keep you safe. Relation in terms related to your family will be good, and you will have a happy family. You might get an opportunity to spend some quality time with your family and make some memorable moments too. Due to this, you will have a respective and good image in front of your family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Capricorn 

The strongest Planet Mercury affecting its transition over Capricorn will be very favourable for your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the Lord of the sixth house and the ninth house of their zodiac sign Capricorn which signifies their house of fortune. Though the planet will be moving to your first house during the transit, incurring some essential effects and would be very beneficial for the natives. The transit of Mercury would lead to a Raj Yoga kind of situation, where luck would be totally in your favour during this duration of time. You will be successful in attaining fame in terms of finance, social and professional fields. However, if your project or work is stuck somewhere, you will be able to continue it again. Make sure you don't get distracted in any argument, and there are chances your work might get stuck due to this. Your married life would be smooth, and a trip with your spouse could be your next plan. Take proper care of your health as your opponents will leave no chance to dominate you at any cost. Though you will get full support from your father, still you need to stay away from any disputes related to a court or legal issue.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aquarius 

Saturn's friendly Planet Mercury is the Lord of your eight and fifth house of the Zodiac sign Aquarius, and during the Mercury transit in Capricorn, the powerful planet moves towards their twelfth house which represents loss and expenditure. You really need to be careful with your expenses; during this period you may incur an increase in your expenses which weaken you financially. On the other hand, student natives will get the favour of this transit; most of them might also get a chance to go abroad for their studies, which would satisfy their mental health. During this time you should avoid travelling, or else it can be very costly and a waste of time. Your love life may be in a problem, your partner may shift to another city, and the long-distance relationship might cause too much energy and money. You also have to take proper precautions for your health, which might detonate in this duration; you may incur skin and nerve-related problems. Maintain distance from your opponents as they would try to create problems in your work and keep focused in your own work. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Pisces

The Lord for the fourth and seventh house of Pisces is Mercury which is a very powerful planet. While its transition the planet moves towards the eleventh house which signifies the house of profits and benefits. The transit will favour your life in terms of income. You might get an increase in your income, and this is the best time to fulfil all your desire and comfort you wished for. If your family is deciding to sell some kind of property, this is the best time. You will be able to notice an excessive gain in your business, and this is also the best time to expand your business. Your marital life with your spouse will also be lucky as well as beneficial for you. You will get to know more about each other, and in no time you will get closer to your partner. Natives planning for a startup or a new business will get success in it, and with the blessing of Mercury, they will flourish day and night. Due to all this, your image in society will increase, even your social circle will increase, connecting to social media will be very advantageous for you and this duration will provide you fame by your social activities. You will get the chance to hang out with your friends and have a peaceful time.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Aquarius
03 Feb,2026
10 Apr,2026

The strong planet Mercury represents commendable communication, healthy business, trustworthy partnership, education etc. Amidst all this, Mercury increases your ability to memorize and enhances your accounting, marketing and analytic skills. On the other hand, Aquarius strengthens your hope and wishes to fulfill your desires to channelize with large organization and masses, etc. The transition of Mercury in Aquarius is very beneficial and supportive for natives working in various fields like teachers of science, planners and creator of the map would also get the benefit and support due to the transit. And even the mathematical models for weather and other forecasting departments, advisors of finance and other, etc. would also be effectively advantageous too. There are chances where the people may get mislead by a piece of wrong information that something serious is going to happen when the motion of Mercury reverses. Only in case of the birth chart, the reverse effect of Mercury might create some confusion or powerlessness or else if the Mercury is well placed, then there is no need to worry. 

Effects of Mercury Transit on Aries 

Mercury which appears to be the powerful Lord of their third and sixth houses, specifically for the natives of Aries, goes through an evolution. During the transit into Aquarius, the planet will continuously move and would acquire a position in the eleventh house, which appears to be the house of profits, where the house fulfils your achievement, along with benefits and help the natives to accomplish all the ambitions of life. The transit of Mercury in Aquarius will enrich your abilities and natives can also notice a dynamic increase in their proficiency. 

Your hard work and mental effort during this transit will result in huge success to get an increase in your salary and will be extremely favorable for your financial condition. There will be a gradual change in the personality of Arians, where they will notice a significant boost in their confidence and would be able to express their feeling to the loved ones. And your partner would take an interest in you and shower you with love. Natives should make sure about some things, especially for students who are engaged in the field of education. You will get the undue advantage of learning new things, though you may need to increase your effort at the time if Mercury is regressive. Yours have to take proper precaution for your financial condition which may be weakened, though it may only last for a short period.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Taurus 

Mercury is the strongest planet; it is also known as the dearest friend of the Lord of your sign Venus. It makes its transit while moving through the tenth house if your sign and shows an extreme significance for your Karma and business. People having the sign Taurus, where the former is the Lord of their second and fifty houses, resulting in the transit of Mercury in Aquarius will indicate success and improvement in your professional status. 

This transit would be very impactful in your professional life where you will be able to discover hue best abilities based on your knowledge and trust. Get the best utilization of your education, which would help you to complete your task pleasantly. You will accomplish a good image in front of your bosses. Natives having a business will get the chance to enlarge their trade. And you will get to chance to be close with your family and share some of the best emotional moments.

During the Mercury regression, the natives might have to be serious with their professional lives. You may lose interest and make mistakes which would lead you to lose your jobs. Don't worry because everything will be normal after 10th March and you will notice an improvement, and just after an interval of time you would again be the expert in your work again. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Gemini

Mercury shows a strong effect on Gemini as it is the Lord of the Zodiac sign Gemini. However, it is also the Lord of your fourth house, and during its transit, in Aquarius, it moves to your ninth house which is known as the house of fortune, the results will be seemingly favourable for you. During the transit of Mercury on Gemini, the natives will get great benefit in matters related to property, and fate will be in favour of the Gemini natives. You will get complete success in changing your homes and will notice a rise in your fame and respect in society. You will also get emotionally close to your father, and your father will be very supportive and helpful in gaining profits. 

However, you have to take proper precautions during February and mid-March, which may prove to be very difficult for you. Don't worry and you just have to increase your hard work and not get irritated by the same tasks. During the Mercury retrograde, you have to be careful at the time of travelling. Apart from that, you will have enormous success in fields like travelling or writing. The lady luck will be in your favour. You will get a gradual plus significant increase in your income, and there are chances of a great trip which would make you mentally strong. You might make new friends who will prove to be completely supportive.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Cancer

For Cancer natives, Mercury stays the Lord of their third and twelfth house, and during its transit into Aquarius, the planet moves towards their eight houses which might show some ups and downs in life. Though, amidst the NavaGraha, Mercury is the only planet which shows the positive impact in life during its transit in their eight houses. During this time you may prepare yourself to do some hard work, though the result you will be receiving would be very small. This you may have to bear some unwanted expenses, and some unacceptable trips are also on your card. There are some chances where your siblings might also face some issues. You can meet your In-laws, and their suggestions and support will surely help you out to resolve your issue. You must take care of your health or else you have to bear some unwanted expenses regarding your health. Arians advised keeping an eye on your activities, apart from that your problems will solve after this duration ends and you will gain some profits which would help you get back your financial status. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Leo

Mercury which is eventually the Lord of the second and eleventh houses, where both the houses implies wealth, and so Mercury plays an important role in the natives of Leo. When the Mercury transits into the Aquarius, the planet stays in their seventh house, and the seventh house is the house of long term partnerships and business. This transit period will prove to be very beneficial for you, and you might get the chance to get emotionally and mentally closer with your spouse, which would improve your marriage life. 

You both will find a way to fight the distractions and get to connect with each other once again. Spending on your life partner would be very pleasing for both of you. Even this transit will enhance your business skills, and you would earn a huge profit, and new ideas will help you enlarge your enterprises. You can get mentally disturbed because of some increase in your expenses; however, your problems will come to an end after 10th March. You will be back in your normal life again.

Effects of Mercury Transit on Virgo 

Mercury being the Lord of the sign Virgo, it is also the Lord of their tenth house. So, Lord Buddha influences both your body and Karma, which means that the transit of Mercury into Virgo plays a very important role in your life. However, the Mercury transit in Aquarius will cause the planet to set forth in your sixth house, which signifies your enemies, disease and debts.

You have to be very careful regarding your health. The transit will have a bad impact on your health, and there might also be an increase in your health. Any type of ignorance can put you in danger. On the other hand, your professional life would be very successful. Your hard work will give you the chance to create a good image. However, your opponents may be stronger than you and would try to destroy your image. You will get a chance to be free from debts.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Libra 

Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and there is a friendly relation between Mercury and Venus which is the Lord of the sign Libra. Along with that, the Lord of Fortune or Bhagyesh is the Lord of your ninth house, which would move towards your fifth house during this transit. 

When the Mercury transit into Aquarius, which will put a positive impact on your education and the people having the sign Libra will get outstanding results related to their higher studies. And even people in different fields like journalism, acting, writing, etc. or finance or commercial students would witness amazing results due to this transit. Due to transit if Mercury into Aquarius would bring an increase in your income and people doing jobs may get some information about their transfer. The natives will not get confused in making the divisions of their lives. Along with that, married couples might also welcome a baby in their lives. 

Luck will be in favour of the Librans they will spend the best moments of their lives with their beloved ones. Your relationship will get straighten and travelling long distance will be very advantageous for you. The Libra natives will receive great results during the Mercury regression. On the other hand, the students will do excellent in their higher studies and can get an opportunity to go abroad for their further education. After the end of Mercury retrograde, you will have a settled job and people thinking of changing job would be successful at this time.

Effect of Mercury transit on Scorpio

Mercury is the Lord of the eighth and the eleventh houses of the zodiac sign Scorpio, and when it transits into Aquarius, the Mercury stays in the fourth house, which implies overall happiness. During this transit, you will enjoy enormous comfort and money-oriented facilities, and also in this duration, you will get to utilize your resources. Apart from that, you will be very successful in your workplace. You will gain a good image in your social life, and the natives might also notice a positive change in their family. Though you may be strong in terms of wealth, you may not be as much strength in terms of you and your families, especially your mother's health. You may incur a chest pain or stiffness in your body. Though after the end of the Mercury retrograde, you will find yourself in a comfortable zone and be healthy again. People doing a job may get an increment in their salary. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Sagittarius 

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the seventh house for natives with the zodiac sign Sagittarius, and also is the Lord of the tenth house of Karma. During the transit, it moves towards the third house of the native which, according to the Kalpurush Kundali belongs to the Gemini. So, there will be the presence of Lord Buddha which would bring outstanding outcomes for Sagittarians. 

You will be getting the benefit of travelling to many places, which not only give you pleasure but also would be profitable for your financial condition. Your terms with your younger siblings will get better. Your friends will help you out in need. You will improve your communication skill and may also get the house of your ambition. You will perform better all together, and you will gain fame in social media. However, you might make sure you don't make a mistake in communicating with someone. Take proper precautions or else some misunderstanding may lead to some obstacles in your work. You might get stuck in an argument or debate.

Effect of Mercury transit on Capricorn

Mercury is the Lord of the Sixth house for your native and is the house of fortune. During the transit, it will move towards your second house, which signifies wealth. The transit of Mercury into Aquarius will be quite significant for Capricorn. 

This duration will be very beneficial for you, as you will gain many profits economically and your financial status will improve. As you fortune will be in your favour and all your incomplete tasks will be getting accomplished in no time. You will get to attend many trips which would bring you a huge profit. Legal disputes may be decided in your favour. This period will strengthen your financial condition. Students are also going to get excellent results and the ones going for a competitive exam, the results would be good for them, and the change of scoring good marks is very big. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Aquarius 

Mercury is basically the Lord of your fifth and eighth houses and while during the transit period, it shifts to your first or ascendant house, forming a Raj Yoga kind of situation as the mercury transit is crucial for you because it is taking place in your own sign. 

Because the Lord of your eight houses is posited in your ascendant house, your mind might get attracted more towards spiritual subjects. You will notice very specific changes in your mind, and you will get excellent result in research work, and you will get into the depth to your thoughts. With the increase of your thinking capability, you will be able to give opinion related to any topic after you have learned about the situation properly.

 You will witness the fast development of your mind and your presence if the mind will also strengthen. You will be making your decisions on the basis of your future. Though you have to take proper care of your health or due to giving too much pressure in your mind, you might get mental stress. However, you will make the correct decisions for your future, and you will get significant help from children. And people in a relationship will get a great response from their beloved ones, and they will be standing by your side. 

Effect of Mercury Transit on Pisces 

The Lord of the fourth house for Pisces is Mercury which signifies happiness and the seventh house, which states the sign of partnership. And during the transit period, it gets posited in your twelfth house which signifies losses and expenditure. Therefore, the natives will suffer from an increase in their budget, and there will be a downfall in their economic status. Some member of your family might get successful in shifting or travelling abroad, and this is also very good for making a new property. 

On the other hand, this time is very beneficial related to foreign trade and might also get an enormous profit in import-export. Your relationship with your married ones or loved ones might be stressful, but can be sorted out if you pay attention to them. You need to work extremely hard during the time of Mercury retrograde and put all your effort in completing the tasks. This period of time will be very crucial and challenging for the natives. Increasing expenses may affect your budget, and your health will also disturb you. Make sure you take proper healthcare.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisions, marriage problems, business success, financial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Pisces
11 Apr,2026
29 Apr,2026

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and shares a friendly relation with Venus. The impact of Mercury transition is over different fields which include communication, business, partnership, preaching, and it also has effects on one's ability to memorize. Apart from that, accounting, marketing and analytic skills are mostly affected. The zodiac sign Pisces signifies Moksha or peace, the chance of going abroad, your health, physical fitness, focused mind, etc. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aries 

The Planet Mercury rules over the third and sixth house of your zodiac sign Aries. During the transitory period, the planet shifts its position and moves towards the twelfth house of the Aries natives. The twelfth house represents the house of expenditure. Also, this transition will bring a negative impact on your zodiac sign; the natives have to face several ups and downs during this duration. The natives will have to take proper care of their health because due to the influence of the planetary movement, one might notice a decline in their health or suffer from some serious disease like insomnia or skin related disease. So it is recommended to have a proper checkup and have a healthy diet. You will remain disappointed at this duration because of your hard work will not give any results. Stay alert from your opponents and rivals; they will always plan something out to in order to create obstacles in your work. The student natives will get the favour of this transit, and they will be able to go through the competitive exams and get good results, student natives might also get the chance to study abroad. Though to acquire success, they need to work really hard and focus mainly on their studies and exams. You will also gain leads in some legal matters and attain success. You need to take proper control of your expenses, or else your total expenditure might get overbudget. Your sibling will get the chance to go for a tour to foreign countries, and you may get a chance to get hired from a foreign or multinational company. Natives who are studying law will get favourable results, and they will keep this balanced throughout the course during this period. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Taurus 

Venus is the powerful Lord of your zodiac sign Taurus and has a friendly relation with Mercury. The Planet Mercury has its ruling power over your second and fifth house. During the transition, both the planets will be posited in your eleventh house. The eleventh house of your zodiac sign is also represented as the house of profits. People in the field of business will get the favour of this transit. You will get excessive chances to expand your business and earn profits through it, and this period is the best time to release your money to buy some good investment for the advancement of your business. You can also involve your family member to help you out with your business. And luckily, your flow of income will tend to sort out all income related issues, and you will be able to repay all the debts, and your business will be totally settled. Thus the transit of Mercury over your sign would be very favourable for you, even in terms of your love life. All the fights and distance between you and your partner will end up. You will get enough time to spend with your lover and let them know about your true feelings. You will get total support, and your relationship will get its charm back. Student natives will tend to have more interest in their studies. With hard work and full dedication, you will be able to peruse in a better college or even get a chance to travel abroad for your higher studies. Along with that, your family will be really supportive of your decisions and ambitions during this transit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Gemini 

The powerful planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your flourishing house, including your fourth house. Due to this transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of Mercury will reflect on your career, relation, business, etc. This transitory movement of the planet will help you out in the field of business you will be able to take the right decision, which would be very favourable for your future. Though make sure you don't get overconfident, which will bring distraction in your work. Apart from that, you will spend a memorable time with your family; your family member will understand your good intentions and support your decisions. You will be able to express your feeling more conveniently, and you will notice a change in. And in such you will get an enthusiastic environment which would prevail your households. If you have any issues related to your property or any case in court, the decision would be in your favour, along with that any documentation issues will be resolved. Don't get involved with your office colleagues; they would create distractions in your work. And even don't share any personal information with them. During this duration, you may feel low and unhealthy. So, do regular excessive and keep yourself fit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Cancer 

The Planet Mercury rules over your twelfth and third houses, and due to the transit the planet changes its position and is posited in your ninth house, which represents health relationship and travel. Due to this transit, you will get the opportunity to travel abroad. Student natives trying to get into foreign countries for higher education will be successful at this duration. You will also considerably notice an increase in your social circle; people will tend to get influenced by you. You can give a new direction to your life will great efforts. Some natives will also tend to gain interest in the writing profession. And it is possible that you will go into the direction of media or journalism. You will witness a gradual increase in your communication skills, people around you will understand your ideas, you will also acquire an interest in performing social functions and events. Your siblings will support you in every field, especially in the field of finance. You will take great interest in different hobbies like gardening, writing or acting, and there are chances you will go further in this field. You will surely take stand against the evils of the society at this duration. However, stay alert and keep your vocal talent in control or else being too much outspoken can put you in danger. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Leo 

Mercury is a dualistic planet will be posited into the eight houses of the Leo people during the transition period. The presence of the Planet Mercury weakens the Leo sign natives, and the duration of this transit will not be favourable for you. On the other hand, the Planet moon being the Lord of your second and eleventh house will bring a drastic fall in your income. If you are working in the field of business, you might incur huge losses, which might increase your expenditure. Though, you don't have to stop expecting after the small period your financial condition will get a good position. At this drastic time, meeting your in-laws would bring great help, their mature and handful of advice will surely help you out to get through this situation and improve your economic condition. Natives working as am an employee, or having a job have to face many ups and downs, your opponents will wait for a chance to destroy your career, stay alert from them. You may also lose your job, so better keep cautioned and stay away from your opponents and don't share any information with them. You will surely enjoy and feel peaceful in organizing and doing poojas, chanting and learning new rosaries will be satisfying too during this duration. The natives will gain interest in studying spiritual subjects and will gain an interest in such activities. This will refine your ideas and balance your mind in taking decisions for the future.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Virgo 

The dualistic and strongest Planet Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house, while the transit the planet will be posited in your seventh house. This transition will have a favourable impact on the Virgo natives. You will notice an improvement at your workplace, and the impact of the transition will give you favourable results. The natives have the chances of getting promoted. And even, you will also get a salary hike which would ease your expenses. And certainly, the business natives will get the opportunity to gain excess profits and clear out all their debts. Apart from that, there will a negative impact on the people in terms of your health. It is recommended to take proper health care and do regular exercise, which would keep you fit and fine. You will be able to have a stronger relationship with your life partner, and their advice will be very beneficial for you, though you have to face disappointment at times. However, this will not bother your relation with your partner; instead, your relation will get sweeter and stronger with your spouse. Your relationship with your father would soon get better. You will use your humour in the right way, and this will be very beneficial for your business activities. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Libra 

The Planet Mercury is the Lord of your ninth and twelfth houses, and during the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your sixth house. Due to the transit in your sixth house, you will have to work harder to attain success. Though working hard will give very little success, and due to this, you will remain worried throughout the time period. Your income might also deteriorate. You are expected to pay more attention to your diet, and avoiding fast food is best for now. You must try not to get involved in any sort of arguments or debates; this might lead to a quarrel. Your father will receive certain positive results, and he will surely attain an enormous amount of success. Suppose you wish to share any kind of personal details it would give your opponents the opportunity to take unnecessary advantage and put your life at risk. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Scorpio 

The dualistic planet Mercurys is the Lord of your eight and eleventh houses. And during the transition period, the planet tends to change its position towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign Pisces. And the result of this transit will be the quite favourable and adverse situation with regards to your love life. Though your partner will talk to you in a sweeter way, still you will find it difficult to understand them. This will create some misunderstandings between you both, and certainly fights and debates will become a part of your relationship. And you should choose your words carefully in front of your partner. If you are married, these quarrels will not affect your children; they will tend to focus on their studies and do well in life. However, keep your eyes on them and see if they don't get distracted from their studies. The natives will also find themselves lucky in putting their money in lotteries, share market or other investment. You will get to earn from several sources which would improve your financial condition. The planetary movement is very favourable for you or academic life too, hard work and dedication will take you towards success.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Sagittarius

The Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and is also the ruling Lord of the seventh and tenth house of your zodiac sign. During its transition, the planet moves towards the fourth house of the Sagittarius natives. The impact of this transit will create a network between your personal and professional life, so your personal life could be clearly seen influencing your professional one. Thus it's advised to maintain a balance. Your family members will maintain peace and harmony, and they will try to understand and nurture each other. However, some clashes are possible, and you are recommended to stay away from any debates or arguments. During this transition, you will solve some problems of your life partner and put them out from stress. Your work life will prosper due to your hard work, wisdom, dedication and honesty. You will able to get some amazing ideas and complete your tasks with ease. You will also notice an improvement in your business field, and even your perspective about business ideas will be cleared. During this duration, your mother might take some serious decisions regarding the family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Capricorn

According to your Kundli, the Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your sixth and ninth houses. Your zodiac sign gets influenced by the planet and has a positive effect over your luck. During the time of transition, the planet is posited in your third house. And because the transit is taking place in your third house, you need to take proper precautions for your speeches. The chances are that any of your close friends or family might get hurt with your words. Your opponents will be very dangerous for you right now, and they will try to ruin your image in the society. If you are trying for a loan to get approved, this time will surely give you positive results. Your dedication and hard work will surely take you one step closer to success. Natives working with your honest attitude will attract the coworkers and will take you to the peak of success. They will stay by your side and help you out with every problem in your way. Capricorn natives are working in the field of law, and as advocates will get tremendous value and achieve success. Apart from that, try not to express your views and thoughts on any social media platform, because people against society may try to create a problem in your personal life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aquarius 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your fifth and eight houses. For people who have the zodiac sign, Aquarius is highly influenced by the transition of Mercury. During the transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Aquarius, and due to this transition, you will notice a mysterious tone in your speech. People listening to your words may find it very difficult to understand, which might give birth to confusion and clashes, and you will remain in a state of confusion. You should have a proper diet and do regular exercise in order to avoid any kind of disease or discomfort. You will earn more than your expectations and will be able to easily repay all your debts. Natives who are a student will be able to get good marks in their higher studies, and their dedication and hard work will surely take them to the path of success. And this will give them confidence. Married couples will hear some good news from their children. Your lover may introduce you to their family. Your life partner may suffer from a skin disease, so take proper precaution for him/her. Make sure you don't take it lightly. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Pisces 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet. The transition of the planet Mercury will take a position in Pisces itself. Mercury is the Lord of your fourth and seventh house, respectively. The influence of the planet Mercury will be very impactful on your house. During the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your ascendant house. The natives are advised to keep their eyes and ears open and always have focused on their presence of mind. You have to take your decisions carefully, or else it might create problems in future. This transit will especially help you in improving your business conditions. However, it would be great to take decisions by asking your elder or experienced person. Your achievement and change in your behaviour will create jealousy among your friends. Matters related to property will be in your favour during this transition period. Your mother will support you in every task, which would be really helpful. You may have some issues in your love life, so don't hate and solve every problem with patience and sweetly. Some of the natives will gain interest in learning new subjects.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Aries
30 Apr,2026
14 May,2026

Mercury plays a critical role during the transition period. According to the Vedic astrology, it influences your inner voice and thoughts and ideas. It represents one's communication and wisdom. You would soon notice a boost in confidence, humor, talent, family, finance and others. Natives who have strong influence of Mercury have intellect and presence of mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aries 

Mercury is the ruling lord of your third and sixth houses of Aries, and as the transition is taking place in the own house, the position of Mercury will shift in the first house also known as your ascendant house. With this transition, your confidence will increase, and you will feel more strengthened. With boosted confidence, you will be able to take serious decisions which will prove to be impactful in future. Your overconfidence will be a reason for arguments and clashes, and you may also hurt someone's sentiments, so control your speech and think before speaking. Your siblings will support you during this time. They will try to do everything to help you out. Your love and affection towards your loved ones will increase; you will trust your family and partner. Mercury being the lord of your sixth house will negatively affect your health, you can have a skin disease, so you are advised to go for a checkup and take proper health care. You should also maintain a proper diet. 

Your relation with your partner will be fabulous; this transit will give you chances to improve your marital life. You would also get quality time with your spouse, and during that time, you will establish your bonds and come closer to each other. You will create a sense of mutual understanding which will decrease clashes and arguments. Your partner will trust you more. Businessmen are advised to take precautions before investing, or else they can suffer a huge loss. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Taurus

Mercury is the ruling lord of the second and fifth houses of your zodiac and thereby, during the transitory period, it will change its direction and will be posited in your twelfth house. During this transit, the Taurus natives will face both positive and negative impacts. The impact of the Mercury transit in Aries will bring an increase in your expenditure; you may spend most of your wealth on particular tasks. Students who are willing to shift abroad for higher studies will get a chance, though they have to work really hard. If your children are trying that, they will succeed in getting admission in a foreign university. Still, the only way to get admission is by working hard. Taurus natives will accomplish good results through their intellect and wisdom, which will help them earn a good position and respect in society. If you work hard in business, you will deal in some profitable investments which will prove to be helpful in the long run.

Those in a relationship will have to face some challenges, and you will stay away from your partner due to some trip. Though having good communication and patience will help you maintain your terms with your partner. Pay attention to your partner, and make them feel important. Giving a little more love and effort will keep the relationship alive. You should keep an eye over your expenses, or it will have a negative effect on your financial status. Some unnecessary disputes will be the reason for your stress. Your health will weaken during this time period, so try to have a good diet and stay away from fast food. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Gemini

The impact of Mercury transit will bring favorable results for the Gemini. As during the transition period of Mercury in Aries, the planet will be positioned in the eleventh house for Gemini. Mercury is the lord of your sign, which will affect your house of income and profits. Your speaking will gain fluency, and with the help of your intellect and wisdom, you will earn enormous wealth. One's working in an office will get favors from their seniors and your communication skills will improve, due to which you will gain momentum at your workplace.

The Gemini people will enjoy the benefits in terms of a relationship. You might get sufficient quality time with your partner, and develop a sense of understanding. Your support will help to prosper your spouse's life. This love and affection will give you the energy to attain success in life. This transition will also help you financially, which would help you in clearing any debt or pending task.

With everything going well, you would be confident, and you will expand your social circle. With the expansion in your social circle, you will attend several weddings and parties. Making new friends will give you a special position in society. Businessmen will make profits through different sources, which will improve your financial conditions.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Cancer

The twelfth and third house of the Cancer natives is ruled by Mercury. During the transitory period, it is posited in your tenth house. Your tenth house is also the house of Karma, which basically signifies career. So, this period will bring certain ups and downs in the lives of the Cancer natives. You have to face certain challenges in professional life. However, your efforts will give you the chance to attain success. Your relations with your colleagues will strengthen; they will be support you. The natives will enjoy their work and will be satisfied. Some of you can be transferred. Apart from everything, you must focus on your task and complete them with honesty and dedication. Any mistake can ruin your image, so recheck everything before submitting. However, you will have to take an extreme workload. In such a situation, do your tasks carefully and calmly. You might feel de-motivated. Do not lose hope; instead complete each and every task with full dedication. You will have a marvelous time with your family, and this time will bring peace and harmony in your family life. Your parents will be proud of you. Your family, and even your siblings and others will help you out in certain tough situations. Your parents will have a health condition. Your relations with your father will gradually improve with time. Your partner's love for you will increase, and they will respect you for being a responsible person. Cancerians involved in the business will earn good profits through certain investments in properties and assets. This will strengthen their financial status.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Leo

The ninth house of the Leo natives signifies the house of fortune and long-distance journeys. During the transitory period, your ninth house will host the position of Mercury. The people will get a positive impact during this transition period. As Mercury is the lord of your second and eleventh houses, thus positively affecting your financial condition. People will notice economic strength, and you will flourish. You will get to complete your pending tasks and succeed in different fields. Your works giving you stress will finally get done. Your efforts will not go waste, and you will execute your task. Leo natives will get a chance to expand their family business and earn profits. 

Working professionals will also get success. You will have a blissful time with your loved ones, and even your siblings will enjoy your company. They will even come out to support you in need. You will make some serious decisions which will be beneficial in the long run. Your communication skills will prosper and people will tend to like you even more. You will create new connections with some of the delegated members of society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Virgo 

Mercury is the lord of your sign, and this transitory period will prove to be essential for the Virgo natives. Mercury is the lord of your tenth house, also known as the house of Karma. During the time of transition, it will enter your eighth house; generally, this house doesn't hold a promising position though there are several benefits. Working people will have to face certain challenges at work. You will be stressed because your efforts won't give you good results. Don't lose hope and wait for your turn to prove yourself. After some time you will notice some improvement, some of you might also get an increment. Your health might create some serious problems for you; not taking precaution would lead to financial loss and an increase in your expenses. 

The natives can earn profits through some secret sources; they will get to utilize their wisdom and intellect during this period. Natives having Mercury placed on their birth chart will get some positive results. Some past investments will be profitable, and you may also cream your pending debts. Your father's health may get worse, so do proper healthcare. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Libra

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus; Libra's ruling Lord is Venus. Mercury is the lord of your ninth and twelfth houses. During the period of transit, Mercury changes its position and shifts towards the seventh house of Libra. Businessmen will get the advantage of this transit, which will bring a good momentum in your business, even there are chances of expansion of your business. If you are thinking of a new startup, then this is the best time. You will get favorable results, and your efforts will take you to success. You will gain profits through some unexpected sources. 

There are several trips on your card, along with that you will earn benefits and experience through these trips; you will make certain connections with foreign sources, which will give you a huge success. Unmarried people might have the chance of getting married during this duration. You will acquire a good sense of humour, and your communication skills will improve. It will give a boost to your personality too. Your decision making will be precise and give you benefits in the long run. You will earn a special status in society, and some influential people will make connections with you. Your health will be stable; a good diet is recommended.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Scorpio

Mercury is the lord of your eighth and eleventh house, during the transitory period the planet changes its position and shifts towards the sixth house of Scorpio. The natives have to face several challenges during this period, as this transition period will be full of ups and downs. Health-wise, you should take precaution regarding your health, or else some skin issue is indicated. Your speech might hurt someone's sentiment or feelings; you can also get into clashes or arguments. You are recommended to keep a check on expenses, as overspending may become a huge problem for you in future. 

During this period, some friends or family will support you; they will also lend some money. You can also take a loan from a bank to survive this period. However, your endless efforts will pull you out of this drastic situation, and you will be successful. You will be able to clear out your past debts. Working professionals will get into a clash with their seniors, so you should focus on your own tasks and complete them within time. Your rivals will try to dent your image, make sure you don't give them any chance. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Sagittarius 

The seventh and tenth house is ruled by Mercury. The impact of Mercury influences your professional, business and spouse's life. The transition of Mercury will in your fifth house, which will bring a positive impact on your income. You will be able to execute your plans perfectly. You will survive the strongest competition in the market, and your effort will be praised. Working people will get a chance to work with some big brands in the market, which will give you fame and benefits. This duration will be extremely favorable for you and you can get in touch with some reputed businessmen. 

Working people will have to be careful with their rivals, and they might also lose their jobs. However, you will soon get other opportunities. The life of those married will be happy; their efforts and wisdom will make you feel proud and respected in society. They might also get a promotion. Students will improve their concentration and focus on study, and you will also learn new things. Married people can have some good news from their children in the field of study. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Capricorn 

Mercury is the lord of your sixth house, it is known as the house of fortune. During the period of transition, it changes its position and shifts in the fourth house for Capricorn. It is the house of happiness. The transit will bring fruitful impact in the lives of Capricorn natives. You will spend this time by earning a fortune and making profits. This time is best to buy a new vehicle. 

You can spend a blissful time with your family, even your parent's health will remain in good condition. You will get to converse with your relatives through social media, which will make you nostalgic and there will be a soothing atmosphere in your family. There will be some property related issues which need to be settled as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will give birth to certain disputes, and these disputes can harm your wealth or even influence your family life. Your professional front will gain improvement, and your endless efforts will make you an expert in your tasks. Any pending case in court will get resolved at this time which will give you relief. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aquarius

Mercury is the lord of your fifth and eight houses, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and goes in the third house of your zodiac sign. Your third house, according to the Kal Purusha Kundli, is Mercury's house itself, which makes the planet more strengthened and results in improving your communication skills. Students’ will enjoy the benefits through this transit. Their intelligence will improve, and they will focus more on their studies, your efforts would give you good results in various other aspects. There are frequent trips on the cards, though it is recommended to avoid them for some time. There will be some economic and monetary problems. As during the pandemic, it is not so safe to travel with proper precautions. 

This duration will improve your relation with your siblings; you will also help them in certain situations. On the other hand, working officials have certain chances of getting an increment. Your communication skills will attract many people you will make new friends, which will increase your social circle. Some of you might get inclined towards writing and choose this as your profession. Your friends will be by your side, and you will prosper this friendship. You will maintain a good image in society

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Pisces

Mercury being the ruling lord of your fourth and seventh houses will enter through your second house during the transitory period. Your second house indicates the way of speaking. Your sense of humour will get better. People will be able to understand your thoughts and ideas and your intellect will help you win every debate. Though you will have to keep this in your mind that your words can hurt someone's feelings, so you must be aware and alert about the choice of words or else you may regret it later. Businessmen will get enormous benefits during this transit period. Your new and amazing strategies will boost your business, and you will also expand your business. Though you should be a little serious about your investments, it might lead to a huge loss. So do check before investing. 

There will be happiness in your family; you will spend some memorable time with them. Your parent's health will remain stable, and they will praise you for your good work. You will be showered with love. You marital live will prevail love and happiness, though some clashes might occur due to arguments, though you will impress them by giving them a surprise. Single people have the best chance to express their feelings to their loved ones; this time will bring Good luck for the Pisces natives.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Taurus
15 May,2026
28 May,2026

According to the Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury affects one's intellect, judgment, communication and behavior. The second sign in the series of the zodiac is Taurus, and its ruling planet is Venus, who has a friendly relation with Mercury. Along with that, it signifies one's wishes and desires, strength and rigidity, income and wealth, goals and ambitions, family and friends, etc. The planet Mercury has a ruling nature on the second and fifth house of your zodiac sign, Taurus. The impact of Mercury over you sign gives a favorable impact for the natives and according to the Vedic astrology, your second house signifies one's family relations, business conditions, jobs, talents, and materialistic things like assets, foods, property, resources, etc. There as, your fifth house represents one's creative talents, educational qualification, entertainment, energy and enthusiasm, interest in new things, tuff competition, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aries

The second house of your zodiac sign will host the transition of the planet Mercury. Due to this transit, there will be a favourable impact on one's communication skills and knowledge. You will be able to convey your ideas and thoughts fluently. People will tend to understand your good intentions, and you will get full support from them. Natives involved in part-time or full-time jobs will be supported by their individuals at the workplace; even your confidence in speeches will help you pass the interview rounds easily. Though your speaking abilities might put you in danger, people may get hurt or jealous with your improvement. Some of your speeches may turn into an argument or debates. So you are advised to stay calm and solve each and every situation calmly. People who are involved in the business will get huge profits through different sources. Some of you have great chances of earning profits through inheritance of some property or past investments. Your relationship with your beloved may have some chances of getting weak, so spend quality time with them, try to impress them or gift them something. You will get closer in no time, and you will get to enjoy some of the best moments of your life. Your health will be perfect, though maintain a proper diet and do regular workout. You can also get involved in some sports activities which would keep you fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Taurus 

The transit of Mercury is taking place in your powerful house itself, and the planet will be posited in your first house, which is your ascendant house. You will notice an improvement in your way of conversation; your impressive way of speech will attract many people and give you a strong personality. You will gain a soft-spoken and polite behaviour which will touch everyone's heart. Natives in relationships will enjoy the benefits of this transit, they will create a bond of mutual understanding, and their love will prosper. You will spend this time in peace and harmony. If you are working as a job official, you will get to taste success due to your hard work and dedication, though you are advised to stay away from office politics and focus on completing the tasks before time. Health-related issues will not arise. Still, you need to maintain a proper diet, and regular exercise is strongly advised.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Gemini 

During the transit, the planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, which signifies one's mental stress and ability. During this period, the natives will go through some stressful tasks, both mentally and physically. So, don't put yourself into stress by taking too many tasks and maintaining a balance is necessary. If one's involved in business activities, there are several chances to earn a fortune, and you have to keep a track on your expenses or else spending unnecessary will give you unwanted stress. There is a foreign trip on your card with your beloved, you will spend some memorable time with them, and any kind of distance between you both will be sorted out, and your relationship will get the spark back. Working officials should complete their work in the given time, apart from that they will have a decent earning.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Cancer 

The impact of this planet on your house is going to give you some favourable results. Your eleventh house will host the position of the translating planet. And this period will give you certain benefits in terms of your finance, relationship, family, job, knowledge, patience, etc. The natives will get a chance to make new connections through foreign trade and get extreme benefits in their respective financial fields. Your spouse or your partner will be extremely supportive at this time, your relationship will be prosperous, and you will also develop a sense of mutual understanding with your partner. Some clashes are possible at this time, though you will impress them with your caring nature. Jib officials will get help and support from their seniors, and with their ideas, you will create a good image in your respective fields. This will be very profitable for you in the long term. Don't ignore your health, polluted air and dirty surroundings may affect you badly, so take proper care of yourself and your surroundings. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Leo 

The Mercury share a friendly relation with Venus, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The transit will have a significant impact on one's life. Working professionals will tend to have a more focused mind, and your performance will be praised by your colleagues and seniors. Your excellence and dedication in your work will be the reason for your success. Some of the seniors will give some important favours in the long term. You will be prevailing happiness in your family. Your romantic life will ease your mind, and your beloved partner will support you at every step. The natives will have good health, and join a sports club or doing physical activities will keep them mentally and physically fit. Ignoring your health may affect you negatively in the long term. You will have stable economic conditions and investing in assets or properties will open new doors for earning benefits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Virgo

During the transition period, your ninth house will be hosting the position of the planet Mercury, and your ninth house represents the house of one's travelling and communication. The natives will enjoy the benefits of long term travelling. If you are trying to change your job, this transition period will give you favourable results. The natives having Virgo sign will experience an increase in their social status, and people will tend to start recognizing you because of your good deeds. You will also earn a special status in society. Your relationship will be blissful throughout the period, your partner will try to impress you, and there will special time you both will get to spend with each other. The natives are recommended to stay away from fast food and polluted areas; there will be some minor issues which can be resolved by proper medication. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Libra 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Libra. The Libra native might have to face some unexpected losses, which will bring a bad impact on their financial conditions. You will be more inclined towards learning new things, most of you will specifically indulge yourselves in spiritual learnings. However, you will gain enormous profits through past investments, and due to some inheritance, your luck will be extremely fruitful. There will some clashes between your partner, so you need to handle them with calmness and care. The perfect way to deal with such situations is by paying full attention to your partner, soon your good behaviour will impress them, and you will get closer to them. Some of the married natives will get good news during this transit. Your health will be strong and stable throughout the duration, though ignoring any kind of health problem will bring a negative impact on your body. Working professionals will get into the path of success through their dedication and hard work. Their wisdom and honesty will prove to be beneficial.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus in Scorpio

The impact of the Mercury transit will not be favourable for the Scorpio natives. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the third house of your zodiac sign. The natives will have to face certain challenges during this time. You will notice a change in your way of speaking; this will give both positive and negative impact. You will also face difficulties in your marital life, though, and this relationship will require some strong communication and giving proper time and effort will strengthen it. You are advised to have control over your expenses; otherwise, you are overspending in certain things will lead to a financial loss. People involved in the business will have to stay calm and wait for their time to procure a good position in society. There are chances to gain profits through past investments and some recent ones too. Ignoring your health may put you in danger, so maintaining a proper diet is stronger advised. You should also join a gym or yoga class to keep yourself fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Sagittarius

The impact of this transit will directly affect your house of income and expenditure. During the transition period, your sixth house will host the position of Mercury. Hence there are chances where you might get involved in a dispute or argument. Natives will also witness an increase in their expenditure which can lead over budgeting. Working officials will gain respect, and their honesty and wisdom will attract everyone's mind. You must try to maintain a proper distance from your rivals they would give their best to ruin your good image. There are several trips on your card, which will give you some happy and memorable moments. Your relationship with your spouse will soon get stable, keep control over your short temperament and pay full attention to your partner. The natives are recommended to get a full checkup ignoring any kind of problem in their health will lead to a lot of stress in the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Capricorn 

The process of impact starts with the change in the planet's position. Mercury, during the transitory period, is posited in the fifth house if your zodiac sign and your fifth house represent the house of intellect and knowledge. The natives will witness an increase in their knowledge, and with a good sense of humour applied in different fields, you will earn a higher level of profits. Student natives have the probability of choosing good paths for their success, and in future, they will be successful. If you are single, you will get a chance to propose your lover and even your lover will accept your proposal. You will enjoy this time an spend a memorable moment with your beloved. There are foreign trips on your card, which will be adventurous and you will discover new things in life. The natives will earn respects through your excellent communication skills, and your ideas will attract many people. Natives will also have the chances of getting a good status in society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aquarius 

The transit of Mercury will be posited in the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This period will give excessive gains to individuals. If you are facing any health problem, ignoring it will put your life in danger in the long term. So, take proper precaution and go for a full body checkup. Working natives will have to face certain challenges against their competitors, and your rivals will try to create obstacles in the path. So don't lose hope and give you best to cross each and every hurdle in your path. You will have a romantic relationship with your spouse, and you will also get a chance to spend time with them. So, don't ignore the chance of getting close to your partner. Native who are businessmen are recommended not to invest in anything they are not sure of. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Pisces

During the transport motion of the planet Mercury, the third house of your zodiac sign hosts the position of the planet. This transition will bring a significant increase in their confidence and willpower. You will notice an improvement in your communication skills which would give you certain benefits. You fluent way of communication will be favourable you in a different field. Some of the natives will get good results in their interview. Business natives will get the benefit if this duration. You will play a great role in helping your friends, family and society. Short trips are there on your card. Your marital life will need more attention and love; spending some quality time will give peace and harmony. You will be very efficient at your workplace, and your hard work and honesty will help you in creating a good image of yours. You should maintain your diet and do regular exercise.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Gemini
07 Jul,2026
04 Aug,2026

Mercury is a dualistic planet, and it has both positive and negative impact on the lives of zodiac natives. According to the Vedic Astrology Mercury influences one's technique of speech, honesty, kindness, and even fields of work like business and communication skills. Mercury, during the transit, brings a positive sign and improves one's intelligence and luck. Mercury has a significant impact on different fields if the lives of natives, like communication, partnership, business, studies, finance and marketing, family and friends, marital and love life. During the Mercury transit in Gemini, it impacts on one's health, business, family, travelling, married life, social life, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aries

The third house of your powerful zodiac sign would host the transition of Mercury; this transit will increase one's confidence and will power. The natives will have a positive effect due to this transit; the individuals will perform some good deeds. Student natives will gain focus in their studies and will be more inclined towards learning new things. Your effort and hard work will take you towards the path of success. Working natives will get a chance to work in a stable environment; you will be praised by your seniors and complete every task in time. Married couples will spend some blissful time with their spouses. Your health conditions will be perfectly fine, and you will gain energy which can be adequately utilized in some physical activities like gym or sports. Business natives will earn a good source of monetary inflow during this period, along with that; you will be able to clear out your past debts and plans. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Taurus

The transition period would bring some important opportunity in the life of individuals to earn a profit. As the second house of your zodiac sign will be hosting the Mercury transit, this period will be beneficial for the native related to your business, career, health, family, and others. Some of you will earn enormous benefits through your properties. Disputes regarding your property will be resolved. The flow of income will incredibly escalate. Your relationship status will be fabulous; your partner will support you in every field, though some arguments may arise. You will sort them out easily. Don't share your personal life; it would give a bad impact on your life. About the career of student natives, you will propose in your field, and your efforts will take you through the competitive exams. Working natives are recommended to stay away from office politics as they can affect your image. Health-wise the natives will have to go for a proper checkup and take necessary care for their illness, and any ignorance can lead to huge problems in the long-term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Gemini

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, while the transit the planet will change its position and will be posited in your first house, also known as your ascendant house. Mercury transit in Gemini will bring a favourable impact on the lives of their natives. Your ascendant house represents the house of personality. You will notice a new charm in your personality which will attract people towards you. The natives will increase their friend circle. You will enjoy this period will happiness and harmony. Your speaking skills will be fluent, and people will understand your thoughts and ideas. Married couples will be showered by love from their spouses and blessed by their parents. You parents will support your marital life, and they will eventually like your partner. Working natives are advised to work hard and complete their tasks on time. Avoiding debates will be beneficial for you in future. Some of you also have the chance of getting promoted at this time. Your health conditions will be good, and you will feel energetic, which will help you do other tasks as well. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Cancer

The transition of Mercury will happen in the twelfth house if your zodiac sign, Cancer. Due to this transit, you will notice some unavoidable expenses and some health-related issues. You are recommended to take proper health care, maintaining a proper diet and regular exercise will keep you in good condition as it is a way of releasing mental stress too. There are some foreign trips on your card, which will increase your expenses. You should avoid taking any loan or investing at this duration; otherwise, you may end up in a huge loss. You must focus on spending some quality time with your partner, pay proper attention and avoid any kind of argument. If you are trying to get change or get a new job, then this is the best time to do it. In fact, some new strategies in your business will help you earn profits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Leo

The transition of Mercury in Gemini will influence one's income, wealth, abilities, profession, etc. Your eleventh house is going to host the position of Mercury, thus leaving a significant impact on your income. You will get great chances of increasing your economic conditions. This transit will help you fulfil every desire and necessity of your life. You will prosper through your intellect and positive ideas in your social front, which will be very beneficial for you. You will get enough time to learn new things, explore new places and also some of you may make this as your profession which will give you benefits in the long run. Students might get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies. Some of you will also get admission to a foreign college. Your marital life will have some blissful moments; your partner may have some clashes with you. However, you will handle it smartly and solve it with ease. Your health will remain balanced, and keeping your surrounding clean will help you maintain your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Virgo 

The Mercury will make its transit in the tenth house of your zodiac sign, and your tenth house represents one's professionals and personal life. Thus the transit will give a favourable impact on the life of individuals. You will be more energetic, and working natives will be more focused on completing their work with excellence. Your seniors and colleagues will acknowledge your hard work and effort, which will inspire you to work better and strive for the best. They will even support you in the long run. You love life will remain good; you will be having a happy mood which will please your partner. There will be a sense of mutual understanding, and you will develop a new phase in your relationship. Both of you will maintain dignity and trust with each other. You might get a golden opportunity to travel abroad, which will be beneficial for you in different fields. Your health will remain balanced, though doing exercise or yoga is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Libra

The Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, plays a significant role during the transit. At the time of transit, the planet will be posited in the ninth house of your zodiac sign which will lead to certain financial and economic gains. This is the best time to invest, and you will earn the maximum profit. Apart from that, you should check every possible background before investing. Ignoring any kind of issues might lead to a huge loss in future. Your social front will gain improvement and people will start knowing. You might even get into contact with some delighted members of society. There are certain trips to abroad base on your work which will also be beneficial for your business. Working natives should do their work with full dedication and hard work. Married natives have to pay attention to their spouse, as during this period, they will need your support both mentally and physically. You will need this duration with happiness and harmony. Your family member will be proud of you. Your mother's health will remain stable. Though you are advised to keep a distance from office politics, it may ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Scorpio

The strongest Planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transitory period. Thus at the time of transition, the planet shifts towards the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Scorpio. This transition brings several positive impacts as well as some negative ones too. The natives will witness certain profits through different sources; there are some chances of small losses which will not affect your financial condition. Apart from that, you will be able to maintain financial stability during this period. Natives who are married or in a relationship will face several quarrels and clashes with their beloved though this won't go long, you will easily solve it with your impressive and patient heart. In no time, you will be closer to them and spend this duration in happiness and satisfaction. Ignoring your health during this time will give you some negative impacts in future; it may also lead to some serious health problems. So you should take proper precautions regarding your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Sagittarius

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house and has a significant influence in one's communication skill, profits, promotions, expenses and health. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign, Sagittarius. Thus this transit will bring some profits in your house. Your financial condition will improve. Business natives will earn through some secret sources or past investments, which will help them, pay their debt. Working natives will also have some advantages, and there are chances of you getting a promotion at your work front. Join a sports club or doing physical activities will burn some weight you have gained sitting back at home during the pandemic. You will have some clashes with your spouse, they will dominate you with their feelings, though you will impress them with your entertaining skills like funny dialogues and distractions. Overall this transit will prove to be profitable for the Sagittarius natives.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Capricorn

The impact of Mercury transit will be favourable for native in their field of success and workplace. During the period of transition, the planet will change its position and will be posted in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Natives will witness positive development in their financial condition. Working officials will do an incredibly terrific job, which will be praised by their seniors, and some of the natives also have the chance of getting a promotion during this period. Thus this will bring an increase in your income. This period will bring benefits in terms of business; you will earn profit through different sources. Some of you will get benefits through property investment. Your health conditions will be critical due to some injury; you will feel weak and dizzy. Maintaining a strong diet is necessary; take proper medications to prevent infection. Your marital life will gain stability; even fights and clashes will not set you apart. Your love for your partner will be infinite; they will need proper attention and support at the same time. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aquarius

During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This transit has a positive impact on one's intellect and knowledge. Natives will have good communication skills. They will attain enormous success with the blend of communication and intellect. Working officials will gain increment, which will give them the confidence to invest in assets and other fields. Business natives will also get the advantage of this transit, natives will earn excess profits, and this is the best time to invest. You will gain a special status in society. Your social circle will increase. Your love life will be prosperous; even your partner will support you at every step. Your partner will be the biggest reason for your success. Pay proper attention to them, and you will also get some quality time to spend with them. Your health may deteriorate, so take proper precaution for your health, do regular exercise or yoga and maintain your diet. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Pisces 

The powerful and enlightened planet Mercury is the ruling lord of your houses. Your fourth house will host the position of Mercury during the transition period. There will be a significant impact on one's love life and professional life. You will spend some of the memorable moments of your life, your parents will shower you with the blessing, and they will support you at everything you do. This is a good time to purchase a new car or a house. You will earn tremendous success in the workplace; you need to stay focused and avoid laziness or office politics. Your enemies will try to ruin your image whenever they get the chance, so play smart. Your partner will need full attention as they will be doing a terrific job at their place; this will make your image look good in society too. Make them feel good and courageous for their good deed. Health-wise you will stay fit and fine, and you will be joining a sports club or a gym which would be beneficial for you.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Cancer
05 Aug,2026
21 Aug,2026

The transit of the planet Mercury on Capricorn would leave a negative impact on the zodiac sign Cancer. It affects emotion and nature. As Cancer is a representation of a cardinal water sign, so during this transit, you will notice a change in your behaviour and way of talking. You will be more affluent though you will think and react in the impulse of your feeling, which sometimes might be of love and compassion and sometimes will be fear and possessiveness. And this transit will affect your concentration in different field like studies and work. You who have perspective will personal feeling will be involved the most. So there is a list of things you have to take care during this duration of transit.


इस पेज को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए बुध का कर्क राशि में गोचर पर क्लिक करें।


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aries Sign

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and leaves an impactful effect on your zodiac signs. During this transit, it changes its position and shifts toward your fourth house of the Aries, as the fourth house represents the house romantic relationship. The impact of Mercury gives a favourable effect on the Aries. Married couples would enjoy the benefits and have a happy and peaceful married life. In the field of professionals, you will attain good results due to your hard work and honesty. Even the working official will get maximum support from your senior staff and colleagues, getting praised and uplifted for your hard work. Property related issues are going to get resolved, and there are chances of constructing a new house. You should take care of your physical, mental and spiritual health. It is recommended to do exercise and yoga regularly, that would help you stay fit.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Taurus Sign

The transit of Planet Mercury will be favourable for people having the zodiac sign Taurus. During this transition, the planet will be posited in your third house, and this will positively affect your energy and enthusiasm in completing tasks and taking full responsibilities. The individual will notice a boost up in your personal skills like communication, hardwood, and cooperation, which would help them strive for a good fortune. Short trips are there on the native's card, which would bring joy and happiness. Your marital life would be great, and you will have excellent terms with your spouse. You are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health and maintain your fitness by doing regular exercise in order to stay healthy.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Gemini Sign

The impact will have a significant effect on Gemini and will increase your communications skills. During the transit, the planet will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Gemini. The house denotes communication skills. You would be able to converse fluently and win the heart of people with your attractive speeches. Probably, this would be the perfect time to invest in capitals and earn huge profits through your assets like properties and others. You would do the job, and so you are requested to stay calm and focus on your own work; your efficiency and hard work will give good results. Apart from that, you should not get involved in any office politics if found so you will face backlash and bad circumstances. Regarding your health condition, it is necessary to keep yourself fit and doing regular excessive or yoga is the best way to keep going. Ignoring your health might put you in danger, and you may have some health issues.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Cancer Sign

Because the transit is happening in your own house, the impact in this transit will be very strong, and you would face some issues and problems in a different field. During the transition period, the planet Mercury will move towards the first house of your zodiac sign. The first house indicated health, and you would face some serious issues regarding your health, so it is advised to get a regular health checkup, and proper medical treatment is very necessary. Ignoring a single thing regarding your health might put you in a crucial condition during this duration. Apart from that, your financial condition will be in your favour, you might get support from foreign nations or countries, so this is the best time to invest. You at the workplace might get distracted, resulting in late submission of your work, so be concerned about it and increase your working pace. The love life will remain peaceful, and you will get to know each other better. Your partner will understand your better and your relationship will be romantic; you will get your relationship's missing spark and have a memorable time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Leo Sign 

This transit will be a little difficult, though relaxing for Leo's. During the transition planet Mercury will make its position in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of the transit would lead to an increase in the expenditure, and so you are advised to have control over your expenses and maintain a proper account to check the excess flow of money. Leo must face business-related issues and must take help from the professionals. You are expected to go on trips. You might have jobs have huge chances of getting a promotion. You might face a problem with in terms of your health, so you are advised to do regular exercise or yoga, you can also play any sports in order to keep themselves fit and free from diseases.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Virgo Sign

The impact of Mercury will have a strong impact in terms of your health. During the transition, the planet will move towards the eleventh house of your zodiac sign Virgo. This transition will be very favourable for you in terms of health and harmony. People will notice a gradual increase in your communication skill, and you will attract people with a positive and honest mindset. Your social circle will increase, and your loved one will truly enjoy the company. You will make new friends, and you will maintain a trustworthy relation towards you, even you will tend to support your emotionally and mentally. You working in jobs will earn respect, and you will reap the fruits of hard work. Business You will earn a maximum profit and will earn a good return from your investment and assets. You might have a new relationship, and you will impress them with your charisma.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Libra

As soon as the transition begins, the planet Mercury would gradually move into the powerful tenth house, which means that the lifestyle and living standards of your family would get better. You could also get many sources of income and also invest your money in abroad. Natives would also witness a change in their career, which would eventually escalate your professional life. Along with that, you must also focus on eating healthy, sleeping on time and do a regular checkup. Do not forget to take precaution as it might affect your health in future.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Scorpio Sign

There is both a positive and negative impact on your card. The planet Mercury is known to be the strongest planet; it is also the Lord of Zodiac houses as well. During the transition, the planet shifts its position into the ninth house of the zodiac sign, which gives some positive and as well as negative impact in your lives. Your health will remain stable, and you will have a normal family life. Your relationship will not bother you, and you will be happy with your lover. Apart from that business professional have the best time to increase your wealth, this is the best time for the investment you will get fruitful results. You wishing for travelling abroad can finally fulfil your dream. Working professionals are advised to keep doing your hard work and maintain your honesty and focus in your jobs, and you need to be careful with your opponents you will surely try to ruin your image and distract you from your task.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Sagittarius Sign

The impact of Mercury transit can be pressuring for some of you during this time. Due to the transit taking in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, you might have to face various obstruction your lives. In terms of health, you have to precaution to avoid any kind of problem. Health is a very important factor in your life; your mental stability also depends on your health. So you are recommended to do physical activities like regular exercise or yoga, you can also join a sports club and indulge yourself in sports to maintain your health. You working at jobs are required to finish your tasks in time, you have to focus on your tasks to avoid any delays, or else you have to face sudden pressure and deadlines. Business professionals can take amazing advantage of this time, you will earn good profits in terms, and any economic constraints will be sorted out during this transition period. Tough if you notice a change in your communication skills, you have to be careful and decisive about your speech.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Capricorn Sign

During this period, there will be a positive impact on the native's life. During the transitory period, the planet will change its position and will shift towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign. Your seventh house represents the house of career and responsibility. You will notice a gradual increase in your energy and enthusiasm. You will be able to finish your day will full enjoyment and happiness without any complaint. The couple will be happily satisfied with your marital life, you will have outstanding communication with your spouse, and you will maintain this relationship for a long time. Job representatives will impress your donors with your dedication and hard work; you will be able to manage things easily and complete your tasks with ease and excellence. Businessmen are required to stay calm and not hurry in investing, and you should avoid any kind of investment in dealing particularly at this time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aquarius sign 

The transit of the planet Mercury leaves a significant impact on the Aquarius You. During the transitions, the powerful planet will move towards the sixth house of your zodiac sign which signifies the house of expenses. Tough you will notice an increase in your expenses. Still, you will be able to sort every debt and loans on your head during this time. So, just try to lower down your expenses apart from that you are good to go. It would be effectively beneficial for you to keep yourself fit and healthy. You can do such by joining a sports club or doing other physical activities like exercises and yoga, ignoring your health would be bad for the long run. You might work harder still your luck will not favour you, but don't get distracted by watching your colleagues getting promoted, instead work harder and honestly to attain success. You will get enormous time to hang out with your spouse or your loved ones, share your thoughts and mindset, give them space to understand you and your intentions, and you will surely get closer to you.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Pisces Sign

The Pisceans will enjoy the favour of this transit. As the transit of the powerful planet, Mercury will be taking its place in your fifth house, which would eventually increase in your knowledge and sensibility. In fact, this transit is going to give you enormous financial gains and investing would a great opportunity to earn profits this time. Your connection with your spouse or your loved ones will be very peaceful, and you will soon get to understand and know each other, your partner will support you at every step. You doing jobs will not be able to make any achievement, though will dedication in your work and focus will slowly help them out to get through this time. Undoubtedly, it is significantly important to have a healthy body to keep you going for a long period. You should have a controlled diet and should avoid fast food. Ignoring any kind of issue related to health can be very harmful in the long run. So, it's better to take proper health precautions and going for a regular checkup is necessary, native can also do physical activities like yoga or play sports.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Leo
22 Aug,2026
06 Sep,2026

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet and has a significant impact on your Zodiac sign. The Mercury is very influential over your sign, and it changes your way of thinking, boosts up your confidence, increases your communication skills, pushes your mind towards an optimistic view, gives space to your mind to have a greater thought process. Even Mercury over Leo makes their natives unchallengeable, and this is also the reason for Leo's arrogance. This time can be a little dangerous as they would not listen to anyone's advice and think their ideas are the only way to proceed. This period is going to prove very profitable for the natives in terms of financial condition, and they will notice an increase in their income and they will also have a side earning from some secret sources. The natives might face some difficulties in their professional life, and some obstacles are there on their card, though we all know that hard work is the key to success, so with extreme hard work and absolute dedication, they will be able to achieve success.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Aries

The transition in the planet Mercury in Leo is going to be very lucky for your Zodiac Sign Aries. You children might bring some good news to you which will make you feel good. Aries natives working might have to give their best efforts at their workplace; you will have to take some huge responsibilities during this period of time. There are several trips on your card, which can be either personal or professional. Natives trying for a baby will surely get positive results. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo on Taurus Sign

During the transition, the planet Mercury shifts to their fourth house of the natives. This time is going to be full of ups and downs for the Taurus natives, and you should take serious care of your parents, especially your mother's health. There is a huge chance of getting backstabbed by your friends, so keep an eye over your friends and see if someone has that kind of mindset. On the other hand, starting something new at work will give you a good profit and would be very beneficial for you. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Gemini

While during the transition planet Mercury will be posited in your third house, which is also called 'Parakram Kshetra'. With the transit, you will notice a gradual increase in your energy and would feel more enthusiastic. Though, you have to lower down your spirits or else you may get into serious arguments which mill cause friction between you and your siblings. You will also have some issues with your family during this time. There are some frequent tasks as a part of work in your card, which can be personal also. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Cancer

This time Mercury will not be posited in your zodiac sign. So the transition will not favour you, you have to take all your decisions calmly and should have a calm and peaceful mind. You have to handle your family issues and especially while having any disagreement with your cousins and siblings as luck will not be in your favour, so it's better to avoid arguments. You need to have control over your expenses as this time you may get over budget. Lending someone money would result in loss so better make sure you do not lend anyone during this period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Leo

The transit of Mercury in your Zodiac sign will indicate your financial status. You will earn a huge profit in terms of business. Though you need to take proper precautions regarding your health, keep yourself fit during this transition. You will be stressed in taking decisions for your future aspects. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Virgo

The Mercury is the strongest, and during its transit, it is posited in your 12th house, which signifies health and finance. During this time, you need to have control over your expenses or else it may lead to overburdening. There are several trips on your card, and you need to take proper precautions throughout your trip. Natives trying for travelling or applying for a job may get the chance this time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Libra 

Labh Ghar means the house of profits is your eleventh house, and the Mercury transit will be posited in your eleventh house as well. For people who have delayed their vacation or road trip from a long time due to their busy schedule will finally get a chance to travel. Amidst all this the transit is going to prove good for the Libra natives and they will stay safe and satisfied during this period of time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Scorpio

The planet Mercury dusting this transit will be posited in your house known as Karm Kshetra, and this is the best time for a new startup. The natives who are unemployed and are thriving for jobs will sadly have to wait a little longer but don't worry, and you will surely eat the fruit for your patience later.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Sagittarius

Bhagyasthan, the ninth house of your Zodiac sign will be posited by Mercury during its transition in Leo. This transit would be extremely favourable for married couples; they will have a happy and peaceful relationship. Unmarried people may also get the chance to have a successful marriage. This is the best Mahurat to have Pooja at your home, and you will surely be successful in achieving your aims. There are some chances of delay in your work; however, you will get through it from hard work and dedication.

Impact of Mercury in Leo for Capricorn 

The powerful planet Mercury will be posited in your eight houses during this transit which will be very challenging for the natives. You must be immensely careful for your physical as well as mental health, especially your food consumption should be healthy, and you should do exercise regularly. Take proper rest in order to keep your mind and body peaceful. Stay alert against your enemies; they might create some obstacle. Apart from that, handle every task and issue with care and total dedication.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Aquarius 

The Mercury transition will be posited in your seventh house, which will be very favourable for the Aquarians. Unmarried natives might get a chance to have a life partner. In fact, natives already in the process of discussing an alliance with their in-laws will be beneficial. You are suggested to stay away from communicable disease and take proper care of your own health and stay fit. Natives trying to have a baby will surely get positive results.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Pisces 

This transition will not be favourable for you as The planet will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Proper determination and confidence will help you out during this crucial time. Hard work and dedication will give you good results to pay off all the challenges and obstacles. You might have a quarrel with your family, so keep a cool mind and calmly solve your issues.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Virgo
07 Sep,2026
25 Sep,2026

The incredible planet Mercury is the ruling lord of Virgo, and during the transition period, the planet changes its position and brings an influential impact on different fields of one's life. The Mercury transit has an impact over one's way of communication, helping others, family, finance, intellect, marital life. This transit will be influential on each of the signs in the zodiac circle as Mercury's rulings nature is over one's communication, technology, and travel. This transit will bring some favourable impact on the lives of natives. You will be able to notice an inclination towards learning, the chance of travelling to your desired places, one's status in the society. Hence Mercury plays a critical role in the lives of natives. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aries 

The planet Mercury will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Your sixth house will also host the position of the sun. Thus the Aries natives will face the impact of two planets, and there will be a formation of 'Budh Aditya Yog'. Therefore this transition period will heal all your injuries, health issues you were facing for a long time. Working officials will face excessive success in their respective fields, and you will be praised for your hard work and honesty, you may also defeat all your opponents in the office and will prove yourself aa the strongest competitor in your office. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and properties; there is a good chance you will be able to pay every debt. It's is expected to have a little bit control over your expenses; spending too much might lead to over budget. Your married life would be full of happiness and harmony, though paying attention and spending time with your partner will keep you away from clashes and arguments. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Taurus 

During the period of transit, planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in your fifth house, along with the Mercury, Sun will be posited in the same house. Both being in the same house would create favourable impacts on your house, Taurus. The love life of Taurus natives will prosper; you will get to spend some of the blissful moments with your partner. You will have a sense of mutual understanding with your spouse. There are some arguments and clashes between you both, though you have to handle it with patience and try to impress them. Some of the natives will gain interest in spiritual studies and religious concepts at this duration. This would be the perfect time to buy a car or property; you will be successful in it. You have to take proper precautions regarding your health. Your mother's health is going to be perfect; any past problem in her health will tend to heal during this period. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Gemini

This transit will bring a positive impact in the lives of the Gemini natives, the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Gemini will host the position of the planet. There as, your fourth house represents one's well-being and happiness. There is a sign of gaining inheritance to some of your ancestral properties, and you will also gain good profits through these properties or assets. The powerful Mercury and sun being in the same house will bring luck in your life, and you will reap the fruits of benefits during this time. Natives who are not living with their parents will get to meet them, and you will show love and care towards your parents. You will also get some quality time to spend with them. You will have good terms with your siblings and relatives. Your relationship will gain momentum, and you will spend some memorable time with your partner. Working officials will get into the path of success, though they have to stay away from office politics or else your opponents would try to ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Cancer 

It is the third house of your zodiac sign will host the transition period of Mercury. Your third house is also known as Parakram Sthan. The transit of Mercury in your house will increase your energy, give you a positive mind and brings good luck in the field of work. The combination of Mercury and Sun will bring a favourable impact on your house by enhancing your confidence, patience, communication skills, and intellect. You will feel powerful during this time, and you will have absolute clarity in your thoughts and ideas, people will tend to get attracted by you, and you will be able to accomplish every task with perfection. Working officials will enjoy the benefits of this transit, some of you will get promoted, which would bring you out of stress. Though you may get overconfident sometimes due to your short temper you will get involved in arguments, so keep calm and don't engage yourself in such problems which will ruin your good image. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and other sources. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Leo 

The Mercury transit is going to take place in the second house of the individuals, and the conjunctions of Mercury and Sun will bring a positive impact over your sign, Leo. You will get some good news during this time, Leo natives involved in business fields will gain enormous profits through different sources, and you will also have a good chance to receive profits through ancestral property or past investments. This profit might help you to clear out your debts. You will have a good sense of humour, and your communication skill will help you make new friends. Natives who are involved in the field of media, law, or sales professionals will earn huge benefits. Students preparing for competitive exams have to focus on their studies, which is the only way to score good results. Your love life will be standing, and you will spend a happy time with your family. Apart from that, your parents will have a blissful time with you. The working official has to stay away from office politics. The natives will have a perfect health condition.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Virgo 

The transition of Mercury will occur in your own sign, thus creating a Budh Aditya Yoga formation. The Mercury and Sun will collaborate, and both their positioning will be in your first house, which is your ascendant house. The natives will be fortunate during this time period. Your superiors will highly support and respect you for your dedication and hard work. You will be praised, and everyone will be impressed by your timing. Stay alert from your rivals; they will give their best to ruin your image. There is a family trip on your card, you will spend some blissful time with your family at this duration, your partner will support you, and both of you will develop a sense of mutual understanding, which will reduce your clashes and arguments. Health-wise, you are recommended to do regular exercise or yoga in order to keep yourself fit and fine. Maintaining your health will also be beneficial for you as it would ease up your mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Libra

The planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, along with that sun will take the same position, and their conjunction will show ups and downs in your life. The natives have to work really hard in every field to attain success. The working people will have to take certain responsibilities, which would increase your work pressure and put you in stress. Don't worry and you must take this as a test and give your best to complete your tasks responsibly. The natives will witness an increase in expenses, so you are advised to have control over your daily expenditure and prevent your overspending. The Libra native will spend some memorable time with their family, and your spouse will be very supportive with you during this time. Your health will remain stable. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Scorpio

The impact of the transit will give favourable results to the Scorpio natives. During the transit the Planet Mercury will change its position and will shift towards your eleventh house, your eleventh house is also known as the Labh Ghar or the house of profits in Vedic Astrology. So the combination of Sun and Mercury will improve your financial condition, there are chances of financial gain through different sources. Natives having problems with their overspending habit will finally get a way to stop it. You will finally get some saving schemes which will help you in the long term. Apart from that, you are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health, any ignorance in terms of health will put you at risk. Stay away from fast food and maintain a proper diet. There are several personal and professional trips on your card. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Sagittarius 

The Sagittarius natives will host the position of Mercury in their tenth house, where the house is also known as Karyakhetra or working house in Vedic Astrology. The natives will enjoy the benefits during this transitory period. Working natives will go excessively good in respective fields, and you will be praised by your staff for your brilliant work. You will also have a chance of getting an increment or a promotion. Native who are deciding to change their job will get total success. Your family front will remain happy, and your siblings will also maintain good relations with you. Your partner may shower you will love and support you in every difficult situation. Your health will remain stable, though a checkup will help you in preventing problems for the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury changes its position during the transitory period, and your ninth house hosts the transition. Your ninth house represents one's confidence and enthusiasm. The natives will get the favour of luck and support during this duration. After this transit, the natives will notice an increase in one's intelligence and memory power and which will help you attain success in different aspects of life. Working natives will get to use their luck in the work front, initially gaining success. This is the best time to confront your feelings to your loved ones. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aquarius

The transition of the Planet Mercury will take place in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, which would have both positive and negative impact on the lives of individuals. Your disputes with your father or any elder will finally have closure, and you will spend the duration in harmony, you will get to spend some blissfully time with your family. Natives in relationships will get a chance to convert their love into marriage, though they will face certain difficulties in doing so. However, you will find a way to clear every arising dispute; just don't lose patience. There are high chances of gaining through some unexpected sources during this transit. Your friends and family will give you full support at every step of your life. Married couples will get great chances to get closer to each other. Your health will remain good, though doing some physical activity like playing sports or doing exercise is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Pisces 

The transition of planet Mercury will take place in the third house of a zodiac sign. The Pisces natives will not enjoy the transit, as there will not be any favourable outcomes. They will have to go through some stressful things like bad health, loss in business, disputes etc. Your health will be affected by the change in the climate. You are recommended to take proper healthcare during this transit. Natives who are in the field of jobs will remain safe from their rivals. Natives who are planning to change their jobs are advised to wait for some more time as this time might be a little crucial for them. Single natives trying to get married should remain careful as their rivals will try to ruin their image. Married natives will spend this time will no particular issue, though you need to give proper attention to your partner and sending more time will help you know each other better.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Libra
26 Sep,2026
01 Dec,2026

The transit of the planet Mercury has a significant effect on your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the strongest planet and is also referred to as the messenger of God, famed for its logic, along with enormous skills and swiftness. Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, and Venus is the ruling planet for Libra. Thus Libra being a moon sign and signifies by air creates a purification to the speech of the natives due to this transit. It helps in improving your communication skills which would attract people and would be beneficial for you. It increases your creative abilities and gives you a mature mindset. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aries

The transit of the planet Mercury will not be in your favour. During the transit the Planet Mercury will be posited in your seventh house, the seventh house of your Zodiac sign is the house of your marital life. Determination of one's partnership in various fields of life is very important in terms of astrology. Though the transition period is not going to favour the Aries natives, they might face some serious health issues. If you don't take proper care, you might get some severe disease mainly related to your skin, and you should surely consult a specialist for the skin. Working professionals might get some stress related to work, and any kind if the effort is going to be a waste, so the natives are advised to spend some time to relax rather than taking stress. They can give some time to do something they love like their hobbies, so they could feel lighter and energetic again. Native's marital life will also be a little stress, you would get annoyed, and there will be many misunderstandings which would make you upset. So talk to your partner properly and try to sort it out simply rather than making a fuss out of it. This unfavorable transit will bring distraction in your economic life as well, and you will get into a quarrel with your family members also. You have to take proper care at your expenses, or else your expenses might get overburden. Try to save during this period of time. Trips are there on the cards of business natives, though they would not earn enough profits. Have patience and don't lose hope, after the transit ends you will be back in your normal life.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Taurus 

The planet Mercury has a very friendly term with Libras ruling planet Venus, while its transit the planet is put towards the sixth house of you zodiac sign Taurus which will be favourable for them. Students working hard for their studies will definitely get good results at the end. You will notice a certain improvement in your way of speaking, you will be easily communicating with people, and everyone will be impressed by your logic and humour. Natives competing in debates will surely attain success. You will be interested in literature and in reading various books, novels, magazines, etc. You will defeat every opponent standing against you, your confidence will break all the obstacles, and your performance will gradually increase. People of this zodiac sign, who are influenced by the bull, will be very successful in the field of writing and gain enormous fame. Even, they are a centre of attraction in social media and will influence many people due to your communication skills. There are many trips on your card with your lover, you will be able to spend a memorable time with your lover, and your relationship will prosper during this transit. Married natives would also enjoy the same advantages and will be one step closer to each other and create a better understanding.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Gemini 

The Mercury transit will be posited in your fifth house, which is known as the house of progeny, it signifies your children, education and knowledge. This transit will be favourable for the Gemini natives; your relation with your family will get stronger. spend more time with the younger members of your family. You will get to have a happy family trip or picnic during this duration. Your will be filled with joy and happiness, And you will spend a memorable time with your family and get closer to them. If your mom's health was at a decline from a long time, this transit would improve your mom's condition too, and she will be in good health by now. Student natives with the zodiac sign Gemini will gain interest in learning new things, they may specifically try to get involved in the field of religion and spiritual subjects and spend more time in learning religion and scriptures. You will also feel for someone of your opposite gender; both of you will have a memorable time and will enjoy each other's company. However, this relationship would be a temporary one. People trying for a baby might have a chance of getting a twin. In an overall basis, this transit is going to be very precious and memorable for the Geminis.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Leo

The planet Mercury during its transit will be positioned in the third house of the Leo natives, the house of courage and valour. You will notice a particular change in your speaking, and you will be able to communicate fluently with others. On the other hand, people would understand you better. Your relation with your family will remain as it was, on the other hand, you might have some quarrels with your siblings, so take care of that and try to solve it out with the help of your family. You will lose interest in your ambitions and might feel lazy, because of this you will be financially weak too. Though your friend circle will increase and you will enjoy more with your friends. You might feel physically and mentally weak, maybe because of over thinking, so calm yourself down don't think too much, to have a peaceful mind you can do pranayam or yoga and get yourself back.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Virgo 

The second house of the zodiac sign Virgo signifies one's money, wealth, speech, etc. which in accordance with the 'Kalpurush Kundli'. The transit of Mercury takes over this house and may affect the natives in a positive way. You will have a good connection with your family, and they will understand your good intentions and hard work you do for them, you will be successful in impressing them by your speeches and mindset. You will have delicious dishes at home, which would keep you fit and healthy. Apart from your family, your communication skills will also attract everyone at your workplace, they will start respecting you, and you will have a good image in front of them. If you have some juniors working underneath you, motivate them and help them out with everything related to work. This would increase their affection towards you and will respect your more, and you will surely notice an increase in their work pace. People in the field of business will get profits from their schemes and ideas. Students preparing for the competitive exam will get success from their hard work during this period of time.

Impact of Transit of Mercury in Libra on Libra 

According to the 'Kalpurush Kundli,' the transit will take place in your own house, and the planet Mercury which signifies speech and intellect will be posited in your first house which is your ascendant house. The first house of your zodiac sign Libra signifies health, nature, and knowledge. The planet Mercury is known as the strongest planet, and a friend of Venus would leave a positive impact on your personality and in the aspect of life. Though you should take proper care of your health at this time, regular exercise and yoga will keep your health balanced and mind peaceful. You get excellent results in your professional field, your hard work will pay off, and you will perform better at your workplace. Libra native involved in the fields of business will earn huge profits. Apart from that, new starters are recommended to take care of their expenses and or else they might face over budget. Your overall expenses would be stable though due to some expenses might incur due to the health problems of your family member. Students native have to take some serious decisions regarding their future, and they should take advice from their family members as well before taking any final decision. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Scorpio

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet, and the transit it leaves a significant impact over the natives of Zodiac sign Scorpio. During its transit, the planet is posited in your twelfth house. Your twelfth house, according to the Kalpurush Kundali, is known as the house of expenditure. The impact of Mercury transit on your Sign will not be favourable for you. You should take care of your expenses, have a proper account of your spending and spending too much on daily life itineraries would lead to over budgeting. You should make a proper budget plan in order to be successful in getting control of your spending. Students may get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies will get a chance to fulfill their ambitions. Scorpio natives working in the field of business would get a chance to go on trips, though they won't feel good about it and would be annoyed with the trip. Stay alert as your opponents they will try to put obstacles to distract you, take proper precautions. This transit will affect you negatively; your health might deteriorate. You should take proper care of your health, especially your mental health, this duration will give you excess stress which will also lead to appetite loss. Students have to do hard work, intact they might ignore their studies right now. People who are married should maintain a good relationship with their spouse and try to understand their sentiments. If you don't give proper attention to your spouse, it might lead to quarrels and conflict between you both. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Sagittarius

The Mercury is the strongest planet and having friendly relation with Venus; it leaves a very important impact in your Zodiac sign. During the transition of Mercury In Libra on your Sign, the planet shifts its position to the eleventh house, which implies the house of profits. This means that this transit will prove favourable for the Sagittarius natives. There are huge chances of getting your money from someone you have lent to, and it would save from a huge debt issue. Natives planning for something big can execute during this duration and earn huge profits. You will open new doors of happiness with your family, and your relatives will be very helpful during this time and help you in gaining profits which will increase your financial condition. During this transit natives in the profession of the job will enjoy benefits like getting help from their colleagues and have a good time hanging out with their friends. Couples who have recently got married will enjoy an amazing time with each other and get closer to on other too, there is a huge possibility that they might be blessed with a baby and their relationship will loyal with each other. Student natives can enjoy this duration rather than taking stress in their studies if necessary, taking help from seniors will solve their issues.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Capricorn 

The impact of Mercury would get the natives charged, keep them energetic and enthusiastic. The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in their tenth house of the Zodiac Sign Capricorn, which signifies the house of work. The tenth house is also known as the house of Karma Bhava, which may be the reason for your increase in energy and excitement during this period of time. Natives associated in the professional field will be receiving amusing results of their hard work, and they will be praised at their workplace because of completing their task before time. The natives might get increments in their salary too. Apart from that person with the business profession, there are possibilities that you will earn good profits during this duration of time. You will surely defeat your enemies. Your logic and humor will prove to be very impactful on others, including your opponents. You will be the hero of your family you will be able to understand and solve everyone's problems and will create a good image in front of everyone. The love life of the natives will be very favourable too, they will get to hang out with each other, and during this time they will get to know each other, and everything they do will attract you towards them. On the other hand, the student natives are required to take more care of their health rather than putting mental pressure on their studies. As we know, a healthy mind keeps a body fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aquarius 

The Mercury transition taking place on Aquarius will leave an impactful effect on the Sign, the planet will be posited in their ninth house of the Aquarius natives, and as per the Kalpurush Kundli, the ninth house signifies one's religious, luck and fortune. Though, due to this transit, you may have to face difficulties and obstructions in your life. You have to give your level best performance to achieve good results. The natives will earn profit in terms of financial fields, though there will an increase in their expenditures for some reasons. There are trips on your card, and it is recommended to avoid them for a little bit or postponed your trip unless there is a case of emergency. Your family life will also stay on the decline in terms of relation; you will get into quarrels because of your pride and conflicts with your siblings are also possible. Apart from that, your love life will remain balanced. It would be very beneficial for the student natives to keep a distance from their friends as they would distract you from your studies. Other than that your hard work will prove to be good during this transit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Pisces 

During the planetary movement the planet Mercury will make its transit in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, your eight houses which are also known as the Ayu Bhava signifies longevity. You will receive favourable results due to the transit. You will notice an improvement in the field of finance, the natives will get chance to pay off their debts and free from any stress, and they will be left with some money for future savings too. The natives working as professionals, will get praised and known for their wit, and honest work, along with those natives who wish to change jobs will be successful in getting a new one. People in the field of business should not haste and make a mistake; rather, they should consult someone experienced and then implement their ideas. You mothers health will be at stake, so natives are serious about your mother health take her to a doctor before anything serious happens. 

Due to the impact of Mercury transit, the natives will have interest in studying mysterious science subjects like astrology, mythology, etc. You will create a good image in your social life people will tend to follow your thought and get your advice during this time period.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Scorpio
02 Dec,2026
21 Dec,2026

The influence of Mercury in Scorpio increase you focus towards all resources. Mercury is a dualistic planet and transit of Mercury in Scorpio will increase your thinking capability, strengthen your intellect and boosts up your confidence. You will be able to compete with every challenge in your life and overpower them. Scorpio sign is represented as the warrior of the zodiac. So natives with this sign will always have to think their way out instead of worrying about it if you are getting tensed about each and every task than you will suffer. Make your own choice, choose your own path, whether it is worrying or thinking. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aries 

The transit of Mercury will influence due to its change in position, and the planet will be posited in the eighth house of your Zodiac sign Aries. According to the Kundali, the eight houses is represented as the significator of life and expectancy and enlightenment. There will be many changes faced by the natives have to face during this time. However, your economic condition will improve during this period. You will gain profits, and different doors of monetary resources will be open for you. People who are planning to take any loan will be successful at this time. Working officials will have to face some challenges, apart from that they have to be patient or else hasting at any point will put you in stress. You will develop an interest in learning spiritual subjects, and your thoughts and ideas will ache accordingly. Natives who have set one's cap for PhD degree will get favourable results. You siblings will go through a tough time during this time, and you will have to help them out and solve their problems. There are several trips on your card, though you be careful at the time of self-driving. Your health condition will be down, so you are required to maintain your diet and do physical activities. Your spouse will also have a source of earning, which will ease things up and will be handy for you too. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Taurus

The transit of evolutionary Mercury will take place in the seventh house of your zodiac sign Taurus. Your seventh house is signified as the house of marital life, partner and business partners. The impact of Mercury transit is going to give good results for the married natives; they will respect each other and have a term of mutual understanding. People in relationships will spend a beautiful time and carry out romantic conversations, and this time will strengthen your relationship. Even, some of you will propose to your partner for marriage, and some problems may arise still you will be finding out away. One's in the field of work will get benefits through this transit, new opportunities will arise for you during this time. Natives looking for a new job will be successful. You will also gain extreme profits in the field of business; even your partnership business will prosper. You would always be at peace and witness harmony in your family, and children of this zodiac sign will stay healthy and happy. However, you have to take care of your expenses there are chances of an increase in your expenditure. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Scorpio on Gemini 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in the sixth house if your zodiac sign, which is represented as the house of the enemy according to the field of astrology. This time would be very difficult for the Gemini natives. You have to be careful about many things like your enemies, pain, job, competition, health, and even your marriage. Natives might have to face some challenges regarding your health, ignoring your health conditions may give you a negative impact at this time. If you are doing a job, you will be challenged by your rivals, and they will give their best to defeat you and dominate you. You are recommended to stay away from illegal activities to keep yourself and your family. You will meet your in-laws, and their bits of advice would be helpful for you. You will also face an increase in your expenses, and you will have to face many obstacles, though hard work and honesty will help you out to survive this duration.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Cancer 

During this period of transit, the planet will change its position and will be positioned in the powerful fifth house of your Zodiac sign, and your fifth house is a significantly important of your family and children's well-being. You will get new opportunities in the field of education, your children's creative talents, and even your relationship will be prosperous. Students will get to fulfil their wish in higher studies, and this is the best time to show one's ability. Most of you will also get the chance to shift to abroad to continue your studies and sharpen your talents. Natives who are in love will have to face some clashes and arguments with their beloved for small reasons, though you will sort it out with patience and understanding. Some of you will have the chance to express your feeling to your loved ones and get good results. You will face some problems in your marital life due to which misunderstandings will arise. However, your spouse will enjoy some benefits during this transit. You will have an amazing communication skill which will help you earn respect and trust in your society. Your intelligence will help you in taking some tuff decisions which will give you certain benefits in future. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Leo

The transit of the dualistic planet Mercury will show its impact on the fourth house of your zodiac sign, thus influencing your happiness. On the other hand, the transit will have an impactful effect on your luxury, emotions, and property-related things. You will witness several benefits due to this transit. There will be an inflow of happiness and harmony in your life. You will stay motivated; your family will support you in every aspect of life. The Leo natives will spend some quality time with their family members. In terms of property, issues will get resolved during this period. This is also the best time to buy a new house or vehicle for the Leo natives. You mother will get favors of this transit, you will receive her blessings, and her health is going to be perfect at this time. The natives working as hired men will do excellent in their work field; their hard work and dedication will be the reason for their success. Your increase in knowledge will help you attain a better position in society, and you will also make new contact with some of the reputed members of society. You will have excellent health, though stay away from fast food and take proper precaution, and the polluted area may be the reason for your skin disease. So, keep your surroundings clean. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Virgo 

Due to the transition, you will notice a change in your aspect of life. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet Mercury will be posted in the third house of your zodiac sign Virgo. The third house represents various exposures to your life; it brings a change in your courage, will power, passion, confidence and gives you the energy to improve your knowledge, makes you more enthusiastic. Along with that, there is zeal in one's Kundali, which gets enlightened during the transit. The transition will make you more conscious and serious in your behaviour, and you will be more passionate about your tasks. Your thoughts and ideas will impress everyone around you, though your way of communication may hurt someone's intentions, so you are advised to control your speeches. Your short-tempered nature will be the reason for fights and arguments at some point. You are advised to handle things calmly and smartly. You will get the opportunity to get a new job, and you will be surely successful in it. The natives will be successful in helping out their friends and family, though clashes are possible between you and your family. New members will be added in your social circle, and they will tend to continue this friendship for the long term. Apart from that, natives will earn respect in the society due to their partner's success. There are short trips on your card through you need to be cautious during the travelling. Your siblings will behave maturely, and their success will make you happy, and you will also help them out at any cost. Your health would be totally fine at this time, though you are advised to do physical activities and stay fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Libra 

The strongest planet Mercury will make its transit into the second house of your Zodiac sign, Libra. The transition of the planet will influence your family, improve your communication skills, and focus on one's primary education and monetary resource. The impact of the transit will give favourable results for the Libra natives. You will notice a gradual increase in your economic condition. You will gain money through different sources, even though a foreign source. There are high possibilities of returns from investments and domestic sources also. The natives will be able to repay their loans and debts through these profits. Even, if you are waiting for loan approval, this time you may get a piece of good news. During this transition, you will spend more, so keep a tab on your expenses and having a little control over your spending will balance your budget. This duration will give you fruitful results and your good communication skills will create a good image in front of others. Apart from that, you will earn maximum profits due to your chosen personality, and people will tend to trust you more. The partner of the Libra natives will have bad health, so take them for a checkup and cooperate with them. Working professionals will get the taste of success due to their dedication and hard work. Though your opponents won't leave a single chance to ruin your image, it's better to keep a distance from them. Your family members will be proud of your excellence in different fields, and you will spend a peaceful and happy time with them. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Scorpio

The transition of the planet Mercury will be taking place in your own house, so during the transit, the planet will change its direction and will be posited in the first house which is your ascendant house. The Scorpion natives have to face certain challenges during this transit, as their first house is known as the house of self. There will be some changes which will give a negative impact on one's attitude. Your health will be down during this transition period, and even you may suffer from skin problems. So, it is significantly urgent to take necessary care of your health, doing proper workout and keeping yourself and your surrounding clean would be beneficial for your health. Your mental health would stay on the decline too. You will tend to gain your interest in increasing your financial condition, and you would get total success. You will attain good results through hard work and dedication. Your advice to keep yourself calm, or sake debates and arguments may arise between you and your siblings and friends. Your social circle will value you more, and you will make new and trustworthy friends. The natives will be able to fulfil their awaited desires. Your opponent won't stand a chance in front of you. Seniors and colleagues will respect you for maintaining decorum in the office culture. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Sagittarius 

The twelfth house of Sagittarius will host the transition of the planet Mercury, where the twelfth house represents expenditure and income. In the field of astrology, the planet has an impact over your different aspects of life like expenses, salvation, foreign trips, family and others. You will notice a good amount of growth in your expenses. You will find innovative techniques to earn profits, though you need to spend smartly and save for investment. You have to stay alert from frauds; don't trust anyone at this time, trusting on someone may result in huge losses. People applying for a loan may get favourable results. There is a foreign trio on your card, which will be beneficial for your business. This trip will give you good profits. You need to be quite careful, or else you may get into a controversy. Your rivals will do anything to ruin your image so stay secured from them and strategize your plans to defeat them at every point. Ignoring your health issues may give birth to worse disease. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Capricorn

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, along with that; it is also the strongest planet. At the time of transition, the position of the planet remains in the eleventh house of your zodiac sign. The eleventh house of the Capricorn natives implies one's income, success, social circle, siblings, and others. The natives will enjoy several benefits during this transit. You will get rewarded for your success and hard work, resulting in an increase in your desires to achieve your goals. You will face some challenges in different fields, though you will procure your position and defeat each and every obstacle in your life. In terms of your financial condition, you will succeed enormously, and several doors of monetary resources will come to you, and serve you extreme benefits. You will also get an advantage through your property. Your siblings will also get the chance to taste success which would also prove beneficial for you. Your marital life will be full of joy, and couples with a kid will witness their talents. Natives with the job will earn respect through their wisdom and honesty in completing their tasks.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aquarius

The transit of Mercury will be very impactful on Aquarius. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and moves towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. Where the tenth house represents various factors of life like one's career, family's situation, respect, politics and one goal in life, apart from that it is also known as the house of karma and profession. The natives will witness several ups and downs in their lives. The working professionals have to face some challenges, though their sharp intellect and reasoning abilities will help them to get out such tuff situations. Natives applying for a new job have to keep patience and try harder. However, you will not get favourable outcomes at your workplace and get frustrated. Though don't lose your hopes and try to stand up and fight back. Your beloved will try to impress you and their affectionate love will strengthen your relationship. Natives who are involved in politics will not get good results, though you should keep trying. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Pisces

The planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transition and it shifts into your ninth house. The ninth house during the transition influences one's fate, guru, religion, travel, life decisions and financial condition. The Pisces natives will enjoy the benefits during this transit, especially the student natives, will score good marks in their studies, and their mentors will actively participate in helping them. There are family trips on your card. Your partner's achievement will be the reason for your name, fame and respect in society. One's involved in the business will earn profits through different economic sources. Performing religious activities and social services will give you mental satisfaction. You will also earn profits in partnership business. The natives will get more inclined in art and literature; some of them will choose writing as their profession too. You may also plan for a business trip or get a chance to shift to abroad for your higher studies. Your mother's health might get worse if ignored so do proper medication. Don't forget about your health, so de regular yoga or try to get involved in physical activities.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Sagittarius
22 Dec,2026
09 Jan,2027

The transition of the Planet Mercury can be very impactful over your sign. Due to the transit, the planet changes its position and moves to different house cause a change in your communication skills, preaching, educational activities, and intellectual thoughts. It also affects your financial condition by causing a difference in your business, accounting marketing, etc. The planet also influences the relation between your parents, lover, siblings and others. The Sagittarius signifies higher learning, philosophy, religion, teaching, Gurus, fathers teaching, travelling to long distances, etc. When Mercury is positioned in Sagittarius, it affects mainly the accounting and finance fields, higher learning, profits from publishing books, and it is also the best time for astrologers and Gurus. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Aries 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet; during the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards your ninth house, which is the house of one's fate and fortune. The impact of this transition affects one's luck, religion and relation with father. This period can be quite challenging for the natives; you will go through a lot of mental stress and tension because your tasks may not give good results. On the other hand, your family members will help you and support in every bad situation. Natives have to work really hard to get through this. Sitting at home and doing nothing would not help you; instead, you have to work really hard and take serious decisions about your future to make your dreams possible. Your karma is going to hit you back, so take precaution and don't interfere in anyone life. Not only your family but your friends will also stand by your side, and they will help you out with every problem you are dealing with and try to solve them together. Students natives will enjoy the advantages of this time; your hard work and dedication will give you better results in the field of education. You should take proper medications if necessary. If you are unable to handle your economic condition, then taking a loan from the bank would be a great idea. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Taurus

The transit of Mercury in your house will improve in the lives of natives having the zodiac sign Taurus. During the transitory period, the planet will be posited in your eight houses which are represented as the Ayu Bhagya or longevity of your Kundali. You will get to hear good news, and even the Married people will have a new member in the family during this time period. As the impact of this transition would be favourable for you, thus there will peace and harmony between your family member. They will tend to understand your feelings better, and you will stay motivated throughout time. You will be able to help out your family member too, especially the younger member in terms of finance. People in a relationship or married will go for some shopping or buying new clothes with their beloved. You will notice an increase in your social friends who will enjoy your company and have a memorable time with you. You will gain motivation by doing good deeds like donating in a charity and helping your friends give then valuable advice. There are chances of making a mistake in business and incurring losses, though this will not affect you much; instead, you will learn from those mistakes and more confident that you won't repeat it in future. Every Taurus native is advised to maintain a proper diet and do regular exercise to stay fit and healthy. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Gemini

The Planet Mercury is the dearest friend of Venus, and during the transition, Mercury shifts towards the house of partnership which is the seventh house of your zodiac sign. This house helps to know better about your spouse or partner and have a better understanding of life. People having a business partnership should avoid any quarrel or argument, because if you try to pressurize your partner in making your point, it would be problematic for you in future. You need to calmly share your ideas and views and make your partners understand in the right way. You will lack confidence because you will be worried about your future. The married natives are advised to remain totally understanding towards their spouse, listen to them and spend time with them. Working professionals will earn respect and good results due to their hardworking and honesty; even there are opportunities for some of you to get promoted. The most important thing every Gemini native should care about is, you have to do everything patiently, and you will get good results from it. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Cancer 

The transition of Mercury will give a favourable impact on the Cancer Natives. During the transit, the planet will change its position and will shirts towards the third house of your Zodiac sign Cancer. This transition would rather be very auspicious for the natives. If you are professional, then you will be highly praised for your efforts and working techniques, even you will be successful in doing every task with ease. You will feel mentally strong, and you would easily go through the problems which may arise during this duration, and even at the toughest times, your confidence won't break. Natives looking for a job change, this is the best time, and you will be surely successful in getting a new job. You would soon notice a significant improvement in your communication skills due to which people will tend to listen to you and understand your point of views, and your sweetened tone will attract them and thus help you in getting a good image in the social circle. You may also get in contact will some of the reputed members of the society. If you are fighting for any kind of legal case, the decisions will be in your favour during this duration of time. Your expense will soon increase, though you don't have to worry much about it. Having a little control over your spending would sort it out. Married natives will get a chance to go on a trip more like a vacation and spend a memorable time with their spouse. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Leo 

The transition brings a favourable impact over the Leo natives. During the transitory period, the planet is posited into the fifth house which is also represented as the house of progeny. Knowledge of your children is determined by the house. Leo natives will notice a change in their intellect. You will try to significantly improve and do better in your mental ability and will gain more interest in learning new subjects. Natives who are interested in the field of art will be able to attract many people by their creativity and talent. You will gain interest in spiritual learning, and you may also choose this as your subject. Natives will also enjoy debating and discussing their new ideas and point of views during this duration of time. You will get a little short-tempered in dealing with your life partner, though you will certainly pull it down fast and try to make your partner feel good. Students will enjoy extreme favours if this transit, their hardworking and dedication will prove to be beneficial, and they will get full support from their teachers and mentors. If you are studying in the field of mathematics, you will surely get good results and make your parents proud. Apart from that take proper precaution for your health, some skin allergies might cause due to polluted air. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Virgo 

The impact of the transit of planet Mercury would be very beneficial for the Virgo natives. During the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Virgo. The fourth house represents mother and happiness. You will reap the fruits of hard work you did in the past. This time is very lucky for buying a new home. You will be very busy due to some guests arrived at your home. There are many more possibilities of getting great news in various fields of life. You need to handle things between you and your spouse very calmly; otherwise, it may give birth to some clashes and disputes. However, you will be successful in every field of life and solve your problem with ease. Natives have work profession mist complete their work in time and full dedication. Also, you are recommended to do proper exercise or yoga and maintain a healthy diet. Apart from that, you will get the maximum benefit of this transit period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Libra 

The transit period is going to be very challenging for the Libra natives. As the dualistic Planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the third house of your zodiac sign during the transitory period. The third house is referred to as the house of courage and Valor. During this challenging period, you will have to take some serious decisions in your life and if you make any mistake in taking any decisions in terms of your family, this would bring your family apart. Though you just need to be down to earth and accept every mistake you made in front of your family. You opponents will try each and every way possible in order to destroy your image or status, though you will be handling each and every situation very calmly and smartly. You will need to control your wishes and focus on your work in order to attain success in the work fields. You will have to handle each and everything yourself, as we all know, god help those people who are kind and honest. Short-distance trips are there on your card which will refresh your mind. Apart from that your health will be good except your mind, your mental health will be a little disturbed. Keeping yourself fit and fine would be the best way to stay healthy and out of stress. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Scorpio 

The transit would leave a favourable impact on the Scorpio natives. The planet Mercury will change its position and move towards the second house of your Zodiac sign Scorpio and this transit will sort out many problems for you, and you will also get good results of your deeds. People in the field of business will gain enormous wealth through great deals; you will be successful in the economic field. There are chances of getting profits through ancestral properties. Your communication skills will improve, and you will notice a change in your way of speaking, though you need to understand that it is the best time to speak otherwise stay calm in such a situation. You will gain a good image because if your honest work and good deed, you will prosper good image in front of the society. Your health must be seriously taken care of, and you must keep yourself and your surroundings clean. Or else skin related disease can cause huge problems. Scorpion natives studying as students must focus on their studies to get good results in competitive exams. Try to consume a balanced diet and nutritious food. Along with regular exercise or yoga, will keep you mentally and physically fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Sagittarius 

This transit is going to be very impactful on your sign as the transition is taking place in your own songs. During the transition as the planet will be posted in your ascendent house, which according to the Kalpurush Kundali determines one's own health, body, intellect or enlightenment. People involved in the field of business can witness financial loss whose opponents may be the reason, so you need to stay alert from your opponents. Due to financial loss, you might face problems in your families too. However, your friends or relatives would be there to help and support your mentally and financially. You may also have some arguments or clashes with your life partner; however, you will sort it out with your sweet words and end up in peace and harmony in your marital life. Try to be careful with your words in order to stay safe from your colleagues, or you will end in an argument or dispute with your colleagues. Married wives having this sign will appease their husbands with delicious food and have a happy married life. 

Transit of Mercury in Sagittarius on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make it's transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your Zodiac sign. This transit will bring a favourable impact in your life and your communication skills will find a way to touch people's hearts. You will attract your friends and family by your ideas and thoughts. Working professionals will gain respect and they will complete tasks in time. You will gain excess profits and your hardwork will prove to be very beneficial. Student natives working hard for  competitive exams will get good results. Your social circle will increase, people will tend to trust you and have faith in you. Though you need to keep control over your speeches or else it might turn into an argument. You also need to take proper precautions in terms of your health. Regular exercise or yoga would be very beneficial for your health and mental stability. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Aquarius 

The Aquarius natives will gain extreme favour due to this transit. The planet will make its transition and will be posited in your eleventh house, which is represented as your house of income and expenditure. During this transit, you will gain excess profits, and you will be able to clear out all the debts and money rat problems. Gaining profits will improve your financial condition. You will create a good image firing of your family, and you will also get an amazing chance to spend a memorable time with your partner and children as well. You will get to make new friends and actively take part in social activities too, which would help your expand your friend circle. Your increase in knowledge and intelligence will open new doors of profits in your life. Most of you who are in love will gift a beautiful present to your partner expressing your feeling to them; it is the best time to propose and ask for their hand for marriage. Amidst all this, if you still feel like you have not done good deeds than you need to review them again. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Pisces 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in your tenth house, which represents the house of Profession and career, due to this transit, your self-confidence will immensely improve. Your logical perspective will improve, which will help you defeat your opponents. This transit will make your personality strong due to which your enemies will fear from you and decide not to bother you in any way. Natives will easily complete their pending tasks and earn respect in their fields. Your family life will be smooth and peaceful. You will get a chance to spend more time with your life partner and get closer to them, and this time will be very memorable for both of you, which will create mutual understanding between you both. There are chances of shopping on your card, and most probably you will reap the fruits of hard work and give a boost to your career. Your intelligence will be boosted; you will be able to help out your classmates and put your views and points clearly. Your talents will be praised socially, and you can turn these talents into the direction of success.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Capricorn
24 Feb,2027
11 Mar,2027

The transit of Mercury into Capricorn plays a very significant role in the life of their natives. When the Mercury is in Capricorn, it makes the mind of the native think in a very well organized manner, and they also keep their focus on they want to achieve, and it is challenging to distract them from completing their tasks. The Capricorn natives during this transit will always be practical and focus on their business. Their way of communication will always be practical and logical. They will always have some relevance in their conversation, and thus, the transit of Mercury will have a very influential impact in the lives of Capricorns related to their business, career, education, love and marriage life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aries

The powerful Mercury that is the Lord of your third and sixth houses, during the transit, its position moves towards your tenth house. The tenth house of your Kundali implies your livelihood, karma and fame. With the impact of Mercury in your tenth house, during this time, you will do exceptionally well in your office or workplace, which would be all because of your hard work and intelligence. Your bosses and seniors will praise you, and even your colleagues would unexpectedly appreciate your work. People doing business have the best time to give a start to their new ideas, or they will get excessive chances to expand their business. You will have an excellent and happy relationship with your family. You will have a peaceful family life. You siblings will be there to support you in most of your things, which also be very beneficial for your work. Your communication skill will attract many people who might be useful. You need to avoid being overconfident. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Taurus

Mercury that is popularly known as the Lord of the second and the fifth houses of their zodiac sign Capricorn. During the transition, the planet moves towards the ninth house of their zodiac sign. The ninth house implies the house of wealth, fame and respect. Due to the effect of Mercury transition in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, you will notice an improvement in relation with your father. You will witness a significant gain in your financial condition and strong support from your family, especially your father. You will be able to establish a beautiful relation with your beloved and have a very happy marital life. Your communication with your partner will be flawless. You will always lookout for ways to stay together and spend a memorable time. You will gain excess fame in your social group and would be very profitable for you. There are some tips on your card, which would bring some benefit to improve your financial condition. Student natives will get a good result for their hard work in their higher studies. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Gemini

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the fourth house of your zodiac sign. During its transit into Capricorn, it is posited towards their eight houses. Due to the transit, it shows a rise in your physical challenges, and you must be careful about your health. On the other hand, the transit will help you in improving your financial condition. If you are facing any sort of financial issues, during this time, you will get rid of it. Natives connected with Dharma Karma and other religious things are going to get good results. People of this zodiac sign receiving Mantra Deeksha will witness great results. 

This transit is going to prove very beneficial for the Geminis, they will get excellent results working in the field of research, and their main focus will be in studying about spiritual activities in depth. You would get to notice a slight improvement in your communication skills. There are chances of gaining profits economically. However, you have to be careful about your speech since you may get aggressive or arrogant. You might face some difficulties at your workplace, though a little hard work and sincerity will work it out. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Cancer

Mercury is often referred to as the Lord of the third and twelfth houses for Cancerians. During the transition, the planet shifts towards the seventh house of your Kundali. The seventh house signifies a long-term partnership and a successful business. Natives during this transition will gain excess profit in terms of their work or business. There are more chances of profit from telecommunication resources. Natives doing business will be able to receive total success in expanding their business, especially through social media and marketing. In fact, natives working with multinational companies would also be able to get amusing results. In terms of the partnership, the transit would increase mutual understanding with your life partner. Avoid any outsider to interfere in your personal life or else that might raise an issue. Relation with your sibling will also improve, and you will get proper help and support from their side. You will find trustworthy friends, which would make you mentally strong, and you will able to make a decision and attain total success.

Effect of Mercury transit in Capricorn on Leo 

Mercury is the Lord of the eleventh and second houses of your zodiac sign Leo, while during the transit, it shifts to your sixth house which signifies legal activities, debated, and arguments. This transit into your house will give a good impact to you; there are chances that you may get success in any debate or court case during this period. You will notice a gradual increase in your expenses and your income might decrease, so you must take care of your expenses and try to have control of your expenses. You will surely get a good result, and your confidence might boost up. Don't get involved in any argument; it's better to stay away from any sort of distraction like that. This transit will prove to be very beneficial and favourable for the employees. You might be consuming more time in completing your tasks, and your mind would make a bit restless because of that, so don't worry and try to finish all your tasks without any fuss. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Virgo 

Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house and is the Lord of your Zodiac Sign as well. During the transit the planet shifts toward your fifth house which signifies love, education, intelligence, and children in your Kundali. This transit would have a significant impact on your zodiac sign. The transition of Planet Mercury into Capricorn will improve your intellectual thoughts. Student natives will attain great results in their field of academics. On the other hand, natives who are in love with their partner will get more time to know each other and get closer. They will build trust and increase their understanding with each other. Married couples would be very satisfied with their children and would engage with them to attain success in life. People involved in the business will get the chance to expand their business and get beneficial results, including traders and merchants. You will gain intelligence, and with the help of that, you will be able to make the right decisions. This transit will help you gain a special position as an influence on society. Working will notice an improvement in their relationship with their seniors.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Libra

Planet Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and during its transit in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, it is posited in your fourth house. Your fourth house signifies comfort and prosperity, which improves due to the transition of the planet of luck, Mercury. Your family knots will be strengthened, and you will have a great time. Your family knots might get stronger, and you would have a great time in future. This would help you to keep your mind at peace and focus over the working, which would help you get good results. You will get proper utilization of your intelligence and will praise and respect for your decisions. There are chances of getting benefits related to your property. If you do invest in properties, you will get the chance to gain more profit from it. Natives living in abroad might get a chance to come back home and meet their family. You will also receive gifts from your grandparents on your father's side, which would motivate you and make you happy. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Scorpio 

Mercury is the Lord of their eight and eleventh houses if the zodiac signs Scorpio, which during the transition period shifts toward the third house of your Kundali, which signifies communication. Planet Mercury is an important representation of communication. You will be able to fulfil all your ambitions. No one could snatch success from you, and thus this house will benefit a lot in terms of communication and speech. People working in the field of communication, it would be a piece of cake for them to attain success during this period. There are many chances of travelling and enjoying your life along with which you will gain experience too. There could be some arguments with your siblings, so make sure you take proper care for them. Your hard work will surely be the reason for your success. Scorpions in the field of marketing will get advantage of their hard work to get astonishing results. Transport business will also be flawless during the transition and will bring high profits. Employees must be good with every colleague of theirs so that when the time comes, they will help you. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Sagittarius

The powerful planet Mercury is the Lord of their seventh and tenth houses of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. During the transit, the planet moves towards their second house. The second house of the Sagittarius signifies the house of voice and eating habits; on the other hand, it is also known as the house of Dhan Bhava or the house of money. Due to the transit, your ability to speak will attract most of the people; your way of talking will be sweeter and attractive. Due to this change in your personality, you will be able to perform your task faster and will be able to improve your status financially. Natives must focus on hard work, and sincerity will prove to be very beneficial, and they will earn an enormous profit. During this period you will be satisfied with your food habits, though you need to take care of your way of eating and instead eat slowly and calmly. The natives will get numerous chances to earn great profits in terms of money during this period of time. Your conditions regarding your health may get worse though if you take proper care and don't hurry in doing anything will keep you safe. Relation in terms related to your family will be good, and you will have a happy family. You might get an opportunity to spend some quality time with your family and make some memorable moments too. Due to this, you will have a respective and good image in front of your family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Capricorn 

The strongest Planet Mercury affecting its transition over Capricorn will be very favourable for your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the Lord of the sixth house and the ninth house of their zodiac sign Capricorn which signifies their house of fortune. Though the planet will be moving to your first house during the transit, incurring some essential effects and would be very beneficial for the natives. The transit of Mercury would lead to a Raj Yoga kind of situation, where luck would be totally in your favour during this duration of time. You will be successful in attaining fame in terms of finance, social and professional fields. However, if your project or work is stuck somewhere, you will be able to continue it again. Make sure you don't get distracted in any argument, and there are chances your work might get stuck due to this. Your married life would be smooth, and a trip with your spouse could be your next plan. Take proper care of your health as your opponents will leave no chance to dominate you at any cost. Though you will get full support from your father, still you need to stay away from any disputes related to a court or legal issue.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aquarius 

Saturn's friendly Planet Mercury is the Lord of your eight and fifth house of the Zodiac sign Aquarius, and during the Mercury transit in Capricorn, the powerful planet moves towards their twelfth house which represents loss and expenditure. You really need to be careful with your expenses; during this period you may incur an increase in your expenses which weaken you financially. On the other hand, student natives will get the favour of this transit; most of them might also get a chance to go abroad for their studies, which would satisfy their mental health. During this time you should avoid travelling, or else it can be very costly and a waste of time. Your love life may be in a problem, your partner may shift to another city, and the long-distance relationship might cause too much energy and money. You also have to take proper precautions for your health, which might detonate in this duration; you may incur skin and nerve-related problems. Maintain distance from your opponents as they would try to create problems in your work and keep focused in your own work. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Pisces

The Lord for the fourth and seventh house of Pisces is Mercury which is a very powerful planet. While its transition the planet moves towards the eleventh house which signifies the house of profits and benefits. The transit will favour your life in terms of income. You might get an increase in your income, and this is the best time to fulfil all your desire and comfort you wished for. If your family is deciding to sell some kind of property, this is the best time. You will be able to notice an excessive gain in your business, and this is also the best time to expand your business. Your marital life with your spouse will also be lucky as well as beneficial for you. You will get to know more about each other, and in no time you will get closer to your partner. Natives planning for a startup or a new business will get success in it, and with the blessing of Mercury, they will flourish day and night. Due to all this, your image in society will increase, even your social circle will increase, connecting to social media will be very advantageous for you and this duration will provide you fame by your social activities. You will get the chance to hang out with your friends and have a peaceful time.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Aquarius
12 Mar,2027
04 Apr,2027

The strong planet Mercury represents commendable communication, healthy business, trustworthy partnership, education etc. Amidst all this, Mercury increases your ability to memorize and enhances your accounting, marketing and analytic skills. On the other hand, Aquarius strengthens your hope and wishes to fulfill your desires to channelize with large organization and masses, etc. The transition of Mercury in Aquarius is very beneficial and supportive for natives working in various fields like teachers of science, planners and creator of the map would also get the benefit and support due to the transit. And even the mathematical models for weather and other forecasting departments, advisors of finance and other, etc. would also be effectively advantageous too. There are chances where the people may get mislead by a piece of wrong information that something serious is going to happen when the motion of Mercury reverses. Only in case of the birth chart, the reverse effect of Mercury might create some confusion or powerlessness or else if the Mercury is well placed, then there is no need to worry. 

Effects of Mercury Transit on Aries 

Mercury which appears to be the powerful Lord of their third and sixth houses, specifically for the natives of Aries, goes through an evolution. During the transit into Aquarius, the planet will continuously move and would acquire a position in the eleventh house, which appears to be the house of profits, where the house fulfils your achievement, along with benefits and help the natives to accomplish all the ambitions of life. The transit of Mercury in Aquarius will enrich your abilities and natives can also notice a dynamic increase in their proficiency. 

Your hard work and mental effort during this transit will result in huge success to get an increase in your salary and will be extremely favorable for your financial condition. There will be a gradual change in the personality of Arians, where they will notice a significant boost in their confidence and would be able to express their feeling to the loved ones. And your partner would take an interest in you and shower you with love. Natives should make sure about some things, especially for students who are engaged in the field of education. You will get the undue advantage of learning new things, though you may need to increase your effort at the time if Mercury is regressive. Yours have to take proper precaution for your financial condition which may be weakened, though it may only last for a short period.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Taurus 

Mercury is the strongest planet; it is also known as the dearest friend of the Lord of your sign Venus. It makes its transit while moving through the tenth house if your sign and shows an extreme significance for your Karma and business. People having the sign Taurus, where the former is the Lord of their second and fifty houses, resulting in the transit of Mercury in Aquarius will indicate success and improvement in your professional status. 

This transit would be very impactful in your professional life where you will be able to discover hue best abilities based on your knowledge and trust. Get the best utilization of your education, which would help you to complete your task pleasantly. You will accomplish a good image in front of your bosses. Natives having a business will get the chance to enlarge their trade. And you will get to chance to be close with your family and share some of the best emotional moments.

During the Mercury regression, the natives might have to be serious with their professional lives. You may lose interest and make mistakes which would lead you to lose your jobs. Don't worry because everything will be normal after 10th March and you will notice an improvement, and just after an interval of time you would again be the expert in your work again. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Gemini

Mercury shows a strong effect on Gemini as it is the Lord of the Zodiac sign Gemini. However, it is also the Lord of your fourth house, and during its transit, in Aquarius, it moves to your ninth house which is known as the house of fortune, the results will be seemingly favourable for you. During the transit of Mercury on Gemini, the natives will get great benefit in matters related to property, and fate will be in favour of the Gemini natives. You will get complete success in changing your homes and will notice a rise in your fame and respect in society. You will also get emotionally close to your father, and your father will be very supportive and helpful in gaining profits. 

However, you have to take proper precautions during February and mid-March, which may prove to be very difficult for you. Don't worry and you just have to increase your hard work and not get irritated by the same tasks. During the Mercury retrograde, you have to be careful at the time of travelling. Apart from that, you will have enormous success in fields like travelling or writing. The lady luck will be in your favour. You will get a gradual plus significant increase in your income, and there are chances of a great trip which would make you mentally strong. You might make new friends who will prove to be completely supportive.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Cancer

For Cancer natives, Mercury stays the Lord of their third and twelfth house, and during its transit into Aquarius, the planet moves towards their eight houses which might show some ups and downs in life. Though, amidst the NavaGraha, Mercury is the only planet which shows the positive impact in life during its transit in their eight houses. During this time you may prepare yourself to do some hard work, though the result you will be receiving would be very small. This you may have to bear some unwanted expenses, and some unacceptable trips are also on your card. There are some chances where your siblings might also face some issues. You can meet your In-laws, and their suggestions and support will surely help you out to resolve your issue. You must take care of your health or else you have to bear some unwanted expenses regarding your health. Arians advised keeping an eye on your activities, apart from that your problems will solve after this duration ends and you will gain some profits which would help you get back your financial status. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Leo

Mercury which is eventually the Lord of the second and eleventh houses, where both the houses implies wealth, and so Mercury plays an important role in the natives of Leo. When the Mercury transits into the Aquarius, the planet stays in their seventh house, and the seventh house is the house of long term partnerships and business. This transit period will prove to be very beneficial for you, and you might get the chance to get emotionally and mentally closer with your spouse, which would improve your marriage life. 

You both will find a way to fight the distractions and get to connect with each other once again. Spending on your life partner would be very pleasing for both of you. Even this transit will enhance your business skills, and you would earn a huge profit, and new ideas will help you enlarge your enterprises. You can get mentally disturbed because of some increase in your expenses; however, your problems will come to an end after 10th March. You will be back in your normal life again.

Effects of Mercury Transit on Virgo 

Mercury being the Lord of the sign Virgo, it is also the Lord of their tenth house. So, Lord Buddha influences both your body and Karma, which means that the transit of Mercury into Virgo plays a very important role in your life. However, the Mercury transit in Aquarius will cause the planet to set forth in your sixth house, which signifies your enemies, disease and debts.

You have to be very careful regarding your health. The transit will have a bad impact on your health, and there might also be an increase in your health. Any type of ignorance can put you in danger. On the other hand, your professional life would be very successful. Your hard work will give you the chance to create a good image. However, your opponents may be stronger than you and would try to destroy your image. You will get a chance to be free from debts.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Libra 

Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and there is a friendly relation between Mercury and Venus which is the Lord of the sign Libra. Along with that, the Lord of Fortune or Bhagyesh is the Lord of your ninth house, which would move towards your fifth house during this transit. 

When the Mercury transit into Aquarius, which will put a positive impact on your education and the people having the sign Libra will get outstanding results related to their higher studies. And even people in different fields like journalism, acting, writing, etc. or finance or commercial students would witness amazing results due to this transit. Due to transit if Mercury into Aquarius would bring an increase in your income and people doing jobs may get some information about their transfer. The natives will not get confused in making the divisions of their lives. Along with that, married couples might also welcome a baby in their lives. 

Luck will be in favour of the Librans they will spend the best moments of their lives with their beloved ones. Your relationship will get straighten and travelling long distance will be very advantageous for you. The Libra natives will receive great results during the Mercury regression. On the other hand, the students will do excellent in their higher studies and can get an opportunity to go abroad for their further education. After the end of Mercury retrograde, you will have a settled job and people thinking of changing job would be successful at this time.

Effect of Mercury transit on Scorpio

Mercury is the Lord of the eighth and the eleventh houses of the zodiac sign Scorpio, and when it transits into Aquarius, the Mercury stays in the fourth house, which implies overall happiness. During this transit, you will enjoy enormous comfort and money-oriented facilities, and also in this duration, you will get to utilize your resources. Apart from that, you will be very successful in your workplace. You will gain a good image in your social life, and the natives might also notice a positive change in their family. Though you may be strong in terms of wealth, you may not be as much strength in terms of you and your families, especially your mother's health. You may incur a chest pain or stiffness in your body. Though after the end of the Mercury retrograde, you will find yourself in a comfortable zone and be healthy again. People doing a job may get an increment in their salary. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Sagittarius 

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the seventh house for natives with the zodiac sign Sagittarius, and also is the Lord of the tenth house of Karma. During the transit, it moves towards the third house of the native which, according to the Kalpurush Kundali belongs to the Gemini. So, there will be the presence of Lord Buddha which would bring outstanding outcomes for Sagittarians. 

You will be getting the benefit of travelling to many places, which not only give you pleasure but also would be profitable for your financial condition. Your terms with your younger siblings will get better. Your friends will help you out in need. You will improve your communication skill and may also get the house of your ambition. You will perform better all together, and you will gain fame in social media. However, you might make sure you don't make a mistake in communicating with someone. Take proper precautions or else some misunderstanding may lead to some obstacles in your work. You might get stuck in an argument or debate.

Effect of Mercury transit on Capricorn

Mercury is the Lord of the Sixth house for your native and is the house of fortune. During the transit, it will move towards your second house, which signifies wealth. The transit of Mercury into Aquarius will be quite significant for Capricorn. 

This duration will be very beneficial for you, as you will gain many profits economically and your financial status will improve. As you fortune will be in your favour and all your incomplete tasks will be getting accomplished in no time. You will get to attend many trips which would bring you a huge profit. Legal disputes may be decided in your favour. This period will strengthen your financial condition. Students are also going to get excellent results and the ones going for a competitive exam, the results would be good for them, and the change of scoring good marks is very big. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Aquarius 

Mercury is basically the Lord of your fifth and eighth houses and while during the transit period, it shifts to your first or ascendant house, forming a Raj Yoga kind of situation as the mercury transit is crucial for you because it is taking place in your own sign. 

Because the Lord of your eight houses is posited in your ascendant house, your mind might get attracted more towards spiritual subjects. You will notice very specific changes in your mind, and you will get excellent result in research work, and you will get into the depth to your thoughts. With the increase of your thinking capability, you will be able to give opinion related to any topic after you have learned about the situation properly.

 You will witness the fast development of your mind and your presence if the mind will also strengthen. You will be making your decisions on the basis of your future. Though you have to take proper care of your health or due to giving too much pressure in your mind, you might get mental stress. However, you will make the correct decisions for your future, and you will get significant help from children. And people in a relationship will get a great response from their beloved ones, and they will be standing by your side. 

Effect of Mercury Transit on Pisces 

The Lord of the fourth house for Pisces is Mercury which signifies happiness and the seventh house, which states the sign of partnership. And during the transit period, it gets posited in your twelfth house which signifies losses and expenditure. Therefore, the natives will suffer from an increase in their budget, and there will be a downfall in their economic status. Some member of your family might get successful in shifting or travelling abroad, and this is also very good for making a new property. 

On the other hand, this time is very beneficial related to foreign trade and might also get an enormous profit in import-export. Your relationship with your married ones or loved ones might be stressful, but can be sorted out if you pay attention to them. You need to work extremely hard during the time of Mercury retrograde and put all your effort in completing the tasks. This period of time will be very crucial and challenging for the natives. Increasing expenses may affect your budget, and your health will also disturb you. Make sure you take proper healthcare.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisions, marriage problems, business success, financial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Pisces
05 Apr,2027
21 Apr,2027

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and shares a friendly relation with Venus. The impact of Mercury transition is over different fields which include communication, business, partnership, preaching, and it also has effects on one's ability to memorize. Apart from that, accounting, marketing and analytic skills are mostly affected. The zodiac sign Pisces signifies Moksha or peace, the chance of going abroad, your health, physical fitness, focused mind, etc. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aries 

The Planet Mercury rules over the third and sixth house of your zodiac sign Aries. During the transitory period, the planet shifts its position and moves towards the twelfth house of the Aries natives. The twelfth house represents the house of expenditure. Also, this transition will bring a negative impact on your zodiac sign; the natives have to face several ups and downs during this duration. The natives will have to take proper care of their health because due to the influence of the planetary movement, one might notice a decline in their health or suffer from some serious disease like insomnia or skin related disease. So it is recommended to have a proper checkup and have a healthy diet. You will remain disappointed at this duration because of your hard work will not give any results. Stay alert from your opponents and rivals; they will always plan something out to in order to create obstacles in your work. The student natives will get the favour of this transit, and they will be able to go through the competitive exams and get good results, student natives might also get the chance to study abroad. Though to acquire success, they need to work really hard and focus mainly on their studies and exams. You will also gain leads in some legal matters and attain success. You need to take proper control of your expenses, or else your total expenditure might get overbudget. Your sibling will get the chance to go for a tour to foreign countries, and you may get a chance to get hired from a foreign or multinational company. Natives who are studying law will get favourable results, and they will keep this balanced throughout the course during this period. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Taurus 

Venus is the powerful Lord of your zodiac sign Taurus and has a friendly relation with Mercury. The Planet Mercury has its ruling power over your second and fifth house. During the transition, both the planets will be posited in your eleventh house. The eleventh house of your zodiac sign is also represented as the house of profits. People in the field of business will get the favour of this transit. You will get excessive chances to expand your business and earn profits through it, and this period is the best time to release your money to buy some good investment for the advancement of your business. You can also involve your family member to help you out with your business. And luckily, your flow of income will tend to sort out all income related issues, and you will be able to repay all the debts, and your business will be totally settled. Thus the transit of Mercury over your sign would be very favourable for you, even in terms of your love life. All the fights and distance between you and your partner will end up. You will get enough time to spend with your lover and let them know about your true feelings. You will get total support, and your relationship will get its charm back. Student natives will tend to have more interest in their studies. With hard work and full dedication, you will be able to peruse in a better college or even get a chance to travel abroad for your higher studies. Along with that, your family will be really supportive of your decisions and ambitions during this transit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Gemini 

The powerful planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your flourishing house, including your fourth house. Due to this transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of Mercury will reflect on your career, relation, business, etc. This transitory movement of the planet will help you out in the field of business you will be able to take the right decision, which would be very favourable for your future. Though make sure you don't get overconfident, which will bring distraction in your work. Apart from that, you will spend a memorable time with your family; your family member will understand your good intentions and support your decisions. You will be able to express your feeling more conveniently, and you will notice a change in. And in such you will get an enthusiastic environment which would prevail your households. If you have any issues related to your property or any case in court, the decision would be in your favour, along with that any documentation issues will be resolved. Don't get involved with your office colleagues; they would create distractions in your work. And even don't share any personal information with them. During this duration, you may feel low and unhealthy. So, do regular excessive and keep yourself fit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Cancer 

The Planet Mercury rules over your twelfth and third houses, and due to the transit the planet changes its position and is posited in your ninth house, which represents health relationship and travel. Due to this transit, you will get the opportunity to travel abroad. Student natives trying to get into foreign countries for higher education will be successful at this duration. You will also considerably notice an increase in your social circle; people will tend to get influenced by you. You can give a new direction to your life will great efforts. Some natives will also tend to gain interest in the writing profession. And it is possible that you will go into the direction of media or journalism. You will witness a gradual increase in your communication skills, people around you will understand your ideas, you will also acquire an interest in performing social functions and events. Your siblings will support you in every field, especially in the field of finance. You will take great interest in different hobbies like gardening, writing or acting, and there are chances you will go further in this field. You will surely take stand against the evils of the society at this duration. However, stay alert and keep your vocal talent in control or else being too much outspoken can put you in danger. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Leo 

Mercury is a dualistic planet will be posited into the eight houses of the Leo people during the transition period. The presence of the Planet Mercury weakens the Leo sign natives, and the duration of this transit will not be favourable for you. On the other hand, the Planet moon being the Lord of your second and eleventh house will bring a drastic fall in your income. If you are working in the field of business, you might incur huge losses, which might increase your expenditure. Though, you don't have to stop expecting after the small period your financial condition will get a good position. At this drastic time, meeting your in-laws would bring great help, their mature and handful of advice will surely help you out to get through this situation and improve your economic condition. Natives working as am an employee, or having a job have to face many ups and downs, your opponents will wait for a chance to destroy your career, stay alert from them. You may also lose your job, so better keep cautioned and stay away from your opponents and don't share any information with them. You will surely enjoy and feel peaceful in organizing and doing poojas, chanting and learning new rosaries will be satisfying too during this duration. The natives will gain interest in studying spiritual subjects and will gain an interest in such activities. This will refine your ideas and balance your mind in taking decisions for the future.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Virgo 

The dualistic and strongest Planet Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house, while the transit the planet will be posited in your seventh house. This transition will have a favourable impact on the Virgo natives. You will notice an improvement at your workplace, and the impact of the transition will give you favourable results. The natives have the chances of getting promoted. And even, you will also get a salary hike which would ease your expenses. And certainly, the business natives will get the opportunity to gain excess profits and clear out all their debts. Apart from that, there will a negative impact on the people in terms of your health. It is recommended to take proper health care and do regular exercise, which would keep you fit and fine. You will be able to have a stronger relationship with your life partner, and their advice will be very beneficial for you, though you have to face disappointment at times. However, this will not bother your relation with your partner; instead, your relation will get sweeter and stronger with your spouse. Your relationship with your father would soon get better. You will use your humour in the right way, and this will be very beneficial for your business activities. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Libra 

The Planet Mercury is the Lord of your ninth and twelfth houses, and during the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your sixth house. Due to the transit in your sixth house, you will have to work harder to attain success. Though working hard will give very little success, and due to this, you will remain worried throughout the time period. Your income might also deteriorate. You are expected to pay more attention to your diet, and avoiding fast food is best for now. You must try not to get involved in any sort of arguments or debates; this might lead to a quarrel. Your father will receive certain positive results, and he will surely attain an enormous amount of success. Suppose you wish to share any kind of personal details it would give your opponents the opportunity to take unnecessary advantage and put your life at risk. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Scorpio 

The dualistic planet Mercurys is the Lord of your eight and eleventh houses. And during the transition period, the planet tends to change its position towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign Pisces. And the result of this transit will be the quite favourable and adverse situation with regards to your love life. Though your partner will talk to you in a sweeter way, still you will find it difficult to understand them. This will create some misunderstandings between you both, and certainly fights and debates will become a part of your relationship. And you should choose your words carefully in front of your partner. If you are married, these quarrels will not affect your children; they will tend to focus on their studies and do well in life. However, keep your eyes on them and see if they don't get distracted from their studies. The natives will also find themselves lucky in putting their money in lotteries, share market or other investment. You will get to earn from several sources which would improve your financial condition. The planetary movement is very favourable for you or academic life too, hard work and dedication will take you towards success.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Sagittarius

The Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and is also the ruling Lord of the seventh and tenth house of your zodiac sign. During its transition, the planet moves towards the fourth house of the Sagittarius natives. The impact of this transit will create a network between your personal and professional life, so your personal life could be clearly seen influencing your professional one. Thus it's advised to maintain a balance. Your family members will maintain peace and harmony, and they will try to understand and nurture each other. However, some clashes are possible, and you are recommended to stay away from any debates or arguments. During this transition, you will solve some problems of your life partner and put them out from stress. Your work life will prosper due to your hard work, wisdom, dedication and honesty. You will able to get some amazing ideas and complete your tasks with ease. You will also notice an improvement in your business field, and even your perspective about business ideas will be cleared. During this duration, your mother might take some serious decisions regarding the family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Capricorn

According to your Kundli, the Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your sixth and ninth houses. Your zodiac sign gets influenced by the planet and has a positive effect over your luck. During the time of transition, the planet is posited in your third house. And because the transit is taking place in your third house, you need to take proper precautions for your speeches. The chances are that any of your close friends or family might get hurt with your words. Your opponents will be very dangerous for you right now, and they will try to ruin your image in the society. If you are trying for a loan to get approved, this time will surely give you positive results. Your dedication and hard work will surely take you one step closer to success. Natives working with your honest attitude will attract the coworkers and will take you to the peak of success. They will stay by your side and help you out with every problem in your way. Capricorn natives are working in the field of law, and as advocates will get tremendous value and achieve success. Apart from that, try not to express your views and thoughts on any social media platform, because people against society may try to create a problem in your personal life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aquarius 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your fifth and eight houses. For people who have the zodiac sign, Aquarius is highly influenced by the transition of Mercury. During the transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Aquarius, and due to this transition, you will notice a mysterious tone in your speech. People listening to your words may find it very difficult to understand, which might give birth to confusion and clashes, and you will remain in a state of confusion. You should have a proper diet and do regular exercise in order to avoid any kind of disease or discomfort. You will earn more than your expectations and will be able to easily repay all your debts. Natives who are a student will be able to get good marks in their higher studies, and their dedication and hard work will surely take them to the path of success. And this will give them confidence. Married couples will hear some good news from their children. Your lover may introduce you to their family. Your life partner may suffer from a skin disease, so take proper precaution for him/her. Make sure you don't take it lightly. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Pisces 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet. The transition of the planet Mercury will take a position in Pisces itself. Mercury is the Lord of your fourth and seventh house, respectively. The influence of the planet Mercury will be very impactful on your house. During the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your ascendant house. The natives are advised to keep their eyes and ears open and always have focused on their presence of mind. You have to take your decisions carefully, or else it might create problems in future. This transit will especially help you in improving your business conditions. However, it would be great to take decisions by asking your elder or experienced person. Your achievement and change in your behaviour will create jealousy among your friends. Matters related to property will be in your favour during this transition period. Your mother will support you in every task, which would be really helpful. You may have some issues in your love life, so don't hate and solve every problem with patience and sweetly. Some of the natives will gain interest in learning new subjects.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Aries
22 Apr,2027
05 May,2027

Mercury plays a critical role during the transition period. According to the Vedic astrology, it influences your inner voice and thoughts and ideas. It represents one's communication and wisdom. You would soon notice a boost in confidence, humor, talent, family, finance and others. Natives who have strong influence of Mercury have intellect and presence of mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aries 

Mercury is the ruling lord of your third and sixth houses of Aries, and as the transition is taking place in the own house, the position of Mercury will shift in the first house also known as your ascendant house. With this transition, your confidence will increase, and you will feel more strengthened. With boosted confidence, you will be able to take serious decisions which will prove to be impactful in future. Your overconfidence will be a reason for arguments and clashes, and you may also hurt someone's sentiments, so control your speech and think before speaking. Your siblings will support you during this time. They will try to do everything to help you out. Your love and affection towards your loved ones will increase; you will trust your family and partner. Mercury being the lord of your sixth house will negatively affect your health, you can have a skin disease, so you are advised to go for a checkup and take proper health care. You should also maintain a proper diet. 

Your relation with your partner will be fabulous; this transit will give you chances to improve your marital life. You would also get quality time with your spouse, and during that time, you will establish your bonds and come closer to each other. You will create a sense of mutual understanding which will decrease clashes and arguments. Your partner will trust you more. Businessmen are advised to take precautions before investing, or else they can suffer a huge loss. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Taurus

Mercury is the ruling lord of the second and fifth houses of your zodiac and thereby, during the transitory period, it will change its direction and will be posited in your twelfth house. During this transit, the Taurus natives will face both positive and negative impacts. The impact of the Mercury transit in Aries will bring an increase in your expenditure; you may spend most of your wealth on particular tasks. Students who are willing to shift abroad for higher studies will get a chance, though they have to work really hard. If your children are trying that, they will succeed in getting admission in a foreign university. Still, the only way to get admission is by working hard. Taurus natives will accomplish good results through their intellect and wisdom, which will help them earn a good position and respect in society. If you work hard in business, you will deal in some profitable investments which will prove to be helpful in the long run.

Those in a relationship will have to face some challenges, and you will stay away from your partner due to some trip. Though having good communication and patience will help you maintain your terms with your partner. Pay attention to your partner, and make them feel important. Giving a little more love and effort will keep the relationship alive. You should keep an eye over your expenses, or it will have a negative effect on your financial status. Some unnecessary disputes will be the reason for your stress. Your health will weaken during this time period, so try to have a good diet and stay away from fast food. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Gemini

The impact of Mercury transit will bring favorable results for the Gemini. As during the transition period of Mercury in Aries, the planet will be positioned in the eleventh house for Gemini. Mercury is the lord of your sign, which will affect your house of income and profits. Your speaking will gain fluency, and with the help of your intellect and wisdom, you will earn enormous wealth. One's working in an office will get favors from their seniors and your communication skills will improve, due to which you will gain momentum at your workplace.

The Gemini people will enjoy the benefits in terms of a relationship. You might get sufficient quality time with your partner, and develop a sense of understanding. Your support will help to prosper your spouse's life. This love and affection will give you the energy to attain success in life. This transition will also help you financially, which would help you in clearing any debt or pending task.

With everything going well, you would be confident, and you will expand your social circle. With the expansion in your social circle, you will attend several weddings and parties. Making new friends will give you a special position in society. Businessmen will make profits through different sources, which will improve your financial conditions.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Cancer

The twelfth and third house of the Cancer natives is ruled by Mercury. During the transitory period, it is posited in your tenth house. Your tenth house is also the house of Karma, which basically signifies career. So, this period will bring certain ups and downs in the lives of the Cancer natives. You have to face certain challenges in professional life. However, your efforts will give you the chance to attain success. Your relations with your colleagues will strengthen; they will be support you. The natives will enjoy their work and will be satisfied. Some of you can be transferred. Apart from everything, you must focus on your task and complete them with honesty and dedication. Any mistake can ruin your image, so recheck everything before submitting. However, you will have to take an extreme workload. In such a situation, do your tasks carefully and calmly. You might feel de-motivated. Do not lose hope; instead complete each and every task with full dedication. You will have a marvelous time with your family, and this time will bring peace and harmony in your family life. Your parents will be proud of you. Your family, and even your siblings and others will help you out in certain tough situations. Your parents will have a health condition. Your relations with your father will gradually improve with time. Your partner's love for you will increase, and they will respect you for being a responsible person. Cancerians involved in the business will earn good profits through certain investments in properties and assets. This will strengthen their financial status.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Leo

The ninth house of the Leo natives signifies the house of fortune and long-distance journeys. During the transitory period, your ninth house will host the position of Mercury. The people will get a positive impact during this transition period. As Mercury is the lord of your second and eleventh houses, thus positively affecting your financial condition. People will notice economic strength, and you will flourish. You will get to complete your pending tasks and succeed in different fields. Your works giving you stress will finally get done. Your efforts will not go waste, and you will execute your task. Leo natives will get a chance to expand their family business and earn profits. 

Working professionals will also get success. You will have a blissful time with your loved ones, and even your siblings will enjoy your company. They will even come out to support you in need. You will make some serious decisions which will be beneficial in the long run. Your communication skills will prosper and people will tend to like you even more. You will create new connections with some of the delegated members of society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Virgo 

Mercury is the lord of your sign, and this transitory period will prove to be essential for the Virgo natives. Mercury is the lord of your tenth house, also known as the house of Karma. During the time of transition, it will enter your eighth house; generally, this house doesn't hold a promising position though there are several benefits. Working people will have to face certain challenges at work. You will be stressed because your efforts won't give you good results. Don't lose hope and wait for your turn to prove yourself. After some time you will notice some improvement, some of you might also get an increment. Your health might create some serious problems for you; not taking precaution would lead to financial loss and an increase in your expenses. 

The natives can earn profits through some secret sources; they will get to utilize their wisdom and intellect during this period. Natives having Mercury placed on their birth chart will get some positive results. Some past investments will be profitable, and you may also cream your pending debts. Your father's health may get worse, so do proper healthcare. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Libra

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus; Libra's ruling Lord is Venus. Mercury is the lord of your ninth and twelfth houses. During the period of transit, Mercury changes its position and shifts towards the seventh house of Libra. Businessmen will get the advantage of this transit, which will bring a good momentum in your business, even there are chances of expansion of your business. If you are thinking of a new startup, then this is the best time. You will get favorable results, and your efforts will take you to success. You will gain profits through some unexpected sources. 

There are several trips on your card, along with that you will earn benefits and experience through these trips; you will make certain connections with foreign sources, which will give you a huge success. Unmarried people might have the chance of getting married during this duration. You will acquire a good sense of humour, and your communication skills will improve. It will give a boost to your personality too. Your decision making will be precise and give you benefits in the long run. You will earn a special status in society, and some influential people will make connections with you. Your health will be stable; a good diet is recommended.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Scorpio

Mercury is the lord of your eighth and eleventh house, during the transitory period the planet changes its position and shifts towards the sixth house of Scorpio. The natives have to face several challenges during this period, as this transition period will be full of ups and downs. Health-wise, you should take precaution regarding your health, or else some skin issue is indicated. Your speech might hurt someone's sentiment or feelings; you can also get into clashes or arguments. You are recommended to keep a check on expenses, as overspending may become a huge problem for you in future. 

During this period, some friends or family will support you; they will also lend some money. You can also take a loan from a bank to survive this period. However, your endless efforts will pull you out of this drastic situation, and you will be successful. You will be able to clear out your past debts. Working professionals will get into a clash with their seniors, so you should focus on your own tasks and complete them within time. Your rivals will try to dent your image, make sure you don't give them any chance. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Sagittarius 

The seventh and tenth house is ruled by Mercury. The impact of Mercury influences your professional, business and spouse's life. The transition of Mercury will in your fifth house, which will bring a positive impact on your income. You will be able to execute your plans perfectly. You will survive the strongest competition in the market, and your effort will be praised. Working people will get a chance to work with some big brands in the market, which will give you fame and benefits. This duration will be extremely favorable for you and you can get in touch with some reputed businessmen. 

Working people will have to be careful with their rivals, and they might also lose their jobs. However, you will soon get other opportunities. The life of those married will be happy; their efforts and wisdom will make you feel proud and respected in society. They might also get a promotion. Students will improve their concentration and focus on study, and you will also learn new things. Married people can have some good news from their children in the field of study. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Capricorn 

Mercury is the lord of your sixth house, it is known as the house of fortune. During the period of transition, it changes its position and shifts in the fourth house for Capricorn. It is the house of happiness. The transit will bring fruitful impact in the lives of Capricorn natives. You will spend this time by earning a fortune and making profits. This time is best to buy a new vehicle. 

You can spend a blissful time with your family, even your parent's health will remain in good condition. You will get to converse with your relatives through social media, which will make you nostalgic and there will be a soothing atmosphere in your family. There will be some property related issues which need to be settled as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will give birth to certain disputes, and these disputes can harm your wealth or even influence your family life. Your professional front will gain improvement, and your endless efforts will make you an expert in your tasks. Any pending case in court will get resolved at this time which will give you relief. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aquarius

Mercury is the lord of your fifth and eight houses, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and goes in the third house of your zodiac sign. Your third house, according to the Kal Purusha Kundli, is Mercury's house itself, which makes the planet more strengthened and results in improving your communication skills. Students’ will enjoy the benefits through this transit. Their intelligence will improve, and they will focus more on their studies, your efforts would give you good results in various other aspects. There are frequent trips on the cards, though it is recommended to avoid them for some time. There will be some economic and monetary problems. As during the pandemic, it is not so safe to travel with proper precautions. 

This duration will improve your relation with your siblings; you will also help them in certain situations. On the other hand, working officials have certain chances of getting an increment. Your communication skills will attract many people you will make new friends, which will increase your social circle. Some of you might get inclined towards writing and choose this as your profession. Your friends will be by your side, and you will prosper this friendship. You will maintain a good image in society

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Pisces

Mercury being the ruling lord of your fourth and seventh houses will enter through your second house during the transitory period. Your second house indicates the way of speaking. Your sense of humour will get better. People will be able to understand your thoughts and ideas and your intellect will help you win every debate. Though you will have to keep this in your mind that your words can hurt someone's feelings, so you must be aware and alert about the choice of words or else you may regret it later. Businessmen will get enormous benefits during this transit period. Your new and amazing strategies will boost your business, and you will also expand your business. Though you should be a little serious about your investments, it might lead to a huge loss. So do check before investing. 

There will be happiness in your family; you will spend some memorable time with them. Your parent's health will remain stable, and they will praise you for your good work. You will be showered with love. You marital live will prevail love and happiness, though some clashes might occur due to arguments, though you will impress them by giving them a surprise. Single people have the best chance to express their feelings to their loved ones; this time will bring Good luck for the Pisces natives.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Taurus
06 May,2027
22 May,2027

According to the Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury affects one's intellect, judgment, communication and behavior. The second sign in the series of the zodiac is Taurus, and its ruling planet is Venus, who has a friendly relation with Mercury. Along with that, it signifies one's wishes and desires, strength and rigidity, income and wealth, goals and ambitions, family and friends, etc. The planet Mercury has a ruling nature on the second and fifth house of your zodiac sign, Taurus. The impact of Mercury over you sign gives a favorable impact for the natives and according to the Vedic astrology, your second house signifies one's family relations, business conditions, jobs, talents, and materialistic things like assets, foods, property, resources, etc. There as, your fifth house represents one's creative talents, educational qualification, entertainment, energy and enthusiasm, interest in new things, tuff competition, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aries

The second house of your zodiac sign will host the transition of the planet Mercury. Due to this transit, there will be a favourable impact on one's communication skills and knowledge. You will be able to convey your ideas and thoughts fluently. People will tend to understand your good intentions, and you will get full support from them. Natives involved in part-time or full-time jobs will be supported by their individuals at the workplace; even your confidence in speeches will help you pass the interview rounds easily. Though your speaking abilities might put you in danger, people may get hurt or jealous with your improvement. Some of your speeches may turn into an argument or debates. So you are advised to stay calm and solve each and every situation calmly. People who are involved in the business will get huge profits through different sources. Some of you have great chances of earning profits through inheritance of some property or past investments. Your relationship with your beloved may have some chances of getting weak, so spend quality time with them, try to impress them or gift them something. You will get closer in no time, and you will get to enjoy some of the best moments of your life. Your health will be perfect, though maintain a proper diet and do regular workout. You can also get involved in some sports activities which would keep you fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Taurus 

The transit of Mercury is taking place in your powerful house itself, and the planet will be posited in your first house, which is your ascendant house. You will notice an improvement in your way of conversation; your impressive way of speech will attract many people and give you a strong personality. You will gain a soft-spoken and polite behaviour which will touch everyone's heart. Natives in relationships will enjoy the benefits of this transit, they will create a bond of mutual understanding, and their love will prosper. You will spend this time in peace and harmony. If you are working as a job official, you will get to taste success due to your hard work and dedication, though you are advised to stay away from office politics and focus on completing the tasks before time. Health-related issues will not arise. Still, you need to maintain a proper diet, and regular exercise is strongly advised.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Gemini 

During the transit, the planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, which signifies one's mental stress and ability. During this period, the natives will go through some stressful tasks, both mentally and physically. So, don't put yourself into stress by taking too many tasks and maintaining a balance is necessary. If one's involved in business activities, there are several chances to earn a fortune, and you have to keep a track on your expenses or else spending unnecessary will give you unwanted stress. There is a foreign trip on your card with your beloved, you will spend some memorable time with them, and any kind of distance between you both will be sorted out, and your relationship will get the spark back. Working officials should complete their work in the given time, apart from that they will have a decent earning.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Cancer 

The impact of this planet on your house is going to give you some favourable results. Your eleventh house will host the position of the translating planet. And this period will give you certain benefits in terms of your finance, relationship, family, job, knowledge, patience, etc. The natives will get a chance to make new connections through foreign trade and get extreme benefits in their respective financial fields. Your spouse or your partner will be extremely supportive at this time, your relationship will be prosperous, and you will also develop a sense of mutual understanding with your partner. Some clashes are possible at this time, though you will impress them with your caring nature. Jib officials will get help and support from their seniors, and with their ideas, you will create a good image in your respective fields. This will be very profitable for you in the long term. Don't ignore your health, polluted air and dirty surroundings may affect you badly, so take proper care of yourself and your surroundings. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Leo 

The Mercury share a friendly relation with Venus, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The transit will have a significant impact on one's life. Working professionals will tend to have a more focused mind, and your performance will be praised by your colleagues and seniors. Your excellence and dedication in your work will be the reason for your success. Some of the seniors will give some important favours in the long term. You will be prevailing happiness in your family. Your romantic life will ease your mind, and your beloved partner will support you at every step. The natives will have good health, and join a sports club or doing physical activities will keep them mentally and physically fit. Ignoring your health may affect you negatively in the long term. You will have stable economic conditions and investing in assets or properties will open new doors for earning benefits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Virgo

During the transition period, your ninth house will be hosting the position of the planet Mercury, and your ninth house represents the house of one's travelling and communication. The natives will enjoy the benefits of long term travelling. If you are trying to change your job, this transition period will give you favourable results. The natives having Virgo sign will experience an increase in their social status, and people will tend to start recognizing you because of your good deeds. You will also earn a special status in society. Your relationship will be blissful throughout the period, your partner will try to impress you, and there will special time you both will get to spend with each other. The natives are recommended to stay away from fast food and polluted areas; there will be some minor issues which can be resolved by proper medication. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Libra 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Libra. The Libra native might have to face some unexpected losses, which will bring a bad impact on their financial conditions. You will be more inclined towards learning new things, most of you will specifically indulge yourselves in spiritual learnings. However, you will gain enormous profits through past investments, and due to some inheritance, your luck will be extremely fruitful. There will some clashes between your partner, so you need to handle them with calmness and care. The perfect way to deal with such situations is by paying full attention to your partner, soon your good behaviour will impress them, and you will get closer to them. Some of the married natives will get good news during this transit. Your health will be strong and stable throughout the duration, though ignoring any kind of health problem will bring a negative impact on your body. Working professionals will get into the path of success through their dedication and hard work. Their wisdom and honesty will prove to be beneficial.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus in Scorpio

The impact of the Mercury transit will not be favourable for the Scorpio natives. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the third house of your zodiac sign. The natives will have to face certain challenges during this time. You will notice a change in your way of speaking; this will give both positive and negative impact. You will also face difficulties in your marital life, though, and this relationship will require some strong communication and giving proper time and effort will strengthen it. You are advised to have control over your expenses; otherwise, you are overspending in certain things will lead to a financial loss. People involved in the business will have to stay calm and wait for their time to procure a good position in society. There are chances to gain profits through past investments and some recent ones too. Ignoring your health may put you in danger, so maintaining a proper diet is stronger advised. You should also join a gym or yoga class to keep yourself fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Sagittarius

The impact of this transit will directly affect your house of income and expenditure. During the transition period, your sixth house will host the position of Mercury. Hence there are chances where you might get involved in a dispute or argument. Natives will also witness an increase in their expenditure which can lead over budgeting. Working officials will gain respect, and their honesty and wisdom will attract everyone's mind. You must try to maintain a proper distance from your rivals they would give their best to ruin your good image. There are several trips on your card, which will give you some happy and memorable moments. Your relationship with your spouse will soon get stable, keep control over your short temperament and pay full attention to your partner. The natives are recommended to get a full checkup ignoring any kind of problem in their health will lead to a lot of stress in the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Capricorn 

The process of impact starts with the change in the planet's position. Mercury, during the transitory period, is posited in the fifth house if your zodiac sign and your fifth house represent the house of intellect and knowledge. The natives will witness an increase in their knowledge, and with a good sense of humour applied in different fields, you will earn a higher level of profits. Student natives have the probability of choosing good paths for their success, and in future, they will be successful. If you are single, you will get a chance to propose your lover and even your lover will accept your proposal. You will enjoy this time an spend a memorable moment with your beloved. There are foreign trips on your card, which will be adventurous and you will discover new things in life. The natives will earn respects through your excellent communication skills, and your ideas will attract many people. Natives will also have the chances of getting a good status in society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aquarius 

The transit of Mercury will be posited in the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This period will give excessive gains to individuals. If you are facing any health problem, ignoring it will put your life in danger in the long term. So, take proper precaution and go for a full body checkup. Working natives will have to face certain challenges against their competitors, and your rivals will try to create obstacles in the path. So don't lose hope and give you best to cross each and every hurdle in your path. You will have a romantic relationship with your spouse, and you will also get a chance to spend time with them. So, don't ignore the chance of getting close to your partner. Native who are businessmen are recommended not to invest in anything they are not sure of. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Pisces

During the transport motion of the planet Mercury, the third house of your zodiac sign hosts the position of the planet. This transition will bring a significant increase in their confidence and willpower. You will notice an improvement in your communication skills which would give you certain benefits. You fluent way of communication will be favourable you in a different field. Some of the natives will get good results in their interview. Business natives will get the benefit if this duration. You will play a great role in helping your friends, family and society. Short trips are there on your card. Your marital life will need more attention and love; spending some quality time will give peace and harmony. You will be very efficient at your workplace, and your hard work and honesty will help you in creating a good image of yours. You should maintain your diet and do regular exercise.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Gemini
23 May,2027
29 Jul,2027

Mercury is a dualistic planet, and it has both positive and negative impact on the lives of zodiac natives. According to the Vedic Astrology Mercury influences one's technique of speech, honesty, kindness, and even fields of work like business and communication skills. Mercury, during the transit, brings a positive sign and improves one's intelligence and luck. Mercury has a significant impact on different fields if the lives of natives, like communication, partnership, business, studies, finance and marketing, family and friends, marital and love life. During the Mercury transit in Gemini, it impacts on one's health, business, family, travelling, married life, social life, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aries

The third house of your powerful zodiac sign would host the transition of Mercury; this transit will increase one's confidence and will power. The natives will have a positive effect due to this transit; the individuals will perform some good deeds. Student natives will gain focus in their studies and will be more inclined towards learning new things. Your effort and hard work will take you towards the path of success. Working natives will get a chance to work in a stable environment; you will be praised by your seniors and complete every task in time. Married couples will spend some blissful time with their spouses. Your health conditions will be perfectly fine, and you will gain energy which can be adequately utilized in some physical activities like gym or sports. Business natives will earn a good source of monetary inflow during this period, along with that; you will be able to clear out your past debts and plans. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Taurus

The transition period would bring some important opportunity in the life of individuals to earn a profit. As the second house of your zodiac sign will be hosting the Mercury transit, this period will be beneficial for the native related to your business, career, health, family, and others. Some of you will earn enormous benefits through your properties. Disputes regarding your property will be resolved. The flow of income will incredibly escalate. Your relationship status will be fabulous; your partner will support you in every field, though some arguments may arise. You will sort them out easily. Don't share your personal life; it would give a bad impact on your life. About the career of student natives, you will propose in your field, and your efforts will take you through the competitive exams. Working natives are recommended to stay away from office politics as they can affect your image. Health-wise the natives will have to go for a proper checkup and take necessary care for their illness, and any ignorance can lead to huge problems in the long-term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Gemini

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, while the transit the planet will change its position and will be posited in your first house, also known as your ascendant house. Mercury transit in Gemini will bring a favourable impact on the lives of their natives. Your ascendant house represents the house of personality. You will notice a new charm in your personality which will attract people towards you. The natives will increase their friend circle. You will enjoy this period will happiness and harmony. Your speaking skills will be fluent, and people will understand your thoughts and ideas. Married couples will be showered by love from their spouses and blessed by their parents. You parents will support your marital life, and they will eventually like your partner. Working natives are advised to work hard and complete their tasks on time. Avoiding debates will be beneficial for you in future. Some of you also have the chance of getting promoted at this time. Your health conditions will be good, and you will feel energetic, which will help you do other tasks as well. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Cancer

The transition of Mercury will happen in the twelfth house if your zodiac sign, Cancer. Due to this transit, you will notice some unavoidable expenses and some health-related issues. You are recommended to take proper health care, maintaining a proper diet and regular exercise will keep you in good condition as it is a way of releasing mental stress too. There are some foreign trips on your card, which will increase your expenses. You should avoid taking any loan or investing at this duration; otherwise, you may end up in a huge loss. You must focus on spending some quality time with your partner, pay proper attention and avoid any kind of argument. If you are trying to get change or get a new job, then this is the best time to do it. In fact, some new strategies in your business will help you earn profits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Leo

The transition of Mercury in Gemini will influence one's income, wealth, abilities, profession, etc. Your eleventh house is going to host the position of Mercury, thus leaving a significant impact on your income. You will get great chances of increasing your economic conditions. This transit will help you fulfil every desire and necessity of your life. You will prosper through your intellect and positive ideas in your social front, which will be very beneficial for you. You will get enough time to learn new things, explore new places and also some of you may make this as your profession which will give you benefits in the long run. Students might get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies. Some of you will also get admission to a foreign college. Your marital life will have some blissful moments; your partner may have some clashes with you. However, you will handle it smartly and solve it with ease. Your health will remain balanced, and keeping your surrounding clean will help you maintain your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Virgo 

The Mercury will make its transit in the tenth house of your zodiac sign, and your tenth house represents one's professionals and personal life. Thus the transit will give a favourable impact on the life of individuals. You will be more energetic, and working natives will be more focused on completing their work with excellence. Your seniors and colleagues will acknowledge your hard work and effort, which will inspire you to work better and strive for the best. They will even support you in the long run. You love life will remain good; you will be having a happy mood which will please your partner. There will be a sense of mutual understanding, and you will develop a new phase in your relationship. Both of you will maintain dignity and trust with each other. You might get a golden opportunity to travel abroad, which will be beneficial for you in different fields. Your health will remain balanced, though doing exercise or yoga is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Libra

The Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, plays a significant role during the transit. At the time of transit, the planet will be posited in the ninth house of your zodiac sign which will lead to certain financial and economic gains. This is the best time to invest, and you will earn the maximum profit. Apart from that, you should check every possible background before investing. Ignoring any kind of issues might lead to a huge loss in future. Your social front will gain improvement and people will start knowing. You might even get into contact with some delighted members of society. There are certain trips to abroad base on your work which will also be beneficial for your business. Working natives should do their work with full dedication and hard work. Married natives have to pay attention to their spouse, as during this period, they will need your support both mentally and physically. You will need this duration with happiness and harmony. Your family member will be proud of you. Your mother's health will remain stable. Though you are advised to keep a distance from office politics, it may ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Scorpio

The strongest Planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transitory period. Thus at the time of transition, the planet shifts towards the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Scorpio. This transition brings several positive impacts as well as some negative ones too. The natives will witness certain profits through different sources; there are some chances of small losses which will not affect your financial condition. Apart from that, you will be able to maintain financial stability during this period. Natives who are married or in a relationship will face several quarrels and clashes with their beloved though this won't go long, you will easily solve it with your impressive and patient heart. In no time, you will be closer to them and spend this duration in happiness and satisfaction. Ignoring your health during this time will give you some negative impacts in future; it may also lead to some serious health problems. So you should take proper precautions regarding your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Sagittarius

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house and has a significant influence in one's communication skill, profits, promotions, expenses and health. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign, Sagittarius. Thus this transit will bring some profits in your house. Your financial condition will improve. Business natives will earn through some secret sources or past investments, which will help them, pay their debt. Working natives will also have some advantages, and there are chances of you getting a promotion at your work front. Join a sports club or doing physical activities will burn some weight you have gained sitting back at home during the pandemic. You will have some clashes with your spouse, they will dominate you with their feelings, though you will impress them with your entertaining skills like funny dialogues and distractions. Overall this transit will prove to be profitable for the Sagittarius natives.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Capricorn

The impact of Mercury transit will be favourable for native in their field of success and workplace. During the period of transition, the planet will change its position and will be posted in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Natives will witness positive development in their financial condition. Working officials will do an incredibly terrific job, which will be praised by their seniors, and some of the natives also have the chance of getting a promotion during this period. Thus this will bring an increase in your income. This period will bring benefits in terms of business; you will earn profit through different sources. Some of you will get benefits through property investment. Your health conditions will be critical due to some injury; you will feel weak and dizzy. Maintaining a strong diet is necessary; take proper medications to prevent infection. Your marital life will gain stability; even fights and clashes will not set you apart. Your love for your partner will be infinite; they will need proper attention and support at the same time. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aquarius

During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This transit has a positive impact on one's intellect and knowledge. Natives will have good communication skills. They will attain enormous success with the blend of communication and intellect. Working officials will gain increment, which will give them the confidence to invest in assets and other fields. Business natives will also get the advantage of this transit, natives will earn excess profits, and this is the best time to invest. You will gain a special status in society. Your social circle will increase. Your love life will be prosperous; even your partner will support you at every step. Your partner will be the biggest reason for your success. Pay proper attention to them, and you will also get some quality time to spend with them. Your health may deteriorate, so take proper precaution for your health, do regular exercise or yoga and maintain your diet. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Pisces 

The powerful and enlightened planet Mercury is the ruling lord of your houses. Your fourth house will host the position of Mercury during the transition period. There will be a significant impact on one's love life and professional life. You will spend some of the memorable moments of your life, your parents will shower you with the blessing, and they will support you at everything you do. This is a good time to purchase a new car or a house. You will earn tremendous success in the workplace; you need to stay focused and avoid laziness or office politics. Your enemies will try to ruin your image whenever they get the chance, so play smart. Your partner will need full attention as they will be doing a terrific job at their place; this will make your image look good in society too. Make them feel good and courageous for their good deed. Health-wise you will stay fit and fine, and you will be joining a sports club or a gym which would be beneficial for you.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Cancer
30 Jul,2027
13 Aug,2027

The transit of the planet Mercury on Capricorn would leave a negative impact on the zodiac sign Cancer. It affects emotion and nature. As Cancer is a representation of a cardinal water sign, so during this transit, you will notice a change in your behaviour and way of talking. You will be more affluent though you will think and react in the impulse of your feeling, which sometimes might be of love and compassion and sometimes will be fear and possessiveness. And this transit will affect your concentration in different field like studies and work. You who have perspective will personal feeling will be involved the most. So there is a list of things you have to take care during this duration of transit.


इस पेज को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए बुध का कर्क राशि में गोचर पर क्लिक करें।


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aries Sign

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and leaves an impactful effect on your zodiac signs. During this transit, it changes its position and shifts toward your fourth house of the Aries, as the fourth house represents the house romantic relationship. The impact of Mercury gives a favourable effect on the Aries. Married couples would enjoy the benefits and have a happy and peaceful married life. In the field of professionals, you will attain good results due to your hard work and honesty. Even the working official will get maximum support from your senior staff and colleagues, getting praised and uplifted for your hard work. Property related issues are going to get resolved, and there are chances of constructing a new house. You should take care of your physical, mental and spiritual health. It is recommended to do exercise and yoga regularly, that would help you stay fit.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Taurus Sign

The transit of Planet Mercury will be favourable for people having the zodiac sign Taurus. During this transition, the planet will be posited in your third house, and this will positively affect your energy and enthusiasm in completing tasks and taking full responsibilities. The individual will notice a boost up in your personal skills like communication, hardwood, and cooperation, which would help them strive for a good fortune. Short trips are there on the native's card, which would bring joy and happiness. Your marital life would be great, and you will have excellent terms with your spouse. You are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health and maintain your fitness by doing regular exercise in order to stay healthy.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Gemini Sign

The impact will have a significant effect on Gemini and will increase your communications skills. During the transit, the planet will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Gemini. The house denotes communication skills. You would be able to converse fluently and win the heart of people with your attractive speeches. Probably, this would be the perfect time to invest in capitals and earn huge profits through your assets like properties and others. You would do the job, and so you are requested to stay calm and focus on your own work; your efficiency and hard work will give good results. Apart from that, you should not get involved in any office politics if found so you will face backlash and bad circumstances. Regarding your health condition, it is necessary to keep yourself fit and doing regular excessive or yoga is the best way to keep going. Ignoring your health might put you in danger, and you may have some health issues.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Cancer Sign

Because the transit is happening in your own house, the impact in this transit will be very strong, and you would face some issues and problems in a different field. During the transition period, the planet Mercury will move towards the first house of your zodiac sign. The first house indicated health, and you would face some serious issues regarding your health, so it is advised to get a regular health checkup, and proper medical treatment is very necessary. Ignoring a single thing regarding your health might put you in a crucial condition during this duration. Apart from that, your financial condition will be in your favour, you might get support from foreign nations or countries, so this is the best time to invest. You at the workplace might get distracted, resulting in late submission of your work, so be concerned about it and increase your working pace. The love life will remain peaceful, and you will get to know each other better. Your partner will understand your better and your relationship will be romantic; you will get your relationship's missing spark and have a memorable time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Leo Sign 

This transit will be a little difficult, though relaxing for Leo's. During the transition planet Mercury will make its position in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of the transit would lead to an increase in the expenditure, and so you are advised to have control over your expenses and maintain a proper account to check the excess flow of money. Leo must face business-related issues and must take help from the professionals. You are expected to go on trips. You might have jobs have huge chances of getting a promotion. You might face a problem with in terms of your health, so you are advised to do regular exercise or yoga, you can also play any sports in order to keep themselves fit and free from diseases.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Virgo Sign

The impact of Mercury will have a strong impact in terms of your health. During the transition, the planet will move towards the eleventh house of your zodiac sign Virgo. This transition will be very favourable for you in terms of health and harmony. People will notice a gradual increase in your communication skill, and you will attract people with a positive and honest mindset. Your social circle will increase, and your loved one will truly enjoy the company. You will make new friends, and you will maintain a trustworthy relation towards you, even you will tend to support your emotionally and mentally. You working in jobs will earn respect, and you will reap the fruits of hard work. Business You will earn a maximum profit and will earn a good return from your investment and assets. You might have a new relationship, and you will impress them with your charisma.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Libra

As soon as the transition begins, the planet Mercury would gradually move into the powerful tenth house, which means that the lifestyle and living standards of your family would get better. You could also get many sources of income and also invest your money in abroad. Natives would also witness a change in their career, which would eventually escalate your professional life. Along with that, you must also focus on eating healthy, sleeping on time and do a regular checkup. Do not forget to take precaution as it might affect your health in future.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Scorpio Sign

There is both a positive and negative impact on your card. The planet Mercury is known to be the strongest planet; it is also the Lord of Zodiac houses as well. During the transition, the planet shifts its position into the ninth house of the zodiac sign, which gives some positive and as well as negative impact in your lives. Your health will remain stable, and you will have a normal family life. Your relationship will not bother you, and you will be happy with your lover. Apart from that business professional have the best time to increase your wealth, this is the best time for the investment you will get fruitful results. You wishing for travelling abroad can finally fulfil your dream. Working professionals are advised to keep doing your hard work and maintain your honesty and focus in your jobs, and you need to be careful with your opponents you will surely try to ruin your image and distract you from your task.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Sagittarius Sign

The impact of Mercury transit can be pressuring for some of you during this time. Due to the transit taking in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, you might have to face various obstruction your lives. In terms of health, you have to precaution to avoid any kind of problem. Health is a very important factor in your life; your mental stability also depends on your health. So you are recommended to do physical activities like regular exercise or yoga, you can also join a sports club and indulge yourself in sports to maintain your health. You working at jobs are required to finish your tasks in time, you have to focus on your tasks to avoid any delays, or else you have to face sudden pressure and deadlines. Business professionals can take amazing advantage of this time, you will earn good profits in terms, and any economic constraints will be sorted out during this transition period. Tough if you notice a change in your communication skills, you have to be careful and decisive about your speech.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Capricorn Sign

During this period, there will be a positive impact on the native's life. During the transitory period, the planet will change its position and will shift towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign. Your seventh house represents the house of career and responsibility. You will notice a gradual increase in your energy and enthusiasm. You will be able to finish your day will full enjoyment and happiness without any complaint. The couple will be happily satisfied with your marital life, you will have outstanding communication with your spouse, and you will maintain this relationship for a long time. Job representatives will impress your donors with your dedication and hard work; you will be able to manage things easily and complete your tasks with ease and excellence. Businessmen are required to stay calm and not hurry in investing, and you should avoid any kind of investment in dealing particularly at this time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aquarius sign 

The transit of the planet Mercury leaves a significant impact on the Aquarius You. During the transitions, the powerful planet will move towards the sixth house of your zodiac sign which signifies the house of expenses. Tough you will notice an increase in your expenses. Still, you will be able to sort every debt and loans on your head during this time. So, just try to lower down your expenses apart from that you are good to go. It would be effectively beneficial for you to keep yourself fit and healthy. You can do such by joining a sports club or doing other physical activities like exercises and yoga, ignoring your health would be bad for the long run. You might work harder still your luck will not favour you, but don't get distracted by watching your colleagues getting promoted, instead work harder and honestly to attain success. You will get enormous time to hang out with your spouse or your loved ones, share your thoughts and mindset, give them space to understand you and your intentions, and you will surely get closer to you.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Pisces Sign

The Pisceans will enjoy the favour of this transit. As the transit of the powerful planet, Mercury will be taking its place in your fifth house, which would eventually increase in your knowledge and sensibility. In fact, this transit is going to give you enormous financial gains and investing would a great opportunity to earn profits this time. Your connection with your spouse or your loved ones will be very peaceful, and you will soon get to understand and know each other, your partner will support you at every step. You doing jobs will not be able to make any achievement, though will dedication in your work and focus will slowly help them out to get through this time. Undoubtedly, it is significantly important to have a healthy body to keep you going for a long period. You should have a controlled diet and should avoid fast food. Ignoring any kind of issue related to health can be very harmful in the long run. So, it's better to take proper health precautions and going for a regular checkup is necessary, native can also do physical activities like yoga or play sports.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Leo
14 Aug,2027
30 Aug,2027

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet and has a significant impact on your Zodiac sign. The Mercury is very influential over your sign, and it changes your way of thinking, boosts up your confidence, increases your communication skills, pushes your mind towards an optimistic view, gives space to your mind to have a greater thought process. Even Mercury over Leo makes their natives unchallengeable, and this is also the reason for Leo's arrogance. This time can be a little dangerous as they would not listen to anyone's advice and think their ideas are the only way to proceed. This period is going to prove very profitable for the natives in terms of financial condition, and they will notice an increase in their income and they will also have a side earning from some secret sources. The natives might face some difficulties in their professional life, and some obstacles are there on their card, though we all know that hard work is the key to success, so with extreme hard work and absolute dedication, they will be able to achieve success.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Aries

The transition in the planet Mercury in Leo is going to be very lucky for your Zodiac Sign Aries. You children might bring some good news to you which will make you feel good. Aries natives working might have to give their best efforts at their workplace; you will have to take some huge responsibilities during this period of time. There are several trips on your card, which can be either personal or professional. Natives trying for a baby will surely get positive results. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo on Taurus Sign

During the transition, the planet Mercury shifts to their fourth house of the natives. This time is going to be full of ups and downs for the Taurus natives, and you should take serious care of your parents, especially your mother's health. There is a huge chance of getting backstabbed by your friends, so keep an eye over your friends and see if someone has that kind of mindset. On the other hand, starting something new at work will give you a good profit and would be very beneficial for you. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Gemini

While during the transition planet Mercury will be posited in your third house, which is also called 'Parakram Kshetra'. With the transit, you will notice a gradual increase in your energy and would feel more enthusiastic. Though, you have to lower down your spirits or else you may get into serious arguments which mill cause friction between you and your siblings. You will also have some issues with your family during this time. There are some frequent tasks as a part of work in your card, which can be personal also. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Cancer

This time Mercury will not be posited in your zodiac sign. So the transition will not favour you, you have to take all your decisions calmly and should have a calm and peaceful mind. You have to handle your family issues and especially while having any disagreement with your cousins and siblings as luck will not be in your favour, so it's better to avoid arguments. You need to have control over your expenses as this time you may get over budget. Lending someone money would result in loss so better make sure you do not lend anyone during this period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Leo

The transit of Mercury in your Zodiac sign will indicate your financial status. You will earn a huge profit in terms of business. Though you need to take proper precautions regarding your health, keep yourself fit during this transition. You will be stressed in taking decisions for your future aspects. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Virgo

The Mercury is the strongest, and during its transit, it is posited in your 12th house, which signifies health and finance. During this time, you need to have control over your expenses or else it may lead to overburdening. There are several trips on your card, and you need to take proper precautions throughout your trip. Natives trying for travelling or applying for a job may get the chance this time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Libra 

Labh Ghar means the house of profits is your eleventh house, and the Mercury transit will be posited in your eleventh house as well. For people who have delayed their vacation or road trip from a long time due to their busy schedule will finally get a chance to travel. Amidst all this the transit is going to prove good for the Libra natives and they will stay safe and satisfied during this period of time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Scorpio

The planet Mercury dusting this transit will be posited in your house known as Karm Kshetra, and this is the best time for a new startup. The natives who are unemployed and are thriving for jobs will sadly have to wait a little longer but don't worry, and you will surely eat the fruit for your patience later.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Sagittarius

Bhagyasthan, the ninth house of your Zodiac sign will be posited by Mercury during its transition in Leo. This transit would be extremely favourable for married couples; they will have a happy and peaceful relationship. Unmarried people may also get the chance to have a successful marriage. This is the best Mahurat to have Pooja at your home, and you will surely be successful in achieving your aims. There are some chances of delay in your work; however, you will get through it from hard work and dedication.

Impact of Mercury in Leo for Capricorn 

The powerful planet Mercury will be posited in your eight houses during this transit which will be very challenging for the natives. You must be immensely careful for your physical as well as mental health, especially your food consumption should be healthy, and you should do exercise regularly. Take proper rest in order to keep your mind and body peaceful. Stay alert against your enemies; they might create some obstacle. Apart from that, handle every task and issue with care and total dedication.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Aquarius 

The Mercury transition will be posited in your seventh house, which will be very favourable for the Aquarians. Unmarried natives might get a chance to have a life partner. In fact, natives already in the process of discussing an alliance with their in-laws will be beneficial. You are suggested to stay away from communicable disease and take proper care of your own health and stay fit. Natives trying to have a baby will surely get positive results.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Pisces 

This transition will not be favourable for you as The planet will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Proper determination and confidence will help you out during this crucial time. Hard work and dedication will give you good results to pay off all the challenges and obstacles. You might have a quarrel with your family, so keep a cool mind and calmly solve your issues.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Virgo
21 Oct,2027
04 Nov,2027

The incredible planet Mercury is the ruling lord of Virgo, and during the transition period, the planet changes its position and brings an influential impact on different fields of one's life. The Mercury transit has an impact over one's way of communication, helping others, family, finance, intellect, marital life. This transit will be influential on each of the signs in the zodiac circle as Mercury's rulings nature is over one's communication, technology, and travel. This transit will bring some favourable impact on the lives of natives. You will be able to notice an inclination towards learning, the chance of travelling to your desired places, one's status in the society. Hence Mercury plays a critical role in the lives of natives. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aries 

The planet Mercury will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Your sixth house will also host the position of the sun. Thus the Aries natives will face the impact of two planets, and there will be a formation of 'Budh Aditya Yog'. Therefore this transition period will heal all your injuries, health issues you were facing for a long time. Working officials will face excessive success in their respective fields, and you will be praised for your hard work and honesty, you may also defeat all your opponents in the office and will prove yourself aa the strongest competitor in your office. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and properties; there is a good chance you will be able to pay every debt. It's is expected to have a little bit control over your expenses; spending too much might lead to over budget. Your married life would be full of happiness and harmony, though paying attention and spending time with your partner will keep you away from clashes and arguments. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Taurus 

During the period of transit, planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in your fifth house, along with the Mercury, Sun will be posited in the same house. Both being in the same house would create favourable impacts on your house, Taurus. The love life of Taurus natives will prosper; you will get to spend some of the blissful moments with your partner. You will have a sense of mutual understanding with your spouse. There are some arguments and clashes between you both, though you have to handle it with patience and try to impress them. Some of the natives will gain interest in spiritual studies and religious concepts at this duration. This would be the perfect time to buy a car or property; you will be successful in it. You have to take proper precautions regarding your health. Your mother's health is going to be perfect; any past problem in her health will tend to heal during this period. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Gemini

This transit will bring a positive impact in the lives of the Gemini natives, the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Gemini will host the position of the planet. There as, your fourth house represents one's well-being and happiness. There is a sign of gaining inheritance to some of your ancestral properties, and you will also gain good profits through these properties or assets. The powerful Mercury and sun being in the same house will bring luck in your life, and you will reap the fruits of benefits during this time. Natives who are not living with their parents will get to meet them, and you will show love and care towards your parents. You will also get some quality time to spend with them. You will have good terms with your siblings and relatives. Your relationship will gain momentum, and you will spend some memorable time with your partner. Working officials will get into the path of success, though they have to stay away from office politics or else your opponents would try to ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Cancer 

It is the third house of your zodiac sign will host the transition period of Mercury. Your third house is also known as Parakram Sthan. The transit of Mercury in your house will increase your energy, give you a positive mind and brings good luck in the field of work. The combination of Mercury and Sun will bring a favourable impact on your house by enhancing your confidence, patience, communication skills, and intellect. You will feel powerful during this time, and you will have absolute clarity in your thoughts and ideas, people will tend to get attracted by you, and you will be able to accomplish every task with perfection. Working officials will enjoy the benefits of this transit, some of you will get promoted, which would bring you out of stress. Though you may get overconfident sometimes due to your short temper you will get involved in arguments, so keep calm and don't engage yourself in such problems which will ruin your good image. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and other sources. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Leo 

The Mercury transit is going to take place in the second house of the individuals, and the conjunctions of Mercury and Sun will bring a positive impact over your sign, Leo. You will get some good news during this time, Leo natives involved in business fields will gain enormous profits through different sources, and you will also have a good chance to receive profits through ancestral property or past investments. This profit might help you to clear out your debts. You will have a good sense of humour, and your communication skill will help you make new friends. Natives who are involved in the field of media, law, or sales professionals will earn huge benefits. Students preparing for competitive exams have to focus on their studies, which is the only way to score good results. Your love life will be standing, and you will spend a happy time with your family. Apart from that, your parents will have a blissful time with you. The working official has to stay away from office politics. The natives will have a perfect health condition.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Virgo 

The transition of Mercury will occur in your own sign, thus creating a Budh Aditya Yoga formation. The Mercury and Sun will collaborate, and both their positioning will be in your first house, which is your ascendant house. The natives will be fortunate during this time period. Your superiors will highly support and respect you for your dedication and hard work. You will be praised, and everyone will be impressed by your timing. Stay alert from your rivals; they will give their best to ruin your image. There is a family trip on your card, you will spend some blissful time with your family at this duration, your partner will support you, and both of you will develop a sense of mutual understanding, which will reduce your clashes and arguments. Health-wise, you are recommended to do regular exercise or yoga in order to keep yourself fit and fine. Maintaining your health will also be beneficial for you as it would ease up your mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Libra

The planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, along with that sun will take the same position, and their conjunction will show ups and downs in your life. The natives have to work really hard in every field to attain success. The working people will have to take certain responsibilities, which would increase your work pressure and put you in stress. Don't worry and you must take this as a test and give your best to complete your tasks responsibly. The natives will witness an increase in expenses, so you are advised to have control over your daily expenditure and prevent your overspending. The Libra native will spend some memorable time with their family, and your spouse will be very supportive with you during this time. Your health will remain stable. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Scorpio

The impact of the transit will give favourable results to the Scorpio natives. During the transit the Planet Mercury will change its position and will shift towards your eleventh house, your eleventh house is also known as the Labh Ghar or the house of profits in Vedic Astrology. So the combination of Sun and Mercury will improve your financial condition, there are chances of financial gain through different sources. Natives having problems with their overspending habit will finally get a way to stop it. You will finally get some saving schemes which will help you in the long term. Apart from that, you are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health, any ignorance in terms of health will put you at risk. Stay away from fast food and maintain a proper diet. There are several personal and professional trips on your card. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Sagittarius 

The Sagittarius natives will host the position of Mercury in their tenth house, where the house is also known as Karyakhetra or working house in Vedic Astrology. The natives will enjoy the benefits during this transitory period. Working natives will go excessively good in respective fields, and you will be praised by your staff for your brilliant work. You will also have a chance of getting an increment or a promotion. Native who are deciding to change their job will get total success. Your family front will remain happy, and your siblings will also maintain good relations with you. Your partner may shower you will love and support you in every difficult situation. Your health will remain stable, though a checkup will help you in preventing problems for the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury changes its position during the transitory period, and your ninth house hosts the transition. Your ninth house represents one's confidence and enthusiasm. The natives will get the favour of luck and support during this duration. After this transit, the natives will notice an increase in one's intelligence and memory power and which will help you attain success in different aspects of life. Working natives will get to use their luck in the work front, initially gaining success. This is the best time to confront your feelings to your loved ones. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aquarius

The transition of the Planet Mercury will take place in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, which would have both positive and negative impact on the lives of individuals. Your disputes with your father or any elder will finally have closure, and you will spend the duration in harmony, you will get to spend some blissfully time with your family. Natives in relationships will get a chance to convert their love into marriage, though they will face certain difficulties in doing so. However, you will find a way to clear every arising dispute; just don't lose patience. There are high chances of gaining through some unexpected sources during this transit. Your friends and family will give you full support at every step of your life. Married couples will get great chances to get closer to each other. Your health will remain good, though doing some physical activity like playing sports or doing exercise is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Pisces 

The transition of planet Mercury will take place in the third house of a zodiac sign. The Pisces natives will not enjoy the transit, as there will not be any favourable outcomes. They will have to go through some stressful things like bad health, loss in business, disputes etc. Your health will be affected by the change in the climate. You are recommended to take proper healthcare during this transit. Natives who are in the field of jobs will remain safe from their rivals. Natives who are planning to change their jobs are advised to wait for some more time as this time might be a little crucial for them. Single natives trying to get married should remain careful as their rivals will try to ruin their image. Married natives will spend this time will no particular issue, though you need to give proper attention to your partner and sending more time will help you know each other better.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Libra
05 Nov,2027
25 Nov,2027

The transit of the planet Mercury has a significant effect on your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the strongest planet and is also referred to as the messenger of God, famed for its logic, along with enormous skills and swiftness. Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, and Venus is the ruling planet for Libra. Thus Libra being a moon sign and signifies by air creates a purification to the speech of the natives due to this transit. It helps in improving your communication skills which would attract people and would be beneficial for you. It increases your creative abilities and gives you a mature mindset. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aries

The transit of the planet Mercury will not be in your favour. During the transit the Planet Mercury will be posited in your seventh house, the seventh house of your Zodiac sign is the house of your marital life. Determination of one's partnership in various fields of life is very important in terms of astrology. Though the transition period is not going to favour the Aries natives, they might face some serious health issues. If you don't take proper care, you might get some severe disease mainly related to your skin, and you should surely consult a specialist for the skin. Working professionals might get some stress related to work, and any kind if the effort is going to be a waste, so the natives are advised to spend some time to relax rather than taking stress. They can give some time to do something they love like their hobbies, so they could feel lighter and energetic again. Native's marital life will also be a little stress, you would get annoyed, and there will be many misunderstandings which would make you upset. So talk to your partner properly and try to sort it out simply rather than making a fuss out of it. This unfavorable transit will bring distraction in your economic life as well, and you will get into a quarrel with your family members also. You have to take proper care at your expenses, or else your expenses might get overburden. Try to save during this period of time. Trips are there on the cards of business natives, though they would not earn enough profits. Have patience and don't lose hope, after the transit ends you will be back in your normal life.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Taurus 

The planet Mercury has a very friendly term with Libras ruling planet Venus, while its transit the planet is put towards the sixth house of you zodiac sign Taurus which will be favourable for them. Students working hard for their studies will definitely get good results at the end. You will notice a certain improvement in your way of speaking, you will be easily communicating with people, and everyone will be impressed by your logic and humour. Natives competing in debates will surely attain success. You will be interested in literature and in reading various books, novels, magazines, etc. You will defeat every opponent standing against you, your confidence will break all the obstacles, and your performance will gradually increase. People of this zodiac sign, who are influenced by the bull, will be very successful in the field of writing and gain enormous fame. Even, they are a centre of attraction in social media and will influence many people due to your communication skills. There are many trips on your card with your lover, you will be able to spend a memorable time with your lover, and your relationship will prosper during this transit. Married natives would also enjoy the same advantages and will be one step closer to each other and create a better understanding.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Gemini 

The Mercury transit will be posited in your fifth house, which is known as the house of progeny, it signifies your children, education and knowledge. This transit will be favourable for the Gemini natives; your relation with your family will get stronger. spend more time with the younger members of your family. You will get to have a happy family trip or picnic during this duration. Your will be filled with joy and happiness, And you will spend a memorable time with your family and get closer to them. If your mom's health was at a decline from a long time, this transit would improve your mom's condition too, and she will be in good health by now. Student natives with the zodiac sign Gemini will gain interest in learning new things, they may specifically try to get involved in the field of religion and spiritual subjects and spend more time in learning religion and scriptures. You will also feel for someone of your opposite gender; both of you will have a memorable time and will enjoy each other's company. However, this relationship would be a temporary one. People trying for a baby might have a chance of getting a twin. In an overall basis, this transit is going to be very precious and memorable for the Geminis.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Leo

The planet Mercury during its transit will be positioned in the third house of the Leo natives, the house of courage and valour. You will notice a particular change in your speaking, and you will be able to communicate fluently with others. On the other hand, people would understand you better. Your relation with your family will remain as it was, on the other hand, you might have some quarrels with your siblings, so take care of that and try to solve it out with the help of your family. You will lose interest in your ambitions and might feel lazy, because of this you will be financially weak too. Though your friend circle will increase and you will enjoy more with your friends. You might feel physically and mentally weak, maybe because of over thinking, so calm yourself down don't think too much, to have a peaceful mind you can do pranayam or yoga and get yourself back.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Virgo 

The second house of the zodiac sign Virgo signifies one's money, wealth, speech, etc. which in accordance with the 'Kalpurush Kundli'. The transit of Mercury takes over this house and may affect the natives in a positive way. You will have a good connection with your family, and they will understand your good intentions and hard work you do for them, you will be successful in impressing them by your speeches and mindset. You will have delicious dishes at home, which would keep you fit and healthy. Apart from your family, your communication skills will also attract everyone at your workplace, they will start respecting you, and you will have a good image in front of them. If you have some juniors working underneath you, motivate them and help them out with everything related to work. This would increase their affection towards you and will respect your more, and you will surely notice an increase in their work pace. People in the field of business will get profits from their schemes and ideas. Students preparing for the competitive exam will get success from their hard work during this period of time.

Impact of Transit of Mercury in Libra on Libra 

According to the 'Kalpurush Kundli,' the transit will take place in your own house, and the planet Mercury which signifies speech and intellect will be posited in your first house which is your ascendant house. The first house of your zodiac sign Libra signifies health, nature, and knowledge. The planet Mercury is known as the strongest planet, and a friend of Venus would leave a positive impact on your personality and in the aspect of life. Though you should take proper care of your health at this time, regular exercise and yoga will keep your health balanced and mind peaceful. You get excellent results in your professional field, your hard work will pay off, and you will perform better at your workplace. Libra native involved in the fields of business will earn huge profits. Apart from that, new starters are recommended to take care of their expenses and or else they might face over budget. Your overall expenses would be stable though due to some expenses might incur due to the health problems of your family member. Students native have to take some serious decisions regarding their future, and they should take advice from their family members as well before taking any final decision. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Scorpio

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet, and the transit it leaves a significant impact over the natives of Zodiac sign Scorpio. During its transit, the planet is posited in your twelfth house. Your twelfth house, according to the Kalpurush Kundali, is known as the house of expenditure. The impact of Mercury transit on your Sign will not be favourable for you. You should take care of your expenses, have a proper account of your spending and spending too much on daily life itineraries would lead to over budgeting. You should make a proper budget plan in order to be successful in getting control of your spending. Students may get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies will get a chance to fulfill their ambitions. Scorpio natives working in the field of business would get a chance to go on trips, though they won't feel good about it and would be annoyed with the trip. Stay alert as your opponents they will try to put obstacles to distract you, take proper precautions. This transit will affect you negatively; your health might deteriorate. You should take proper care of your health, especially your mental health, this duration will give you excess stress which will also lead to appetite loss. Students have to do hard work, intact they might ignore their studies right now. People who are married should maintain a good relationship with their spouse and try to understand their sentiments. If you don't give proper attention to your spouse, it might lead to quarrels and conflict between you both. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Sagittarius

The Mercury is the strongest planet and having friendly relation with Venus; it leaves a very important impact in your Zodiac sign. During the transition of Mercury In Libra on your Sign, the planet shifts its position to the eleventh house, which implies the house of profits. This means that this transit will prove favourable for the Sagittarius natives. There are huge chances of getting your money from someone you have lent to, and it would save from a huge debt issue. Natives planning for something big can execute during this duration and earn huge profits. You will open new doors of happiness with your family, and your relatives will be very helpful during this time and help you in gaining profits which will increase your financial condition. During this transit natives in the profession of the job will enjoy benefits like getting help from their colleagues and have a good time hanging out with their friends. Couples who have recently got married will enjoy an amazing time with each other and get closer to on other too, there is a huge possibility that they might be blessed with a baby and their relationship will loyal with each other. Student natives can enjoy this duration rather than taking stress in their studies if necessary, taking help from seniors will solve their issues.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Capricorn 

The impact of Mercury would get the natives charged, keep them energetic and enthusiastic. The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in their tenth house of the Zodiac Sign Capricorn, which signifies the house of work. The tenth house is also known as the house of Karma Bhava, which may be the reason for your increase in energy and excitement during this period of time. Natives associated in the professional field will be receiving amusing results of their hard work, and they will be praised at their workplace because of completing their task before time. The natives might get increments in their salary too. Apart from that person with the business profession, there are possibilities that you will earn good profits during this duration of time. You will surely defeat your enemies. Your logic and humor will prove to be very impactful on others, including your opponents. You will be the hero of your family you will be able to understand and solve everyone's problems and will create a good image in front of everyone. The love life of the natives will be very favourable too, they will get to hang out with each other, and during this time they will get to know each other, and everything they do will attract you towards them. On the other hand, the student natives are required to take more care of their health rather than putting mental pressure on their studies. As we know, a healthy mind keeps a body fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aquarius 

The Mercury transition taking place on Aquarius will leave an impactful effect on the Sign, the planet will be posited in their ninth house of the Aquarius natives, and as per the Kalpurush Kundli, the ninth house signifies one's religious, luck and fortune. Though, due to this transit, you may have to face difficulties and obstructions in your life. You have to give your level best performance to achieve good results. The natives will earn profit in terms of financial fields, though there will an increase in their expenditures for some reasons. There are trips on your card, and it is recommended to avoid them for a little bit or postponed your trip unless there is a case of emergency. Your family life will also stay on the decline in terms of relation; you will get into quarrels because of your pride and conflicts with your siblings are also possible. Apart from that, your love life will remain balanced. It would be very beneficial for the student natives to keep a distance from their friends as they would distract you from your studies. Other than that your hard work will prove to be good during this transit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Pisces 

During the planetary movement the planet Mercury will make its transit in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, your eight houses which are also known as the Ayu Bhava signifies longevity. You will receive favourable results due to the transit. You will notice an improvement in the field of finance, the natives will get chance to pay off their debts and free from any stress, and they will be left with some money for future savings too. The natives working as professionals, will get praised and known for their wit, and honest work, along with those natives who wish to change jobs will be successful in getting a new one. People in the field of business should not haste and make a mistake; rather, they should consult someone experienced and then implement their ideas. You mothers health will be at stake, so natives are serious about your mother health take her to a doctor before anything serious happens. 

Due to the impact of Mercury transit, the natives will have interest in studying mysterious science subjects like astrology, mythology, etc. You will create a good image in your social life people will tend to follow your thought and get your advice during this time period.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Scorpio
26 Nov,2027
14 Dec,2027

The influence of Mercury in Scorpio increase you focus towards all resources. Mercury is a dualistic planet and transit of Mercury in Scorpio will increase your thinking capability, strengthen your intellect and boosts up your confidence. You will be able to compete with every challenge in your life and overpower them. Scorpio sign is represented as the warrior of the zodiac. So natives with this sign will always have to think their way out instead of worrying about it if you are getting tensed about each and every task than you will suffer. Make your own choice, choose your own path, whether it is worrying or thinking. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aries 

The transit of Mercury will influence due to its change in position, and the planet will be posited in the eighth house of your Zodiac sign Aries. According to the Kundali, the eight houses is represented as the significator of life and expectancy and enlightenment. There will be many changes faced by the natives have to face during this time. However, your economic condition will improve during this period. You will gain profits, and different doors of monetary resources will be open for you. People who are planning to take any loan will be successful at this time. Working officials will have to face some challenges, apart from that they have to be patient or else hasting at any point will put you in stress. You will develop an interest in learning spiritual subjects, and your thoughts and ideas will ache accordingly. Natives who have set one's cap for PhD degree will get favourable results. You siblings will go through a tough time during this time, and you will have to help them out and solve their problems. There are several trips on your card, though you be careful at the time of self-driving. Your health condition will be down, so you are required to maintain your diet and do physical activities. Your spouse will also have a source of earning, which will ease things up and will be handy for you too. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Taurus

The transit of evolutionary Mercury will take place in the seventh house of your zodiac sign Taurus. Your seventh house is signified as the house of marital life, partner and business partners. The impact of Mercury transit is going to give good results for the married natives; they will respect each other and have a term of mutual understanding. People in relationships will spend a beautiful time and carry out romantic conversations, and this time will strengthen your relationship. Even, some of you will propose to your partner for marriage, and some problems may arise still you will be finding out away. One's in the field of work will get benefits through this transit, new opportunities will arise for you during this time. Natives looking for a new job will be successful. You will also gain extreme profits in the field of business; even your partnership business will prosper. You would always be at peace and witness harmony in your family, and children of this zodiac sign will stay healthy and happy. However, you have to take care of your expenses there are chances of an increase in your expenditure. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Scorpio on Gemini 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in the sixth house if your zodiac sign, which is represented as the house of the enemy according to the field of astrology. This time would be very difficult for the Gemini natives. You have to be careful about many things like your enemies, pain, job, competition, health, and even your marriage. Natives might have to face some challenges regarding your health, ignoring your health conditions may give you a negative impact at this time. If you are doing a job, you will be challenged by your rivals, and they will give their best to defeat you and dominate you. You are recommended to stay away from illegal activities to keep yourself and your family. You will meet your in-laws, and their bits of advice would be helpful for you. You will also face an increase in your expenses, and you will have to face many obstacles, though hard work and honesty will help you out to survive this duration.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Cancer 

During this period of transit, the planet will change its position and will be positioned in the powerful fifth house of your Zodiac sign, and your fifth house is a significantly important of your family and children's well-being. You will get new opportunities in the field of education, your children's creative talents, and even your relationship will be prosperous. Students will get to fulfil their wish in higher studies, and this is the best time to show one's ability. Most of you will also get the chance to shift to abroad to continue your studies and sharpen your talents. Natives who are in love will have to face some clashes and arguments with their beloved for small reasons, though you will sort it out with patience and understanding. Some of you will have the chance to express your feeling to your loved ones and get good results. You will face some problems in your marital life due to which misunderstandings will arise. However, your spouse will enjoy some benefits during this transit. You will have an amazing communication skill which will help you earn respect and trust in your society. Your intelligence will help you in taking some tuff decisions which will give you certain benefits in future. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Leo

The transit of the dualistic planet Mercury will show its impact on the fourth house of your zodiac sign, thus influencing your happiness. On the other hand, the transit will have an impactful effect on your luxury, emotions, and property-related things. You will witness several benefits due to this transit. There will be an inflow of happiness and harmony in your life. You will stay motivated; your family will support you in every aspect of life. The Leo natives will spend some quality time with their family members. In terms of property, issues will get resolved during this period. This is also the best time to buy a new house or vehicle for the Leo natives. You mother will get favors of this transit, you will receive her blessings, and her health is going to be perfect at this time. The natives working as hired men will do excellent in their work field; their hard work and dedication will be the reason for their success. Your increase in knowledge will help you attain a better position in society, and you will also make new contact with some of the reputed members of society. You will have excellent health, though stay away from fast food and take proper precaution, and the polluted area may be the reason for your skin disease. So, keep your surroundings clean. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Virgo 

Due to the transition, you will notice a change in your aspect of life. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet Mercury will be posted in the third house of your zodiac sign Virgo. The third house represents various exposures to your life; it brings a change in your courage, will power, passion, confidence and gives you the energy to improve your knowledge, makes you more enthusiastic. Along with that, there is zeal in one's Kundali, which gets enlightened during the transit. The transition will make you more conscious and serious in your behaviour, and you will be more passionate about your tasks. Your thoughts and ideas will impress everyone around you, though your way of communication may hurt someone's intentions, so you are advised to control your speeches. Your short-tempered nature will be the reason for fights and arguments at some point. You are advised to handle things calmly and smartly. You will get the opportunity to get a new job, and you will be surely successful in it. The natives will be successful in helping out their friends and family, though clashes are possible between you and your family. New members will be added in your social circle, and they will tend to continue this friendship for the long term. Apart from that, natives will earn respect in the society due to their partner's success. There are short trips on your card through you need to be cautious during the travelling. Your siblings will behave maturely, and their success will make you happy, and you will also help them out at any cost. Your health would be totally fine at this time, though you are advised to do physical activities and stay fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Libra 

The strongest planet Mercury will make its transit into the second house of your Zodiac sign, Libra. The transition of the planet will influence your family, improve your communication skills, and focus on one's primary education and monetary resource. The impact of the transit will give favourable results for the Libra natives. You will notice a gradual increase in your economic condition. You will gain money through different sources, even though a foreign source. There are high possibilities of returns from investments and domestic sources also. The natives will be able to repay their loans and debts through these profits. Even, if you are waiting for loan approval, this time you may get a piece of good news. During this transition, you will spend more, so keep a tab on your expenses and having a little control over your spending will balance your budget. This duration will give you fruitful results and your good communication skills will create a good image in front of others. Apart from that, you will earn maximum profits due to your chosen personality, and people will tend to trust you more. The partner of the Libra natives will have bad health, so take them for a checkup and cooperate with them. Working professionals will get the taste of success due to their dedication and hard work. Though your opponents won't leave a single chance to ruin your image, it's better to keep a distance from them. Your family members will be proud of your excellence in different fields, and you will spend a peaceful and happy time with them. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Scorpio

The transition of the planet Mercury will be taking place in your own house, so during the transit, the planet will change its direction and will be posited in the first house which is your ascendant house. The Scorpion natives have to face certain challenges during this transit, as their first house is known as the house of self. There will be some changes which will give a negative impact on one's attitude. Your health will be down during this transition period, and even you may suffer from skin problems. So, it is significantly urgent to take necessary care of your health, doing proper workout and keeping yourself and your surrounding clean would be beneficial for your health. Your mental health would stay on the decline too. You will tend to gain your interest in increasing your financial condition, and you would get total success. You will attain good results through hard work and dedication. Your advice to keep yourself calm, or sake debates and arguments may arise between you and your siblings and friends. Your social circle will value you more, and you will make new and trustworthy friends. The natives will be able to fulfil their awaited desires. Your opponent won't stand a chance in front of you. Seniors and colleagues will respect you for maintaining decorum in the office culture. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Sagittarius 

The twelfth house of Sagittarius will host the transition of the planet Mercury, where the twelfth house represents expenditure and income. In the field of astrology, the planet has an impact over your different aspects of life like expenses, salvation, foreign trips, family and others. You will notice a good amount of growth in your expenses. You will find innovative techniques to earn profits, though you need to spend smartly and save for investment. You have to stay alert from frauds; don't trust anyone at this time, trusting on someone may result in huge losses. People applying for a loan may get favourable results. There is a foreign trio on your card, which will be beneficial for your business. This trip will give you good profits. You need to be quite careful, or else you may get into a controversy. Your rivals will do anything to ruin your image so stay secured from them and strategize your plans to defeat them at every point. Ignoring your health issues may give birth to worse disease. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Capricorn

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, along with that; it is also the strongest planet. At the time of transition, the position of the planet remains in the eleventh house of your zodiac sign. The eleventh house of the Capricorn natives implies one's income, success, social circle, siblings, and others. The natives will enjoy several benefits during this transit. You will get rewarded for your success and hard work, resulting in an increase in your desires to achieve your goals. You will face some challenges in different fields, though you will procure your position and defeat each and every obstacle in your life. In terms of your financial condition, you will succeed enormously, and several doors of monetary resources will come to you, and serve you extreme benefits. You will also get an advantage through your property. Your siblings will also get the chance to taste success which would also prove beneficial for you. Your marital life will be full of joy, and couples with a kid will witness their talents. Natives with the job will earn respect through their wisdom and honesty in completing their tasks.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aquarius

The transit of Mercury will be very impactful on Aquarius. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and moves towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. Where the tenth house represents various factors of life like one's career, family's situation, respect, politics and one goal in life, apart from that it is also known as the house of karma and profession. The natives will witness several ups and downs in their lives. The working professionals have to face some challenges, though their sharp intellect and reasoning abilities will help them to get out such tuff situations. Natives applying for a new job have to keep patience and try harder. However, you will not get favourable outcomes at your workplace and get frustrated. Though don't lose your hopes and try to stand up and fight back. Your beloved will try to impress you and their affectionate love will strengthen your relationship. Natives who are involved in politics will not get good results, though you should keep trying. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Pisces

The planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transition and it shifts into your ninth house. The ninth house during the transition influences one's fate, guru, religion, travel, life decisions and financial condition. The Pisces natives will enjoy the benefits during this transit, especially the student natives, will score good marks in their studies, and their mentors will actively participate in helping them. There are family trips on your card. Your partner's achievement will be the reason for your name, fame and respect in society. One's involved in the business will earn profits through different economic sources. Performing religious activities and social services will give you mental satisfaction. You will also earn profits in partnership business. The natives will get more inclined in art and literature; some of them will choose writing as their profession too. You may also plan for a business trip or get a chance to shift to abroad for your higher studies. Your mother's health might get worse if ignored so do proper medication. Don't forget about your health, so de regular yoga or try to get involved in physical activities.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Sagittarius
15 Dec,2027
01 Jan,2028

The transition of the Planet Mercury can be very impactful over your sign. Due to the transit, the planet changes its position and moves to different house cause a change in your communication skills, preaching, educational activities, and intellectual thoughts. It also affects your financial condition by causing a difference in your business, accounting marketing, etc. The planet also influences the relation between your parents, lover, siblings and others. The Sagittarius signifies higher learning, philosophy, religion, teaching, Gurus, fathers teaching, travelling to long distances, etc. When Mercury is positioned in Sagittarius, it affects mainly the accounting and finance fields, higher learning, profits from publishing books, and it is also the best time for astrologers and Gurus. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Aries 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet; during the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards your ninth house, which is the house of one's fate and fortune. The impact of this transition affects one's luck, religion and relation with father. This period can be quite challenging for the natives; you will go through a lot of mental stress and tension because your tasks may not give good results. On the other hand, your family members will help you and support in every bad situation. Natives have to work really hard to get through this. Sitting at home and doing nothing would not help you; instead, you have to work really hard and take serious decisions about your future to make your dreams possible. Your karma is going to hit you back, so take precaution and don't interfere in anyone life. Not only your family but your friends will also stand by your side, and they will help you out with every problem you are dealing with and try to solve them together. Students natives will enjoy the advantages of this time; your hard work and dedication will give you better results in the field of education. You should take proper medications if necessary. If you are unable to handle your economic condition, then taking a loan from the bank would be a great idea. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Taurus

The transit of Mercury in your house will improve in the lives of natives having the zodiac sign Taurus. During the transitory period, the planet will be posited in your eight houses which are represented as the Ayu Bhagya or longevity of your Kundali. You will get to hear good news, and even the Married people will have a new member in the family during this time period. As the impact of this transition would be favourable for you, thus there will peace and harmony between your family member. They will tend to understand your feelings better, and you will stay motivated throughout time. You will be able to help out your family member too, especially the younger member in terms of finance. People in a relationship or married will go for some shopping or buying new clothes with their beloved. You will notice an increase in your social friends who will enjoy your company and have a memorable time with you. You will gain motivation by doing good deeds like donating in a charity and helping your friends give then valuable advice. There are chances of making a mistake in business and incurring losses, though this will not affect you much; instead, you will learn from those mistakes and more confident that you won't repeat it in future. Every Taurus native is advised to maintain a proper diet and do regular exercise to stay fit and healthy. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Gemini

The Planet Mercury is the dearest friend of Venus, and during the transition, Mercury shifts towards the house of partnership which is the seventh house of your zodiac sign. This house helps to know better about your spouse or partner and have a better understanding of life. People having a business partnership should avoid any quarrel or argument, because if you try to pressurize your partner in making your point, it would be problematic for you in future. You need to calmly share your ideas and views and make your partners understand in the right way. You will lack confidence because you will be worried about your future. The married natives are advised to remain totally understanding towards their spouse, listen to them and spend time with them. Working professionals will earn respect and good results due to their hardworking and honesty; even there are opportunities for some of you to get promoted. The most important thing every Gemini native should care about is, you have to do everything patiently, and you will get good results from it. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Cancer 

The transition of Mercury will give a favourable impact on the Cancer Natives. During the transit, the planet will change its position and will shirts towards the third house of your Zodiac sign Cancer. This transition would rather be very auspicious for the natives. If you are professional, then you will be highly praised for your efforts and working techniques, even you will be successful in doing every task with ease. You will feel mentally strong, and you would easily go through the problems which may arise during this duration, and even at the toughest times, your confidence won't break. Natives looking for a job change, this is the best time, and you will be surely successful in getting a new job. You would soon notice a significant improvement in your communication skills due to which people will tend to listen to you and understand your point of views, and your sweetened tone will attract them and thus help you in getting a good image in the social circle. You may also get in contact will some of the reputed members of the society. If you are fighting for any kind of legal case, the decisions will be in your favour during this duration of time. Your expense will soon increase, though you don't have to worry much about it. Having a little control over your spending would sort it out. Married natives will get a chance to go on a trip more like a vacation and spend a memorable time with their spouse. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Leo 

The transition brings a favourable impact over the Leo natives. During the transitory period, the planet is posited into the fifth house which is also represented as the house of progeny. Knowledge of your children is determined by the house. Leo natives will notice a change in their intellect. You will try to significantly improve and do better in your mental ability and will gain more interest in learning new subjects. Natives who are interested in the field of art will be able to attract many people by their creativity and talent. You will gain interest in spiritual learning, and you may also choose this as your subject. Natives will also enjoy debating and discussing their new ideas and point of views during this duration of time. You will get a little short-tempered in dealing with your life partner, though you will certainly pull it down fast and try to make your partner feel good. Students will enjoy extreme favours if this transit, their hardworking and dedication will prove to be beneficial, and they will get full support from their teachers and mentors. If you are studying in the field of mathematics, you will surely get good results and make your parents proud. Apart from that take proper precaution for your health, some skin allergies might cause due to polluted air. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Virgo 

The impact of the transit of planet Mercury would be very beneficial for the Virgo natives. During the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Virgo. The fourth house represents mother and happiness. You will reap the fruits of hard work you did in the past. This time is very lucky for buying a new home. You will be very busy due to some guests arrived at your home. There are many more possibilities of getting great news in various fields of life. You need to handle things between you and your spouse very calmly; otherwise, it may give birth to some clashes and disputes. However, you will be successful in every field of life and solve your problem with ease. Natives have work profession mist complete their work in time and full dedication. Also, you are recommended to do proper exercise or yoga and maintain a healthy diet. Apart from that, you will get the maximum benefit of this transit period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Libra 

The transit period is going to be very challenging for the Libra natives. As the dualistic Planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the third house of your zodiac sign during the transitory period. The third house is referred to as the house of courage and Valor. During this challenging period, you will have to take some serious decisions in your life and if you make any mistake in taking any decisions in terms of your family, this would bring your family apart. Though you just need to be down to earth and accept every mistake you made in front of your family. You opponents will try each and every way possible in order to destroy your image or status, though you will be handling each and every situation very calmly and smartly. You will need to control your wishes and focus on your work in order to attain success in the work fields. You will have to handle each and everything yourself, as we all know, god help those people who are kind and honest. Short-distance trips are there on your card which will refresh your mind. Apart from that your health will be good except your mind, your mental health will be a little disturbed. Keeping yourself fit and fine would be the best way to stay healthy and out of stress. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Scorpio 

The transit would leave a favourable impact on the Scorpio natives. The planet Mercury will change its position and move towards the second house of your Zodiac sign Scorpio and this transit will sort out many problems for you, and you will also get good results of your deeds. People in the field of business will gain enormous wealth through great deals; you will be successful in the economic field. There are chances of getting profits through ancestral properties. Your communication skills will improve, and you will notice a change in your way of speaking, though you need to understand that it is the best time to speak otherwise stay calm in such a situation. You will gain a good image because if your honest work and good deed, you will prosper good image in front of the society. Your health must be seriously taken care of, and you must keep yourself and your surroundings clean. Or else skin related disease can cause huge problems. Scorpion natives studying as students must focus on their studies to get good results in competitive exams. Try to consume a balanced diet and nutritious food. Along with regular exercise or yoga, will keep you mentally and physically fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Sagittarius 

This transit is going to be very impactful on your sign as the transition is taking place in your own songs. During the transition as the planet will be posted in your ascendent house, which according to the Kalpurush Kundali determines one's own health, body, intellect or enlightenment. People involved in the field of business can witness financial loss whose opponents may be the reason, so you need to stay alert from your opponents. Due to financial loss, you might face problems in your families too. However, your friends or relatives would be there to help and support your mentally and financially. You may also have some arguments or clashes with your life partner; however, you will sort it out with your sweet words and end up in peace and harmony in your marital life. Try to be careful with your words in order to stay safe from your colleagues, or you will end in an argument or dispute with your colleagues. Married wives having this sign will appease their husbands with delicious food and have a happy married life. 

Transit of Mercury in Sagittarius on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make it's transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your Zodiac sign. This transit will bring a favourable impact in your life and your communication skills will find a way to touch people's hearts. You will attract your friends and family by your ideas and thoughts. Working professionals will gain respect and they will complete tasks in time. You will gain excess profits and your hardwork will prove to be very beneficial. Student natives working hard for  competitive exams will get good results. Your social circle will increase, people will tend to trust you and have faith in you. Though you need to keep control over your speeches or else it might turn into an argument. You also need to take proper precautions in terms of your health. Regular exercise or yoga would be very beneficial for your health and mental stability. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Aquarius 

The Aquarius natives will gain extreme favour due to this transit. The planet will make its transition and will be posited in your eleventh house, which is represented as your house of income and expenditure. During this transit, you will gain excess profits, and you will be able to clear out all the debts and money rat problems. Gaining profits will improve your financial condition. You will create a good image firing of your family, and you will also get an amazing chance to spend a memorable time with your partner and children as well. You will get to make new friends and actively take part in social activities too, which would help your expand your friend circle. Your increase in knowledge and intelligence will open new doors of profits in your life. Most of you who are in love will gift a beautiful present to your partner expressing your feeling to them; it is the best time to propose and ask for their hand for marriage. Amidst all this, if you still feel like you have not done good deeds than you need to review them again. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Pisces 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in your tenth house, which represents the house of Profession and career, due to this transit, your self-confidence will immensely improve. Your logical perspective will improve, which will help you defeat your opponents. This transit will make your personality strong due to which your enemies will fear from you and decide not to bother you in any way. Natives will easily complete their pending tasks and earn respect in their fields. Your family life will be smooth and peaceful. You will get a chance to spend more time with your life partner and get closer to them, and this time will be very memorable for both of you, which will create mutual understanding between you both. There are chances of shopping on your card, and most probably you will reap the fruits of hard work and give a boost to your career. Your intelligence will be boosted; you will be able to help out your classmates and put your views and points clearly. Your talents will be praised socially, and you can turn these talents into the direction of success.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Capricorn
26 Dec,2028
17 Jan,2029

The transit of Mercury into Capricorn plays a very significant role in the life of their natives. When the Mercury is in Capricorn, it makes the mind of the native think in a very well organized manner, and they also keep their focus on they want to achieve, and it is challenging to distract them from completing their tasks. The Capricorn natives during this transit will always be practical and focus on their business. Their way of communication will always be practical and logical. They will always have some relevance in their conversation, and thus, the transit of Mercury will have a very influential impact in the lives of Capricorns related to their business, career, education, love and marriage life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aries

The powerful Mercury that is the Lord of your third and sixth houses, during the transit, its position moves towards your tenth house. The tenth house of your Kundali implies your livelihood, karma and fame. With the impact of Mercury in your tenth house, during this time, you will do exceptionally well in your office or workplace, which would be all because of your hard work and intelligence. Your bosses and seniors will praise you, and even your colleagues would unexpectedly appreciate your work. People doing business have the best time to give a start to their new ideas, or they will get excessive chances to expand their business. You will have an excellent and happy relationship with your family. You will have a peaceful family life. You siblings will be there to support you in most of your things, which also be very beneficial for your work. Your communication skill will attract many people who might be useful. You need to avoid being overconfident. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Taurus

Mercury that is popularly known as the Lord of the second and the fifth houses of their zodiac sign Capricorn. During the transition, the planet moves towards the ninth house of their zodiac sign. The ninth house implies the house of wealth, fame and respect. Due to the effect of Mercury transition in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, you will notice an improvement in relation with your father. You will witness a significant gain in your financial condition and strong support from your family, especially your father. You will be able to establish a beautiful relation with your beloved and have a very happy marital life. Your communication with your partner will be flawless. You will always lookout for ways to stay together and spend a memorable time. You will gain excess fame in your social group and would be very profitable for you. There are some tips on your card, which would bring some benefit to improve your financial condition. Student natives will get a good result for their hard work in their higher studies. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Gemini

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the fourth house of your zodiac sign. During its transit into Capricorn, it is posited towards their eight houses. Due to the transit, it shows a rise in your physical challenges, and you must be careful about your health. On the other hand, the transit will help you in improving your financial condition. If you are facing any sort of financial issues, during this time, you will get rid of it. Natives connected with Dharma Karma and other religious things are going to get good results. People of this zodiac sign receiving Mantra Deeksha will witness great results. 

This transit is going to prove very beneficial for the Geminis, they will get excellent results working in the field of research, and their main focus will be in studying about spiritual activities in depth. You would get to notice a slight improvement in your communication skills. There are chances of gaining profits economically. However, you have to be careful about your speech since you may get aggressive or arrogant. You might face some difficulties at your workplace, though a little hard work and sincerity will work it out. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Cancer

Mercury is often referred to as the Lord of the third and twelfth houses for Cancerians. During the transition, the planet shifts towards the seventh house of your Kundali. The seventh house signifies a long-term partnership and a successful business. Natives during this transition will gain excess profit in terms of their work or business. There are more chances of profit from telecommunication resources. Natives doing business will be able to receive total success in expanding their business, especially through social media and marketing. In fact, natives working with multinational companies would also be able to get amusing results. In terms of the partnership, the transit would increase mutual understanding with your life partner. Avoid any outsider to interfere in your personal life or else that might raise an issue. Relation with your sibling will also improve, and you will get proper help and support from their side. You will find trustworthy friends, which would make you mentally strong, and you will able to make a decision and attain total success.

Effect of Mercury transit in Capricorn on Leo 

Mercury is the Lord of the eleventh and second houses of your zodiac sign Leo, while during the transit, it shifts to your sixth house which signifies legal activities, debated, and arguments. This transit into your house will give a good impact to you; there are chances that you may get success in any debate or court case during this period. You will notice a gradual increase in your expenses and your income might decrease, so you must take care of your expenses and try to have control of your expenses. You will surely get a good result, and your confidence might boost up. Don't get involved in any argument; it's better to stay away from any sort of distraction like that. This transit will prove to be very beneficial and favourable for the employees. You might be consuming more time in completing your tasks, and your mind would make a bit restless because of that, so don't worry and try to finish all your tasks without any fuss. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Virgo 

Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house and is the Lord of your Zodiac Sign as well. During the transit the planet shifts toward your fifth house which signifies love, education, intelligence, and children in your Kundali. This transit would have a significant impact on your zodiac sign. The transition of Planet Mercury into Capricorn will improve your intellectual thoughts. Student natives will attain great results in their field of academics. On the other hand, natives who are in love with their partner will get more time to know each other and get closer. They will build trust and increase their understanding with each other. Married couples would be very satisfied with their children and would engage with them to attain success in life. People involved in the business will get the chance to expand their business and get beneficial results, including traders and merchants. You will gain intelligence, and with the help of that, you will be able to make the right decisions. This transit will help you gain a special position as an influence on society. Working will notice an improvement in their relationship with their seniors.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Libra

Planet Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and during its transit in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, it is posited in your fourth house. Your fourth house signifies comfort and prosperity, which improves due to the transition of the planet of luck, Mercury. Your family knots will be strengthened, and you will have a great time. Your family knots might get stronger, and you would have a great time in future. This would help you to keep your mind at peace and focus over the working, which would help you get good results. You will get proper utilization of your intelligence and will praise and respect for your decisions. There are chances of getting benefits related to your property. If you do invest in properties, you will get the chance to gain more profit from it. Natives living in abroad might get a chance to come back home and meet their family. You will also receive gifts from your grandparents on your father's side, which would motivate you and make you happy. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Scorpio 

Mercury is the Lord of their eight and eleventh houses if the zodiac signs Scorpio, which during the transition period shifts toward the third house of your Kundali, which signifies communication. Planet Mercury is an important representation of communication. You will be able to fulfil all your ambitions. No one could snatch success from you, and thus this house will benefit a lot in terms of communication and speech. People working in the field of communication, it would be a piece of cake for them to attain success during this period. There are many chances of travelling and enjoying your life along with which you will gain experience too. There could be some arguments with your siblings, so make sure you take proper care for them. Your hard work will surely be the reason for your success. Scorpions in the field of marketing will get advantage of their hard work to get astonishing results. Transport business will also be flawless during the transition and will bring high profits. Employees must be good with every colleague of theirs so that when the time comes, they will help you. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Sagittarius

The powerful planet Mercury is the Lord of their seventh and tenth houses of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. During the transit, the planet moves towards their second house. The second house of the Sagittarius signifies the house of voice and eating habits; on the other hand, it is also known as the house of Dhan Bhava or the house of money. Due to the transit, your ability to speak will attract most of the people; your way of talking will be sweeter and attractive. Due to this change in your personality, you will be able to perform your task faster and will be able to improve your status financially. Natives must focus on hard work, and sincerity will prove to be very beneficial, and they will earn an enormous profit. During this period you will be satisfied with your food habits, though you need to take care of your way of eating and instead eat slowly and calmly. The natives will get numerous chances to earn great profits in terms of money during this period of time. Your conditions regarding your health may get worse though if you take proper care and don't hurry in doing anything will keep you safe. Relation in terms related to your family will be good, and you will have a happy family. You might get an opportunity to spend some quality time with your family and make some memorable moments too. Due to this, you will have a respective and good image in front of your family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Capricorn 

The strongest Planet Mercury affecting its transition over Capricorn will be very favourable for your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the Lord of the sixth house and the ninth house of their zodiac sign Capricorn which signifies their house of fortune. Though the planet will be moving to your first house during the transit, incurring some essential effects and would be very beneficial for the natives. The transit of Mercury would lead to a Raj Yoga kind of situation, where luck would be totally in your favour during this duration of time. You will be successful in attaining fame in terms of finance, social and professional fields. However, if your project or work is stuck somewhere, you will be able to continue it again. Make sure you don't get distracted in any argument, and there are chances your work might get stuck due to this. Your married life would be smooth, and a trip with your spouse could be your next plan. Take proper care of your health as your opponents will leave no chance to dominate you at any cost. Though you will get full support from your father, still you need to stay away from any disputes related to a court or legal issue.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aquarius 

Saturn's friendly Planet Mercury is the Lord of your eight and fifth house of the Zodiac sign Aquarius, and during the Mercury transit in Capricorn, the powerful planet moves towards their twelfth house which represents loss and expenditure. You really need to be careful with your expenses; during this period you may incur an increase in your expenses which weaken you financially. On the other hand, student natives will get the favour of this transit; most of them might also get a chance to go abroad for their studies, which would satisfy their mental health. During this time you should avoid travelling, or else it can be very costly and a waste of time. Your love life may be in a problem, your partner may shift to another city, and the long-distance relationship might cause too much energy and money. You also have to take proper precautions for your health, which might detonate in this duration; you may incur skin and nerve-related problems. Maintain distance from your opponents as they would try to create problems in your work and keep focused in your own work. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Pisces

The Lord for the fourth and seventh house of Pisces is Mercury which is a very powerful planet. While its transition the planet moves towards the eleventh house which signifies the house of profits and benefits. The transit will favour your life in terms of income. You might get an increase in your income, and this is the best time to fulfil all your desire and comfort you wished for. If your family is deciding to sell some kind of property, this is the best time. You will be able to notice an excessive gain in your business, and this is also the best time to expand your business. Your marital life with your spouse will also be lucky as well as beneficial for you. You will get to know more about each other, and in no time you will get closer to your partner. Natives planning for a startup or a new business will get success in it, and with the blessing of Mercury, they will flourish day and night. Due to all this, your image in society will increase, even your social circle will increase, connecting to social media will be very advantageous for you and this duration will provide you fame by your social activities. You will get the chance to hang out with your friends and have a peaceful time.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Aquarius
09 Mar,2028
27 Mar,2028

The strong planet Mercury represents commendable communication, healthy business, trustworthy partnership, education etc. Amidst all this, Mercury increases your ability to memorize and enhances your accounting, marketing and analytic skills. On the other hand, Aquarius strengthens your hope and wishes to fulfill your desires to channelize with large organization and masses, etc. The transition of Mercury in Aquarius is very beneficial and supportive for natives working in various fields like teachers of science, planners and creator of the map would also get the benefit and support due to the transit. And even the mathematical models for weather and other forecasting departments, advisors of finance and other, etc. would also be effectively advantageous too. There are chances where the people may get mislead by a piece of wrong information that something serious is going to happen when the motion of Mercury reverses. Only in case of the birth chart, the reverse effect of Mercury might create some confusion or powerlessness or else if the Mercury is well placed, then there is no need to worry. 

Effects of Mercury Transit on Aries 

Mercury which appears to be the powerful Lord of their third and sixth houses, specifically for the natives of Aries, goes through an evolution. During the transit into Aquarius, the planet will continuously move and would acquire a position in the eleventh house, which appears to be the house of profits, where the house fulfils your achievement, along with benefits and help the natives to accomplish all the ambitions of life. The transit of Mercury in Aquarius will enrich your abilities and natives can also notice a dynamic increase in their proficiency. 

Your hard work and mental effort during this transit will result in huge success to get an increase in your salary and will be extremely favorable for your financial condition. There will be a gradual change in the personality of Arians, where they will notice a significant boost in their confidence and would be able to express their feeling to the loved ones. And your partner would take an interest in you and shower you with love. Natives should make sure about some things, especially for students who are engaged in the field of education. You will get the undue advantage of learning new things, though you may need to increase your effort at the time if Mercury is regressive. Yours have to take proper precaution for your financial condition which may be weakened, though it may only last for a short period.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Taurus 

Mercury is the strongest planet; it is also known as the dearest friend of the Lord of your sign Venus. It makes its transit while moving through the tenth house if your sign and shows an extreme significance for your Karma and business. People having the sign Taurus, where the former is the Lord of their second and fifty houses, resulting in the transit of Mercury in Aquarius will indicate success and improvement in your professional status. 

This transit would be very impactful in your professional life where you will be able to discover hue best abilities based on your knowledge and trust. Get the best utilization of your education, which would help you to complete your task pleasantly. You will accomplish a good image in front of your bosses. Natives having a business will get the chance to enlarge their trade. And you will get to chance to be close with your family and share some of the best emotional moments.

During the Mercury regression, the natives might have to be serious with their professional lives. You may lose interest and make mistakes which would lead you to lose your jobs. Don't worry because everything will be normal after 10th March and you will notice an improvement, and just after an interval of time you would again be the expert in your work again. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Gemini

Mercury shows a strong effect on Gemini as it is the Lord of the Zodiac sign Gemini. However, it is also the Lord of your fourth house, and during its transit, in Aquarius, it moves to your ninth house which is known as the house of fortune, the results will be seemingly favourable for you. During the transit of Mercury on Gemini, the natives will get great benefit in matters related to property, and fate will be in favour of the Gemini natives. You will get complete success in changing your homes and will notice a rise in your fame and respect in society. You will also get emotionally close to your father, and your father will be very supportive and helpful in gaining profits. 

However, you have to take proper precautions during February and mid-March, which may prove to be very difficult for you. Don't worry and you just have to increase your hard work and not get irritated by the same tasks. During the Mercury retrograde, you have to be careful at the time of travelling. Apart from that, you will have enormous success in fields like travelling or writing. The lady luck will be in your favour. You will get a gradual plus significant increase in your income, and there are chances of a great trip which would make you mentally strong. You might make new friends who will prove to be completely supportive.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Cancer

For Cancer natives, Mercury stays the Lord of their third and twelfth house, and during its transit into Aquarius, the planet moves towards their eight houses which might show some ups and downs in life. Though, amidst the NavaGraha, Mercury is the only planet which shows the positive impact in life during its transit in their eight houses. During this time you may prepare yourself to do some hard work, though the result you will be receiving would be very small. This you may have to bear some unwanted expenses, and some unacceptable trips are also on your card. There are some chances where your siblings might also face some issues. You can meet your In-laws, and their suggestions and support will surely help you out to resolve your issue. You must take care of your health or else you have to bear some unwanted expenses regarding your health. Arians advised keeping an eye on your activities, apart from that your problems will solve after this duration ends and you will gain some profits which would help you get back your financial status. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Leo

Mercury which is eventually the Lord of the second and eleventh houses, where both the houses implies wealth, and so Mercury plays an important role in the natives of Leo. When the Mercury transits into the Aquarius, the planet stays in their seventh house, and the seventh house is the house of long term partnerships and business. This transit period will prove to be very beneficial for you, and you might get the chance to get emotionally and mentally closer with your spouse, which would improve your marriage life. 

You both will find a way to fight the distractions and get to connect with each other once again. Spending on your life partner would be very pleasing for both of you. Even this transit will enhance your business skills, and you would earn a huge profit, and new ideas will help you enlarge your enterprises. You can get mentally disturbed because of some increase in your expenses; however, your problems will come to an end after 10th March. You will be back in your normal life again.

Effects of Mercury Transit on Virgo 

Mercury being the Lord of the sign Virgo, it is also the Lord of their tenth house. So, Lord Buddha influences both your body and Karma, which means that the transit of Mercury into Virgo plays a very important role in your life. However, the Mercury transit in Aquarius will cause the planet to set forth in your sixth house, which signifies your enemies, disease and debts.

You have to be very careful regarding your health. The transit will have a bad impact on your health, and there might also be an increase in your health. Any type of ignorance can put you in danger. On the other hand, your professional life would be very successful. Your hard work will give you the chance to create a good image. However, your opponents may be stronger than you and would try to destroy your image. You will get a chance to be free from debts.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Libra 

Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and there is a friendly relation between Mercury and Venus which is the Lord of the sign Libra. Along with that, the Lord of Fortune or Bhagyesh is the Lord of your ninth house, which would move towards your fifth house during this transit. 

When the Mercury transit into Aquarius, which will put a positive impact on your education and the people having the sign Libra will get outstanding results related to their higher studies. And even people in different fields like journalism, acting, writing, etc. or finance or commercial students would witness amazing results due to this transit. Due to transit if Mercury into Aquarius would bring an increase in your income and people doing jobs may get some information about their transfer. The natives will not get confused in making the divisions of their lives. Along with that, married couples might also welcome a baby in their lives. 

Luck will be in favour of the Librans they will spend the best moments of their lives with their beloved ones. Your relationship will get straighten and travelling long distance will be very advantageous for you. The Libra natives will receive great results during the Mercury regression. On the other hand, the students will do excellent in their higher studies and can get an opportunity to go abroad for their further education. After the end of Mercury retrograde, you will have a settled job and people thinking of changing job would be successful at this time.

Effect of Mercury transit on Scorpio

Mercury is the Lord of the eighth and the eleventh houses of the zodiac sign Scorpio, and when it transits into Aquarius, the Mercury stays in the fourth house, which implies overall happiness. During this transit, you will enjoy enormous comfort and money-oriented facilities, and also in this duration, you will get to utilize your resources. Apart from that, you will be very successful in your workplace. You will gain a good image in your social life, and the natives might also notice a positive change in their family. Though you may be strong in terms of wealth, you may not be as much strength in terms of you and your families, especially your mother's health. You may incur a chest pain or stiffness in your body. Though after the end of the Mercury retrograde, you will find yourself in a comfortable zone and be healthy again. People doing a job may get an increment in their salary. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Sagittarius 

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the seventh house for natives with the zodiac sign Sagittarius, and also is the Lord of the tenth house of Karma. During the transit, it moves towards the third house of the native which, according to the Kalpurush Kundali belongs to the Gemini. So, there will be the presence of Lord Buddha which would bring outstanding outcomes for Sagittarians. 

You will be getting the benefit of travelling to many places, which not only give you pleasure but also would be profitable for your financial condition. Your terms with your younger siblings will get better. Your friends will help you out in need. You will improve your communication skill and may also get the house of your ambition. You will perform better all together, and you will gain fame in social media. However, you might make sure you don't make a mistake in communicating with someone. Take proper precautions or else some misunderstanding may lead to some obstacles in your work. You might get stuck in an argument or debate.

Effect of Mercury transit on Capricorn

Mercury is the Lord of the Sixth house for your native and is the house of fortune. During the transit, it will move towards your second house, which signifies wealth. The transit of Mercury into Aquarius will be quite significant for Capricorn. 

This duration will be very beneficial for you, as you will gain many profits economically and your financial status will improve. As you fortune will be in your favour and all your incomplete tasks will be getting accomplished in no time. You will get to attend many trips which would bring you a huge profit. Legal disputes may be decided in your favour. This period will strengthen your financial condition. Students are also going to get excellent results and the ones going for a competitive exam, the results would be good for them, and the change of scoring good marks is very big. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Aquarius 

Mercury is basically the Lord of your fifth and eighth houses and while during the transit period, it shifts to your first or ascendant house, forming a Raj Yoga kind of situation as the mercury transit is crucial for you because it is taking place in your own sign. 

Because the Lord of your eight houses is posited in your ascendant house, your mind might get attracted more towards spiritual subjects. You will notice very specific changes in your mind, and you will get excellent result in research work, and you will get into the depth to your thoughts. With the increase of your thinking capability, you will be able to give opinion related to any topic after you have learned about the situation properly.

 You will witness the fast development of your mind and your presence if the mind will also strengthen. You will be making your decisions on the basis of your future. Though you have to take proper care of your health or due to giving too much pressure in your mind, you might get mental stress. However, you will make the correct decisions for your future, and you will get significant help from children. And people in a relationship will get a great response from their beloved ones, and they will be standing by your side. 

Effect of Mercury Transit on Pisces 

The Lord of the fourth house for Pisces is Mercury which signifies happiness and the seventh house, which states the sign of partnership. And during the transit period, it gets posited in your twelfth house which signifies losses and expenditure. Therefore, the natives will suffer from an increase in their budget, and there will be a downfall in their economic status. Some member of your family might get successful in shifting or travelling abroad, and this is also very good for making a new property. 

On the other hand, this time is very beneficial related to foreign trade and might also get an enormous profit in import-export. Your relationship with your married ones or loved ones might be stressful, but can be sorted out if you pay attention to them. You need to work extremely hard during the time of Mercury retrograde and put all your effort in completing the tasks. This period of time will be very crucial and challenging for the natives. Increasing expenses may affect your budget, and your health will also disturb you. Make sure you take proper healthcare.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisions, marriage problems, business success, financial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Pisces
28 Mar,2028
11 Apr,2028

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and shares a friendly relation with Venus. The impact of Mercury transition is over different fields which include communication, business, partnership, preaching, and it also has effects on one's ability to memorize. Apart from that, accounting, marketing and analytic skills are mostly affected. The zodiac sign Pisces signifies Moksha or peace, the chance of going abroad, your health, physical fitness, focused mind, etc. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aries 

The Planet Mercury rules over the third and sixth house of your zodiac sign Aries. During the transitory period, the planet shifts its position and moves towards the twelfth house of the Aries natives. The twelfth house represents the house of expenditure. Also, this transition will bring a negative impact on your zodiac sign; the natives have to face several ups and downs during this duration. The natives will have to take proper care of their health because due to the influence of the planetary movement, one might notice a decline in their health or suffer from some serious disease like insomnia or skin related disease. So it is recommended to have a proper checkup and have a healthy diet. You will remain disappointed at this duration because of your hard work will not give any results. Stay alert from your opponents and rivals; they will always plan something out to in order to create obstacles in your work. The student natives will get the favour of this transit, and they will be able to go through the competitive exams and get good results, student natives might also get the chance to study abroad. Though to acquire success, they need to work really hard and focus mainly on their studies and exams. You will also gain leads in some legal matters and attain success. You need to take proper control of your expenses, or else your total expenditure might get overbudget. Your sibling will get the chance to go for a tour to foreign countries, and you may get a chance to get hired from a foreign or multinational company. Natives who are studying law will get favourable results, and they will keep this balanced throughout the course during this period. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Taurus 

Venus is the powerful Lord of your zodiac sign Taurus and has a friendly relation with Mercury. The Planet Mercury has its ruling power over your second and fifth house. During the transition, both the planets will be posited in your eleventh house. The eleventh house of your zodiac sign is also represented as the house of profits. People in the field of business will get the favour of this transit. You will get excessive chances to expand your business and earn profits through it, and this period is the best time to release your money to buy some good investment for the advancement of your business. You can also involve your family member to help you out with your business. And luckily, your flow of income will tend to sort out all income related issues, and you will be able to repay all the debts, and your business will be totally settled. Thus the transit of Mercury over your sign would be very favourable for you, even in terms of your love life. All the fights and distance between you and your partner will end up. You will get enough time to spend with your lover and let them know about your true feelings. You will get total support, and your relationship will get its charm back. Student natives will tend to have more interest in their studies. With hard work and full dedication, you will be able to peruse in a better college or even get a chance to travel abroad for your higher studies. Along with that, your family will be really supportive of your decisions and ambitions during this transit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Gemini 

The powerful planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your flourishing house, including your fourth house. Due to this transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of Mercury will reflect on your career, relation, business, etc. This transitory movement of the planet will help you out in the field of business you will be able to take the right decision, which would be very favourable for your future. Though make sure you don't get overconfident, which will bring distraction in your work. Apart from that, you will spend a memorable time with your family; your family member will understand your good intentions and support your decisions. You will be able to express your feeling more conveniently, and you will notice a change in. And in such you will get an enthusiastic environment which would prevail your households. If you have any issues related to your property or any case in court, the decision would be in your favour, along with that any documentation issues will be resolved. Don't get involved with your office colleagues; they would create distractions in your work. And even don't share any personal information with them. During this duration, you may feel low and unhealthy. So, do regular excessive and keep yourself fit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Cancer 

The Planet Mercury rules over your twelfth and third houses, and due to the transit the planet changes its position and is posited in your ninth house, which represents health relationship and travel. Due to this transit, you will get the opportunity to travel abroad. Student natives trying to get into foreign countries for higher education will be successful at this duration. You will also considerably notice an increase in your social circle; people will tend to get influenced by you. You can give a new direction to your life will great efforts. Some natives will also tend to gain interest in the writing profession. And it is possible that you will go into the direction of media or journalism. You will witness a gradual increase in your communication skills, people around you will understand your ideas, you will also acquire an interest in performing social functions and events. Your siblings will support you in every field, especially in the field of finance. You will take great interest in different hobbies like gardening, writing or acting, and there are chances you will go further in this field. You will surely take stand against the evils of the society at this duration. However, stay alert and keep your vocal talent in control or else being too much outspoken can put you in danger. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Leo 

Mercury is a dualistic planet will be posited into the eight houses of the Leo people during the transition period. The presence of the Planet Mercury weakens the Leo sign natives, and the duration of this transit will not be favourable for you. On the other hand, the Planet moon being the Lord of your second and eleventh house will bring a drastic fall in your income. If you are working in the field of business, you might incur huge losses, which might increase your expenditure. Though, you don't have to stop expecting after the small period your financial condition will get a good position. At this drastic time, meeting your in-laws would bring great help, their mature and handful of advice will surely help you out to get through this situation and improve your economic condition. Natives working as am an employee, or having a job have to face many ups and downs, your opponents will wait for a chance to destroy your career, stay alert from them. You may also lose your job, so better keep cautioned and stay away from your opponents and don't share any information with them. You will surely enjoy and feel peaceful in organizing and doing poojas, chanting and learning new rosaries will be satisfying too during this duration. The natives will gain interest in studying spiritual subjects and will gain an interest in such activities. This will refine your ideas and balance your mind in taking decisions for the future.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Virgo 

The dualistic and strongest Planet Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house, while the transit the planet will be posited in your seventh house. This transition will have a favourable impact on the Virgo natives. You will notice an improvement at your workplace, and the impact of the transition will give you favourable results. The natives have the chances of getting promoted. And even, you will also get a salary hike which would ease your expenses. And certainly, the business natives will get the opportunity to gain excess profits and clear out all their debts. Apart from that, there will a negative impact on the people in terms of your health. It is recommended to take proper health care and do regular exercise, which would keep you fit and fine. You will be able to have a stronger relationship with your life partner, and their advice will be very beneficial for you, though you have to face disappointment at times. However, this will not bother your relation with your partner; instead, your relation will get sweeter and stronger with your spouse. Your relationship with your father would soon get better. You will use your humour in the right way, and this will be very beneficial for your business activities. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Libra 

The Planet Mercury is the Lord of your ninth and twelfth houses, and during the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your sixth house. Due to the transit in your sixth house, you will have to work harder to attain success. Though working hard will give very little success, and due to this, you will remain worried throughout the time period. Your income might also deteriorate. You are expected to pay more attention to your diet, and avoiding fast food is best for now. You must try not to get involved in any sort of arguments or debates; this might lead to a quarrel. Your father will receive certain positive results, and he will surely attain an enormous amount of success. Suppose you wish to share any kind of personal details it would give your opponents the opportunity to take unnecessary advantage and put your life at risk. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Scorpio 

The dualistic planet Mercurys is the Lord of your eight and eleventh houses. And during the transition period, the planet tends to change its position towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign Pisces. And the result of this transit will be the quite favourable and adverse situation with regards to your love life. Though your partner will talk to you in a sweeter way, still you will find it difficult to understand them. This will create some misunderstandings between you both, and certainly fights and debates will become a part of your relationship. And you should choose your words carefully in front of your partner. If you are married, these quarrels will not affect your children; they will tend to focus on their studies and do well in life. However, keep your eyes on them and see if they don't get distracted from their studies. The natives will also find themselves lucky in putting their money in lotteries, share market or other investment. You will get to earn from several sources which would improve your financial condition. The planetary movement is very favourable for you or academic life too, hard work and dedication will take you towards success.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Sagittarius

The Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and is also the ruling Lord of the seventh and tenth house of your zodiac sign. During its transition, the planet moves towards the fourth house of the Sagittarius natives. The impact of this transit will create a network between your personal and professional life, so your personal life could be clearly seen influencing your professional one. Thus it's advised to maintain a balance. Your family members will maintain peace and harmony, and they will try to understand and nurture each other. However, some clashes are possible, and you are recommended to stay away from any debates or arguments. During this transition, you will solve some problems of your life partner and put them out from stress. Your work life will prosper due to your hard work, wisdom, dedication and honesty. You will able to get some amazing ideas and complete your tasks with ease. You will also notice an improvement in your business field, and even your perspective about business ideas will be cleared. During this duration, your mother might take some serious decisions regarding the family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Capricorn

According to your Kundli, the Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your sixth and ninth houses. Your zodiac sign gets influenced by the planet and has a positive effect over your luck. During the time of transition, the planet is posited in your third house. And because the transit is taking place in your third house, you need to take proper precautions for your speeches. The chances are that any of your close friends or family might get hurt with your words. Your opponents will be very dangerous for you right now, and they will try to ruin your image in the society. If you are trying for a loan to get approved, this time will surely give you positive results. Your dedication and hard work will surely take you one step closer to success. Natives working with your honest attitude will attract the coworkers and will take you to the peak of success. They will stay by your side and help you out with every problem in your way. Capricorn natives are working in the field of law, and as advocates will get tremendous value and achieve success. Apart from that, try not to express your views and thoughts on any social media platform, because people against society may try to create a problem in your personal life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aquarius 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your fifth and eight houses. For people who have the zodiac sign, Aquarius is highly influenced by the transition of Mercury. During the transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Aquarius, and due to this transition, you will notice a mysterious tone in your speech. People listening to your words may find it very difficult to understand, which might give birth to confusion and clashes, and you will remain in a state of confusion. You should have a proper diet and do regular exercise in order to avoid any kind of disease or discomfort. You will earn more than your expectations and will be able to easily repay all your debts. Natives who are a student will be able to get good marks in their higher studies, and their dedication and hard work will surely take them to the path of success. And this will give them confidence. Married couples will hear some good news from their children. Your lover may introduce you to their family. Your life partner may suffer from a skin disease, so take proper precaution for him/her. Make sure you don't take it lightly. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Pisces 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet. The transition of the planet Mercury will take a position in Pisces itself. Mercury is the Lord of your fourth and seventh house, respectively. The influence of the planet Mercury will be very impactful on your house. During the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your ascendant house. The natives are advised to keep their eyes and ears open and always have focused on their presence of mind. You have to take your decisions carefully, or else it might create problems in future. This transit will especially help you in improving your business conditions. However, it would be great to take decisions by asking your elder or experienced person. Your achievement and change in your behaviour will create jealousy among your friends. Matters related to property will be in your favour during this transition period. Your mother will support you in every task, which would be really helpful. You may have some issues in your love life, so don't hate and solve every problem with patience and sweetly. Some of the natives will gain interest in learning new subjects.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Aries
12 Apr,2028
26 Apr,2028

Mercury plays a critical role during the transition period. According to the Vedic astrology, it influences your inner voice and thoughts and ideas. It represents one's communication and wisdom. You would soon notice a boost in confidence, humor, talent, family, finance and others. Natives who have strong influence of Mercury have intellect and presence of mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aries 

Mercury is the ruling lord of your third and sixth houses of Aries, and as the transition is taking place in the own house, the position of Mercury will shift in the first house also known as your ascendant house. With this transition, your confidence will increase, and you will feel more strengthened. With boosted confidence, you will be able to take serious decisions which will prove to be impactful in future. Your overconfidence will be a reason for arguments and clashes, and you may also hurt someone's sentiments, so control your speech and think before speaking. Your siblings will support you during this time. They will try to do everything to help you out. Your love and affection towards your loved ones will increase; you will trust your family and partner. Mercury being the lord of your sixth house will negatively affect your health, you can have a skin disease, so you are advised to go for a checkup and take proper health care. You should also maintain a proper diet. 

Your relation with your partner will be fabulous; this transit will give you chances to improve your marital life. You would also get quality time with your spouse, and during that time, you will establish your bonds and come closer to each other. You will create a sense of mutual understanding which will decrease clashes and arguments. Your partner will trust you more. Businessmen are advised to take precautions before investing, or else they can suffer a huge loss. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Taurus

Mercury is the ruling lord of the second and fifth houses of your zodiac and thereby, during the transitory period, it will change its direction and will be posited in your twelfth house. During this transit, the Taurus natives will face both positive and negative impacts. The impact of the Mercury transit in Aries will bring an increase in your expenditure; you may spend most of your wealth on particular tasks. Students who are willing to shift abroad for higher studies will get a chance, though they have to work really hard. If your children are trying that, they will succeed in getting admission in a foreign university. Still, the only way to get admission is by working hard. Taurus natives will accomplish good results through their intellect and wisdom, which will help them earn a good position and respect in society. If you work hard in business, you will deal in some profitable investments which will prove to be helpful in the long run.

Those in a relationship will have to face some challenges, and you will stay away from your partner due to some trip. Though having good communication and patience will help you maintain your terms with your partner. Pay attention to your partner, and make them feel important. Giving a little more love and effort will keep the relationship alive. You should keep an eye over your expenses, or it will have a negative effect on your financial status. Some unnecessary disputes will be the reason for your stress. Your health will weaken during this time period, so try to have a good diet and stay away from fast food. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Gemini

The impact of Mercury transit will bring favorable results for the Gemini. As during the transition period of Mercury in Aries, the planet will be positioned in the eleventh house for Gemini. Mercury is the lord of your sign, which will affect your house of income and profits. Your speaking will gain fluency, and with the help of your intellect and wisdom, you will earn enormous wealth. One's working in an office will get favors from their seniors and your communication skills will improve, due to which you will gain momentum at your workplace.

The Gemini people will enjoy the benefits in terms of a relationship. You might get sufficient quality time with your partner, and develop a sense of understanding. Your support will help to prosper your spouse's life. This love and affection will give you the energy to attain success in life. This transition will also help you financially, which would help you in clearing any debt or pending task.

With everything going well, you would be confident, and you will expand your social circle. With the expansion in your social circle, you will attend several weddings and parties. Making new friends will give you a special position in society. Businessmen will make profits through different sources, which will improve your financial conditions.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Cancer

The twelfth and third house of the Cancer natives is ruled by Mercury. During the transitory period, it is posited in your tenth house. Your tenth house is also the house of Karma, which basically signifies career. So, this period will bring certain ups and downs in the lives of the Cancer natives. You have to face certain challenges in professional life. However, your efforts will give you the chance to attain success. Your relations with your colleagues will strengthen; they will be support you. The natives will enjoy their work and will be satisfied. Some of you can be transferred. Apart from everything, you must focus on your task and complete them with honesty and dedication. Any mistake can ruin your image, so recheck everything before submitting. However, you will have to take an extreme workload. In such a situation, do your tasks carefully and calmly. You might feel de-motivated. Do not lose hope; instead complete each and every task with full dedication. You will have a marvelous time with your family, and this time will bring peace and harmony in your family life. Your parents will be proud of you. Your family, and even your siblings and others will help you out in certain tough situations. Your parents will have a health condition. Your relations with your father will gradually improve with time. Your partner's love for you will increase, and they will respect you for being a responsible person. Cancerians involved in the business will earn good profits through certain investments in properties and assets. This will strengthen their financial status.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Leo

The ninth house of the Leo natives signifies the house of fortune and long-distance journeys. During the transitory period, your ninth house will host the position of Mercury. The people will get a positive impact during this transition period. As Mercury is the lord of your second and eleventh houses, thus positively affecting your financial condition. People will notice economic strength, and you will flourish. You will get to complete your pending tasks and succeed in different fields. Your works giving you stress will finally get done. Your efforts will not go waste, and you will execute your task. Leo natives will get a chance to expand their family business and earn profits. 

Working professionals will also get success. You will have a blissful time with your loved ones, and even your siblings will enjoy your company. They will even come out to support you in need. You will make some serious decisions which will be beneficial in the long run. Your communication skills will prosper and people will tend to like you even more. You will create new connections with some of the delegated members of society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Virgo 

Mercury is the lord of your sign, and this transitory period will prove to be essential for the Virgo natives. Mercury is the lord of your tenth house, also known as the house of Karma. During the time of transition, it will enter your eighth house; generally, this house doesn't hold a promising position though there are several benefits. Working people will have to face certain challenges at work. You will be stressed because your efforts won't give you good results. Don't lose hope and wait for your turn to prove yourself. After some time you will notice some improvement, some of you might also get an increment. Your health might create some serious problems for you; not taking precaution would lead to financial loss and an increase in your expenses. 

The natives can earn profits through some secret sources; they will get to utilize their wisdom and intellect during this period. Natives having Mercury placed on their birth chart will get some positive results. Some past investments will be profitable, and you may also cream your pending debts. Your father's health may get worse, so do proper healthcare. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Libra

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus; Libra's ruling Lord is Venus. Mercury is the lord of your ninth and twelfth houses. During the period of transit, Mercury changes its position and shifts towards the seventh house of Libra. Businessmen will get the advantage of this transit, which will bring a good momentum in your business, even there are chances of expansion of your business. If you are thinking of a new startup, then this is the best time. You will get favorable results, and your efforts will take you to success. You will gain profits through some unexpected sources. 

There are several trips on your card, along with that you will earn benefits and experience through these trips; you will make certain connections with foreign sources, which will give you a huge success. Unmarried people might have the chance of getting married during this duration. You will acquire a good sense of humour, and your communication skills will improve. It will give a boost to your personality too. Your decision making will be precise and give you benefits in the long run. You will earn a special status in society, and some influential people will make connections with you. Your health will be stable; a good diet is recommended.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Scorpio

Mercury is the lord of your eighth and eleventh house, during the transitory period the planet changes its position and shifts towards the sixth house of Scorpio. The natives have to face several challenges during this period, as this transition period will be full of ups and downs. Health-wise, you should take precaution regarding your health, or else some skin issue is indicated. Your speech might hurt someone's sentiment or feelings; you can also get into clashes or arguments. You are recommended to keep a check on expenses, as overspending may become a huge problem for you in future. 

During this period, some friends or family will support you; they will also lend some money. You can also take a loan from a bank to survive this period. However, your endless efforts will pull you out of this drastic situation, and you will be successful. You will be able to clear out your past debts. Working professionals will get into a clash with their seniors, so you should focus on your own tasks and complete them within time. Your rivals will try to dent your image, make sure you don't give them any chance. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Sagittarius 

The seventh and tenth house is ruled by Mercury. The impact of Mercury influences your professional, business and spouse's life. The transition of Mercury will in your fifth house, which will bring a positive impact on your income. You will be able to execute your plans perfectly. You will survive the strongest competition in the market, and your effort will be praised. Working people will get a chance to work with some big brands in the market, which will give you fame and benefits. This duration will be extremely favorable for you and you can get in touch with some reputed businessmen. 

Working people will have to be careful with their rivals, and they might also lose their jobs. However, you will soon get other opportunities. The life of those married will be happy; their efforts and wisdom will make you feel proud and respected in society. They might also get a promotion. Students will improve their concentration and focus on study, and you will also learn new things. Married people can have some good news from their children in the field of study. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Capricorn 

Mercury is the lord of your sixth house, it is known as the house of fortune. During the period of transition, it changes its position and shifts in the fourth house for Capricorn. It is the house of happiness. The transit will bring fruitful impact in the lives of Capricorn natives. You will spend this time by earning a fortune and making profits. This time is best to buy a new vehicle. 

You can spend a blissful time with your family, even your parent's health will remain in good condition. You will get to converse with your relatives through social media, which will make you nostalgic and there will be a soothing atmosphere in your family. There will be some property related issues which need to be settled as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will give birth to certain disputes, and these disputes can harm your wealth or even influence your family life. Your professional front will gain improvement, and your endless efforts will make you an expert in your tasks. Any pending case in court will get resolved at this time which will give you relief. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aquarius

Mercury is the lord of your fifth and eight houses, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and goes in the third house of your zodiac sign. Your third house, according to the Kal Purusha Kundli, is Mercury's house itself, which makes the planet more strengthened and results in improving your communication skills. Students’ will enjoy the benefits through this transit. Their intelligence will improve, and they will focus more on their studies, your efforts would give you good results in various other aspects. There are frequent trips on the cards, though it is recommended to avoid them for some time. There will be some economic and monetary problems. As during the pandemic, it is not so safe to travel with proper precautions. 

This duration will improve your relation with your siblings; you will also help them in certain situations. On the other hand, working officials have certain chances of getting an increment. Your communication skills will attract many people you will make new friends, which will increase your social circle. Some of you might get inclined towards writing and choose this as your profession. Your friends will be by your side, and you will prosper this friendship. You will maintain a good image in society

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Pisces

Mercury being the ruling lord of your fourth and seventh houses will enter through your second house during the transitory period. Your second house indicates the way of speaking. Your sense of humour will get better. People will be able to understand your thoughts and ideas and your intellect will help you win every debate. Though you will have to keep this in your mind that your words can hurt someone's feelings, so you must be aware and alert about the choice of words or else you may regret it later. Businessmen will get enormous benefits during this transit period. Your new and amazing strategies will boost your business, and you will also expand your business. Though you should be a little serious about your investments, it might lead to a huge loss. So do check before investing. 

There will be happiness in your family; you will spend some memorable time with them. Your parent's health will remain stable, and they will praise you for your good work. You will be showered with love. You marital live will prevail love and happiness, though some clashes might occur due to arguments, though you will impress them by giving them a surprise. Single people have the best chance to express their feelings to their loved ones; this time will bring Good luck for the Pisces natives.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Taurus
27 Apr,2028
04 Jul,2028

According to the Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury affects one's intellect, judgment, communication and behavior. The second sign in the series of the zodiac is Taurus, and its ruling planet is Venus, who has a friendly relation with Mercury. Along with that, it signifies one's wishes and desires, strength and rigidity, income and wealth, goals and ambitions, family and friends, etc. The planet Mercury has a ruling nature on the second and fifth house of your zodiac sign, Taurus. The impact of Mercury over you sign gives a favorable impact for the natives and according to the Vedic astrology, your second house signifies one's family relations, business conditions, jobs, talents, and materialistic things like assets, foods, property, resources, etc. There as, your fifth house represents one's creative talents, educational qualification, entertainment, energy and enthusiasm, interest in new things, tuff competition, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aries

The second house of your zodiac sign will host the transition of the planet Mercury. Due to this transit, there will be a favourable impact on one's communication skills and knowledge. You will be able to convey your ideas and thoughts fluently. People will tend to understand your good intentions, and you will get full support from them. Natives involved in part-time or full-time jobs will be supported by their individuals at the workplace; even your confidence in speeches will help you pass the interview rounds easily. Though your speaking abilities might put you in danger, people may get hurt or jealous with your improvement. Some of your speeches may turn into an argument or debates. So you are advised to stay calm and solve each and every situation calmly. People who are involved in the business will get huge profits through different sources. Some of you have great chances of earning profits through inheritance of some property or past investments. Your relationship with your beloved may have some chances of getting weak, so spend quality time with them, try to impress them or gift them something. You will get closer in no time, and you will get to enjoy some of the best moments of your life. Your health will be perfect, though maintain a proper diet and do regular workout. You can also get involved in some sports activities which would keep you fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Taurus 

The transit of Mercury is taking place in your powerful house itself, and the planet will be posited in your first house, which is your ascendant house. You will notice an improvement in your way of conversation; your impressive way of speech will attract many people and give you a strong personality. You will gain a soft-spoken and polite behaviour which will touch everyone's heart. Natives in relationships will enjoy the benefits of this transit, they will create a bond of mutual understanding, and their love will prosper. You will spend this time in peace and harmony. If you are working as a job official, you will get to taste success due to your hard work and dedication, though you are advised to stay away from office politics and focus on completing the tasks before time. Health-related issues will not arise. Still, you need to maintain a proper diet, and regular exercise is strongly advised.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Gemini 

During the transit, the planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, which signifies one's mental stress and ability. During this period, the natives will go through some stressful tasks, both mentally and physically. So, don't put yourself into stress by taking too many tasks and maintaining a balance is necessary. If one's involved in business activities, there are several chances to earn a fortune, and you have to keep a track on your expenses or else spending unnecessary will give you unwanted stress. There is a foreign trip on your card with your beloved, you will spend some memorable time with them, and any kind of distance between you both will be sorted out, and your relationship will get the spark back. Working officials should complete their work in the given time, apart from that they will have a decent earning.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Cancer 

The impact of this planet on your house is going to give you some favourable results. Your eleventh house will host the position of the translating planet. And this period will give you certain benefits in terms of your finance, relationship, family, job, knowledge, patience, etc. The natives will get a chance to make new connections through foreign trade and get extreme benefits in their respective financial fields. Your spouse or your partner will be extremely supportive at this time, your relationship will be prosperous, and you will also develop a sense of mutual understanding with your partner. Some clashes are possible at this time, though you will impress them with your caring nature. Jib officials will get help and support from their seniors, and with their ideas, you will create a good image in your respective fields. This will be very profitable for you in the long term. Don't ignore your health, polluted air and dirty surroundings may affect you badly, so take proper care of yourself and your surroundings. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Leo 

The Mercury share a friendly relation with Venus, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The transit will have a significant impact on one's life. Working professionals will tend to have a more focused mind, and your performance will be praised by your colleagues and seniors. Your excellence and dedication in your work will be the reason for your success. Some of the seniors will give some important favours in the long term. You will be prevailing happiness in your family. Your romantic life will ease your mind, and your beloved partner will support you at every step. The natives will have good health, and join a sports club or doing physical activities will keep them mentally and physically fit. Ignoring your health may affect you negatively in the long term. You will have stable economic conditions and investing in assets or properties will open new doors for earning benefits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Virgo

During the transition period, your ninth house will be hosting the position of the planet Mercury, and your ninth house represents the house of one's travelling and communication. The natives will enjoy the benefits of long term travelling. If you are trying to change your job, this transition period will give you favourable results. The natives having Virgo sign will experience an increase in their social status, and people will tend to start recognizing you because of your good deeds. You will also earn a special status in society. Your relationship will be blissful throughout the period, your partner will try to impress you, and there will special time you both will get to spend with each other. The natives are recommended to stay away from fast food and polluted areas; there will be some minor issues which can be resolved by proper medication. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Libra 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Libra. The Libra native might have to face some unexpected losses, which will bring a bad impact on their financial conditions. You will be more inclined towards learning new things, most of you will specifically indulge yourselves in spiritual learnings. However, you will gain enormous profits through past investments, and due to some inheritance, your luck will be extremely fruitful. There will some clashes between your partner, so you need to handle them with calmness and care. The perfect way to deal with such situations is by paying full attention to your partner, soon your good behaviour will impress them, and you will get closer to them. Some of the married natives will get good news during this transit. Your health will be strong and stable throughout the duration, though ignoring any kind of health problem will bring a negative impact on your body. Working professionals will get into the path of success through their dedication and hard work. Their wisdom and honesty will prove to be beneficial.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus in Scorpio

The impact of the Mercury transit will not be favourable for the Scorpio natives. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the third house of your zodiac sign. The natives will have to face certain challenges during this time. You will notice a change in your way of speaking; this will give both positive and negative impact. You will also face difficulties in your marital life, though, and this relationship will require some strong communication and giving proper time and effort will strengthen it. You are advised to have control over your expenses; otherwise, you are overspending in certain things will lead to a financial loss. People involved in the business will have to stay calm and wait for their time to procure a good position in society. There are chances to gain profits through past investments and some recent ones too. Ignoring your health may put you in danger, so maintaining a proper diet is stronger advised. You should also join a gym or yoga class to keep yourself fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Sagittarius

The impact of this transit will directly affect your house of income and expenditure. During the transition period, your sixth house will host the position of Mercury. Hence there are chances where you might get involved in a dispute or argument. Natives will also witness an increase in their expenditure which can lead over budgeting. Working officials will gain respect, and their honesty and wisdom will attract everyone's mind. You must try to maintain a proper distance from your rivals they would give their best to ruin your good image. There are several trips on your card, which will give you some happy and memorable moments. Your relationship with your spouse will soon get stable, keep control over your short temperament and pay full attention to your partner. The natives are recommended to get a full checkup ignoring any kind of problem in their health will lead to a lot of stress in the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Capricorn 

The process of impact starts with the change in the planet's position. Mercury, during the transitory period, is posited in the fifth house if your zodiac sign and your fifth house represent the house of intellect and knowledge. The natives will witness an increase in their knowledge, and with a good sense of humour applied in different fields, you will earn a higher level of profits. Student natives have the probability of choosing good paths for their success, and in future, they will be successful. If you are single, you will get a chance to propose your lover and even your lover will accept your proposal. You will enjoy this time an spend a memorable moment with your beloved. There are foreign trips on your card, which will be adventurous and you will discover new things in life. The natives will earn respects through your excellent communication skills, and your ideas will attract many people. Natives will also have the chances of getting a good status in society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aquarius 

The transit of Mercury will be posited in the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This period will give excessive gains to individuals. If you are facing any health problem, ignoring it will put your life in danger in the long term. So, take proper precaution and go for a full body checkup. Working natives will have to face certain challenges against their competitors, and your rivals will try to create obstacles in the path. So don't lose hope and give you best to cross each and every hurdle in your path. You will have a romantic relationship with your spouse, and you will also get a chance to spend time with them. So, don't ignore the chance of getting close to your partner. Native who are businessmen are recommended not to invest in anything they are not sure of. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Pisces

During the transport motion of the planet Mercury, the third house of your zodiac sign hosts the position of the planet. This transition will bring a significant increase in their confidence and willpower. You will notice an improvement in your communication skills which would give you certain benefits. You fluent way of communication will be favourable you in a different field. Some of the natives will get good results in their interview. Business natives will get the benefit if this duration. You will play a great role in helping your friends, family and society. Short trips are there on your card. Your marital life will need more attention and love; spending some quality time will give peace and harmony. You will be very efficient at your workplace, and your hard work and honesty will help you in creating a good image of yours. You should maintain your diet and do regular exercise.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Gemini
05 Jul,2028
20 Jul,2028

Mercury is a dualistic planet, and it has both positive and negative impact on the lives of zodiac natives. According to the Vedic Astrology Mercury influences one's technique of speech, honesty, kindness, and even fields of work like business and communication skills. Mercury, during the transit, brings a positive sign and improves one's intelligence and luck. Mercury has a significant impact on different fields if the lives of natives, like communication, partnership, business, studies, finance and marketing, family and friends, marital and love life. During the Mercury transit in Gemini, it impacts on one's health, business, family, travelling, married life, social life, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aries

The third house of your powerful zodiac sign would host the transition of Mercury; this transit will increase one's confidence and will power. The natives will have a positive effect due to this transit; the individuals will perform some good deeds. Student natives will gain focus in their studies and will be more inclined towards learning new things. Your effort and hard work will take you towards the path of success. Working natives will get a chance to work in a stable environment; you will be praised by your seniors and complete every task in time. Married couples will spend some blissful time with their spouses. Your health conditions will be perfectly fine, and you will gain energy which can be adequately utilized in some physical activities like gym or sports. Business natives will earn a good source of monetary inflow during this period, along with that; you will be able to clear out your past debts and plans. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Taurus

The transition period would bring some important opportunity in the life of individuals to earn a profit. As the second house of your zodiac sign will be hosting the Mercury transit, this period will be beneficial for the native related to your business, career, health, family, and others. Some of you will earn enormous benefits through your properties. Disputes regarding your property will be resolved. The flow of income will incredibly escalate. Your relationship status will be fabulous; your partner will support you in every field, though some arguments may arise. You will sort them out easily. Don't share your personal life; it would give a bad impact on your life. About the career of student natives, you will propose in your field, and your efforts will take you through the competitive exams. Working natives are recommended to stay away from office politics as they can affect your image. Health-wise the natives will have to go for a proper checkup and take necessary care for their illness, and any ignorance can lead to huge problems in the long-term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Gemini

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, while the transit the planet will change its position and will be posited in your first house, also known as your ascendant house. Mercury transit in Gemini will bring a favourable impact on the lives of their natives. Your ascendant house represents the house of personality. You will notice a new charm in your personality which will attract people towards you. The natives will increase their friend circle. You will enjoy this period will happiness and harmony. Your speaking skills will be fluent, and people will understand your thoughts and ideas. Married couples will be showered by love from their spouses and blessed by their parents. You parents will support your marital life, and they will eventually like your partner. Working natives are advised to work hard and complete their tasks on time. Avoiding debates will be beneficial for you in future. Some of you also have the chance of getting promoted at this time. Your health conditions will be good, and you will feel energetic, which will help you do other tasks as well. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Cancer

The transition of Mercury will happen in the twelfth house if your zodiac sign, Cancer. Due to this transit, you will notice some unavoidable expenses and some health-related issues. You are recommended to take proper health care, maintaining a proper diet and regular exercise will keep you in good condition as it is a way of releasing mental stress too. There are some foreign trips on your card, which will increase your expenses. You should avoid taking any loan or investing at this duration; otherwise, you may end up in a huge loss. You must focus on spending some quality time with your partner, pay proper attention and avoid any kind of argument. If you are trying to get change or get a new job, then this is the best time to do it. In fact, some new strategies in your business will help you earn profits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Leo

The transition of Mercury in Gemini will influence one's income, wealth, abilities, profession, etc. Your eleventh house is going to host the position of Mercury, thus leaving a significant impact on your income. You will get great chances of increasing your economic conditions. This transit will help you fulfil every desire and necessity of your life. You will prosper through your intellect and positive ideas in your social front, which will be very beneficial for you. You will get enough time to learn new things, explore new places and also some of you may make this as your profession which will give you benefits in the long run. Students might get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies. Some of you will also get admission to a foreign college. Your marital life will have some blissful moments; your partner may have some clashes with you. However, you will handle it smartly and solve it with ease. Your health will remain balanced, and keeping your surrounding clean will help you maintain your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Virgo 

The Mercury will make its transit in the tenth house of your zodiac sign, and your tenth house represents one's professionals and personal life. Thus the transit will give a favourable impact on the life of individuals. You will be more energetic, and working natives will be more focused on completing their work with excellence. Your seniors and colleagues will acknowledge your hard work and effort, which will inspire you to work better and strive for the best. They will even support you in the long run. You love life will remain good; you will be having a happy mood which will please your partner. There will be a sense of mutual understanding, and you will develop a new phase in your relationship. Both of you will maintain dignity and trust with each other. You might get a golden opportunity to travel abroad, which will be beneficial for you in different fields. Your health will remain balanced, though doing exercise or yoga is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Libra

The Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, plays a significant role during the transit. At the time of transit, the planet will be posited in the ninth house of your zodiac sign which will lead to certain financial and economic gains. This is the best time to invest, and you will earn the maximum profit. Apart from that, you should check every possible background before investing. Ignoring any kind of issues might lead to a huge loss in future. Your social front will gain improvement and people will start knowing. You might even get into contact with some delighted members of society. There are certain trips to abroad base on your work which will also be beneficial for your business. Working natives should do their work with full dedication and hard work. Married natives have to pay attention to their spouse, as during this period, they will need your support both mentally and physically. You will need this duration with happiness and harmony. Your family member will be proud of you. Your mother's health will remain stable. Though you are advised to keep a distance from office politics, it may ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Scorpio

The strongest Planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transitory period. Thus at the time of transition, the planet shifts towards the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Scorpio. This transition brings several positive impacts as well as some negative ones too. The natives will witness certain profits through different sources; there are some chances of small losses which will not affect your financial condition. Apart from that, you will be able to maintain financial stability during this period. Natives who are married or in a relationship will face several quarrels and clashes with their beloved though this won't go long, you will easily solve it with your impressive and patient heart. In no time, you will be closer to them and spend this duration in happiness and satisfaction. Ignoring your health during this time will give you some negative impacts in future; it may also lead to some serious health problems. So you should take proper precautions regarding your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Sagittarius

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house and has a significant influence in one's communication skill, profits, promotions, expenses and health. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign, Sagittarius. Thus this transit will bring some profits in your house. Your financial condition will improve. Business natives will earn through some secret sources or past investments, which will help them, pay their debt. Working natives will also have some advantages, and there are chances of you getting a promotion at your work front. Join a sports club or doing physical activities will burn some weight you have gained sitting back at home during the pandemic. You will have some clashes with your spouse, they will dominate you with their feelings, though you will impress them with your entertaining skills like funny dialogues and distractions. Overall this transit will prove to be profitable for the Sagittarius natives.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Capricorn

The impact of Mercury transit will be favourable for native in their field of success and workplace. During the period of transition, the planet will change its position and will be posted in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Natives will witness positive development in their financial condition. Working officials will do an incredibly terrific job, which will be praised by their seniors, and some of the natives also have the chance of getting a promotion during this period. Thus this will bring an increase in your income. This period will bring benefits in terms of business; you will earn profit through different sources. Some of you will get benefits through property investment. Your health conditions will be critical due to some injury; you will feel weak and dizzy. Maintaining a strong diet is necessary; take proper medications to prevent infection. Your marital life will gain stability; even fights and clashes will not set you apart. Your love for your partner will be infinite; they will need proper attention and support at the same time. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aquarius

During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This transit has a positive impact on one's intellect and knowledge. Natives will have good communication skills. They will attain enormous success with the blend of communication and intellect. Working officials will gain increment, which will give them the confidence to invest in assets and other fields. Business natives will also get the advantage of this transit, natives will earn excess profits, and this is the best time to invest. You will gain a special status in society. Your social circle will increase. Your love life will be prosperous; even your partner will support you at every step. Your partner will be the biggest reason for your success. Pay proper attention to them, and you will also get some quality time to spend with them. Your health may deteriorate, so take proper precaution for your health, do regular exercise or yoga and maintain your diet. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Pisces 

The powerful and enlightened planet Mercury is the ruling lord of your houses. Your fourth house will host the position of Mercury during the transition period. There will be a significant impact on one's love life and professional life. You will spend some of the memorable moments of your life, your parents will shower you with the blessing, and they will support you at everything you do. This is a good time to purchase a new car or a house. You will earn tremendous success in the workplace; you need to stay focused and avoid laziness or office politics. Your enemies will try to ruin your image whenever they get the chance, so play smart. Your partner will need full attention as they will be doing a terrific job at their place; this will make your image look good in society too. Make them feel good and courageous for their good deed. Health-wise you will stay fit and fine, and you will be joining a sports club or a gym which would be beneficial for you.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Cancer
21 Jul,2028
04 Aug,2028

The transit of the planet Mercury on Capricorn would leave a negative impact on the zodiac sign Cancer. It affects emotion and nature. As Cancer is a representation of a cardinal water sign, so during this transit, you will notice a change in your behaviour and way of talking. You will be more affluent though you will think and react in the impulse of your feeling, which sometimes might be of love and compassion and sometimes will be fear and possessiveness. And this transit will affect your concentration in different field like studies and work. You who have perspective will personal feeling will be involved the most. So there is a list of things you have to take care during this duration of transit.


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Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aries Sign

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and leaves an impactful effect on your zodiac signs. During this transit, it changes its position and shifts toward your fourth house of the Aries, as the fourth house represents the house romantic relationship. The impact of Mercury gives a favourable effect on the Aries. Married couples would enjoy the benefits and have a happy and peaceful married life. In the field of professionals, you will attain good results due to your hard work and honesty. Even the working official will get maximum support from your senior staff and colleagues, getting praised and uplifted for your hard work. Property related issues are going to get resolved, and there are chances of constructing a new house. You should take care of your physical, mental and spiritual health. It is recommended to do exercise and yoga regularly, that would help you stay fit.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Taurus Sign

The transit of Planet Mercury will be favourable for people having the zodiac sign Taurus. During this transition, the planet will be posited in your third house, and this will positively affect your energy and enthusiasm in completing tasks and taking full responsibilities. The individual will notice a boost up in your personal skills like communication, hardwood, and cooperation, which would help them strive for a good fortune. Short trips are there on the native's card, which would bring joy and happiness. Your marital life would be great, and you will have excellent terms with your spouse. You are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health and maintain your fitness by doing regular exercise in order to stay healthy.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Gemini Sign

The impact will have a significant effect on Gemini and will increase your communications skills. During the transit, the planet will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Gemini. The house denotes communication skills. You would be able to converse fluently and win the heart of people with your attractive speeches. Probably, this would be the perfect time to invest in capitals and earn huge profits through your assets like properties and others. You would do the job, and so you are requested to stay calm and focus on your own work; your efficiency and hard work will give good results. Apart from that, you should not get involved in any office politics if found so you will face backlash and bad circumstances. Regarding your health condition, it is necessary to keep yourself fit and doing regular excessive or yoga is the best way to keep going. Ignoring your health might put you in danger, and you may have some health issues.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Cancer Sign

Because the transit is happening in your own house, the impact in this transit will be very strong, and you would face some issues and problems in a different field. During the transition period, the planet Mercury will move towards the first house of your zodiac sign. The first house indicated health, and you would face some serious issues regarding your health, so it is advised to get a regular health checkup, and proper medical treatment is very necessary. Ignoring a single thing regarding your health might put you in a crucial condition during this duration. Apart from that, your financial condition will be in your favour, you might get support from foreign nations or countries, so this is the best time to invest. You at the workplace might get distracted, resulting in late submission of your work, so be concerned about it and increase your working pace. The love life will remain peaceful, and you will get to know each other better. Your partner will understand your better and your relationship will be romantic; you will get your relationship's missing spark and have a memorable time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Leo Sign 

This transit will be a little difficult, though relaxing for Leo's. During the transition planet Mercury will make its position in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of the transit would lead to an increase in the expenditure, and so you are advised to have control over your expenses and maintain a proper account to check the excess flow of money. Leo must face business-related issues and must take help from the professionals. You are expected to go on trips. You might have jobs have huge chances of getting a promotion. You might face a problem with in terms of your health, so you are advised to do regular exercise or yoga, you can also play any sports in order to keep themselves fit and free from diseases.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Virgo Sign

The impact of Mercury will have a strong impact in terms of your health. During the transition, the planet will move towards the eleventh house of your zodiac sign Virgo. This transition will be very favourable for you in terms of health and harmony. People will notice a gradual increase in your communication skill, and you will attract people with a positive and honest mindset. Your social circle will increase, and your loved one will truly enjoy the company. You will make new friends, and you will maintain a trustworthy relation towards you, even you will tend to support your emotionally and mentally. You working in jobs will earn respect, and you will reap the fruits of hard work. Business You will earn a maximum profit and will earn a good return from your investment and assets. You might have a new relationship, and you will impress them with your charisma.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Libra

As soon as the transition begins, the planet Mercury would gradually move into the powerful tenth house, which means that the lifestyle and living standards of your family would get better. You could also get many sources of income and also invest your money in abroad. Natives would also witness a change in their career, which would eventually escalate your professional life. Along with that, you must also focus on eating healthy, sleeping on time and do a regular checkup. Do not forget to take precaution as it might affect your health in future.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Scorpio Sign

There is both a positive and negative impact on your card. The planet Mercury is known to be the strongest planet; it is also the Lord of Zodiac houses as well. During the transition, the planet shifts its position into the ninth house of the zodiac sign, which gives some positive and as well as negative impact in your lives. Your health will remain stable, and you will have a normal family life. Your relationship will not bother you, and you will be happy with your lover. Apart from that business professional have the best time to increase your wealth, this is the best time for the investment you will get fruitful results. You wishing for travelling abroad can finally fulfil your dream. Working professionals are advised to keep doing your hard work and maintain your honesty and focus in your jobs, and you need to be careful with your opponents you will surely try to ruin your image and distract you from your task.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Sagittarius Sign

The impact of Mercury transit can be pressuring for some of you during this time. Due to the transit taking in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, you might have to face various obstruction your lives. In terms of health, you have to precaution to avoid any kind of problem. Health is a very important factor in your life; your mental stability also depends on your health. So you are recommended to do physical activities like regular exercise or yoga, you can also join a sports club and indulge yourself in sports to maintain your health. You working at jobs are required to finish your tasks in time, you have to focus on your tasks to avoid any delays, or else you have to face sudden pressure and deadlines. Business professionals can take amazing advantage of this time, you will earn good profits in terms, and any economic constraints will be sorted out during this transition period. Tough if you notice a change in your communication skills, you have to be careful and decisive about your speech.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Capricorn Sign

During this period, there will be a positive impact on the native's life. During the transitory period, the planet will change its position and will shift towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign. Your seventh house represents the house of career and responsibility. You will notice a gradual increase in your energy and enthusiasm. You will be able to finish your day will full enjoyment and happiness without any complaint. The couple will be happily satisfied with your marital life, you will have outstanding communication with your spouse, and you will maintain this relationship for a long time. Job representatives will impress your donors with your dedication and hard work; you will be able to manage things easily and complete your tasks with ease and excellence. Businessmen are required to stay calm and not hurry in investing, and you should avoid any kind of investment in dealing particularly at this time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aquarius sign 

The transit of the planet Mercury leaves a significant impact on the Aquarius You. During the transitions, the powerful planet will move towards the sixth house of your zodiac sign which signifies the house of expenses. Tough you will notice an increase in your expenses. Still, you will be able to sort every debt and loans on your head during this time. So, just try to lower down your expenses apart from that you are good to go. It would be effectively beneficial for you to keep yourself fit and healthy. You can do such by joining a sports club or doing other physical activities like exercises and yoga, ignoring your health would be bad for the long run. You might work harder still your luck will not favour you, but don't get distracted by watching your colleagues getting promoted, instead work harder and honestly to attain success. You will get enormous time to hang out with your spouse or your loved ones, share your thoughts and mindset, give them space to understand you and your intentions, and you will surely get closer to you.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Pisces Sign

The Pisceans will enjoy the favour of this transit. As the transit of the powerful planet, Mercury will be taking its place in your fifth house, which would eventually increase in your knowledge and sensibility. In fact, this transit is going to give you enormous financial gains and investing would a great opportunity to earn profits this time. Your connection with your spouse or your loved ones will be very peaceful, and you will soon get to understand and know each other, your partner will support you at every step. You doing jobs will not be able to make any achievement, though will dedication in your work and focus will slowly help them out to get through this time. Undoubtedly, it is significantly important to have a healthy body to keep you going for a long period. You should have a controlled diet and should avoid fast food. Ignoring any kind of issue related to health can be very harmful in the long run. So, it's better to take proper health precautions and going for a regular checkup is necessary, native can also do physical activities like yoga or play sports.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Leo
05 Aug,2028
22 Aug,2028

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet and has a significant impact on your Zodiac sign. The Mercury is very influential over your sign, and it changes your way of thinking, boosts up your confidence, increases your communication skills, pushes your mind towards an optimistic view, gives space to your mind to have a greater thought process. Even Mercury over Leo makes their natives unchallengeable, and this is also the reason for Leo's arrogance. This time can be a little dangerous as they would not listen to anyone's advice and think their ideas are the only way to proceed. This period is going to prove very profitable for the natives in terms of financial condition, and they will notice an increase in their income and they will also have a side earning from some secret sources. The natives might face some difficulties in their professional life, and some obstacles are there on their card, though we all know that hard work is the key to success, so with extreme hard work and absolute dedication, they will be able to achieve success.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Aries

The transition in the planet Mercury in Leo is going to be very lucky for your Zodiac Sign Aries. You children might bring some good news to you which will make you feel good. Aries natives working might have to give their best efforts at their workplace; you will have to take some huge responsibilities during this period of time. There are several trips on your card, which can be either personal or professional. Natives trying for a baby will surely get positive results. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo on Taurus Sign

During the transition, the planet Mercury shifts to their fourth house of the natives. This time is going to be full of ups and downs for the Taurus natives, and you should take serious care of your parents, especially your mother's health. There is a huge chance of getting backstabbed by your friends, so keep an eye over your friends and see if someone has that kind of mindset. On the other hand, starting something new at work will give you a good profit and would be very beneficial for you. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Gemini

While during the transition planet Mercury will be posited in your third house, which is also called 'Parakram Kshetra'. With the transit, you will notice a gradual increase in your energy and would feel more enthusiastic. Though, you have to lower down your spirits or else you may get into serious arguments which mill cause friction between you and your siblings. You will also have some issues with your family during this time. There are some frequent tasks as a part of work in your card, which can be personal also. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Cancer

This time Mercury will not be posited in your zodiac sign. So the transition will not favour you, you have to take all your decisions calmly and should have a calm and peaceful mind. You have to handle your family issues and especially while having any disagreement with your cousins and siblings as luck will not be in your favour, so it's better to avoid arguments. You need to have control over your expenses as this time you may get over budget. Lending someone money would result in loss so better make sure you do not lend anyone during this period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Leo

The transit of Mercury in your Zodiac sign will indicate your financial status. You will earn a huge profit in terms of business. Though you need to take proper precautions regarding your health, keep yourself fit during this transition. You will be stressed in taking decisions for your future aspects. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Virgo

The Mercury is the strongest, and during its transit, it is posited in your 12th house, which signifies health and finance. During this time, you need to have control over your expenses or else it may lead to overburdening. There are several trips on your card, and you need to take proper precautions throughout your trip. Natives trying for travelling or applying for a job may get the chance this time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Libra 

Labh Ghar means the house of profits is your eleventh house, and the Mercury transit will be posited in your eleventh house as well. For people who have delayed their vacation or road trip from a long time due to their busy schedule will finally get a chance to travel. Amidst all this the transit is going to prove good for the Libra natives and they will stay safe and satisfied during this period of time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Scorpio

The planet Mercury dusting this transit will be posited in your house known as Karm Kshetra, and this is the best time for a new startup. The natives who are unemployed and are thriving for jobs will sadly have to wait a little longer but don't worry, and you will surely eat the fruit for your patience later.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Sagittarius

Bhagyasthan, the ninth house of your Zodiac sign will be posited by Mercury during its transition in Leo. This transit would be extremely favourable for married couples; they will have a happy and peaceful relationship. Unmarried people may also get the chance to have a successful marriage. This is the best Mahurat to have Pooja at your home, and you will surely be successful in achieving your aims. There are some chances of delay in your work; however, you will get through it from hard work and dedication.

Impact of Mercury in Leo for Capricorn 

The powerful planet Mercury will be posited in your eight houses during this transit which will be very challenging for the natives. You must be immensely careful for your physical as well as mental health, especially your food consumption should be healthy, and you should do exercise regularly. Take proper rest in order to keep your mind and body peaceful. Stay alert against your enemies; they might create some obstacle. Apart from that, handle every task and issue with care and total dedication.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Aquarius 

The Mercury transition will be posited in your seventh house, which will be very favourable for the Aquarians. Unmarried natives might get a chance to have a life partner. In fact, natives already in the process of discussing an alliance with their in-laws will be beneficial. You are suggested to stay away from communicable disease and take proper care of your own health and stay fit. Natives trying to have a baby will surely get positive results.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Pisces 

This transition will not be favourable for you as The planet will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Proper determination and confidence will help you out during this crucial time. Hard work and dedication will give you good results to pay off all the challenges and obstacles. You might have a quarrel with your family, so keep a cool mind and calmly solve your issues.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Virgo
23 Aug,2028
29 Oct,2028

The incredible planet Mercury is the ruling lord of Virgo, and during the transition period, the planet changes its position and brings an influential impact on different fields of one's life. The Mercury transit has an impact over one's way of communication, helping others, family, finance, intellect, marital life. This transit will be influential on each of the signs in the zodiac circle as Mercury's rulings nature is over one's communication, technology, and travel. This transit will bring some favourable impact on the lives of natives. You will be able to notice an inclination towards learning, the chance of travelling to your desired places, one's status in the society. Hence Mercury plays a critical role in the lives of natives. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aries 

The planet Mercury will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Your sixth house will also host the position of the sun. Thus the Aries natives will face the impact of two planets, and there will be a formation of 'Budh Aditya Yog'. Therefore this transition period will heal all your injuries, health issues you were facing for a long time. Working officials will face excessive success in their respective fields, and you will be praised for your hard work and honesty, you may also defeat all your opponents in the office and will prove yourself aa the strongest competitor in your office. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and properties; there is a good chance you will be able to pay every debt. It's is expected to have a little bit control over your expenses; spending too much might lead to over budget. Your married life would be full of happiness and harmony, though paying attention and spending time with your partner will keep you away from clashes and arguments. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Taurus 

During the period of transit, planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in your fifth house, along with the Mercury, Sun will be posited in the same house. Both being in the same house would create favourable impacts on your house, Taurus. The love life of Taurus natives will prosper; you will get to spend some of the blissful moments with your partner. You will have a sense of mutual understanding with your spouse. There are some arguments and clashes between you both, though you have to handle it with patience and try to impress them. Some of the natives will gain interest in spiritual studies and religious concepts at this duration. This would be the perfect time to buy a car or property; you will be successful in it. You have to take proper precautions regarding your health. Your mother's health is going to be perfect; any past problem in her health will tend to heal during this period. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Gemini

This transit will bring a positive impact in the lives of the Gemini natives, the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Gemini will host the position of the planet. There as, your fourth house represents one's well-being and happiness. There is a sign of gaining inheritance to some of your ancestral properties, and you will also gain good profits through these properties or assets. The powerful Mercury and sun being in the same house will bring luck in your life, and you will reap the fruits of benefits during this time. Natives who are not living with their parents will get to meet them, and you will show love and care towards your parents. You will also get some quality time to spend with them. You will have good terms with your siblings and relatives. Your relationship will gain momentum, and you will spend some memorable time with your partner. Working officials will get into the path of success, though they have to stay away from office politics or else your opponents would try to ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Cancer 

It is the third house of your zodiac sign will host the transition period of Mercury. Your third house is also known as Parakram Sthan. The transit of Mercury in your house will increase your energy, give you a positive mind and brings good luck in the field of work. The combination of Mercury and Sun will bring a favourable impact on your house by enhancing your confidence, patience, communication skills, and intellect. You will feel powerful during this time, and you will have absolute clarity in your thoughts and ideas, people will tend to get attracted by you, and you will be able to accomplish every task with perfection. Working officials will enjoy the benefits of this transit, some of you will get promoted, which would bring you out of stress. Though you may get overconfident sometimes due to your short temper you will get involved in arguments, so keep calm and don't engage yourself in such problems which will ruin your good image. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and other sources. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Leo 

The Mercury transit is going to take place in the second house of the individuals, and the conjunctions of Mercury and Sun will bring a positive impact over your sign, Leo. You will get some good news during this time, Leo natives involved in business fields will gain enormous profits through different sources, and you will also have a good chance to receive profits through ancestral property or past investments. This profit might help you to clear out your debts. You will have a good sense of humour, and your communication skill will help you make new friends. Natives who are involved in the field of media, law, or sales professionals will earn huge benefits. Students preparing for competitive exams have to focus on their studies, which is the only way to score good results. Your love life will be standing, and you will spend a happy time with your family. Apart from that, your parents will have a blissful time with you. The working official has to stay away from office politics. The natives will have a perfect health condition.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Virgo 

The transition of Mercury will occur in your own sign, thus creating a Budh Aditya Yoga formation. The Mercury and Sun will collaborate, and both their positioning will be in your first house, which is your ascendant house. The natives will be fortunate during this time period. Your superiors will highly support and respect you for your dedication and hard work. You will be praised, and everyone will be impressed by your timing. Stay alert from your rivals; they will give their best to ruin your image. There is a family trip on your card, you will spend some blissful time with your family at this duration, your partner will support you, and both of you will develop a sense of mutual understanding, which will reduce your clashes and arguments. Health-wise, you are recommended to do regular exercise or yoga in order to keep yourself fit and fine. Maintaining your health will also be beneficial for you as it would ease up your mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Libra

The planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, along with that sun will take the same position, and their conjunction will show ups and downs in your life. The natives have to work really hard in every field to attain success. The working people will have to take certain responsibilities, which would increase your work pressure and put you in stress. Don't worry and you must take this as a test and give your best to complete your tasks responsibly. The natives will witness an increase in expenses, so you are advised to have control over your daily expenditure and prevent your overspending. The Libra native will spend some memorable time with their family, and your spouse will be very supportive with you during this time. Your health will remain stable. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Scorpio

The impact of the transit will give favourable results to the Scorpio natives. During the transit the Planet Mercury will change its position and will shift towards your eleventh house, your eleventh house is also known as the Labh Ghar or the house of profits in Vedic Astrology. So the combination of Sun and Mercury will improve your financial condition, there are chances of financial gain through different sources. Natives having problems with their overspending habit will finally get a way to stop it. You will finally get some saving schemes which will help you in the long term. Apart from that, you are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health, any ignorance in terms of health will put you at risk. Stay away from fast food and maintain a proper diet. There are several personal and professional trips on your card. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Sagittarius 

The Sagittarius natives will host the position of Mercury in their tenth house, where the house is also known as Karyakhetra or working house in Vedic Astrology. The natives will enjoy the benefits during this transitory period. Working natives will go excessively good in respective fields, and you will be praised by your staff for your brilliant work. You will also have a chance of getting an increment or a promotion. Native who are deciding to change their job will get total success. Your family front will remain happy, and your siblings will also maintain good relations with you. Your partner may shower you will love and support you in every difficult situation. Your health will remain stable, though a checkup will help you in preventing problems for the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury changes its position during the transitory period, and your ninth house hosts the transition. Your ninth house represents one's confidence and enthusiasm. The natives will get the favour of luck and support during this duration. After this transit, the natives will notice an increase in one's intelligence and memory power and which will help you attain success in different aspects of life. Working natives will get to use their luck in the work front, initially gaining success. This is the best time to confront your feelings to your loved ones. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aquarius

The transition of the Planet Mercury will take place in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, which would have both positive and negative impact on the lives of individuals. Your disputes with your father or any elder will finally have closure, and you will spend the duration in harmony, you will get to spend some blissfully time with your family. Natives in relationships will get a chance to convert their love into marriage, though they will face certain difficulties in doing so. However, you will find a way to clear every arising dispute; just don't lose patience. There are high chances of gaining through some unexpected sources during this transit. Your friends and family will give you full support at every step of your life. Married couples will get great chances to get closer to each other. Your health will remain good, though doing some physical activity like playing sports or doing exercise is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Pisces 

The transition of planet Mercury will take place in the third house of a zodiac sign. The Pisces natives will not enjoy the transit, as there will not be any favourable outcomes. They will have to go through some stressful things like bad health, loss in business, disputes etc. Your health will be affected by the change in the climate. You are recommended to take proper healthcare during this transit. Natives who are in the field of jobs will remain safe from their rivals. Natives who are planning to change their jobs are advised to wait for some more time as this time might be a little crucial for them. Single natives trying to get married should remain careful as their rivals will try to ruin their image. Married natives will spend this time will no particular issue, though you need to give proper attention to your partner and sending more time will help you know each other better.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Libra
30 Oct,2028
16 Nov,2028

The transit of the planet Mercury has a significant effect on your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the strongest planet and is also referred to as the messenger of God, famed for its logic, along with enormous skills and swiftness. Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, and Venus is the ruling planet for Libra. Thus Libra being a moon sign and signifies by air creates a purification to the speech of the natives due to this transit. It helps in improving your communication skills which would attract people and would be beneficial for you. It increases your creative abilities and gives you a mature mindset. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aries

The transit of the planet Mercury will not be in your favour. During the transit the Planet Mercury will be posited in your seventh house, the seventh house of your Zodiac sign is the house of your marital life. Determination of one's partnership in various fields of life is very important in terms of astrology. Though the transition period is not going to favour the Aries natives, they might face some serious health issues. If you don't take proper care, you might get some severe disease mainly related to your skin, and you should surely consult a specialist for the skin. Working professionals might get some stress related to work, and any kind if the effort is going to be a waste, so the natives are advised to spend some time to relax rather than taking stress. They can give some time to do something they love like their hobbies, so they could feel lighter and energetic again. Native's marital life will also be a little stress, you would get annoyed, and there will be many misunderstandings which would make you upset. So talk to your partner properly and try to sort it out simply rather than making a fuss out of it. This unfavorable transit will bring distraction in your economic life as well, and you will get into a quarrel with your family members also. You have to take proper care at your expenses, or else your expenses might get overburden. Try to save during this period of time. Trips are there on the cards of business natives, though they would not earn enough profits. Have patience and don't lose hope, after the transit ends you will be back in your normal life.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Taurus 

The planet Mercury has a very friendly term with Libras ruling planet Venus, while its transit the planet is put towards the sixth house of you zodiac sign Taurus which will be favourable for them. Students working hard for their studies will definitely get good results at the end. You will notice a certain improvement in your way of speaking, you will be easily communicating with people, and everyone will be impressed by your logic and humour. Natives competing in debates will surely attain success. You will be interested in literature and in reading various books, novels, magazines, etc. You will defeat every opponent standing against you, your confidence will break all the obstacles, and your performance will gradually increase. People of this zodiac sign, who are influenced by the bull, will be very successful in the field of writing and gain enormous fame. Even, they are a centre of attraction in social media and will influence many people due to your communication skills. There are many trips on your card with your lover, you will be able to spend a memorable time with your lover, and your relationship will prosper during this transit. Married natives would also enjoy the same advantages and will be one step closer to each other and create a better understanding.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Gemini 

The Mercury transit will be posited in your fifth house, which is known as the house of progeny, it signifies your children, education and knowledge. This transit will be favourable for the Gemini natives; your relation with your family will get stronger. spend more time with the younger members of your family. You will get to have a happy family trip or picnic during this duration. Your will be filled with joy and happiness, And you will spend a memorable time with your family and get closer to them. If your mom's health was at a decline from a long time, this transit would improve your mom's condition too, and she will be in good health by now. Student natives with the zodiac sign Gemini will gain interest in learning new things, they may specifically try to get involved in the field of religion and spiritual subjects and spend more time in learning religion and scriptures. You will also feel for someone of your opposite gender; both of you will have a memorable time and will enjoy each other's company. However, this relationship would be a temporary one. People trying for a baby might have a chance of getting a twin. In an overall basis, this transit is going to be very precious and memorable for the Geminis.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Leo

The planet Mercury during its transit will be positioned in the third house of the Leo natives, the house of courage and valour. You will notice a particular change in your speaking, and you will be able to communicate fluently with others. On the other hand, people would understand you better. Your relation with your family will remain as it was, on the other hand, you might have some quarrels with your siblings, so take care of that and try to solve it out with the help of your family. You will lose interest in your ambitions and might feel lazy, because of this you will be financially weak too. Though your friend circle will increase and you will enjoy more with your friends. You might feel physically and mentally weak, maybe because of over thinking, so calm yourself down don't think too much, to have a peaceful mind you can do pranayam or yoga and get yourself back.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Virgo 

The second house of the zodiac sign Virgo signifies one's money, wealth, speech, etc. which in accordance with the 'Kalpurush Kundli'. The transit of Mercury takes over this house and may affect the natives in a positive way. You will have a good connection with your family, and they will understand your good intentions and hard work you do for them, you will be successful in impressing them by your speeches and mindset. You will have delicious dishes at home, which would keep you fit and healthy. Apart from your family, your communication skills will also attract everyone at your workplace, they will start respecting you, and you will have a good image in front of them. If you have some juniors working underneath you, motivate them and help them out with everything related to work. This would increase their affection towards you and will respect your more, and you will surely notice an increase in their work pace. People in the field of business will get profits from their schemes and ideas. Students preparing for the competitive exam will get success from their hard work during this period of time.

Impact of Transit of Mercury in Libra on Libra 

According to the 'Kalpurush Kundli,' the transit will take place in your own house, and the planet Mercury which signifies speech and intellect will be posited in your first house which is your ascendant house. The first house of your zodiac sign Libra signifies health, nature, and knowledge. The planet Mercury is known as the strongest planet, and a friend of Venus would leave a positive impact on your personality and in the aspect of life. Though you should take proper care of your health at this time, regular exercise and yoga will keep your health balanced and mind peaceful. You get excellent results in your professional field, your hard work will pay off, and you will perform better at your workplace. Libra native involved in the fields of business will earn huge profits. Apart from that, new starters are recommended to take care of their expenses and or else they might face over budget. Your overall expenses would be stable though due to some expenses might incur due to the health problems of your family member. Students native have to take some serious decisions regarding their future, and they should take advice from their family members as well before taking any final decision. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Scorpio

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet, and the transit it leaves a significant impact over the natives of Zodiac sign Scorpio. During its transit, the planet is posited in your twelfth house. Your twelfth house, according to the Kalpurush Kundali, is known as the house of expenditure. The impact of Mercury transit on your Sign will not be favourable for you. You should take care of your expenses, have a proper account of your spending and spending too much on daily life itineraries would lead to over budgeting. You should make a proper budget plan in order to be successful in getting control of your spending. Students may get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies will get a chance to fulfill their ambitions. Scorpio natives working in the field of business would get a chance to go on trips, though they won't feel good about it and would be annoyed with the trip. Stay alert as your opponents they will try to put obstacles to distract you, take proper precautions. This transit will affect you negatively; your health might deteriorate. You should take proper care of your health, especially your mental health, this duration will give you excess stress which will also lead to appetite loss. Students have to do hard work, intact they might ignore their studies right now. People who are married should maintain a good relationship with their spouse and try to understand their sentiments. If you don't give proper attention to your spouse, it might lead to quarrels and conflict between you both. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Sagittarius

The Mercury is the strongest planet and having friendly relation with Venus; it leaves a very important impact in your Zodiac sign. During the transition of Mercury In Libra on your Sign, the planet shifts its position to the eleventh house, which implies the house of profits. This means that this transit will prove favourable for the Sagittarius natives. There are huge chances of getting your money from someone you have lent to, and it would save from a huge debt issue. Natives planning for something big can execute during this duration and earn huge profits. You will open new doors of happiness with your family, and your relatives will be very helpful during this time and help you in gaining profits which will increase your financial condition. During this transit natives in the profession of the job will enjoy benefits like getting help from their colleagues and have a good time hanging out with their friends. Couples who have recently got married will enjoy an amazing time with each other and get closer to on other too, there is a huge possibility that they might be blessed with a baby and their relationship will loyal with each other. Student natives can enjoy this duration rather than taking stress in their studies if necessary, taking help from seniors will solve their issues.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Capricorn 

The impact of Mercury would get the natives charged, keep them energetic and enthusiastic. The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in their tenth house of the Zodiac Sign Capricorn, which signifies the house of work. The tenth house is also known as the house of Karma Bhava, which may be the reason for your increase in energy and excitement during this period of time. Natives associated in the professional field will be receiving amusing results of their hard work, and they will be praised at their workplace because of completing their task before time. The natives might get increments in their salary too. Apart from that person with the business profession, there are possibilities that you will earn good profits during this duration of time. You will surely defeat your enemies. Your logic and humor will prove to be very impactful on others, including your opponents. You will be the hero of your family you will be able to understand and solve everyone's problems and will create a good image in front of everyone. The love life of the natives will be very favourable too, they will get to hang out with each other, and during this time they will get to know each other, and everything they do will attract you towards them. On the other hand, the student natives are required to take more care of their health rather than putting mental pressure on their studies. As we know, a healthy mind keeps a body fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aquarius 

The Mercury transition taking place on Aquarius will leave an impactful effect on the Sign, the planet will be posited in their ninth house of the Aquarius natives, and as per the Kalpurush Kundli, the ninth house signifies one's religious, luck and fortune. Though, due to this transit, you may have to face difficulties and obstructions in your life. You have to give your level best performance to achieve good results. The natives will earn profit in terms of financial fields, though there will an increase in their expenditures for some reasons. There are trips on your card, and it is recommended to avoid them for a little bit or postponed your trip unless there is a case of emergency. Your family life will also stay on the decline in terms of relation; you will get into quarrels because of your pride and conflicts with your siblings are also possible. Apart from that, your love life will remain balanced. It would be very beneficial for the student natives to keep a distance from their friends as they would distract you from your studies. Other than that your hard work will prove to be good during this transit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Pisces 

During the planetary movement the planet Mercury will make its transit in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, your eight houses which are also known as the Ayu Bhava signifies longevity. You will receive favourable results due to the transit. You will notice an improvement in the field of finance, the natives will get chance to pay off their debts and free from any stress, and they will be left with some money for future savings too. The natives working as professionals, will get praised and known for their wit, and honest work, along with those natives who wish to change jobs will be successful in getting a new one. People in the field of business should not haste and make a mistake; rather, they should consult someone experienced and then implement their ideas. You mothers health will be at stake, so natives are serious about your mother health take her to a doctor before anything serious happens. 

Due to the impact of Mercury transit, the natives will have interest in studying mysterious science subjects like astrology, mythology, etc. You will create a good image in your social life people will tend to follow your thought and get your advice during this time period.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Scorpio
17 Nov,2028
05 Dec,2028

The influence of Mercury in Scorpio increase you focus towards all resources. Mercury is a dualistic planet and transit of Mercury in Scorpio will increase your thinking capability, strengthen your intellect and boosts up your confidence. You will be able to compete with every challenge in your life and overpower them. Scorpio sign is represented as the warrior of the zodiac. So natives with this sign will always have to think their way out instead of worrying about it if you are getting tensed about each and every task than you will suffer. Make your own choice, choose your own path, whether it is worrying or thinking. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aries 

The transit of Mercury will influence due to its change in position, and the planet will be posited in the eighth house of your Zodiac sign Aries. According to the Kundali, the eight houses is represented as the significator of life and expectancy and enlightenment. There will be many changes faced by the natives have to face during this time. However, your economic condition will improve during this period. You will gain profits, and different doors of monetary resources will be open for you. People who are planning to take any loan will be successful at this time. Working officials will have to face some challenges, apart from that they have to be patient or else hasting at any point will put you in stress. You will develop an interest in learning spiritual subjects, and your thoughts and ideas will ache accordingly. Natives who have set one's cap for PhD degree will get favourable results. You siblings will go through a tough time during this time, and you will have to help them out and solve their problems. There are several trips on your card, though you be careful at the time of self-driving. Your health condition will be down, so you are required to maintain your diet and do physical activities. Your spouse will also have a source of earning, which will ease things up and will be handy for you too. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Taurus

The transit of evolutionary Mercury will take place in the seventh house of your zodiac sign Taurus. Your seventh house is signified as the house of marital life, partner and business partners. The impact of Mercury transit is going to give good results for the married natives; they will respect each other and have a term of mutual understanding. People in relationships will spend a beautiful time and carry out romantic conversations, and this time will strengthen your relationship. Even, some of you will propose to your partner for marriage, and some problems may arise still you will be finding out away. One's in the field of work will get benefits through this transit, new opportunities will arise for you during this time. Natives looking for a new job will be successful. You will also gain extreme profits in the field of business; even your partnership business will prosper. You would always be at peace and witness harmony in your family, and children of this zodiac sign will stay healthy and happy. However, you have to take care of your expenses there are chances of an increase in your expenditure. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Scorpio on Gemini 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in the sixth house if your zodiac sign, which is represented as the house of the enemy according to the field of astrology. This time would be very difficult for the Gemini natives. You have to be careful about many things like your enemies, pain, job, competition, health, and even your marriage. Natives might have to face some challenges regarding your health, ignoring your health conditions may give you a negative impact at this time. If you are doing a job, you will be challenged by your rivals, and they will give their best to defeat you and dominate you. You are recommended to stay away from illegal activities to keep yourself and your family. You will meet your in-laws, and their bits of advice would be helpful for you. You will also face an increase in your expenses, and you will have to face many obstacles, though hard work and honesty will help you out to survive this duration.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Cancer 

During this period of transit, the planet will change its position and will be positioned in the powerful fifth house of your Zodiac sign, and your fifth house is a significantly important of your family and children's well-being. You will get new opportunities in the field of education, your children's creative talents, and even your relationship will be prosperous. Students will get to fulfil their wish in higher studies, and this is the best time to show one's ability. Most of you will also get the chance to shift to abroad to continue your studies and sharpen your talents. Natives who are in love will have to face some clashes and arguments with their beloved for small reasons, though you will sort it out with patience and understanding. Some of you will have the chance to express your feeling to your loved ones and get good results. You will face some problems in your marital life due to which misunderstandings will arise. However, your spouse will enjoy some benefits during this transit. You will have an amazing communication skill which will help you earn respect and trust in your society. Your intelligence will help you in taking some tuff decisions which will give you certain benefits in future. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Leo

The transit of the dualistic planet Mercury will show its impact on the fourth house of your zodiac sign, thus influencing your happiness. On the other hand, the transit will have an impactful effect on your luxury, emotions, and property-related things. You will witness several benefits due to this transit. There will be an inflow of happiness and harmony in your life. You will stay motivated; your family will support you in every aspect of life. The Leo natives will spend some quality time with their family members. In terms of property, issues will get resolved during this period. This is also the best time to buy a new house or vehicle for the Leo natives. You mother will get favors of this transit, you will receive her blessings, and her health is going to be perfect at this time. The natives working as hired men will do excellent in their work field; their hard work and dedication will be the reason for their success. Your increase in knowledge will help you attain a better position in society, and you will also make new contact with some of the reputed members of society. You will have excellent health, though stay away from fast food and take proper precaution, and the polluted area may be the reason for your skin disease. So, keep your surroundings clean. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Virgo 

Due to the transition, you will notice a change in your aspect of life. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet Mercury will be posted in the third house of your zodiac sign Virgo. The third house represents various exposures to your life; it brings a change in your courage, will power, passion, confidence and gives you the energy to improve your knowledge, makes you more enthusiastic. Along with that, there is zeal in one's Kundali, which gets enlightened during the transit. The transition will make you more conscious and serious in your behaviour, and you will be more passionate about your tasks. Your thoughts and ideas will impress everyone around you, though your way of communication may hurt someone's intentions, so you are advised to control your speeches. Your short-tempered nature will be the reason for fights and arguments at some point. You are advised to handle things calmly and smartly. You will get the opportunity to get a new job, and you will be surely successful in it. The natives will be successful in helping out their friends and family, though clashes are possible between you and your family. New members will be added in your social circle, and they will tend to continue this friendship for the long term. Apart from that, natives will earn respect in the society due to their partner's success. There are short trips on your card through you need to be cautious during the travelling. Your siblings will behave maturely, and their success will make you happy, and you will also help them out at any cost. Your health would be totally fine at this time, though you are advised to do physical activities and stay fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Libra 

The strongest planet Mercury will make its transit into the second house of your Zodiac sign, Libra. The transition of the planet will influence your family, improve your communication skills, and focus on one's primary education and monetary resource. The impact of the transit will give favourable results for the Libra natives. You will notice a gradual increase in your economic condition. You will gain money through different sources, even though a foreign source. There are high possibilities of returns from investments and domestic sources also. The natives will be able to repay their loans and debts through these profits. Even, if you are waiting for loan approval, this time you may get a piece of good news. During this transition, you will spend more, so keep a tab on your expenses and having a little control over your spending will balance your budget. This duration will give you fruitful results and your good communication skills will create a good image in front of others. Apart from that, you will earn maximum profits due to your chosen personality, and people will tend to trust you more. The partner of the Libra natives will have bad health, so take them for a checkup and cooperate with them. Working professionals will get the taste of success due to their dedication and hard work. Though your opponents won't leave a single chance to ruin your image, it's better to keep a distance from them. Your family members will be proud of your excellence in different fields, and you will spend a peaceful and happy time with them. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Scorpio

The transition of the planet Mercury will be taking place in your own house, so during the transit, the planet will change its direction and will be posited in the first house which is your ascendant house. The Scorpion natives have to face certain challenges during this transit, as their first house is known as the house of self. There will be some changes which will give a negative impact on one's attitude. Your health will be down during this transition period, and even you may suffer from skin problems. So, it is significantly urgent to take necessary care of your health, doing proper workout and keeping yourself and your surrounding clean would be beneficial for your health. Your mental health would stay on the decline too. You will tend to gain your interest in increasing your financial condition, and you would get total success. You will attain good results through hard work and dedication. Your advice to keep yourself calm, or sake debates and arguments may arise between you and your siblings and friends. Your social circle will value you more, and you will make new and trustworthy friends. The natives will be able to fulfil their awaited desires. Your opponent won't stand a chance in front of you. Seniors and colleagues will respect you for maintaining decorum in the office culture. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Sagittarius 

The twelfth house of Sagittarius will host the transition of the planet Mercury, where the twelfth house represents expenditure and income. In the field of astrology, the planet has an impact over your different aspects of life like expenses, salvation, foreign trips, family and others. You will notice a good amount of growth in your expenses. You will find innovative techniques to earn profits, though you need to spend smartly and save for investment. You have to stay alert from frauds; don't trust anyone at this time, trusting on someone may result in huge losses. People applying for a loan may get favourable results. There is a foreign trio on your card, which will be beneficial for your business. This trip will give you good profits. You need to be quite careful, or else you may get into a controversy. Your rivals will do anything to ruin your image so stay secured from them and strategize your plans to defeat them at every point. Ignoring your health issues may give birth to worse disease. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Capricorn

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, along with that; it is also the strongest planet. At the time of transition, the position of the planet remains in the eleventh house of your zodiac sign. The eleventh house of the Capricorn natives implies one's income, success, social circle, siblings, and others. The natives will enjoy several benefits during this transit. You will get rewarded for your success and hard work, resulting in an increase in your desires to achieve your goals. You will face some challenges in different fields, though you will procure your position and defeat each and every obstacle in your life. In terms of your financial condition, you will succeed enormously, and several doors of monetary resources will come to you, and serve you extreme benefits. You will also get an advantage through your property. Your siblings will also get the chance to taste success which would also prove beneficial for you. Your marital life will be full of joy, and couples with a kid will witness their talents. Natives with the job will earn respect through their wisdom and honesty in completing their tasks.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aquarius

The transit of Mercury will be very impactful on Aquarius. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and moves towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. Where the tenth house represents various factors of life like one's career, family's situation, respect, politics and one goal in life, apart from that it is also known as the house of karma and profession. The natives will witness several ups and downs in their lives. The working professionals have to face some challenges, though their sharp intellect and reasoning abilities will help them to get out such tuff situations. Natives applying for a new job have to keep patience and try harder. However, you will not get favourable outcomes at your workplace and get frustrated. Though don't lose your hopes and try to stand up and fight back. Your beloved will try to impress you and their affectionate love will strengthen your relationship. Natives who are involved in politics will not get good results, though you should keep trying. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Pisces

The planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transition and it shifts into your ninth house. The ninth house during the transition influences one's fate, guru, religion, travel, life decisions and financial condition. The Pisces natives will enjoy the benefits during this transit, especially the student natives, will score good marks in their studies, and their mentors will actively participate in helping them. There are family trips on your card. Your partner's achievement will be the reason for your name, fame and respect in society. One's involved in the business will earn profits through different economic sources. Performing religious activities and social services will give you mental satisfaction. You will also earn profits in partnership business. The natives will get more inclined in art and literature; some of them will choose writing as their profession too. You may also plan for a business trip or get a chance to shift to abroad for your higher studies. Your mother's health might get worse if ignored so do proper medication. Don't forget about your health, so de regular yoga or try to get involved in physical activities.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Sagittarius
06 Dec,2028
25 Dec,2028

The transition of the Planet Mercury can be very impactful over your sign. Due to the transit, the planet changes its position and moves to different house cause a change in your communication skills, preaching, educational activities, and intellectual thoughts. It also affects your financial condition by causing a difference in your business, accounting marketing, etc. The planet also influences the relation between your parents, lover, siblings and others. The Sagittarius signifies higher learning, philosophy, religion, teaching, Gurus, fathers teaching, travelling to long distances, etc. When Mercury is positioned in Sagittarius, it affects mainly the accounting and finance fields, higher learning, profits from publishing books, and it is also the best time for astrologers and Gurus. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Aries 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet; during the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards your ninth house, which is the house of one's fate and fortune. The impact of this transition affects one's luck, religion and relation with father. This period can be quite challenging for the natives; you will go through a lot of mental stress and tension because your tasks may not give good results. On the other hand, your family members will help you and support in every bad situation. Natives have to work really hard to get through this. Sitting at home and doing nothing would not help you; instead, you have to work really hard and take serious decisions about your future to make your dreams possible. Your karma is going to hit you back, so take precaution and don't interfere in anyone life. Not only your family but your friends will also stand by your side, and they will help you out with every problem you are dealing with and try to solve them together. Students natives will enjoy the advantages of this time; your hard work and dedication will give you better results in the field of education. You should take proper medications if necessary. If you are unable to handle your economic condition, then taking a loan from the bank would be a great idea. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Taurus

The transit of Mercury in your house will improve in the lives of natives having the zodiac sign Taurus. During the transitory period, the planet will be posited in your eight houses which are represented as the Ayu Bhagya or longevity of your Kundali. You will get to hear good news, and even the Married people will have a new member in the family during this time period. As the impact of this transition would be favourable for you, thus there will peace and harmony between your family member. They will tend to understand your feelings better, and you will stay motivated throughout time. You will be able to help out your family member too, especially the younger member in terms of finance. People in a relationship or married will go for some shopping or buying new clothes with their beloved. You will notice an increase in your social friends who will enjoy your company and have a memorable time with you. You will gain motivation by doing good deeds like donating in a charity and helping your friends give then valuable advice. There are chances of making a mistake in business and incurring losses, though this will not affect you much; instead, you will learn from those mistakes and more confident that you won't repeat it in future. Every Taurus native is advised to maintain a proper diet and do regular exercise to stay fit and healthy. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Gemini

The Planet Mercury is the dearest friend of Venus, and during the transition, Mercury shifts towards the house of partnership which is the seventh house of your zodiac sign. This house helps to know better about your spouse or partner and have a better understanding of life. People having a business partnership should avoid any quarrel or argument, because if you try to pressurize your partner in making your point, it would be problematic for you in future. You need to calmly share your ideas and views and make your partners understand in the right way. You will lack confidence because you will be worried about your future. The married natives are advised to remain totally understanding towards their spouse, listen to them and spend time with them. Working professionals will earn respect and good results due to their hardworking and honesty; even there are opportunities for some of you to get promoted. The most important thing every Gemini native should care about is, you have to do everything patiently, and you will get good results from it. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Cancer 

The transition of Mercury will give a favourable impact on the Cancer Natives. During the transit, the planet will change its position and will shirts towards the third house of your Zodiac sign Cancer. This transition would rather be very auspicious for the natives. If you are professional, then you will be highly praised for your efforts and working techniques, even you will be successful in doing every task with ease. You will feel mentally strong, and you would easily go through the problems which may arise during this duration, and even at the toughest times, your confidence won't break. Natives looking for a job change, this is the best time, and you will be surely successful in getting a new job. You would soon notice a significant improvement in your communication skills due to which people will tend to listen to you and understand your point of views, and your sweetened tone will attract them and thus help you in getting a good image in the social circle. You may also get in contact will some of the reputed members of the society. If you are fighting for any kind of legal case, the decisions will be in your favour during this duration of time. Your expense will soon increase, though you don't have to worry much about it. Having a little control over your spending would sort it out. Married natives will get a chance to go on a trip more like a vacation and spend a memorable time with their spouse. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Leo 

The transition brings a favourable impact over the Leo natives. During the transitory period, the planet is posited into the fifth house which is also represented as the house of progeny. Knowledge of your children is determined by the house. Leo natives will notice a change in their intellect. You will try to significantly improve and do better in your mental ability and will gain more interest in learning new subjects. Natives who are interested in the field of art will be able to attract many people by their creativity and talent. You will gain interest in spiritual learning, and you may also choose this as your subject. Natives will also enjoy debating and discussing their new ideas and point of views during this duration of time. You will get a little short-tempered in dealing with your life partner, though you will certainly pull it down fast and try to make your partner feel good. Students will enjoy extreme favours if this transit, their hardworking and dedication will prove to be beneficial, and they will get full support from their teachers and mentors. If you are studying in the field of mathematics, you will surely get good results and make your parents proud. Apart from that take proper precaution for your health, some skin allergies might cause due to polluted air. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Virgo 

The impact of the transit of planet Mercury would be very beneficial for the Virgo natives. During the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Virgo. The fourth house represents mother and happiness. You will reap the fruits of hard work you did in the past. This time is very lucky for buying a new home. You will be very busy due to some guests arrived at your home. There are many more possibilities of getting great news in various fields of life. You need to handle things between you and your spouse very calmly; otherwise, it may give birth to some clashes and disputes. However, you will be successful in every field of life and solve your problem with ease. Natives have work profession mist complete their work in time and full dedication. Also, you are recommended to do proper exercise or yoga and maintain a healthy diet. Apart from that, you will get the maximum benefit of this transit period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Libra 

The transit period is going to be very challenging for the Libra natives. As the dualistic Planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the third house of your zodiac sign during the transitory period. The third house is referred to as the house of courage and Valor. During this challenging period, you will have to take some serious decisions in your life and if you make any mistake in taking any decisions in terms of your family, this would bring your family apart. Though you just need to be down to earth and accept every mistake you made in front of your family. You opponents will try each and every way possible in order to destroy your image or status, though you will be handling each and every situation very calmly and smartly. You will need to control your wishes and focus on your work in order to attain success in the work fields. You will have to handle each and everything yourself, as we all know, god help those people who are kind and honest. Short-distance trips are there on your card which will refresh your mind. Apart from that your health will be good except your mind, your mental health will be a little disturbed. Keeping yourself fit and fine would be the best way to stay healthy and out of stress. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Scorpio 

The transit would leave a favourable impact on the Scorpio natives. The planet Mercury will change its position and move towards the second house of your Zodiac sign Scorpio and this transit will sort out many problems for you, and you will also get good results of your deeds. People in the field of business will gain enormous wealth through great deals; you will be successful in the economic field. There are chances of getting profits through ancestral properties. Your communication skills will improve, and you will notice a change in your way of speaking, though you need to understand that it is the best time to speak otherwise stay calm in such a situation. You will gain a good image because if your honest work and good deed, you will prosper good image in front of the society. Your health must be seriously taken care of, and you must keep yourself and your surroundings clean. Or else skin related disease can cause huge problems. Scorpion natives studying as students must focus on their studies to get good results in competitive exams. Try to consume a balanced diet and nutritious food. Along with regular exercise or yoga, will keep you mentally and physically fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Sagittarius 

This transit is going to be very impactful on your sign as the transition is taking place in your own songs. During the transition as the planet will be posted in your ascendent house, which according to the Kalpurush Kundali determines one's own health, body, intellect or enlightenment. People involved in the field of business can witness financial loss whose opponents may be the reason, so you need to stay alert from your opponents. Due to financial loss, you might face problems in your families too. However, your friends or relatives would be there to help and support your mentally and financially. You may also have some arguments or clashes with your life partner; however, you will sort it out with your sweet words and end up in peace and harmony in your marital life. Try to be careful with your words in order to stay safe from your colleagues, or you will end in an argument or dispute with your colleagues. Married wives having this sign will appease their husbands with delicious food and have a happy married life. 

Transit of Mercury in Sagittarius on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make it's transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your Zodiac sign. This transit will bring a favourable impact in your life and your communication skills will find a way to touch people's hearts. You will attract your friends and family by your ideas and thoughts. Working professionals will gain respect and they will complete tasks in time. You will gain excess profits and your hardwork will prove to be very beneficial. Student natives working hard for  competitive exams will get good results. Your social circle will increase, people will tend to trust you and have faith in you. Though you need to keep control over your speeches or else it might turn into an argument. You also need to take proper precautions in terms of your health. Regular exercise or yoga would be very beneficial for your health and mental stability. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Aquarius 

The Aquarius natives will gain extreme favour due to this transit. The planet will make its transition and will be posited in your eleventh house, which is represented as your house of income and expenditure. During this transit, you will gain excess profits, and you will be able to clear out all the debts and money rat problems. Gaining profits will improve your financial condition. You will create a good image firing of your family, and you will also get an amazing chance to spend a memorable time with your partner and children as well. You will get to make new friends and actively take part in social activities too, which would help your expand your friend circle. Your increase in knowledge and intelligence will open new doors of profits in your life. Most of you who are in love will gift a beautiful present to your partner expressing your feeling to them; it is the best time to propose and ask for their hand for marriage. Amidst all this, if you still feel like you have not done good deeds than you need to review them again. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Pisces 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in your tenth house, which represents the house of Profession and career, due to this transit, your self-confidence will immensely improve. Your logical perspective will improve, which will help you defeat your opponents. This transit will make your personality strong due to which your enemies will fear from you and decide not to bother you in any way. Natives will easily complete their pending tasks and earn respect in their fields. Your family life will be smooth and peaceful. You will get a chance to spend more time with your life partner and get closer to them, and this time will be very memorable for both of you, which will create mutual understanding between you both. There are chances of shopping on your card, and most probably you will reap the fruits of hard work and give a boost to your career. Your intelligence will be boosted; you will be able to help out your classmates and put your views and points clearly. Your talents will be praised socially, and you can turn these talents into the direction of success.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Sagittarius
30 Nov,2029
03 Feb,2030

The transition of the Planet Mercury can be very impactful over your sign. Due to the transit, the planet changes its position and moves to different house cause a change in your communication skills, preaching, educational activities, and intellectual thoughts. It also affects your financial condition by causing a difference in your business, accounting marketing, etc. The planet also influences the relation between your parents, lover, siblings and others. The Sagittarius signifies higher learning, philosophy, religion, teaching, Gurus, fathers teaching, travelling to long distances, etc. When Mercury is positioned in Sagittarius, it affects mainly the accounting and finance fields, higher learning, profits from publishing books, and it is also the best time for astrologers and Gurus. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Aries 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet; during the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards your ninth house, which is the house of one's fate and fortune. The impact of this transition affects one's luck, religion and relation with father. This period can be quite challenging for the natives; you will go through a lot of mental stress and tension because your tasks may not give good results. On the other hand, your family members will help you and support in every bad situation. Natives have to work really hard to get through this. Sitting at home and doing nothing would not help you; instead, you have to work really hard and take serious decisions about your future to make your dreams possible. Your karma is going to hit you back, so take precaution and don't interfere in anyone life. Not only your family but your friends will also stand by your side, and they will help you out with every problem you are dealing with and try to solve them together. Students natives will enjoy the advantages of this time; your hard work and dedication will give you better results in the field of education. You should take proper medications if necessary. If you are unable to handle your economic condition, then taking a loan from the bank would be a great idea. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Taurus

The transit of Mercury in your house will improve in the lives of natives having the zodiac sign Taurus. During the transitory period, the planet will be posited in your eight houses which are represented as the Ayu Bhagya or longevity of your Kundali. You will get to hear good news, and even the Married people will have a new member in the family during this time period. As the impact of this transition would be favourable for you, thus there will peace and harmony between your family member. They will tend to understand your feelings better, and you will stay motivated throughout time. You will be able to help out your family member too, especially the younger member in terms of finance. People in a relationship or married will go for some shopping or buying new clothes with their beloved. You will notice an increase in your social friends who will enjoy your company and have a memorable time with you. You will gain motivation by doing good deeds like donating in a charity and helping your friends give then valuable advice. There are chances of making a mistake in business and incurring losses, though this will not affect you much; instead, you will learn from those mistakes and more confident that you won't repeat it in future. Every Taurus native is advised to maintain a proper diet and do regular exercise to stay fit and healthy. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Gemini

The Planet Mercury is the dearest friend of Venus, and during the transition, Mercury shifts towards the house of partnership which is the seventh house of your zodiac sign. This house helps to know better about your spouse or partner and have a better understanding of life. People having a business partnership should avoid any quarrel or argument, because if you try to pressurize your partner in making your point, it would be problematic for you in future. You need to calmly share your ideas and views and make your partners understand in the right way. You will lack confidence because you will be worried about your future. The married natives are advised to remain totally understanding towards their spouse, listen to them and spend time with them. Working professionals will earn respect and good results due to their hardworking and honesty; even there are opportunities for some of you to get promoted. The most important thing every Gemini native should care about is, you have to do everything patiently, and you will get good results from it. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Cancer 

The transition of Mercury will give a favourable impact on the Cancer Natives. During the transit, the planet will change its position and will shirts towards the third house of your Zodiac sign Cancer. This transition would rather be very auspicious for the natives. If you are professional, then you will be highly praised for your efforts and working techniques, even you will be successful in doing every task with ease. You will feel mentally strong, and you would easily go through the problems which may arise during this duration, and even at the toughest times, your confidence won't break. Natives looking for a job change, this is the best time, and you will be surely successful in getting a new job. You would soon notice a significant improvement in your communication skills due to which people will tend to listen to you and understand your point of views, and your sweetened tone will attract them and thus help you in getting a good image in the social circle. You may also get in contact will some of the reputed members of the society. If you are fighting for any kind of legal case, the decisions will be in your favour during this duration of time. Your expense will soon increase, though you don't have to worry much about it. Having a little control over your spending would sort it out. Married natives will get a chance to go on a trip more like a vacation and spend a memorable time with their spouse. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Leo 

The transition brings a favourable impact over the Leo natives. During the transitory period, the planet is posited into the fifth house which is also represented as the house of progeny. Knowledge of your children is determined by the house. Leo natives will notice a change in their intellect. You will try to significantly improve and do better in your mental ability and will gain more interest in learning new subjects. Natives who are interested in the field of art will be able to attract many people by their creativity and talent. You will gain interest in spiritual learning, and you may also choose this as your subject. Natives will also enjoy debating and discussing their new ideas and point of views during this duration of time. You will get a little short-tempered in dealing with your life partner, though you will certainly pull it down fast and try to make your partner feel good. Students will enjoy extreme favours if this transit, their hardworking and dedication will prove to be beneficial, and they will get full support from their teachers and mentors. If you are studying in the field of mathematics, you will surely get good results and make your parents proud. Apart from that take proper precaution for your health, some skin allergies might cause due to polluted air. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Virgo 

The impact of the transit of planet Mercury would be very beneficial for the Virgo natives. During the transition, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Virgo. The fourth house represents mother and happiness. You will reap the fruits of hard work you did in the past. This time is very lucky for buying a new home. You will be very busy due to some guests arrived at your home. There are many more possibilities of getting great news in various fields of life. You need to handle things between you and your spouse very calmly; otherwise, it may give birth to some clashes and disputes. However, you will be successful in every field of life and solve your problem with ease. Natives have work profession mist complete their work in time and full dedication. Also, you are recommended to do proper exercise or yoga and maintain a healthy diet. Apart from that, you will get the maximum benefit of this transit period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Libra 

The transit period is going to be very challenging for the Libra natives. As the dualistic Planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the third house of your zodiac sign during the transitory period. The third house is referred to as the house of courage and Valor. During this challenging period, you will have to take some serious decisions in your life and if you make any mistake in taking any decisions in terms of your family, this would bring your family apart. Though you just need to be down to earth and accept every mistake you made in front of your family. You opponents will try each and every way possible in order to destroy your image or status, though you will be handling each and every situation very calmly and smartly. You will need to control your wishes and focus on your work in order to attain success in the work fields. You will have to handle each and everything yourself, as we all know, god help those people who are kind and honest. Short-distance trips are there on your card which will refresh your mind. Apart from that your health will be good except your mind, your mental health will be a little disturbed. Keeping yourself fit and fine would be the best way to stay healthy and out of stress. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Scorpio 

The transit would leave a favourable impact on the Scorpio natives. The planet Mercury will change its position and move towards the second house of your Zodiac sign Scorpio and this transit will sort out many problems for you, and you will also get good results of your deeds. People in the field of business will gain enormous wealth through great deals; you will be successful in the economic field. There are chances of getting profits through ancestral properties. Your communication skills will improve, and you will notice a change in your way of speaking, though you need to understand that it is the best time to speak otherwise stay calm in such a situation. You will gain a good image because if your honest work and good deed, you will prosper good image in front of the society. Your health must be seriously taken care of, and you must keep yourself and your surroundings clean. Or else skin related disease can cause huge problems. Scorpion natives studying as students must focus on their studies to get good results in competitive exams. Try to consume a balanced diet and nutritious food. Along with regular exercise or yoga, will keep you mentally and physically fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Sagittarius 

This transit is going to be very impactful on your sign as the transition is taking place in your own songs. During the transition as the planet will be posted in your ascendent house, which according to the Kalpurush Kundali determines one's own health, body, intellect or enlightenment. People involved in the field of business can witness financial loss whose opponents may be the reason, so you need to stay alert from your opponents. Due to financial loss, you might face problems in your families too. However, your friends or relatives would be there to help and support your mentally and financially. You may also have some arguments or clashes with your life partner; however, you will sort it out with your sweet words and end up in peace and harmony in your marital life. Try to be careful with your words in order to stay safe from your colleagues, or you will end in an argument or dispute with your colleagues. Married wives having this sign will appease their husbands with delicious food and have a happy married life. 

Transit of Mercury in Sagittarius on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make it's transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your Zodiac sign. This transit will bring a favourable impact in your life and your communication skills will find a way to touch people's hearts. You will attract your friends and family by your ideas and thoughts. Working professionals will gain respect and they will complete tasks in time. You will gain excess profits and your hardwork will prove to be very beneficial. Student natives working hard for  competitive exams will get good results. Your social circle will increase, people will tend to trust you and have faith in you. Though you need to keep control over your speeches or else it might turn into an argument. You also need to take proper precautions in terms of your health. Regular exercise or yoga would be very beneficial for your health and mental stability. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Sagittarius on Aquarius 

The Aquarius natives will gain extreme favour due to this transit. The planet will make its transition and will be posited in your eleventh house, which is represented as your house of income and expenditure. During this transit, you will gain excess profits, and you will be able to clear out all the debts and money rat problems. Gaining profits will improve your financial condition. You will create a good image firing of your family, and you will also get an amazing chance to spend a memorable time with your partner and children as well. You will get to make new friends and actively take part in social activities too, which would help your expand your friend circle. Your increase in knowledge and intelligence will open new doors of profits in your life. Most of you who are in love will gift a beautiful present to your partner expressing your feeling to them; it is the best time to propose and ask for their hand for marriage. Amidst all this, if you still feel like you have not done good deeds than you need to review them again. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Sagittarius on Pisces 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in your tenth house, which represents the house of Profession and career, due to this transit, your self-confidence will immensely improve. Your logical perspective will improve, which will help you defeat your opponents. This transit will make your personality strong due to which your enemies will fear from you and decide not to bother you in any way. Natives will easily complete their pending tasks and earn respect in their fields. Your family life will be smooth and peaceful. You will get a chance to spend more time with your life partner and get closer to them, and this time will be very memorable for both of you, which will create mutual understanding between you both. There are chances of shopping on your card, and most probably you will reap the fruits of hard work and give a boost to your career. Your intelligence will be boosted; you will be able to help out your classmates and put your views and points clearly. Your talents will be praised socially, and you can turn these talents into the direction of success.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Capricorn
08 Feb,2029
02 Mar,2029

The transit of Mercury into Capricorn plays a very significant role in the life of their natives. When the Mercury is in Capricorn, it makes the mind of the native think in a very well organized manner, and they also keep their focus on they want to achieve, and it is challenging to distract them from completing their tasks. The Capricorn natives during this transit will always be practical and focus on their business. Their way of communication will always be practical and logical. They will always have some relevance in their conversation, and thus, the transit of Mercury will have a very influential impact in the lives of Capricorns related to their business, career, education, love and marriage life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aries

The powerful Mercury that is the Lord of your third and sixth houses, during the transit, its position moves towards your tenth house. The tenth house of your Kundali implies your livelihood, karma and fame. With the impact of Mercury in your tenth house, during this time, you will do exceptionally well in your office or workplace, which would be all because of your hard work and intelligence. Your bosses and seniors will praise you, and even your colleagues would unexpectedly appreciate your work. People doing business have the best time to give a start to their new ideas, or they will get excessive chances to expand their business. You will have an excellent and happy relationship with your family. You will have a peaceful family life. You siblings will be there to support you in most of your things, which also be very beneficial for your work. Your communication skill will attract many people who might be useful. You need to avoid being overconfident. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Taurus

Mercury that is popularly known as the Lord of the second and the fifth houses of their zodiac sign Capricorn. During the transition, the planet moves towards the ninth house of their zodiac sign. The ninth house implies the house of wealth, fame and respect. Due to the effect of Mercury transition in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, you will notice an improvement in relation with your father. You will witness a significant gain in your financial condition and strong support from your family, especially your father. You will be able to establish a beautiful relation with your beloved and have a very happy marital life. Your communication with your partner will be flawless. You will always lookout for ways to stay together and spend a memorable time. You will gain excess fame in your social group and would be very profitable for you. There are some tips on your card, which would bring some benefit to improve your financial condition. Student natives will get a good result for their hard work in their higher studies. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Gemini

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the fourth house of your zodiac sign. During its transit into Capricorn, it is posited towards their eight houses. Due to the transit, it shows a rise in your physical challenges, and you must be careful about your health. On the other hand, the transit will help you in improving your financial condition. If you are facing any sort of financial issues, during this time, you will get rid of it. Natives connected with Dharma Karma and other religious things are going to get good results. People of this zodiac sign receiving Mantra Deeksha will witness great results. 

This transit is going to prove very beneficial for the Geminis, they will get excellent results working in the field of research, and their main focus will be in studying about spiritual activities in depth. You would get to notice a slight improvement in your communication skills. There are chances of gaining profits economically. However, you have to be careful about your speech since you may get aggressive or arrogant. You might face some difficulties at your workplace, though a little hard work and sincerity will work it out. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Cancer

Mercury is often referred to as the Lord of the third and twelfth houses for Cancerians. During the transition, the planet shifts towards the seventh house of your Kundali. The seventh house signifies a long-term partnership and a successful business. Natives during this transition will gain excess profit in terms of their work or business. There are more chances of profit from telecommunication resources. Natives doing business will be able to receive total success in expanding their business, especially through social media and marketing. In fact, natives working with multinational companies would also be able to get amusing results. In terms of the partnership, the transit would increase mutual understanding with your life partner. Avoid any outsider to interfere in your personal life or else that might raise an issue. Relation with your sibling will also improve, and you will get proper help and support from their side. You will find trustworthy friends, which would make you mentally strong, and you will able to make a decision and attain total success.

Effect of Mercury transit in Capricorn on Leo 

Mercury is the Lord of the eleventh and second houses of your zodiac sign Leo, while during the transit, it shifts to your sixth house which signifies legal activities, debated, and arguments. This transit into your house will give a good impact to you; there are chances that you may get success in any debate or court case during this period. You will notice a gradual increase in your expenses and your income might decrease, so you must take care of your expenses and try to have control of your expenses. You will surely get a good result, and your confidence might boost up. Don't get involved in any argument; it's better to stay away from any sort of distraction like that. This transit will prove to be very beneficial and favourable for the employees. You might be consuming more time in completing your tasks, and your mind would make a bit restless because of that, so don't worry and try to finish all your tasks without any fuss. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Virgo 

Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house and is the Lord of your Zodiac Sign as well. During the transit the planet shifts toward your fifth house which signifies love, education, intelligence, and children in your Kundali. This transit would have a significant impact on your zodiac sign. The transition of Planet Mercury into Capricorn will improve your intellectual thoughts. Student natives will attain great results in their field of academics. On the other hand, natives who are in love with their partner will get more time to know each other and get closer. They will build trust and increase their understanding with each other. Married couples would be very satisfied with their children and would engage with them to attain success in life. People involved in the business will get the chance to expand their business and get beneficial results, including traders and merchants. You will gain intelligence, and with the help of that, you will be able to make the right decisions. This transit will help you gain a special position as an influence on society. Working will notice an improvement in their relationship with their seniors.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Libra

Planet Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and during its transit in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, it is posited in your fourth house. Your fourth house signifies comfort and prosperity, which improves due to the transition of the planet of luck, Mercury. Your family knots will be strengthened, and you will have a great time. Your family knots might get stronger, and you would have a great time in future. This would help you to keep your mind at peace and focus over the working, which would help you get good results. You will get proper utilization of your intelligence and will praise and respect for your decisions. There are chances of getting benefits related to your property. If you do invest in properties, you will get the chance to gain more profit from it. Natives living in abroad might get a chance to come back home and meet their family. You will also receive gifts from your grandparents on your father's side, which would motivate you and make you happy. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Scorpio 

Mercury is the Lord of their eight and eleventh houses if the zodiac signs Scorpio, which during the transition period shifts toward the third house of your Kundali, which signifies communication. Planet Mercury is an important representation of communication. You will be able to fulfil all your ambitions. No one could snatch success from you, and thus this house will benefit a lot in terms of communication and speech. People working in the field of communication, it would be a piece of cake for them to attain success during this period. There are many chances of travelling and enjoying your life along with which you will gain experience too. There could be some arguments with your siblings, so make sure you take proper care for them. Your hard work will surely be the reason for your success. Scorpions in the field of marketing will get advantage of their hard work to get astonishing results. Transport business will also be flawless during the transition and will bring high profits. Employees must be good with every colleague of theirs so that when the time comes, they will help you. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Sagittarius

The powerful planet Mercury is the Lord of their seventh and tenth houses of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. During the transit, the planet moves towards their second house. The second house of the Sagittarius signifies the house of voice and eating habits; on the other hand, it is also known as the house of Dhan Bhava or the house of money. Due to the transit, your ability to speak will attract most of the people; your way of talking will be sweeter and attractive. Due to this change in your personality, you will be able to perform your task faster and will be able to improve your status financially. Natives must focus on hard work, and sincerity will prove to be very beneficial, and they will earn an enormous profit. During this period you will be satisfied with your food habits, though you need to take care of your way of eating and instead eat slowly and calmly. The natives will get numerous chances to earn great profits in terms of money during this period of time. Your conditions regarding your health may get worse though if you take proper care and don't hurry in doing anything will keep you safe. Relation in terms related to your family will be good, and you will have a happy family. You might get an opportunity to spend some quality time with your family and make some memorable moments too. Due to this, you will have a respective and good image in front of your family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Capricorn 

The strongest Planet Mercury affecting its transition over Capricorn will be very favourable for your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the Lord of the sixth house and the ninth house of their zodiac sign Capricorn which signifies their house of fortune. Though the planet will be moving to your first house during the transit, incurring some essential effects and would be very beneficial for the natives. The transit of Mercury would lead to a Raj Yoga kind of situation, where luck would be totally in your favour during this duration of time. You will be successful in attaining fame in terms of finance, social and professional fields. However, if your project or work is stuck somewhere, you will be able to continue it again. Make sure you don't get distracted in any argument, and there are chances your work might get stuck due to this. Your married life would be smooth, and a trip with your spouse could be your next plan. Take proper care of your health as your opponents will leave no chance to dominate you at any cost. Though you will get full support from your father, still you need to stay away from any disputes related to a court or legal issue.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aquarius 

Saturn's friendly Planet Mercury is the Lord of your eight and fifth house of the Zodiac sign Aquarius, and during the Mercury transit in Capricorn, the powerful planet moves towards their twelfth house which represents loss and expenditure. You really need to be careful with your expenses; during this period you may incur an increase in your expenses which weaken you financially. On the other hand, student natives will get the favour of this transit; most of them might also get a chance to go abroad for their studies, which would satisfy their mental health. During this time you should avoid travelling, or else it can be very costly and a waste of time. Your love life may be in a problem, your partner may shift to another city, and the long-distance relationship might cause too much energy and money. You also have to take proper precautions for your health, which might detonate in this duration; you may incur skin and nerve-related problems. Maintain distance from your opponents as they would try to create problems in your work and keep focused in your own work. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Pisces

The Lord for the fourth and seventh house of Pisces is Mercury which is a very powerful planet. While its transition the planet moves towards the eleventh house which signifies the house of profits and benefits. The transit will favour your life in terms of income. You might get an increase in your income, and this is the best time to fulfil all your desire and comfort you wished for. If your family is deciding to sell some kind of property, this is the best time. You will be able to notice an excessive gain in your business, and this is also the best time to expand your business. Your marital life with your spouse will also be lucky as well as beneficial for you. You will get to know more about each other, and in no time you will get closer to your partner. Natives planning for a startup or a new business will get success in it, and with the blessing of Mercury, they will flourish day and night. Due to all this, your image in society will increase, even your social circle will increase, connecting to social media will be very advantageous for you and this duration will provide you fame by your social activities. You will get the chance to hang out with your friends and have a peaceful time.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Aquarius
03 Mar,2029
19 Mar,2029

The strong planet Mercury represents commendable communication, healthy business, trustworthy partnership, education etc. Amidst all this, Mercury increases your ability to memorize and enhances your accounting, marketing and analytic skills. On the other hand, Aquarius strengthens your hope and wishes to fulfill your desires to channelize with large organization and masses, etc. The transition of Mercury in Aquarius is very beneficial and supportive for natives working in various fields like teachers of science, planners and creator of the map would also get the benefit and support due to the transit. And even the mathematical models for weather and other forecasting departments, advisors of finance and other, etc. would also be effectively advantageous too. There are chances where the people may get mislead by a piece of wrong information that something serious is going to happen when the motion of Mercury reverses. Only in case of the birth chart, the reverse effect of Mercury might create some confusion or powerlessness or else if the Mercury is well placed, then there is no need to worry. 

Effects of Mercury Transit on Aries 

Mercury which appears to be the powerful Lord of their third and sixth houses, specifically for the natives of Aries, goes through an evolution. During the transit into Aquarius, the planet will continuously move and would acquire a position in the eleventh house, which appears to be the house of profits, where the house fulfils your achievement, along with benefits and help the natives to accomplish all the ambitions of life. The transit of Mercury in Aquarius will enrich your abilities and natives can also notice a dynamic increase in their proficiency. 

Your hard work and mental effort during this transit will result in huge success to get an increase in your salary and will be extremely favorable for your financial condition. There will be a gradual change in the personality of Arians, where they will notice a significant boost in their confidence and would be able to express their feeling to the loved ones. And your partner would take an interest in you and shower you with love. Natives should make sure about some things, especially for students who are engaged in the field of education. You will get the undue advantage of learning new things, though you may need to increase your effort at the time if Mercury is regressive. Yours have to take proper precaution for your financial condition which may be weakened, though it may only last for a short period.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Taurus 

Mercury is the strongest planet; it is also known as the dearest friend of the Lord of your sign Venus. It makes its transit while moving through the tenth house if your sign and shows an extreme significance for your Karma and business. People having the sign Taurus, where the former is the Lord of their second and fifty houses, resulting in the transit of Mercury in Aquarius will indicate success and improvement in your professional status. 

This transit would be very impactful in your professional life where you will be able to discover hue best abilities based on your knowledge and trust. Get the best utilization of your education, which would help you to complete your task pleasantly. You will accomplish a good image in front of your bosses. Natives having a business will get the chance to enlarge their trade. And you will get to chance to be close with your family and share some of the best emotional moments.

During the Mercury regression, the natives might have to be serious with their professional lives. You may lose interest and make mistakes which would lead you to lose your jobs. Don't worry because everything will be normal after 10th March and you will notice an improvement, and just after an interval of time you would again be the expert in your work again. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Gemini

Mercury shows a strong effect on Gemini as it is the Lord of the Zodiac sign Gemini. However, it is also the Lord of your fourth house, and during its transit, in Aquarius, it moves to your ninth house which is known as the house of fortune, the results will be seemingly favourable for you. During the transit of Mercury on Gemini, the natives will get great benefit in matters related to property, and fate will be in favour of the Gemini natives. You will get complete success in changing your homes and will notice a rise in your fame and respect in society. You will also get emotionally close to your father, and your father will be very supportive and helpful in gaining profits. 

However, you have to take proper precautions during February and mid-March, which may prove to be very difficult for you. Don't worry and you just have to increase your hard work and not get irritated by the same tasks. During the Mercury retrograde, you have to be careful at the time of travelling. Apart from that, you will have enormous success in fields like travelling or writing. The lady luck will be in your favour. You will get a gradual plus significant increase in your income, and there are chances of a great trip which would make you mentally strong. You might make new friends who will prove to be completely supportive.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Cancer

For Cancer natives, Mercury stays the Lord of their third and twelfth house, and during its transit into Aquarius, the planet moves towards their eight houses which might show some ups and downs in life. Though, amidst the NavaGraha, Mercury is the only planet which shows the positive impact in life during its transit in their eight houses. During this time you may prepare yourself to do some hard work, though the result you will be receiving would be very small. This you may have to bear some unwanted expenses, and some unacceptable trips are also on your card. There are some chances where your siblings might also face some issues. You can meet your In-laws, and their suggestions and support will surely help you out to resolve your issue. You must take care of your health or else you have to bear some unwanted expenses regarding your health. Arians advised keeping an eye on your activities, apart from that your problems will solve after this duration ends and you will gain some profits which would help you get back your financial status. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Leo

Mercury which is eventually the Lord of the second and eleventh houses, where both the houses implies wealth, and so Mercury plays an important role in the natives of Leo. When the Mercury transits into the Aquarius, the planet stays in their seventh house, and the seventh house is the house of long term partnerships and business. This transit period will prove to be very beneficial for you, and you might get the chance to get emotionally and mentally closer with your spouse, which would improve your marriage life. 

You both will find a way to fight the distractions and get to connect with each other once again. Spending on your life partner would be very pleasing for both of you. Even this transit will enhance your business skills, and you would earn a huge profit, and new ideas will help you enlarge your enterprises. You can get mentally disturbed because of some increase in your expenses; however, your problems will come to an end after 10th March. You will be back in your normal life again.

Effects of Mercury Transit on Virgo 

Mercury being the Lord of the sign Virgo, it is also the Lord of their tenth house. So, Lord Buddha influences both your body and Karma, which means that the transit of Mercury into Virgo plays a very important role in your life. However, the Mercury transit in Aquarius will cause the planet to set forth in your sixth house, which signifies your enemies, disease and debts.

You have to be very careful regarding your health. The transit will have a bad impact on your health, and there might also be an increase in your health. Any type of ignorance can put you in danger. On the other hand, your professional life would be very successful. Your hard work will give you the chance to create a good image. However, your opponents may be stronger than you and would try to destroy your image. You will get a chance to be free from debts.

Effect of Mercury Transit on Libra 

Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and there is a friendly relation between Mercury and Venus which is the Lord of the sign Libra. Along with that, the Lord of Fortune or Bhagyesh is the Lord of your ninth house, which would move towards your fifth house during this transit. 

When the Mercury transit into Aquarius, which will put a positive impact on your education and the people having the sign Libra will get outstanding results related to their higher studies. And even people in different fields like journalism, acting, writing, etc. or finance or commercial students would witness amazing results due to this transit. Due to transit if Mercury into Aquarius would bring an increase in your income and people doing jobs may get some information about their transfer. The natives will not get confused in making the divisions of their lives. Along with that, married couples might also welcome a baby in their lives. 

Luck will be in favour of the Librans they will spend the best moments of their lives with their beloved ones. Your relationship will get straighten and travelling long distance will be very advantageous for you. The Libra natives will receive great results during the Mercury regression. On the other hand, the students will do excellent in their higher studies and can get an opportunity to go abroad for their further education. After the end of Mercury retrograde, you will have a settled job and people thinking of changing job would be successful at this time.

Effect of Mercury transit on Scorpio

Mercury is the Lord of the eighth and the eleventh houses of the zodiac sign Scorpio, and when it transits into Aquarius, the Mercury stays in the fourth house, which implies overall happiness. During this transit, you will enjoy enormous comfort and money-oriented facilities, and also in this duration, you will get to utilize your resources. Apart from that, you will be very successful in your workplace. You will gain a good image in your social life, and the natives might also notice a positive change in their family. Though you may be strong in terms of wealth, you may not be as much strength in terms of you and your families, especially your mother's health. You may incur a chest pain or stiffness in your body. Though after the end of the Mercury retrograde, you will find yourself in a comfortable zone and be healthy again. People doing a job may get an increment in their salary. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Sagittarius 

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the seventh house for natives with the zodiac sign Sagittarius, and also is the Lord of the tenth house of Karma. During the transit, it moves towards the third house of the native which, according to the Kalpurush Kundali belongs to the Gemini. So, there will be the presence of Lord Buddha which would bring outstanding outcomes for Sagittarians. 

You will be getting the benefit of travelling to many places, which not only give you pleasure but also would be profitable for your financial condition. Your terms with your younger siblings will get better. Your friends will help you out in need. You will improve your communication skill and may also get the house of your ambition. You will perform better all together, and you will gain fame in social media. However, you might make sure you don't make a mistake in communicating with someone. Take proper precautions or else some misunderstanding may lead to some obstacles in your work. You might get stuck in an argument or debate.

Effect of Mercury transit on Capricorn

Mercury is the Lord of the Sixth house for your native and is the house of fortune. During the transit, it will move towards your second house, which signifies wealth. The transit of Mercury into Aquarius will be quite significant for Capricorn. 

This duration will be very beneficial for you, as you will gain many profits economically and your financial status will improve. As you fortune will be in your favour and all your incomplete tasks will be getting accomplished in no time. You will get to attend many trips which would bring you a huge profit. Legal disputes may be decided in your favour. This period will strengthen your financial condition. Students are also going to get excellent results and the ones going for a competitive exam, the results would be good for them, and the change of scoring good marks is very big. 

Effect of Mercury transit on Aquarius 

Mercury is basically the Lord of your fifth and eighth houses and while during the transit period, it shifts to your first or ascendant house, forming a Raj Yoga kind of situation as the mercury transit is crucial for you because it is taking place in your own sign. 

Because the Lord of your eight houses is posited in your ascendant house, your mind might get attracted more towards spiritual subjects. You will notice very specific changes in your mind, and you will get excellent result in research work, and you will get into the depth to your thoughts. With the increase of your thinking capability, you will be able to give opinion related to any topic after you have learned about the situation properly.

 You will witness the fast development of your mind and your presence if the mind will also strengthen. You will be making your decisions on the basis of your future. Though you have to take proper care of your health or due to giving too much pressure in your mind, you might get mental stress. However, you will make the correct decisions for your future, and you will get significant help from children. And people in a relationship will get a great response from their beloved ones, and they will be standing by your side. 

Effect of Mercury Transit on Pisces 

The Lord of the fourth house for Pisces is Mercury which signifies happiness and the seventh house, which states the sign of partnership. And during the transit period, it gets posited in your twelfth house which signifies losses and expenditure. Therefore, the natives will suffer from an increase in their budget, and there will be a downfall in their economic status. Some member of your family might get successful in shifting or travelling abroad, and this is also very good for making a new property. 

On the other hand, this time is very beneficial related to foreign trade and might also get an enormous profit in import-export. Your relationship with your married ones or loved ones might be stressful, but can be sorted out if you pay attention to them. You need to work extremely hard during the time of Mercury retrograde and put all your effort in completing the tasks. This period of time will be very crucial and challenging for the natives. Increasing expenses may affect your budget, and your health will also disturb you. Make sure you take proper healthcare.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisions, marriage problems, business success, financial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Pisces
20 Mar,2029
03 Apr,2029

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and shares a friendly relation with Venus. The impact of Mercury transition is over different fields which include communication, business, partnership, preaching, and it also has effects on one's ability to memorize. Apart from that, accounting, marketing and analytic skills are mostly affected. The zodiac sign Pisces signifies Moksha or peace, the chance of going abroad, your health, physical fitness, focused mind, etc. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aries 

The Planet Mercury rules over the third and sixth house of your zodiac sign Aries. During the transitory period, the planet shifts its position and moves towards the twelfth house of the Aries natives. The twelfth house represents the house of expenditure. Also, this transition will bring a negative impact on your zodiac sign; the natives have to face several ups and downs during this duration. The natives will have to take proper care of their health because due to the influence of the planetary movement, one might notice a decline in their health or suffer from some serious disease like insomnia or skin related disease. So it is recommended to have a proper checkup and have a healthy diet. You will remain disappointed at this duration because of your hard work will not give any results. Stay alert from your opponents and rivals; they will always plan something out to in order to create obstacles in your work. The student natives will get the favour of this transit, and they will be able to go through the competitive exams and get good results, student natives might also get the chance to study abroad. Though to acquire success, they need to work really hard and focus mainly on their studies and exams. You will also gain leads in some legal matters and attain success. You need to take proper control of your expenses, or else your total expenditure might get overbudget. Your sibling will get the chance to go for a tour to foreign countries, and you may get a chance to get hired from a foreign or multinational company. Natives who are studying law will get favourable results, and they will keep this balanced throughout the course during this period. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Taurus 

Venus is the powerful Lord of your zodiac sign Taurus and has a friendly relation with Mercury. The Planet Mercury has its ruling power over your second and fifth house. During the transition, both the planets will be posited in your eleventh house. The eleventh house of your zodiac sign is also represented as the house of profits. People in the field of business will get the favour of this transit. You will get excessive chances to expand your business and earn profits through it, and this period is the best time to release your money to buy some good investment for the advancement of your business. You can also involve your family member to help you out with your business. And luckily, your flow of income will tend to sort out all income related issues, and you will be able to repay all the debts, and your business will be totally settled. Thus the transit of Mercury over your sign would be very favourable for you, even in terms of your love life. All the fights and distance between you and your partner will end up. You will get enough time to spend with your lover and let them know about your true feelings. You will get total support, and your relationship will get its charm back. Student natives will tend to have more interest in their studies. With hard work and full dedication, you will be able to peruse in a better college or even get a chance to travel abroad for your higher studies. Along with that, your family will be really supportive of your decisions and ambitions during this transit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Gemini 

The powerful planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your flourishing house, including your fourth house. Due to this transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of Mercury will reflect on your career, relation, business, etc. This transitory movement of the planet will help you out in the field of business you will be able to take the right decision, which would be very favourable for your future. Though make sure you don't get overconfident, which will bring distraction in your work. Apart from that, you will spend a memorable time with your family; your family member will understand your good intentions and support your decisions. You will be able to express your feeling more conveniently, and you will notice a change in. And in such you will get an enthusiastic environment which would prevail your households. If you have any issues related to your property or any case in court, the decision would be in your favour, along with that any documentation issues will be resolved. Don't get involved with your office colleagues; they would create distractions in your work. And even don't share any personal information with them. During this duration, you may feel low and unhealthy. So, do regular excessive and keep yourself fit. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Cancer 

The Planet Mercury rules over your twelfth and third houses, and due to the transit the planet changes its position and is posited in your ninth house, which represents health relationship and travel. Due to this transit, you will get the opportunity to travel abroad. Student natives trying to get into foreign countries for higher education will be successful at this duration. You will also considerably notice an increase in your social circle; people will tend to get influenced by you. You can give a new direction to your life will great efforts. Some natives will also tend to gain interest in the writing profession. And it is possible that you will go into the direction of media or journalism. You will witness a gradual increase in your communication skills, people around you will understand your ideas, you will also acquire an interest in performing social functions and events. Your siblings will support you in every field, especially in the field of finance. You will take great interest in different hobbies like gardening, writing or acting, and there are chances you will go further in this field. You will surely take stand against the evils of the society at this duration. However, stay alert and keep your vocal talent in control or else being too much outspoken can put you in danger. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Leo 

Mercury is a dualistic planet will be posited into the eight houses of the Leo people during the transition period. The presence of the Planet Mercury weakens the Leo sign natives, and the duration of this transit will not be favourable for you. On the other hand, the Planet moon being the Lord of your second and eleventh house will bring a drastic fall in your income. If you are working in the field of business, you might incur huge losses, which might increase your expenditure. Though, you don't have to stop expecting after the small period your financial condition will get a good position. At this drastic time, meeting your in-laws would bring great help, their mature and handful of advice will surely help you out to get through this situation and improve your economic condition. Natives working as am an employee, or having a job have to face many ups and downs, your opponents will wait for a chance to destroy your career, stay alert from them. You may also lose your job, so better keep cautioned and stay away from your opponents and don't share any information with them. You will surely enjoy and feel peaceful in organizing and doing poojas, chanting and learning new rosaries will be satisfying too during this duration. The natives will gain interest in studying spiritual subjects and will gain an interest in such activities. This will refine your ideas and balance your mind in taking decisions for the future.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Virgo 

The dualistic and strongest Planet Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house, while the transit the planet will be posited in your seventh house. This transition will have a favourable impact on the Virgo natives. You will notice an improvement at your workplace, and the impact of the transition will give you favourable results. The natives have the chances of getting promoted. And even, you will also get a salary hike which would ease your expenses. And certainly, the business natives will get the opportunity to gain excess profits and clear out all their debts. Apart from that, there will a negative impact on the people in terms of your health. It is recommended to take proper health care and do regular exercise, which would keep you fit and fine. You will be able to have a stronger relationship with your life partner, and their advice will be very beneficial for you, though you have to face disappointment at times. However, this will not bother your relation with your partner; instead, your relation will get sweeter and stronger with your spouse. Your relationship with your father would soon get better. You will use your humour in the right way, and this will be very beneficial for your business activities. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Libra 

The Planet Mercury is the Lord of your ninth and twelfth houses, and during the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your sixth house. Due to the transit in your sixth house, you will have to work harder to attain success. Though working hard will give very little success, and due to this, you will remain worried throughout the time period. Your income might also deteriorate. You are expected to pay more attention to your diet, and avoiding fast food is best for now. You must try not to get involved in any sort of arguments or debates; this might lead to a quarrel. Your father will receive certain positive results, and he will surely attain an enormous amount of success. Suppose you wish to share any kind of personal details it would give your opponents the opportunity to take unnecessary advantage and put your life at risk. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Scorpio 

The dualistic planet Mercurys is the Lord of your eight and eleventh houses. And during the transition period, the planet tends to change its position towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign Pisces. And the result of this transit will be the quite favourable and adverse situation with regards to your love life. Though your partner will talk to you in a sweeter way, still you will find it difficult to understand them. This will create some misunderstandings between you both, and certainly fights and debates will become a part of your relationship. And you should choose your words carefully in front of your partner. If you are married, these quarrels will not affect your children; they will tend to focus on their studies and do well in life. However, keep your eyes on them and see if they don't get distracted from their studies. The natives will also find themselves lucky in putting their money in lotteries, share market or other investment. You will get to earn from several sources which would improve your financial condition. The planetary movement is very favourable for you or academic life too, hard work and dedication will take you towards success.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Sagittarius

The Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and is also the ruling Lord of the seventh and tenth house of your zodiac sign. During its transition, the planet moves towards the fourth house of the Sagittarius natives. The impact of this transit will create a network between your personal and professional life, so your personal life could be clearly seen influencing your professional one. Thus it's advised to maintain a balance. Your family members will maintain peace and harmony, and they will try to understand and nurture each other. However, some clashes are possible, and you are recommended to stay away from any debates or arguments. During this transition, you will solve some problems of your life partner and put them out from stress. Your work life will prosper due to your hard work, wisdom, dedication and honesty. You will able to get some amazing ideas and complete your tasks with ease. You will also notice an improvement in your business field, and even your perspective about business ideas will be cleared. During this duration, your mother might take some serious decisions regarding the family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Capricorn

According to your Kundli, the Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your sixth and ninth houses. Your zodiac sign gets influenced by the planet and has a positive effect over your luck. During the time of transition, the planet is posited in your third house. And because the transit is taking place in your third house, you need to take proper precautions for your speeches. The chances are that any of your close friends or family might get hurt with your words. Your opponents will be very dangerous for you right now, and they will try to ruin your image in the society. If you are trying for a loan to get approved, this time will surely give you positive results. Your dedication and hard work will surely take you one step closer to success. Natives working with your honest attitude will attract the coworkers and will take you to the peak of success. They will stay by your side and help you out with every problem in your way. Capricorn natives are working in the field of law, and as advocates will get tremendous value and achieve success. Apart from that, try not to express your views and thoughts on any social media platform, because people against society may try to create a problem in your personal life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Aquarius 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the ruling Lord of your fifth and eight houses. For people who have the zodiac sign, Aquarius is highly influenced by the transition of Mercury. During the transit, the planet will change its direction and will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Aquarius, and due to this transition, you will notice a mysterious tone in your speech. People listening to your words may find it very difficult to understand, which might give birth to confusion and clashes, and you will remain in a state of confusion. You should have a proper diet and do regular exercise in order to avoid any kind of disease or discomfort. You will earn more than your expectations and will be able to easily repay all your debts. Natives who are a student will be able to get good marks in their higher studies, and their dedication and hard work will surely take them to the path of success. And this will give them confidence. Married couples will hear some good news from their children. Your lover may introduce you to their family. Your life partner may suffer from a skin disease, so take proper precaution for him/her. Make sure you don't take it lightly. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Pisces on Pisces 

The dualistic Planet Mercury is the strongest planet. The transition of the planet Mercury will take a position in Pisces itself. Mercury is the Lord of your fourth and seventh house, respectively. The influence of the planet Mercury will be very impactful on your house. During the transition, the planet will change its position and will be posited in your ascendant house. The natives are advised to keep their eyes and ears open and always have focused on their presence of mind. You have to take your decisions carefully, or else it might create problems in future. This transit will especially help you in improving your business conditions. However, it would be great to take decisions by asking your elder or experienced person. Your achievement and change in your behaviour will create jealousy among your friends. Matters related to property will be in your favour during this transition period. Your mother will support you in every task, which would be really helpful. You may have some issues in your love life, so don't hate and solve every problem with patience and sweetly. Some of the natives will gain interest in learning new subjects.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Aries
10 May,2029
07 Jun,2029

Mercury plays a critical role during the transition period. According to the Vedic astrology, it influences your inner voice and thoughts and ideas. It represents one's communication and wisdom. You would soon notice a boost in confidence, humor, talent, family, finance and others. Natives who have strong influence of Mercury have intellect and presence of mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aries 

Mercury is the ruling lord of your third and sixth houses of Aries, and as the transition is taking place in the own house, the position of Mercury will shift in the first house also known as your ascendant house. With this transition, your confidence will increase, and you will feel more strengthened. With boosted confidence, you will be able to take serious decisions which will prove to be impactful in future. Your overconfidence will be a reason for arguments and clashes, and you may also hurt someone's sentiments, so control your speech and think before speaking. Your siblings will support you during this time. They will try to do everything to help you out. Your love and affection towards your loved ones will increase; you will trust your family and partner. Mercury being the lord of your sixth house will negatively affect your health, you can have a skin disease, so you are advised to go for a checkup and take proper health care. You should also maintain a proper diet. 

Your relation with your partner will be fabulous; this transit will give you chances to improve your marital life. You would also get quality time with your spouse, and during that time, you will establish your bonds and come closer to each other. You will create a sense of mutual understanding which will decrease clashes and arguments. Your partner will trust you more. Businessmen are advised to take precautions before investing, or else they can suffer a huge loss. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Taurus

Mercury is the ruling lord of the second and fifth houses of your zodiac and thereby, during the transitory period, it will change its direction and will be posited in your twelfth house. During this transit, the Taurus natives will face both positive and negative impacts. The impact of the Mercury transit in Aries will bring an increase in your expenditure; you may spend most of your wealth on particular tasks. Students who are willing to shift abroad for higher studies will get a chance, though they have to work really hard. If your children are trying that, they will succeed in getting admission in a foreign university. Still, the only way to get admission is by working hard. Taurus natives will accomplish good results through their intellect and wisdom, which will help them earn a good position and respect in society. If you work hard in business, you will deal in some profitable investments which will prove to be helpful in the long run.

Those in a relationship will have to face some challenges, and you will stay away from your partner due to some trip. Though having good communication and patience will help you maintain your terms with your partner. Pay attention to your partner, and make them feel important. Giving a little more love and effort will keep the relationship alive. You should keep an eye over your expenses, or it will have a negative effect on your financial status. Some unnecessary disputes will be the reason for your stress. Your health will weaken during this time period, so try to have a good diet and stay away from fast food. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Gemini

The impact of Mercury transit will bring favorable results for the Gemini. As during the transition period of Mercury in Aries, the planet will be positioned in the eleventh house for Gemini. Mercury is the lord of your sign, which will affect your house of income and profits. Your speaking will gain fluency, and with the help of your intellect and wisdom, you will earn enormous wealth. One's working in an office will get favors from their seniors and your communication skills will improve, due to which you will gain momentum at your workplace.

The Gemini people will enjoy the benefits in terms of a relationship. You might get sufficient quality time with your partner, and develop a sense of understanding. Your support will help to prosper your spouse's life. This love and affection will give you the energy to attain success in life. This transition will also help you financially, which would help you in clearing any debt or pending task.

With everything going well, you would be confident, and you will expand your social circle. With the expansion in your social circle, you will attend several weddings and parties. Making new friends will give you a special position in society. Businessmen will make profits through different sources, which will improve your financial conditions.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Cancer

The twelfth and third house of the Cancer natives is ruled by Mercury. During the transitory period, it is posited in your tenth house. Your tenth house is also the house of Karma, which basically signifies career. So, this period will bring certain ups and downs in the lives of the Cancer natives. You have to face certain challenges in professional life. However, your efforts will give you the chance to attain success. Your relations with your colleagues will strengthen; they will be support you. The natives will enjoy their work and will be satisfied. Some of you can be transferred. Apart from everything, you must focus on your task and complete them with honesty and dedication. Any mistake can ruin your image, so recheck everything before submitting. However, you will have to take an extreme workload. In such a situation, do your tasks carefully and calmly. You might feel de-motivated. Do not lose hope; instead complete each and every task with full dedication. You will have a marvelous time with your family, and this time will bring peace and harmony in your family life. Your parents will be proud of you. Your family, and even your siblings and others will help you out in certain tough situations. Your parents will have a health condition. Your relations with your father will gradually improve with time. Your partner's love for you will increase, and they will respect you for being a responsible person. Cancerians involved in the business will earn good profits through certain investments in properties and assets. This will strengthen their financial status.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Leo

The ninth house of the Leo natives signifies the house of fortune and long-distance journeys. During the transitory period, your ninth house will host the position of Mercury. The people will get a positive impact during this transition period. As Mercury is the lord of your second and eleventh houses, thus positively affecting your financial condition. People will notice economic strength, and you will flourish. You will get to complete your pending tasks and succeed in different fields. Your works giving you stress will finally get done. Your efforts will not go waste, and you will execute your task. Leo natives will get a chance to expand their family business and earn profits. 

Working professionals will also get success. You will have a blissful time with your loved ones, and even your siblings will enjoy your company. They will even come out to support you in need. You will make some serious decisions which will be beneficial in the long run. Your communication skills will prosper and people will tend to like you even more. You will create new connections with some of the delegated members of society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Virgo 

Mercury is the lord of your sign, and this transitory period will prove to be essential for the Virgo natives. Mercury is the lord of your tenth house, also known as the house of Karma. During the time of transition, it will enter your eighth house; generally, this house doesn't hold a promising position though there are several benefits. Working people will have to face certain challenges at work. You will be stressed because your efforts won't give you good results. Don't lose hope and wait for your turn to prove yourself. After some time you will notice some improvement, some of you might also get an increment. Your health might create some serious problems for you; not taking precaution would lead to financial loss and an increase in your expenses. 

The natives can earn profits through some secret sources; they will get to utilize their wisdom and intellect during this period. Natives having Mercury placed on their birth chart will get some positive results. Some past investments will be profitable, and you may also cream your pending debts. Your father's health may get worse, so do proper healthcare. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Libra

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus; Libra's ruling Lord is Venus. Mercury is the lord of your ninth and twelfth houses. During the period of transit, Mercury changes its position and shifts towards the seventh house of Libra. Businessmen will get the advantage of this transit, which will bring a good momentum in your business, even there are chances of expansion of your business. If you are thinking of a new startup, then this is the best time. You will get favorable results, and your efforts will take you to success. You will gain profits through some unexpected sources. 

There are several trips on your card, along with that you will earn benefits and experience through these trips; you will make certain connections with foreign sources, which will give you a huge success. Unmarried people might have the chance of getting married during this duration. You will acquire a good sense of humour, and your communication skills will improve. It will give a boost to your personality too. Your decision making will be precise and give you benefits in the long run. You will earn a special status in society, and some influential people will make connections with you. Your health will be stable; a good diet is recommended.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Scorpio

Mercury is the lord of your eighth and eleventh house, during the transitory period the planet changes its position and shifts towards the sixth house of Scorpio. The natives have to face several challenges during this period, as this transition period will be full of ups and downs. Health-wise, you should take precaution regarding your health, or else some skin issue is indicated. Your speech might hurt someone's sentiment or feelings; you can also get into clashes or arguments. You are recommended to keep a check on expenses, as overspending may become a huge problem for you in future. 

During this period, some friends or family will support you; they will also lend some money. You can also take a loan from a bank to survive this period. However, your endless efforts will pull you out of this drastic situation, and you will be successful. You will be able to clear out your past debts. Working professionals will get into a clash with their seniors, so you should focus on your own tasks and complete them within time. Your rivals will try to dent your image, make sure you don't give them any chance. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Sagittarius 

The seventh and tenth house is ruled by Mercury. The impact of Mercury influences your professional, business and spouse's life. The transition of Mercury will in your fifth house, which will bring a positive impact on your income. You will be able to execute your plans perfectly. You will survive the strongest competition in the market, and your effort will be praised. Working people will get a chance to work with some big brands in the market, which will give you fame and benefits. This duration will be extremely favorable for you and you can get in touch with some reputed businessmen. 

Working people will have to be careful with their rivals, and they might also lose their jobs. However, you will soon get other opportunities. The life of those married will be happy; their efforts and wisdom will make you feel proud and respected in society. They might also get a promotion. Students will improve their concentration and focus on study, and you will also learn new things. Married people can have some good news from their children in the field of study. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Capricorn 

Mercury is the lord of your sixth house, it is known as the house of fortune. During the period of transition, it changes its position and shifts in the fourth house for Capricorn. It is the house of happiness. The transit will bring fruitful impact in the lives of Capricorn natives. You will spend this time by earning a fortune and making profits. This time is best to buy a new vehicle. 

You can spend a blissful time with your family, even your parent's health will remain in good condition. You will get to converse with your relatives through social media, which will make you nostalgic and there will be a soothing atmosphere in your family. There will be some property related issues which need to be settled as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will give birth to certain disputes, and these disputes can harm your wealth or even influence your family life. Your professional front will gain improvement, and your endless efforts will make you an expert in your tasks. Any pending case in court will get resolved at this time which will give you relief. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Aquarius

Mercury is the lord of your fifth and eight houses, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and goes in the third house of your zodiac sign. Your third house, according to the Kal Purusha Kundli, is Mercury's house itself, which makes the planet more strengthened and results in improving your communication skills. Students’ will enjoy the benefits through this transit. Their intelligence will improve, and they will focus more on their studies, your efforts would give you good results in various other aspects. There are frequent trips on the cards, though it is recommended to avoid them for some time. There will be some economic and monetary problems. As during the pandemic, it is not so safe to travel with proper precautions. 

This duration will improve your relation with your siblings; you will also help them in certain situations. On the other hand, working officials have certain chances of getting an increment. Your communication skills will attract many people you will make new friends, which will increase your social circle. Some of you might get inclined towards writing and choose this as your profession. Your friends will be by your side, and you will prosper this friendship. You will maintain a good image in society

Impact of Mercury Transit in Aries on Pisces

Mercury being the ruling lord of your fourth and seventh houses will enter through your second house during the transitory period. Your second house indicates the way of speaking. Your sense of humour will get better. People will be able to understand your thoughts and ideas and your intellect will help you win every debate. Though you will have to keep this in your mind that your words can hurt someone's feelings, so you must be aware and alert about the choice of words or else you may regret it later. Businessmen will get enormous benefits during this transit period. Your new and amazing strategies will boost your business, and you will also expand your business. Though you should be a little serious about your investments, it might lead to a huge loss. So do check before investing. 

There will be happiness in your family; you will spend some memorable time with them. Your parent's health will remain stable, and they will praise you for your good work. You will be showered with love. You marital live will prevail love and happiness, though some clashes might occur due to arguments, though you will impress them by giving them a surprise. Single people have the best chance to express their feelings to their loved ones; this time will bring Good luck for the Pisces natives.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Taurus
08 Jun,2029
27 Jun,2029

According to the Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury affects one's intellect, judgment, communication and behavior. The second sign in the series of the zodiac is Taurus, and its ruling planet is Venus, who has a friendly relation with Mercury. Along with that, it signifies one's wishes and desires, strength and rigidity, income and wealth, goals and ambitions, family and friends, etc. The planet Mercury has a ruling nature on the second and fifth house of your zodiac sign, Taurus. The impact of Mercury over you sign gives a favorable impact for the natives and according to the Vedic astrology, your second house signifies one's family relations, business conditions, jobs, talents, and materialistic things like assets, foods, property, resources, etc. There as, your fifth house represents one's creative talents, educational qualification, entertainment, energy and enthusiasm, interest in new things, tuff competition, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aries

The second house of your zodiac sign will host the transition of the planet Mercury. Due to this transit, there will be a favourable impact on one's communication skills and knowledge. You will be able to convey your ideas and thoughts fluently. People will tend to understand your good intentions, and you will get full support from them. Natives involved in part-time or full-time jobs will be supported by their individuals at the workplace; even your confidence in speeches will help you pass the interview rounds easily. Though your speaking abilities might put you in danger, people may get hurt or jealous with your improvement. Some of your speeches may turn into an argument or debates. So you are advised to stay calm and solve each and every situation calmly. People who are involved in the business will get huge profits through different sources. Some of you have great chances of earning profits through inheritance of some property or past investments. Your relationship with your beloved may have some chances of getting weak, so spend quality time with them, try to impress them or gift them something. You will get closer in no time, and you will get to enjoy some of the best moments of your life. Your health will be perfect, though maintain a proper diet and do regular workout. You can also get involved in some sports activities which would keep you fit.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Taurus 

The transit of Mercury is taking place in your powerful house itself, and the planet will be posited in your first house, which is your ascendant house. You will notice an improvement in your way of conversation; your impressive way of speech will attract many people and give you a strong personality. You will gain a soft-spoken and polite behaviour which will touch everyone's heart. Natives in relationships will enjoy the benefits of this transit, they will create a bond of mutual understanding, and their love will prosper. You will spend this time in peace and harmony. If you are working as a job official, you will get to taste success due to your hard work and dedication, though you are advised to stay away from office politics and focus on completing the tasks before time. Health-related issues will not arise. Still, you need to maintain a proper diet, and regular exercise is strongly advised.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Gemini 

During the transit, the planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, which signifies one's mental stress and ability. During this period, the natives will go through some stressful tasks, both mentally and physically. So, don't put yourself into stress by taking too many tasks and maintaining a balance is necessary. If one's involved in business activities, there are several chances to earn a fortune, and you have to keep a track on your expenses or else spending unnecessary will give you unwanted stress. There is a foreign trip on your card with your beloved, you will spend some memorable time with them, and any kind of distance between you both will be sorted out, and your relationship will get the spark back. Working officials should complete their work in the given time, apart from that they will have a decent earning.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Cancer 

The impact of this planet on your house is going to give you some favourable results. Your eleventh house will host the position of the translating planet. And this period will give you certain benefits in terms of your finance, relationship, family, job, knowledge, patience, etc. The natives will get a chance to make new connections through foreign trade and get extreme benefits in their respective financial fields. Your spouse or your partner will be extremely supportive at this time, your relationship will be prosperous, and you will also develop a sense of mutual understanding with your partner. Some clashes are possible at this time, though you will impress them with your caring nature. Jib officials will get help and support from their seniors, and with their ideas, you will create a good image in your respective fields. This will be very profitable for you in the long term. Don't ignore your health, polluted air and dirty surroundings may affect you badly, so take proper care of yourself and your surroundings. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Leo 

The Mercury share a friendly relation with Venus, and during the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign. The transit will have a significant impact on one's life. Working professionals will tend to have a more focused mind, and your performance will be praised by your colleagues and seniors. Your excellence and dedication in your work will be the reason for your success. Some of the seniors will give some important favours in the long term. You will be prevailing happiness in your family. Your romantic life will ease your mind, and your beloved partner will support you at every step. The natives will have good health, and join a sports club or doing physical activities will keep them mentally and physically fit. Ignoring your health may affect you negatively in the long term. You will have stable economic conditions and investing in assets or properties will open new doors for earning benefits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Virgo

During the transition period, your ninth house will be hosting the position of the planet Mercury, and your ninth house represents the house of one's travelling and communication. The natives will enjoy the benefits of long term travelling. If you are trying to change your job, this transition period will give you favourable results. The natives having Virgo sign will experience an increase in their social status, and people will tend to start recognizing you because of your good deeds. You will also earn a special status in society. Your relationship will be blissful throughout the period, your partner will try to impress you, and there will special time you both will get to spend with each other. The natives are recommended to stay away from fast food and polluted areas; there will be some minor issues which can be resolved by proper medication. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Libra 

The dualistic planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Libra. The Libra native might have to face some unexpected losses, which will bring a bad impact on their financial conditions. You will be more inclined towards learning new things, most of you will specifically indulge yourselves in spiritual learnings. However, you will gain enormous profits through past investments, and due to some inheritance, your luck will be extremely fruitful. There will some clashes between your partner, so you need to handle them with calmness and care. The perfect way to deal with such situations is by paying full attention to your partner, soon your good behaviour will impress them, and you will get closer to them. Some of the married natives will get good news during this transit. Your health will be strong and stable throughout the duration, though ignoring any kind of health problem will bring a negative impact on your body. Working professionals will get into the path of success through their dedication and hard work. Their wisdom and honesty will prove to be beneficial.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus in Scorpio

The impact of the Mercury transit will not be favourable for the Scorpio natives. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and shifts towards the third house of your zodiac sign. The natives will have to face certain challenges during this time. You will notice a change in your way of speaking; this will give both positive and negative impact. You will also face difficulties in your marital life, though, and this relationship will require some strong communication and giving proper time and effort will strengthen it. You are advised to have control over your expenses; otherwise, you are overspending in certain things will lead to a financial loss. People involved in the business will have to stay calm and wait for their time to procure a good position in society. There are chances to gain profits through past investments and some recent ones too. Ignoring your health may put you in danger, so maintaining a proper diet is stronger advised. You should also join a gym or yoga class to keep yourself fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Sagittarius

The impact of this transit will directly affect your house of income and expenditure. During the transition period, your sixth house will host the position of Mercury. Hence there are chances where you might get involved in a dispute or argument. Natives will also witness an increase in their expenditure which can lead over budgeting. Working officials will gain respect, and their honesty and wisdom will attract everyone's mind. You must try to maintain a proper distance from your rivals they would give their best to ruin your good image. There are several trips on your card, which will give you some happy and memorable moments. Your relationship with your spouse will soon get stable, keep control over your short temperament and pay full attention to your partner. The natives are recommended to get a full checkup ignoring any kind of problem in their health will lead to a lot of stress in the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Capricorn 

The process of impact starts with the change in the planet's position. Mercury, during the transitory period, is posited in the fifth house if your zodiac sign and your fifth house represent the house of intellect and knowledge. The natives will witness an increase in their knowledge, and with a good sense of humour applied in different fields, you will earn a higher level of profits. Student natives have the probability of choosing good paths for their success, and in future, they will be successful. If you are single, you will get a chance to propose your lover and even your lover will accept your proposal. You will enjoy this time an spend a memorable moment with your beloved. There are foreign trips on your card, which will be adventurous and you will discover new things in life. The natives will earn respects through your excellent communication skills, and your ideas will attract many people. Natives will also have the chances of getting a good status in society. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Aquarius 

The transit of Mercury will be posited in the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This period will give excessive gains to individuals. If you are facing any health problem, ignoring it will put your life in danger in the long term. So, take proper precaution and go for a full body checkup. Working natives will have to face certain challenges against their competitors, and your rivals will try to create obstacles in the path. So don't lose hope and give you best to cross each and every hurdle in your path. You will have a romantic relationship with your spouse, and you will also get a chance to spend time with them. So, don't ignore the chance of getting close to your partner. Native who are businessmen are recommended not to invest in anything they are not sure of. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Taurus on Pisces

During the transport motion of the planet Mercury, the third house of your zodiac sign hosts the position of the planet. This transition will bring a significant increase in their confidence and willpower. You will notice an improvement in your communication skills which would give you certain benefits. You fluent way of communication will be favourable you in a different field. Some of the natives will get good results in their interview. Business natives will get the benefit if this duration. You will play a great role in helping your friends, family and society. Short trips are there on your card. Your marital life will need more attention and love; spending some quality time will give peace and harmony. You will be very efficient at your workplace, and your hard work and honesty will help you in creating a good image of yours. You should maintain your diet and do regular exercise.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Cancer
13 Jul,2029
27 Jul,2029

The transit of the planet Mercury on Capricorn would leave a negative impact on the zodiac sign Cancer. It affects emotion and nature. As Cancer is a representation of a cardinal water sign, so during this transit, you will notice a change in your behaviour and way of talking. You will be more affluent though you will think and react in the impulse of your feeling, which sometimes might be of love and compassion and sometimes will be fear and possessiveness. And this transit will affect your concentration in different field like studies and work. You who have perspective will personal feeling will be involved the most. So there is a list of things you have to take care during this duration of transit.


इस पेज को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए बुध का कर्क राशि में गोचर पर क्लिक करें।


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aries Sign

Planet Mercury is the strongest planet and leaves an impactful effect on your zodiac signs. During this transit, it changes its position and shifts toward your fourth house of the Aries, as the fourth house represents the house romantic relationship. The impact of Mercury gives a favourable effect on the Aries. Married couples would enjoy the benefits and have a happy and peaceful married life. In the field of professionals, you will attain good results due to your hard work and honesty. Even the working official will get maximum support from your senior staff and colleagues, getting praised and uplifted for your hard work. Property related issues are going to get resolved, and there are chances of constructing a new house. You should take care of your physical, mental and spiritual health. It is recommended to do exercise and yoga regularly, that would help you stay fit.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Taurus Sign

The transit of Planet Mercury will be favourable for people having the zodiac sign Taurus. During this transition, the planet will be posited in your third house, and this will positively affect your energy and enthusiasm in completing tasks and taking full responsibilities. The individual will notice a boost up in your personal skills like communication, hardwood, and cooperation, which would help them strive for a good fortune. Short trips are there on the native's card, which would bring joy and happiness. Your marital life would be great, and you will have excellent terms with your spouse. You are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health and maintain your fitness by doing regular exercise in order to stay healthy.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Gemini Sign

The impact will have a significant effect on Gemini and will increase your communications skills. During the transit, the planet will move towards the second house of your zodiac sign Gemini. The house denotes communication skills. You would be able to converse fluently and win the heart of people with your attractive speeches. Probably, this would be the perfect time to invest in capitals and earn huge profits through your assets like properties and others. You would do the job, and so you are requested to stay calm and focus on your own work; your efficiency and hard work will give good results. Apart from that, you should not get involved in any office politics if found so you will face backlash and bad circumstances. Regarding your health condition, it is necessary to keep yourself fit and doing regular excessive or yoga is the best way to keep going. Ignoring your health might put you in danger, and you may have some health issues.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Cancer Sign

Because the transit is happening in your own house, the impact in this transit will be very strong, and you would face some issues and problems in a different field. During the transition period, the planet Mercury will move towards the first house of your zodiac sign. The first house indicated health, and you would face some serious issues regarding your health, so it is advised to get a regular health checkup, and proper medical treatment is very necessary. Ignoring a single thing regarding your health might put you in a crucial condition during this duration. Apart from that, your financial condition will be in your favour, you might get support from foreign nations or countries, so this is the best time to invest. You at the workplace might get distracted, resulting in late submission of your work, so be concerned about it and increase your working pace. The love life will remain peaceful, and you will get to know each other better. Your partner will understand your better and your relationship will be romantic; you will get your relationship's missing spark and have a memorable time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Leo Sign 

This transit will be a little difficult, though relaxing for Leo's. During the transition planet Mercury will make its position in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign. The impact of the transit would lead to an increase in the expenditure, and so you are advised to have control over your expenses and maintain a proper account to check the excess flow of money. Leo must face business-related issues and must take help from the professionals. You are expected to go on trips. You might have jobs have huge chances of getting a promotion. You might face a problem with in terms of your health, so you are advised to do regular exercise or yoga, you can also play any sports in order to keep themselves fit and free from diseases.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer for Virgo Sign

The impact of Mercury will have a strong impact in terms of your health. During the transition, the planet will move towards the eleventh house of your zodiac sign Virgo. This transition will be very favourable for you in terms of health and harmony. People will notice a gradual increase in your communication skill, and you will attract people with a positive and honest mindset. Your social circle will increase, and your loved one will truly enjoy the company. You will make new friends, and you will maintain a trustworthy relation towards you, even you will tend to support your emotionally and mentally. You working in jobs will earn respect, and you will reap the fruits of hard work. Business You will earn a maximum profit and will earn a good return from your investment and assets. You might have a new relationship, and you will impress them with your charisma.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Libra

As soon as the transition begins, the planet Mercury would gradually move into the powerful tenth house, which means that the lifestyle and living standards of your family would get better. You could also get many sources of income and also invest your money in abroad. Natives would also witness a change in their career, which would eventually escalate your professional life. Along with that, you must also focus on eating healthy, sleeping on time and do a regular checkup. Do not forget to take precaution as it might affect your health in future.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Scorpio Sign

There is both a positive and negative impact on your card. The planet Mercury is known to be the strongest planet; it is also the Lord of Zodiac houses as well. During the transition, the planet shifts its position into the ninth house of the zodiac sign, which gives some positive and as well as negative impact in your lives. Your health will remain stable, and you will have a normal family life. Your relationship will not bother you, and you will be happy with your lover. Apart from that business professional have the best time to increase your wealth, this is the best time for the investment you will get fruitful results. You wishing for travelling abroad can finally fulfil your dream. Working professionals are advised to keep doing your hard work and maintain your honesty and focus in your jobs, and you need to be careful with your opponents you will surely try to ruin your image and distract you from your task.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Sagittarius Sign

The impact of Mercury transit can be pressuring for some of you during this time. Due to the transit taking in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, you might have to face various obstruction your lives. In terms of health, you have to precaution to avoid any kind of problem. Health is a very important factor in your life; your mental stability also depends on your health. So you are recommended to do physical activities like regular exercise or yoga, you can also join a sports club and indulge yourself in sports to maintain your health. You working at jobs are required to finish your tasks in time, you have to focus on your tasks to avoid any delays, or else you have to face sudden pressure and deadlines. Business professionals can take amazing advantage of this time, you will earn good profits in terms, and any economic constraints will be sorted out during this transition period. Tough if you notice a change in your communication skills, you have to be careful and decisive about your speech.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Capricorn Sign

During this period, there will be a positive impact on the native's life. During the transitory period, the planet will change its position and will shift towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign. Your seventh house represents the house of career and responsibility. You will notice a gradual increase in your energy and enthusiasm. You will be able to finish your day will full enjoyment and happiness without any complaint. The couple will be happily satisfied with your marital life, you will have outstanding communication with your spouse, and you will maintain this relationship for a long time. Job representatives will impress your donors with your dedication and hard work; you will be able to manage things easily and complete your tasks with ease and excellence. Businessmen are required to stay calm and not hurry in investing, and you should avoid any kind of investment in dealing particularly at this time.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Aquarius sign 

The transit of the planet Mercury leaves a significant impact on the Aquarius You. During the transitions, the powerful planet will move towards the sixth house of your zodiac sign which signifies the house of expenses. Tough you will notice an increase in your expenses. Still, you will be able to sort every debt and loans on your head during this time. So, just try to lower down your expenses apart from that you are good to go. It would be effectively beneficial for you to keep yourself fit and healthy. You can do such by joining a sports club or doing other physical activities like exercises and yoga, ignoring your health would be bad for the long run. You might work harder still your luck will not favour you, but don't get distracted by watching your colleagues getting promoted, instead work harder and honestly to attain success. You will get enormous time to hang out with your spouse or your loved ones, share your thoughts and mindset, give them space to understand you and your intentions, and you will surely get closer to you.


Impact of Mercury Transit in Cancer on Pisces Sign

The Pisceans will enjoy the favour of this transit. As the transit of the powerful planet, Mercury will be taking its place in your fifth house, which would eventually increase in your knowledge and sensibility. In fact, this transit is going to give you enormous financial gains and investing would a great opportunity to earn profits this time. Your connection with your spouse or your loved ones will be very peaceful, and you will soon get to understand and know each other, your partner will support you at every step. You doing jobs will not be able to make any achievement, though will dedication in your work and focus will slowly help them out to get through this time. Undoubtedly, it is significantly important to have a healthy body to keep you going for a long period. You should have a controlled diet and should avoid fast food. Ignoring any kind of issue related to health can be very harmful in the long run. So, it's better to take proper health precautions and going for a regular checkup is necessary, native can also do physical activities like yoga or play sports.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.
You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 
Mercury Transit in Gemini
28 Jul,2029
12 Jul,2029

Mercury is a dualistic planet, and it has both positive and negative impact on the lives of zodiac natives. According to the Vedic Astrology Mercury influences one's technique of speech, honesty, kindness, and even fields of work like business and communication skills. Mercury, during the transit, brings a positive sign and improves one's intelligence and luck. Mercury has a significant impact on different fields if the lives of natives, like communication, partnership, business, studies, finance and marketing, family and friends, marital and love life. During the Mercury transit in Gemini, it impacts on one's health, business, family, travelling, married life, social life, etc. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aries

The third house of your powerful zodiac sign would host the transition of Mercury; this transit will increase one's confidence and will power. The natives will have a positive effect due to this transit; the individuals will perform some good deeds. Student natives will gain focus in their studies and will be more inclined towards learning new things. Your effort and hard work will take you towards the path of success. Working natives will get a chance to work in a stable environment; you will be praised by your seniors and complete every task in time. Married couples will spend some blissful time with their spouses. Your health conditions will be perfectly fine, and you will gain energy which can be adequately utilized in some physical activities like gym or sports. Business natives will earn a good source of monetary inflow during this period, along with that; you will be able to clear out your past debts and plans. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Taurus

The transition period would bring some important opportunity in the life of individuals to earn a profit. As the second house of your zodiac sign will be hosting the Mercury transit, this period will be beneficial for the native related to your business, career, health, family, and others. Some of you will earn enormous benefits through your properties. Disputes regarding your property will be resolved. The flow of income will incredibly escalate. Your relationship status will be fabulous; your partner will support you in every field, though some arguments may arise. You will sort them out easily. Don't share your personal life; it would give a bad impact on your life. About the career of student natives, you will propose in your field, and your efforts will take you through the competitive exams. Working natives are recommended to stay away from office politics as they can affect your image. Health-wise the natives will have to go for a proper checkup and take necessary care for their illness, and any ignorance can lead to huge problems in the long-term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Gemini

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, while the transit the planet will change its position and will be posited in your first house, also known as your ascendant house. Mercury transit in Gemini will bring a favourable impact on the lives of their natives. Your ascendant house represents the house of personality. You will notice a new charm in your personality which will attract people towards you. The natives will increase their friend circle. You will enjoy this period will happiness and harmony. Your speaking skills will be fluent, and people will understand your thoughts and ideas. Married couples will be showered by love from their spouses and blessed by their parents. You parents will support your marital life, and they will eventually like your partner. Working natives are advised to work hard and complete their tasks on time. Avoiding debates will be beneficial for you in future. Some of you also have the chance of getting promoted at this time. Your health conditions will be good, and you will feel energetic, which will help you do other tasks as well. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Cancer

The transition of Mercury will happen in the twelfth house if your zodiac sign, Cancer. Due to this transit, you will notice some unavoidable expenses and some health-related issues. You are recommended to take proper health care, maintaining a proper diet and regular exercise will keep you in good condition as it is a way of releasing mental stress too. There are some foreign trips on your card, which will increase your expenses. You should avoid taking any loan or investing at this duration; otherwise, you may end up in a huge loss. You must focus on spending some quality time with your partner, pay proper attention and avoid any kind of argument. If you are trying to get change or get a new job, then this is the best time to do it. In fact, some new strategies in your business will help you earn profits. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Leo

The transition of Mercury in Gemini will influence one's income, wealth, abilities, profession, etc. Your eleventh house is going to host the position of Mercury, thus leaving a significant impact on your income. You will get great chances of increasing your economic conditions. This transit will help you fulfil every desire and necessity of your life. You will prosper through your intellect and positive ideas in your social front, which will be very beneficial for you. You will get enough time to learn new things, explore new places and also some of you may make this as your profession which will give you benefits in the long run. Students might get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies. Some of you will also get admission to a foreign college. Your marital life will have some blissful moments; your partner may have some clashes with you. However, you will handle it smartly and solve it with ease. Your health will remain balanced, and keeping your surrounding clean will help you maintain your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Virgo 

The Mercury will make its transit in the tenth house of your zodiac sign, and your tenth house represents one's professionals and personal life. Thus the transit will give a favourable impact on the life of individuals. You will be more energetic, and working natives will be more focused on completing their work with excellence. Your seniors and colleagues will acknowledge your hard work and effort, which will inspire you to work better and strive for the best. They will even support you in the long run. You love life will remain good; you will be having a happy mood which will please your partner. There will be a sense of mutual understanding, and you will develop a new phase in your relationship. Both of you will maintain dignity and trust with each other. You might get a golden opportunity to travel abroad, which will be beneficial for you in different fields. Your health will remain balanced, though doing exercise or yoga is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Libra

The Mercury is the ruling lord of your house, plays a significant role during the transit. At the time of transit, the planet will be posited in the ninth house of your zodiac sign which will lead to certain financial and economic gains. This is the best time to invest, and you will earn the maximum profit. Apart from that, you should check every possible background before investing. Ignoring any kind of issues might lead to a huge loss in future. Your social front will gain improvement and people will start knowing. You might even get into contact with some delighted members of society. There are certain trips to abroad base on your work which will also be beneficial for your business. Working natives should do their work with full dedication and hard work. Married natives have to pay attention to their spouse, as during this period, they will need your support both mentally and physically. You will need this duration with happiness and harmony. Your family member will be proud of you. Your mother's health will remain stable. Though you are advised to keep a distance from office politics, it may ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Scorpio

The strongest Planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transitory period. Thus at the time of transition, the planet shifts towards the eighth house of your zodiac sign, Scorpio. This transition brings several positive impacts as well as some negative ones too. The natives will witness certain profits through different sources; there are some chances of small losses which will not affect your financial condition. Apart from that, you will be able to maintain financial stability during this period. Natives who are married or in a relationship will face several quarrels and clashes with their beloved though this won't go long, you will easily solve it with your impressive and patient heart. In no time, you will be closer to them and spend this duration in happiness and satisfaction. Ignoring your health during this time will give you some negative impacts in future; it may also lead to some serious health problems. So you should take proper precautions regarding your health. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Sagittarius

Mercury is the ruling lord of your house and has a significant influence in one's communication skill, profits, promotions, expenses and health. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the seventh house of your zodiac sign, Sagittarius. Thus this transit will bring some profits in your house. Your financial condition will improve. Business natives will earn through some secret sources or past investments, which will help them, pay their debt. Working natives will also have some advantages, and there are chances of you getting a promotion at your work front. Join a sports club or doing physical activities will burn some weight you have gained sitting back at home during the pandemic. You will have some clashes with your spouse, they will dominate you with their feelings, though you will impress them with your entertaining skills like funny dialogues and distractions. Overall this transit will prove to be profitable for the Sagittarius natives.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Capricorn

The impact of Mercury transit will be favourable for native in their field of success and workplace. During the period of transition, the planet will change its position and will be posted in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Natives will witness positive development in their financial condition. Working officials will do an incredibly terrific job, which will be praised by their seniors, and some of the natives also have the chance of getting a promotion during this period. Thus this will bring an increase in your income. This period will bring benefits in terms of business; you will earn profit through different sources. Some of you will get benefits through property investment. Your health conditions will be critical due to some injury; you will feel weak and dizzy. Maintaining a strong diet is necessary; take proper medications to prevent infection. Your marital life will gain stability; even fights and clashes will not set you apart. Your love for your partner will be infinite; they will need proper attention and support at the same time. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Aquarius

During the transitory period, the dualistic planet tends to change its position and shifts towards the fifth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. This transit has a positive impact on one's intellect and knowledge. Natives will have good communication skills. They will attain enormous success with the blend of communication and intellect. Working officials will gain increment, which will give them the confidence to invest in assets and other fields. Business natives will also get the advantage of this transit, natives will earn excess profits, and this is the best time to invest. You will gain a special status in society. Your social circle will increase. Your love life will be prosperous; even your partner will support you at every step. Your partner will be the biggest reason for your success. Pay proper attention to them, and you will also get some quality time to spend with them. Your health may deteriorate, so take proper precaution for your health, do regular exercise or yoga and maintain your diet. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Gemini on Pisces 

The powerful and enlightened planet Mercury is the ruling lord of your houses. Your fourth house will host the position of Mercury during the transition period. There will be a significant impact on one's love life and professional life. You will spend some of the memorable moments of your life, your parents will shower you with the blessing, and they will support you at everything you do. This is a good time to purchase a new car or a house. You will earn tremendous success in the workplace; you need to stay focused and avoid laziness or office politics. Your enemies will try to ruin your image whenever they get the chance, so play smart. Your partner will need full attention as they will be doing a terrific job at their place; this will make your image look good in society too. Make them feel good and courageous for their good deed. Health-wise you will stay fit and fine, and you will be joining a sports club or a gym which would be beneficial for you.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Leo
15 Sep,2029
03 Oct,2029

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet and has a significant impact on your Zodiac sign. The Mercury is very influential over your sign, and it changes your way of thinking, boosts up your confidence, increases your communication skills, pushes your mind towards an optimistic view, gives space to your mind to have a greater thought process. Even Mercury over Leo makes their natives unchallengeable, and this is also the reason for Leo's arrogance. This time can be a little dangerous as they would not listen to anyone's advice and think their ideas are the only way to proceed. This period is going to prove very profitable for the natives in terms of financial condition, and they will notice an increase in their income and they will also have a side earning from some secret sources. The natives might face some difficulties in their professional life, and some obstacles are there on their card, though we all know that hard work is the key to success, so with extreme hard work and absolute dedication, they will be able to achieve success.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Aries

The transition in the planet Mercury in Leo is going to be very lucky for your Zodiac Sign Aries. You children might bring some good news to you which will make you feel good. Aries natives working might have to give their best efforts at their workplace; you will have to take some huge responsibilities during this period of time. There are several trips on your card, which can be either personal or professional. Natives trying for a baby will surely get positive results. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo on Taurus Sign

During the transition, the planet Mercury shifts to their fourth house of the natives. This time is going to be full of ups and downs for the Taurus natives, and you should take serious care of your parents, especially your mother's health. There is a huge chance of getting backstabbed by your friends, so keep an eye over your friends and see if someone has that kind of mindset. On the other hand, starting something new at work will give you a good profit and would be very beneficial for you. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Gemini

While during the transition planet Mercury will be posited in your third house, which is also called 'Parakram Kshetra'. With the transit, you will notice a gradual increase in your energy and would feel more enthusiastic. Though, you have to lower down your spirits or else you may get into serious arguments which mill cause friction between you and your siblings. You will also have some issues with your family during this time. There are some frequent tasks as a part of work in your card, which can be personal also. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Cancer

This time Mercury will not be posited in your zodiac sign. So the transition will not favour you, you have to take all your decisions calmly and should have a calm and peaceful mind. You have to handle your family issues and especially while having any disagreement with your cousins and siblings as luck will not be in your favour, so it's better to avoid arguments. You need to have control over your expenses as this time you may get over budget. Lending someone money would result in loss so better make sure you do not lend anyone during this period.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Leo

The transit of Mercury in your Zodiac sign will indicate your financial status. You will earn a huge profit in terms of business. Though you need to take proper precautions regarding your health, keep yourself fit during this transition. You will be stressed in taking decisions for your future aspects. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Leo for Virgo

The Mercury is the strongest, and during its transit, it is posited in your 12th house, which signifies health and finance. During this time, you need to have control over your expenses or else it may lead to overburdening. There are several trips on your card, and you need to take proper precautions throughout your trip. Natives trying for travelling or applying for a job may get the chance this time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Libra 

Labh Ghar means the house of profits is your eleventh house, and the Mercury transit will be posited in your eleventh house as well. For people who have delayed their vacation or road trip from a long time due to their busy schedule will finally get a chance to travel. Amidst all this the transit is going to prove good for the Libra natives and they will stay safe and satisfied during this period of time.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Scorpio

The planet Mercury dusting this transit will be posited in your house known as Karm Kshetra, and this is the best time for a new startup. The natives who are unemployed and are thriving for jobs will sadly have to wait a little longer but don't worry, and you will surely eat the fruit for your patience later.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Sagittarius

Bhagyasthan, the ninth house of your Zodiac sign will be posited by Mercury during its transition in Leo. This transit would be extremely favourable for married couples; they will have a happy and peaceful relationship. Unmarried people may also get the chance to have a successful marriage. This is the best Mahurat to have Pooja at your home, and you will surely be successful in achieving your aims. There are some chances of delay in your work; however, you will get through it from hard work and dedication.

Impact of Mercury in Leo for Capricorn 

The powerful planet Mercury will be posited in your eight houses during this transit which will be very challenging for the natives. You must be immensely careful for your physical as well as mental health, especially your food consumption should be healthy, and you should do exercise regularly. Take proper rest in order to keep your mind and body peaceful. Stay alert against your enemies; they might create some obstacle. Apart from that, handle every task and issue with care and total dedication.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Aquarius 

The Mercury transition will be posited in your seventh house, which will be very favourable for the Aquarians. Unmarried natives might get a chance to have a life partner. In fact, natives already in the process of discussing an alliance with their in-laws will be beneficial. You are suggested to stay away from communicable disease and take proper care of your own health and stay fit. Natives trying to have a baby will surely get positive results.

Impact of Mercury transit in Leo for Pisces 

This transition will not be favourable for you as The planet will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Proper determination and confidence will help you out during this crucial time. Hard work and dedication will give you good results to pay off all the challenges and obstacles. You might have a quarrel with your family, so keep a cool mind and calmly solve your issues.

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You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Virgo
04 Oct,2029
22 Oct,2029

The incredible planet Mercury is the ruling lord of Virgo, and during the transition period, the planet changes its position and brings an influential impact on different fields of one's life. The Mercury transit has an impact over one's way of communication, helping others, family, finance, intellect, marital life. This transit will be influential on each of the signs in the zodiac circle as Mercury's rulings nature is over one's communication, technology, and travel. This transit will bring some favourable impact on the lives of natives. You will be able to notice an inclination towards learning, the chance of travelling to your desired places, one's status in the society. Hence Mercury plays a critical role in the lives of natives. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aries 

The planet Mercury will be posited in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. Your sixth house will also host the position of the sun. Thus the Aries natives will face the impact of two planets, and there will be a formation of 'Budh Aditya Yog'. Therefore this transition period will heal all your injuries, health issues you were facing for a long time. Working officials will face excessive success in their respective fields, and you will be praised for your hard work and honesty, you may also defeat all your opponents in the office and will prove yourself aa the strongest competitor in your office. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and properties; there is a good chance you will be able to pay every debt. It's is expected to have a little bit control over your expenses; spending too much might lead to over budget. Your married life would be full of happiness and harmony, though paying attention and spending time with your partner will keep you away from clashes and arguments. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Taurus 

During the period of transit, planet Mercury will change its position and will be posited in your fifth house, along with the Mercury, Sun will be posited in the same house. Both being in the same house would create favourable impacts on your house, Taurus. The love life of Taurus natives will prosper; you will get to spend some of the blissful moments with your partner. You will have a sense of mutual understanding with your spouse. There are some arguments and clashes between you both, though you have to handle it with patience and try to impress them. Some of the natives will gain interest in spiritual studies and religious concepts at this duration. This would be the perfect time to buy a car or property; you will be successful in it. You have to take proper precautions regarding your health. Your mother's health is going to be perfect; any past problem in her health will tend to heal during this period. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Gemini

This transit will bring a positive impact in the lives of the Gemini natives, the fourth house of your zodiac sign, Gemini will host the position of the planet. There as, your fourth house represents one's well-being and happiness. There is a sign of gaining inheritance to some of your ancestral properties, and you will also gain good profits through these properties or assets. The powerful Mercury and sun being in the same house will bring luck in your life, and you will reap the fruits of benefits during this time. Natives who are not living with their parents will get to meet them, and you will show love and care towards your parents. You will also get some quality time to spend with them. You will have good terms with your siblings and relatives. Your relationship will gain momentum, and you will spend some memorable time with your partner. Working officials will get into the path of success, though they have to stay away from office politics or else your opponents would try to ruin your image. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Cancer 

It is the third house of your zodiac sign will host the transition period of Mercury. Your third house is also known as Parakram Sthan. The transit of Mercury in your house will increase your energy, give you a positive mind and brings good luck in the field of work. The combination of Mercury and Sun will bring a favourable impact on your house by enhancing your confidence, patience, communication skills, and intellect. You will feel powerful during this time, and you will have absolute clarity in your thoughts and ideas, people will tend to get attracted by you, and you will be able to accomplish every task with perfection. Working officials will enjoy the benefits of this transit, some of you will get promoted, which would bring you out of stress. Though you may get overconfident sometimes due to your short temper you will get involved in arguments, so keep calm and don't engage yourself in such problems which will ruin your good image. Business natives will earn good profits through their investments and other sources. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Leo 

The Mercury transit is going to take place in the second house of the individuals, and the conjunctions of Mercury and Sun will bring a positive impact over your sign, Leo. You will get some good news during this time, Leo natives involved in business fields will gain enormous profits through different sources, and you will also have a good chance to receive profits through ancestral property or past investments. This profit might help you to clear out your debts. You will have a good sense of humour, and your communication skill will help you make new friends. Natives who are involved in the field of media, law, or sales professionals will earn huge benefits. Students preparing for competitive exams have to focus on their studies, which is the only way to score good results. Your love life will be standing, and you will spend a happy time with your family. Apart from that, your parents will have a blissful time with you. The working official has to stay away from office politics. The natives will have a perfect health condition.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Virgo 

The transition of Mercury will occur in your own sign, thus creating a Budh Aditya Yoga formation. The Mercury and Sun will collaborate, and both their positioning will be in your first house, which is your ascendant house. The natives will be fortunate during this time period. Your superiors will highly support and respect you for your dedication and hard work. You will be praised, and everyone will be impressed by your timing. Stay alert from your rivals; they will give their best to ruin your image. There is a family trip on your card, you will spend some blissful time with your family at this duration, your partner will support you, and both of you will develop a sense of mutual understanding, which will reduce your clashes and arguments. Health-wise, you are recommended to do regular exercise or yoga in order to keep yourself fit and fine. Maintaining your health will also be beneficial for you as it would ease up your mind. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Libra

The planet Mercury will make its transit and will be posited in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign, along with that sun will take the same position, and their conjunction will show ups and downs in your life. The natives have to work really hard in every field to attain success. The working people will have to take certain responsibilities, which would increase your work pressure and put you in stress. Don't worry and you must take this as a test and give your best to complete your tasks responsibly. The natives will witness an increase in expenses, so you are advised to have control over your daily expenditure and prevent your overspending. The Libra native will spend some memorable time with their family, and your spouse will be very supportive with you during this time. Your health will remain stable. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Scorpio

The impact of the transit will give favourable results to the Scorpio natives. During the transit the Planet Mercury will change its position and will shift towards your eleventh house, your eleventh house is also known as the Labh Ghar or the house of profits in Vedic Astrology. So the combination of Sun and Mercury will improve your financial condition, there are chances of financial gain through different sources. Natives having problems with their overspending habit will finally get a way to stop it. You will finally get some saving schemes which will help you in the long term. Apart from that, you are advised to take proper precautions regarding your health, any ignorance in terms of health will put you at risk. Stay away from fast food and maintain a proper diet. There are several personal and professional trips on your card. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Sagittarius 

The Sagittarius natives will host the position of Mercury in their tenth house, where the house is also known as Karyakhetra or working house in Vedic Astrology. The natives will enjoy the benefits during this transitory period. Working natives will go excessively good in respective fields, and you will be praised by your staff for your brilliant work. You will also have a chance of getting an increment or a promotion. Native who are deciding to change their job will get total success. Your family front will remain happy, and your siblings will also maintain good relations with you. Your partner may shower you will love and support you in every difficult situation. Your health will remain stable, though a checkup will help you in preventing problems for the long term. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Capricorn 

The dualistic planet Mercury changes its position during the transitory period, and your ninth house hosts the transition. Your ninth house represents one's confidence and enthusiasm. The natives will get the favour of luck and support during this duration. After this transit, the natives will notice an increase in one's intelligence and memory power and which will help you attain success in different aspects of life. Working natives will get to use their luck in the work front, initially gaining success. This is the best time to confront your feelings to your loved ones. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Aquarius

The transition of the Planet Mercury will take place in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, which would have both positive and negative impact on the lives of individuals. Your disputes with your father or any elder will finally have closure, and you will spend the duration in harmony, you will get to spend some blissfully time with your family. Natives in relationships will get a chance to convert their love into marriage, though they will face certain difficulties in doing so. However, you will find a way to clear every arising dispute; just don't lose patience. There are high chances of gaining through some unexpected sources during this transit. Your friends and family will give you full support at every step of your life. Married couples will get great chances to get closer to each other. Your health will remain good, though doing some physical activity like playing sports or doing exercise is recommended. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Virgo on Pisces 

The transition of planet Mercury will take place in the third house of a zodiac sign. The Pisces natives will not enjoy the transit, as there will not be any favourable outcomes. They will have to go through some stressful things like bad health, loss in business, disputes etc. Your health will be affected by the change in the climate. You are recommended to take proper healthcare during this transit. Natives who are in the field of jobs will remain safe from their rivals. Natives who are planning to change their jobs are advised to wait for some more time as this time might be a little crucial for them. Single natives trying to get married should remain careful as their rivals will try to ruin their image. Married natives will spend this time will no particular issue, though you need to give proper attention to your partner and sending more time will help you know each other better.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Libra
23 Oct,2029
09 Nov,2029

The transit of the planet Mercury has a significant effect on your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the strongest planet and is also referred to as the messenger of God, famed for its logic, along with enormous skills and swiftness. Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, and Venus is the ruling planet for Libra. Thus Libra being a moon sign and signifies by air creates a purification to the speech of the natives due to this transit. It helps in improving your communication skills which would attract people and would be beneficial for you. It increases your creative abilities and gives you a mature mindset. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aries

The transit of the planet Mercury will not be in your favour. During the transit the Planet Mercury will be posited in your seventh house, the seventh house of your Zodiac sign is the house of your marital life. Determination of one's partnership in various fields of life is very important in terms of astrology. Though the transition period is not going to favour the Aries natives, they might face some serious health issues. If you don't take proper care, you might get some severe disease mainly related to your skin, and you should surely consult a specialist for the skin. Working professionals might get some stress related to work, and any kind if the effort is going to be a waste, so the natives are advised to spend some time to relax rather than taking stress. They can give some time to do something they love like their hobbies, so they could feel lighter and energetic again. Native's marital life will also be a little stress, you would get annoyed, and there will be many misunderstandings which would make you upset. So talk to your partner properly and try to sort it out simply rather than making a fuss out of it. This unfavorable transit will bring distraction in your economic life as well, and you will get into a quarrel with your family members also. You have to take proper care at your expenses, or else your expenses might get overburden. Try to save during this period of time. Trips are there on the cards of business natives, though they would not earn enough profits. Have patience and don't lose hope, after the transit ends you will be back in your normal life.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Taurus 

The planet Mercury has a very friendly term with Libras ruling planet Venus, while its transit the planet is put towards the sixth house of you zodiac sign Taurus which will be favourable for them. Students working hard for their studies will definitely get good results at the end. You will notice a certain improvement in your way of speaking, you will be easily communicating with people, and everyone will be impressed by your logic and humour. Natives competing in debates will surely attain success. You will be interested in literature and in reading various books, novels, magazines, etc. You will defeat every opponent standing against you, your confidence will break all the obstacles, and your performance will gradually increase. People of this zodiac sign, who are influenced by the bull, will be very successful in the field of writing and gain enormous fame. Even, they are a centre of attraction in social media and will influence many people due to your communication skills. There are many trips on your card with your lover, you will be able to spend a memorable time with your lover, and your relationship will prosper during this transit. Married natives would also enjoy the same advantages and will be one step closer to each other and create a better understanding.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Gemini 

The Mercury transit will be posited in your fifth house, which is known as the house of progeny, it signifies your children, education and knowledge. This transit will be favourable for the Gemini natives; your relation with your family will get stronger. spend more time with the younger members of your family. You will get to have a happy family trip or picnic during this duration. Your will be filled with joy and happiness, And you will spend a memorable time with your family and get closer to them. If your mom's health was at a decline from a long time, this transit would improve your mom's condition too, and she will be in good health by now. Student natives with the zodiac sign Gemini will gain interest in learning new things, they may specifically try to get involved in the field of religion and spiritual subjects and spend more time in learning religion and scriptures. You will also feel for someone of your opposite gender; both of you will have a memorable time and will enjoy each other's company. However, this relationship would be a temporary one. People trying for a baby might have a chance of getting a twin. In an overall basis, this transit is going to be very precious and memorable for the Geminis.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Leo

The planet Mercury during its transit will be positioned in the third house of the Leo natives, the house of courage and valour. You will notice a particular change in your speaking, and you will be able to communicate fluently with others. On the other hand, people would understand you better. Your relation with your family will remain as it was, on the other hand, you might have some quarrels with your siblings, so take care of that and try to solve it out with the help of your family. You will lose interest in your ambitions and might feel lazy, because of this you will be financially weak too. Though your friend circle will increase and you will enjoy more with your friends. You might feel physically and mentally weak, maybe because of over thinking, so calm yourself down don't think too much, to have a peaceful mind you can do pranayam or yoga and get yourself back.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Virgo 

The second house of the zodiac sign Virgo signifies one's money, wealth, speech, etc. which in accordance with the 'Kalpurush Kundli'. The transit of Mercury takes over this house and may affect the natives in a positive way. You will have a good connection with your family, and they will understand your good intentions and hard work you do for them, you will be successful in impressing them by your speeches and mindset. You will have delicious dishes at home, which would keep you fit and healthy. Apart from your family, your communication skills will also attract everyone at your workplace, they will start respecting you, and you will have a good image in front of them. If you have some juniors working underneath you, motivate them and help them out with everything related to work. This would increase their affection towards you and will respect your more, and you will surely notice an increase in their work pace. People in the field of business will get profits from their schemes and ideas. Students preparing for the competitive exam will get success from their hard work during this period of time.

Impact of Transit of Mercury in Libra on Libra 

According to the 'Kalpurush Kundli,' the transit will take place in your own house, and the planet Mercury which signifies speech and intellect will be posited in your first house which is your ascendant house. The first house of your zodiac sign Libra signifies health, nature, and knowledge. The planet Mercury is known as the strongest planet, and a friend of Venus would leave a positive impact on your personality and in the aspect of life. Though you should take proper care of your health at this time, regular exercise and yoga will keep your health balanced and mind peaceful. You get excellent results in your professional field, your hard work will pay off, and you will perform better at your workplace. Libra native involved in the fields of business will earn huge profits. Apart from that, new starters are recommended to take care of their expenses and or else they might face over budget. Your overall expenses would be stable though due to some expenses might incur due to the health problems of your family member. Students native have to take some serious decisions regarding their future, and they should take advice from their family members as well before taking any final decision. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Scorpio

The planet Mercury is the strongest planet, and the transit it leaves a significant impact over the natives of Zodiac sign Scorpio. During its transit, the planet is posited in your twelfth house. Your twelfth house, according to the Kalpurush Kundali, is known as the house of expenditure. The impact of Mercury transit on your Sign will not be favourable for you. You should take care of your expenses, have a proper account of your spending and spending too much on daily life itineraries would lead to over budgeting. You should make a proper budget plan in order to be successful in getting control of your spending. Students may get a chance to travel abroad for their higher studies will get a chance to fulfill their ambitions. Scorpio natives working in the field of business would get a chance to go on trips, though they won't feel good about it and would be annoyed with the trip. Stay alert as your opponents they will try to put obstacles to distract you, take proper precautions. This transit will affect you negatively; your health might deteriorate. You should take proper care of your health, especially your mental health, this duration will give you excess stress which will also lead to appetite loss. Students have to do hard work, intact they might ignore their studies right now. People who are married should maintain a good relationship with their spouse and try to understand their sentiments. If you don't give proper attention to your spouse, it might lead to quarrels and conflict between you both. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Sagittarius

The Mercury is the strongest planet and having friendly relation with Venus; it leaves a very important impact in your Zodiac sign. During the transition of Mercury In Libra on your Sign, the planet shifts its position to the eleventh house, which implies the house of profits. This means that this transit will prove favourable for the Sagittarius natives. There are huge chances of getting your money from someone you have lent to, and it would save from a huge debt issue. Natives planning for something big can execute during this duration and earn huge profits. You will open new doors of happiness with your family, and your relatives will be very helpful during this time and help you in gaining profits which will increase your financial condition. During this transit natives in the profession of the job will enjoy benefits like getting help from their colleagues and have a good time hanging out with their friends. Couples who have recently got married will enjoy an amazing time with each other and get closer to on other too, there is a huge possibility that they might be blessed with a baby and their relationship will loyal with each other. Student natives can enjoy this duration rather than taking stress in their studies if necessary, taking help from seniors will solve their issues.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Capricorn 

The impact of Mercury would get the natives charged, keep them energetic and enthusiastic. The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in their tenth house of the Zodiac Sign Capricorn, which signifies the house of work. The tenth house is also known as the house of Karma Bhava, which may be the reason for your increase in energy and excitement during this period of time. Natives associated in the professional field will be receiving amusing results of their hard work, and they will be praised at their workplace because of completing their task before time. The natives might get increments in their salary too. Apart from that person with the business profession, there are possibilities that you will earn good profits during this duration of time. You will surely defeat your enemies. Your logic and humor will prove to be very impactful on others, including your opponents. You will be the hero of your family you will be able to understand and solve everyone's problems and will create a good image in front of everyone. The love life of the natives will be very favourable too, they will get to hang out with each other, and during this time they will get to know each other, and everything they do will attract you towards them. On the other hand, the student natives are required to take more care of their health rather than putting mental pressure on their studies. As we know, a healthy mind keeps a body fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Aquarius 

The Mercury transition taking place on Aquarius will leave an impactful effect on the Sign, the planet will be posited in their ninth house of the Aquarius natives, and as per the Kalpurush Kundli, the ninth house signifies one's religious, luck and fortune. Though, due to this transit, you may have to face difficulties and obstructions in your life. You have to give your level best performance to achieve good results. The natives will earn profit in terms of financial fields, though there will an increase in their expenditures for some reasons. There are trips on your card, and it is recommended to avoid them for a little bit or postponed your trip unless there is a case of emergency. Your family life will also stay on the decline in terms of relation; you will get into quarrels because of your pride and conflicts with your siblings are also possible. Apart from that, your love life will remain balanced. It would be very beneficial for the student natives to keep a distance from their friends as they would distract you from your studies. Other than that your hard work will prove to be good during this transit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Libra on Pisces 

During the planetary movement the planet Mercury will make its transit in the eighth house of your zodiac sign, your eight houses which are also known as the Ayu Bhava signifies longevity. You will receive favourable results due to the transit. You will notice an improvement in the field of finance, the natives will get chance to pay off their debts and free from any stress, and they will be left with some money for future savings too. The natives working as professionals, will get praised and known for their wit, and honest work, along with those natives who wish to change jobs will be successful in getting a new one. People in the field of business should not haste and make a mistake; rather, they should consult someone experienced and then implement their ideas. You mothers health will be at stake, so natives are serious about your mother health take her to a doctor before anything serious happens. 

Due to the impact of Mercury transit, the natives will have interest in studying mysterious science subjects like astrology, mythology, etc. You will create a good image in your social life people will tend to follow your thought and get your advice during this time period.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.

Mercury Transit in Scorpio
10 Nov,2029
29 Nov,2029

The influence of Mercury in Scorpio increase you focus towards all resources. Mercury is a dualistic planet and transit of Mercury in Scorpio will increase your thinking capability, strengthen your intellect and boosts up your confidence. You will be able to compete with every challenge in your life and overpower them. Scorpio sign is represented as the warrior of the zodiac. So natives with this sign will always have to think their way out instead of worrying about it if you are getting tensed about each and every task than you will suffer. Make your own choice, choose your own path, whether it is worrying or thinking. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aries 

The transit of Mercury will influence due to its change in position, and the planet will be posited in the eighth house of your Zodiac sign Aries. According to the Kundali, the eight houses is represented as the significator of life and expectancy and enlightenment. There will be many changes faced by the natives have to face during this time. However, your economic condition will improve during this period. You will gain profits, and different doors of monetary resources will be open for you. People who are planning to take any loan will be successful at this time. Working officials will have to face some challenges, apart from that they have to be patient or else hasting at any point will put you in stress. You will develop an interest in learning spiritual subjects, and your thoughts and ideas will ache accordingly. Natives who have set one's cap for PhD degree will get favourable results. You siblings will go through a tough time during this time, and you will have to help them out and solve their problems. There are several trips on your card, though you be careful at the time of self-driving. Your health condition will be down, so you are required to maintain your diet and do physical activities. Your spouse will also have a source of earning, which will ease things up and will be handy for you too. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Taurus

The transit of evolutionary Mercury will take place in the seventh house of your zodiac sign Taurus. Your seventh house is signified as the house of marital life, partner and business partners. The impact of Mercury transit is going to give good results for the married natives; they will respect each other and have a term of mutual understanding. People in relationships will spend a beautiful time and carry out romantic conversations, and this time will strengthen your relationship. Even, some of you will propose to your partner for marriage, and some problems may arise still you will be finding out away. One's in the field of work will get benefits through this transit, new opportunities will arise for you during this time. Natives looking for a new job will be successful. You will also gain extreme profits in the field of business; even your partnership business will prosper. You would always be at peace and witness harmony in your family, and children of this zodiac sign will stay healthy and happy. However, you have to take care of your expenses there are chances of an increase in your expenditure. 

Impact of Mercury transit in Scorpio on Gemini 

The transition of the planet Mercury will take place in the sixth house if your zodiac sign, which is represented as the house of the enemy according to the field of astrology. This time would be very difficult for the Gemini natives. You have to be careful about many things like your enemies, pain, job, competition, health, and even your marriage. Natives might have to face some challenges regarding your health, ignoring your health conditions may give you a negative impact at this time. If you are doing a job, you will be challenged by your rivals, and they will give their best to defeat you and dominate you. You are recommended to stay away from illegal activities to keep yourself and your family. You will meet your in-laws, and their bits of advice would be helpful for you. You will also face an increase in your expenses, and you will have to face many obstacles, though hard work and honesty will help you out to survive this duration.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Cancer 

During this period of transit, the planet will change its position and will be positioned in the powerful fifth house of your Zodiac sign, and your fifth house is a significantly important of your family and children's well-being. You will get new opportunities in the field of education, your children's creative talents, and even your relationship will be prosperous. Students will get to fulfil their wish in higher studies, and this is the best time to show one's ability. Most of you will also get the chance to shift to abroad to continue your studies and sharpen your talents. Natives who are in love will have to face some clashes and arguments with their beloved for small reasons, though you will sort it out with patience and understanding. Some of you will have the chance to express your feeling to your loved ones and get good results. You will face some problems in your marital life due to which misunderstandings will arise. However, your spouse will enjoy some benefits during this transit. You will have an amazing communication skill which will help you earn respect and trust in your society. Your intelligence will help you in taking some tuff decisions which will give you certain benefits in future. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Leo

The transit of the dualistic planet Mercury will show its impact on the fourth house of your zodiac sign, thus influencing your happiness. On the other hand, the transit will have an impactful effect on your luxury, emotions, and property-related things. You will witness several benefits due to this transit. There will be an inflow of happiness and harmony in your life. You will stay motivated; your family will support you in every aspect of life. The Leo natives will spend some quality time with their family members. In terms of property, issues will get resolved during this period. This is also the best time to buy a new house or vehicle for the Leo natives. You mother will get favors of this transit, you will receive her blessings, and her health is going to be perfect at this time. The natives working as hired men will do excellent in their work field; their hard work and dedication will be the reason for their success. Your increase in knowledge will help you attain a better position in society, and you will also make new contact with some of the reputed members of society. You will have excellent health, though stay away from fast food and take proper precaution, and the polluted area may be the reason for your skin disease. So, keep your surroundings clean. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Virgo 

Due to the transition, you will notice a change in your aspect of life. During the transitory period, the dualistic planet Mercury will be posted in the third house of your zodiac sign Virgo. The third house represents various exposures to your life; it brings a change in your courage, will power, passion, confidence and gives you the energy to improve your knowledge, makes you more enthusiastic. Along with that, there is zeal in one's Kundali, which gets enlightened during the transit. The transition will make you more conscious and serious in your behaviour, and you will be more passionate about your tasks. Your thoughts and ideas will impress everyone around you, though your way of communication may hurt someone's intentions, so you are advised to control your speeches. Your short-tempered nature will be the reason for fights and arguments at some point. You are advised to handle things calmly and smartly. You will get the opportunity to get a new job, and you will be surely successful in it. The natives will be successful in helping out their friends and family, though clashes are possible between you and your family. New members will be added in your social circle, and they will tend to continue this friendship for the long term. Apart from that, natives will earn respect in the society due to their partner's success. There are short trips on your card through you need to be cautious during the travelling. Your siblings will behave maturely, and their success will make you happy, and you will also help them out at any cost. Your health would be totally fine at this time, though you are advised to do physical activities and stay fit. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Libra 

The strongest planet Mercury will make its transit into the second house of your Zodiac sign, Libra. The transition of the planet will influence your family, improve your communication skills, and focus on one's primary education and monetary resource. The impact of the transit will give favourable results for the Libra natives. You will notice a gradual increase in your economic condition. You will gain money through different sources, even though a foreign source. There are high possibilities of returns from investments and domestic sources also. The natives will be able to repay their loans and debts through these profits. Even, if you are waiting for loan approval, this time you may get a piece of good news. During this transition, you will spend more, so keep a tab on your expenses and having a little control over your spending will balance your budget. This duration will give you fruitful results and your good communication skills will create a good image in front of others. Apart from that, you will earn maximum profits due to your chosen personality, and people will tend to trust you more. The partner of the Libra natives will have bad health, so take them for a checkup and cooperate with them. Working professionals will get the taste of success due to their dedication and hard work. Though your opponents won't leave a single chance to ruin your image, it's better to keep a distance from them. Your family members will be proud of your excellence in different fields, and you will spend a peaceful and happy time with them. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Scorpio

The transition of the planet Mercury will be taking place in your own house, so during the transit, the planet will change its direction and will be posited in the first house which is your ascendant house. The Scorpion natives have to face certain challenges during this transit, as their first house is known as the house of self. There will be some changes which will give a negative impact on one's attitude. Your health will be down during this transition period, and even you may suffer from skin problems. So, it is significantly urgent to take necessary care of your health, doing proper workout and keeping yourself and your surrounding clean would be beneficial for your health. Your mental health would stay on the decline too. You will tend to gain your interest in increasing your financial condition, and you would get total success. You will attain good results through hard work and dedication. Your advice to keep yourself calm, or sake debates and arguments may arise between you and your siblings and friends. Your social circle will value you more, and you will make new and trustworthy friends. The natives will be able to fulfil their awaited desires. Your opponent won't stand a chance in front of you. Seniors and colleagues will respect you for maintaining decorum in the office culture. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Sagittarius 

The twelfth house of Sagittarius will host the transition of the planet Mercury, where the twelfth house represents expenditure and income. In the field of astrology, the planet has an impact over your different aspects of life like expenses, salvation, foreign trips, family and others. You will notice a good amount of growth in your expenses. You will find innovative techniques to earn profits, though you need to spend smartly and save for investment. You have to stay alert from frauds; don't trust anyone at this time, trusting on someone may result in huge losses. People applying for a loan may get favourable results. There is a foreign trio on your card, which will be beneficial for your business. This trip will give you good profits. You need to be quite careful, or else you may get into a controversy. Your rivals will do anything to ruin your image so stay secured from them and strategize your plans to defeat them at every point. Ignoring your health issues may give birth to worse disease. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Capricorn

Mercury shares a friendly relation with Venus, along with that; it is also the strongest planet. At the time of transition, the position of the planet remains in the eleventh house of your zodiac sign. The eleventh house of the Capricorn natives implies one's income, success, social circle, siblings, and others. The natives will enjoy several benefits during this transit. You will get rewarded for your success and hard work, resulting in an increase in your desires to achieve your goals. You will face some challenges in different fields, though you will procure your position and defeat each and every obstacle in your life. In terms of your financial condition, you will succeed enormously, and several doors of monetary resources will come to you, and serve you extreme benefits. You will also get an advantage through your property. Your siblings will also get the chance to taste success which would also prove beneficial for you. Your marital life will be full of joy, and couples with a kid will witness their talents. Natives with the job will earn respect through their wisdom and honesty in completing their tasks.

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Aquarius

The transit of Mercury will be very impactful on Aquarius. During the transitory period, the planet changes its position and moves towards the tenth house of your zodiac sign, Aquarius. Where the tenth house represents various factors of life like one's career, family's situation, respect, politics and one goal in life, apart from that it is also known as the house of karma and profession. The natives will witness several ups and downs in their lives. The working professionals have to face some challenges, though their sharp intellect and reasoning abilities will help them to get out such tuff situations. Natives applying for a new job have to keep patience and try harder. However, you will not get favourable outcomes at your workplace and get frustrated. Though don't lose your hopes and try to stand up and fight back. Your beloved will try to impress you and their affectionate love will strengthen your relationship. Natives who are involved in politics will not get good results, though you should keep trying. 

Impact of Mercury Transit in Scorpio on Pisces

The planet Mercury tends to change its position during the transition and it shifts into your ninth house. The ninth house during the transition influences one's fate, guru, religion, travel, life decisions and financial condition. The Pisces natives will enjoy the benefits during this transit, especially the student natives, will score good marks in their studies, and their mentors will actively participate in helping them. There are family trips on your card. Your partner's achievement will be the reason for your name, fame and respect in society. One's involved in the business will earn profits through different economic sources. Performing religious activities and social services will give you mental satisfaction. You will also earn profits in partnership business. The natives will get more inclined in art and literature; some of them will choose writing as their profession too. You may also plan for a business trip or get a chance to shift to abroad for your higher studies. Your mother's health might get worse if ignored so do proper medication. Don't forget about your health, so de regular yoga or try to get involved in physical activities.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues. 

Mercury Transit in Capricorn
04 Feb,2030
23 Feb,2030

The transit of Mercury into Capricorn plays a very significant role in the life of their natives. When the Mercury is in Capricorn, it makes the mind of the native think in a very well organized manner, and they also keep their focus on they want to achieve, and it is challenging to distract them from completing their tasks. The Capricorn natives during this transit will always be practical and focus on their business. Their way of communication will always be practical and logical. They will always have some relevance in their conversation, and thus, the transit of Mercury will have a very influential impact in the lives of Capricorns related to their business, career, education, love and marriage life. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aries

The powerful Mercury that is the Lord of your third and sixth houses, during the transit, its position moves towards your tenth house. The tenth house of your Kundali implies your livelihood, karma and fame. With the impact of Mercury in your tenth house, during this time, you will do exceptionally well in your office or workplace, which would be all because of your hard work and intelligence. Your bosses and seniors will praise you, and even your colleagues would unexpectedly appreciate your work. People doing business have the best time to give a start to their new ideas, or they will get excessive chances to expand their business. You will have an excellent and happy relationship with your family. You will have a peaceful family life. You siblings will be there to support you in most of your things, which also be very beneficial for your work. Your communication skill will attract many people who might be useful. You need to avoid being overconfident. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Taurus

Mercury that is popularly known as the Lord of the second and the fifth houses of their zodiac sign Capricorn. During the transition, the planet moves towards the ninth house of their zodiac sign. The ninth house implies the house of wealth, fame and respect. Due to the effect of Mercury transition in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, you will notice an improvement in relation with your father. You will witness a significant gain in your financial condition and strong support from your family, especially your father. You will be able to establish a beautiful relation with your beloved and have a very happy marital life. Your communication with your partner will be flawless. You will always lookout for ways to stay together and spend a memorable time. You will gain excess fame in your social group and would be very profitable for you. There are some tips on your card, which would bring some benefit to improve your financial condition. Student natives will get a good result for their hard work in their higher studies. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Gemini

Mercury is eventually the Lord of the fourth house of your zodiac sign. During its transit into Capricorn, it is posited towards their eight houses. Due to the transit, it shows a rise in your physical challenges, and you must be careful about your health. On the other hand, the transit will help you in improving your financial condition. If you are facing any sort of financial issues, during this time, you will get rid of it. Natives connected with Dharma Karma and other religious things are going to get good results. People of this zodiac sign receiving Mantra Deeksha will witness great results. 

This transit is going to prove very beneficial for the Geminis, they will get excellent results working in the field of research, and their main focus will be in studying about spiritual activities in depth. You would get to notice a slight improvement in your communication skills. There are chances of gaining profits economically. However, you have to be careful about your speech since you may get aggressive or arrogant. You might face some difficulties at your workplace, though a little hard work and sincerity will work it out. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Cancer

Mercury is often referred to as the Lord of the third and twelfth houses for Cancerians. During the transition, the planet shifts towards the seventh house of your Kundali. The seventh house signifies a long-term partnership and a successful business. Natives during this transition will gain excess profit in terms of their work or business. There are more chances of profit from telecommunication resources. Natives doing business will be able to receive total success in expanding their business, especially through social media and marketing. In fact, natives working with multinational companies would also be able to get amusing results. In terms of the partnership, the transit would increase mutual understanding with your life partner. Avoid any outsider to interfere in your personal life or else that might raise an issue. Relation with your sibling will also improve, and you will get proper help and support from their side. You will find trustworthy friends, which would make you mentally strong, and you will able to make a decision and attain total success.

Effect of Mercury transit in Capricorn on Leo 

Mercury is the Lord of the eleventh and second houses of your zodiac sign Leo, while during the transit, it shifts to your sixth house which signifies legal activities, debated, and arguments. This transit into your house will give a good impact to you; there are chances that you may get success in any debate or court case during this period. You will notice a gradual increase in your expenses and your income might decrease, so you must take care of your expenses and try to have control of your expenses. You will surely get a good result, and your confidence might boost up. Don't get involved in any argument; it's better to stay away from any sort of distraction like that. This transit will prove to be very beneficial and favourable for the employees. You might be consuming more time in completing your tasks, and your mind would make a bit restless because of that, so don't worry and try to finish all your tasks without any fuss. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Virgo 

Mercury is the Lord of your tenth house and is the Lord of your Zodiac Sign as well. During the transit the planet shifts toward your fifth house which signifies love, education, intelligence, and children in your Kundali. This transit would have a significant impact on your zodiac sign. The transition of Planet Mercury into Capricorn will improve your intellectual thoughts. Student natives will attain great results in their field of academics. On the other hand, natives who are in love with their partner will get more time to know each other and get closer. They will build trust and increase their understanding with each other. Married couples would be very satisfied with their children and would engage with them to attain success in life. People involved in the business will get the chance to expand their business and get beneficial results, including traders and merchants. You will gain intelligence, and with the help of that, you will be able to make the right decisions. This transit will help you gain a special position as an influence on society. Working will notice an improvement in their relationship with their seniors.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Libra

Planet Mercury is the Lord of their ninth and twelfth houses, and during its transit in Capricorn on your zodiac sign, it is posited in your fourth house. Your fourth house signifies comfort and prosperity, which improves due to the transition of the planet of luck, Mercury. Your family knots will be strengthened, and you will have a great time. Your family knots might get stronger, and you would have a great time in future. This would help you to keep your mind at peace and focus over the working, which would help you get good results. You will get proper utilization of your intelligence and will praise and respect for your decisions. There are chances of getting benefits related to your property. If you do invest in properties, you will get the chance to gain more profit from it. Natives living in abroad might get a chance to come back home and meet their family. You will also receive gifts from your grandparents on your father's side, which would motivate you and make you happy. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Scorpio 

Mercury is the Lord of their eight and eleventh houses if the zodiac signs Scorpio, which during the transition period shifts toward the third house of your Kundali, which signifies communication. Planet Mercury is an important representation of communication. You will be able to fulfil all your ambitions. No one could snatch success from you, and thus this house will benefit a lot in terms of communication and speech. People working in the field of communication, it would be a piece of cake for them to attain success during this period. There are many chances of travelling and enjoying your life along with which you will gain experience too. There could be some arguments with your siblings, so make sure you take proper care for them. Your hard work will surely be the reason for your success. Scorpions in the field of marketing will get advantage of their hard work to get astonishing results. Transport business will also be flawless during the transition and will bring high profits. Employees must be good with every colleague of theirs so that when the time comes, they will help you. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Sagittarius

The powerful planet Mercury is the Lord of their seventh and tenth houses of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. During the transit, the planet moves towards their second house. The second house of the Sagittarius signifies the house of voice and eating habits; on the other hand, it is also known as the house of Dhan Bhava or the house of money. Due to the transit, your ability to speak will attract most of the people; your way of talking will be sweeter and attractive. Due to this change in your personality, you will be able to perform your task faster and will be able to improve your status financially. Natives must focus on hard work, and sincerity will prove to be very beneficial, and they will earn an enormous profit. During this period you will be satisfied with your food habits, though you need to take care of your way of eating and instead eat slowly and calmly. The natives will get numerous chances to earn great profits in terms of money during this period of time. Your conditions regarding your health may get worse though if you take proper care and don't hurry in doing anything will keep you safe. Relation in terms related to your family will be good, and you will have a happy family. You might get an opportunity to spend some quality time with your family and make some memorable moments too. Due to this, you will have a respective and good image in front of your family.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Capricorn 

The strongest Planet Mercury affecting its transition over Capricorn will be very favourable for your Zodiac sign. Mercury is the Lord of the sixth house and the ninth house of their zodiac sign Capricorn which signifies their house of fortune. Though the planet will be moving to your first house during the transit, incurring some essential effects and would be very beneficial for the natives. The transit of Mercury would lead to a Raj Yoga kind of situation, where luck would be totally in your favour during this duration of time. You will be successful in attaining fame in terms of finance, social and professional fields. However, if your project or work is stuck somewhere, you will be able to continue it again. Make sure you don't get distracted in any argument, and there are chances your work might get stuck due to this. Your married life would be smooth, and a trip with your spouse could be your next plan. Take proper care of your health as your opponents will leave no chance to dominate you at any cost. Though you will get full support from your father, still you need to stay away from any disputes related to a court or legal issue.

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Aquarius 

Saturn's friendly Planet Mercury is the Lord of your eight and fifth house of the Zodiac sign Aquarius, and during the Mercury transit in Capricorn, the powerful planet moves towards their twelfth house which represents loss and expenditure. You really need to be careful with your expenses; during this period you may incur an increase in your expenses which weaken you financially. On the other hand, student natives will get the favour of this transit; most of them might also get a chance to go abroad for their studies, which would satisfy their mental health. During this time you should avoid travelling, or else it can be very costly and a waste of time. Your love life may be in a problem, your partner may shift to another city, and the long-distance relationship might cause too much energy and money. You also have to take proper precautions for your health, which might detonate in this duration; you may incur skin and nerve-related problems. Maintain distance from your opponents as they would try to create problems in your work and keep focused in your own work. 

Effect of Mercury Transit in Capricorn on Pisces

The Lord for the fourth and seventh house of Pisces is Mercury which is a very powerful planet. While its transition the planet moves towards the eleventh house which signifies the house of profits and benefits. The transit will favour your life in terms of income. You might get an increase in your income, and this is the best time to fulfil all your desire and comfort you wished for. If your family is deciding to sell some kind of property, this is the best time. You will be able to notice an excessive gain in your business, and this is also the best time to expand your business. Your marital life with your spouse will also be lucky as well as beneficial for you. You will get to know more about each other, and in no time you will get closer to your partner. Natives planning for a startup or a new business will get success in it, and with the blessing of Mercury, they will flourish day and night. Due to all this, your image in society will increase, even your social circle will increase, connecting to social media will be very advantageous for you and this duration will provide you fame by your social activities. You will get the chance to hang out with your friends and have a peaceful time.

Click on all transits of Mercury to read about impact of Mercury transits into other signs.

You can also read how astrology helps you on career decisionsmarriage problemsbusiness successfinancial crisis and health & medical issues.